It's not 2020 yet on One Tree Hill but with all their jump aheads they are closing in on 2015? Is that math right? Did they have to keep adding years so that Brooke could keep finding hot celebs to hook up with? I can't keep up with all this math,
Top Ten Things Julian did during the missing year of One Tree Hill.10. Lived out life long dream of singing songs about math. Did the supper club circuit and mathlete events.
9. Took a year abroad - living La Dolce Vita and running away from prostitutes
8. Started his own clothing line for epaulet loving man - called Sho's Over - now being sued by Brooke and Victoria Davis for trademark infringement.
7. Spent the year figuring out which was better Julian Baker Davis or Julian Davis Baker on his notebooks and movie credits.
6. Headed up the remake of Dawson's Creek for the CW - starring the Sprouse twins Dylan and Cole as Dawson and his forehead with Katie Holmes back as Joey Potter.5. Pitched a new reality series called "Shut Up Nick Lachey" where Nick Lachey shows up as Nick Lachey, mishegas ensues
4. Rumspringa
3. He had style, he had flair, he was there, That's how he became the Manny. (for Sawyer Brooke Scott that is)
2. Bought the rights to the Dan Scott story - The Dog Ate My Heart: The Dan Scott Transplant Story - soon to be on Discovery Health and Spike TV.
And the number one thing Julian Baker did during the mystery year of OTH
Built a better star trailer.
You know........ for backgammon.
This one's good guys!
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Tempus Fugit
Posted by
Special K
12:42 PM
Labels: Julian Baker, Man of Mystery, OTH, Top Ten List
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Unless growing a pair is on that list somewhere, the trailer is sadly just going to go to waste.
And speaking of that topic, I know I've gone on at length about how I think bearding is bad for a child, but two things have been buzzing around in my head since the D.C. Reeking.
One, I don't see how pretending that someone else is your partner is a good thing for your child. I find it hard to believe any child is not going to be affected by that, and look at Austin and think, what's wrong with Austin that Jake is ashamed to have people know he is really with him.
Two, I don't see how spending a week in D.C. just for the purpose of bearding, rather than in Wilmington with Austin, is a good thing for Baby Tile. Now I know being apart can't be helped when they both have work, but if you're really a family, and one where you're often apart, how can you not spend it together when you can? How does that benefit Baby Tile?
One more thing. I know I'm probably going to be driving the bus for this one--or more likely, the get-away car as people fire away--but it is a thought I have had repeatedly since Jake popped up in D.C. and can't seem to shake, but have until now kept to myself. I'm tired of censoring myself, so here goes:
How is the way Jake treats Austin, and the way Austin goes along with it, that much different than a glorified rent boy? Which is not to say I don't think they don't love and care for each other, and Austin of course does have his own work and makes a living, but increasingly I am having a hard time seeing any other differences.
To paraphrase Rachel Maddow, I'd love to be talked down on this one.
Austin, is that you?
Just like it's Guncle Jake for Deacon & Ava, maybe it's Fauxnt Reese for BT.
I'm not two yet. Do you remember being two?
"The Dog Ate My Heart: The Dan Scott Transplant Story"
The Bird Swallowed My Tooth: A Pecker's Cavity-Searching Deepthroat Story About Turkeys And Their Wishbones
Oh wow, latest reports from TMZ (and they're pretty accurate over there) is not only are neither MJ and Debby Rowe NOT the biological parents of the 2 kids (apparently she was the surrogate not the natural mother or the egg donor), and he's not the father of any of the 3, but that MJ didn't even fill out adoption papers for the 3 kids. How he could get away with that omission is unbelievable.
But the thing is, why I'm putting it here, is IF Jake/Austin has a Baby Tile (or more than 1) and they haven't done the paperwork either, what if something happens? I've always wondered about this, why NO discovery that BT exists has been found, ie no paperwork, no documentation. Could be BT is being handled, or rather non-handled, a la the MJ attorney method, a course of delays and non-filing or incomplete (and thus rejected) of official documents.
Laugh all you want, but this MJ/children/heir thing is going to open a can of worms for many in the same surrogate/donor/adoption areas, especially in celeb circles where money might not buy them the option to avoid filing official documents anymore.
If J&A are operating on the assumption that what they do doesn't matter until BT is older they are seriously deceiving themselves.
