One Tree Hill Season 7 is back for a full 24 episodes. And it premieres September 10th on the CW.
And OTH has 24/7 a whole different way. They've jumped on the Twitter train with an official OTH Twitter site. From the tweets things have been quiet since filming wrapped on Friday. Maybe there was some down time for everyone this weekend.
Now what would a mystery man do with a free weekend? Maybe the shadow knows?
Now back in Wilmington, you wonder if Austin gets as worked up about driving around there as he does in LA. (Posting this video again here, since it might have gotten missed over the weekend.)
Gotta ask can you moon and scooter at the same time? And is it me or does he lose the point somewhere in the middle of what he is saying? Or is he trying to make sure he doesn't say too much?
That Red Carpet can spook ya. Wonder if crowds do that too? Just a few fans came out to see them film the first scene of Season 7 of OTH. You think there were crowds like this for JFC?
Not sure they're getting crowds like that in DC, but you never know Owen Wilson and Paul Rudd are popular guys.
More Smaller World - Father's Day - Day Late but not a Dollar Short edition.
Yeah Jake and Maggie have shared some on screen dads. But did you realize they shared a movie dad with Kirsten as well?
Monday, June 22, 2009
24 Seven
Posted by
Special K
10:17 AM
Labels: Austin, Global Green, Jake, Julian Baker, One Tree Hill, OTH, Scooter, Smaller World
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Wow, those are some crowds. I suspect they're bigger right now because it's summer, but still.
It looks like Jake and his people think they can make him a leading star without generating that kind of fan interest, but I don't see how that is going to work. Don't you need that to be an A-list star, unless you have the acting chops/juicy roles that some of the top stars have, like Jack Nicholson and Meryl Streep? Seems to me they're trying to skip right to the latter categoy with Jake even though I don't think he fits in there.
24 episodes! Holy cow, I hope Austin is in every one of them.
Interesting article about the gay generation gap in this week's New York Magazine.
The Gay Generation Gap
So there are pictures of Jake and R up, from this morning in DC.
Funny how the pictures were of this morning, not one single one from past 5 days that people have been saying he was in in DC. Hmmmm.....
Let's see, it's a less than a 90 minute flight from NC, or NY take your pick. Short flight last night or first thing this morning, commuting to work they so many do to DC.
You think she called and to see what he was going to wear?
You know her assistants picked up the Nat's cap, because they can't have Jake wearing a Sox since the Sox are coming to town on Thursday and Reese is filming where the Nats play.
We always know Jake in the past has gotten himself in trouble wearing light blue shorts. ; ) But we know now what takes care of that problem, just hang with Reese, nothing happens then.
There may be pictures now? I was on and there's a story on our fave Witheredness which led me to see that on that great site, The Gossip Girls, they've got pictures of the 2 "Workout in DC".
Must be another jogging run, perhaps? Yoga? Pilates?
Ha, we're both playing investigator, Special! I was just seeing there was something put up.
Now, get this! There's also some new stories out there about Reese producing some movie called Pharm Girl, about a girl in the pharmacy business discovering underhanded doing's in the pharmacy industry???
What in the heck is this? Are these 2 now so joined at the hip, lol, that they're getting their movie projects confused or what?
No, nothing, just Reeke photo op.
And this is funnier yet, still!
To coincide with these Pharm Girl "breaking stories", they're also relating to everyone that Reese is getting sooooo many eggs from her farm chickens that she's sharing them with friends, family, and the families on Deacon's soccer team. And she's doing it so often that they're starting to call her the "chicken lady".
I guess this is to add some authenticity to her being a "down to earth, country girl at heart".
Man, some days it's hard enough to choke down my yogurt, let alone having to read this kind of barf inducer.
Hello everyone, I am so so so glad to see you again, cause I can't stand to be far away lol
First I had computer issues , then I had to study for my exam.( don't worry you were all in my mind though) I
My exam took place this morning , I am relieved but worried in same time now because i am always worried about anything , I think again about what I wrote on my paper and fear it is not enough this, not enough that .......Oh well I make my mind sick, my head is about to explose right now.
I read all I missed , and I missed a lot !!!!! I SAW brothers stills. I want to see much more now, I guess the trailer is going to be released soon. In these pics Jake's character seems helpless, like someone who's deseperatly waiting something which doesn't happen , I think it suits perfectly the story. Nathalie is pretty with lighter hair, even more adult. And Tobey, not enough pics of him to judge, but I wonder if he doesnt'seem a bit too young for the part??? well I am not objective, he isn't my favorite actor I confess lol
Great great the anne/jake movie is a reality! I love the plot and I see the confirmation video of Anne, he absolutely charming and for sure it will be a entertaining team to follow , they are both comic talents I think, I can't wait!!!
Suddenly , talking about team, I remember I saw with friends an very old movie with Clark Gable and Claudette Colbert " it happened one night". I loved it so much !! Some said it's the first "american comedy" kind of road story. The pair was great and some things were really modern for a movie of 1934 !!!
It was the nostalgic minute lol
"Man, some days it's hard enough to choke down my yogurt, let alone having to read this kind of barf inducer."
You 're fun prairie girl !!
It was released last week about Reese doing Pharma Girl, the same day Anne confirmed she and Jake were doing Love and Other Drugs on The View.
Pharma Girl is being produced by her own production company Type A. And she already has a few other projects on her schedule before this one. If she ever even does it. Hello what ever happened to the other "projects" Type A was involved with that she was going to star in? Hello, Bunny Lake? Anyone? Anyone?
Tend to think that Reese can not let anyone have any more PR than her and announced it because there is no way that Anne and Jake getting back together for a movie should take the focus off of her.
And secondly because you know even people who think it's real are going saying, you know Jake and Anne would make a good couple, he should date her instead of Reese.
Still think Jake should read her the riot act for that pathetic move.
Reese wants remain the driver of the bus, wagon, crazy train of this until she gets where she wants.
Reese is getting sooooo many eggs from her farm chickens that she's sharing them with friends, family, and the families on Deacon's soccer team. And she's doing it so often that they're starting to call her the "chicken lady".
I guess it better than being known as the Pig Producer. (Penelope)
Sorry I had to. I know just hand me the keys I am driving the bus straight to hell for that one.
