Have you ever noticed Austin and all the epaulets on OTH?
Is to placate his request for a Member's Only jacket until they find one that fits in the arms? Come on that's a custom job, maybe now that he's regular cast. A hold over from doing The Informers? A Show of support for the military?
I mean epaulets on a jacket ok.
A dress shirt, that can work.
But a polo shirt?
Alright ok, maybe it is to square off his shoulders, but if he show up next season with one glove... all bets are off. And God help us all if they channel the shoulder pads from Alexis Carrington.
Reminder: OMG's Movie Club starts tomorrow at 5pm EST thru Saturday. Our movie for this week is Big Eden.
Haven't gotten a chance to watch Big Eden. The entire movie is also available at Logo Online.
Big Eden
For those outside the U.S. - Stubborn is working on a way for all of you to be able to catch it online too. Check back tomorrow.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Member's Only
Posted by
Special K
12:15 PM
Labels: 80's, Austin, Epaulettes., Julian Baker, Movie Club, One Tree Hill, OTH
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Black homophobia in the NFL
DC, according to Twitter
She called in the troops for Bitchfacegate.
Thanks for the link Wicked, sounds like an interesting story.
I can only hope that Austin doesn't show up in another polo shirt like he wore last season. I had a what were they thinking moment when I saw him in that.
Jake was on his way to DC already, why do you think there were no more UK twitter sightings.
Ah, pics of Gyllenspoon on set!!!
Good eye, Special. I wonder if the costume designers weren't inspired by Austin's own quirky fashion sense to give his wardrobe some unusual features.
Oh, and please forgive me for being a pedant, but they're "epaulettes."
This is a another quick one, unfortunately. The workload this week is not fun.
I'll probably have to explain myself tonight. I have a rant just bubbling at the surface to get out, lol. Actually, it's not lol, because I'm getting kind of fed up. Again.
Anyway, hey! I like the polo!!!! Although it makes him look 17 years old, is that what you mean?
I'll try to hold it in until I get home because I reckon 25% of this is stemming from my very bad mood here @ work right now. Well, maybe 50%.
But, I was serious about Reese looking like a ballplayer. A girl ballplayer. And I used to watch quite a few games of co ed recreational play not but a couple of years ago. She's got the face. And you can be small in softball; size isn't always a factor, although in baseball it does matter with position that you play. I don't think it's a bad thing to be honest and say when Reese looks good. Or when she says something nice. Or was good in a movie. I'm not going to be a total b---- about her; whatever I honestly feel, I'll say. It's just my measley opinion, anyway. Not worth a whole lot.
And Destiny, if he is on set, I don't think now that Austin was in Europe with him after all.
If they are together, it's beginning to not look convincing to me anymore. Rings or no rings. Because like I said, you can wear the rings and still be having trouble or not even living together.
This could just be my mood this week. But I'm kind of weary of the whole thing this week. I'm tired of not seeing anything. I'm tired of seeing a sad/woebegone/vagabondish Jake. Why am I following a phantom relationship that if still at all solid, is kept under lock & key, under stones & rocks, in a vault, behind a gate, in a cave, in a sealed envelope.
And then I see Ted's answer over on another blog regarding walking down the aisle and I say WTH?! I suppose somebody's going to say Oh, it's his sarcasm. Ted always speaks sarcastically. He always speaks double meanings.
I say bullcrap. Why should I have to get out a Ouija board, thesaurus, dictionary, and sign language interpreter just to read a gossip columnist's answers?? Give me a break and speak stinkin' English. Which this answer sounds like for once.
Alright. That felt kinda good. I have to get back to the pit.
Thanks for the correct spellng. Dually noted and corrected.
I think the costume designer do have fun with Austin's quirky sense of fashion. But they also put him in jackets and suit jackets a lot, with shoulder pads to even him out a little and it also make his neck look a little shorter. Sometimes they give a him a hood or sweater with an kind of shawl collar for a little bulk too.
Wicked - read the article about the NFL. Very interesting, and that's another kind of pressure all together, the threat of being hurt even by your own teammates.
Here are some other views of the attitude toward gays in the NFL-
Not in the locker room
Slight movement
Someone has to break the barrier
No, until yes
Time will tell
Haven't gotten a chance to watch Big Eden yet or haven't found it? The entire movie is also available at Logo Online.
