Didn't forget about Mr Nichols rhythmical writing on SoGo. His writings remind me of an onion, peeling back the different layers and layers. So many layers of so many things disguised as something so simple.
There once lived a man named Alfred.
No one called him Al.
And no one called him Fred.
But he asked everyone to call him Red.
Even though his hair was dark dark mahogany brown.
He preferred the sea to land. Spent most of his time on boats.
Alone. Throwing nets. Casting. Swimming. Diving. Spearing. Speeding. Cruising.
His hair and skin was always salty and dogs loved him. Loved to lick the salt from his skin.
one on his boat. A young mermaid perhaps. Who had flopped up on
deck. He would spear a fish and cook it up fresh for her. Snapper
grilled with garlic and lime. Or he would dive for conch and make
fresh conch salad right on deck. The maids liked him on the sea. But
no one liked him on land.
On land, Alfred walked with a limp
and spoke with a stutter. There was a hitch in his gate, a twitch on
his face, and a fly that would follow him all over the place.
Needless to say, land lubbers stayed away. Kept him at bay. Threw him away.
Tossed him like trash. Never paid in cash.
water, Red came alive. Pirate. President and CEO of the Atlantic.
Primary stockholder of fish and wave. MVP of rigging and knots. Four
stars for bravery and a purple heart because his heart actually was
Maybe someday, the right mermaid, he may hook. Not from
any book. Or fairytale. But a real, scale and fins, mermaid. Long,
beautiful, salty hair, concealing her.... Well you know.
to her Daryl Hannah. And finally he will get his wish. To live and
breathe among the fish.
your faithful servant,
Is it me or does he seem to love the imagery of women? The ideal of them. And mythical women most of all. Any thoughts?
And about this mermaid. Modest mermaids are not, so why is Austin making them so?
Maybe just want to be Tom Hanks or ride with Splash director Ron Howard in a Roll Royce rollin' in the club. : )

I like this poem of Austin's, even if I'm still puzzling over it. He's a very visual writer, and I do think he loves women and the way they look, and even when it is just an ordinary woman, like the one barefoot in Texas, there is something symbolic about it.
One thing I'm puzzling over is the Splash reference. What does it say that someone who is seemingly totally disconnected from life on land has a movie as a point of reference for what will make him happy?
On a totally unrelated topic, I see we haven't gotten any pictures, twitters, etc. of Reeke with Deacon and Ava. I really don't think they've been in D.C.
I think it's interesting he writes about wanting to find "his mermaid" throughout the whole poem, but in the last line suddenly his biggest wish is not to find the perfect mermaid, but instead it's wanting to live with the fish.
I agree that he likes women or at least the idea of what women are like and what they represent.
One thing I'm puzzling over is the Splash reference. What does it say that someone who is seemingly totally disconnected from life on land has a movie as a point of reference for what will make him happy?
I think the living in the ocean is a metaphor for being free to do what he wants, to be lost in something this big.
So I don't think he feels disconnected from the land (and the movies in it), just from his environment. He doesn't seem to be too HW, so I can certainly understand feeling disconnected from that. But he also just joined into a cast that has been working together for almost 7 years, so even though he seems to make friends easily, he probably isn't as included in the group yet as most of the other cast members are.
I think Austin is a much better poet than Stephen Gyllenhaal.
One thing I'm puzzling over is the Splash reference.
Maybe Jaustin likes to do it on top of the refrigerator.
A young mermaid perhaps. Who had flopped up on
deck. He would spear a fish and cook it up fresh for her. Snapper
grilled with garlic and lime.
I don't why but this passage really sticks in my head, particularly the way he describes the fish. Sparse with the words, and yet they say so much. The smells, the sound of the mermaid flopping on the deck, a simple man, but not so simple or uncaring as to not jazz up the fish....
Just a reminder- Lt. Dan Choi's hearing is tomorrow. You can support him.
I signed. He probably doesn't have a chance of winning tomorrow, and that is just heartbreaking, particularly since Obama claims he wants DADT repealed. I cannot believe the inaction from Obama on this issue.
The part about the fish stood out to me too Destiny. Because it doesn't seem like Austin is the cook. He has helped cook, but I just remember the story from Glory Road, that said he could even make a milkshake and the whole thing about the fish seems like Jake.
Wicked thanks for the reminder and the link about Lt. Choi.
I loved the garlic and lime reference :) I think he's been eating well in Italy.