I think you nailed it right on the head, Special. Too many twitters and no Kodak back up.
They're going to have to work on that. Twitter Schmitter. Would someone please kick that thing out to the curb, please. Better yet, dropkick it out to 2045 when I'll be long gone and not annoyed by it.
Whew hoo, we are supervisorless for the week pretty much so it's a free for all!! lol. nah, not exactly. But at least it's quiet. And peaceful. And nag free. And well, you know. I can go back to taking my lunch without being asked questions. Unless the ol' dock calls me. Unfortunately, they can't see through the floor and see when I'm at lunch, lol.
Big Sigh. How nice to be able to breathe at work today.
Wicked, you're going to have to keep an eye out for these 2 lovebirds today! Maybe they'll be hanging out at your gymnasium. Or at your local coffee shop. Or at the DC Farmers Market? Does DC have a Farmers Market? Or does DC have a fancy lingerie/sex toy shop? Maybe we might get something there.
lol. Don't ask me why I feel so snarky. I better get a handle on it real quick or I'm liable to invite a photo op from DC's Priscilla's.
And remember, Wicked, should you just happen to come across them, do not, I repeat, do not touch the car!
Elinor!!!! Hey, it is great to see you. I was going to be doing some shoutouts today and you were on the list, girl. And, hey, welcome to the computer problem club. I have had issues myself and it has not been fun! So I am right there with you, arm in arm, in sympathy..
flf! Are you studying hard? I've sure missed seeing you on here. I hope things are going alright for you.
I missed that Pharm Girl bit, I guess, Special. Ol' Johnny Come Lately here! Why on earth...why on earth would she have something like that released right around the time of Jake's movie? That is ridiculous. It's way too close to be some kind of coincidence.
It is hotter than a skillet out here this week. 90's all week. And I mean mid to upper 90's. When you have to run the AC in your car at 6:30 in the morning on your way to work, you know it's hot.
Pics on IHR already - June 22 - Leaving A Workout Session In Washington DC.
"Elinor!!!! Hey, it is great to see you. I was going to be doing some shoutouts today and you were on the list, girl. And, hey, welcome to the computer problem club. I have had issues myself and it has not been fun! So I am right there with you, arm in arm, in sympathy"
Ah computer problem !! It pissed me off. Now it's over till the next LOL
"Pharma Girl is being produced by her own production company Type A."
I guess it's trendy topic LOL
I agree Special, it's so patently obvious what pr is doing. They're using twitter to make it look like Jake has been there for days, then it gets followed up with a photo to "prove" it. More likely Jake flew to D.C. last night--or the photos were taken one day last week and saved up for this morning, because they want people to think Jake was in D.C. this weekend.
PR is also proving once again they care what we think here and wft2, because we're the only ones really paying attention to those kind of details.
It just screams "I spent the weekend with Austin" to me.
And I guess they answered your question about paps Wicked. :-D
Good to see you Elinor,and sending out good thoughts for your test results.
A little Austin moment in the middle of all of this.
If Austin can hold a towrope with his foot and trick skiing, 5:1 he could moon and scooter.
Boy, I saw one of the pictures of our beloved couple on JJ. Lovely, lovely. I wonder if Jake had just gotten off of the plane because he looks like maybe he's still on some of that medication that you can take on flights for airsickness. He looks a little looped out - but I haven't looked at the rest so maybe it's just that one shot. And of course, Her Witheredness has her head down I'm sure because of the glare from all the paps' picturetaking.
Hey, you gotta wonder, Special. Maybe they wanted to see if they could get those magic blue shorts to put on a show with HW. All I see is a down kickstand, though, if anything.
One last thing, too, before I get back to work. And I don't know if I should say this on here, although what kind of repercussions there could be, who knows. But does anyone else notice that our Reeke news anymore is coming from the obscurest of sources? I mean, The Gossip Girls? Gossip Girls seems to be the ones giving several stories lately. We know that we can count on US Reekly and JJ, right. I have thumbed through the rags the last couple of weekends while standing at the checkout and I don't see anything on Reeke in Star anymore, and I'm not talking about just the last couple of weekends with them. Nor People. Now, on there have been a few blurbs on Reese, but no Jakey. I just find that pretty interesting.
Okay, well, time is up. Buzzzzzzz
I think we only see Reeke on the sites and in the rags that pr has an arrangement with. I think the others have learned they don't sell, and since they're not getting anything from it, why bother? I'm guessing JJ, US and some of these others either get paid, get a share of maybe some kind of advertising (perfurme, lingerie, Nike, Reese's movies) or get access to other stars in return.
And Jake does have those dead eyes again the photos.
I want to see Austin mooning someone from his scooter. :-D
I saw a beautiful light blue Vespa parked outside a restaurant over the weekend. I wonder what kinf of scooter Austin has, and what color.
Jake looks a bit tired, and the timing it says weekend with Austin and the littles.
Right now - there are a lot of other stories that have capture the attention, especially the whole Gosselin mess. The tabs have to go with what sells, they have to sell copies that means increased ad revenue.
Wicked, you're going to have to keep an eye out for these 2 lovebirds today!
I took a client to the pawn shop today. Funny, but Jake and Reese were not there.
And I guess they answered your question about paps Wicked. :-D
Been to Georgetown many times. Never seen paps there.
We always know Jake in the past has gotten himself in trouble wearing light blue shorts. ; ) But we know now what takes care of that problem, just hang with Reese, nothing happens then.
I hang with Reese more ways than one. No pesky paps catching me with a hardon!
Reeke is so romantic
Funny how pictures came out after the mention in the morning Washington Post. "Let's make it official then."
But again - PR blew it. What she wore and him moving to the other side of the table to cuddle, please. That's just trying to sell it too hard. It's either one detail or the other, but that's what's always been the prob, PR thinks more is better.
Aren't the Washington DC Nationals the saddest, losingist, worst team in baseball?! So if Reese got the hat for Jake to wear, why?! Or did she think the W for Witherspoon? Or is it for Whipped?
Ryan and Farrah to wed?
Ok, I need to take back some of my snark from an earlier comment about Jake's hat.
Jake has used things to nod to upcoming roles or wanting parts in movies. Remember the Fu Manchu mustache before the Namatha movie news? The Torso tattoo?