Big Eden
Anne confirms project with Jake
Today The Hollywood Reporter is saying that Reese will have her own Pharma movie. Pharma Girl produced by Type A (remember its her blood type, not her personality type ah em) her production company.
If I was Jake I would run riot over this kind of crap she pulls. To quote the Godfather - You gotta go to the mattresses. And that doesn't have anything to with sleeping with anybody.
She has all kind of other stuff upcoming before she does this. But she can't help but use his and Anne's new movie to benefit her. She just can't let anything go. It boils down to - everything is about her. And again it shows that Reese is the one that drives the Reeke bus, train, wagon, cruiseliner, blimp, (what that might not imply she's not tiny).
You know what's interesting is that people think Jake is in DC from one twitter this morning. And there has been not one peep since. Funny how on the weekend he was in in four places at once on Twitter. Pick and choose I guess. I just seems like everyone makes the assumption if it says Reese it must be true. For me its just the opposite until I see it.
So for me it is just waiting and seeing where Jake actually appears. Kind of like waiting for the Punxsutawney Phil on Groundhog Day to pop out.
Was watching Big Eden again this afternoon. I really hope a lot of people try and watch it. It is just a great movie.
And for Thriller - come you know both Jake and Austin dance around to that when they were little. And admit it some of you were doing a little dancing even it if was just in your chair today. : )
Funny I posted no tweets in DC and then bingo 2 tweets about seeing them. And that those popped up right then.
London- saw a commercial for Away We Go and it jogged my memory that you said you didn't realize John Kraskinski was in Jarhead. He was the guy who was writing the letters to the Col./General's? wife for him.
There were 2 tweets this morning from DC. The first from college summit that saw them both and thought he was filming and the 2nd was a Dean and Deluca. The other 2 tweets were from Starbucks.
This follows the same pattern of the NY tweets. Obviously the L.A. and TN tweets were false, wrong ID/lookalike as we can see in that Ashley Simpson pic!
Jeez, these two love birds really know how to live don't they. Dean & Deluca and Starbucks, could live get anymore exciting?
I only saw on tweet this morning about the Dean and Deluca. There was nothing about the College Summit. If you have the link I would love to see it.
Sorry, I think its been well proven that twitter is not reliable. I don't even pay them any attention.
The walking down the aisle from Ted bit doesn't bother me - just a by-product of the deep closeting. But I am annoyed that Ted would not respond re the age group question. How would this be any more revealing that his prior clues? Is he getting too much pressure to lay off Jake?
Good catch on the Austin wear. I would never have noticed myself. Wardrobe must be trying to divert the eye.
"The walking down the aisle from Ted bit doesn't bother me - just a by-product of the deep closeting."
Ted is saying that there will be NO walking down the aisle for Reeke.
@CollegeSummit cool! say hi to Reese and Jake. We go way back. Send them over to NCR when they are done filming!
about 8 hours ago from Seesmic
Desktop · Reply · View Tweet
CollegeSummit: College Summit Friends Reese Witherspoon and Jake Gyllenhaal are filming a movie outside the office today--maybe we'll catch a peak?
about 9 hours ago from web · Reply · View Tweet
I thought Ted said that there would be no walking down the aisle for Ryan and Abby
"CollegeSummit: College Summit Friends Reese Witherspoon and Jake Gyllenhaal are filming a movie outside the office today--maybe we'll catch a peak?"
They don't know the first thing about Reese's movie and didn't see Reeke.
I doubt Ryan's into Abbie for keeps. Certainly not anymore. Gyllenspoon will walk down the aisle before Ry and Ab do, and that's saying something.
Too many twits from DC to be false. Obviously there was a break from filming and they saw him on set and assumed he was filming, the other twitters have them at Starbucks and him solo at Barnes and Noble and Dean's. This follows the NY twits, it was few days before we saw pics. No new tweets from London.
Curious about the we go way back comment from college summit regarding them.
Thanks for the link.
Still not buying it. Because they got pictures of Reese filming this morning, and none of her and Jake. And you would think she would want everyone to see them together since there were rumbles around about them.