Short example. My brother was adopted when he was around 2. Although he doesn't remember his real mother, and didn't, until he was almost an adult, know the stories of how he was abandoned at an orphanage several times, the effect that had on him was clear from day one. The insecurity, the fact that my mother couldn't even go to the bathroom without him banging outside the door because he couldn't bear for her to be out of his sight.
Children see and absorb more than you think, even if they cannot articulate it or put specific memories to it.
Not to mention, what happens when the child is older and starts surfing around the internet. There are already thousands of Reeke pictures, how many more will there be before this is over? And what, a yearly bike outing of Jaustin?
Regarding records of BT, adoption records are private records, so the fact that they can't be uncovered doesn't mean they don't exist.
3. He had style, he had flair, he was there, That's how he became the Manny. (for Sawyer Brooke Scott that is)
You are evil. Now I've got that song in my head.
He had style, he had flair, he was there, That's how he became the Manny. (for Sawyer Brooke Scott that is)
You are evil. Now I've got that song in my head.
I quite like that song. It's catchy. Miss Fine what do you think?
Adoption records might be private but there are other avenues document-wise that, gathered collectively, could probably prove BT's existence.
A few years ago I went to a new doctor who I found attractive and who was definately flirting with me. I liked him as a Dr, but before I dumped him professionally so that I could date him, I wanted to make sure he was single first. So I checked public records for marriage you know in my state its virtually impossible to find out if someone's married?! Marriage records were out, unless you knew both parties names, which, I didn't, duh. Anyway to try to find out I just dug and dug, all public records, nothing sneaky. You wouldn't believe what I found out, trust accounts, grants, all info on his house, the layout, all past residences and phone #s, school stuff, even the names, businesses, addresses and phone #s of all his neighbors at home. EVERYTHING but an official statement if he was married. Of course from the info I did get I could ascertain he was single, so it didn't go to waste.
But my point being, if someone has the time and there are enough even little documents, on BT, it can be done. I'm sure people have the time and places like TMZ might have tried, even Ian Undercover or that JJ guy probably tried, but came up with zero. So it makes me suspicious that the lack of any avenues is probably due to intentional omission, either by extremely cagey lawyers and/or money. It all works okay until somebody dies, like MJ.
destiny, if BT exists, I'm sure that J&A are providing a very stable and loving home for him/her. You could see Reeking as Jake's day job at the moment (well he ain't doing anything else) so the hours spent reeking are just like someone going out to work. If children were seriously affected by their parents working we really would be in trouble. Your brother obviously had a very traumatic and sad start to life which would have a serious impact on a child. I don't think you n compare someone going out or a two hour coffee run and pap pic session with what he went through. If BT is mainly with Jake at the moment the child probably spends more time with its parent the most children.
Also, although we've only seen a few J&A pics in the past year, we have no idea how many private happy family pics there are (which is obviously the way it should be). If they are bearding as a means to keep BT away from prying eyes they're probably giving the child a much better start in life than some other celeb kids have.
Also (again again sorry for questioning what you're saying) implying that Austin is a de-facto glorified rent boy seems a bit harsh. If anything, especially over the past few weeks, Jake's the one who's looking like a very well paid male escort. Again, treating Reeke as a job, Jake's getting paid to pretend to be the bf of Reese, if Austin is also living off these earning, doesn't that actually make Austin the equivalent to Jake's pimp. (Obviously it doesn't, but its the same sort of reasoning).
Apologies again destiny if this sound argumentatives, I certainly don't intend it to.
Wicked needs a new monitor, hers is all worn down from fondling the mermaid pic from today.
Thank god for 1080p! :)
Any word on Dan Choi?
*a limo pulls up outside Destiny's house, a beaming Austin emerges holding 36 long stemmed red roses, a huge pale blue Tiffany's bag full of an assortment of sizes of pale blue Tiffany's boxes, and two one-way tickets to paradise. He takes three long graceful strides towards her front door....and then he gets an urgent vibrating message on his cell, from his RSS comment feed on his favorite blog. He reads it.*
"Glorified rent boy??"
*Destiny hears an odd wailing sound, like a large bird who's getting his wings torn off and plucked alive, so she gets up and looks out the window. All that's visible is long rubber burn tire tracks on the street, car exhaust smoke and some poor runned-over roses. Red ones, she thinks.*
So far this is all I know:
Gay officer’s discharge hearing continues into afternoon
June 30th, 2009, 11:41 am · 6 Comments · posted by Martin Wisckol, Politics reporter
National Guard Lt. Dan Choi of Tustin began his hearing at 8 a.m. EDT in Syracuse this morning and it is continuing into the afternoon, according to this report from The Post-Standard of Syracuse.
