Sometimes a thumbs up is good.
But other times a high five is better.
Here's how to do a high five in five easy steps.
Start low in the stance

Lift with the knees

Meet your mark

Go for a full extension

And follow through

Looks like Jake is back in NYC, for the CMJ Film Festival tomorrow and to start the rounds of interviews for the movie, including a Q&A session tonight. LaOD will be screening tomorrow night at CMJ Film Festival, 7:30p, at Clearview Cinemas in Chelsea. The band Sky Larkin had tweeted that Jake was on their flight little did they know they were all heading to the same place, not just NY, but the CMJ festival. Sky Larkin has a set at 8pm on Thursday, at The Delancy.
Check out the rest of the festival schedule here.
Someome has puts all the Brooke Julian and Mama scenes together in one piece.
Austin works that dog suit. He wags that tail around 5:35
And the epic high five? Check it out around 8:55.
On a plane to Barcelona. Oh, forgive me, Barthelona.
about 6 hours ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®
@DaphneZuniga- in cab from LaGuardia to JFK. Can't get on the island. What a tease. I would love to ride a bike in this crisp october air!!
about 3 hours ago via Twitter for BlackBerry® in reply to DaphneZuniga
Gnite america. Buenos dias, barcelona!!!
23 minutes ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®
LOL. How am I a trolly, M&M? Because I don't buy what you're selling? What "facts" are you speaking of? There are no "facts" as to who, if anyone, "approached" him and WHY they approached him, if they did
You sure do laugh a lot. Particularly, when someone states a fact. Which means your haranguing outbursts probably are caused by nervous laughter. Maybe you should get a medical checkup and see if your condition is terminal.
Facts are simple statements based on empirical evidence, experience and/or observation. Jake was captured on videotape when he made these statements about someone approaching him about Brokeback Mountain when he was 16. What I reiterated is not up for debate. No one made mention of who approached Jake. That is a red herring you threw into the mix. But, the fact is clear. Jay Leno asked him when he read the script (context: he wanted to know when Jake first became interested in doing the film). Jake admitted someone talked to him about Brokeback Mountain when he was only 16 and Jake indicated that he said to that person, "Ahhhh, thank you, but no." No one is a Jake expert or pretending to be. Somehow Jake's frankness bothers you, but that does not change the fact of what he said.
Hey cool! Wonder what's in Barcelona?
I thought Cristiano Ronaldo lived in Madrid!
Gus Van Zant was the director that approached Jake for BBM, he was attached to the project at the time and Jake wasn't 16, he was at Columbia and had just finished October Sky I believe so he hwas prolly 17. Van Zant also approached other young actors for both parts never mind that Jake was too young and I assume was the other actors creepy Gus approached which he is well known for doing. Jake said no but I bet his parents said hell no.
He was fielding scripts during this time and he eventually decided to ditch school and focus on acting.
Jake said that he finally said yes after And was attached because he wanted to work with him.
So he was approached not because Zant thought he was gay but prolly because he saw Ictober sky and wanted to cast a "twink" which is his preference.
Creepy Gus Said
So he was approached not because Zant thought he was gay but prolly because he saw Ictober sky and wanted to cast a "twink" which is his preference.
Hate to tell you this but a twink is a gay young man.
I should add that Jake was 16 when the S. story was published in the New Yorker, (Oct, 1997 I assume this is where Jake's confusion came from in the time frame when he told the story)but of course at that time HW was not interested in it yet.
Jake embellishes like other actors do when they repeat stories. If I remember correctly, HW became interested about 2 years later when Jake was 19, most likely jake was approached around that time and he declined. Phoenix, Damon and Whalbergs names were mentioned but I think the project was dropped by Gus and Joel Schumacher name was attached.
Jake and Heath signed on after Ang was hired.
So IMO Jake may have read or heard about it via the New Yorker at age 16 (his Mom being a screenwriter with NY connections) But no way was he approached at age 16 to play a part in a movie that wasn't even thought of yet in HW
If you noticed Wake up, "twink" is in quotes. Gus likes young men, late teens, early 20's. Word is he doesn't care if the young man is gay, straight or Bi, he's interested.
