Today's Out Spotlight was a revolutionary in the truest sense. Taking on a male identity she went to fight in the American Revolution and was the first woman to receive a military pension in the United States. She fought for equal compensation for her service as those of her male counterparts. Today's Out Spotlight is Deborah Sampson.
Deborah Sampson was born in 1760. When she was a child, her father died at sea and her mother sent all of her family away. Her mother could not take care of her children because they did not have enough money. After Deborah was sent away, she worked as a servant on a farm. She learned to sew, spin, hunt, ride a horse and she could even do carpentry work. She loved to learn, and she begged the men in the family to teach her new things. Deborah learned so much from them that she later became a teacher.
Deborah Sampson was born in Plympton, Massachusetts on December 17, 1760. She was the oldest of six children of Jonathan and Deborah Bradford Sampson, both of old Colonial stock. The family lived in Middleborough, Massachusetts, during her childhood. When her family that her had drowned in a shipwreck in 1765, the family was poor, she was forced to put her children into service as indentured servants. Sampson was five yrs. old at the time.
Working in several different households; first with a spinster, then with the widow of Reverend Peter Thatcher, and finally, in 1770, in the household of Deacon Jeremiah and Susannah Thomas.
At eighteen she was released from her indentured servitude with the Thomas family, and took a position as a schoolteacher, rejecting the suggestion that she marry. It was 1778.
Wanting to help the men in the American Revolution, she could not, because women were not allowed to fight in the war. In order to help, she realized would have to disguise her self as a man. She practiced acting like a man and finally was ready to fight with the soldiers.
Her own mother failed to recognize her while she was disguised as a man. In disguise, the local recruiting office enlisted her under the name of "Thomas Thayer" of Carver. Because of the way in which she held the quill pen she signed her enlistment papers she fear may have been recognized as woman and did not report the next day for service. Then on May 20, 1782, she tried again, this time successfully enlisting in the Continental Army on the Muster of Master Noah Taft under the name of her deceased brother, Robert Shurtliff from Uxbridge, Massachusetts. Her signature still exists in Massachusetts records.
She had little trouble blending in, she was tall, educated, and just as strong as most of the men. At five feet and seven inches tall, which was tall for a woman then, but still a bit short for a man many of her fellow soldiers simply thought that she was a short boy. They teased because "Robert" did not have to shave.
She was chosen for the Light Infantry Company of the 4th Massachusetts Regiment under the command of Captain George Webb. The unit, consisting of fifty to sixty men, was first quartered in Bellingham, Massachusetts and later the unit mustered at Worcester under the Fourth Massachusetts Regiment, commanded by Colonel Shepard. Although she had some trouble with the men in her regiment after she looked in on the men changing, her distant cousin, Reverend Noah Alden, a minister in Bellingham, kept her secret.
Her first battle was on July 3, 1782, outside Tarrytown, New York, where she was wounded. She received 2 musket balls in her thigh and an enormous cut on her forehead. She begged her fellow soldiers to just let her die and not take her to the hospital, but they refused to abandon her. A soldier put her on his horse and they rode six miles to a hospital. The doctors treated her head wound, but she left the hospital before they could attend to the musket balls. Fearful that her true identity would be discovered, she removed one of the balls herself with a penknife and sewing needle, but her leg never fully healed because the other ball was too deep for her to reach.
On April 1, 1783 she was promoted and spent seven months serving as a waiter and aide to General John Patterson. This job entitled her to a better quality of life, better food, and less danger.
After the peace treaty was signed, thought was the war was over. However, on June 24 the President of Congress ordered General Washington to send a fleet of soldiers to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to aid in squelching a rebellion of several American officers. Sampson was a part of that fleet.