Jake's part in Damn Yankees is Joe Hardy who played for the Washington Senators, now known as the Washington Nationals. So it may be one of his nods to his movie.
Then again a hat with a big W on it, he could be saying - I was in Wilmington, and I got more than this hat. ; )
I think there have been some staff changes at the rags recently so whoever had Reese as a pet is probably gone. Besides, Jake always looks so miserable in pics with Reese. Makes it a hard sell. They have to wade through 1000 pictures to find one to publish.
A commenter on wft2 made a good point I meant to mention here but keep forgetting. They will never break up as long as Ryan is still with Abby. Can you imagine Reese single while her ex is not. Jake will remain on retainer until he is no longer needed.
So every single day has been documented via Twitter and Blogger, sometimes even several mentions in just one morning, but this time with the pictures there, nothing?
People in DC are more interested in talking about Reeke getting coffee at Starbucks than them working out together at the gym? And no one cares about the group of paparazzi taking pictures of Reeke walking down the street hand in hand?
I fully expect PR to catch up on their mistake now and get to twittering about this outing, but I just wanted to put it out here so PR will only end up looking even more stupid.
You're right about the overkill in that W. Post sighting, it smacks of pr.
And honestly, who gets up from the table at a restaurant to "cuddle" with your partner who is sitting on the other side. LOL! I have never, ever, seen anyone do that in a restaurant, and being a typcial New Yorker, I've spent a lot of time in every kind of restaurant imaginable.
"I have never, ever, seen anyone do that in a restaurant, and being a typcial New Yorker, I've spent a lot of time in every kind of restaurant imaginable."
Ii saw it.
"I have never, ever, seen anyone do that in a restaurant, and being a typcial New Yorker, I've spent a lot of time in every kind of restaurant imaginable."
I saw it.
No one ever saw Reeke do it.
Jakey & Reese's Matchy Matchy Outfits
"proving they will be best homegirls til the end of time. Although, I wish they would've worn Jakey's first choice for a matching outfit: assless hot pink coochie cutters and a midriff t-shirt with the words "Don't you wish your girlfriend was hot like me?" written on the front.
And another item checked off the pr list--you just know they couldn't let those pictures of J&A in matching biking gear slide. Funny how when J&A do it they look coordinated and kind of hot, while Jake and Reese look like sexless dorks.
All I can say is... OMG.. I truly think that the humiliation of Jake is now complete. Matching gym wear is just so twee, needy and frankly very, very unsexy. Please Reeke pr, let the poor boy go, you've done your damage, let him get out of this with some shread of dignity left.
(must say I'm fascinated by the waterless urinal, can't quite imagine how that works, but whatever).
Also, hate to say this but he really does look like crap here, such a shame to see such a beauty ruined by this bearding rubbish.
And what's the varicose vein like nodules on his arm, is that sort of thing normal for a young man?
is that normal?
Wow, Michael K. sure knows his audience. He used Reeke for his open post. I just skimmed through 400+ comments, and only 5 or 6 of them even bothered mentioning reeke.
This one I thought was pretty dead on:
Jake & Reese = Legally Brokeback
Ring of Jarhead
Sweet Home Bubbleboy
I just saw that two metro trains collided in D.C. I hope you are your Mrs. are okay Wicked, and everyone else in D.C. too
God you girls hit the nail on the head. Of course Jake arrived in DC last night or this morning and Austin arrived back in NC probably last night. Jake was probably exhausted and had to get up for a damn photo op. Yep J and A were in NY. I dont even think the GBs believe this crap anymore. I think they have realized they been had. This stuff is priceless. Twitt Twitt. Who the hell would fall for this crap. I def believe Wicked. I been to Georgetown also it is not the type of place paps would hang around. They were recruited for the show. Keep trying guys. Love MK!!!
Oh no, the cringefest continues, more Cantara over at Gawker.
claptrap contd
Jersey Tom said...
I used to hate looking at reeke pics but now I love it. Its so ridiculous. Even Jake has a smurk on his face. How the hell does he live with himself. I guess he takes it for what it is a stupid, corny, idiotic idea that some nitwit came up with. But somehow has to get through. I am not sad or angry at him today. How the hell is he gonna get himself out of this one. What a show but like Nailed straight to DVD.
From Dlisted
Here's Jakey and Reese in DC yesterday proving that they will be best homegirls til the end of time. Although, I wish they would've worn Jakey's first choice for a matching outfit: assless hot pink coochie cutters and a midriff t-shirt with the words "Don't you wish your girlfriend was hot like me?" written on the front.
MK must be the next Pope.
By the way who the h*ll cares about Stephen Gyllenhaal
Wicked was it Sunny in DC yesterday? Never saw the sun in Philly yesterday and I heard it was worst further South.
In total agreement with you Tom, although I was abit harsh earlier, its just hard not to feel sad to see someone who has so much potential making himself look such an twat (apologies for the bad language Special).
Lets hope Jake and Austin can have a good laugh about it, its sort of a laugh or you would cry state of affairs really.
The pictures were from this morning not yesterday.
photomaster said...
The pictures were from this morning not yesterday.
Only the one armed man knows for sure.
I just heard about the train crash also. I am almost certain Wicked and the Mrs. drive to work. Sad to hear about this tragedy.
From the way he looks more pitiful everytime we see him, i'm actually starting to worry that maybe something really IS wrong with him. we haven't seen any of the pics in front of the dr's office lately, but maybe he did take some steroids will filming POP and they messed him up somehow. maybe he had an allergic reaction. im mean, look at him - it's mid june and he's all pale and fragile looking.
and yeah, the matching outfits were bad enuf in the winter at the farmers market when it was just a coat and hat, but this is really pushing it. how dumb can he stand to look. if he was any more p-whipped he'd have visible scars.
on another note, in my People mag, in couple news, they reported that in spite the constant rumors that Reeke is on the verge of a wedding, that her reps say the talk about her picking out a dress is false.
if they do get married, will he have to wear a matching dress?
barf! S!
Wicked, I just got on my internet and saw the headlining story about the two metro trains colliding. They have a picture of it and it's terrible to see one of those trains all twisted up.
