Austin's pretty proud of his scooter, but it made me wonder what kind of scooter does he do his scooting on.
Did he go for the classic - a Vespa?
Do a little Holiday in the Sun action?
Well ....
Austin dropped the dime on the gas mileage, and that set me off on a search. Think I have the answer.
At 115 miles per gallon, the 2009 Yamaha C3 looks like the winner. But one question. You think Austin went for the racy red or the sleek silver?
Something to think about for Austin Friday.On a sad note. Today we stop to pay tribute to Michael Jackson. He was a musical pioneer and a true musical genius. So many remember him from his start in the Jackson 5, or Off the Wall, Thriller, or Bad. His music connected a world together with collective moments of pop culture. Despite losing Michael so early, his musical legacy will live on.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Scootin' around
Posted by
Special K
10:36 AM
Labels: Austin, Austin Fridays, Scooter
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Great game last night despites the Nats winning. Had an awesome time. Nationals Park is great. And we had super seats on the lower level behind the Sox dugout. But the Running Presidents (George, Abe, Teddy, Tom J.) were just freaky.
Took lots of pictures. But we didn't see any celebs.... yet... but the weekend isn't over. LOL
Kate over at WDW has some pictures of Jake driving around DC as Reese hides her face. Why hide your face in DC unless you're Deep Throat. And ya that's not gonna happen ; )
Oh hand me the keys - I'll just start up the bus.
A picture with the employees at a Rita's Ice as well.
And I am going a triple play - trying to picture Austin on a scooter, his knees must come up under the handle bars.
Runing Presidents? :-D
Micheal Jackson has me thinking abou the whole music and entertainment business. He was certainly a pioneer as a black artist who gained an audience around the world.
And in those days the market wasn't as fragmented as it is now, we'll never see another artist who sells as many copies of one record as he did with Thriller. In some ways the change is a good thing, because it means there is someone out there for every musical taste, and it is so much easier to make and distribute your music. On the other hand, so many artists come and go in a flash, and you don't have the same sense of a collective pop culture anymore, at least when it comes to music. There is just no one in the younger generations with the same recognition and appeal as there is with the older generations of musicians.
I still prefer to think of Austin on an aqua-colored Vespa.
I like the Running Presidents. When you come into Nats Park, they are usually available to take pics with. I will admit that Teddy is kind of scary.
I like the silver one for Austin, it's all sleek grey goose-ish. But I hope for his sexylegs opps safety's sake he mounted the red one. And rode it!
The Running Presidents?! Is that like in Point Break?! Did you hold up your Red Sox Pocketbook and say, "Take the money just don't touch the sequins they got Ted Williams' mother's aunt's neighbor's sister's second cousin's breath on them and that piece of lint taped in the corner might have belonged to Dom's good slacks" ?
Why hide your face in DC unless you're Deep Throat.
Oh god. You had to. Give me a minute, brb, gotta go to TinyPic. LOL.
Who ordered the Petit Mignon, Rare?
I'm guessing silver for Austin, because he seems to favor classic lines, despite needing a bit of quirkiness to complete the picture. Speaking of pictures, I would love to see him out on his bike. Can you imagine how sexy he looks. Maybe as he does promo for OTH this will happen.
Brief mention of Toothy and Goose by Ted today. Reaffirms that Goose is in the business - wishes he was as famous as Toothy.
What's that smell? I better breathe thru my mouth. Oh wait, did I take a shower this week?
"Oh hand me the keys - I'll just start up the bus."
Save a seat for me, I think I'll be riding shotgun.
I'd love to see a picture of Austin on his scooter too. Did Ted really say GG wants to be as famous? Austin seems kind of shy in that regard, although I'm sure he'd love the roles being better known would bring him.
That picture at Rita's Ice? Probably done to counter the story about how the blind item everyone thinks is her pretending to not see fans when she's on the set, and other stories about her and Jake not being nice to fans.
By the way, do we know where Reese's kids are? Did Ryan have them for Father's Day?
Hey don't insult my lady friends!
destiny, notice how Reese doesn't have her arms around the fan next to her, but Jake has his arm around the guy.
I barked that out wrong, sorry destiny. I mean don't insult my lady canines. We don't like her either, that short-leash-hurry-hurry-no-sniffing-you're-just-a-prop-dog-get-outta-my-way big tiny smelly old flea.
