Pardon my indulgence for today's post. It's a Sox Road Trip Day.
Heading down to DC in a few hours to catch tonight's Sox/Nats game with Wicked.
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c | |||
Jake Gyllenhaal | ||||

But you proved your membership in Red Sox Nation by watching the game while having dinner out on Tuesday night. Sitting at the bar and watching the game. You could be so engrossed in the game and not have to deal with the chit chat, and hey it looks just like a real night out for any Sox fan with a date.
Did want to get in trouble for staring too long at shortshop Nick Green, we know. And can understand why, kind of reminds me of .... oh well.

And Thursday's game? Watching it on the road?
You know if you need cover heading down to Wilmington, just tell them you are on a Sox World Series quest and need to visit the childhood home of the original Boston Dirty Dog, and former Sox right fielder Trot Nixon as part of your journey to ensure a win for this year. Hey Sox fans would totally buy it .

Who know what will happen or will worlds collide at some corner in DC this weekend.
Have a good time Special and Wicked.
ANd you're right, I can't put my finger on it, but that shortstop reminds me of someone. ;)
The Jake Technique: Hand in Lap, Look Other Way.
Jake Thought #1: How the Fuck Did I Get Myself Into This Mess?
Jake Thought #2: Oh God I Hope She Doesn't Want Me to Kiss Her and Damn That Pole Looks Good.
Jake and His Penis: Come get me, Big Boy.
Love the way Reese has that fake "I adore you" look in #2. She really ought to retire that one, she looks like a teenager rehearsing a bad play.
Waiter: Thanks for the tip!
I thought I had seen all of Jake's interviews but somehow I missed this one. Thanks for posting it.
Good captions on the photos Photo Essay. I would like to know what a body language expert thinks about the one captioned Come Get me. It does look like Jake is offering himself up to the man, surrendering his body, if you will.
Where's Jake? One minute he's here, I turn my back for a few seconds and he disappears. Shit! The Object of My Affection better not be flirtin with Paulie.
Hand in Lap, Look Other Way.
Ok, most of the other pictures do have that awkward quality to them but this one...I don't know. Jake doesn't look at all put out at having Reese's arms around him; in fact, that smile on his face is really warm and genuine.
I know I'm going against the prevailing mood on this blog, but going by pictures like these, the length of time that Reeke has been going on and various comments by Ted, I think that Jake and Reese have a friendly bearding relationship.
Ah everyone tries to get along with their co workers. It makes life easier.
Have a good time at the game Wicked and Spesh.
Twitt Twitt....................
I know I'm going against the prevailing mood on this blog, but going by pictures like these, the length of time that Reeke has been going on and various comments by Ted, I think that Jake and Reese have a friendly bearding relationship.
Totally wrong angle.
Reeke knew each other before the fauxmance, they are Hollywood actors, they both benefit from the fauxmance.
You should ask yourself why Jake and Reese aren't good friends, why so often they can't hide they boredom and annoyance with each other.
^^^ their boredom
I cant wait to see the outcome of all this. I at this point hope he marries this woman. They deserve each other.
Obviously this is a bearding relationship that they both benefit from, but most of the pictures of them together don't show annoyance. Mostly they just have a neutral look, sometimes looking engaged (as in, paying attention, not romantically engaged) sometimes looking bored. Very, very rarely do either Jake or Reese look actively annoyed. I'm not saying they are BFF, just that things like these pictures and various things Ted has said point to them having a friendly relationship.
They'd never marry though. I can't see Jake ever taking it that far. He has a boyfriend and a baby and I don't think either of them would forgive him for doing that.
But you proved your membership in Red Sox Nation by watching the game while having dinner out on Tuesday night.
For sure! Enjoy the game, guys! :)
Whoops, posted twice (and changed from Ah to AH because it looked like everyone was gently sighing when they replied to me, although now it will probably look like everyone is gasping instead!)
Been away for a few days and just catching up. Blimey, the reeking has been fairly relentless hasn't it. Know its easy to sound like a bitter, disappointed Jake and Austin fangirl, but really, this is overkill and beginning to seem ever so slightly desparate.
Can't really see the point of bombarded people with on-set pics. Surely its just totally counter-productive because by the time the film comes out you feel you've already seen the whole thing anyway (although the chances of me ever going near a Reese film are now less than zero).
With regard to Austin's latest missive, sort of in the 'don't give up the day job' camp on that one but at least he's doing things other than pandering to the ego of the toxic blond.