During that summer, she came down with malignant fever and was cared for by a doctor, Barnabas Binney. Removing her clothes to treat her and discovered the band she used to bind her breasts, discovering "Robert" was not a male soldier . Not betraying her secret, he took her to his house, where his wife and daughters further treated her.Recovered, she returned to the army, but not for long. In September 1783 peace was assured through the signing of the Treaty of Paris. November 3 was the date for the soldiers to be sent home. When Dr. Binney asked her to deliver a note to General John Patterson, she knew that her secret was out. However, Paterson never said a word; instead, giving "Robert" an honorable discharge, a note with some words of advice, and a sum of money sufficient to bear her expenses home. On October 25, 1783, General Henry Knox honorably discharged Deborah Sampson from the Army at West Point, after a year and a half of service.
After leaving the army, she married Benjamin Gannett, a farmer, on April 7, 1785. They had three children: Earl (1786), Mary (1788) and Patience (1790), as well as Susanna Baker Shepard, an adopted orphan whom they took in as their own.
In January 1792, she petition the Legislature of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts for back pay which the army had withheld from her because she was a woman. Her petition passed through the Senate and was approved, then signed by Governor John Hancock. The General Court of Massachusetts verified her service and wrote that she "exhibited an extraordinary instance of female heroism by discharging the duties of a faithful gallant soldier, and at the same time preserving the virtue and chastity of her sex, unsuspected and unblemished". The court awarded her a total of 34 pounds.
Ten years later, in 1802, Sampson began giving lectures about her experiences in the army. Deborah enjoyed speaking about serving her country. These speeches were initiated because of her financial needs and a desire to justify her enlistment. But even with these speaking engagements, she was not making enough money to pay her expenses. She had to borrow money from her family and from her friend Paul Revere on many occasions. The soldiers in the Continental Army had received pensions for their services, but Sampson did not because she was female.
In 1804, Paul Revere wrote to Massachusetts' representative William Eustis, on Sampson's behalf. Revere requested that Congress grant her a military pension. This had never before been requested by or for a woman, but with her health failing and family being destitute, the money was greatly needed.
Revere wrote, "I have been induced to enquire her situation, and character, since she quit the male habit, and soldiers uniform; for the most decent apparel of her own sex; and obliges me to say, that every person with whom I have conversed about her, and it is not a few, speak of her as a woman with handsome talents, good morals, a dutiful wife, and an affectionate parent."
On March 11, 1805 Congress in Washington obliged the letter, and placed her on the Massachusetts Invalid Pension Roll. This pension plan paid her four dollars a month.
In 1809, she sent another petition to Congress, asking that her pension as an invalid soldier, given to her in 1804, commence with the time of her discharge, in 1783. Had her petition been approved, she would have been awarded $960, to be divided into $48 a year for twenty years. It was denied until 1816, when her petition came before Congress again. This time, out of kindness, generosity, and maybe some guilt, they approved her petition, awarding her $76.80 a year. Finally receiving fair compensation she was able to repay all her loans and take better care of the family farm.
Deborah Sampson died on April 29, 1827 at the age of 66 of yellow fever and was buried in Rock Ridge Cemetery in the town of Sharon, Massachusetts. Her grandson, George Washington Gay, erected a monument to her and the Civil War veterans.
Her long and ultimately successful public campaign for the American Revolutionary War pension bridged gender differences in asserting the sense of entitlement felt by all of the veterans who had fought for their country.
The town of Sharon, Massachusetts now memorializes Sampson with Deborah Sampson Street, a Deborah Sampson Statue in front of the public library, Deborah Sampson Field, and the Deborah Sampson House.
Massachusetts adopted Deborah Samson Gannett as official state heroine in 1983, stating she made a unique contribution to American independence, and was the first woman to be awarded a military pension.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Out Spotlight
Posted by
Special K
1:06 PM
Labels: American Revolution, Deborah Sampson, Happy 4th of July., Out Spotlight
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Great post I love the drawing of Deborah Paterson delivering the note.
Happy 4th to OMG! :)
Make that Deborah Sampson. :)
I wish aliens would arrive today. They could probably fix our oil leak in 10 minutes and clean up all the oil in a couple days. 32 minutes ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®
Independence day is on the tube. PROGRAMMING WIZARDS!!!
