Jake says what turns him on is simple - Tits and Ass.
That would be called some side-boob.
Well that's just full frontal flashing.
and you gotta know the power of this:
Yup, that'd be Tits and Ass from Austin, Texas
Talking about that big Texan. He was out on the town and the red carpet in LA last night.
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Happy Austin Friday!
Interesting comments over at Towleroad on Jake's "tits and ass" remark:
This would be a surprise to a friend who has since passed that Jake slept with. My friend was required to sign a confidentiality agreement first but I see no reason to honor that since he's gone. I hope this new movie with Jackman burns in flames for all the recent press. I mean really, don't they both have enough money to never work again and be able to live really well for the rest of their lives?
Posted by: Countervail | Sep 13, 2013 1:43:02 PM
That's odd, I guess when he checked me out in Chelsea he was digging my tits.
Posted by: Mark | Sep 13, 2013 3:12:08 PM
here's my quick jake story: 5 or 6 years ago i was walking in the west village with a friend when i got checked out by a guy who was with another guy. you just know when you get checked out, right? three seconds after they walked by us, it dawned on me it was jake gyllenhaal. that's all i'm adding.
and that's the truth, ruth.
Posted by: Joe | Sep 13, 2013 5:53:25 PM
Great post, Special. After all, we all know that Austin has a bit of an obsession with man boobs, his tits and implants. Never mind that Grade A Texas ass of his:
@AUS10NICHOLS My breasts are shrinking. Should I get implants?
7:05 PM - 20 Jul 10
@AUS10NICHOLS thanks for all your support about my boobs. i feel better. i no longer feel i need implants. jeez, it's hard to be a man!
8:09 PM - 20 Jul 10
@AUS10NICHOLS I saw a woman at the gym yesterday with abs bigger than my tits
7:08 AM - 30 Jul 10
@AUS10NICHOLS I got my script today. Its pretty outstanding. I'm going to direct my tits off. I guess that's a win-win?
3:01 PM - 19 Jan 11
Nonetheless, even though there may be a legitimate double entendre meaning behind his T&A comment, (i.e., an inside joke between Austin and Jake), the general audience wouldn't know that semantic background. Because, on it's own, Jake's quip is offensive and demeaning to women. Too bad Jake is so obsessed with being viewed as a red-blooded all American sexist male that he would choose that kind of phrasing just to prove he's a real man's man. Which of course he is! LOL!
Whoever is writing Jake's script has gone to the same school of He-Man Closet 101 because that's exactly the kind of nonsense Austin's twitter account has been dishing ever since he and Soapy "busted up".
And I don't know if Jake is so dim-bulbed to think that T& A comment isn't going to provoke not only the big he-man slap on the back's by straight men but at the other end of the spectrum, he's asking for a huge kick in the figurative ass by the gay community.
Because in the matter of one day, he issued his statement from that same show about being paid a huge compliment to be thought of as gay after doing Brokeback Mountain.
So I look for more similar stories like those on Towelroad to come out on future similar threads. Hell hath no fury like those who are burned by their own.
...Villeneuve had heard that Gyllenhaal was hungry for the gritty stuff, and traveled to New York to meet with him. "Jake and I decided to work together after a first meeting, drinking red wine...talking, talking, talking, about cinema, art, women, subconscious, cinema, women, poetry, cinema, women and cinema," he said.
He stepped in it this time. First off what a stupid thing to say. Tits and Ass? Did you forget that we've all seen your beards? And the gay rumors started long before Brokeback. They just got more widespread notice after Brokeback since that raised his level of fame among the general public. And the Toothy saga began raising gnereal awareness even more. But yes, in the long run, tits and ass are not confined to women, though nipples and ass would have clinched it. There was another occassion years ago when a double entendre came up in an interview with Jake and Peter S. The right punctuation would have yielded Toothy or a shortened variation of Tooth as the answer.
Back home after a long day. Flight delays. I am exhausted and need to catch up with Jake news and comments. Jet lag, time change adjustment. The pleasures of travel. Just woke up from a long nap. Glad to be home.
Austin attended the premiere and he wasn't hiding.
Because there is no reason to hide.
There is no husband and family to hide and Jake just prefers to live in New York.
Because there is nothing to hide - they are just friends (now).
Berlin film festival was PROOF that Jake and Austin don't hide from public.
Special K and other crazy OMGers need "they are hiding" to explain why "husbands with kids" never spend holidays together and are almost never in the same city at the same time. OMGers need that obvious lie to continue with insane J&A fiction.
