Today's Out Spotlight has been the Prime Minister of Belgium since December 2011. He is also the first Belgian Prime Minister of non-Walloon or Flemish descent as well as the only openly gay leader of a European Union country. Today's Out Spotlight is Elio Di Rupo.
Elio Di Rupo was born July 18, 1951, the son of two Italian immigrants. His father was born in San Valentino in Abruzzo Citeriore. Elio, who was born in the small town of Morlanwelz, in Wallonia, was the only of the children to be born in Belgium; his brothers and sisters were all born in Italy. When he was a year old, his father died in a car crash and his mother was unable to raise all seven children. For financial reasons, three of the children were raised in a nearby orphanage.
Di Rupo came in contact with the socialist movement for the first time during his studies in Mons, where he first obtained a master's degree and afterwards a Ph.D in chemistry. He went during the preparation of his doctorate to the University of Leeds (United Kingdom), where his function was that of lecture member of staff in 1977–1978.
He started his political career as an attaché at the cabinet of Jean-Maurice Dehousse in 1980–81. His first political mandate came in 1982, when he was Councillor of Mons (until 1985, and again from 1988 until 2000). In 1986, he was mayor of health, urban renewal and social affairs. Professionally, Di Rupo was at the same time cabinet member and then Deputy Head of Cabinet of the minister of finance of that time of the Walloon region and consequently Deputy Head of Cabinet of the minister of finance and energy of the Walloon region at that time Philippe Busquin (1981–85) and superintendent of the energy-inspection of the ministry of the Walloon region.
He was once described François Mitterrand as being "a character from a novel".
In 2000, Di Rupo became the mayor of Mons, which is the capital of the province of Hainaut.
In 1987, Di Rupo had his national political breakthrough. He was chosen as member of the Chamber of Deputies and went two years later for a short time to the European Parliament.
In 1991, he was chosen as a senator, but shortly afterwards (1992), he took in the French-speaking community his first ministerial function in Education and later also Media. These were his responsibilities until Guy Coëme, who was mentioned in the Agusta-scandal, resigned and Di Rupo went to the federal government in 1994 as Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Traffic and Governmental companies. Following the elections in 1995, he remained the Vice-Prime Minister of Belgium and was appointed minister of Economics and Telecommunications. In 1995 he signed the merger of the Belgian airline Sabena with Swiss Air that eventually led to the bankruptcy of Sabena with thousands of unemployed employees as result.
In 1996, at the time of the Dutroux affair, Olivier Trusgnach, a prostitute, alleged that Di Rupo paid him for sex while Trusgnach was still a minor. This accusation could have meant the end of his political career. Di Rupo denied the accusations and a close investigation showed that he was completely innocent. When he was confronted with the accusation that he was gay, he responded "Yes. So what?", and from that moment he has never hidden his homosexuality.
After the federal and regional elections of June 1999 in which, due to the Dioxin Affair, the Christian-Democrats lost many of their votes, Di Rupo negotiated with the Flemish socialists of sp.a, the Liberals and Green Party to form a "pink-green" government. Di Rupo himself was in charge of the function of minister-president of the Walloon region, but already in October of the same year the members of the party chose him as president and in April 2000, he was succeeded in his function of minister-president by Jean-Claude Van Cauwenberghe.
As new president of the party, Di Rupo was forced to make a generation change within the PS and go down a new path. During the regional and federal elections of 1995 and 1999, the PS lost many of its votes, partly because of corruption scandals in the 1990s (named Agusta-scandal and UNIOP-affair), in which the most prominent PS-politicians were involved. PS had been in the government subsequently since 1988 (in the regional government and in the federal government), but the liberal PRL (now MR) became in the 1999-elections as strong as the PS. Apart from those two, Ecolo also became an important political party. Di Rupo realised that drastic action was required to regain the position of the PS. By several measures, such as "Contrat d'avenir pour la Wallonie" (Contract for the Future of Wallonia) and a new generation of party leaders, by which Marie Arena was important, he tried to reassemble the left wing-forces around him. Successfully, because in the elections of 2003, PS regained the electoral score of 1991 and was by far the most important political party before MR. During the regional elections of 2004, it also became the most important party in the Brussels capital region.