Choi faces discharge for openly declaring his homosexuality. You can read about his case here.
“Choi and his attorney presented evidence this morning to a panel of two Army officers and two National Guard officers at an armory at Hancock Air Base, said Sue Fulton, a spokeswoman for Knights Out, a group of gay and straight West Point Alumni who support the rights of gay soldiers,” according to The Post-Standard.
Media is banned from the hearing. I’ve traded voice mails with Choi and hope to talk to him after the hearing.
Gay officer’s discharge hearing continues into afternoon
Don't apologize for being argumentative Meg. Everyone has a different opinion, and I raise these things in part to express mine, and in part to hear what other people have to say.
One thing I want to clarify, I didn't mean to imply my brother's situation was the same, the only point I was making is that you can't dismiss what J&A are doing by arguing that nobody remembers anything from when they were two years old. Clearly they do.
And we're no longer talking about coffee runs in LA, but trips all over the globe, and substantial chunks of time, if Baby Tile exists, of only being with one (or maybe none) of his or her fathers. It's one reason why HW couples often try to shoot films at different times--so they can spend time together.
If BT exists, and J&A were not in the closet, Jake would be hanging out on the set of OTH, not Reese's film.
If the twitters are to be believed, Jake spent at least a week in D.C. And for what? It may be "work" in the sense that it is not his private life, it is not "work" in the sense of filming PoP. Where does it all end? It seems to me it is just snowballing, and more to the point, I'm beginning to think there is some part of Jake that really enjoys hanging out with Reese and other big stars, getting all the publicity from doing so. I suspect Jake thinks it makes him look important, and like a big star himself. Austin can't give him that, and I can't help but wonder if that isn't a problem, especially with all the hints from Ted about Jake wishing GG was George Clooney, and GG wishing he was a big star. OF course that is truly speculative as I don't think Ted has any real information anymore.
Reeke has been ramped up big time. Now, it has crossed my mind that Jake is doing this in part to convince people there is no other private life, because gosh, how could he have time for a boyfriend and baby when he spends it all with Reese.
Bottom line, I think Jake and Austin are compounding the lying and homophobic behavior by making it even worse than it has to be for a child if he or she exists.
I really don't see how spending a week away from your family is better for a child than a few minutes of paps. And on that point, I want to remind you that one of the tabloid editors said that they never run pictures of children unless the parents are okay with it. So children are not at the mercy of the paps, unless their parents chose to put them at their mercy, the way Reese does.
Now, I will concede I may be too harsh with my rent boy comments, although it comes in part from my feeling about Jake enjoying hanging out with all the big stars, traveling all over the world, going to top restaurants, games, plays, taking private planes. And then he goes home to "the little wife". I don't know that I really believe that deep down, but it is a thought that keeps creeping into my mind.
LOL Tail. :-D
If a new Twitter is to be believed, Jake was sighted having lunch in Santa Monica today.
No graphs today from our bonny graph numbers expert Meg but before I forget I wanna say from the last batch, I always fondly think of her now as Meg O'Math.
I know you're all thinking oh oh, here she comes again. One more thing that I meant to say, I can't help but wonder if that poem isn't also about Jake and Austin, with the land representing everything that Jake is,and Austin as a water person, as we already discussed.
And I'm the ferocious mermaid with the sexy long furry tail!
There is one thing all these years from TDAT until now that has not changed about Jake. That is the look on his face when he is with Austin, (in the frame or out of frame) or even thinking of him
It is the same look, the same glow, the same smile. Lust does not last. Love does.
Still thinking that Jake was only the job in DC only for the few days he was photographed.
My apologies ME that I called you by the wrong name, yesterday. I was thinking along the same lines you were.
That is the look on his face when he is with Austin, (in the frame or out of frame) or even thinking of him
So now you believe you can read Jake's mind. Fascinating.
Thanks for the update, Local Boy. I hope that the longer the trial is, the better it could go.
Judge upholds start date of DC gay marriage law
7/6/09 is the date.
DM - check out the interview of Jake in Oct 2007 - Live with Regis and Kelly and you will see what I mean,
he gets that look when they ask him if he is dating anyone.
Great news about DC Wicked.
Glad you like the graphs Mega Good, don't worry I'm sure there will be more, I'm just waiting for more data to appear on the long term impact of reeking (its not looking too good at the moment, let me tell you).
