Jake seems to be in two places at once yesterday and not on Twitter but on purpose!
While Jake is in the fashion capital of the world, he appeared at the Oscars of Fashion. At the Council of Fashion Designers of America (CFDA) Awards in New York,last night Tom Cruise, Jake and Jon Hamm via video paid tribute to GQ Creative Director Jim Moore, who accepted the Eleanor Lambert award. Some would say the threesome represented variations on the Mad Man but it looks more it was for their sense of GQ style.
DeuxThe setting might not have been as GQ, but Jake was sporting a similar casual look, well this time avec chapeaux, while at the flea market with Peter & Maggie. Didn't look like he was shopping, but bet he picked up tea from Mariage Freres, one of the best tea purveyors in the world again. And a foodie in Paris, how can he not visit the open markets even for a look at the beautiful displays of farm fresh food. Maybe he picked up some copper pots or add something else to his kitchen collection. Then again he went shopping for someone(s) while there.
and Austin makes Trois
Mark you calendars! - The Informers is coming out on DVD in the US - August 25th. No word on if the those 90 missing minutes will be included.
Reminder :
OMG Movie Club Second Feature:
Join us this Friday night and Saturday as well discuss the second movie of our Double Feature Movie Club. The movie is Big Eden. It's the story of Henry Hart, a successful gay artist from New York City who returns to his Montana hometown to care for his dying grandfather. While at home, Henry is forced to confront his unresolved feelings for high school friend Dean Stewart, while simultaneously beginning to fall in love with someone else. All the while the town helps Pike Dexter, the shy Native American owner of the town's general store find love too. There is no doom or gloom, twinks, or club scenes to Big Eden but a sweet quirky romantic love story.
My friend Mark. From moment I sat in his office for my job interview, we knew we would be friends. The Italian love child of Barney Fife and John Waters, he took me on a Queertastic ride of pop and gay culture. He was my very own Datalounge before Datalounge existed. Together we were like Michael K is today, complete with our own love of MahBoo Anderson Cooper. We shared a love of kitcsh, pop culture, art, gourmet food, Dusty, music, Moonstruck, and dirty jokes. And I still loved him even though he was a Steelers fan.
And what does it have to do with you? Well, there really wouldn't be an OMG without him. You see he was one of my influences that helps shape a lot that comes out in my posts. Jakey was on our list of boys to discuss, way back when he started out as an indie boy, and that EW cover for TDAT - still remember Mark saying - Honey have you seen this? And Mark was the first person I told when I read Ang was making Brokeback. All things connect.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Un, Deux, Trois
Posted by
Special K
7:52 AM
Labels: GQ, Jake, Movie Club, Paris, The Informers
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Sony Pictures Home Entertainment has announced that it will release 'The Informers' on Blu-ray on August 25, day-and-date with the DVD.
Didn't Special just say that?
What a beautiful tribute to your friend Special, you were very lucky to have him in your life.
Spesh, that is a great piece of writing about Mark. I think he'd be so flattered.
I just have to share this with you guys-
Same-sex marriage is in the news again today. It seems that Washington, D.C. is about to recognize it, whether or not the District citizens are for or against it. This raises all the obvious questions about popular sovereignty vs. protection of the rights of minorities, but it also raises, in my mind, the single, fundamental question central to this debate:
Er, exactly how does gay marriage threaten traditional marriage? I postulated several reasons why in a column five years ago. Here are two of them:
1. It's the same as legalizing drugs: If you legalize gay marriage, everyone will want to do it. Clearly, we all have these massive, pent-up, homosexual urges waiting to erupt, once we get the giddyap go-ahead from the government. George Bush and Dick Cheney might take up residence together in a simply darling Crystal City duplex.
2. It's about moral decay: Historically, when a society begins to condone decadence and licentiousness, it collapses like a souffle in an earthquake. The nations that survive and prosper and become world powers are the ones that adhere to strict moral codes, like Yemen, Djibouti, Myanmar, and that one with all the goats.