Di Rupo changed, in 2004, the liberal coalition partner for the Christian-democratic party, in the Walloon Government and in the Brussels Capital Government (in the last also the green party Ecolo was part of the government). By doing this, coalitions were made which differed from the federal coalition at that time.
In October 2005, he became Minister-President of the Walloon Region after Jean-Claude Van Cauwenberghe resigned amid a corruption scandal, involving several members of Di Rupo's party. Di Rupo continued as party leader though and has had to deal with the PS's ICDI affair that emerged in May 2006.
In 2006 and 2007, Di Rupo and his party appeared unsuccessful in trying to clean out corruption. This was probably instrumental in the party's losing its first place amongst French community parties 2007 federal election. Di Rupo then decided to take a firmer stance against corruption in Charleroi: he virtually took control of the city's Socialist Party and ordered the Socialist mayor and aldermen to resign.
After former PS president Guy Spitaels urged him to choose between the presidency of the party and of the Walloon Region, Di Rupo decided to organize internal elections for party president in July 2007 rather than in October of that year and announced that he would resign from his mandate as Minister-President if re-elected. On 11 July 2007, Di Rupo was re-elected president of the Socialist Party with 89.5% of the votes.
Following the 2010 Belgian general election, in which the PS emerged as the largest of the Francophone parties and the second largest political party in Belgium, speculation emerged as to whether Di Rupo could be the Prime Minister in a new government. The RTBF raised questions, however, about whether Di Rupo's limited fluency in Dutch would be a stumbling block in seeking that office; every prime minister since 1979 had been a Fleming. In May 2011, he was appointed Formateur by the Belgian king, which gave Di Rupo the task of forming a government. Traditionally, the Formateur also becomes the Prime Minister of the government he forms. He became prime minister of the Di Rupo I Government on 6 December 2011. With Di Rupo's appointment, Belgium ended 589 days without a government, believed to be the longest such streak ever for a country in the developed world. Yves Leterme had resigned on April 26 2010 and had been serving as caretaker prime minister since then.
Di Rupo describes himself as an "atheist, rationalist, and Freemason." He is fluent in Italian and French. Since becoming Prime Minister, his Dutch has considerably improved and he is now considered trilingual according to his teacher.
Di Rupo came out as gay in 1996, and is the first openly gay man to lead a sovereign state after Norway's Per-Kristian Foss briefly served as prime minister of his country in 2002, and the first openly-gay man to win the position in his own right pursuant to an election From Di Rupo's election until 2013, he was one of the only two gay or lesbian national heads of government, the other one being Icelandic Prime Minister Jóhanna Sigurðardóttir.
Sunday, September 8, 2013
Out Spotlight
Posted by
Special K
11:51 PM
Labels: Elio Do Rupo, Out Spolight
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I guess Hugh doesn't care Jake is married or else he loves taking risks too.
Check out a picture from Tumblr and a photographer's snapshot caught Hugh about to cup Jake's ass. You have to go down the page a bit but you'll see it.
Ha! I wish this picture would go viral.
What the hell Wolverine?
That's a pretty funny photo.
I think you're right about Jake butching up his act and the roles he takes. I think he probably didn't test very well with young men, especially after BBM, and roles like POP and LAOD didn't help.
After EOW was released and again after it came out on Netflix, you saw no word mentioned more than "badass". I should have kept a count on it, the frequency was that numerous.
Not only that, but I saw I don't know how many tweets from accounts that said they had respect for Jake again after Brokeback. It was way too many times to be coincidental. I think a lot of those tweets were planted by Management as part of the whole plan to redo Jake's image.