You never read about these trains having accidents. How do they collide? Don't they run on separate sides of the track or am I being a duncehead?
It's a terrible looking accident and I'm certainly sorry to see that 2 people have died in it.
And no one cares about the group of paparazzi taking pictures of Reeke walking down the street hand in hand?
That's just it, Stub. People would really react to that because we don't do that here. If you get papped in DC, you called them.
Sending thoughts and prayers to all affected by the Metro crash in DC.
Don't they run on separate sides of the track or am I being a duncehead?
Sometimes. But often they are single-tracked and someone has to be monitoring to avoid a collision. They have measures in place to prevent something like this happening. They'll be investigating a while to see exactly what went wrong.
I'm thinking about how it feels inside one of those trains when they're really going and what a jolt that would be and there's nothing to hold you in, certainly no seat belts. You would just be all over the inside of that car.
A soon as I saw the pics show up on Just Jared, I knew they were a PR set up for sure. I love Dlisted though. That man is a riot.
Haven't checked any news sites yet today, but will go check up about the train now. Sounds awful.
And now I have to say that I've seen JJ & IHJ (LOLLL! I was googling IHJ to get a look and I started typing I Heart Reeke! LOLLLL! I had to backtrack and erase what I had typed, SNICKER!!! and at lunchtime when I was looking at these, I didn't even realize that these 2 had on matching outfits.
For gosh sakes, how ridiculous does this look. Even JustJared pokes fun at their matching outfits. Jake, for gosh sakes, man, please get some backbone when it comes to this Reeking. Be your own man and stand up straight with the confidence to set your own daily attire. All it does it make it look like your GF is calling all the shots and dressing you before you go out the door.
Oh honeyyyyy, lookit this! Put this on, pretty please? It'll look great!
Either that or else this:
Here. I want you to put this on. Come on, hurry up so we can get going. I want to get to the restaurant before all those people start getting ahead of us in line.
And don't wear those awful Nike's either. Wear your New Balances. And here. Here's a hat I got you. Put that on, too.
And Reese, unless you're 19 with the abs of a Miley Cyrus, don't wear the tight ribbed tank, huh?
I hit Publish instead of Preview, so I had a few typos there.
Man. This was a pathetic set of pics. Just pathetic. She ought to have a dominatrix outfit with the riding crop thing going on instead because that's exactly how Jake is looking here.
lol, hey, I wouldn't be surprised if ol Reese is a dominatrix by trade in the midnight hour. That seems like a perfect fit. Get those men on their knees before the Witheredness. And speak when you're spoken to, you hear?
Boy, I never thought of that before, but you know, I can really see that. She's perfect for it.
That street they're walking on just does not look like you'd have paps with cameras hanging around it, does it??
shakes head.
I think I'm done now. This is just so ridiculous, I'm ashamed that I've spent the time that I have on it. It's embarrassing that someone thought it was cute to coordinate the workout outfits. Whoever it was, ought to be put in a Fashion Hall of Shame.
I can't believe that Chris Brown pleaded Guilty so fast on this whole trial. Why didn't he just do that to begin with and save the state some money? Not to mention people's time. What a deal.
Probation and community service for banging his GF's head to kingdom come.
They're showing October Sky on AMC right now. Jake looks so sweet in this movie - it's one of my favorites. I just loved him in this.
I can't believe that Chris Brown pleaded Guilty so fast on this whole trial. Why didn't he just do that to begin with and save the state some money? Not to mention people's time. What a deal.
You always plead not guilty at first until they work out the plea deal.
I've been watching October Sky too, which always just gets me. I am always blown away by Jake's performance, it was his first film, and his acting is just effortless in it.
Seeing Chris Cooper makes me think of the different actors who have played his dad, and who they will cast for Love and Drugs, and I don't know why Chris Cooper would make me think of Liam Neeson to my casting list for Jake's Dad. I went back to look at Moonlight Mile over the weekend, and either though Dustin wasn't Joe's (Jake) dad in the movie, he became the father figure to Joe as Saradon became like a mother to him.
So tough to hear about the DC Metro accident, thought and prayers are with those there.
I just love that movie, Special. I almost think my sister likes it better than myself. I can always watch it when it's on. It never ceases to amaze me to see how Homer Hickham started out by playing with homemade rockets and ended up being such a genius and working in NASA. It is such a beautiful, inspiring story and it has to be a film that Jake should be so proud of to have made.
I really liked Laura Dern in it, too. And the woman who played Homer's mom.
sigh. Just a really good movie.
Lol, Wicked, so was that a really stupid statement I made? I thought they could sometimes hash out deals before a trial even started. Or do you have to start the trial regardless? I guess, huh, since isn't that what you just said? lol. I tell you, government/politics just is not something I know much about.
Hopefully, this is the last situation like this that Chris Brown finds himself in.
And what's the varicose vein like nodules on his arm, is that sort of thing normal for a young man? (Meg)
IA but what's more troubling is his right hand, esp the thumb, in that pic. Blow it up to 200% or 400 %, his right hand is disfigured. Maybe its the lighting/lens/angle, maybe he injured it?
Alsao the other pic where he's half-smiling almost a smirk, he's not looking at Reese. I blew it up for the arm/hand and noticed he's looking the other way, to his upper right. Talk about disengaged.
Confession, I'm a freak about dental health, they don't have to look perfect cosmetically but be healthy. With Jake, maybe its the shadows but in the matchy-matchy pics his upper left side teeth look wonky. His right canine (tooth, not Atticus!) in the London park pic looks short or missing. Maybe he's going thru dental work right now, caps, implants, whatever. Maybe he had a fight with someone? (guys can be very physical in fights, gay or not), maybe IF he used steroids they did a number on his teeth/gums. ALL health problems/drug use shows up in the mouth, always.
maybe he had a cavity.
Lane... really interesting comments about the pics. i'll have to look again in more detail. i can't get past his zoned out, dead eyes. he looks like he's on drugs. he sure doesn't look like he's in any shape to go work out.
i posted one of the pics on my lj with a bit of discussion, and one thing that these pics remind me of was how bad Heath looked before he died. he was sick, taking pills and meds, etc, and while i don't know how much of his usage was legal/stupid/careless and how much was illegal, i still think that his life had gone sour on him and that was what drove him to so many pills. i don't really think that will happen to jake, but the steady stream of pics of him so sad and bereft looking brought that to mind. ugh.