His rep. is notorious. So yes I know what "twink" means , eyes role.
Gus approaches young men, period even if they are straight and especially if they want to be in movies.
I'm sure Gus approached other "twink" types before the studio removed him from the project.
Don't you think that Mama and Papa knew of Gus's rep?
Gus doesn't care and he will never change, a good looking teenager no matter what his preference id ripe for the picking for sleezy Gus
Go talk to Jake, not me. I merely quoted what he said. If you have Jake telling a different version of the story, I would love to see the source that forms the basis of your "factual" summation of Jake's introduction to Brokeback Mountain.
Facts are simple statements based on empirical evidence, experience and/or observation.
M&M, you're a stitch! No nervous laughter, here, I promise. You're genuinely amusing :) It boggles the mind how much we could all learn by putting together your "experience" and powers of "observation" (which are not factual at all, but subjective) and the real m's "very sensitive ears" (which told her Jake had a crush on Ryan Gosling!!!).
I merely quoted what he said.
Funnier yet. You didn't merely quote what he said - you interpreted what he said, how he said it, and why he said it, to fit what you want to believe. There is no FACT whatsoever that demonstrates that Jake was approached to do BBM because he is gay. That is completely your spin.
I have to laugh at Creepy's retelling of this story. M and M based his/her information on the best primary source of all, Jake Gyllenhaal. Not innuendo, rumors or gross generalizations about what "really happened". I remember the interview from Leno and Jake definitely said, 16. He was not talking about the film, he was talking about when he first became aware of the story of Brokeback Mountain. But, I know what your real problem is. The idea that someone felt comfortable enough to approach Jake at 16 about a gay role.
No need to get testy and no I don't have any source of jake telling a different story. I just did a bit of googling and saw that the SS was published in the New Yorker in Oct. 1997, 2 monrhs before Jake's 17th birthday, HW was not interested in it then , they were the following year when it was published with Annie's other SS and won the pulitzer, Jake was 17 going on 18.
Jake was at Columbia then and October Sky just came out so I would assume Jake's name was on of many on Gus's list.
Jake got his age wrong/mixed up with the date the story was published IMO to when he was approached which I think was closer to 18/19.
That was around the time Gus was attached to it.
No way mama and papa would allow that but Jake wouldn't say that on TV.
My factual summation makes more sense then yours where someone approached a 16 uear old ( too young for the part) when in fact there was nothing in the works in HW for this movie when he was a6.
It's possible that Gus read the story and wanted to do it independently, which would make him even creepier, but the fact is that his parents knew of Gus's rep. and said hell no, has nothiong to do with Jake's sexuality but Gus's libido.
HW and Idaho are filed with stories of Gus and his tastes, and he doesn't care what sexual preference he is.
Jake became intersted when Lee was named director.
Thank God Lee took over.
There is no FACT whatsoever that demonstrates that Jake was approached to do BBM because he is gay. That is completely your spin.
Your nervousness is showing again.
Too funny, comfortable? How about that it never happened and yes Jake did say it on Leno because I saw it too but he got his own facts mixed up as he does at times.
If you read my previous post, I assume Jake meant that he was aware of the SS at 16 but no way he was approached between Oct. - Dec. for a role that wasn't even being developed. it was the following year and my info on Gus isn't gossip, it's facts.He even admits his "thing" for teens.
So simmer down sparky, even HW parents have their standards and you must not think much of his parents if you think that it would be "comfortable" for a known creep like Gus to apprpach their son for a role he would be too young for.
Again: He was approached most likely when he was around 18, that makes more sense then Jake's embellished version, too bad his people didn't bother to check the time frame.