It was terrible to see so many tweets dissing and putting down a classic, life-changing movie like Brokeback Mountain (the movie which garnered him his awards) in order to promote the testosterone laden flick End of Watch.
Couple of things before I go for the day as everyone is up now and there's lots to see out there.
Don't be surprised if the beard is rolled back out now that Jake's two movies are being promoted and there's all kinds of talk in reference to Oscars and such. There's a tweet/Instagram floating out there saying the beard was sitting beside him at the screening of Enemy. A very dark photo taken from, of course!, from behind.
Funny how nobody else mentioned she was there, particularly websites. Nonetheless, I could see it coming.
Hugh is going to want no risks. I see what that guy is all about.
Younger men loved EOW. I have one friend who told me he watched it around 10 times. Jake and his PR must be very happy to reach that base. A dream come true for them.
OH, and check out my Twitter!!! Look what I saw this morning!!!
I think it's a dream come true for Jake. I think this territory is what he really wanted all along.
Heaven forbid the world should know the person he really took vows with.
Beyond disappointed again this morning.
I'm out to get the taste out of my mouth, guys! Everyone have a great day.
Jake is obsessed with wanting people to think he is str8.
Have a good time PG. Hope the weather is good for you.
Novak vs. Rafa 5pm. Vamos Nadal!
Here’s Jake Gyllenhaal at the premiere of Enemy last night. His girlfriend, Sports Illustrated model Alyssa Miller, was not photographed on the carpet. But she was there. I saw them together at the Hugo Boss after-party and it was like a fragrance ad come to life. They’re attractive enough as it is when they’re apart. When they’re side by side, and she has both arms wrapped around his neck, and his hand is on her leg, it’s ridiculous, so gorgeous it’s hard not to keep staring.
They were in a cabana on the rooftop of The Chase. Platters of oysters were being brought over to them. When I first saw them, they were seated, and she was hugging him from behind, around the shoulders, her chin resting on one side, and he was smiling at her adoringly, and you could tell – these two are in love, it’s for real, for real, for real. I immediately went hunting for the oysters for regular people at the back of the restaurant where it was set up buffet styles. There was also a bucket of shrimp and a thousand cheeses and sausages and olives and tomatoes with burrata so what I’m saying is that it took me a while to get back to them because when food is free, NOTHING ELSE MATTERS.
Jake and Alyssa were still there when I got back from gorging. This time he was turned towards her, and with the pad of his thumb, he was gently rubbing a piece of food from her bottom lip. HOT. They’re hot. Mega, mega, MEGA hot.
After a while they stood up so that Jake could glad-hand well-wishers and movie executives. Alyssa wasn’t clingy. She kept up her own conversations with other producer types and friends. I saw her laughing a lot, comfortably, and generally being NOT the kind of model who stands in the corner and pouts. I left around 10pm to hit up another party but I did see Jake again briefly at the end of the night at Grey Goose Soho House though I didn’t linger in his area because James McAvoy, the end.
Lainey cashing in her bonus
Puke. That is so f ing phony. No way in heck in that reality. Lainey is a joke.
Sorry Go Jake you comment got eaten in the moderation, but I saved it!!
I am reposting it for you.
Go Jake said
Interesting Press Conference for Prisoners. I'm really looking forward to Enemy, or is An Enemy.
September 9, 2013 at 3:53 PM
Tom is a story confirmed by several sources
Actually Fact Checker you need to check your facts. The all the stories you mention as proof used the Lainey story for the reference. So it is not proof it is just piggybacking a piece of a gossip site.
There are not pictures of a her. And if you were with a model you'd think two people who work in front of the camera would want their picture taken together.
2) Why would she come when Fashion Week is happening in NYC? Wouldn't she need to network during one of the biggest weeks of the year for her industry?
3) Why would she choose Enemy and not Prisoners? Prisoners is the high profile movie, that's the one that would get you more press.
So it looks like it's nothing but smoke and mirrors from Lainey.