Anyway, when you're as cute as Austin, a little bad poetry can easily be forgiven can't it.
Well, looking for to seeing the next installment of the on-set love action, what will today's pics show I wonder?
Can't really see the point of bombarded people with on-set pics.
1. promote! promote! promote!
2. colleagues and production stuff are my "supporting boyfriend, she is so better off without Ryan" witnesses.
Actually the onslaught of Reeke pics in the past few days makes me fairly convinced that Jake didn't arrive in DC until Sunday, maybe Monday. How long he stays we'll have to wait and see, there must come a time (even for Reese and Reeke fans) when the benefits of having the 'adoring bf' hanging around begins to look more like the 'under-employed, needy loser bf' hanging around. Amyway the popsugar crowd seem to be angling for a Reese / Paul Rudd on-set romance, so hopefully certain pr folk may get the hint and let Jake get back to Willington where he blinking well belongs!
There really is a desperate, Heidi and Spencer quality to the Reeking. To me it just conveys the idea that he has no work and no self-worth. There is no sense of equality or real friendship in their interactions either, but rather of someone tagging along hoping to lap up some of the crumbs from Reese.
I'd feel the same way if he was constantly tagging along after Austin this way. Seriously, who finds a lapdog sexy and desirable?
A few times someone at wft2 has insisted that Jake is having trouble finding work, and that Anne did him a huge favor and was responsible for getting him on her film. Of course anyone could just say that, and I take things like that with a boulder of salt. But looking at Jake, especially in these last set of pictures I can really believe that.
"Seriously, who finds a lapdog sexy and desirable?"
In a word destiny.. no-one.
I just can't see how anyone would want their partner (real or fake) hanging around while their working. I find the whole set-up, that people are meant to find it cute / sexy / adorable, bizarre.
And Jake does look like he's having trouble finding work, which is incredibly sad, but being Reese's fluffer is not going to help get those juicy roles.
Fluffler, lol, what a pefect word Meg for what Jake is doing. I'm going to have to remember that one. :-D
I think they look comfortable with each other.
I'm thinking Jake was on something in those pics. Seriously. He looks very baby-like in the hug shots, like he's reverting. Drugs like ecstasy brings it out, I'm sure others can too. Maybe he was drunk, but I'm wondering if drugs is one of the things Reese uses to control him, besides fucking with his self-worth and confidence.
Or maybe he needs to take drugs to get thru the Reeking and the number it does on his esteem. Remember Reeke Lakers? He had that same dreamy look in his eyes and touchy-feely thing going on. I thought he was on something then, too. Can you blame him, he knew what was coming, the Kiss Cam. By the pics, it looks like he was way too comfy, might have taken it a little too far to make it look realistic. Even Reese was redfaced, and that's one thing even the best actor cannot fake: blushing. It's a scientific fact. Blushing is like goosebumps, you just cannot think of it and it happens. It's impossible.
(Btw Reeke Lakers kiss was also when I knew for sure 100,000,000% that it's a fauxmance, because two people living together after a romance of two years and numerous marriage proposals have no reason to blush after a rather short routine kiss, crowd or no crowd, actors or not. Reese was shocked, and it showed.)
But THEN a day or two later or whenever the next Jake solo pap session was, and it was pretty soon after Reeke Lakers, he looked out of it and very cross, and the underlying theory/consensus was that Austin/whoever was none too happy about the friendly Lakers show he put on. Jake pulled back from Reeke after that, it was very obvious in the physical distance he maintained between him and Reese after that episode. And soon thereafter was when buddies like Matt Frost, Mike White and others started showing up at lunches with Jake. I always wondered if they were trying to get him back on track, not only by talking to him but also helping Jake get his self-confidence back by getting pap pics of him without Reese, meeting him at certain places (maybe even calling the paps themselves) and saying to him, "See? Paps want your picture, they're interested, the fans still want you, you're fine on your own and if you need to get high to be with her then she's not worth it."
These huggy-baby on-set pics with his giddy baby face with his spaced out smile, yeah methinks there's more to it than just the regular Reeke show.
RIP Jill Munroe.
Dear Ted:
I am addicted to the whole Toothy Tile drama! I think I know who it is, but the Baby Tile part throws me. Does the public know that Toothy has a child? Also, I love the Robsten deets...keep 'em coming!
Dear Toothy Sleuth:
In order you mentioned: me, too; good for you; no; and you got a deal.