You're right atticus, I shouldn't insult your lady canines that way. :-D
And I did miss the arms, thanks for pointing that out.
Dear Ted:
Are Star Trek costars Chris Pine and Zachary Quinto Toothy Tile and Grey Goose?
Dear Trek Casablanca:
What a hot pairing that would be! But sadly, no. Grey-Goose wishes he were as famous as these hotties. Or even as famous as Toothy! Alas, his career isn't as hot as his bod.
Dear Ted:
It sure has been frustrating watching Toothy Tile the last two years. I don't know how much more I can take. He went from a really cool guy with a really hot boyfriend to looking like Jed Clampett hanging out with Granny. When will it end?
—Suffering TT Fan
Dear Know-It-All:
Someone seems pretty confident in their guesses, babe. I just hope you know what you're talking about.
Awful Truth
I don't get Ted's 2nd answer, "Dear Know-It-All: Someone seems pretty confident in their guesses, babe. I just hope you know what you're talking about."
Doesn't Ted know that Jake looks run-down and Reese looks like his mama granny? Esp at Coachella.. whoever here linked that pic of them at the concert and labeled it "Granny gets her groove on" shit, I still piss in my pants over that one!
So is Ted playing with words? The only secret cypher I can come up with is "Know-It-All" = KIA = Killed In Action. Lame I know but hey worth a shot. So to speak, lol.
Dear Ted:
It sure has been frustrating watching Toothy Tile the last two years. I don't know how much more I can take. He went from a really cool guy with a really hot boyfriend to looking like Jed Clampett hanging out with Granny. When will it end?
—Suffering TT Fan
this made me laugh. i guess i'm evil, but after a while, it gets to the point where you either have to laugh or say "F it" and move on. i'm not quite read to throw the f bomb on him yet, so i'll keep watching and wondering wtf he's thinking... the pollyanna fans don't really see a problem - i've heard from them directly myself, quite recently. they think we're deluded and making a big stink about nothing, which i'm sure you all know, since you get around more than me. they don't see the bedraggled appearance, the hangdog look, the spaced out expressions, and they don't seem to notice about the lack of exciting career. honestly, i thought maybe the last couple of months would've got their attention, but i got my face slapped recently for suggesting that maybe he needed to take his life back before R sucked the last little bit out of him. i won't make the mistake of mentioning my OPINION in mixed company again.
but i digress: i think if Ted had given a straight answer to that question, it would've been almost like saying: yes, jake is toothy, and apparently he's not ready to do that yet.
I hope you know what you're talking about could refer to not being able to take much more and suggesting that it will ever end.
Okay, I did some digging at lunch, and according to Pop Sugar, Ryan is taking care of Ava and Deacon while Reese is filming.
Ryan and Deacon shoppping
Then who were the two children in the car with Reeke and Paul Rudd earlier this week?
Jake at a Red Light
Baby Tile and Paul Rudd's son?
Those pictures were posted on Popsugar on Saturday, June 20th, the caption says before Fathers day. They also say that they were taken on Wednesday which means before the 20th, 6/17.
The pics of Jake and Reese n the minivan in DC were taken on 6/22 according to IHJ. If there are pics of Ryan and the kids after that I will google. I don't know when scholl ended but if their kids go to a private school, they usually get out a week before regualr school. If they spent Fathers day with Ryan on Sunday and they were out of school, then most likely they are with her now.
BT and Jake/ driving around DC at night right in the middle of shooting a movie with Jake and Paul Rudd and sitting in the back seat.
I hope you are joking Destiny.
That should be Rudd, son and BT in the back seat. That doesn't even make for an amusing fanfic!
Maybe it's a case of mistaken identify, and the person assumed it was Rudd since he is in town filming. Maybe it was Austin in the back of the car?
May Day! May Day! Get those kids on a plane yesterday! I don't care what Ryan says.
And don't forget to add Ava and Deacon to the Twitters scripts!
Paul Rudd
Yes - sure it was Austin in the back seat (I mean he looks just like Austin!!) with Baby Tile and a little friend of BT and Jake and Reese - what a happy family!
Why haven´t I thought about this before??
Sorry - I meant to say Austin looks just like me.....!