She is always trying to get a scoop on the Big Gossip Boys, and if I'm not mistaken Lainey is based out of Vancouver not Toronto, how would she know?
No Special, are all different people who have seen the same scene
But back to Jake, who realistically didn’t even notice me because his attention was focused (like, FOCUSED) on his girlfriend, Sports Illustrated model Alyssa Miller. They stayed in close contact throughout the night, his arm wrapped around her—though carefully placed as to not mess up her beautiful bob. Earlier in the weekend Gyllenhaal and Miller were spotted having an intimate dinner at Momofuku, so they’re clearly making a nice little Toronto vacation out of his time at TIFF.
High above the city, at Hugo Boss’s stylish Enemy party on the Chase rooftop terrace, I spot the first major party PDA of the fest. Jake Gyllenhaal and his hot new flame, Sports Illustrated model Alyssa Miller, cuddle and kiss in the cabana, enjoying the shroud of secrecy only candlelight can give. If I hadn’t been seated nearby, next to his co-star Isabella Rossellini and director Denis Villeneuve, I’d have missed it along with the rest of the crowd. At one point, Miller wraps both her lithe limbs around Gyllenhaal; it’s like an Annie Leibovitz portrait come to life. He then nibbles a runaway piece of raw seafood off her bottom lip in a moment I can only dub as orgasmic (even if voyeuristically just for moi). Score one for Hugo Boss’s clever and clandestine lighting design, sparking a most erotically-charged gesture, hotter than anything we’ve seen on the silver screen.
Ryan Porter @MrRyanPorter 20h
Great party by @hugoboss for Denis Villeneuve's #Enemy. Jake Gyllenhaal and gf Alyssa Miller look very happy
Why don't you answer all of my other questions if you have all the answers?
Don't think you can.
Special, she was in Toronto also for Prisoners, you could see her in the live stream, in the theater with the press, just before Jake came
2) Why would she come when Fashion Week is happening in NYC? Wouldn't she need to network during one of the biggest weeks of the year for her industry?
1)because it was an important moment for Jake
2)because nothing provides work and attention to a virtually unknown model how to be with the big fish of HW with the attention of all the world's media
Then how was she instagramming with friends in NY on Friday if she was up in Toronto?
How are there NO pictures of her in Toronto all weekend?
And again why would she miss out on that many days of Fashion Week?
Special,just watch the CTV videos, covering the prmiere of Prisoners, she was there, dressed in black and white, chatting with everyone, then they were seen having dinner at Momofuku
Jake was seen with HUGH at Momofuku there was no mention of Jake with her at Momofuku. Because wouldn't it look better for Jake to be mentioned with her and Hugh in the same story. Need to cut down those gay rumors for both fellas.
Still no explanation for her Intstagrams from NY on Friday. Oh - wait she brought her friends along and did them in Toronto and we can see that on CTV too. -- yeah right.
Special sorry but bwhich friends? What are you talking about? She was Thursday September 5 at the style awards, Friday September 6 in the morning to a publicity event for Magnum ice cream, again Friday night in toronto for prisoner on Saturday a photo of a work she is doing and Sunday Enemy
Earlier in the weekend Gyllenhaal and Miller were spotted having an intimate dinner at Momofuku,
Interesting the ONLY mention of her with him at Momofuku is in a fashion blog while every MAJOR press outlet had the story of Jake with Hugh there and no mention of her.
Hmmmm.... now how does that that happen.
She took a break from fashion week for the week end and was in Toronto. I assume she's back in NY for the rest of fashion week and Jake in L.A
To film Latifah.
I saw the live feed from TIFF and I saw her. There is an instagram of them sitting together during the screening of Enemy.
I assume Jake's agency wanted TIFF to be about Jake and his Movies not Jake Alyssa.
Lainey was inToronto covering TIFF she is allowed to leave Vancouver once in awhile!
Btw she and NaomI were at the taping of the Actors studio.
