A little throwback
Call it Beautiful Boy meets Good Girl
or this:
A Jake and Austin Community
Posted by
Special K
11:49 PM
Labels: Austin, Beautiful Boy, Good Girl, Hot Legs, Jake, Throwback Thursday
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Nothing like a beard posting a book excerpt that could apply to a closeted person to make me roll my eyes, groan, laugh, and ultimately want to lecture on the hypocrisy of it all. Or should I say pretentious phoniness?
I wonder when those wedding bells will be ringing for Austy and the current beard. I will be so excited for them :-)
I still think Jake and reese are getting back together.
Hey, count me in for being excited, Tom. I have to just laugh at that picture. I wonder how long it took to come up with that big moment of intimate "spontaneity"? lol
I wonder when those wedding bells will be ringing for Austy
sooner or later Tom
Oh, you mean like never? That sounds about right to me.
Even if Austin was heterosexual, I doubt he would be selecting idiot, immature Chloe for his wife.
Chloe is not immature at all, she's pretty smart, with a curious sense of humor
when she was 15 she was living alone in Shanghai, where believe me or not she was a pop star, it sounds like someone who has already had two lives behind, and much more mature than some of so-called fans over 50 of her boyfriend
Have you read her tweets? The girl has a IQ of 85, if that. Sounds like a lewd frat boy.
I have read her tweets, and they are fun and smart
You must have a bizarre definition of fun and smart. Because her twitter is a cesspool.
Is this the same troll that predicted Reese and Jake would marry and then Austin and Sophia. Same drivel. PR pablum. Poor soul that buys that hype. So naive. Or paid shill.
Taylor Swift loves her some Gay men.
you know it said...
I wonder when those wedding bells will be ringing for Austy
sooner or later Tom
I would go with the much much much later choice.....
This would be funny if it wasn't so darn sad.
So looking at the enthusiastic way that the uh, the Aww picture was brought over and fell with a big splat. Let me enlighten a bit more on the success rate.
Like other tweets regarding those two (Austin and Ms Bennet), it's quite noticeable that you cannot find these "candid and personal" pictures on a Twitter search of @Aus10Nichols. If you want bang for your buck, you're going to get his twitter name in your tweet, because that's where his fanbase is. This is not the first time Bennet leaves out Austin's Twitter name in a tweet. Sophia never hesitated to. Wonder what is different about this go around?
Maybe because this fake-o relaysh is not for the benefit of the OTH girls? I wonder why? Maybe because......those girls could care less? There's no retweets of Austin and Bennet with those girls. There's no shipping. There's no Q and A's. There is nothing.
Bennet herself has only 36 retweets from her twitter fans on that dud compared to 100 or 200 on other tweets. So even the Agent of Shields fans could care less. That show's fans want to see her with her co star anyway, so that's a problem in itself.
These two have been on Just Jared what, maybe once? Why? Because again - no one cares.
So if Austin's fanbase doesn't care. And if the Agents of Shield fanbase doesn't care. And if Public Relations and Marketing aren't going to take this show nationwide in the rags because they don't care enough, why on earth are you even doing it?
And why does the paid troll come running over to OMG trying to sell it if we don't even care?
I'll tell you why. I'll tell you why this gets brought over here and why Bennet is a one gal promo tool.
Because of one reason.
Jake and Austin.
Whoever thinks those two guys don't still have something going on, well........I don't know what else to tell you. It's all right there. If there was no there there, this little non-story would have long gone straight to the Clearance shelf.
It's so elementary, it's not even funny.
Nice try Jack
That was not me.
You are done for now!
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