There one thing I think people forget the guys do the hiding in plain sight thing too.
And honestly if I were Austin and saw Hugh Jackman touching my hubs that way I would make sure I was there at the LA premiere too.
And the old-timers here know Austin does get very jealous.
Jake sure has picked up the facade after he got involved with a Hugh Jackman project. Jackman is a very ambitious man.
Berlin film festival was PROOF that Jake and Austin don't hide from public.
Au contraire. Austin was hiding over in England while Jake did that Shoes video in late January/early February 2012. His cover was blown, however, when Dana Delany saw him departing Heathrow Airport and tweeted about it. Jake had arrived in Berlin on February 8th. Then just a few days later there was this:
@DanaDelany Dana Delany
Hey! Landed at Heathrow & ran into @AUS10NICHOLS. #shipspassing February 10th.
With Austin's cover blown, he finally decided to come clean the next day and tweeted that he was at Berlinale because it would not have looked good for a pic or video to appear with him there. Better to announce his presence than have another oopsie!
Funny this. If indeed Austin was at the Prisoners premiere and it looks like he was and "not hiding" two things stand out to me.
#1, interesting that Austin is dressed as a civilian and not in a suit like the other men. Instead, he looks like he could have been that young fan's cousin or friend, blending into the crowd.
#2 Even stranger, does no one else find it odd that this 'just friend now' of Jake Gyllenhaal's, this old time former movie co star, biking buddy, late night ice cream runner, track sprinting partner, coffee frappaccino sipping co-stroller, bookstore fellow browser, gym mate, foreign film dinner gala date, not to mention 3rd wheel NYC street stroller company, that someone of that long and intimate association; why isn't he on the visible list of premiere attendees on Getty Images along with the likes of Emile Hirsch, Zoe Soul, Karina Smirnoff, Dylan Minnette, and Dennis Haysbert. Oh and let's not forget former porn star Carol Connors, she is on Getty Images as well.
I would think Austin Nichols, who has been on the successful Ray Donovan and One Tree Hill, certainly qualifies along with Karina Smirnoff to be seen on Getty Images. Maybe his chosen attire just wasn't appropriate.
Thoughts, anyone?
I agree one hundred percent with what you said PG about the T&A remark.
Ah, the Austin was seen with Jake in Berlin so they must not be hiding argument. Never thought about the possibility that the whole thing was a PR-approved message that we're supposed to buy.
Strange that there wouldn't be official photos of Austin at the premiere. Maybe he got there late?
Maybe he got there late?
That's possible. Although funny that he wore a sweater with button down shirt beneath instead of a suit. Seems pretty casual to me.
Here's another funny.
Odd, isn't it? That Austin would attend the Prisoners premiere of a good, long time 'friend now' but miss his own movie's premiere at TIFF, Parkland? What was he doing that weekend? Obviously, Austin is a big fan of movies. Isn't that what he said when he attended Berlinale? Didn't he tweet something about seeing some great films or something or other? Someone correct me if I'm remembering incorrectly.
So if Austin can travel on his own dime all the way to Germany for Berlinale, wow. I would have thought he'd come up with the cash and time to attend TIFF where Parkland was showing, a movie that he himself had a role in.
I can believe Austin decided to announce his arrival at Berlinale once that tweet was posted by Delany in much the same way as when Jake was caught with his "niece" at the end of May. Suddenly, he does the big arrival at LAX, with multiple photos on IHJ. Even though he had been in Los Angeles probably since mid May with no publicity. Flying underneath the radar. Jake only announced his presence because he was caught.
Obviously, Austin is a big fan of movies. Isn't that what he said when he attended Berlinale? Didn't he tweet something about seeing some great films or something or other?
@AUS10NICHOLS 11 Feb 12
Berlin Film Festival. The Golden Bear. Excited to see some great films. http://fb.me/1zM4tKEye
Jake sure has picked up the facade after he got involved with a Hugh Jackman project. Jackman is a very ambitious man.
I think there's 1/2 of the big two reasons why Austin didn't attend TIFF and it's why Austin is in civilian clothes, on the other side of the security gate at Jake's movie premiere.
Bully Hugh with the other 1/2 being WME. Hugh's got a hand on that leash and he's keeping both Austin and Jake on a tight hold. Ironic, isn't it. Held on a leash by a fellow closeted actor.
Hugh is the higher up on the feeding chain and he's going to walk those two guys until this movie is long out.