Is the mermaid the next big adventure (maybe).
Oh no, my icemaker is steaming, the vegs in the crisper are sweating, the mayo is hard and stiff, my light is turning and flashing on and off like a disco strobe, I'm rocking from side to side, getting kicked, what the HELL is...oh holy crap, Austin and his piece of tail are on top of me again. Shit. Can't a hardbody get a little rest around here? I knew I shoulda gone to that family of six in Reseda, "easy celebrity kitchen life" my ass. Sure these fancy celebs fill me with delicacies and they're off traveling a lot, not like those other folks who open and close my doors all day long, staring at my insides like I'm supposed to be a TV or something and then complaining I'm full of nothing but crap. But damn when these two celebs are at home it's high maintenance, with all the banging and slamming against my beautiful outside finish and when they ain't doing that they're hungry as horses, either filling me up like I'm supposed to be a storage unit for the United Nations Food Drive or robbing me blind. And the heat, my poor coils are working overtime every time these dudes are in the house, even when they're out in the pool at night and especially when they're in their car in the garage in the afternoons...it just doesn't make any sense because I'm in the kitchen. Maybe the house is haunted? In this house I just know I'm doomed, I'm gonna die young, a premature slow death, jeeze maybe even before the warranty's up. That'll be a first.
Is the mermaid the next big adventure (maybe).
I hope so!
My Republican right wing Orange County might be changing its tune, one flagged 8th note at a time:
Gay soldier from Tustin faces military court tomorrow
Posted June 29th, 2009, 12:57 pm by Martin Wisckol, Politics reporter Orange County Register
Tustin’s Dan Choi, a lieutenant in the Army National Guard, is remarkable enough for his academic and professional achievements. But in recent months he’s become known nationwide for more controversial activities: announcing that he is gay on national television and for helping lead the push to allow openly gay men and women to serve in the armed forces.
But tomorrow, Choi’s own job is on the line. He will be in military court defending himself against an effort to oust him for “moral and professional dereliction” related to his announcement on television in March that he’s gay. That violated the military’s “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy instituted under President Bill Clinton.
Choi is part of a movement urging President Barack Obama to follow through on a campaign promise to allow gays in the military to come out of the closet without getting kicked out of the service. In March, he helped launch “Knights Out,” which encourages gay graduates of West Point academy to publicly declare their sexual preference. So far, more than 70 - including Choi - have done so.
Choi, the son of a Baptist minister who served in the South Korean Army, was a straight-A student and president of his senior class at Tustin High School. At West Point, he became fluent in Arabic and studied environmental engineering. In 2003, her served his first stint in Iraq. In 2008, he decided not to reenlist, instead becoming a platoon leader in the National Guard.
He also enrolled at Harvard, where he is seeking a master’s degree in Middle East and religious studies. However, he’s currently on leave from school.
“Coming out as turned out to be a full-time job,” he told the San Francisco Chronicle before serving as the Gay Pride Parade marshal in San Francisco last weekend. He’d never attended a gay pride parade before.
At least 12,500 gays and lesbians have been kicked out of the military for violating the “don’t ask, don’t tell policy.” An estimated 65,000 are believe to be currently serving, according to the Chronicle.
More than 140,00 people have signed a “Don’t Fire Dan” letter to Obama. You can see the letter here.
Choi’s hearing begins at 8 a.m. EDT at the New York National Guard Armory in Syracuse.
The Register’s Cameron Bird looked behind the scenes at Choi’s - and his family’s - struggle to come to grips with his sexuality. Click here to read that story.
What's interesting are the readers comments, especially the slight contrast between them in this article and in the OCR Cameron Bird article, although with only 11 comments so far the right wing extremists probably haven't had a chance to make their mark yet.
Dan Choi is a local Orange County California boy
It’s not news anymore. Let us know when there is a change in the policy. I have no doubt I fought alonside Marines that were or may have been gay, but when the stuff was happening and they were doing their share in battle…..I can’t say it would have made a difference to me. I didn’t know and I didn’t care. Besides. we all had our own sleeping bags and cots (at times). The great thing is, after 2 tours in beautiful Southeast Asia, I’m here to still not care about someone elses lifestyle.
Wow. He sounds like a great guy. Anyone who risks their lives on the front line should be honored. Who cares what their persuasion is. And why is this such an issue with the military? So, let’s see…male senators can conduct affairs with a man or woman, and stain blue dresses, but gawd forbid any military personnel should be gay??? I don’t get it. Shed some light here.