Jake and Hugh dont csre about the rumors it seems as long as there are women around!
Special because Hugh and Jake had been together at Momofuku Friday, not for dinner, but after the Premire, they had already had dinner together before the premiere, Jake and Alyssa had dinner at Momofuku Saturday
The Jake is straight crew can go back to Gyllenbabble and Just Jared we ain't buying it.
Two reasons the fake story is being trotted out. The ENT lawyer blind which named Jake and Hugh vying for the same guy. Hugh and Jake giving off major gay vibes. Notice how the troll claims they were seen but produces no evidence at all. And those two stories are so similar, you can tell they were crafted by PR for distribution.
Hilarious that TWO different outlets described the arm-wrap and the lip-wipe, both claim to be eye-witnesses, neither actual journalists. That sh*t doesn't happen unless it is spoon-fed.
Still, I suspect Alyssa was there. She's making way more money and connections in this Oscar campaign than she is at fashion week.
I also suspect Jake and Hugh hooked up. Unlike a lot of posters here, I doubt Jake and Austin are monogamous. Not if they're Toothy and Grey, they're not. Ted made that clear.
By the way, Lainey moved to Toronto 2 months ago, she's on a morning talk show now called "The Social" which is like The View, for Canada. But even before she lived there, she's covered TIFF for years. And she has always, always had details about Jake's herero love life that no one else has, and she clearly gets them from someone. On a spoon.
Jake was seen with HUGH at Momofuku there was no mention of Jake with her at Momofuku. Because wouldn't it look better for Jake to be mentioned with her and Hugh in the same story. Need to cut down those gay rumors for both fellas.
Still no explanation for her Intstagrams from NY on Friday. Oh - wait she brought her friends along and did them in Toronto and we can see that on CTV too. -- yeah right.
The pic she posted of her naked in bed? The pic was taken by Chadwick Tyler, not (necessarily) a friend. He's a fashion photographer, and she's one of his latest muses. They've done several shoots together. The pic could have been taken anytime and she posted it for her fans. She posts naked pics of herself all the time.
Two Reasons the fake story is being trotted out. The ENT Which blind lawyer named Jake and Hugh vying for the same guy.
you do not realize just how embarrassing yourself with these naive, almost ridiculous argument?
seriously who give a fuck about ENT?
even many of those who commit there do not believe in his blind
CDAN, has no credibility or influence those blogs are a blast from the past, we are no longer in 2007
Vamos Nadal Yessssss :-)
Red Sox and Rays on Thursday :-)
Tom you better root for those Sox. They're in 1st!
Two reasons the fake story is being trotted out. The ENT lawyer blind which named Jake and Hugh vying for the same guy. Hugh and Jake giving off major gay vibes.
perhaps, but the more likely explanation for Jake's first bearding in 3 years is the Oscar.
The pic could have been taken anytime and she posted it for her fans. She posts naked pics of herself all the time.
LOL - out of the mouths of babes. Finally someone is agreeing with OMGers about pictures not necessarily providing true establishment of place and time.
Remember this one, OMG.
If that fake girlfriend was handsy with her actor boyfriend, there would have been plenty of pics. Isn't that what fauxmances are all about. Selling the public on a charade. Lainey's story is so manufactured, a six year old could suss it out. Jake should be ashamed of himself, but why should he if the industry awards him for being a good boy. Good boy = no balls.
In fact, since he said he was exploring the topic of masculinity in An Enemy, I sure hope he included the concepts of self hatred, cowardice and wimp.
Or maybe it's a way to use twitter to send a message, just as Austin always does according to OMG, a way to suggest that she has spent all day in bed with Jake, it works both ways 10:34 PM
@10:47 well... maybe not. I'd bet Jake + Alyssa were there, and I'll bet they were cuddly. We don't need pics - we have Lainey.
Jake likes to have it both ways. His image, and everyone knows this, is that he tightly guards his privacy. Again, that's image. Jake tries to keep that image intact while getting the story out. His people are good. Lainey has said so herself, "Jake has the best people in the business." Henry Cavill, clearly, does not have the best people in the business.