Some cute young Swedish/Aussie-looking male model porn guy combined Jake and Heath's names for his porn name (and leaving out an L), Heath Gylenhaal. Might be a bad idea, a lawsuit waiting to happen, LOL:
Heath Gylenhaal, the new Bel Ami lust object, has a name problem. Even Bel Ami called him Jake Gylenhaal, on his promotional photos. Oops. That is the risk when you create a porn name from the two stars of "Brokeback Mountain."
NSFW (male nudes with hardons and ya know, doing stuff.. ) Sizing Up blog
You're welcome Wicked. Even though the trial is way way over there its nice that our hero Lt. Dan Choi is from here in Tustin. I hope his connection and communications with the reporter from OC will glean extra tidbits or insight than just reading the regular generic story meant for everyone.
Gay officer comments while awaiting discharge verdict
June 30th, 2009, 2:28 pm · 15 Comments · posted by Martin Wisckol, Politics reporter
[Updated with comments from a military law expert who says the rules are pretty clear, and Choi is likely to get a honorable discharge.]
Lt. Dan Choi of Tustin is awaiting the verdict from a military panel considering whether he should be discharged for publicly announcing his homosexuality. Read more about the case here.
While waiting, he has posted the following comments on the Web site of Knights Out, a support group he helped form for West Point Military Academy gays.
“About three hours of deliberation and no verdict yet. Every witness on both sides said I was an asset to the unit and the only evidence were statements of homosexuality . My statement included Arabic poem, I am gay, refuse to lie, my duty to ensure the message to every gay soldier that they are not alone. …
“I’ve received support text messages from around the world, and most importantly the members of my unit. My statement talked about Army values of integrity and sending a message from Knights Out to all the deployed soldiers or anyone who feels isolated, that indeed NO soldier stands alone. (Outside the hearing room is a poster with that exact message.) I also said I am gay. I refused to lie, and told them I refuse to stay silent, particularly since the soldiers in my unit respect honesty above personal gain. I recited the Iraqi poem of historic fame and of course translated it myself. In Arabic English and transliterated English. I presented the total 260,000 support letters and signatures to include statements by generals, admirals, and congressmen. I refuse to go quietly, and explained this as my duty.”
David Glazier, who specializes in military law at Loyola Law School, said 500 to 1000 gays are kicked out of the military each years because their homosexuality has become public. He said the rule is clear, and Choi is “almost certain” to join this year’s group.
“In the vast majority of cases, it’s an honorable discharge because they haven’t done anything criminal,” Glazier said. “In most the cases you hear about, these people are highly regarded, they’re discovered to ge gay and then they’re persona non grata.”
OC register
"I am gay. I refused to lie, and told them I refuse to stay silent, particularly since the soldiers in my unit respect honesty above personal gain."
In other words, lying and being dishonest, not fighting for rights - the qualities abhorrent in a soldier - is preferable to the US Military TPTB if you are gay. I could never live with that double standard. Glad Choi can't either.
"My apologies ME that I called you by the wrong name, yesterday. I was thinking along the same lines you were."
I saw that you said m. But m also discussed the poem and the symbols in a comment so really which was it? Since m has been here for awhile maybe me needs to pick another moniker and one that's a proper name or an object not a pronoun.
I presented the total 260,000 support letters and signatures to include statements by generals, admirals, and congressmen.
260,000 supporters. YES!
Since m has been here for awhile maybe me needs to pick another moniker and one that's a proper name or an object not a pronoun.
You, you may not realize this or may be new here, but ME is a long-time poster who goes back to the days of the original WFT. Many people know her under the moniker ME.
"Austin, is that you?"
(2.13 pm)
No one saw this??!
Just wondered if anyone here has legal is it that MJ died a few days ago and now the public (gossip sites, news sites, etc) has located his will, seen the contents and has copies of his kids birth certificates? Are those things immediately open for public consumption right after a person dies, have the news/gossip sites had access all along but respected his privacy only while he was alive, or is someone who was close to MJ squealing/getting paid off to provide the info?
Its just curious to me how all of it is being uncovered.
Wills are private until they go through probate. Only the preparing attorney and the will's subject would have copies. So the will was given by a source in the lawyer's office if it is floating around.
Birth certificates are publicly recorded. But you need the date, the city they are filed in and name of the child to find them. Marriage licenses and birth certificates are filed with the city or town not the state or the feds so they can be hard to track down but not impossible. There are databases that can be searched for a fee.