Hee, hee. I would think that Austin has better things to do then ride around in the back seat of a mini van in DC at night with Bubble boy and Legally blonde.
I would think that the person that took the photos knows what Rudd looks like, he isn't exactly unknown and looks nothing like Austin.
Paul, Jake, Reese and Nicholson were all spotted out on the 22nd, they weren't filming. They are all staying at the same hotel in Georgetown: Reese, Jake and Rudd, Nicholson and Wilson are staying elsewhere.
The kids are not with Ryan and you know it, don't play dumb. Most likely the kids are with the nanny, you won't get twitters of the nanny and the kids just Reese and Jake and the kids the nanny is a "civilian".
You really don't think much of Austin, just a paper doll to be placed here and there to your liking. Doesn't matter that he has friends, family and career totally seperate. That he only matters ONLY when he is attache to Bubble boy, that's insulting.
And you call the babblers nuts.
Google, you have no more evidence of where Ava and Deacon were this week than I do. And I know perfectly well when that picture was taken with Ryan, the point is that it says Ryan has the kids while Reese is filming.
I'm sure that if Reese's kids were with her we would have gotten some pictures and/or sightings of them.
Couple of other points.
One, Jake was unhappy enough about the picture snapping to say something to the person who took them. Why would he care and/or bother while busy driving a car, unless there was something he didn't want photographed?
Two, why would Paul Rudd be sitting in the back with Reese's kids? Wouldn't it make a heck of a lot more sense for her to sit with them, especially if she's been spending all her time filming and hasn't seen much of them?
Jake at a Red Light
(Posted by Mwil69):
I was in Georgetown, a trendy Washington DC area, and i noticed Jake Gyllenhaal driving his girlfriend Reese Witherspoon around in a mini-van.
The other passengers in the van were two kids, dont know if they were hers, and her co-star Paul Rudd which is currently filming in D.C.
Jake rolled down his window to tell me that it was "uncool" to take his picture at the red light.
Wiki on Paul Rudd:
In 2005, their son Jack was born.
^^ So Paul Rudd's son is 3 or 4, kind of young to bring a friend along. Although these are basically the same pics as the IHJ car ones, Destiny you may be right. Rudd and his kid are a perfect cover for BT going for a jaunt, who's going to know/suspect that BT isn't Rudd's. Or even if they look him up like I did and see he has 1 kid, who's to know that BT isn't a playmate or Baby Rudd's cousin, which of course s/he very much could be, but still.
Just the fact that Jake was driving a MINIVAN is reason enough for pause. Why would Reeke need or want a minivan? I could see for when A&D come to town but who knows when that will be, and if Jake will be there at the same time? And let's face it, Reese has no qualms about having 1 car for the kids and nanny and another for herself and her gay bf. Also since Reese has a very strong habit of changing cars, I doubt this one will be with her for the entire movie shoot. I may be wrong, but she seems like the kind to demand it in her contract or pay for it herself, as security seems to be the prime motivator for her having her vehicles changed. I can see it easily being a priority for her especially for this movie shoot in DC. Sooo why the minivan now?
Also the dates on those pics are conflicting. IHJ says 6/22. Just Jared has 6/24. "..under the pale moonlight late Wednesday night (June 24). Later in the evening, Reese and boyfriend Jake Gyllenhaal were seen driving about town." The pap guy Mwil69, he doesn't say.
So according to JJ those pics were done after Jake sat around on set waiting for Reese to finish shooting, in the early am hours. Was Reeke driving Rudd back to the hotel after a night of shooting? With 2 kids? Or were the 3 adults and 2 kids on a sightseeing tour on Monday? Let's all think about this one, the timeline and possibilities are interesting.
And funny how its never been mentioned before and how in the IHJ pics, the pics are (intentionally?) cropped so it looks like a regular car.
I'm not totally convinced its BT but reading that there was a mystery child is quite curious. Great find, destiny!
Option #2: Neither of the kids were Rudd's. If you get my drift. Can't automatically assume one of them was.
Option #3: Not Rudd, not Austin in back seat. Male nanny.
The kids are not with Ryan and you know it, don't play dumb. Most likely the kids are with the nanny, you won't get twitters of the nanny and the kids
There are a lot of twitters about Reese.
