Appearing on screen as three main characters in two films, Jake did a double take of the red carpet at TIFF in three days.
Last night he worked the red carpet again this time for his second film with Quebecois director Denis Villeneuve for Enemy, where he stars as both Adam, a college professor and his doppelganger part time actor Anthony who meet and wind up becoming obsessed with one another,or could it be an "elaborate, schizophrenic case of self-obsession"?
Jake was looking sharp in a three piece Burbery corduroy suit and was sharpie as well, bringing his own silver sharpie to this party as well.
It was more great reviews for Jake's work this time for Enemy, which is based on the book The Double by José Saramago. He seems to have found a great working relationship with Denis.
After another successful screening, red carpet and reviews and after party,
Jake was back on the move, flying solo back to LA to do more press for Prisoners. And that meant back to those comfy cozy clothes Jake loves and his handy dandy backpack.
BTW where did that big North Face bag he was seen arriving in Toronto go? You just don't forget a bag that big when you check out. Hmmmm.
![]() |
So who's left holding this bag? |
There is no rest for Jake who will be working this week promoting before flying back to New York next week to do more East Coast gabbing.
Here's a couple of picture from the press conference that as part of Jake's first Toronto invasion of the weekend - the Prisoner's press conference
Speaking of press and Prisoners - here's were to catch Jake on tv and live at a taping
Take No Prisoners Press Tour
Sept 12 - Jimmy Kimmel 11:35 EDT - ABC
Sept 12 - Taping Queen Latifah Show (Culver City CA) The show will be on the week of Sept 16th.
Sept 18 - Live with Kelly & Michael, Check local listings for times and channel - Request tickets here
Sept 19 - Jake will be taping the Katie Couric Show at 9:00 am- New York click here to request tickets for the taping
Sept 19 - Inside the Actor's Studio - BRAVO 8:00pm EDT
Check back here for further updates
kris∞ @krisssycakess 1h
@AUS10NICHOLS can get it.
kris∞ @krisssycakess 46m
stop this is not real life! omg @AUS10NICHOLS. but I can't answer bc he isn't following me😩 #fangirling
Austin's DM: You promise?
I understand that Austin likes hot young girls - most men do - but how lazy and indifferent you have to be not to mention or RT something about movie you're part of and its TIFF premiere??? What is wrong with Austin?
Most celebrities have to give their management their passwords for their twitter, instagram, facebook.
That looks like somebody else besides Austin sent that.
Oh get out of here with that. It's fake and you know it's fake. If you don't know that DM is fake, then no wonder you think he's straight. You blew it with your first sentence and you will not find any takers over here.
You're pretty threatened by Austin, that much is very obvious to me.
I love men who are not afraid of showing affection to other men publicly.
I totally enjoy how frazzled the troll and PR get when we reveal the truth. Great job PG
I totally enjoy how frazzled the troll and PR get when we reveal the truth. Great job PG
What are you talking about?
Video of Alyssa at the premier of Prisoners
Video of Alyssa at the premier of Prisoners
around 00:30 , as she enters the theater behind Terrence Howard who speaks with the press
What the hell? What kind of Charlie Chaplin flick was that, 21:28? Who can see anything in that thing?
#1, I'm not convinced. I want to see some pictures from that rooftop, that's what I want to see.
#2, big deal if she was there. Why did she not show up until Sunday night at the last minute?
You know why? Because of Hugh's fanny grab and that blind vice, even if that blind wasn't involving Jake, which I doubt it did.
How easy was that Blind to guess? It was so obvious, it wasn't funny. I too don't buy everything Enty Lawyer posts anymore. That guy is nasty and I stopped following him on Twitter because I realized he was just a Tool like everybody else, posting PR-sanctioned crap just like Lamey. He has no more credibility with me. And so I unfollowed him and I told him why I was unfollowing him.
I think when Prisoner got all the great reviews at Tulleries or whatever that festival was, Jake was probably told the Beard was coming back. There's awards at stake here. There is $$$. There is Hugh's reputation and standing at stake. Hugh is the big gun and if he wants Jake to beard, then Jake's going to beard.
The Beard was brought in at the last minute and yet Jake didn't have to be seen with her.
If she was up there on the rooftop, they were holed up in a corner with a bodyguard so that journalists couldn't get close to them. So that Jake wouldn't have to socialize with her.
Whether she was there or not doesn't matter. He's back to bearding. She's a beard and he's still hiding a husband and sackful of kids.
Nothing has changed.
You need a bigger monitor rather than your iPad. That was AM in that video.
changes, that your great indictment of last night, for which, your friend over here has made you the compliments is totally irrelevant because based on wrong assumptions
Whether she was there or not doesn't matter. He's back to bearding. She's a beard and he's still hiding a husband and sackful of kids.
WoW A sackful of kids?
Come now PG..
Why havn't we seen any of these children?
I'm going to tell you something else. Anyone else who has been watching her has noticed how she has really upped the provocative pictures, posing nude, flashing herself all over the place.