And Tom, I think you hit on something that someone else was pointing out to me. Hugh has probably been assigned to be Jake's mentor on how to handle the closet. Hugh's become Jake's Big Buddy.
That's why all of a sudden, you're seeing Hugh clinging to Jake like flypaper. So we can probably look forward to hearing Jake tell repeated stories in interviews on how he wears his scary bunny costume to bed with Alyssa and she'll Instagram how turned on she is sleeping with a bunny, a cowboy, and a cop.
LOLLLLLL!!!! I kill myself sometimes.
Hate to change the Teton Mountain avatar, but I can't resist.
Thanks, M&M. You are a gold mine of information. I thought he'd said something like that.
: )
Well, early morning internet time is up. Everyone is stirring and so I need to put away my toy.
Even stranger, does no one else find it odd that this 'just friend now' of Jake Gyllenhaal's, this old time former movie co star, biking buddy, late night ice cream runner, track sprinting partner, coffee frappaccino sipping co-stroller, bookstore fellow browser, gym mate, foreign film dinner gala date, not to mention 3rd wheel NYC street stroller company, that someone of that long and intimate association;
Interesting take PG and I agree with you. Something "IS" there and somethings going on. But:
It still does not say Marriage and 6 children. Sorry, It Just Don't!
No matter how one twist this, flip it up, look under it and move it all around. It just Don't...
You are sure obsessed with those children and marriage. What worries you so much? That Jake is a liar. That Jake is gay? Or, that he has a secret family he doesn't want to share with the public because he cares more about fame and fortune?
Yes, it's possible for him to have a family and hide. Austin has been hanging around forever and this site has compiled lots of info that have pointed to kids. We all know Jake is a liar. Look at him. He looks 50 years old. He's got a lot of stress for someone who is a footloose, fancy free bachelor. The director said he had to work around his very busy schedule. What busy schedule? He hardly works since the rumors started about Jake having children.
Thanks SK for some really nice T and A :-)
Nice to hear that The Grey Goose was at Jake's premiere last night. I bet that made Hugh a little nervous.
Gyllenhaal features as the centre point of a miniscule cast, playing a weak, antisocial history professor who stumbles across his exact physical double, an extra in the background of a rented movie, and seeks him out in real life. Gyllenhaal’s dual-performance is more than compelling: the never too dramatic variations in mannerisms, posture, and enunciation between his two roles
are masterfully managed; each character is afforded his own distinctly compelling intensity, but the surely overwhelming temptation to play these doubles as character opposites, or two sides to the same coin, is resisted throughout – the film remains a blurred and intangible two-shot and so we struggle to locate its meaning definitively. A less delicate performance from Gyllenhaal would have us crying metaphor, or allegory, right off the bat, but Enemy often feels all too real in the hands of this actor. It is, without a doubt, a career best.
Fittingly set against the backdrop of a never-uglier Toronto, Enemy is visually claustrophobic and concrete, every bit as labyrinthine as its subject matter. One of the film’s more articulately dream-like sequences sees a giant spider looming over the hazy city, making it seem small and toy-like, destined for destruction. The film is full of these lingering existential images, dream and reality bleeding into one another in a way that will doubtless prove frustrating for some and deeply engaging for others. I find myself in the latter camp: it has been a few days and a few films since I saw Enemy, yet still I feel it working itself out in my headspace, begging to be considered, dwelled upon. Villeneuve’s stomach-turning nightmare of a film is admirable in its refusal to make it easy, yet it is a decision that never feels antagonistic or unsatisfying: the movie is compelling from the very first scene – a subterranean sex show a la Requiem for a Dream – right through to its sudden and horrific end.
I wonder whose bed Jake slept in last night :-)
Anonymous said...
I liked the 2005-2008 Jake better.
September 14, 2013 at 4:27 PM
Jake was a different man from 2002-2007. The bearding and starting a family with Austin has really changed him over the years. Both physically and inwardly.
He's definitely become more bitter. More angry. More unapproachable. That's what happens when you lie for years and live a secret life. He used to be mischievous and full of fun. Now, there's a element of leave me alone unless I want your money. Then it's all smiles and grins. Exactly, the kind of celebrity that is a real turn off. I continue to follow the story because I never could put a book down, until I've turned the last page. Even if I have a feeling that the main characters will end up in a bad way.
Okay, I guess I read everything too fast because I didn't realize Austin was seen at Prisoners. I think he didn't really want to be seen there, and thought he could just sneak in, and got caught by a fan.