So kids are with Reese, but she doesn't spend any time with them in the public?
Why would the kids be with Reese when she's working? For a visit, yes, but just like when RP was in So Africa a couple months ago filming, she had the kids. Now its his turn. Or "google" tell us, are you also assuming that kids belong with their mother?
Paul Rudd has that everyguy look. The Mwil69 guy didn't even know what Reese's kids look like. He might be a pap, but a DC politician/lobbyist/sports team pap. Put a cleancut guy in a blue buttondown and slacks in the back of a minivan and they all look alike imo.
I find it hilarious that these posters always pop up at Reeking/BT talk time, all angry and insulting people, calling them stupid, always saying "and you know it, don't play dumb." LOL. Protest too much?
Nope she's working. Kids are at the Four Seasons in Georgetown.
Now Paul Rudd is in on it, LOL!! If Jake was so cautious, he sure the hell wouldn't be driving around Georgetown in a minivan with Reese and BT!!!. JJ always gets dates wrong. Jake is wearing a different shirt in the car pics, it's blue. the onset pics it's white,. He could could have changed but most likely JJ got the dates wrong.
And Jake just said that it was uncool to take pics of him at a red light which is correct, he could have easily just rolled up the window which i'm sure are tinted.
Just be happy that Austin has his own life and is happy with his friends and with OTH and away from the 3 ring circus that is Bubble boy and Legally blonde.
I have a feeling that you all hate the fact that Austin actually has a steady job, despite you pretending otherwise.
Nuttier than the babblers.
The kids are out of school. Filming ends in DC this week, a break and it resumes in Philly where the bulk of the filming will start. She will have the kids with her some but not all of the time.
They are at the Four Seasons in Georgetown. Jake's set visits were all at night, why would he drag the kids along for a photo op? Plenty of time for that later.
"Kids are at the Four Seasons in Georgetown."
Since you know everything, please provide proof, in way of pics or a solid confirmation of said kiddies. Thanks!
Nope she's working.
Don't play stupid, you know that there are a lot of twitters and sightings about Reese NOT working.
"The kids are out of school. Filming ends in DC this week, a break and it resumes in Philly where the bulk of the filming will start. She will have the kids with her some but not all of the time.
They are at the Four Seasons in Georgetown."
Again, provide PROOF. Your word isn't good here.
"Maybe it was Austin in the back of the car?" (Sue Grafton)
You know, "goog" Sue had just asked, brought up the possibility, that it was Austin in the back of the car. But no, you make it into a STATEMENT that everyone here believes. Got news for you: brainstorming and thinking of possibilities, even the most outlandish ones, nothing wrong with it. Admirable, really. But its people like you, who automatically take ideas flung out there to peruse as something everyone believes in so that you make fun of it, that are wrong. And people like you are stifling, seriously. You have no room for ideas. Please do us all a favor and stay away from kids before you stifle their creative processes, too.
Wow. Doesn't that sound like such fun for the kids? Travel to DC to stay in what would be yet another hotel in a long, never ending string of hotels with the nanny, while mom works long hours on the film then has those photo ops to do, so they can be entertained by either the nanny, again and always, or their gay "uncle" when they could be at home with their father.
Oh, yeah, Reese is SUCH a good mother.
"Google" knows that Reese Publicity Whore Witherspoon will soon arrange nice photo ops with the kids, as she always does.
"Google" will come back and say - told you so, they were there all the time! lol
P.S. Jack/Jeff, is that you?
You know, I'm still waiting on Logic to answer my Twitter question, how membership length, used to claim solid the veracity of the DC sightings, compare to how long they'd been twittering in those mistaken identity posts from TN, TX et al.
Hey, Google, think you can switch back to the name you were using earlier this week and answer that for me?
"Filming ends in DC this week, a break and it resumes in Philly where the bulk of the filming will start."
Ummm if I remember right DC was all excited about getting a 14 week contract for shooting the movie. Film shoots are big money for cities, not only in fees but in creating jobs and generating income for nearby businesses. I could be wrong on the number of weeks but I remember reading about DC before the shooting started. I'm real busy right now and about to step out, so if anyone wants to look it up it should be easy to find, the local DC stories on how long this dogshit movie will be shooting in DC and their contract with the production co and the estimated income they projected. I'm sure the info is right there and if it says its moving to Philly and when. Thanks.
