Looks like Jake's sporting some knuckle tats to go with his bad boy neck tattoo in Brothers. The kind that come from the joint. Thinking about Jim Sheridan and how he made the two brother Irish American, kind makes me think that Tommy (Jake) could have Eire on them to show his Irish heritage. (Can you tell I seen that in Boston?)There's a lot of knuckle tats out there, some that say Thug, Pain, Hurt (as in put the hurt on you) or other choice four letter words.
So a little Knuckle Boggle for you - what do you think Jake would have as a tat? Get creative and give it your best shot.
But doubt it's gonna be this:
Reminder: OMG Movie Club - Summer Double Feature
This Friday night/Saturday (June 12-13th) - We will be discussing both the movie The Day After Tomorrow as well as a comparative discussion of the TDAT with the recent release Star Trek.
Next Friday night/Saturday (June 19-20th) - We will be discussing the LGTB movie Big Eden,
Here's hoping you join us for one or both discussions.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Four Letter Words
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Someone posted this on wft2:
Adam Lambert from Rolling Stone site:
On making his sexuality public:
There are so many old-fashioned ways of looking at things, and if we want to be a progressive society, we have to start thinking in a different way. There's the old industry idea that you should just make sexuality a non-issue, just say your private life's your private life, and not talk about it. But that's bullshit, because private lives don't exist anymore for celebrities: they just don't. I don't want to be looking over my shoulder all the time, thinking I have to hide, being scared of being found out, putting on a front, having a beard, going down the red carpet with some chick who is posing as my girlfriend. That's not cool, that's not being a rock star. I can't do that.
I am so glad to see someone take on this argument regarding a celebrity's private life. You can't look at a thread on any site for someone like Adam or a star rumored to be gay without seeing posters insisting that gay people should just keep their lives private (often accompanied by the nonsensical remark that "straight people don't talk about their sex life").
It just keeps getting better with Adam.
Not being from the US I must say I haven't really been following all this Adam stuff and couldn't really make out what the big deal was. However, like destiny says, he does sound like a extremely sorted and mature man who alot much more successful and well established people would do well to emulate.
So I'm now officially in the Go Adam! camp. That said, I do think he needs to lay off on the eyeliner abit, but that's a very minor crumble.
Oh, and Special, your 'When World's Collide' post was one of your best. Absolutely hilarious.
So for some knuckle tats from prison:
Luck (as in out of )
For Jake
512 (area code for Austin)
PAPA (he could say he's getting Razi on the other hand later)
Reese finds her wedding dress
I'm not usually a big fan of makeup on men or women, but I do like the glam look, and I like it on Adam.
Don't care about the "Brothers" pics. Have no desire to see it, to pay, thus support Reeke's promotion of homophobia. My money, my decision.
Jake can rely on The General's fans, what's left of his decemated base, and those that turn a blind eye to his actions over the last two years.
Looking at the Brothers pics, I'm spilt. Jake looks good in the pics, but I get the feeling that Jake's performance could be good or he could come off like a nerdy kid trying to act tough and failing badly. After seeing the ET POP promo I'm convinced that POP will be a hugh camp fest and Jake looking gayer than ever.
Sheridan's an actor's director, which I think could really work with Jake bringing out a great performance. And I think have Tobey, Natalie as co-stars will bring out the most of his performance as well.
Undecided please qualify 'Jake looking gayer than ever'.What do you mean and how does that affect POP? Are you saying POP is set to flop because of that?
Great RS article on Adam Lambert and I wish him all the best. But man, some of the comments on the USA Today link make REALLY depressing reading.
Quiet day at work, so I just spent some time looking at the USA Today comments. Yikes! You were not exaggerating sweetnsour. Either its the paper of choice of the homophobes and other narrow-minded people, or they're just the ones who bothered to post comments, which number almost 600. I'd sure love to know what their demographcs are--you have to register to post, so these are presumably regular readers of the paper.
My prayers go out to all affected by today's shooting at the Holocaust museum.
Wicked said...
My prayers go out to all affected by today's shooting at the Holocaust museum.
Really really sad.
Adam lambert says
There's the old industry idea that you should just make sexuality a non-issue, just say your private life's your private life, and not talk about it. But that's bullshit, because private lives don't exist anymore for celebrities: they just don't.
ITA agree Adam.
It really is tragic what happened at the museum. I feel so bad for that security guard's family. His quick action saved a lot of lives.
I just love that you're really rockin the Clampitt family photo. What a great choice.
Woah, just went and looked at some of the USA today comments and am actually surprised how bad they are. Mind you there's been quite a bit of negativity in the form of sarcasm in a lot of surprising places like gay blogs. Its like the gay guys who vehemently called Adam out for not making it official are now bashing with "like this is news". Equally annoyign are the straight people saying "who cares". Well maybe they don't but to me its a huge deal. I think this all shows how people are more comfortable with public figures playing the "don't ask don't tell" game than being out. Anyway, hopefully when people get used to it they'll be a little more respectful. In the meantime, go Adam, stay strong and keep on being yourself because a ton of people truly appreciate and love you for who you are :)
I'm glad Adam came out. There always will be those who will blame him if he didn't come out and those who will say, so what is he making a big deal of? we always knew. Seems like you can never please everyone.
I disagree with his comment about keeping your private life private. I think you can live a private life if you wanted to. Meryl Streep, Kate Winslet come to mind among others. And the way Jake disappears when he wants to.
I don't like the Brothers stills. Jake looks like someone's doe eyed, slightly furry, well looked after pet, than the blacksheep of the family who lived on the edge of the law and has been in jail.
I don't get why Adam is taking so much heat. He never hid who he was and didn't play the coy game for very long. Maybe some people just want to be angry.
Sending thoughts for those effected by the Holocaust Memorial Museum shooting yesterday.
There were 300 students from Massachusetts schools were in the museum when it happened.
Last night there was an event already planned at Boston's Holocaust Memorial as a part of Pride Week, it became an outreach to the rest the community touched by the tragedy.
Streep and Winslet keep their lives fairly private in the sense that they haven't allowed themselves to become tabloid fodder. However, we all know who their spouses are, that they have children, etc. Streep often brings one of her daughters to awards shows withe her, for example. I think that is what Adam means about privacy. If you're a big enough of a star, everyone can see if you don't have a girlfriend, wife, etc. After a while people are going to take note of that. The question is whether you "fold" like Jake did, or chose to live your life honestly, like Adam and, so, far, Zachary Quinto.
I hate that whole privacy argument with a passion. When applied to gay people it is just another word for keeping them in the closet. When Brad and Angie or any other straight couple in HW walk hand in hand nobody says "keep your sex life private". Or as I saw in one comment somwhere (not USA), straight people don't hide their children so we don't know they're having sex.
I do think the USA Today post reflects a minority view, although a very vocal and ugly one.
I'm always amazed at the hostility that seems to come from certain corners of the gay community when it comes to out gay men. But when you consider how many of them there are out there who are log cabin Republicans, maybe I shouldn't be.
I would love to see a study on the issue. My guess is that a lot of men who are themselves still in the closet are threatened by successful, out gay men because it calls into question their own choices. I also think there is a lot of internalized homophobia, and this is one way it is expressed, particularly when the target is someone like Adam who doesn't conform to to a butch, hetero "norm". It sometimes seems to me that there is less acceptance from gay men than other segments of society for someone who flames a bit. I don't recall seeing this kind of reaction to NPH.
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