I don't think it's odd he wasn't at TIFF, he probably doesn't have a big role in it, and festivals and movie producers are not going to pay for everyone to go up there.
So true 7:54. Jake was so open, happy and carefree in the early years. A big difference in him once the bearding started. Now he's as closed as a clam and every statement is carefully planned and crafted. He did just admit to being a careful planner. The only time he has looked worse was when the guys broke up for a bit and he hung around NYC looking like a haunted street person until Austin took him back. Austin may have kept a low profile during the premiere, but you cant hide the gleam Jake gets around men. In photos with women, hes drab and going through the motions. His eyes are elsewhere. Alongside men, he's alive and alert. I do think Hugh J is behind most of this recent bearding. Two closeted men in one movie would be a tough sell.
I spent the day relaxing and catching up with Jakes posted interviews. Not sure this movie is for me. It sounds very dark. I'll wait for some more reviews and audience reaction before I decide if I will see it in the theater or not. Easier to take at home if its dark and I can stop the film and take a break.
Great photos of Austin in the post today. He does have a fine ass.
You are sure obsessed with those children and marriage. What worries you so much? That Jake is a liar. That Jake is gay? Or, that he has a secret family he doesn't want to share with the public because he cares more about fame and fortune?
hummm, NO! It's not me who's obsessed with "marriage and children". Not at all....
None of this worries me.
Does it worry you that they might not have children or that they are not married? I think it does since you continue to push the narrative that they are when you nor I know for a fact. And the difference is, I'm admitting that I don't know, but you claim that you know the truth, and you Don't..
Jake lying does not bother me because I don't know him personally and besides, how do I or you know if he's lying?
Jake could be gay or bi, maybe straight. It's not a big deal with me anymore and it should not be a big deal for you!
It's his life, not mine, not yours.
Worry about your own life. Can't stand the heat in the kitchen, get out. Don't like what he selling, don't buy it and walk away etc, etc.
Oh, now you know all about Jake's personal life huh. Since you know so much about his secrest marraige and "all", when did he get married, what are the childrens names, how old are they, how many boys, how many girls?
Anyone who claims to know any of these questions are "delusional" and need help. Everyone can speculate to the hills, read all the net talk about who's had him or what, but at the end of the day Jake nor Austin goes home to you or anyone else here claiming to have all inside info to his private life, although they want To!
That's a fact, not speculation!
Whatever Jake or Austin's motives are for their, "Their" careers is totally theirs and not my business.
If I have a problem with what he's doing with his career, I don't have to support his movies or spend time on a blog complaining about his actions.
I might suggest "you" take the above advice and stop complaining about his actions and his life or find another star who you admire their every move.
Just a suggestion......
Jake could be gay or bi, maybe straight.
I might suggest "you" take the above advice and stop complaining about his actions and his life or find another star who you admire their every move.
People can say what they want and if you don't like hit the road.
People can say what they want and if you don't like hit the road.
^^ Yes, they can, so I'll take your "advice" and say what I want to say. So, there's no need for you to complain about me being nervous when I don't agree with you or speak my mind and say I don't believe Jake is married to Austin and certainly don't think they would be so stupid as to have (6) six, surrogat children and then deny them. One would be insane to be a fan of such a person....
So, I don't think they have 6 or One child!
My advice to all posters is write whatever the heck you want but stop questioning or criticizing what other people write or believe. The blog I believe is about Jake and Austin not the posters. Goes both ways. Frigging annoying. Tired of the nonsense.
My advice to my friends is to ignore other opinions and focus on Jake and Austin. Bantering only encourages more of the same. Take the who is right and who is wrong somewhere else. Ignoring those who come to prove they are right and to annoy certain posters will hopefully get bored and go away.
That comment at 815 is to encourage more boring battle. Ignore it.
I hear you, Tom. I totally agree with you.
One reason I don't join the battle is that J and A are giving those who have other opinions all the ammunition they need to make us look bad. Let it ride out. Truth generally prevails in the long run. But right now e have little to be happy about. I was thrilled Austin was at the premiere. Lets enjoy it. I am sure it has made others angry.
SK post today was awesome. She took the T and A comment which we probably really didn't want to hear and made it into something we could have fun with, Thanks SK. Then we got that photo of Austin at the premiere. I think we had a good day :-)
If we ignore those who come here to annoy us regulars I have total confidence that SK will delete the nonsense that is inappropriate.
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