Repeating missinformation doesn't make it true even when it's from the horses mouth
No need to get testy and no I don't have any source of jake telling a different story. I just did a bit of googling and saw that the SS was published in the New Yorker in Oct. 1997, 2 monrhs before Jake's 17th birthday
M and M made it very clear how old Jake was and made the point about Proulx publishing the short story in October 1997. There was nothing to look up. Jake was talking about the short story, not the script and he said he was 16. There would be no reason for him to make himself appear younger than what he was. And, by the way, watch the video. Jake didn't hesitate, or think twice about what age he was. He said he was "16," without missing a beat.
Maybe Austin wants to go to Barcelona because:
Gay Film Festival
When: 15th - 24th October 2010
Where: Lleida, Girona and Tarragona
A highlight in the Winter Gay Calendar, the Gay and Lesbian Film Festival has grown into a unique event in Barcelona that now covers 3 cities within the distict including, Catalan cities: Lleida, Girona and Tarragona.
M&M/Too funny, you said that he was approached at the age of 16 for the part if i recall, not that he was aware of the SS which he said in the interview.
I'm the one that said that he was probably talking about the SS and therefore anyone approaching about a SS would be false.
And PS M&M/Too funny, yoor homophobic shit is getting tiring along with other posters here.
Yeah,all gay men care about is fucking socer players and going to gay film fetivals.
How about he maybe is on vacation and he wants to do some sightseeing?
Why must you gay up everything.
You remind if a tea party freeper and thinks that gay men think with their dicks 24/7
Someone would approch him if there was ascript, which there wasn't at 16.
You got caught again, M&M/Too funny cleaning up your BS.
SunInBloom:feeling dreamy after another encounter w/ jake gyllenhaal @ #organic #gluten free #vegan #raw restaurant, in Bklyn.
about 3 hours ago via TweetDeck
ThisBitchTina: Jake Gyllenhaal is totally in my building. I love my job! Jkjk, it totally sucks.
about 3 hours ago via Twitter for Android
M&M/Too funny thought that Jake was approached at 16 for a movie that wasn't in development at the time when Jake was 16, when in fact he had heard about or read the SS at the time, no script at the time so no way anyone approached him at 16. At 18-19 that would e old enough where someoen would be approached for a role like that, gay or straight
Methodical Muser said...
I believe Jake said he was 16, on the Jay Leno show (1/2006), when he was approached about Brokeback Mountain. I smiled when he said that because Annie Proulx published the short story in October, 1997 in The New Yorker when Jake would have turned 17 that December. I thought it was telling that someone would feel comfortable enough to approach a 16 young man about possibly playing a gay role. Let's face it, it's unlikely someone would have approached a 16 year straight adolescent. He told Leno at the time that he said he wouldn't be interested and sort of laughed it off like no way would he do a role like that, but someone close to him sure thought he would. Maybe someone who knew him all too well.
October 19, 2010 8:27 PM
New pic from LaOD
If you go to the main page of IHeartJake.Com you will see tabs under the picture of the Jake collage listed as: Jake * Filmography * Gallery * Media * Fanzone * Site Info * Community * Newspaper * Home
If you click on Media it will give you options of the media to download.
Choose TV Interviews they are all listed. Scroll down a little you will see Jay Leno January 13, 2006.
This is the interview where Jake is talking about being approached about BBM.
You can download it and watch it.
Yes we know SK, we saw it.
We know what he said but he obviously misspoke as he does sometimes
How could he beeapproached at the age of 16 for the role when the SS was first published in 10/97, 2 months before Jake's 17th b'day and there was no interest in turning this into a film between that time period, that came the following year in 98 when it won the pulitzer and Jake had to be 17 going on 18, Gus was attached to it then and was prolly the one who approached him Octoer sky was out around that time.
What Jake meant to say was that he heard about or read the story at 16, something he repeated in print.
So he got a hew things mixed up at the time, it's happened before.
What he should have said is that he heard or read about the SS at 16 and he was later approached for the role , he claimed he wasn't interested but then read the script and changed his mind.
He also said that when Ang approached him, he thought that it would be for the role of Ennis not Jack, I assume Ang wasn't the first director to approach hm since he was the 3rd to e attached but no way Jake was 16, the timeline doesn't fit.