Can you give us some more reasons why legalizing gay marriage is a threat to traditional marriage? Post 'em here.*
I love Gene Weingarten. Here's the link if you want to see the comments.
Special... thanks for sharing the bit about how you and Mark came to be friends. It's quite ironic that he was someone with whom you shared your thoughts on Jake. I wonder what his take on him was.
I say this all the time, but i miss the old Jake so much, and even though the Paris pictures were depressing to me, because he looks so haggard and leeched, still it was so nice to click thru the whole collection at IHJ knowing that she wouldn't be in any of them.
Have ya'll noticed how it used to be that their expressions would be similar in their pics? Both scowling at the camera if they didn't want their pic taken, or posing and smiling if they were ok with it (those pics from last year of her hugged up to him on a street corner during one of their coffee runs come to mind).
Anyway, now, in several recent ops, he's been all frowny and pissed looking while she's laughing merrily like all is right with the world. This gives off a vibe that is very counter productive to the whole point of Reeke. I'm pathetic, always looking for that little bit of hope, but there you go: it makes me wonder if the bloom is about to fall from the rose.
Hugs all around. S.
Wicked... funny article. Not many comments so far, but interesting.
Considering the state of heterosexual marriage today: for some people, i'm sure marriage is still a deeply religious ceremony and they take their vows very seriously and the woman means it when she promises to submit and obey, etc.
However, overall, marriage has lost a lot of it's special glow through time. For some of us, 2nd or 3rd time's a charm. For others, after a few times thru the drive thru chapel, we give up altogether. Other's spend the rest of their life Paying $$$ for a bad choice in who they married or a bad choice in how they f'd up later on. People cheat on their spouses, abuse them, set them up for ridicule, steal all their money, have kids with them and then take them for all they're worth, make them miserable but refuse to leave, even kill them.
Marriage is not the Holy Grail of togetherness. It's just like everything else: a hodgepodge of good/bad/ugly/scary/irreverant/abusive/beautiful/horrible/sad. I don't get why anyone feels the need to keep anyone from getting married based on the Sanctity of the Union. My God... we've already beaten it into the ground with sledgehammers. How can allowing gays to marry demoralize it any more than hets already have???
JMHO. Hugs. S.
Very funny Wicked, I especially love the bit about Yemen, and similar countries, I'm going to use that next time I need ammunition. I'll read the whole article later.
Totally agree with you Sienna about the pictures, both on how Jake looks, and being able to look at them all. I have to keep reminding myself that Jake is only 28, especially when he wears the hat. Usually he looks more relaxed, and younger, when he's away from the General, but not this time.
And yes, it would probably be easier to hide out in Europe with Austin than in other places, but again I have to wonder whether Jake would look like this if he was along, and wonder how much time they actually spend together.
I can't look at Jake anymore without thinking of Adam Lambert, who is almost the same age, but wiser in years and younger in appearance. I watched the 20/20 interview with him, and one of the things he said is that at his high school graduation he looked around and realized how much he had missed in high school by not being out. I guess that is why we have the comment about him living as an out gay man in LA for 8 years, i.e., out after high school.
I think Jake realizes what he is missing by not only being in the closet, but bearding, and it is taking a real toll on him.
Wow, your friend sounds like he was a wonderful, fun person to share experiences with. How lucky you are to have had someone like that.
Put me down for The Informers on Blu Ray. I was just about to order Mad Men season 2 which comes out in July so will pre-order it at the same time. I don't care if the film is good or not. Austin, largely naked on Blu Ray, is enough to get my attention.
Dear Special,
My condolensces in the loss of your friend Mark. You provided us with a well worded description of your relationship with him from the get-go. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on him and for helping us understand some of your purpose in creating OMG. You have my warm thoughts and understanding hugs.
This is a comment to the piece I linked above by Gene Weingarten-
I have seen NO argument from pro-gay people that a civil arrangement (perhaps with a sexy name) would not address most of their own concerns and needs.