36 minutes ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®
@SophiaBush lost her phone. She wanted me to say happy fourth of july to everybody!!!
about 2 hours ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®
Damn it smells good today. Smells like freedom!!!
about 2 hours ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®
Clifton collins jr. This guy is brilliant and hilarious!!! Watch all his movies.
about 3 hours ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®
Great Spotlight. Until I saw it I'd completely forgotten it was even Sunday, and not just a holiday. I'm surprised she actually got was owed to her--even if it took entirely too long.
Happy Fourth of July to everyone. Heading out to New Jersey for a barbecue and fireworks.
@SophiaBush lost her phone.
The twitter gods have heard the prayers.
For someone who claimed not that long ago that he didn't even have a television, Austin sure seems to spend a lot of time tweeting about what he's watching.
And that tweet about Sophia losing her phone? Can't he just hand her his and let her do her own posting? Busted again dude, it's obvious you really aren't together, even if they want people to think that. He had to find some way to work in her name.
Regarding AC, you can believe it or not. I believe my friend, and I didn't grill her for details. Don't see what AC looks like when confronted on the streets by paps has to do with how he would act in a restaurant. I know I'm very different running around the streets of NYC than I am when I am inside a restaurant, theater etc. relaxing and having a good time, and not worrying about getting from point A to B.
One last post, then I'm hitting the road. I don't know whether to think of AC or Bomer as being in a glass closet or out. I don't think you have to say "I'm gay" to be out. I talk about my girlfriend at work, bring her to work events, etc. Everyone knows. But have I ever uttered the words "I'm gay" at work--don't think so. It's just not necessary. It would be like my straight colleagues declaring they are straight. But does it have to be different for celebs? Maybe, if only because of things like JJ referring to AC's boyfriend as a "pal" without an official coming out.
Someone on wft2 described Bomer as being in a very clear glass closet, one which he regularly windexes so everyone can see in. I think that's a pretty good description. The latest example of that would be the interview with EW: when asked what he's watching, reading, etc. that is on his hot list of things people should see, he said The Kids are All Right. For anyone who may not know, that's the movie with Annette Benning and Julianna Moore playing a lesbian couple, and what happens when one of their kids gets in touch with the sperm donor.
That's not what you'd call a "safe" choice for someone in the closet, someone who doesn't want people to think about the talk he has a boyfriend/husband and 3 stepchildren. That's an answer from the heart, and a question/answer that he has used to perhaps reveal more about himself, let people know he is gay.
Right now I think Jake and Austin would sooner poke themselves in the eye than admit they'd been to a movie with a gay story, let alone one about families and surrogacy issues. Long gone are the days when Austin would answer a question like that with a film like BBM like he did years ago.
I am getting a virus message with your link. That is why am I deleting it. Ir is pointing to another site and not You Tube. If you have another link that is direct to You Tube please post it.
Maybe its me but I get the feeling that everyone is really down and getting digusted with J and A. These tweets that Austin is sending out are so ridiculous. Hard to like the guys anymore. I am in for the long run though not because I am a fan but because I
think these two guys will eventually be forced to come out.
I dont wanna see OMG become a totally negative blog where J and A are bashed constantly but I do hope folks are not afraid to say what they are feeling. There has got to be a good balance which makes for good conversation. I love how Destiny brings her interest of other celebs to OMG. I think AC and Bomer are interesting men. I think they are both afraid of uttering those dreadful words but live their life as they see fit. Too bad J and A are so terrified of doing the same.
I say that because I think they are gay and no I have no proof and no one has any proof that they are str8.
Happy 4th again to everyone
Think Jake is the one who says he doesn't watch TV. Austin has talked about growing up and sitting like a foot from the TV and his love of movies (remember Claire talking about how many he would go see in a week)
I think Austin is a different version of a homebody, happy with movies and shows, while Jake loves to be home cooking reading gardening. Both happy at home and together works well for them.
Another young single guy joins the daddy club.
Cristiano Ronaldo announce he is a daddy on his facebook and twitter.