Its odd that the military will welcome unskilled illegals while dening an highly educated American Citizen with speical skills to serve. Its time to replea the Don’t ask Don’t tell policy.
Yeah…Let’s kick out a good soldier who is fluent in arabic…That is what we need to do right now…The country will be safer for it I am sure…
if gays want to take a bullet for my freedom, i say let him/her. i have no problem with that. fight the good fight choi!
I am very proud of all of you for supporting this wonderful man. He risked his life for us. There are still so many hateful people out there…..I am pleased to see so much support for him. My wife & I both agree it is time to get rid of this ridiculous policy the military has. If you know your history, than you know they said the same thing about integrating military units with blacks: that it would disrupt military effectiveness. Bigotry is bigotry no matter who it is aimed at.
yes it is news— and im so sorry that mr. choi has had to endure this type of judgement. as a person in the military or as a human being. it’s wrong wrong wrong…
when we let our government treat our “volunteer’s” in this fashion— it’s very disappointing. and when we allow churches to pay for ballot measures that take away civil rights— that is wrong too.
we are all created equal remember?
apparently some people get to choose who is equal now and who is not.
hopefully the children of these judgemental officials wont face this feeling of being “less than” a human being
look the guy was gay before he ever “came out”, therefore GAY when he EARNED the rank of LIEUTENANT…ya walk the walk, ya tend to business…ya ALSO put yer britches on just like me…..you are willing to put yer LIFE on the line for ME and my family…and OUR COUNTRY, OUR FREEDOM..u go ahead on LT Dan CHOI…and THANK YOU.
Is the mermaid the next big adventure (maybe).
I was thinking it would be more merman. ; )
Dear Ted:
Has Reese Witherspoon ever worked with Nevis Devine?
Dear Reese-spicous:
Nope. She has worked with other Blind Vice subjects...and been one herself!
What's Behind Reese's Smile?
Ok anyone here a handwriting expert?!
Oh my god, Fridgit Daire had me laughing out loud at work. Hilarious. And I am trying hard not to draw attention to myself these days.
I think Austin's words are his own this time. I am at a loss for the deeper meaning, but found it lyrical and charming. He has a gentlemanly sense of humor. I would love to see him write more often. He was so specific about the spices. I took this to be from having lived with a good cook (Jake)so many years. And as a woman who is/has been friends of many gay men, I find they love women. Not sexually of course, but in all other aspects. I feel more appreciated and adored by my gay male friends than by most of my female friends.
Great post Special. I'm especially loving thinking about water and mermaids because its so hot here!
Oh remember how I told you about my grandmother loving Adam Lambert and not caring about if he's gay?! She told me its an advantage to be old because she can say what she wants and not care if anyone thinks she's rude, because she's old! Like one time she was in line at a store behind someone who was returning something, and she overheard the person tell the salesperson "I'm not trying to "jew" you." She tapped the girl on the shoulder and asked "Are you one of those new skinhead Nazis?" And the girl said "Oh no I was just using it as an expression, I'm sorry I didn't mean to insult your religion." And Grandma said "I'm not Jewish and I don't have to be Jewish to know using "jew" the way you did is wrong. Don't you ever do it again." This, in line at a drugstore, lol. So yeah Grandma uses her age card to bypass being nice sometimes but hey why not.
I have no idea how I got on that story but what I wanted to say is what she said to me when she saw a pic in the newspaper of 2 women fans crying over Michael Jackson. She said "Isn't that ridiculous, they didn't even know him. I bet they won't cry that much when their husbands or wives die."
Oh Grandma am I going to miss you when you go.
Well, for one thing, isn't large handwriting an indication of an equally-sized ego? ;)
Oh crap I just noticed my name, LMAO. Why they put the n and m next to each other on keyboard, now that's lame!
I find what Ted says about Toothy in todays Blind Vice pretty interesting. Sounds like Ted may be saying that Jake is even trying to convince himself he is str8. Does that mean Ted is starting to say that reeke is real at least for now.
Over at Starpulse
20 Undeniably Awesome Beards in Movies (no, we're not talking about Jake Gyllenhaal) - Unreality Mag
Spoilers about this season's OTH from Watch with Kirsten
KEMattison via Twitter: Will Chad Michael Murray and Hilarie Burton be making any guest appearances on One Tree Hill this season?