Jake made a boo-boo back then and nobody bothered to correct him.
It's not what he should have said or would have said, it is what he said.
LOL but he obviously misspoke. Why is that so difficult to figure out?
God you're all crackpots.
Yes we know SK, it's what he said and it's obvious from a bit of googling, that he was wrong and no one corrcted him, no biggie can't turn back the clock and tell Jake during the taping of the show that BBM, the movie wasn't even thought of in HW when you were 16, that happened later Jake, you read/heard about the SS when you were 16.
What is your problem anyway? That he obviously misspoke (Backed up by facts)So what, how many times has Jake babbled and misspoke.
You don't expect Leno to know the timeline.
Gus was attached to it then Joel Schmacher and the Lee. Jake had to be around 18 when approached which would be aroundlate 98/early 99 when HW and Gus were interested.
HW only came a calling after it won the pulitzer in 1998. Jake would have been close to the age of Jack when the story started so being approached around 18 would be about right .
Jake made a boo-boo, I know you have a problem grasping this SK because you think he walks on water but just because there is a video of him on IHJ saying one thing doesn't make it true.
Do a little research and you will see that there is no way he was 16 when approached for a role for a film that wasn't even in development.
Looking into the Barcelona International Gay & Lesbian Film Festival that M& M mention.
They are celebrating their 10th anniversary and one of the movies at the Festival this year was Prayers for Bobby which was Monday night.
Looks like there was no way for Austin to be there on Monday. Maybe he is attending the closing of the festival for Friday night.
Just a thought.
Barcelona International Gay & Lesbian Film Festival schedule
Creepy Gus, why don't you share the floor? Man, take a breath, would you?
And please clean up your mouth. Your language directed at M&M was absolutely uncalled for and it was crass. And we're not tired of her comments; but yours are getting totally scroll-worthy.
Do you own stock in Jake? Because I swear to pete, you sure act like it.
Or better yet, are you his Mama or Papa? You sure act like his Papa.
Wouldn't surprise me at all if this is our little troll, DanB.
kkattalia: Just spent the evening with Jake Gyllenhaal, Anne Hathaway and MTV. There was ice cream cake involved.
32 minutes ago via Twitter for iPhone
It's not what he should have said or would have said, it is what he said.
Exactly. The subjunctive case is worthless and irrelevent. Jake could've, should've, might've said alot of things on January 13, 2006. But, HE DIDN'T.
The Giants just won in the bottom of the 9th with a sacrifice fly. Yippee! Great game.
Just saw Jake on Access Hollywood where they showed some clips from Elle Magazine's 17th Annual Women in Hollywood event in Beverly Hills. The announcer played up the angle of "Jake the Ladies Man" by saying he was one of the few men in the room. Jake took it from there: “More recently she’s [Paltrow] been Iron Man’s assistant, Pepper Potts. Perhaps the best character with the stupidest name since Huggy Bear and Alotta Vagina. Speaking of vagina, thank you for having me tonight.”
Enough said.
Quick check in while on the road. I dont get what creepy is going on about. I can think of several projects not in development that have mentioned Jake. Damn Yankees, the Moon project and Joe Namath. None are more than ideas at this time. And draft novels, draft short stories are circulated within the industry way before they are published for public access, so word of BBM could easily have been known.
Hope to get a quick moment again tomorrow to check in.
And draft novels, draft short stories are circulated within the industry way before they are published for public access, so word of BBM could easily have been known.
LOL how is it even possible to get through a whole day with the screwiest logic this side of the Mississippi? I'm embarrassed for you, m.
Special, the photos you put up of Austin in puppy dog costume were ingenius. That's just ingenius. I get a kick out of that everytime I scroll down.
Excellent, excellent.
And thank you, M&M, for posting that lovely, respectful comment from Mr. Jake "Sexual Harrassment" Gyllenhaal. Had he said that at a business party or event of my company, that would have gotten him walked out, a sexual harrassment suit and pink slip.