It is with great joy and emotion that I inform I have recently become father to a baby boy. As agreed with the baby's mother, who prefers to have her identity kept confidential, my son will be under my exclusive guardianship. No further information will be provided on this subject and I request everyone to fully respect my right to privacy (and that of the child) at least on issues as personal as these are.
Awful Truth Bill of Rights
Happy Fourth of July, babes! Team Awful isn't one for legal mumbo jumbo—we leave that to the lovely and hard-assed E! lawyers—but we decided to poke through a history book and celebrate Independence Day with a revamping of our founding fathers' Bill of Rights, T-town style.
Now, Benny Franklin didn't have to deal with Twi-hards, Blind Vices, and paparazzi smack-downs in those boring colonial days, so we took it upon ourselves to update all ten trusty amendments to fulfill our Awful needs.
Get ready for us to lay down the law:
First Amendment: Freedom for Megan Fox to Say Whatever the Ef She Wants
Second Amendment: Right for Sarah Palin to not bear arms...or a microphone.
Third Amendment: Protection from Nonstens and Niley haters.
Fourth Amendment: Protection from unreasonable seizure of Chace Crawford's weed (this law does not extend to Lindsay Lohan).
Fifth Amendment: Jake Gyllenhaal cannot incriminate himself with bad movies or bad fauxmances.
Sixth Amendment: Confrontation Clause: Lea Michele has the right to know who's bitchin' about her.
Seventh Amendment: Try not acting civil—it's so much fun. Just ask Britney, Gaga, or any of the Sex and the City gals.
Eight Amendment: Prohibition of cruel and unusual punishment served up by Angelina Jolie, Jennifer Garner or Reese Witherspoon.
Ninth Amendment: Protection of Sandra Bullock from unforeseen douchebags.
Tenth Amendment: Power of beards and Vices rein supreme.
And that, dolls, was all done without a Harvard law school degree. Impressive, we know!
Awful Truth
Happy 4th to all. Very quiet all around but I think that is OK for now.
I'm not turned off about J & A. I've been around too long and know that ebbs and flows happen so we have to wait it out. I am currently disappointed in Austin. Mainly because I know he is a talented writer. I've seen it for myself. And the twitters are beneath him, just like OTH. I think the script must have lowered his standards. He needs to get a decent part that challenges him.
:) ((((Ted)))))
During promo for JFC Austin claimed to not have a tv, didn't believe it even then.
Gosh darnit all. Twitter is a spoilers paradise. I was planning to watch the wimbledon final later. Congrats to rafa!!!!
20 minutes ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®
Well Ted says definitely Jake has had fauxmances.
Even more interesting that he made Jake the 5th amendment.
The part of the 5th best known is "to protects witnesses from being forced to incriminate themselves."
To "plead the Fifth" is to refuse to answer a question because the response could be self-incriminating.
Destiny, I was not saying your friend was not being truthful. I was just wondering how she would know they were holding hands under the table. I would notice that if I was sitting next to them. I would also think it would be possible if they were sitting next to each other. I did not think you would of grilled your friend over AC. I was/still am curious.
About the glass closet thing, I was not looking for a yes or no answer. Just opinions.
Just got done reading the Spotlight SK. What an interesting story. I admire Deborah for her persistance in seeing that she was paid for what she deserved. All should be able to serve their country men, women, Str8 and Gay. I am hoping that will be a reality soon.
I think Destinys friend may have been looking extra hard knowing that AC is heavily rumored to be Gay. Holding hands may not be something you would pay a lot of attention to but when it is AC in a reastaurant with a hot guy I sure be looking:-) Plus God bless Destiny. I would not be able to restrain. I would have been grilling that friend:-)
Hi m. I was not trying to put words in anyones mouth but it is fun and interesting trying to figure out what others are thinking sometimes. When I do that I hope no one takes it personal. It is just something I enjoy sometimes and when I am wrong I have no problem being corrected:-)
My therapist just called me. He is in crisis trying to figure out whether Austin is in Michigan or MV.
