Sorry for the delay- hopefully all technical difficulties are resolved (at least for today).
It seems like Austin likes to have a little photo fun. (ahem) So we will have a little photo fun of our own with him.
It all comes down to the positive and negative. Look at what happens when crop happens.
Does it remind you of anything?
Does that mean you get candy when you suck on his neck? Would this explain trips to a medical office, it's going to see a dentist due too much candy?
Think we monkeyed with the picture that much - well here's the original. The pez effect - that's just Austin doing turtlenecks.
Reminder: OMG Movie Club - Summer Double Feature
This Friday night/Saturday (June 12-13th) - We will be discussing both the movie The Day After Tomorrow as well as a comparative discussion of the TDAT with the recent release Star Trek.
Next Friday night/Saturday (June 19-20th) - We will be discussing the LGTB movie Big Eden Here's hoping you join us for one or both discussions.
To Adam Lambert - Here's to the brightest future ahead. Make the path ahead of you proudly yours.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Crop happens.
Posted by
Special K
2:10 PM
Labels: Fun with Photos, Movie Club, Pez Pez Pez, Photography
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Since I was so late posting I will start the comments going on this late post.
Like the fact that Rolling Stone didn't do the assumed headline for Adam. Here's hoping that others magazine follow suit and will not sensationalize coming out for sales, but
Jake's competition might be less for Rock of Ages, because Simon Cowell wants to remake Saturday Night Fever with Zac Eron. Seriously - HW tap some new talent of writers, how many remakes can you make. And how sad is this that Ridley Scott is directing a movie based on Monopoly, yes the game.
Looks like Ms. W is back in LA since there are pictures of her back on the softball field. Seriously paps hang around UCLA all day in the summer? Even students don't do that. Kind of sounds like she made the trip back on her own. Wonder why? ; )
Those Reese pictures are Fynet exclusives. lol
Fynet Pictures site
As much as I love Austin, I don't think I want a Pez Austin. I don't like turtlenecks in general, and not a good look for Austin. His head looks like it has nothing to do with the body in that picture.
And speaking of photos, I finally got a chance to really read and look at the pictures from Austin's latest blogging. At first the bird analogy made me groan, but then I remembered what Austin said about his animal being a bird, and all the bird shirts we've seen on Jake. And I can't quite put my finger entirely on it, but there is something a bit subversive about the whole thing. The commentator on wft2 who said it could be making fun of Reeke could very well be right.
And the ambiguity is back. :-)
This ties in very neatly with Adam, because I thought of the photos of Austin with the "birds" when I read this quote of Adam's from the RS interview:
Still, Lambert, 27, says he doesn't mind attention from the opposite sex. "I loved it this season when the girls went crazy for me," he says. "As far as I'm concerned, it's all hot."
Even if Austin is now 100% gay I think he likes the attention from women, finds it kind of hot, and it shows. Another reason those photos are kind of subversive: more chemistry in them than in thousands of Reeke.
By the way, I really enjoyed todays post, even if I find Pez Austin a little disturbing. Very funny, and amazing too what you can do just by cropping.
"Even if Austin is now 100% gay"
I wonder if he is 100% gay,maybe he explores all possibilities.
One thing I mean about Austin playing with photos was - how in the first picture from his birds, all the highlighting is different on his and the blonde's face. His shine gives him away. The shine on his face says that the light was coming from the left of the photographer who took the picture. But the girl has lightening on her face that says that the light was coming from the right of the photographer. And them having the heads turned in different directions doesn't change that fact. Look at the light on the end of their noses, its on the opposite sides.
That makes me really wonder if there was some photo magic involved.
And someone (my apologies for forgetting who said it) that a lot of gay guys have great relationships with women, more so than straight men.
I thought that of the first photo too Special. And you're right about relationships, although I was thinking of something a bit more than that, a physical attraction or appreciation that generates some chemistry or sexual energy without more. I think Adam has that with women, and Austin too.