****And we're no longer talking about coffee runs in LA, but trips all over the globe, and substantial chunks of time, if Baby Tile exists, of only being with one (or maybe none) of his or her fathers. It's one reason why HW couples often try to shoot films at different times--so they can spend time together.
If BT exists, and J&A were not in the closet, Jake would be hanging out on the set of OTH, not Reese's film.
If the twitters are to be believed, Jake spent at least a week in D.C. And for what? It may be "work" in the sense that it is not his private life, it is not "work" in the sense of filming PoP. Where does it all end? It seems to me it is just snowballing, and more to the point, I'm beginning to think there is some part of Jake that really enjoys hanging out with Reese and other big stars, getting all the publicity from doing so. I suspect Jake thinks it makes him look important, and like a big star himself. Austin can't give him that, and I can't help but wonder if that isn't a problem, especially with all the hints from Ted about Jake wishing GG was George Clooney, and GG wishing he was a big star. OF course that is truly speculative as I don't think Ted has any real information anymore.
Reeke has been ramped up big time. Now, it has crossed my mind that Jake is doing this in part to convince people there is no other private life, because gosh, how could he have time for a boyfriend and baby when he spends it all with Reese.
Bottom line, I think Jake and Austin are compounding the lying and homophobic behavior by making it even worse than it has to be for a child if he or she exists.
I really don't see how spending a week away from your family is better for a child than a few minutes of paps. And on that point, I want to remind you that one of the tabloid editors said that they never run pictures of children unless the parents are okay with it. So children are not at the mercy of the paps, unless their parents chose to put them at their mercy, the way Reese does.
Now, I will concede I may be too harsh with my rent boy comments, although it comes in part from my feeling about Jake enjoying hanging out with all the big stars, traveling all over the world, going to top restaurants, games, plays, taking private planes. And then he goes home to "the little wife". I don't know that I really believe that deep down, but it is a thought that keeps creeping into my mind.*****
Destiny, You are finally seeing the LIGHT...
You are asking the QUESTIONS, most rational thinkers have asked. Whether Reeke is real is yet to be known, but the chances J and R are real are much higher simply because they are together too much. For those who say it's fake and Jake and Austin are still an item and raising a child, simply WANT this to be. It does not take a rocket scientist to know or see this. The odds are good, but not as high that Jake has had relationships with men, or should I say Austin, simply because of lots of rumors and his behavior in the past. But most here continue to think that Jake and Kirsten's relationship was ginuine and Real. The hard part here is that some can not and will not wrap their minds around the idea that he may be interested in another woman for now and at this point in his life. Maybe not as ginuine, who knows, but all the same, for NOW. Jake and Austin can still be friends especially if they have no interest in sharing their friendship / relationship with the world. They both have dated women, Or do others here think Austin's girlfriend was a beard also?
If Jake and Austin are parents of a child, someone should call the authorities on them. They are not good parents. Don't see Jake or Austin hiding a child of theirs. Just don't. What I do see is two men who may be closeted bisexual men, or maybe straight. Just don't see either as totally straight though. And this kinda hurts the diehard Jaustin fan.
Whether Reeke is real is yet to be known, but the chances J and R are real are much higher simply because they are together too much.
Reeke is and was fake from the very beginning.
Doing photo ops, promoting movies and eating dinners at the restaurants is PR business.
If the twitters are to be believed, Jake spent at least a week in D.C. And for what?
For promoting his beard and her new movie, and spending some time with Austin and NYC friends.
Great news out of DC. Sounds like not so great news coming out of Syracuse involving Daiel Choi. A panel of 4 have recomennded he be discharged.
The hard part here is that some can not and will not wrap their minds around the idea that he may be interested in another woman for now and at this point in his life.
Because it's obvious PR crap.
Jake cheated on Kirsten with men and isn't interested in women - we have 1.000 Reeke pictures to prove it.
***Whether Reeke is real is yet to be known, but the chances J and R are real are much higher simply because they are together too much.
Reeke is and was fake from the very beginning.
Doing photo ops, promoting movies and eating dinners at the restaurants is PR business.***
Jake and Austin should have been doing this, don't you think?
It's obvious you will not go down without a fight. No need to, take the gloves off.
See things for what they are.
PR and promoting will happen even if Jake and Reese were / are not togther. It's a fact and a part of HW, fan or Not.