PG, I almost spewed wine all over my laptop when I read about you typing I heart reeke.
Funny how they were out and about for a supposed workout. Didn't we have a twitter from them at a hotel? I'm sure Reese is staying in a top-notch hotel with its own private gym. But I guess they felt they had to do something besides a coffee run.
Granted Jake doesn't look like he wants to be there but it doesn't look he has plunge that low that is spiral into some crisis.
The thing about veiny arms and and hands. Have you ever looked at Madonna's, Sarah Jessica Parkers or even Jen Anniston hand. Talk about veiny. Are they all taking steroids? One thing they all do is work out, lifting and doing yoga. Where the hands and arms are weight bearing YES. A guy that I was with in the past was really into working out, lifting, gym every day, his arms were similar to Jake's. Can doing all that stuff cause veins to pop out? Yes. Has Jake down all of that plus parkour workouts? Yes.
I just don't get this make Jake out worse than the situation is. I don't think I'll never get that.
I still tend to think that the tired look is having a long and good weekend with Austin (and littles).
Special... i'm not trying to make the situation out to be worse than it is at all. to be honest, it actually does seem to be bad to me. i could understand a few unhappy pics, but when was the last time you saw a really happy pic of him? and it's not just his expression that looks bad, he looks bad all over. and he doesn't look like he's pumped up now, just normal sized, so i'm not sure if working out is a reason for the odd veins, etc.
destiny: they probably had to leave the hotel for the "workout" because matching outfits would look even more retarded on a coffee run!
Interesting article about the gay generation gap, not that I'm buying a lot of it. I think some of it is just normal generation gaps, some of it real, some of it sour grapes by the writer. In particular, I've found that there are a lot more young people then older people at gay marriage rallies, and to single them out for being optimistic instead of angry seems bizarre to me. Also, I think it is the younger generation who has pushed gay marriage, most older gay people I know were focused more on ending job discrimination and fighting for other rights. I know I never thought we'd get gay marriage while we were still being denied some of those other rights. Again, I think it was the optimism of younger activists that helped push this.
I also think it is good to have the internet and younger people challenging the status quo when it comes to some of these gay rights organizations, as many bloggers are doing with the Obama administration--and many of those bloggers are older.
I also suspect a lot of the snarky comments about more feminine men like Lambert come from the older generation, but I could be totally wrong on that, just speculating based on the writing styles.
I think a lot of that is based on resentment that new generations have it easier, which the writer of that article did admit to.
My family isn't from the South (lol) but one thing my dad always does and I've had bfs do (and they aren't old or from the South either) (and some of them have even been bi/gay, lol) is walk on the street side. True its quaint and old fashioned but cute and protective. I think Jake used to do it sometimes but not often with Reese but now not so much. The new DC walking pics, maybe he's hoping a car will come and pick her off. He looks like he's ready to release that hand of hers ASAP.
LOL, so true Siena. I hadn't thought of that. :-D :-D :-D
I do think Jake looks nothing like he used to, and not just in a getting older sort of way. I just find it so startling to look at old pictures of Jake, because there is a light, a confidence, a sense of happiness and purpose that is, for me, entirely gone in 99% of his pictures anymore, especially with Reese. I find it so difficult to look at his face, especially his eyes. I force myself to do it to see if anything has changed, and then I quickly go back to mostly looking at long shots of him.
Honestly, if I was just now discovering Jake, and discovering him from gossip, not his movies, I'd be wondering what all the fuss is about. Then again, let us be honest, not many are fussing over him anymore. And yes, there are always newer, younger guys and that is part of the HW game, but it is more than that going on.
Sienna - I have seen pictures of Jake engaged smiling and happy, his body is relaxing when he is talking to other people, his friends, even people who he just comes upon, everyone except Reese. Think about seeing him talking to Mike White, with Matt and friends in Venice, Maggie and Peter in February, in Italy, in Paris, even with strangers, store clerks and bodyguards.
And the happiest I have seen him this spring? When he was with Austin, both times. The looks, his smile. He just glows and there is nothing that can hide that.
R&R... that's true that the guy usually takes the outside. my husband does, but he's older. at work, if there is a guy over 35 around, they won't let me open a door for myself. they've held the men's room door open for me, out of habit. guys 30 and under, especially, it's hit or miss whether they will get the door. i don't care, i can definitely open the door myself, i just like to know what to expect to avoid awkwardness or injury. (running into the door hurts! lol)
i think Reese takes the outside cause it makes her more photographable. jmho.
i think Reese takes the outside cause it makes her more photographable. jmho.
Body-wise, I can't see enough to really feel one way or the other about how Jake is looking. But for me it has always taken more than a body to catch my eye, and, more than just a face too. I want to see some life, personality, sexual energy, confidence, eyes that are alive. All things I see in Austin, none of which I see in Jake with rare exception. When was the last time--pictures at Maggie's premiere and with Ramona in Central Park early this year, biking with Austin? That's about it for the past 6 months.
Special... I agree. he looked more like his old self than i've seen in a long time in the austin pics. good call! but you know what... altho i'm not saying this is the case at all, those pics look like pics from 3 years ago or so. he really did look just like he used to look in those pics. it's kinda uncanny.
re: the other pics you mentioned... i'm not with u quite so much. he didn't look miserable, but he looked subdued and beat down. he looked sloppy and sad in the paris pics with M, imo. not the jake that we used to see. it's like - even when he's away from her - she's dragging him down.
i know: it's Reeke Poisoning! now we just need to find the antidote.
I don't think Jake looked relaxed or happy in the recent pictures from Europe, and that gives me pause. And in Italy he had sunglasses on, so impossible to know. Jake can fake a smile when push comes to shove, but his eyes give him away every time.
With Mike White
With Maggie and Ramona
In Spain but not walking with Reese
With Maggie Peter and Ramona
With the Jenny Lewis' Bandmate Palm Springs
Leaving LAX, by himself
Looking back in the old pictures this past weekend. Jake did the hood thing all the way back in 2005 and in 2006. And the saddest I ever saw him was that second Lakers game and right after, and rushed to NYC, and spent weeks looking like the sad wolfie boy when he and Austin were split. Even with Lance and Matt he looked a little lost, but near the end of the summer you could see the change, and then you found out he was back in NYC with someone on crutches at his table. The next year we found out about Austin broke his ankle skateboarding that same summer.