Let me offer you an analogy. Muslims circumcize their male children. Muslims also refuse to eat pork. Muslims oppose idol worship. All of these they have in common with Jews. Nonetheless, if Muslims wanted to call themselves Jews and the Supreme Court ruled that they had a RIGHT to call themselves Jews, current Jews would have a problem. And this is because Jewish identity would be threatened.
If gay relationships were called marriage, it would take the "oomph" out of a lot of traditional marriages and gays do not have the right to take that oomph away. The fact that some traditional couples say, "We don't care" does not mean that others do not care. Gays have the right to do the same things that heterosexuals do, but they do not have the right to use the same word. If some heteros feel, "We are different in an important way", they have a right to that difference, just as Jews have a right to their difference from Muslims.
I suspect that traditional marriage will be weakened if gay relationships are called marriage, but the effect will be long term - gradual diluting of the commitment which a bride and a groom make to each other at a wedding.
To be sure, that commitment is already weakened by the times, but I would caution against weaking it further and pretending that it is "progress", "equality" and all the usual slogans.*
I believe I should have the right to take that oomph away!
That was a lovely post today, Special. What a wonderful friend you had, as well as a co-worker (supervisor, as the case may be, still it is someone you worked with) and in this day & age, friends, good & close friends don't always come along as easily.
I'm sorry to miss out on discussions today as well as not being able to see the pictures, but this week is not going to be conducive to being on here too much. I'm dogsitting right now & there isn't even one single Wi-Fi to get onto. What is with everyone being so security enabled, lol?! Man.
Aw, I'm kidding. It's a good thing that most people are. We have people on vacations, people in day-long meetings, short people on staff, etc etc here at work, but somehow we are all plugging along alright, with people pitching in to help from all kinds of angles.
Can't comment on the pictures, although that one with the hat, he looks a little scruffy, but I need to see the whole set to say something, really.
Wicked, that was amusing what you posted. This subject makes me think so much of what I saw on TV last night.
Molly, Lucy & Jingles' mom has excellent cable and so last night I was scrolling up & down all over the place, and caught the last 35 min. or so of the Chris & Don story on Sundance. Remember that post Special did several weekends ago on Don Bechardy & I can't remember Chris' last name.
Oh, you guys. That thing had me crying a river; it was so interesting & touching, I couldn't believe it. They had actors portraying the 2 guys, but it's weird because I know that was Don narrating & in so many of the clips. It's like it was a combination of live documentary and acting.
But, there's a point in the show where they talk about Chris & Don always being together at functions, never taking a lady along to pretend to be straight. And think about when this was taking place; it's incredible when you think about it. But they do address that issue and I jumped right in the middle of when they were talking about this, so I can't say for sure everything they said.
And the part that did me in was when Chris started getting sick and Don drew him several times every day and they show these drawings. It just was a beautiful story of love between 2 people and of course, it's always sad when one partner/spouse leaves the other behind.
I strongly, strongly recommend this movie/documentary to anyone who could get ahold of it or catch it on cable. I want badly to see the whole thing now. Their story is just so fascinating to me. And Don was still very attractive even when it appears he's like 80 or so, I would imagine; I'm not sure. It was just beautiful. A beautiful story of love. Like The Notebook, really.
Oh, I almost forgot. I missed part of that movie because I was watching OTH. What in the heck happened to Brooke in that old episode? Her eyes were all black & blue and her arm was all bruised up. Austin wasn't even in that one.
Yogurt's gone and I still have to smell the onions from that tray of Mr. Goodcents sandwiches that they had delivered for all these guys who are here for the all day meetings. I love the taste & smell of the onions, but whew!! they do seem to be permeating the whole office. And that door is closed, lol, I hope someone has a tin of Altoids in there or something. And I swear, people around here take a 15 min. lunch sometimes when they stay in & it drives me nuts as they seem to always come around my desk. Shoo fly! Can't get a moment's peace.
Okay, well, that's what I wanted to say and I need to go now. You all have a good rest of the day.