Our sources tell us it's doubtful that we'll see CMM or H.M. again on One Tree Hill, but perhaps in the finale.
Aprilnich via Twitter: Will Brooke and Julian last on One Tree Hill?
TV diva's Magic 8-Ball says: "Signs point to yes."
Mary in Seattle: Is there going to be a time jump again this year on One Tree Hill?
Nothing as drastic as last season, but One Tree Hill does leap forward a year when the show returns this fall.
What has Julian been doing during the missing year on OTH? A Three Hour Tour? (three hour tour) : )
Watch with Kristen
"Well, for one thing, isn't large handwriting an indication of an equally-sized ego?"
Yeah that signature took up the whole thing didn't it. And putting the heart before her name it looks like she's saying she loves Reese Witherspoon. Then underneath a lame "Hello DC", what's that about?
I forget but don't those lemon donations cost a dollar? Even if Reeke gave $5 or $20, hell, $100, and I doubt they gave anything but the dollar, it really doesn't make a dent in the ten millions they get for a movie does it. Cracks me up how people think Reeke giving a dollar is so generous!
On the 40th aniversary of Stonewall never before have we needed Gay Americans to stand up and be heard. Closeted men and women like Jake Gyllenhaal, Austin Nichols, Wentworth Miller, Kevin Spacey, Hayden Christensen, Anderson Cooper, Jodie Foster, and Queen Latifah hide in the closet ashamed to speak up. Brave men like Daniel Choi, Neil Patrick Harris, TR Knight and Lance Bass are American heros. As are women such as Rachael Maddow. While even Str8 men such as Sean Penn and Tom Hanks and many others give more support to the the gay community than the cowarded closet queens and kings I have mentioned. Tomorrow Daniel Choi will probably be dischared from the American military while cowards like Mr. Gyllenhaal and Mr. Anderson choose to hide and not speak up. I am at my wits end. I dont understand why. How ashamed they should be.
Sounds like Ted may be saying that Jake is even trying to convince himself he is str8.
*okay so you forgot to put the buttplug in, don't worry about it, just close your eyes and do it and pretend you're the one getting it, pretend you're her, pretend you feel something inside you, think about that one time with..okay not that, guilt isn't gonna help keep the hardon..how about Prince Lickalot at that Paris fountain, pretend she's him, you're doing him, oh yeah, you're doing good, okay buddy stay with it, stay with it, you're on your way...*
On the 40th aniversary of Stonewall never before have we needed Gay Americans to stand up and be heard. Closeted men and women like Jake Gyllenhaal, Austin Nichols, Wentworth Miller, Kevin Spacey, Hayden Christensen, Anderson Cooper, Jodie Foster, and Queen Latifah hide in the closet ashamed to speak up. Brave men like Daniel Choi, Neil Patrick Harris, TR Knight and Lance Bass are American heros. As are women such as Rachael Maddow. While even Str8 men such as Sean Penn and Tom Hanks and many others give more support to the the gay community than the cowarded closet queens and kings I have mentioned. Tomorrow Daniel Choi will probably be dischared from the American military while cowards like Mr. Gyllenhaal and Mr. Anderson choose to hide and not speak up. I am at my wits end. I dont understand why. How ashamed they should be.
Tom you are so irritating, I totally disagree with what you said. No wait, I don't. LOL.
Tom you and me rile each other up and I disagree with you almost all 100% of the time whether I comment or not but what you said was 1000% perfect, true and beautiful. Thank you, you are absolutely right in what you wrote.
Thanks for the article on Lt. Choi, it was very interesting.
Totally agree with you Tom. I especially find it appalling that people with sound, established careers and more money than they'll ever need to live a decent life continue to hide, and worse, beard and lie, while letting others take the hits. And even worse are the suits in power, who are afraid to hire gay people, many of whom are gay themselves.
There was a very interesting study done on female playwrights, and how they don't seem to get produced as much as men. One of the things the study found was that men treated female writers pretty much the same as men, it was the women artistic directors, producers, etc. who were far more critical, and far less likely to put on a play by a woman.
I think the same thing goes on with gay men in power in HW.
Thanks for the laugh Fridgit, I needed that.
I don't think Ted is saying Toothy thinks he is straight, I think Ted means Toothy is lying to himself about what the bearding is doing for his reputation and his career.
They're jumping ahead one year on OTH? I guess that means we won't get to see the budding Brulian relationship, but rather will join it in full swing. I was kind of looking forward to the former.