Jake Gyllenhaal travelled to Washington to visit his Reese and in doing so managed to wipe away her bitchface temporarily. Which is sad. Because I prefer bitchface Reese to sweetface Reese who likes baking cookies for the MiniVan. Ugh.
You'd think bitchface would come out during her personal hours, when Reese is with her boyfriend in matching gym clothes off duty from filming rather than during her works hours on set.
It appears however to be the opposite. Reese's bitchface reveals itself when she's papped at work. Getting papped at work is like getting paid for 2 jobs but only putting the effort of 1. What's the problem?
Spesh... i'll give you this: he definitely tends to look happier when he's away from here, but imo he's still lost a lot of his spark. maybe some of that is age, and i attribute some to the constant headgear. he looks awful in those weird hats he's wearing now, and even the ball cap he has on in DC looks dorky. and the hoodie while he's eating? that's an odd look, even for an outdoor cafe.
i agree with some of the folks who've posted here who say it's like he's trying to cover up and hide all the time now. maybe it's psychological, or maybe it's just his fave fashion thing. who knows?
typo correction: away from her, not away from here
The one who lives unashamed needs neither apology nor headgear.
Danggggg, Lainey being really hard on ol' Reese. What happened there? Or is that sarcasm or what is that? And he didn't wipe it off - she's just put on her Reeke photo op face, that's all.
Special, I've got to agree with Destiny. With the exception of the bike pictures with Austin (oh and also the Vanity Fair pictures when he was chatting up with the ladies), for the most part, Jake is a shadow of what he used to look like 3 years ago. Yeah, he looked great in his tux and he's looked good in a few other outfits, but even at the GG's, his sad eyes took away from how good he looked in that tux.
3 years ago, Jake had that sparkle, that rumpled sexy look going that made him always look like he was ripe for a good you- know-what. Now, no. With the exception of the pictures with Austin. In those pictures, I think we all agree he was sharp looking. Crisp. His smile in that one was on.
It takes more than clothes & a simple for-the-camera smile to add that whatever it is to a guy that drives the women nuts. And Jake had it 3 years ago.
And Reese & everything that came with her & Reeke, has sucked it right out of him.
If I was just seeing Jake for the first time this year in the rags, I, too, would not give him a second glance. Definitely not from any of the pictures with the Dumb Donald cap, the fedora, the gristle & scruff, the hoodies (and yeah, I noticed that he wore the hood up and alot of sloppy clothes back in 2005-6, not that he looked great in those either, but he was also younger there and on a skateboard in some of those, lol), the deadeyes, the insecure posture, the temper fits, etc. All of it. Certainly not anything that would've drawn a hetero girl (isn't that the fanbase his people want for PoP?) to him.
I remember him for how he used to look, smiling so often & he had smirkiness, coyness, flirtiness, confidence. Now? I don't see that. But because I remember how he supposed to be that's why I am still around, hoping that guy comes back; sure years older, but even that could be for the better. So far, not for the better. But I keep hoping.
Even when he's been caught alone in alot of the pictures, he looks like a deer with the headlights. Or his head is down. His head is down so darn often, why is that???
So, like I said, it's not that he hasn't looked attractive in some of the pictures, but it takes that spark in the eyes & rest of his face to really work the whole enchilada.
I don't think he looks bad in these pictures or horribly sad. I do say the one that JJ used for their headlining picture is the worst of the bunch because his eyes look loopy. But could just be that one shot. Heck, everyone takes bad pictures, eyes closed, etc. lol. But he looks alright here, just absolutely ridiculous with the matching outfit. I don't place any significance in these particular pictures because they look like all the other 1000. These 2 have it down to a union 8-5 job role - not only that, but they can put it on automatic pilot now, at will, I think.
darnit! I missed another typo:
I remember how he supposed to be
LOL, what is that? Is that babytalk? Or cavewoman talk?
I think I better turn in. That's what I get for working on several things at once. Can't multi task to save my soul.
Sweet dreams!
Lainey... don't forget, she likes to lay eggs too! Squawkkkk!!!!
Totally off topic, I can't help loving a girl who'll wear a shark hat to a game, not to mention Drew's awful outfit.
Drew in Shark Hat
Lainey may be clueless when it comes to Jake, but she's never liked Reese and has been consistent in thinking they arrange their photo opps.
Totally agree with your post PG.
A lot has happened in the last 3 years,(friend and family passing away, parents splitting up, work, the pressure of HW,) and you are also looking at two young men who have just gotten older and matured. Add in kids that can make you worn out especially if you have 2 under 2.
But there is one thing that is consistent in the pictures of Jake over the last 4 years. It is the look that Jake gets with Austin whether you see Austin in the picture or not, heck even when Jake thinks about something connected to Austin. (Regis and Kelly interview in Oct 07)
As hateful and fucked up as Reeke, bearding and Reese is and as confusing the relationship with Austin is (or whatever his love life), I hope and pray that's what's causing Jake's sad looks lately. There's much worse reasons like serious illness of self and loved ones, and unexpected death, especially of a child, that are irreparable and can't ever be fixed. And can you imagine if something like that is going on, how Jake can't talk about it? I really hope Reeke is Jake's worst problem right now.
Jake tries to drown out the gay rumors.
Hi PG, I finished my exams early June. Thank God I passed and all that's done :)
I don't post much because I've lost interest in Jake almost completely. His life is a mess and the only person who can get him out of it is Jake himself. There's no point blaming Reese for anything. ( the woman is a hypocritical bitch but that's beside the point) It is Jake who doesn't have the guts, integrity and courage to stand on his own two feet and sort out the problems of his fading career and his relationship with Austin.
From Radar Online
Washingtons new first couple
Will be interesting - what are the bets we are getting to see some of the pics with Ms Wentworth?
Radar Online is desperate for money to pay for the lawsuits the state of California has against them for their illegal coverage of OctoMom. I don't know who has sunk the lowest, them for whoring themselves out or Reeke for using them!