Jake and Austin should have been doing this, don't you think?
Which part of the "closeted gay actor" you don't understand?
don't fight with trolls
don't fight with trolls
don't fight with trolls
*** Which part of the "closeted gay actor" you don't understand? ***
I understand it very well, and see how this can and will happen.
Now I ask you again, Was Jake's relationship with Kirsten real and was Austin's relationship with his former girlfriend real in you HUMBLE opinion. And, Regardless of if you think they cheated on their supposed girlfrieds with each other. I'm all ears.
Jake and Kirsten - gay man dating a girl and having sex with men relationship.
Jake and Kirsten - closeted gay man dating a girl and having sex with men kind of relationship.
I'm not going to fight the trolls, but to suggest that my criticism of J&A's actions means I think they're straight is about the funniest thing I've heard all week. The fact that PR and Reeke has such a clear agenda would be all the proof I needed even if I'd never heard of Toothy Tile.
Great news about D.C.
closeted gays - straight sex doesn't make you straight said...
Jake and Kirsten - closeted gay man dating a girl and having sex with men kind of relationship.
I can respect your view, I don't happen to agree because I don't personally know if Jake is interested in both sexes like a great part of society is, or just hiding that he's gay. I think he loved and was in love with Kirsten when they were together.
Destiny you are a JOKE.
Your questioning of the
J and R relationship directly puts you in the Troll catagory.
Thus the means of your feeling you would be attacked in the first place.
If you want to continue to take Reeke as a personal attack against you, that's your perogative.
I say it's Wasted energy and too much time spent.
More so, there seems to be a high level of confusion since you are bisexual and tend to think the fluidity of human sexuality and it's grey areas only exist with you and who you annoit as so. Straight OR Gay (Only) is reserved for all others. This includes Jake and Austin apparnently.
If Jake and Reese are real or not, big Deal. Will you fall apart if they are. If there is no Babytile will you fall apart? Can you answer if Austin's former girlfriend was a beard?
Surely YOU know. Please inform Me.
Yes, a Joke. I take it there will be no more questioning since you have come to your senses.
Are you looking for the BabyTile birth Records.
A Troll? Get Real
What I do know is the Ava and Deacon were not in D.C., otherwise we would have gotten pictures within hours of my post about the van sighting of Reeke with two children and Paul Rudd.
I think it is you Thinker, and all the other homophobic fangirls out there, who will fall apart when they find out I exist, and that J&A hid me for fear that people like you would mean the end of their careers.
Preliminary injunction to block Proposition 8 is unlikely
The U.S. District Court judge considering a constitutional challenge to California's gay marriage ban says that blocking the law would make uncertain the marriages performed before a final ruling.
By Maura Dolan
8:38 PM PDT, June 30, 2009
A federal judge weighing a constitutional challenge of Proposition 8 said Tuesday that he was not likely to suspend the anti-gay marriage law without a trial.
In an order, U.S. District Court Judge Vaughn Walker said blocking the law before a trial might "inject still further uncertainty in an important area of concern and interest to the state and its citizens."
The federal lawsuit was filed shortly before the California Supreme Court in May upheld the state constitutionality of Proposition 8. The lawsuit, which will be argued by high-profile lawyers, contends that the November ballot initiative violates the equal protection and due process clauses of the federal Constitution.
Walker, in a written order, cited arguments by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and Atty. Gen. Jerry Brown opposing a preliminary injunction because it would put a veil of uncertainty over same-sex marriages entered into during the period between the issuance of an injunction and the final ruling.
"To avoid the procedural and practical problems surrounding a preliminary injunction," Walker wrote, "the court is inclined to proceed directly and expeditiously to the merits" of the case.
A hearing on a preliminary injunction is scheduled for Thursday.
Walker said his decision in the case might depend on the history of California's ban on same-sex marriage, whether the ban restricts options for gays that are available to heterosexuals and whether requiring one man and one woman in a marriage promotes stereotypical gender roles.
Walker said he also wanted to explore contentions that Proposition 8 was passed with "discriminatory intent" and whether the "sole motivation for Prop. 8 was moral disapproval of gays and lesbians."
The federal lawsuit was filed over objections by gay rights lawyers, who fear an adverse ruling by the conservative U.S. Supreme Court could set back the marriage movement by years or decades.
But a Los Angeles political strategist put together a civil rights committee and hired former U.S. Solicitor Gen. Theodore Olson, a conservative, and famed lawyer David Boies, a liberal, to challenge the measure.