"I think Ted means Toothy is lying to himself about what the bearding is doing for his reputation and his career."
Oh good, so far Jake has no idea that when he asked if our IT people could help him with his computer glitch I had them block his access to gossip sites, everything but online recipe, home and garden blogs. These actors are thankfully so dim.
An interpretation of Austin's words:
The man, the sailor, the fisherman in the story belonged to the sea. There he thrived, there he belonged, there he was not judged by shore standards, society's standards, who saw only someone odd, someone different then they, a difference to be reviled and shunned. Land would never accept him, this abnormal. No, to the earth, this water man would always be unwelcome.
And it was to the sea, the force that gave him comfort and life, he looked to find beauty, a creature such as himself, a mermaid, one born of that element, destined to remain, as he, always apart.
They shared a common thing, an everyday thing, a thing even the haters on shore would understand, a meal, proving not so different after all.
He gave her a safe harbor, a place of rest and peace, and she gave him hope, that even he, this man of the water, could one day find love and laughter and light. His heart was waiting out there, not on land with the normal, but out there, somewhere, in the open sea.
In other words, Austin = sailor, water = gay, land = not gay, and mermaid = got me.
Or maybe not.
Too much time on my hands?
M -
Great interpretation of Austin's writing.
Mermaid = someone who looks human from the waist up but below, where the sexual organs are, is ruled by nature.
Btw "me" loved your analysis, but would it be possible to change your screen name? Its just my opinion but using the sn "me" is kinda of weird because, well, it's a word we all say. It would be like if posters had sn's like "you" or "I" or "the". Just sayin.
Hi Me.
I had some of the same thoughts about the poem possibly being about being gay, but not all of the other, finer points, like why he finds the mermaid beautiful, sharing a meal, providing a safe haven. I think you may be right, and it makes the poem all the more beautiful and powerful.
Thank you for having so much time on your hands. :-D
I just blew up the mermaid picture you used, it's really wonderful too.
"What's Behind Reese's Smile?"
TEETH. Tooth and baby teeth.
Destiny, did it make a big bang?
Wicked needs a new monitor, hers is all worn down from fondling the mermaid pic from today.
Maybe I should explain. Doesn't it seem odd that Ted's Bitch Back question about Reese:
Dear Ted:
Has Reese Witherspoon ever worked with Nevis Devine?
Dear Reese-spicous:
Nope. She has worked with other Blind Vice subjects...and been one herself!
Has NOTHING to do with the headline:
"What's Behind Reese's Smile?"
Sure, some would take it figuratively speaking as she's smiling because she knows about these BVs. But notice the pic of her is a closed smile. So yes, literally right behind it, is TEETH. Toothy and company.
Don't know about you guys but I hope I'm never in a war of the words bitch fight with Ted. Damn he's GOOD.
Oh, and Ted has her in 1 question, but she gets the featured picture? Why is that? And no questions or references to Toothy or even Jake. Of course, to make people look at her pic, the closed lips, to think of what's behind them: Tooth and company.
Hmm I'm still thinking about Ted's answer about BT's mother, remember how he said he wasn't going to play the 3 degrees of separation? 3 degrees, not 4, not 5 not 8. And remember the first couple of sightings of Reeke/Jake 3 years ago, in doctors offices/med centers? Depending on your POV, people assumed they were practicing safe-sex and doing the pre-sex/followup AIDS tests, or gay Jake was accompanying Reese for her newly-single-and-ready-to-start-dating AIDS test, birth control, or they were doing movie physicals, whatever. There was one sighting, I think Jake alone, where there was a pregnant woman who complimented Jake saying he was very good looking and he answered/joked that she looked very pregnant? It's possible that sighting it took place at a OB office or center, right, since she was preggers.
Anyway what I'm getting at, with the early 2007 med center Reeke sightings and then Ted's cryptic "3 degrees" answer, along with their longterm bearding relationship, it's very, very possible Reese was the egg donor for BT back in late 2006, early 2007. Sometimes it takes a few tries, and with the hormone therapy sometimes the donor gains a few pounds, and remember Reese wasn't exactly a stick back then.
Oh and before you trolls come along and give the standard "You are kidding, right?", you can forget about challenging or changing my ideas, wondering thoughts, opinion, and questions. At least I have the courtesy to stick to a blog that I agree with and express myself, not go to other blogs and try to convert them.