The matching outfits are incredibly naff, but I thought that when I read about Reese buying Ava a matching dress for this hypothetical wedding.
Obviously, Reese is the one who thinks it's cute, so Ava and Jake have to go along with it.
lol, sienna. Yeah, maybe she needs the eggs.
Ahh, I didn't know that she didn't care for Reese. A true estrogen-led human to the core, I'm glad to see.
And if PR is paying any attention at all, they should notice that alot of the mentions they're getting anymore are in these obscure, at least I've never heard of sites & periodicals. Used to be they were on every time they did a photo op. I'm trying to remember the last time they were on the cover page of (Okay, here we go, you read it on OMG first. Can you hear that rustle? It's PR digging into their Reeke Expense Account Wallet to pay People for a mention next time around). That is one site I do go to, just to get the latest headlines, I like to usually look at their headline page; it's kinda like standing at the checkout counter, except I don't have to pay $35.00 for just walking into a Wal Mart and coming out with $35.00 worth of stuff, lol.
I am glad to hear you passed your exams, flf. Good for you! Are you still taking more classes?
I know you're not really a Jake fan any longer; I just miss you. it's not just Jake/Austin, HW in general, social issues, etc comments I like to see, it's just you. What are you doing. How are you doing. What is the exciting/not so exciting thing that happened to you this week.
So I'm glad to see you.
Just like I've missed seeing netb. I know how summer can get. But here's a wave at you, netb!
And Special, I totally agree with you. Nothing quite like the smile that Jake gets when he's smiling at Austin. Had we known that we'd not see it but once in what, 3 years, maybe we should've put a patent on that thing. Bottled it up. Cast it in the Sidewalk of Smiles.
And thinking back on these silly DC pictures, it seems evident that it's all about her. She's doing her film and he's showing his "support". Gotta visit her on the set, be seen "around town" with her.
What I don't get is why or how we get all these mentions about being at this restaurant LMAO or Laimo or Imo or Elmo, what is it? I forget. How is it they were seen by all these people, and not that I doubt it, because after all, they do have to eat, lol. But one, no pictures. And I reckon well, maybe it's a restaurant where that kind of thing just isn't done, picture taking. So even if that's the case, what, are there still all these journalists/writers who are hanging out there and can do this frame by frame account of what happened, Jake getting up to go sit on her side of the bench, etc, etc, cuddle (hey! at least it was padded unlike that slab of granite that they did it on in Italy. At least somebody's thinking now! lol), and whatnot.
How is it we get this blow by blow account & several mentions of this whole weekend, but no pics?
Love the Farmers Market mention!! LOLLLL! He does have a history of these things, gotta hand him that. I saw some old pictures of him from years ago at farmers markets. I love them myself.
But dang, somebody gave that person a whole account of the entire weekend. Hmm. But all we have are these workout pictures.
Whew! I just knew I was probably going to lose that comment and so I "preserved" it, Special.
You all have a good day. Sorry I'm a little chatty today. A little snarky.
Ol' Doubting Thomas here.
Good morning everyone. I just saw the news about the DC train wreck. Turns out the higher powers knew some of the trains should not have been running and let them run anyway. Why do these tragedies have to occur before anyone does anything? My heart goes out to all those families. What a senseless tragedy.
"the DC train wreck"
You mean Reeke?!
That's what we should call Reeke, wherever they are. "the London trainwreck" "the LA trainwreck" "the Ojai trainwreck" "the Farmers Market trainwreck" "the Dean & Deluca trainwreck" "the Starbucks trainwreck" "the Peets trainwreck" etc...
"Praire girl" I don't understand why you neede to google IHJ when it's linked to this page, ahs been since day one.
There is a fan encounter of Jake at that Farmers Market on Saturaday posted on Jake G fans, you need to join to read that entry. It's run by Stephanie at IHJ:
A not so pleasent Jake encounter from Sunday:
You don't have to search way back to find pics of Jake at Farmers Markets, there are plent very recent pictures.
But there are no pictures of Jake at the farmers market in DC. Just carefully scripted walk by in Georgetown after days and days chatter and speculation.
And how didn't the farmer's market story come up on Sunday and but somehow just popped up after the photos appeared Monday morning?
Above is a link to a Jake site/LJ that describes an encounter with Jake at the Farmers Market on Saturday, she works there. She posted the encounter a 6/21 @ 12:26AM, so oone would assume it took place on Saturday. The Radar story says Saturday along with him taking pictures. We will see if the oictures show up, meanwhile yo can join that site to read about the encounter.
Also linked above is a not so nice encounter at the movies on 6/21 that you have yet to comment on.
When there were chatter and twitters about him in NY solo and with Reese and no photos, but a few days later there was, this is no different.
Where has he been since he left the UK last week? There were constant twitters of him in London and Paris and then pics, same pattern.
If he was elsewhere then he is way under the radar and the people that see him don't twitter then.
Where has he been since he left the UK last week?
We have no idea when Jake left UK.
No airport pictures of Jake for a long time - US, UK, France.
Oops, forget France - no UK or US (LA, NYC) airport pictures.
Reeke Karma, thanks for the laugh (after I got over my momentary horror at possible cat abuse).
FLF, good to see you, congratulations on your exams. I always enjoy your posts, so hope you don't make yourself too scare.
I think a lot of the twitters and sightings are made up by pr. And funny how they've now come up with a "story" for why we didn't see him on Father's Day. And you just know Reese wasn't going to been seen as spending that day alone, had to take away attention from the fact Ryan would have the kids.
That being said, I totally agree with flf. Jake decided to go along with this, and agreed to the bearding terms. The fact many of them may have come from Reese only matters to me to the extent that it shows what a conniving b*tch she is. But the fact that Jake would go along with that says alot about his lack of character.
People is too busy putting together their Hottest Bachelors issue, which includes two out gay men.
I find it fascinating to watch how Jake's grip on the closet continues to harden while all around him the rest of the house is coming down piece by piece.
Well despite the fact that there were no airport pics of him he was in Paris with his family and in the UK, the blogger pic of him in the park.
Not every celeb goes through Lax and there are things called private jets.
The Farmers market encounter was linked to on IHJ, GB and WDW on Sunday/Monday. They didn't post the encouner just the link, you have to join it to read it.