You know, I get crass sometimes with my innuendo which is why I took down my two cab ride comments up there. But that's one thing. I don't think I have reduced the guys to calling them literally "peni." That's the plural for penis, I suppose.
I hope he realizes that when he said that last sentence, he just referred to his mom, his sister and if there is a 2nd BT and BT2 is a girl, as V's.
Open mouth and insert Herman Munster sized foot, Jake.
Which is why I believe he was lined up for this event. You guys better get ready because this is probably only the tip of the iceburg. This is what I love about Austin and what just gets me about Jake, and not in a good way. Austin seems like he can at least put his foot down when he needs to.
I'm actually relieved that we've just been assaulted at work with a huge slam of instant busy season. These next 2 1/2 months have enough on the plate that it hopefully for me, won't be hart to bypass the garbo that's about to unfurl while Jake promotes this movie.
It won't be hard for me to not recommend it to my co-workers and friends. It will be hard for me to bypass it at the theatre because I really was looking forward to seeing LAOD. But double thumbs up's and comments like that one up there are enough to steer me to withhold my $8. I can do something when my mind has been set to it.
Will $16 matter? Nope! 1 cent opinion? Nope! But that's not important. How I feel about what I do and endorse is all that matters. And well, sorry - someone who refers women to V's is not appealing to me, no matter how good they may look on screen.
Okay, time to give my 100% effort and attention to an honest job and a super & co-worker who deserve it.
Methodical Muser said...
Just saw Jake on Access Hollywood where they showed some clips from Elle Magazine's 17th Annual Women in Hollywood event in Beverly Hills. The announcer played up the angle of "Jake the Ladies Man" by saying he was one of the few men in the room. Jake took it from there: “More recently she’s [Paltrow] been Iron Man’s assistant, Pepper Potts. Perhaps the best character with the stupidest name since Huggy Bear and Alotta Vagina. Speaking of vagina, thank you for having me tonight.”
Enough said.
Funny, yesterday you were giggling & guffawing about male roast rumps and beef racks, not to mention titillated by Austin's link to Gosling's bulge. Why the prudish attitude now because Jake mention's the v word??
Bruce has his eye on both Jake Gyllennhaal and Justin Timberlake, saying he would "trust them, they're tough".
It ain't, over till its over M and M but it aint looking good for my Phils.
I wonder if Austin really did go to Spain?
Funny, yesterday you were giggling & guffawing about male roast rumps and beef racks, not to mention titillated by Austin's link to Gosling's bulge. Why the prudish attitude now because Jake mention's the v word??
It must get tiresome being so incredibly wrong so consistently. As usual your recollection (or should I say ersatz fabrication) of events does not reflect any semblance of reality or the rigor of even the slightest fact checking. I don't giggle nor do I guffaw and I never said one word about Gosling's bulge. And, how you got "prudish" out of two simple words..."Enough said," illustrates your horrible at mind reading too. For someone who lurks at OMG night and day, I would think your ability to grasp the simplest of concepts would have improved by now. Retention must not be one of your gifts either.
I bet Mr. Nichols is in NYC.
I can imagaine little fingers diving into the internet looking for proof that Austin is in Spain.
With the lovely Sophia of course.
Oh, I know it ain't over, Tom. The Giants are notorious for coming up with the most imaginative ways of losing a game. I'm definitely looking forward to the Lincecum and Halladay rematch. Should be fun.
I bet Mr. Nichols is in NYC....With the lovely Sophia of course.
Don't forget Soapy's little voices, Tom! She takes them everywhere she goes. Must get crowded.
wallacefoto: Returned to Gorilla Coffee before leaving for our plane. Saw Jake Gyllenhaal... Sorry, no picture. #Brooklyn
Your nervousness is showing again.
A sure-fire sign that someone knows they've been proven wrong is that they throw meaningless phrases such as this into the mix. But thanks for all the posts, M&M - they're entertaining as all get out!
Enough said :)
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