Olson said in a written statement that he was encouraged that the judge wanted to proceed directly to trial.
"This case is about protecting people's fundamental constitutional rights, and we agree that it is in everyone's best interest to resolve this matter as quickly as possible," he said.
L.A. Times
***Whether Reeke is real is yet to be known, but the chances J and R are real are much higher simply because they are together too much.
IA. This is total bullshit.
"Reeke has been ramped up big time. Now, it has crossed my mind that Jake is doing this in part to convince people there is no other private life."
Jake is ramping up Reeke publicly because he has nothing else to do!
"Walker said his decision in the case might depend on the history of California's ban on same-sex marriage, whether the ban restricts options for gays that are available to heterosexuals and whether requiring one man and one woman in a marriage promotes stereotypical gender roles."
"Walker said he also wanted to explore contentions that Proposition 8 was passed with "discriminatory intent" and whether the "sole motivation for Prop. 8 was moral disapproval of gays and lesbians."
U.S. District Court Judge Vaughn Walker, I think I love you.
"the chances J and R are real are much higher simply because they are together too much."
My parents were together for 30 years and hated each other's guts for the last 20. They attended parties and business functions together and it all looked real good on the outside. Little did anyone know that Mom lived in a desert condo in the winter and a beach condo in the summer and Dad mostly lived in a house in LA addicted to his work. During college breaks my sister and I would make the rounds, here a few days, there a few days, eventually staying wherever they weren't and partying, so it wasn't too bad lol but thank god we had each other. So don't tell me just because people are together publicly that they are happy or real. My parents faked it real good, and they weren't celebs with PR and paps.
Okay so yeah its the Reeke faux fam in LA (gag), that is if you believe this twitter. If its a PR set up they sure went thru a lot of work with this made-up identity since he's Andrew Lih from Beijing China, the Bio Author of The Wikipedia Revolution, China Internet/tech, journalism prof at USC Annenberg come September, has 2,392 followers and follows 857, has *only* has 4,660 updates/entries, and all for one lousy fake Reeke sighting to make sure Jake's remaining fans will believe he's in LA!
Of course Andy could be mistaken, there's alot of people in LA who look like Reeke, Ava and deacon.
Btw what was it that troll last week stated with such authority that Reeke, Ava and Deacon checked out of the Four Seasons in DC and were on thier way driving to Philly? Uh huh.
"Just came back from dinner, sat next to Reese Witherspoon, her kids and Jake G. Her son hit me with a nut shell. Liking Venice"
Reeke in Venice
Actually, I think Jake and Reese spend hardly anytime together at all. There are a few carefully arranged photo ops. Most of the world makes an assumption based on these few photographed moments. Its only the WFT2ers and OMGers, who monitor the whole show and have been following Jake for years who can tell the difference.
Regardless, the fauxmance has not increased Jake or Reese's popularity. Right after Brokeback, interest in Jake skyrocketed. Websites were created, fans joined forums. They have died down to nothing. Babble is stagnant. If Reeke were popular, it would attract commenters. The only Jake sites generating comments and new posters are WFT2 and OMG.
"Destiny you are a JOKE.
Your questioning of the
J and R relationship directly puts you in the Troll catagory.
If you want to continue to take Reeke as a personal attack against you, that's your perogative."
"Thinker", great name although you left out "Convoluted". How you interpreted Destiny as an OMGodot troll and ended up naming yourself "Thinker" proves god has a hilarious ironic and wicked sense of humor. Oh dear, you better get back before they do a head count and notice your air is missing.
If Jake and Austin are parents of a child, someone should call the authorities on them. (Thinker)
Hello, Chief Bratton? I'd like to report Jake Gyllenhaal and Austin Nichols. They have a baby and they keep it away from the paps. They are bad, bad parents.
*dreams he's a dingo*
Your chance to meet Reeke and tell Jake to grow some balls!
Philly Casting Call
"Austin, is that you?"
horny Jake gets his speed dial water bird code names confused again and instead of sextexting his beloved pink-footed grey goose, he accidentally sends it to a political gadwall stud duck, telling him he wants his long bill in his tight quack RIGHT NOW
"Thinker", great name although you left out "Convoluted". How you interpreted Destiny as an OMGodot troll and ended up naming yourself "Thinker" proves god has a hilarious ironic and wicked sense of humor. Oh dear, you better get back before they do a head count and notice your air is missing.