Aus10 Said
@SophiaBush lost her phone. She wanted me to say happy fourth of july to everybody!!!
about 2 hours ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®
Me thinks Austin is full of it. Most likely Austin is in Massachuettes and Sophia is in LA, NC or Michigan. Of course I wouldnt be surprised to see pics of them together this weekend that were probably taken a month ago:-)
Yes Brazilian men are very very hot.
Sophia and Austin are both in Michigan! They were at a bonfire last night and the fact that Austin tweet about clifton collins jr is because he actually met him at the wedding today...Clifton is one of Johnathon best friends!
Back to Austin watching movies and TV. Just as musicians listen to music not just for pleasure of it but to be inspired or to study to improve their performance so can be said of actors. Of course actors will immerse themselves in their craft, not just reading scripts, taking classes, workshopping but watching performances too. That's part of their work. The same can be said for writers, and directors too.
But then who doesn't want to watch tv or sports just for sheer pleasure and he's off from work, his vacation is a lot longer that most.
alex said...
Sophia and Austin are both in Michigan! They were at a bonfire last night and the fact that Austin tweet about clifton collins jr is because he actually met him at the wedding today...Clifton is one of Johnathon best friends!
Do you have PROOF!
Hilarious that my bff Corey is stalking Jake Gyllenhaal all over the Vineyard this week. She claims he "just keeps running by. " Right! #fb
17 minutes ago via web
Go on Twitter and you'll find the tweet about the bonfire...and the Clifton Collins Jr thing there's a pic of him and John at the wedding and Austin mentionned him without any!
Coincidence that Sophia lost her phone this weekend of all weekends when she could have actually tweeted about being at the wedding.
alex said...
Go on Twitter and you'll find the tweet about the bonfire...and the Clifton Collins Jr thing there's a pic of him and John at the wedding and Austin mentionned him without any!
PROVE IT. Dont go saying things that are only in ur imagination. PROVE IT. Show me a pic of Sophin at this wedding. I dont tweet. If you wanna post go look for it urself. Austins Twitter acct has been set up to prompte Sophin. It is the ONLY way they can do it.
funny that said...
Coincidence that Sophia lost her phone this weekend of all weekends when she could have actually tweeted about being at the wedding
Sure is a little bit of a coincidence. I cant believe they expect people to believe this stuff. Thank God Alex does:-)
Happy 4th Alex!!!!!!
Go on Twitter and you'll find the tweet about the bonfire...and the Clifton Collins Jr thing there's a pic of him and John at the wedding and Austin mentionned him without any!
My initial impression, when Austin's newly hatched Twitter obsession began, was that the highly visible "red carpet" rollout was initially dominated by a heartbreaking social cause to minimize people's suspicions about, "Why now?" Three weeks later, it is more than apparent that Austin is using his entries for strategic purpose. Product placement if you will. Shipping convenient coincidences and "documenting" connections, real or imagined. Controlling the message with seemingly innocent and "spontaneous" truncated entries designed to provide just enough substance to stir the pot of speculation.
Believe what you want to believe! I don't care! :D
alex said...
Believe what you want to believe! I don't care! :D
Just dont come on here insinuating
that Austin is str8. Dont go making these horrible accusations when you dont knmow if they are true or not. You must PROVE it.
Ahhhhhh. My first ass tweet!!!!
10 minutes ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®
13 minutes ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®
14 minutes ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®
14 minutes ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®
15 minutes ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®
15 minutes ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®
16 minutes ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®
The question is what was Austin's ass doing to quip quake and OOOOOO?
The man is crazy SK. A is in MV or should I say J is in A. 00000000!!!
Hmmm. One hand on the phone and a multi-tasking play by play.
And that tweet about Sophia losing her phone? Can't he just hand her his and let her do her own posting? Busted again dude, it's obvious you really aren't together, even if they want people to think that. He had to find some way to work in her name.
lol, so well said, Destiny. I would think that if Sophia really lost her phone, the last thing on her mind would be worrying about telling Austin to tell everyone she lost it. She'd be in a high panic looking for it. Talk about an instrument of self-incrimination.