It's amazing how Reese gets papped so much in DC and none of her co-stars have. Owen's been in town ahead of her, and he got mentions of enjoying DC, no barrage of crazy photographers. You wonder if the White House Press Corp will have to choose been her and Obama.
M- divert the eyes from what? ; )
"Curious about the we go way back comment from college summit regarding them."
Twitter bullshit.
I thought those "I will cut you bitch" face pics from the set were from yesterday? And the running pics were from Tuesday. The twits are from today, we will find out tomorrow if pics show up.
I might have been mistaken and it was pictures from yesterday that I saw posted today.
On the NPH baby story: Neil and David have released a statement debunking the Star story. Their rep told AfterElton, “If Star says it, then it must be true! No, we are not currently expecting a baby. Maybe someday…”
Curious about the we go way back comment from college summit regarding them.
This comment pretty much shows just how serious to take anything you say.
If you believe that they know Reeke, despite not even knowing that Jake is not in the movie, then you'll obviously believe everything.
Funny how the tweets started right after that picture of Jake at the park came out and people on Reeke fansites starting talking about a possible break-up...
Just one comment on GB and one on IHj, sounds like it was the same person dreaming of a breakup for 2 years.
Since there wee pretty much steady tweets of Jake in Paris and London followed by pics and now there are no more twits from Paris and London, it's a good bet he is in DC.
The NY twits from SOHO were the same until we saw pics on the weekend.
The twitter was responding to the Jake and Reese sighting, not them filming IMO.
The twitters of Jake in L.A. and TN were false because they appeared the same time as the Paris sightings, there was only 1 single sighting in TN and LA and several in Paris.
It sounds like he just arrived in DC today, we will soon see.
"Funny how the tweets started right after that picture of Jake at the park came out and people on Reeke fansites starting talking about a possible break-up..."
Hey Reeke PR Team!!! Just think how much more press Reese would get if she did break-up with Jake. Just like the months you had the press playing the "are they together" game, you could have the press play the "will they get back together" game. And, a break-up will make Reese look so much better and interesting. PR, you start writing the copy now-"Reese's over her rebound boy toy and is looking for a serious man" or "Reese wasn't ready to wed again. She's enjoying her independance and spending more time with her kids" or "Reese leaves Jake heartbroken but still wants to be friends because she thinks he's such a great guy and could use her advice for his career because she is an Oscar winning actress". Come PR team, you guys could play this out for over a year and by then POP will come out and flop and make Reese look that much better. Go ahead PR guys, tell Reese how much better a break-up would be for her.
Sorry fangirl, Gyllenspoon is forever! Now go back to your Jake and Reese voodoo dolls!
PS: Look for Gyllenspoon pics all summer long from the set along with her clones/children!!
The number of Reese pap pics is interesting to me because DC is not known for having a lot of paps. So many folks film here and are not papped at all.
I hate twitts. Very very annoying.
No pap pics so far, just from the set just like there were set pics of Jolie when she was filming.
We will soon see....
Brangelina in Dc/filming Salt, on set visits with kids and an earlier pap frenzy when they visited the Air museum:
"No pap pics so far, just from the set just like there were set pics of Jolie when she was filming."
I'm betting we will get the coffee runs pics and the dinner pics this weekend. After all Jake managed to report for work on a Friday, just in time for a weekend of photo ops. Can't have people thinking that Reese is filming in DC and Jake didn't miss her so much he couldn't stand to buy coffee without her.
Brangelina in Dc/filming Salt, on set visits with kids and an earlier pap frenzy when they visited the Air museum:
That was Brangelina. They're the biggest stars on the planet. Most people filming here are not terribly bothered by paps. Unless they want to be.