I didn't know Rudd had a kid until I looked it up either. And I seem to recall a sighting of his wife joining him for dinner, so if that is the case their child would be in D.C.
But Austin or a male nanny and two BTs is also an interesting theory, more likely the latter if Austin is filming OTH.
Hurry Spesh and Wicked, go to the Newseum. Jake's supposed to be there in a few minutes. Rudd's already there. Ask about BT! And Austin!
Gee funny how "goog" disappeared. Right when we had all these requests for proof. Darn!
Let me try that again with my name this time.
You know, I'm still waiting on Logic to answer my Twitter question, how membership length, used to claim solid the veracity of the DC sightings, compare to how long they'd been twittering in those mistaken identity posts from TN, TX et al.
Membership length was used as evidence that these weren't PR generated. Furthermore there were multiple tweets from different twitters all placing Jake in DC, whereas in the case of the TN/TX sightings they only came from one tweet. Of course they could have been set up months/years in advance waiting for the opportunity to spring into action in case Reese happened to be shooting in DC on Father's Day to cover for Jake being somewhere else...but, you know, Occam's razor and all that.
Gonna tell you a little story about a man named Jed. Woooooooo.
Thank you.
Of course they could have been set up months/years in advance waiting for the opportunity to spring into action in case Reese happened to be shooting in DC on Father's Day
I'm not claiming anything, except that you SHOULD use the logic because that "argument" is bullshit - PR companies have a lot of clients and they could use twitter accounts and posts for all their clients when/if needed.
PR companies have a lot of clients and they could use twitter accounts and posts for all their clients when/if needed.
Ok, let me amend that: all of those tweets could have come from twitter accounts set up months/years in advance by PR and used for various clients and multiple reasons, and the fact that these tweets come from people whose previous tweets seem to indicate they work and/or live in DC is a happy coincidence...but, you know, Occam's razor and all that.
All of those tweets could have come from twitter accounts set up months/years in advance by PR and used for various clients and multiple reasons.
Twitters would cover major US cities and few other areas that could be of interest for the clientele.
Meanwhile, somewhere in D.C. SpecialK is furiously checking twitter for sightings of Jake. Funny how it can come in handy when you want it, eh?
What's handy? Twitter made up sightings?
If there's a ghost of a chance the twitteres are right, you can bet Special will be over to wherever like lightning! Whoosh! There she goes!
Nah, that's just you projecting.
Really? You don't think Special is down there on a little OMG stalker mission? I do.
Projecting again.
Twitters would cover major US cities and few other areas that could be of interest for the clientele.
Ok, I'll amend it again: all of those tweets could have come from twitter accounts set up months/years in advance by PR and used for various clients and multiple reasons as part of a network of twitter accounts set up in major US cities and a few other areas...but, you know, Occam's razor and all that.
No, there is no Occam's razor in this scenario.
SK is so trnasparent, we all know wht she went to DC, LOL!!! I hopr there are enough BG's to keep her away!
No, there is no Occam's razor in this scenario. obviously don't know what Occam's razor is, since it applies to this scenario and any other where more than one explanation is being put forward.
Like I said before, Jake's at the Newseum. RIGHT NOW.
"I'm not logic" forget it. People just don't seem to understand. God what idiots. Pics notwithstanding, twitter sightings are about numbers and geography. No matter how many twitter accts a PR firm can realistically set up, their number is scrawny compared to the open masses who are using Twitter for personal non-agenda use. Sheesh.
You naysayers ought to take a good look at twitter, how many regular folk are using it: MILLIONS. These are people with contact networks, that have nada to do with any PR and have no duty or reason to lie about the poor fuckers Jake, Austin, Reese, BT. Iv'e checked sightings, none NONE of the NYC or the DC twitter sighters have any ANY common contacts, NONE WHATSOEVER. So if you think that when 10-12 people twitter, 10-12 people who have widespread intersocial networks and do not have one contact in common, in NYC that they saw Jake within a 24 hr period at different geographical points, that its a big PR conspiracy, well, you need more help than the world can give you.
PR cannot control it, PR isn't Big Brother, period. Twitter is a PR nightmare.