Dear Ted:
Forgive me if this is a really bad guess, but I've forgotten a lot of Toothy Tile hints you've given us. Is Toothy Tile Owen Wilson?
Dear Toothy Round 2:
So wrong, darling! Think far less obviously butch.
Bitch Back
C'mon Special, give us some of your thoughts. You too, M and Meg and Destiny. Don't be shy (lol).
Ted's latest = Ted saying one more time that there is BT?
He's saying there's a baby tile, and that it is not someone who is known to have a child, so that would rule out (and I think he has already anyway) someone like McBongo.
Interesting post from wft2. It's not uncommon for gay people to resort to drugs and drinking to deal with the stress of the closet, and Jake's eyes often look strange to me. Coachella would fit into that scenario too.
I don't think the change in who Jake was seen with was due to the Lakers kisscam, I think they were just all tied up in a shift to mute all the criticism of Jake not being seen with anyone else, the fact he often looks happier with other people and they wanted some good pictures of him for a change, etc. But it's funny, that seems to have dried up again. I guess Reeke is on to the next "phase"--what I would call the twitter phase.
I agree that's an interesting post, destiny - his self-esteem must be taking a hit from all this.
Twitter is godsend for PR. All kinds of things can be tweeted, and no need to have to back any of it up. Don't have to work harder, but smarter. :)
"Twitter is godsend for PR. All kinds of things can be tweeted, and no need to have to back any of it up. Don't have to work harder, but smarter."
Nope, just the opposite. 95% of the public carries laptops and cells with internet, more shops, restaurants and public areas have web access. You can't keep the public, the masses, from reporting the truth, no matter how many PR falsities are tweeted. The house, the majority, the masses, the truthsayers, hold the odds and always will.
Spesh is here and we are getting ready to go to the game. She's gotta get her proper Red Sox attire on.
Well PR has to turn to something to cover reeke. The Rag Mags have zero interest. Tweet Tweet.....
I'm afraid to ask, but going to do it anyway, does that include all of her attire?
Can you imagine Wicked, Special, Jake, Austin and reese in the same town. Oh my!
Hey now. There a level of sanctity to the Sox. Just like there is one room in the house that does not have a Sox shine. (yes you can guess what that is)
3 Day in DC and 4 Red Sox shirt sounds about right.
About the pics. I think they were after the game. And I think Jake probably did enjoy libations with dinner and at the game, and hey he's not driving. But that one picture just really look like Reese is more a maternal figure than overs.
Baby T. Well I have always believed there is a BT because i think that is why he did a lot of this stuff. The question for Ted is if he has not just two, but one of each.
Ok - off we go. We are sitting Third Baseball side. So if you see wild shenanigans that could be us.
Special.. if you see Austin, give him a big smacker on the lips from me.
hope your team wins, if they are playing some sort of game. Anything but football (soccer ie proper, real football) is a mystery to me.
You can't keep the public, the masses, from reporting the truth, no matter how many PR falsities are tweeted.
What about celebrity staying out of public eye and PR posting falsities? What about public posting falsities? Twitter has little to do with reporting the truth.
okay my last post for a while, but I thought it was time for some, 'has the dc lovefest raised either jake or reese's game' graphs...
Looking at our old friend google trends we have to say
not really
Let's compare with Jennifer Ansiton... again
still not really
what about those people in that film Transformer..
okay jake okay compared to shia but reese is f...ed
hope all these graphs work out okay, if not, go to google trends and try some out yourselves, if you like stats its really quite fascinating.
Wow, there are reports that Michael Jackson died!
TMZ reported he has died, and LA Times is as well.
Amazing day Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson have died.
All stations have confirmed the death of Michael Jackson.
Aw, guess who got the most votes on this one?! And yep, I believe it.
Today's Blind Items
While shooting on the set of their latest movie, these two stars have a completely different way of interacting with their fans. Well, I should say one interacts with fans, and one pretends she cannot see or hear them. Our B+ list movie actor usually plays the fun guy and it seems that when he is filming it is the exact same way. He spends most of the time in between takes speaking with fans, taking pictures and talking the entire time. Our A+ list actress on the other hand spends her time in between takes as far away from the fans as possible and has absolutely nothing to do with them. She is very good at pretending not to hear them or see them.
"Amazing day Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson have died."
Wow. I really cant believe it.
2 icons in one day. RIP.
5 years from now most posters here will be wondering how BabyTile is doing in school and still talking about PR and how Reese is Jake's beard.