Sienna, I really liked your comment on marriage.
I will never ever understand why people think gay people being able to get married takes away the oomph, and if it does, well, too bad.
And what a strange analogy to use; it also has the whiff of anti-semitism to me.
What about divorce, and all those people who've been married several times, or the people who've been married five, six times? Isn't that what really takes the oomph out of marriage? Are they advocating putting a limit on your ability to get a divorce? One of the real ironies is that the red states have the highest rate of divorce.
Special very sorry to hear about your friend, your description of your friendship is very sweet.
Thanks for everything. I appreciate it.
Gene Weingarten's take on same sex marriage debate - Loved it - thanks Wicked.
Again I am so glad that I don't get follow around by cameras, because those would be some really bad pictures, I mean a lot of really bad pictures. : ) And I get grumpy with public transportation, I can't imagine paparazzi. See there is a reason for things happening the way they happen.
There was a mention a few weeks ago about Jake at a studio, I wonder if that is when he pretaped his tribute.
And the Informers - I thought I saw that the regular DVD would be out the same day as Blu Ray. Serious they need to make some cash from this one, I 'm not surprised if they'd put it out on every format you can think of make some cash back.
PG - Sophia was attacked and robbed and later as we found out this season Jack's (Sam's BF) brother was the one who attacked her, and killed Quentin. That's why you say her with the gun and beat the hell out of the guy before Julian got there.
If they want to make some money off The Informers they need to come out with an unrated version. ;)
Dest - Now there's a market idea.
You know one thing I find interesting about Jake in Paris.
How low key it is. Funny how that works does it. When Reese is anywhere, not only are the photographed everywhere but the itinerary is basically published of every store, restaurant, hotel, crosswalk they are in. Again it just adds to my list of who is the bus driver for the Reeke Tours. But she's so tiny - how does she ever see over the wheel?
It helps if you have a throne.
My condolences on the loss of your friend, Special. x
PG, thanks so much for the tip on Chris and Don. I checked and it is being reshown on 6/21, same Sundance channel so I set it up to record. I find their story so interesting. As you said, for the time, it really meant something to be so open about their relationship. Not just because they were gay, but an age difference, class difference to boot, but love won out.
Oh, m, it was so wonderful. And I only saw the last 1/2 hr, when it was towards the part where Chris became sick. But even without seeing the beginning, I bet it was absolutely the most beautiful part of the whole show because it simply became a story about love between 2 people. And how Don cared for him in his last sick days and how it is to watch your life partner die. Don said the most beautiful thing at one point, about how every day that he drew & painted Chris, he was experiencing the exact same road Chris was. Why? Because he was dying, too.
Oh, that part started me crying. It was one of the most beautiful statements I have ever heard. What a most precious memory & experience to have: to love someone & have that person love you back with all their heart. And to walk through a lifetime together and then see your partner through their last days. It was just incredible.
I also found Don painting & drawing so many pictures of Chris interesting. I mean, he drew a ton. And he still has them all. He said that when he looks at them, he can still remember Chris' mood during that sitting.
I want to see the beginning because I want to see how they met and everything. I find their relationship so fascinating & actually pretty hot. What I had a sort of hard time telling was when it was the actors. But they show Don still doing sit ups and things. The man is still a fitness buff, apparently. Well, it's a very interesting movie to talk about, anyway. I need to see the whole thing.
I may have to buy it. Our stupid Comcast! is so expensive, I will only pay for one of the lower tiers. So I don't get -oh wait a minute. The 21st, you said?! Ooooh! I'll be dogsitting Chloe & the Major. I think they may have Sundance. I'll have to see what time it's on.
Well, I have to run. I just got home a little while ago, got to see the pics, and now I have to run to Hy Vee with my sister, who just got in last night from NYC on her trip. They have 12 pack bottles of Lipton Citrus teas for $4.88. That's a heckuva deal! And it's only a 2 day sale, this being the last day. So we have to hurry & go get some.