To me, the diff between brangelina and reeke is that lots of people are actually interested and fascinated by brangelina. i mean - she's beautiful and sexy and mysterious and bisexual (which men LOVE) and a homewrecker and she has DSL's to die for! brad left JENNIFER - America's sweetheart - stone cold dead for her, and he's so far into it that he couldn't break free with a sledgehammer and inspite of the rumors, he's made a new baby with her and seems to be in it for the very long haul. and he's super-macho stud dude that guys and girls all over the world drool over.
and then there is reeke. zzzzzzzzzz
so i totally buy the pap frenzy over brangelina as honest to gosh papping for the sake of selling pics. as for reeke, i totally buy into the consensus over here, that those pics are a desperate attempt to make them seem hip and hot and sexy. maybe they are working for some folks - i know the guys at my work - when asked, say she's cute and sexy in a girl next door kinda way. i've been looking at some of those recent pics and she really needs to tone up if she wants to look athletic. she's got zero muscle tone going in her arms and rear, and she has a poochy belly. SO DO I! but i'm not a movie star trying to portray an athlete. but i should do better too. sorry reese. i'll try harder if you will.
but anyway, i digress. i'm sure jake is about to make his weekend appearance so we all can be reassured that they are in it for life, but i'm not convinced, and he's going to have to look at least a little bit lively for me to change my tune.
as for him and austin... i have a feeling that might've gone kaput over the last month or two, and maybe that's why he's looking so sad lately. some others have purported that theory, and i concur.
as for me, i'll be in DC maybe in a couple of weeks. not sure yet, but my sweetie wants to go to a retirement party there. i won't be going reeke hunting, but if i happen to catch any news, i'll keep ya'll posted.
:) S!
as for me, i'll be in DC maybe in a couple of weeks. not sure yet, but my sweetie wants to go to a retirement party there. i won't be going reeke hunting, but if i happen to catch any news, i'll keep ya'll posted.
Whew! Good thing they're moving on to Philly to finish filming in a few weeks then! Wouldn't want you to accidentally on purpose run into either of them now would we.
Heading down to DC next week to visit Wicked - and catch the Sox play the Nationals.
Will Worlds Collide Again? And hey Wicked are they're any unicorns in DC Metro Area?
Totally agree about Brangelina. Things are always being filmed in NY, and you'll see a few people stop to watch. But the only time I've seen a huge crowd gather to watch was when Angelina was here about a month ago to do scenes for the same movie she was working on in D.C. Everyone was craning their necks from across a very wide street, the closest they could get, for a glimpse of her.
Like the wind said...
Uhhh... i wouldn't walk across the street to see them if they were here in mississippi. i'm only a fan from afar. the idea of actually trying to get attention from someone or get a peek at someone who thinks they are better than me leaves me cold. if i had a chance to meet Clint Eastwood and shake his hand, i'd do it. otherwise, i only like celebs in magazines and sometimes in movies.
i want to make an amendment to my previous post: i said i wouldn't want to try to get attention from someone who thinks they're better than me. that sounds kinda harsh.
i have no idea if j&r are uppity and prima donnaish or not, and i shouldn't assume that they are. what i DO know is that they don't know me and i don't know them, and i've never been the sort of person who felt comfortable asking for autographs or trying to meet celebs. i only want to talk to people who want to talk to me, and celebs probably feel the same way. if it's someone i admire, i certainly wouldn't want to impose myself on them, and in the case of reeke, what could i even say? you guys need to get a new gig? ya'll are grossing everybody out?
anyway, what i meant was, if there is anything interesting in any of the local papers or whatever, i'll post about it. that's all. :)
So, Brad and Angelina were papped while in DC. They can call in the troops for a little media frenzy just like any other celebrity. Just like Reeke does almost on a daily basis.
Only difference - people actually WANT to see Brangelina.
"in the case of reeke, what could i even say? you guys need to get a new gig? ya'll are grossing everybody out?"
"Ya'll are grossing everybody out?" sounds right! lol
lol said...
"in the case of reeke, what could i even say? you guys need to get a new gig? ya'll are grossing everybody out?"
"Ya'll are grossing everybody out?" sounds right! lol
I'd say it very loudly so I was sure they heard. Might even make a poster:-)
That should be "Ya'll are grossing everybody out!"
Come and listen to a story about a man named Jed
A poor mountaineer, barely kept his family fed,
Then one day he was shootin at some food,
And up through the ground came a bubblin' crude.
Oil that is, black gold, Texas tea.
Well the first thing you know ol' Jed's a millionaire,
Kinfolk said Jed move away from there
Said Californy is the place you ought to be
So they loaded up the truck and moved to Beverly.
Hills, that is.
Swimmin pools, movie stars.
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