It could be that Radar was lurking and did see the link and joined to read it and made up the story but that doesn't change the fact that a fan posted and about it first on Saturday.
The fan encounter of them at the movies and other sightings clearly put him in DC for the weekend at least even if you dismiss all the twitters from last week.
The anger at him in DC is puzzling and weird.
Not every celeb goes through Lax and there are things called private jets.
I know. Jake, Reese and Reeke are using airport paparazzi when that suits them.
The Farmers market encounter was linked to on IHJ, GB and WDW on Sunday/Monday.
Thanks, but no thanks. Reeke PR crap is boring enough.
The fan encounter of them at the movies and other sightings clearly put him in DC for the weekend at least even if you dismiss all the twitters from last week.
It's just another "sighting".
Destiny, according to that blogger at that link, they were seen on Sunday: At the movies where they described Jake as a jerk. Posted 6/21 at 10:24PM. Radar wasn't aware of that I guess, LOL!! Or the other sighting of them at the movies posted at
And why the hell should she care about being seen alone on Fathers day, it's not Mothers day. There were no pictures of her on Mothers day and none of Ryan on Fathers day and I assume they spent the day with the kids on both days.
You can't control what's on twitter, although i'm sure attempts are made, cough.
Radar wasn't aware of that I guess, LOL!!
PR doesn't care about details, fangirls don't care about them.
It could be that Radar was lurking and did see the link and joined to read it and made up the story but that doesn't change the fact that a fan posted and about it first on Saturday.
Radar posted what PR prepared for them.
You can't control what's on twitter, although i'm sure attempts are made, cough.
I'm sure you're very busy.
I was working at the Georgetown farmer's market in Washington D.C., and then he was there buying vegetables. He bought $25 worth of cherries and strawberries and greens from our stand. And he was so sweet and gorgeous and conscientious and amazing and ohmygod, I SWOOOOOON. I was like, "you look just like Jake Gyllenhaal!" And he was like, "ahh, about that. That's me." And I almost fainted. But then I wouldn't have been able to sell him cherries! He walked around for a long time going from stand to stand. I wanted to ask him for a picture or autograph but I could tell he was trying to be low-key about it, so I didn't. But I wanted to! And he was asking tons of questions about the vegetables because apparently he loves to cook and HE COULD NOT BE MORE PERFECT.
No mention of the General.
Reeke is fake and boring as Hell with and without twitter and blogs sighting fiction.
Why would he buy greens when he's staying in a hotel? And with all those meals out? They couldn't just leave it at fruit, because then they couldn't work in how much he loves to cook and create an image of Jake cooking for Reese.
We've all years of following Jake and reeke, and certain things just leap out like red flags after awhile.
Man, someone is sure desperate to have us believe Jake was in D.C. on Sunday. If that's you Evelyn/pr, well, you know what? I've stepped back from believing there is a baby tile, in part because I have a hard time believing anyone would do to a child what Jake and Austin are doing if he or she exists. But stuff like this pushes me right off the fence and into the BT exists camp.
@The sighting: You purposely left some things out: The post said Jake encounter, not Jake and Reese so why would you add that she wasn't there? She wasn't there at the Radar sighting either. According to twitters on Saturday, she was filming. Destiny, how do you know wjere he is staying? Hotel? Renting a Townhouse, we have no idea do we? The sighting on the LJ was on SATURDAY, not SUNDAy, reading comprehension:
21 June 2009 @ 12:26 am
(no subject)
I met Jake Gyllenhaal today! TRUFAX.
I was working at the Georgetown farmer's market in Washington D.C., and then he was there buying vegetables. He bought $25 worth of cherries and strawberries and greens from our stand. And he was so sweet and gorgeous and conscientious and amazing and ohmygod, I SWOOOOOON.
I was like, "you look just like Jake Gyllenhaal!"
And he was like, "ahh, about that. That's me."
And I almost fainted. But then I wouldn't have been able to sell him cherries!
He walked around for a long time going from stand to stand. I wanted to ask him for a picture or autograph but I could tell he was trying to be low-key about it, so I didn't. But I wanted to! And he was asking tons of questions about the vegetables because apparently he loves to cook and HE COULD NOT BE MORE PERFECT.
I guess Steph on IHJ is in on the PR scam since it's her LJ.
HEAR, HEAR, Destiny!!!
I'm online right now.
Exactly. Someone's trying real hard. Giving us links and everything.
Without any of us asking!!
penny for the baby, sir?
orange alert
Anyone can post a "sighting".
Oh, and to answer someone's question, heck, I google all the time. But I do believe when I got on yesterday afternoon when I got home, I went straight to google, not OMG.
But then you wouldn't know about all my computer problems and loss of bookmarks, would you, because you're not a regular.
Do you want to hear about my laptop crash last week? I could really bore you with a story.
you are free to believe whatever you want.
Just don't try to sell it as truth or facts.
The fact that someone chose to post on IHJ does not mean Steph is working for pr, anymore than your posting here means Special is working for pr.
PR really shows its low sregard for Jake's fans with all its spining, but then we already knew that or Jake wouldn't be lying to his fans.
Reminds me of how pr gave the Reeke are a couple "exclusive" to that self-loathing homophobe Perez Hilton. You know the one, who only outs people who have the courage to not have beards. The one who called a f*ggot.
Anyway, I digress. Since you seem to believe every twitter is true, there was one of Reeke at a hotel. But the reason I think Reese is at a hotel is that is pretty common for stars to be put up at hotels during a shoot that is not expected to last a long time, Romcoms tend to have quick schedules.
Maybe SK should delete IHJ from this site and stop using pictures from there since it's implied that the Jake sighting that was posted on her site @12?26 am on 6/21 indicating that he was at the Farmers Market on Saturday was a PR plant.
That's a lot of trouble since it would have been easier to just plant it on a blog that was more acessible and good easily pop on google.
Posters here already knew about that sighting when it was first posted but chose not to mention it .
Google is trying really hard to substantiate Jake's alleged whereabouts. Must be the source of the twitters himself/herself. Anywhere but in Austin's arms.
LOL PG! A penny for a baby.
And yes, I've been a very bad girl and have not taken cover during an orange alert. :-D
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