If Jake has it, it has largely been subsumed by Reeking and a fear of attracting the male gaze. Now maybe this is a strange idea, but it's one I've been toying with the past few days too. By changing his image, is Jake also deliberately trying to avert not only the male gaze, but the female gaze? Or is it just that you can't do one without other? Is what Jake is doing sexist as well as homophobic, i.e., so what if what his women fans want is a hot Jake, he's moved on and is too "mature" "serious" (fill in the blank) for that now?
for what it's worth, i miss hot jake. i have enough serious shit in my life. i liked having one happy, pretty, fun, harmless crush. why did he have to take that away? grrrr
Sienna, seriously, go take a look at Prison Jake.
It's liable to really inspire you.
I think I need to send it to Vic; it makes me think about Brokeback Redemption, lol.
lol, how appropriate that my present avatar is Agent Mahone (William Fitchner).
LOLLLL! The Seinfeld episode that TBS is showing right now is the King of My Domain episode (The Contest). This one's a killer.
Kramer: I'm out!!
Great RS article on Adam Lambert and I wish him all the best. But man, some of the comments on the USA Today link make REALLY depressing reading.
Yeah for Adam. It is great he is finally out. I hope he makes trillions of dollars and I think he will.
My poor cubemate. I think it was a little rough the 2 days I was gone. We're short a person and it's always the gruntworkers who take the brunt of it.
My turn's coming, tho. We have vacays up the ying yang this month so I figure I'll be getting some fatter checks with the OT.
Speaking of up the ying yang, I am going to make you guys laaaaaaugh!
Sienna, these are dedicated for you because you & I share a fondness for this part of the male anatomy and these little icons are just a killer. Maybe some of you have seen these before; I hadn't. These are funny. And you know, I don't really say the word a-s-s, I can write it, but I say butt. So, I'll try to be as gentle with these as I can so as not to offend. But this is Just.A.Killer.
Thanks to my friend CH!!! for sending these.
Okay, here goes.
Sienna, these'll cheer you up.
We all know those cute little computer symbols called 'emoticons,' where:
:) means a smile and
:( is a frown.
Sometimes these are represented by
Well, how about some A_ _ icons?
Here goes:
(_!_) a regular ass
(_ _!_ _) a fat ass
(!) a tight ass
(_*_) an a_ _ h _ _ _
{_!_} a swishy ass
(_o_) an ass that's been around
(_x_) kiss my ass
(_X_) leave my ass alone
(_zzz_) a tired ass
(_E+mc2_) a smart ass
(_$_) Money coming out of his ass
(_?_) Dumb Ass
You have just been e-mooned!
snicker. I thought those were clever. The first one's my favorite. It's such a cute one, lol. Maybe some of these could be called emoticon porn, huh?
I hope they don't offend anyone.
Oh, and I guess they call it Master of my Domain, not King. Oops! Hilarious! George's mom is in the hospital and idiot George gets off his mom's roommate getting a sponge bath. LOLLL!
Jake's in London without the Chin.
Maggie is filming in London.
With Maggie in London, it makes you wonder if Jake bunked in at her & Peter's for NY. Then you wonder if Jake is in London or it's cover for him somewhere else. You just don't know. Twitter can be played both sides. You only know when pictures show. But it does sound like he has some distance between him and Ms. W.
Like Maggie in the 1940's setting, something about her fitting in the era, she's always reminded me of a 40's Hollywood starlette.
Watching Sox vs. Yankees first of a three game series this week. Big Papi hitting a 2 run homer in the second. Woo Hoo. Go Sox!
Love the ass emoticons.
She does look very 40's in those picures, Special, I agree with you there. My sister loved that Nanny McPhee movie, watches it over & over whenever it's on. I can't get past Emma Thompson's nose and I didn't like the looks of Colin Firth in it so I have never seen the first one, lol.
Got the laundry going. About to fall asleep...
I know I can count on Elinor to look at those Brothers stills. Elinor, wherever you are, let me know when you've looked at Jake's pictures from Brothers and what you think of them. If you want. Don't want to force anybody, lol.
Kacieeeee! I saw you on here over the weekend and forgot to send you a greeting. How is that remodeling going? Is your painting done? What else are you doing? Do you like it?