So, the more people one has in a Twitter network, the longer one has been a member, that automatically erases any and all doubt about the veracity of each and every post they make, and completely places them above reproach of bullshitting and the sin of mistake identity.
Wow! Who knew there were that many saints on the interweb!
If you saw Luke Wilson walking down your street, you would twitter your friends "Hey just saw Luke Wilson on Mye Street!" wouldn't you? And on the next block someone else would see him and would twitter their friends "U NevR beleave, I'm walkin behind Luke Wilson!!" and so on. Meanwhile, LW's PR says "Oh shit, he's supposed to be bearding with Anne on the QE2! We better send out Twitters!" By that time, the real LW sightings have a trail.
WHY you guys think almost every Twitter sighting of Jake/Reeke is all PR cover up, I'll never know. Never underestimate the common man.
"So, the more people one has in a Twitter network, the longer one has been a member, that automatically erases any and all doubt about the veracity of each and every post they make, and completely places them above reproach of bullshitting and the sin of mistake identity."
Everyone can have mistaken ID.
Bullshit can be detected after enough, well bullshit.
Networks and longevity, while not foolproof (and stated as such, so don't play stupid) can be indicators of good intentions.
Tell you what, why don't YOU put your money where your mouth is and start your own Twitter thing going? Set up various accounts, tell us how many of course, in varied cities, start your own contacts, making sure none overlap and start doing fake sightings of Jake? C'mon. You say it's so easy to fool the masses, do it. DO IT.
So, the more people one has in a Twitter network, the longer one has been a member, that automatically erases any and all doubt about the veracity of each and every post they make, and completely places them above reproach of bullshitting and the sin of mistake identity.
No it doesn't, and your clumsy attempt at deploying a weak strawman just makes you look silly. The simple fact of the matter is that the people who are arguing that those twitter accounts were set up by PR and that the sightings of Jake is D.C prior to Monday are fake have yet to present a single piece of evidence to substantiate their argument. Has anyone found anything linking even one of those twitter accounts to PR? No, they haven't. So on the one hand we have numerous sightings of Jake in D.C on twitter, a sighting of Jake and Reese in a hotel on Sunday and Jake actually being pictured in D.C. on Monday. So, yes, Occam's razor would suggest that Jake was there prior to Monday.
If you have something to counter that, let's hear it.
I really don't think the "common man" gives one whit about J&R, and what they are doing. I'd be very surprised if PR wasn't behind a lot of these sightings.
Bullshit, Charlie. The public cares that they saw a celeb, and they'll tell their friends. Thats it. People have no reason to lie. Celebs even Reeke, lol still excite people. If you think PR does all the sightings of Reeke you are gravely mistaken.
Yeah that's what we do all day long, twitter fake sightings of Reeke. And if we have time left over we administer to our other 50-60 client accounts and set up photoshoots, appearences, PR releases, advertisement spokesperson offers, charity gigs, take meetings, haggle over contracts, put out fires. Tweeting fake Reeke sightings is our #1 priority!
I have no doubt some are real, but they get a little help from some fake ones, too. They must. Human nature is like an iceberg, lots beneath the surface that you can't know or see. Especially when $$$$ are involved, anything and everything is possible.
It really works great when we Twitter a few fake Jake sightings in Omaha and he turns up in NYC that very afternoon, throws everyone off the scent!
Hey everybody, if you want to make some money. BWR is looking for people to make fake Jake and Reeke sightings on Twitter. Let them know where you live, your email addy and they'll contact you with the instructions on what to say when they need you to do the sighting. Easy and very BIG money!
One word of warning, though. You HAVE to stick with what they tell you to write. One guy got fired because he added that Jake told him "nice shirt!" and everyone who saw the Twitter thought it made Jake sound really gay.
{[If there's a ghost of a chance the twitteres are right, you can bet Special will be over to wherever like lightning! Whoosh! There she goes!
Really? You don't think Special is down there on a little OMG stalker mission? I do.SK is so trnasparent, we all know wht she went to DC, LOL!!! I hopr there are enough BG's to keep her away!]}
ok ok Leave Special alone.
It's nothing wrong with STALKING every now and then. Special, you go (Girlllll). Do you need a can of mase for the bodyguards?
funny thing, 2 years ago I would have been wound up and trying to catch a glimpse of Jake, Especially since he's in my hometown.