Hey, I don't believe Mr. G is straight either, rather bent if you know what I mean, but the man is with this woman very, very often. My conclusion: they are together, And with beneficial PR. Don't be so threatened by the turn Jake's life took almost three years ago. The good thing is Jake and Austin still are friends.
BabyTile exist in Ted's pen.
i'm really sad about Farrah, but glad her suffering is over. i'm shocked and saddened about MJ. i know he has been accused of doing some terrible things, which he very well might've done, but i think he was a very troubled and sad person too and i hope he's found peace.
"Give it a rest already": scroll if you don't like reading it. Better yet, skip this site and go to Babble, where in 5 years they'll still be wondering how Jake and Reese fuck.
My conclusion: they are together
Babbler bullshit.
"i think he was a very troubled and sad person too"
Wouldn't be surprised if he was locked into the closet. Thirty years ago, Black and gay, with a Jehovah's Witness entertainment family's reputation to protect? Sure.
Pedophilia is quite different than being a gay man stuck in the closet. Michael Jackson was a pedophile.
"Pedophilia is quite different than being a gay man stuck in the closet."
Uh yeah I know that. *rolls eyes* But outward underlying PROBLEMS beginning with core identity and sexuality take time, years, to formulate, and it remains to be seen what the origin of MJ difficulties are. Just saying, MJ MIGHT have been gay and if so, MIGHT have been so repressed by his family, religion, public image, managers and PR people, that the mind put other coping mechanisms into effect. Just saying, that's all.
Actually, what I find amazing is that after three years of Reeke, anyone is still around to discuss Jake at all. He's a boring, PR pushed nothing.
Please tell me what, if anything, he has done, except hide in the closet like a putz, to deserve the attention some still lavish on him?
In five years, he will appear on a DL thread entitled "What ever happened to...?" And, fittingly, the answer will be Reese.
Uh yeah I know that. *rolls eyes* But outward underlying PROBLEMS beginning with core identity and sexuality take time, years, to formulate, and it remains to be seen what the origin of MJ difficulties are. Just saying, MJ MIGHT have been gay and if so, MIGHT have been so repressed by his family, religion, public image, managers and PR people, that the mind put other coping mechanisms into effect. Just saying, that's all.
thank you for expressing this kind, compassionate and insightful post on MJ. I really wish more people had showed such compassion during his troubled. life.
RIP MJ - I always saw your beauty, kindness and vulnerability, no matter how many masks you wore.
{"Give it a rest already": scroll if you don't like reading it. Better yet, skip this site and go to Babble, where in 5 years they'll still be wondering how Jake and Reese fuck.}
I don't have to scroll, just making a little observation, that's all. Don't be so threatened by Jake's action. If you want to wait around 5 more years yelling beard, fine with me. He and Reese may still be together and you can call it whatever you want to. They even may have babies (lol), and you would be looking for the actual birth cirtificate while calling it a PR stunt and feeling sorry for BabyTile. Your choice! Jake can still have an interest in guys, it won't go away. Trust!
May not suit Ms. Witherspoon, but so what. They are together, wipe off your specs.
"They are together"
Oh I agree! Together for all the PR pap shoots and sightings by the commoners! Bedding together, fucking? Uh, no. Let me rephrase that: N-O NO NADA ZILCH ZERO.
Hey, Bifocals, you do know that all this time spent trying to convince the stalwarts here to Reekedom does NOT count as community service, right?
What should it matter what anyone believes, regardless if you agree or not. No harm, no foul, really in the grand scheme of things. Your efforts a matter of national security, a religious quest, a busybody who must meddle? What?
Is Jake truly worth any of this?
They even may have babies (lol), and you would be looking for the actual birth cirtificate while calling it a PR stunt and feeling sorry for BabyTile.
The sad thing is, I can name at least two people on this blog who would probably react just like that. I really do wonder what will happen in 2, 3, 4, 5...10 years time when Baby Tile still hasn't shown up. Will some semblance of reality finally intrude into their fantasies, or will they still believe that Jake and Austin are somehow managing to hide the existence of a fucking child from the national media?
Late getting back here today. What a day. First Farrah and then Michael. These people were a big part of my time. My mother waited on the Jackson family when she was a salesclerk. They bought matching clothing and she told me, and anyone who would listen, that story often. This was a long time ago when they were still The Jackson 5. Say what you will about Michael's sexual predilictions, he was talented. I don't condone his interests. I think he grew up with enormous pressure. My mom said his dad seemed to be a tyrant during that shopping trip.