I thought they were clever, Destiny. Who do you reckon sits at a keyboard and plays around, coming up with this stuff? I never would've thought of that.
I never think of stuff like that either PG. I was I had the creative gene, but I don't.
I loved the ass emoticons! i am a (_zzz_) tonight. work was kinda monstrous!
That Hairy Palm FREAKED ME OUT! Good Lord! Stuff like that is just too weird for my brain to assimilate. GAK!!!!!
I hope Jake is in London and Maggie has him tied to a sofa bitching him out about how Reeke is the worst thing ever and he needs to get a clue and end this crap NOW!
A girl's gotta have hope!
Hugs. S!
If Jake is visiting Maggie we all know why Reese "it's all about MEEEE" wasn't invited.
Prairie Girl, about 2 weeks ago, my
neighbor who was doing the painting
for me fell and hurt his leg. It turns out it is a sprained ligament
and he is now on crutches. So it
will probably be awhile before he
starts for me again! The bedroom
and livingroom ceilings were painted and the kitchen walls and
cabinets were painted. The kitchen
is sort of a light beige and white.
It looks a lot better!
I have to have an outpatient
surgery on my nose on July 14th!
I think it is called septology. My
insurance will pay for it. I do not
want to but the doctor thought it
was best because I have blockage
in my left nostril. I will be off
work probably for 2 weeks or so.
I do not mean to sound so harsh
about Jake and Reese but I get so
TIRED of the same old thing! Jake
is now also a doorman and package
carrier (from shopping)! I am just
joking but it gets so boring after
awhile! Prairie Girl, I hope you do
make more money from your overtime!
Please take care and as usual sorry
for the long post!!
I do hope the Jake/Anne Hathaway
movie does happen for I think it
would be a good one! I also hope
the Joe Namath movie happens one day. Keep me informed when The
Informers DVD comes out!!
Hi Kacie! That is too bad about your neighbor. I'm kind of glad it's just a sprain, tho, and not a break or something that would need surgery, right? So, hopefully, he will heal alright and well, in the meantime, you can stare at your newly painted walls and wonder about colors for kitchen towels! Beige and white sound like great colors for a kitchen. For one thing, just about anything works with that. And beige is a restful color and white is bright - pretty good combination, Kace.
Hey, so it sounds like you are working pretty regularly again? That's fantastic news! Even though you have to have sinus surgery. I know that sounds scary, but hopefully you'll feel better after it.
I agree, sienna. Wherever Jake is, let's hope someone is talking to him & getting through, if this is something he can get out of. If it's something he still can't get out of for awhile yet, then there's not a whole lot that can be done.
But he could sure stop being a path clearer (lol), a doorman (lol, Kacie), and bodyguard for HW (Her witheredspoonness), at least. Think I'm going to call her HW from now on, and no that doesn't stand for Hollywood, lol.
Wow, I just saw that cover picture of Adam on Rolling Stone. I'm not a lover of gothic, but that picture is HOT!
Whew. The photographer who came up with that pose is a great envisioner.
I thought the Rolling Stone cover was cool too. Sounds like Adam is pretty down to earth. I wish him well.
Forgot to say hi to Kacie, Good luck with your surgery Kacie.
Adam’s father Eber caught his 13-year-old son looking at gay pornography on the family computer, and turned to his wife and said ‘It’s official.’
Later, Lambert’s mother asked if he had a girlfriend. He said no. She asked if he had a boyfriend. He said no. Then she asked if he wanted a boyfriend, to which Lambert replied “Yes, that would be nice.”
Hi Kacie. Good luck with your surgery.
I think that RS cover of Adam is really hot too. And how lucky he is to have such cool parents, I'm sure that contributed to his being so confident and comfortable with who he is.
"Adam’s father Eber caught his 13-year-old son looking at gay pornography on the family computer, and turned to his wife and said ‘It’s official.’
The D.C. Board of Elections and Ethics is holding a hearing today on whether the City Council bill to recognize same-sex marriages performed in others states can be put to a referendum
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