Now she wasn't really doing that when the bearding started, it only began in the last several weeks. And you know why she probably began the slutty angle? I think it has to do with Jake's movie, Enemy. They are having Alyssa Miller ramp up the nudie and lingerie pictures so that Jake looks like he is getting all of that, just like the motorcycle riding character in Enemy.
Remember that last week Denis V. gave a quote about Enemy being about Jake's sub conscience. I think that quote was a plant. So now everyone is of the mind that if they watch An Enemy, they are really seeing alot of Jake's deepest, darkest thoughts.
And what is a selling point of this movie? It's an erotic thriller. Someone else came up with this theory but I am now convinced as well that An Enemy is about helping to revamp Jake's image to the ticket buying public.
He's flashed the cigs all over the place. He's grown overly generous beards, slicked back hair, rerun clothes, scuffy shoes with perfect suits, he publicly cusses all over the place now in Q&A's and interviews, he's playing cops and detectives, he's slashing people to smithereens in violent videos, everything has been about manning him up in a way he and his management thinks hetero men want.
And now the thought is going to be planted that the oversexed character in Enemy is what Jake is really all about. That he wants that angle in the movie to show how he's all into the hetero sex - the wilder and more animalistic, the better.
And now his "girlfriend" has upped her Instagrams to convey that she's now fulfilling this wish from his subconscious.
Sound far off? I don't think it does. It's all clicking for me now.
Jake is becoming as paranoid about his secret life as Hugh is.
But the big difference is, Jake can't pull off the red carpets and PDA with this beard. He can't lie as easily as Hugh. That's why he hides her. That's why he put off being seen with her as long as he could. That's why we had the Cosmo Kramer arm behind the vending machine and the photo manips, the blurry faces and the "Is that Jake or not?" He really doesn't want to do this.
And it's showing. Look at those pictures from TIFF and the airport. Jake has lost a dramatic amount of weight. He looks unhealthy and I don't know how anyone cannot see that. If the noticeable weight loss is for Nightcrawler, I will renege on that thought, but I'm not sure why a journalist would have to be lost inside his clothes.
If he has to seriously beard from now until next award season, it's going to be extremely hard on him.
I'm so afraid we're going to totally lose Jake and Austin both to the Hollywood machine. I can see them falling right over the edge now. And all one can do is watch it happen.
PG you've got it all figured out don't you?
It would be wonderful and enlightening if you could get pictures of all 6 children. I'm sure you know how to produce them. I'm sure everyone's dying to see them.
I have a better assignment to ask of you, what are their names, starting from the oldest to the youngest.
We know you know. LOL
Prairiegirl Enemy is taken from The Doble masterpiece of Portuguese Nobel prize Saramago, from your analysis I assume that you have not read it,
Adam's character,the shy,tormented, professor is quite confused sexually and the relationship that dangerously, established with his double is strongly homoerotic
He's flashed the cigs all over the place. He's grown overly generous beards, slicked back hair, rerun clothes, scuffy shoes with perfect suits, he publicly cusses all over the place now in Q&A's and interviews, he's playing cops and detectives, he's slashing people to smithereens in violent videos, everything has been about manning him up in a way he and his management thinks hetero men want.
^^ What, So you rather he wear pink and pastels? How about trendy too short/too small suits with straight legs? How about he camp it up and be a guest judge on America's Top Model or Rupuals drag race? How about doing CBS Sunday mornings with Austin and all five children living in a fabulous house in the Village or the Castro.
Get over it PG! You really don't have all the answers and Jake can live just the way he wants to even if he's gay/bi and in the closet.
I'll say it again.
If you don't like what he's selling, you don't have to buy it.
Stop acting so irrational about someone else's life and live yours.
Enjoy the vacation and friends and leave Jake's personal life to Jake.
Can you do that?
No I haven't read it but I have talked to someone who has read the entire book and they said the movie sounds like it veers far away from the book.
See, this is what Jake did with LAOD. LAOD turned away from the book as well and Jake also had alot to do with the changing of that script. LAOD, which had such a promising start, turned away from the pharmaceutical theme and became a showcase for Jake to show what a ladies man he could be on screen.
Now it sounds like Enemy has steered away from the original work as well. One has to ask why this has happened with two of Jake's movies.
It was obvious that there were those present on here last night who were greatly determined to push a certain agenda. Now I notice how quickly someone has made a guest appearance on here once again.
One has to wonder what there is to argue about on this blog which only had a handful of comments today. You all should be on the other blogs celebrating the return of the girlfriend, the shipping of Hugh & Jake or the silence of Austin.
But no. Instead, you're here. Kind of says alot, doesn't it?
Well, another great day today in the big W. I think I could move here. One could stare at these mountains all day.
Actually Fact checker you need to go back and check your facts. Yes Enemy was based on that book, but if you check the facts you will find out the Jake and Denis premuch reworked the script and the book is a loose frame work and not that close to what the final product of the movie.