Now, if I pass him on the street, I would speak to him and tell him great job in Brokeback Mountain and much sucess. He has to go to the Smithsonian and Air and Space Museum.
I would ask him, "So how's the baby?" and watch for the look on his face.
WHY you guys think almost every Twitter sighting of Jake/Reeke is all PR cover up, I'll never know. Never underestimate the common man.
Why you think that while none of the tweets and sightings prior to Monday had pictures (the new ones suddenly do) they must all be true, I'll never know.
Why you think that Jake was there all week with no pictures (since Monday there have been almost daily ones), I'll never know.
Never underestimate wishful thinking.
Ryan married Reese with nothing to gain except a wife and child. Jake has everything to gain from this relationship. Ryan had everything to loose by leaving his relationship with Reese but did it anyway. So in what way is Jake "the new Ryan"?
Actually, I have no desire to twitter, not now, not ever. To believe that the whole of cyberspace would be interested in reading about the inner workings of my life is the very height of arrogance and vanity.
That said, I HIGHLY doubt a celebrity, of any kind or degree of popularity, will be crossing my path in the near or distant future. But, if by some Sarah Palin getting an orignial idea kind a miracle happens and LA comes to my east bumblefuck neck of obscure woods, I'd allow them to walk on by unmolested, and unreported. I'm no stalker, cyberly or otherwise.
In the 21st Century, when kids know how to hack into the school's computer mainframe, change passwords, bypass security, run proxies and illegally download and snark, literally popping out of the womb text fingers at the ready, when cyber and identity theft are making millions for security software makers and thieves alike, when anonymous is a powerful siren call, hiding behind screen names and avatars, emoticons and ROFLMAO, living a completely, and sometimes what we would be ashamed to associate with in the open air, separate pixilated existence, the notion that somewhere, someone, for some reason has set up fake twitter accounts is not too far afield.
Are those that felt compelled to stop being a productive member of society in order to inform OMFG like, ya know everyone about their miniscule brush with celebrity in the most mangled and maimed English possible fakes, frauds, felonious PR fiends intent on deceiving a gulliable Reeke duped public? I don't know. Better yet, no rat's ass gifts from me over any of this.
What I can't for all the used condoms left discarded after the White Party understand is why YOU are obsessing over it. All those posts, all that anger and condescension, all that energy expended for...what? Countermanding a notion, an idea, a simple thought out loud, mused over a few people who post all friendly like on an obscure blog dedicated to actors that would more than likely allow the door to shut in your face than notice your existence? Really?
And you're the one frisbeeing about the fool moniker?
One can't comprehend the inner workings of Jeff/Jack's mind.
Looks like someone has worked themselves into a frenzy. Wouldn't have anything to do with the sighting of Jake with two children, would it? Is someone trying to distract us from that fact? Put up a lot of posts in hopes that no one will read the earlier ones?
"This will probably be deleted but oh well. Reese has Jake and none of you ever will, especially if you have penis. Jake is not gay, he's now the new Ryan, just doing time on the chin."
HAD to repost this, needed a good laugh! Thanks anon!
wth is "me" at 9.03 sputtering about?!!!!
"This is just my opinion."
Oh believe me, we know that.
Really? You don't think Special is down there on a little OMG stalker mission? I do.
Spesh is here because my family got tickets to the Nat-Red Sox game and I invited her. We planned it before we knew anything about Jake being here.
Anon at 8:42 and 9:52- sorry, no anon posts. Make up a name.
Wicked while you're at it why don't you delete vinegar at 10:14. Thank you.
Hey Hey. I think I have been in New England too long, the weather in DC has cause this girl to go a little limp, and its not even the real heat of summer down here. See what happens when you have temp that have been in the 60F range for 3 weeks.
We were out all day, with no means of twitter following, and sorry we weren't near the Newseum. Nope I don't have a GPS tracking system with DC laid out on a grid system and twitter interface either. I am so Special I forgot the power cord to my own laptop this weekend. LOL
I think it would be more fun to just let all things happen as they should and fate decided it. If there is a reason that path need to cross and worlds collide, I think it would much more fun because of the total shock and randomness of it. That's not to say I keep my eyes open where ever in DC I am the next two days.