So although Alyssa did not walk the red carpet with Jake, we all know she was there because private Jake cozied with her in front of numerous journalists last night. This was an invite-only party - his people knew exactly who was on the list. There would be a ban on photos from this party, but certainly not on commentary. That's the thing - you can ban photos but you can't invite journalists and bloggers to a party and expect that not to write about it. That's why you invite them - so they'll write about it.
There are some actors who do guard their privacy. Scarlett Johansson and Ryan Reynolds were dating + married for 5 years, and were photographed together about 4 times. Both hot A-listers. That is guarding your privacy. Jake? uh not really.
It would be really unfortunate if Jake took it this far, but it could happen. Orlando did, though it did him no good. Did Miranda plenty of good. (see link)
Don't paly stupid 10:47 PM , there are several people, not related to each other, who have seen the same thing, you can not make up a story like that, right in the TFF with all the world's attention focused on this event, with thousands of journalists, bloggers, all kind of random people, who could refute what you wrote, and certainly not if you are running one of the most famous gossip blog on internet, knowing how much credibility is essential, you'd never be so stupid as to run such a risk
Truth, you sound an awful lot like Kismet.
I'm outta here. Roasted some marshmallows tonight and I think it's time to turn in after an awesome, animal kingdom kind of day.
Jake is one helluva mess. So much for one stride forward at the Prisoners press conference. In a matter of 48 hours, that all went to hell.
Anyone who has experience in real life relationships knows that Jake is gay, gay, gay. All it takes is a quick overview of his "relationships" over the years and Miller is right up there with Emily DiDonato and Taylor Swift for absurdity and famewhore status.
Why someone would continue to hang out at a blog which has self identified for years as a celebration of Jake and Austin's relationship, just so they can keep pushing Jake as a camera shy heterosexual, tells me three things. Either they are genuinely stupid and there is certainly ample evidence they aren't the brightest bulb in the box. Or, two: they are homophobes and can't believe any mainstream actor is gay. Or, three they are PR with an agenda.
You know, now that I actually think about the matter a little more closely, maybe there is a fourth possibility, as well. That person could, in fact, be all three.
Lainey, Lamey, whatever...
I like her line "There was also a bucket of shrimp and a thousand cheeses and sausages..."
We all know how Jake likes his sausages...
Just sayin, old habits die hard, and Mr. G smiles all over the boys again and again, but none better than for his Goose!
I think I have the same experience in real life relationships as your, and I see no evidence that makes your respectable opinion as incontrovertible, it's just your opinion, which is not worth less than mine but not worth more
prairiegirl said...
Truth, you sound an awful lot like Kismet.
cyber bullying is okay, as long as it's not directed at you, huh PG? If you ever wonder why people show up here for awhile, try to find a place and then eventually leave, just look in the mirror.
I think I have the same experience in real life relationships as your,
LOL! Please show me some proof of that assertion. You are as credible as Jake's fake PR. All talk, no hat.
If you ever wonder why people show up here for awhile, try to find a place and then eventually leave, just look in the mirror.
Don't let the door hit you on the way out. Buh bye!
23:34, all I have to say is I must have hit a little too close to home.
Suspecting someone of posting as someone else is in no way cyber bullying. You need to take a trip next door to see what cyber bullying is.
It's a strong suspicion, nothing wrong with that.
"LOL! Please show me some proof of that assertion.!
just when you do the same thing with me
"You are as credible as Jake's fake PR. All talk, no hat."
so you are darling
I have a really hard time believing this story for several reasons. One, both writers sound like they're romance writers on steroids. Nobody writes that way except PR and tabloids, which is another word for PR in most cases.
Second, Jake looks like he can barely stand holding hands with his beards. Can you really imagine him actually doing all of those things he supposedly did? I can't.