I think that Austin is a very good poet! The reference to the mermaid is interesting. Maybe in a way he is saying that Jake is his safe haven in the way that a boat stays in a safe harbour! I tend to romanticize everything!
To me, Austin seems to just as nice on the inside as the outside. Maybe that was part of the attraction to each other. It is a shame to me that people can not just be honest instead of having to hide things for the sake of their career!!
If Jake loves Reese, then so be it! I will say that I have seen couples married 30 or 40 years who look more romantic!! I honestly do not know how Austin has stood it all this time! He must have nerves of steel!
What a day I have ahead of me! I have a 9 a.m. appointment to get my hair cut and put a few highlights in it for it is such a dull light brown. Then this afternoon at 1:30 p.m. I have to leave for a 2 p.m. doctor appointment. It never fails to fall on the same day!
All I can say to Jake is good luck! I hope his life turns out well and he is happy with himself. The old saying is that you are the one that has to live with your choices?
Sorry for the long post as usual. Prairie Girl, how are you are you out there?
We should have a second cooking klatch sometime in the summer and movie review of The Informers sometime before the fall!
Was bored and came back to read here. I noticed I left something out in my last comment!
Anyway what I'm getting at, with the early 2007 med center Reeke sightings and then Ted's cryptic "3 degrees" answer, along with their longterm bearding relationship, it's very, very possible Reese was the egg donor for BT back in late 2006, early 2007.
I meant to say that those ^^ things, the early 2007 med center Reeke sightings, the longterm bearding relationship/contract BUT ESPECIALLY Ted's cryptic "3 degrees" answer to BT's egg donor mother and ESPECIALLY ESPECIALLY today's "What's behind Reese's smile?" - where the literal answer is "teeth" REALLY makes me believe she's the donor. If Reese had 1 tooth in her mouth or if Jake was nicknamed "Nose" (lol) then I would believe all she was hiding was 1 thing, the fauxmance with Jake. But she has teeth, and Jake is nicknamed Toothy, singular. I could be wrong about the donor egg, but I think Ted makes it clear she knows about and is hiding the BT part. But I still really have a funny feeling about the 3 degrees, which would cover it if she was the donor, and the teeth veiled reference.
And like I said before, trolls, don't even try. Go knock on some other church and try to get your converts. Us, we're already baptized, confirmed and communioned. We might argue about the finer points of scripture and whether we believe in certain things, like BT, but its for us to discuss, not you.
I sure was upset last night after watching the news. I cant believe a terriffic American is going to lose his job today because he is gay. I am so proud of Daniel Choi. He is my hero.
Spoiler Chat: Will Brooke and Julian Make It on One Tree Hill? Plus more TV show spoilers!
today's "What's behind Reese's smile?" - where the literal answer is "teeth" REALLY makes me believe she's the donor
Come on, who in the right mind would want Reese Witherspoon as an egg donor ?!?
Well who in their right mind would want her as a beard?! Whoever said Jakey poo had a right mind?!
Jake didn't want Reese Witherspoon as a beard - it happened that she needed a "bf" at the same time time he needed a beard.
BTW, you can't compare bearding and having a child.
I have a right mind! I have a left one too! Or am I righthanded? Let me go look in the mirror and check. brb.
Lane - I can follow your explanation about BT's mother. But I don't think she is the egg donor.
I think Reese would have to know about the BT's existence because I still think Jake did this more for family than for career. (bomb away!) But I really do not think that Reese would be the egg donor there could be too much of a chance for their child to resemble her or have some of her more dominant features. How do you explain that, unless you want full disclosure, and that doesn't seem like that was the plan. But she has to know about the little tiles.
If you use a time line that Baby Tile was born in Oct: They teased the idea of them on the set of Rendition but nothing, because they were trying to get pregnant but weren't. But then the mentions started of them dating (March/April 2007) and when magazines are using to date when that would be starting to date, the pregnancy would be starting the second trimester. And then it really really stepped up right after the Baby was said to have born.
I think the three degrees might be that it takes three to beard, Jake, Austin and Reese.
Just what I'm thinking this morning.
back in late 2006, early 2007
You would ask close friends, member of the family or use an agency.
No one asks an acquaintance to be an egg donnor.
Donating eggs is not an easy process, so no way Reese would do that. But I don't think the three degrees would be a reference to the bearding in that context.
Hey PG, are you still dog-sitting and in internet limbo? Or just taking a break?
Good catches on Ted and the question about Reese.
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