But yeah, this little trip was all about my Sox. Who could say no to seeing a Sox game. That's sacrilegious. And Wicked knows my weakness for them. I am so grateful she and her family asked me to join them for the game. It was awesome.
I need time to digest all of this stuff from today, especially the adventures of mini van driver and the potential small cargo situation. There is a lot to ponder on. ; ) Oh Oh Oh so much.
This tired tourist is off to bed after a day at the Smithsonian Museum of American History and a great dinner at B. Smith's. Just have to see what tomorrow brings. Hopefully not me getting almost getting scrunch in the doors on the Metro.
Its the weekend and Jake and Austin are likely to be together, so the nut jobs are melting down. I love it that we get their goat. Keep driving them into a frenzy.
((Its the weekend and Jake and Austin are likely to be together, so the nut jobs are melting down. I love it that we get their goat. Keep driving them into a frenzy.))
Wow. Are you for Real?
Please say you are being just a little sarcastic. PLease.
Bugs the ever living shit out of ya'll, doesn't it? That no matter how many times you come here spewing the Reeke, the folks here don't heed a word of your advice, just go right on believing in Jake and Austin.
Come on, do it again! Please! 'Cause it just convinces me more and more that whatever PR shows us is just so much bullshit, and now the babblers don't even believe it.
I must say, this was kind of a weird day on the blog... lots of strange posts and seemed like lots of folks were annoyed today.
I used to really, really, REALLY like Jake, and - like lots of other folks here - i was really, really REALLY disappointed when the Reeke-ing began 2 yrs ago.
He's changed so much. He looks different, he acts different, and - even if he walked out on Reeke tomorrow, which i think is highly unlikely - i can't really see how he would ever be the same to me again. I really, really cared when i believed certain things about him, but his life over the last 2 years has pretty much changed a lot about what i believe.
So in that respect, maybe Reeking has been successful. Gay or not, the life he's pursuing at this point is too stale to follow very closely, and his career is more of the same - blah and boring. I miss liking him so much, but the new jake just doesn't work for me. *sigh* I need a new muse!
Ooh, yeah I would love to ask Jake about the baby(ies) if I met him :)
I want to thank me for the phrase "my east bumblefuck neck of obscure woods", in fact that whole post is epic.
Great post me. I absolutely believe that fake twitter accounts are being set up by PR for getting out info to the internet public. What other way does reeke now have to show their existense. No one cares. With all of the recent photos ops not one mag has any interest in this couple. Sounds like they have even lost Perez.
They will never loose me!
Jake Gyllenhaal made a PDA-filled visit to the set of girlfriend Reese Witherspoon's film How Do You Know? on Thursday in Washington D.C.
We usually find PDA quite nauseating, but these two are very cute!!
Maybe it's acceptable because Jake is involved!
When's the wedding?!
Even when Perez says something about positive about reeke he follows it with a question like when is the wedding. I dont think Perez believes that there will be a wedding.
I also dont think PR is happy with the comments after any reeke post. Looks to me like the bobblehead comments vs the Jake is Gay comments are around 50/50
I have never seen a PDA display by reeke that was believable looking to me. It constantly looks like reese is mothering Jake.
When was the last time anyone has seen reeke on the cover of any rag mag?
Tweet Tweet!
The comments on Perez are 90% pro-reeke, just a fww Jake is gay posts if you read them. You have to register at perez now like Pop where there are some gay/fake posts but most are pro. JJ you don't have to register so there are a lot more the gay comments.
Dlisted rarely posts stuff about them and when it does it's snarky/jake is gay but the commenters who are registered usually go off topic.
The only way they will get a cover now is if they announced they are engaged. The dating, lovey-dovey stuff is even too boring for them.
You really are annoyed with twitter, theyall can't be PR generated, even you can't e that dumb.
You really are annoyed with twitter, they all can't be PR generated, even you can't e that dumb.
Some twitters are true, some are fake, some are PR generated - and it's almost impossible to know which is which.
One thing I know for sure is that there will be no Tweet sightings of Mr. Jake in DC come Oct. 11th. He will be suddenly be in China that weekend.
I hope the gutless closeted actors of HW can look themselves in the mirror that day. They should be out there telling the world that they are proud of who they are instead of hiding behind their mothers.
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