Finally, funny how this only happens at a private party, where anyone in attendance is not going to spill the real beans, or contradict what someone like Lamey writes.
I have no idea if she was up in Toronto with him, she could have been there, or it could have been made up. Even if she was there, not buying this story.
Can you really imagine him actually doing all of those things he supposedly did? I can't.
you missed a lot of pictures eh Destiny?
not buying this story.
just because you don't want
Kismet has not posted here since he/she was being stalked and mentioned on other sites, including WFT2 and JJ. Lots of people change screen names when that sort of thing makes them uncomfortable. You should respect that as someone's choice and not "out" them just for your own satisfaction. Because yeah, intimidation is bullying.
"Out"? You're talking to me about being disclosed on other blogs and gossip sites as well as Twitter? Are you stinkin' kidding me? I'm the Queen of being 'disclosed' and 'stalked'.
The Queen. The end all, beat all. Talk to the hand.
Kismet has not posted here since he/she was being stalked and mentioned on other sites,
You seem to know a lot about everything. You not only know all about Jake and his fake girlfriend, but now you know Kismet personally. You're just an amazing individual all away around. Can I have your autograph. Sort of like the most interesting man in the world.
She was there. I've seen enough. But look at this person's account:
The part that just recounts stuff Jake Gyllenhaal did: So he was sitting on the rooftop terrace in a plushy little corner and there was a security guard standing close by, but everyone could still look at him, but it was still sort of intimidating. And his Sports Illustrated model girlfriend, Alyssa Miller, was right beside him the whole time, except for a few times when Jakey stood up to say “hi” to other people, including his director Villeneuve and Maria Bello, but then he sat back down. Once, he even wiped a little piece of food from Miller’s lips. And, another time, he put his jacket around her and then once she slung her arm around his neck, because she must have been exhausted, and then they stood up and hugged for approximately 24 seconds. At 10:58 p.m., they left the party and she was holding his hand and just trying to leave already but he was like, “I know, I know, but I should just wave and say good-bye one more time.”
This sounds more like it complete with bodyguard to avoid unwanted interactions
^^^ See? This is more like it. She was there. They flew her in at the last minute so he didn't have to walk with her on any red carpets, have to answer any questions about her, and could be left alone. Notice the mention of the body guard.
The bodyguard was there to make sure there were no unwanted interruptions, close up views, any comments. Jake was able to control the entire situation.
I'll say it again. I took it down but I'm putting it up again. What a mess. Jake left his family for one stinkin' weekend of TIFF and in a matter of 3 days, he has waiter proposition rumors, gets his ass fondled/patted by his A-List costar and brings the beard in for a ridiculously lavish piece of crap written by Lamey. A bulkload of lies.
I hope he gets some good sleep these upcoming months leading to next year's Oscars. And he better stock up on the Tums because you know what? People like Hugh and Jake's own management will keep upping the ante. They're going to keep demanding more and more out of him. And he'll be lucky to escape with his sanity, his marriage intact and kids with a decent childhood.
He is selling it all for that piece of statue.
cyber bullying is okay, as long as it's not directed at you, huh PG? If you ever wonder why people show up here for awhile, try to find a place and then eventually leave, just look in the mirror.
PG does not wonder because it is the intent. 'Just a thought' is PG. every time Kismet (or any thoughtful anon) begins to talk sense or logic, PG attacks, often under an anon. PG feels she needs to control discussion and Kismet had far too much to say. Kismet is one of many though. All the TBs are gone or just lurk. Happens again and again.
No, I am not Just a Thought.
Sorry, but you would be wrong.
PG does not wonder because it is the intent. 'Just a thought' is PG. every time Kismet (or any thoughtful anon) begins to talk sense or logic, PG attacks, often under an anon.
Oh, how precious are you? You're accusing PG of attacking under anon, when that's exactly what you are doing now. Pot calling the kettle black. By the way, "Just a thought" is not PG. How do I know this? Because it's me.
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