Choices, that vein is popping in your temple.
LOLLLL!!! Looks like I hit some hot buttons, doesn't it.
No, actually since I am on vacation, that means I can blog whenever I want to at any hour of the day. Because you know why? Because I'm not at work! Because I'm free to do what I want.
And you do not come here and tell me what to do, what to say, or what to think.
No, you need to get over it. I'm doing just fine.
Now pardon me while I take a rest from you.
from the reviews I've read, it seems that the whole homoerotic relationship, made of love, hate, and obsession, between the twins which is the focus of the book, remained intact in the movie
Actually, I have read the Saramago novel and based on what Denis has been selling this past week, An Enemy is nothing like The Double. The book was not even close to being an erotic thriller. Far from it, in fact.
Based on a bunch of interviews, reviews and film clips, it looks to me like Jake has taken another work (similar to LaOD) and rewritten the story to serve whatever PR image he is pushing at the moment. The sub theme in The Double may be homoerotic, but you certainly wouldn't know it by anything Jake and Denis are selling at TIFF. That tells me the story has been completely repackaged to appeal to heterocentric sensibilities and traditionally masculine themes instead.
And, I think you've made some excellent points, PG regarding Jake's transformation these past several years. There's no doubt that Jake has been overhauling his image from that of the sensitive, thinking woman's actor (CAA's image) to a "manly", violently inclined, tough guy--- "smoke 'em if you've got 'em"--- kind of persona. After all, Jake's first project with WME was the Shoes video, "Time to Dance", where he played the role of a serial killer, (channeling his inner Dexter), an other set apart from conventional, hipster society. All about senseless violence. The tough man in action being put fully on display. Ugly him up both inside and out to appeal to the young male demographic and the global homophobic media market. Kind of ironic don't you think?
Peter Debruge @AskDebruge
"Explaining" ENEMY, Denis Villeneuve says, "It's very simple: This movie is a documentary about Jake Gyllenhaal'a subconscious." #TIFF13
5:01 PM - 8 Sep 13
So what Denis Villeneuve the director seemed to be saying was that An Enemy was Jake's sandbox?
from my point of view these characters that jake is choosing lately, have a strong disturbed, erotic charge, not necessarily heterosexual, indeed, police, uniforms weapons, strong bromance, camaraderie among men, they are the ultimate homoerotic imagery, even the serial killer who vents his sexual frustration killing both men and women is disturbingly homoerotic
and from what I've seen from tff, Denis could not be more in love with Jake even if he tried, and he is not afraid to show it, and Jake did not seem at all worried or bothered by this attention, but if you're try to build a "all testosterone and macho image" of yourself, a director with sweet and soothing voice that talks about you as his muse, and looks at you as if you were the Mona Lisa knda kill the mood
Video of Alyssa at the premier of Prisoners
around 00:30 , as she enters the theater behind Terrence Howard who speaks with the press
Can't be her. She's got clothes on. *evil grin*
That made me laugh M and M.
from my point of view these characters that jake is choosing lately, have a strong disturbed, erotic charge,
What does End of Watch have to do with eroticism? Or, Source Code.
even the serial killer who vents his sexual frustration killing both men and women is disturbingly homoerotic
According to your definition, everything is homoerotic then.
I think there is a lot of homoerotic, and "unspoken" in EOW, as in all the exclusive strong male friendships.
the soldier, his uniform, the alpha man with big guns, are very strong sexual symbols for female and homosexual erotic imagination
So every film ever made for a male audience is homoerotic? I see. Talk about loosing the meaning of words. **shakes head**
You know sometimes a carrot, is just a carrot.
no, but the figure of the serial killer is almost always solitary predator, when he is looking for, what he believes could be his equal, it is very often another man, women are seen as prey, and therefore weak and inferior, not can be according to his sick logic an equal relationship
is not always the case of course, but there is a large series and related literature
Wow! I have absolutely no idea what you just said.
You know sometimes a carrot, is just a carrot.
you're right, but if a movie is well done , it has many layers and different interpretations, of course, depends on the language used, I do not see anything of homoerotic in 90% of cop movies, but in some more complex, where the subtext is more refined suggestions are very strong, I think that's why some characters and stories thought to be heterosexual , unintentionally generate slash fanfictions, sometimes the symbolism exceeds your intentions
Wow! I have absolutely no idea what you just said.
yeah that's me
I have a lot of free time in my hands here in Los Angles, after Atticus has gone to sleep
Fact checking, very interesting analysis. I've had similar thoughts about Jake's roles, and so did some reviews of End of Watch.
Funny that this is the first time anyone has ever tried to sell this notion of Jake's movie roles focusing on the homoerotic.
And now supposedly two people think this is likely? too funny. I think some OMG posters just might be onto something.
And now supposedly two people think this is likely? too funny. I think some OMG posters just might be onto something.
the usual dull paranoia that prevents any pleasant discussion
good night
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