^^^ Think again, and Please look in the Mirror. You Just might see BabyTile, or a delusional Jake / Austin fan.
(("the chances J and R are real are much higher simply because they are together too much."
My parents were together for 30 years and hated each other's guts for the last 20. They attended parties and business functions together and it all looked real good on the outside. Little did anyone know that Mom lived in a desert condo in the winter and a beach condo in the summer and Dad mostly lived in a house in LA addicted to his work. During college breaks my sister and I would make the rounds, here a few days, there a few days, eventually staying wherever they weren't and partying, so it wasn't too bad lol but thank god we had each other. So don't tell me just because people are together publicly that they are happy or real. My parents faked it real good, and they weren't celebs with PR and paps.))
Surely you've been in therapy. If not, I see why you have a need for a babytile.
M, and of course you think all the other times Jake is not seen with Reese he is with Austin huh? Wishful thinking may be good for a while but after some time it becomes delusional. Or just plain Insane.
Jake and Austin are just friends now and there is NO babytile.
Except IT.
why are you so afraid of Baby Tile?
Why do you care?
Aww, "thinker" came back and morphed into "What" and "LOL" The babblers just can't stay away!
LMAO, and that pisses you tight because you can't stand hearing th e truth.
Babblers are like Jehovah's Witnesses - they have to spread their "truth"!
Babblers are like Jehovah's Witnesses - they have to spread their "truth"!
That's funny considering it was Jersey Tom who just had to go over to Austin's blog and spread the truth. Jaustiners and babblers: pots and kettles.
Austin has a blog?!
Link, please!
"Irony much?",
Don't play stupid.
Is someone trying to convince GB, WDW or IHJ posters that Jake is gay and bearding? Posting day after day about gay Jake?
I'm not playing stupid, just pointing out the irony.
There is no irony.
We are discussing babblers spreading the "truth" on OMG and doing it for years. No one cares what babblers post on other blogs.
We are discussing babblers spreading the "truth" on OMG and doing it for years.
Yes, and I was showing the irony of the discussion by pointing out that a Jaustiner was the one who "spread the truth" about Jake and Austin onto Austin's blog. I almost hope you continue to not understand this, because that would be irony squared.
"Irony much?",
you are so smart!
Would you please stop posting babbler crap on OMG?
Would you please stop posting babbler crap on OMG?
I haven't posted a single word about Jake and Reese. Are you trying to open up yet another avenue to square the irony?
I haven't posted a single word about Jake and Reese.
Of course you haven't! LOL!
I love the way the babblers and trolls come over here to talk about Baby Tile, Deacon and Ava (driving to Philly my ass) when UV and FL won't allow them to talk about the children and where they're at. I can't help but wonder if that isn't to prevent what clearly happened last week in D.C.--Jake was seen with two children that were clearly not Reese's.
And now we get the only damage control pr can muster--sending Reeke and the kids out to be seen and twittered about. Those kids never left L.A.
So who was in the car with Reeke then? At least one Baby Tile.
Of course you haven't! LOL!
So instead of "playing" dumb, you're now "playing" smart! This may be irony cubed, depending on whether you truly believe I have posted about Reeke or not. Still amusing, either way.
Ava and Deacon never left LA. School ended way back on June 2nd.
They have been with Ryan doing whatever they do. She has two week before filming starts in Philly so she'll probably stay in LA and pap the crap out of them.
I wouldn't be surprised to see Ryan bring the kids to Philly because he has a house 30 minutes away and his whole family is in that area.
"a Jaustiner was the one who "spread the truth" about Jake and Austin onto Austin's blog.:
Jersey Tom saying he liked what Austin wrote and how he understands why Jake is his friend is hardly "spreading the truth" that Jake and Austin are a couple.
This blog has turned into Jake's IMDB circa 2006, and that's not a good comparison. Sad.
Not that I have any idea what you mean Sad, but why don't you find someplace more to your liking, or go and start your own blog.
Babblers never leave OMG.
This may be irony cubed, depending on whether you truly believe I have posted about Reeke or not. Still amusing, either way.
I wish you were amusing!
Just remember that the Reeke agenda is set by Reese. Now that Jake has time on his hands, it makes sense that Reese would be dragging him around DC for lots of public exposure. This gives lots of advance publicity for whatever it is that Reese is filming and for R.W. herself. And frankly, it's handy for Jake to be camping out in a city that's within striking distance of Wilmington....
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