I just heard on MSNBS tonight that President Obama will tomorrow offer benefits to all the partners of same sex couples who are federally employed. This is a huge step and I believe Obama and his staff havr heard the critism laud and clear from the gay community. It is so great to know that the gay community does now actually have a voice that is heard. I give much credit to both Keith Obberman and Rachel Maddow of MSNBC who gave the President an ear full last night in their news shows. Lets hope DADT is the next item that the President deals with. It is time and Daniel Choi needs to be reinstated to his military position. Daniel Choi came out publicly on Rachel Maddows show several weeks ago.
Again sorry to hear about your friend and boss Spesh. It sounds like he made a big impression on you so a part of him still lives on within you. That is really nice.
Thanks for sharing about your friend Special. Its interesting the way people come into our lives and the impact they make. All things connect. So true.
Chris & Don is definitely worth a look M. Beautiful story.
They have the movie on Netflix PG.
And if anyone's interested Big Eden is on U-tube if you cant get the DVD.
Tom, unfortunately what Obama is doing is not all it seems; for one thing, it looks like due to DOMA these so called benefits won't include the big ones, health care and retirement benefits. And given that a lot of Fortune 500 companies offer health care and other benefits, this is not even keeping up with the corporate world.
It's not even an executive order, which apparently means it only lasts as long as Obama is in office.
For me this is just not enough anymore. If he'd done this when he first got in office, and we didn't have that horrible brief from last week, then I'd say it's a first step.
For anyone interested in this issue I urge you to check out americablog.com. John Aravosis can be a bit shrill at times, but he has been one of the prime movers on this story.
You can't make this stuff up. Just in time to illustrate my point earlier about what's the real danger to straight marriages, Senator Ensign of Nevada, who supported DOMA in the name of protecting marriage, and insisted that Clinton should resign because of his affair with Lewinsky, has just admitted to an affair with a campaign worker. Both of the them are married to other people. I guess the gays made him do it.
California Gov Schwarzenegger Affirms Validity Of Prop 8 Lawsuit.
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger says a federal lawsuit challenging California's gay marriage ban poses a valid legal question that should be decided by the courts.
Schwarzenegger's position came in a court filing Tuesday, his deadline to respond to the lawsuit filed on behalf of two unmarried same-sex couples who want to overturn Proposition 8.
Heading the legal team for the couples are famed attorneys David Boies and Theodore Olson, who opposed each other in the 2000 presidential election challenge.
Last week, California Attorney General Jerry Brown filed his response, saying he agrees that Proposition 8 violates the U.S. Constitution's promise of equal protection and due process.
Schwarzenegger didn't elaborate on the merits of the lawsuit, only saying that it "presents important constitutional questions."
CA Gov Validates Lawsuit Against Prop 8
"the real danger to straight marriages"
In the movie "Guess who's coming to dinner" a priest/monsignor tells the dad that interracial marriages tend to be very strong and long lasting. I have a feeling gay marriages will prove to be also, which is one reason why the straights "1 out of 2 marriages end up in divorce" are nervous. That along with the inevitable exposure and repair of the M/F sexist roles. Like why in M/F relationships only the woman wears an engagement ring? The gay engagements, both did. There's more equality in gay marriages. Those people against gay marriage aren't just homophobes, they're sexists. They're really not trying to save marriage per se, they are trying to save sexist role playing.
i'm glad the folks in ca. aren't giving up. i'm actually very surprised at all the opposition. i've always considered ca as one of our more forward thinking and liberal states. i guess you just never know. i'm sure money makes a difference in these things, more so than we realize.
Anti-Gay Marriage Sen. John Ensign Not Doing Great Upholding Sanctity of Straight Marriage.
No wonder Jake was shipped off to Europe!
Not fair!
No!!! You're not gaaaaayyyyyy!
lol ^
LOL! The Reesinator.
I have always wondered if Austin wasn't "discovered" by Emmerich at one of these parties; Singer is supposedly into young twinks, and Austin would have certainly fit that bill back then.
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