Austin talks about birds. Jake wears birds. But who's the one to dig chicks?
I mean look at all the kind of chicks there are:

Snow chicks
Jake "looks" like he likes chicks because of the chicken lady. But you know its really all about the jakes. You know what, don't think Austin has problem with that.

DC Update: Because the sheer fact of our notoriety or is that infamy ? And knowing that we would make traffic come to a stand still, rather than hiding our faces for the camera, we have sent an undercover agent who is deep somewhere in the Georgetown Prep area.
See ya later!
Cute post. Can't wait to hear from your undercover agent.
Great post Spesh. You forgot about the Italian Birds. Plus Austy and Wicked love those Mermaids.
Report update: divers aka our undercover agent did not find Reeke in the Georgetown area.
No unicorns were spotted either but mermaids were found at subterranean levels of the Smithsonian. Hey Austin - you might get some inspiration from someone of them.
And they must have know we were going Zaytinya, (one of my fav places to go since Wicked took me there the first time I came down to DC) and just didn't want to get overshadowed, by fans clamoring for us. LOL But they missed out - both on the stuffed squash blossoms, and the thyme ice cream.
I got a feeling Jake may have the weekend off Spesh to do other things.
It will be interesting to see if we get any photos of reeke. I sure the Tweets will be on full alert this weekend though.
I heard you saw my favorite waiter Spesh. Not bad at all.
Personally I think Reeke should take the opportunity to prove how really really straight Jake is and do it in the middle of road/the Gay Pride Parade in NYC tomorrow.
Tom, they already have been. They've been out to dinner on the waterfront and now Reese is back shooting her movie this evening.
Dinner on the waterfront. Damn the divers must have been in the wrong part of town.
Well if Gay pride is on the East coast today in NYC Jake will be back in LA this morning.
What waterfront was the restaurant on? Lake Michigan:-)
Tweet Tweet.
I have not posted for awhile because at times I get sort of
disgusted with this whole Reeke
mess. I made up this silly poem
of mine. I just thought that you
might get a laugh out of this!
Let me tell you about a man named
For in some things he is fake,
He once fell in love with a Tall
Texas man,
This is who he sees when he can,
He also dates a certain tiny blonde,
At times near her, he seem to be
not too FOND!!
My favorites are the beach chicks
and the Southern Reds! I know the
poem is silly but thought it might
give you a laugh!
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