As for Baby Tile, Ted sticks to the story. That's good enough for me to continue believing. I am continuously amazed at the Pattison comments numbering in the 1000's. It did get me to stop reading the comments and has certainly drowned out public Toothy interest.
This is a really short article, and it ends abruptly, to me anyways. I'm not from there and don't read their paper so maybe it's from a feature columnist. Anyway, thought you might be interested. Btw, to give you an idea, San Bernardino and Cathedral City are in Southern California but inland, near Palm Springs/Coachella.
Inland Gays Were on Frontlines of Movement
10:00 PM PDT on Thursday, June 25, 2009
The Press-Enterprise
When the Rev. Paul Breton heard about a June 28, 1970, march in New York City to commemorate the anniversary of the Stonewall Riots, the San Bernardino resident -- who at the time was living in Washington, D.C. -- immediately began planning to go.
Friends of his had been arrested in gay-bar raids in Washington. Breton, 68, now a priest in the gay-oriented Ecumenical Catholic Church, was excited about a demonstration to commemorate the June 1969 revolt against police raids in New York.
When Breton started marching, he was stunned to see thousands of others demonstrating with him. There had never been a gay-rights protest that had even approached that size. Marchers realized a mass gay-rights movement had begun.
"We all started crying, man, woman, young, old," Breton recalled. "It was such a profoundly moving experience. Once we saw how many thousands of people there were, we realized we were making a very important mark not only in New York City but on American society."
The New York Times ran an article on the march and subsequent Central Park rally on its front page.
Similar marches were held in Los Angeles and Chicago.
Today's gay-pride parades stem from those 1970 events, but the early marches were pointedly political.
Only later did gay-pride events take on a festive atmosphere.
Stonewall is viewed as the beginning of the modern gay-rights movement, but several gay-rights groups existed before then. And individuals like José Sarria openly defied anti-gay laws and societal attitudes.
Sarria, 86, of Cathedral City, said he never hid his sexuality, even when the consequences for being openly gay were severe. He was fired from his job as a waiter at a San Francisco restaurant in the mid-1950s for being "a person of dubious character."
But he did not retreat into the closet. He continued performing as a drag entertainer at a bar that attracted a mix of gays, lesbians and straight bohemians. One of his acts was a satirical version of the opera "Carmen," in which he would portray a gay man fleeing the vice squad.
In 1961, Sarria ran for the San Francisco Board of Supervisors. He was the first openly gay or lesbian political candidate in U.S. history. He did not win, but finished ninth out of 34 candidates for five positions.
"I wasn't running to win," he said.
"I had a point to prove. I was running to prove people deserve equal rights. I had nothing to hide."
Press Enterprise News
I still wonder exactly where people are expecting Baby Tile to "show up". While Baby Tile is a s-e-c-r-e-t, his life is anonymous, which means he is no more likely to "show up" anywhere than you or me.
I am tired of belabouring this obvious point, I must say :)
RIP Jacko and Farrah.
I'm sorry to hear about Michael Jackson's death. Regardless of his personal problems he was one of the greatest performers ever. His "Thriller" album really was something else. Could that man move!
As for Reeke, *shrugs* who gives a shit. Sad thing is I'm beginning to feel the same about Austin too even though he's not one tenth as bad as Jake. What kind of man puts up with this crap? I hope the money is worth it.
Judge, why do you care if people believe in Baby Tile? It really doesn't affect you at all. Whenever I read posts in which people tell other people what to believe, I think troll, but that's just me.
Sad about Farrah and Michael Jackson. Farrah because later in her career she really showed what a talented actress she was (The Apostle) and she was such a '70s icon. Michael...sigh. What is sad about him for me is that someone with his colossal talent and resources could not handle his demons. For those of us who remember the Jackson 5 and his early career, it is hard to believe his life turned out the way it did.
It's always been curious how those that believe in a baby tile can be fans of Jake and/or Austin. For they have to be the most neglectful parents in the world.
Thanks Inland, very interesting article.
Very sad about Farrah and very sad how MJ's life turned out. Unfortunately because of all the water under the bridge I just can't emjoy his music the way I sued too, although I don't feel that way about the Jackson 5.
So how was the Sox game?
used too, not sued. LOL.
And yes, inquiring minds want to know Special and Wicked.
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