Maybe its me but I get the feeling that everyone is really down and getting digusted with J and A.
I believe most are disgusted with them. I know I am. I'm not around much right now but darned if I'd let my absence be thought of as throwing in the towel as far as belief. I still believe they're together and I still believe that they have kids.
No single 29 1/2 yr old Beautiful Man of 2010 drives a station wagon that seats 7 around Hollywood. Although I read where the back seat is really only qualified room-wise to seat children. Let's see, you need room for him, Austin, two big ol' honkin' carseats and maybe the nanny/decoy sometimes. That's five. Leaves that back seat for Atticus.
Jake's kind of calmed down since that two-week Social Butterfly Convulsion he had a couple of weeks ago. Austin's making up for it, though. I can tell he learned well from taking Reeke 101 with the angry BP gesturing.
I doubt that I would ever feel the same way about them again; right now, I'm just kind of in observation mode.
Curley and I are lazying around this morning. We were supposed to go walk this morning but it's raining. It's cloudy, dark and steadily, lightly raining.
It doesn't stop him from going out to do his business, though, so that's good. I've taken to reheating his McD Fries just a few seconds before I put them in his food. I think he likes that. Right now, he's snoring a little bit while he lies down nearby.
I tell you what, my sister & a friend came over the other night and I had to hold onto his collar pretty good while they tried to come into the house. It took him awhile to calm down. You wouldn't have to worry one iota about an intruder whatsoever. He'd tear that person limb from limb.
My friend held her knuckles down to him for him to sniff as she tried to come in but he took that as threatening and strained after it. I told her not to do that because he sees that as trying to harm.
But he's really a big puppy dog. He's such an affectionate, loving, loyal dog. If I had a dog or wanted a big dog, I would like a bull terrior. I'd never get one but if I did, it'd be great to have one. Westies & miniature schnauzers are also the cutest things. And little rat terriors. And little Jack Russells.
Oh, and m or Destiny? Booklovergirl posted on LJ that she's about to purge her BBM stories so if you want to save her stories, she said you better do it now.
She wrote Fire & Ice and Wiser Time. Luckily I have both of them printed out. Those are two of my favorites.
Regarding the AC sighting, got more deets yesterday. The restaurant is a very small place, and my friend was sitting at the table next to them. She said they were friendly with the staff, and AC asked a ton of questions about the food. Everyone in the place, including my friend, was doing the NYC thing and acting like it was no big deal, not staring, etc.
She said he seemed smaller than she was expecting, and as good looking in person as in pictures and tv.
1997Amy: @AUS10NICHOLS Hello,My sister @Katiee1993 is sevrely ill,& is a big fan of urs and one tree hill,could u tweet her? it would make her day xx
about 2 hours ago via web
@Katiee1993 hey this is austin nichols. I wanted to say hello and wish you a great day!! Kisses!!!
28 minutes ago via Twitter for BlackBerry® in reply to Katiee1993
Ohmygod I found my PHONE!!! I am so happy I could cry! Everyone congratulate @kramergirl and her new hubby!!!! It was amazing! 20 minutes ago via Twitter for BlackBerry® SophiaBuah
AFTER the wedding.(boo hoo no photos) The magic of twitter. It's like she was there. (cough)
She wrote Fire & Ice and Wiser Time
Booklovergirl wrote Fire & Ice, but I don't think she wrote Wiser Time. You may be thinking of "Once Was Lost." I believe she wrote that.
Dear Ted:
OK, Ted...I am absolutely convinced that Ian Somerhalder and Nina Dobrev are either dating or hooking up. Do you have any scoop on this subject? I don't have any rescue puppies or kitties but I do live on the Gulf Coast and cannot spend my 4th of July or the rest of my summer at the beach because of this dang oil spill! Take Care, love you column. It helps me get through the work day...
Dear Costar Kissing:
You're not the only one convinced, and that's exactly what the duo wants you believing.
Read more:
Oh, you're right, lurker. OWL!!
Sorry about that. Thanks!
Now, see? That's the kind of details that give credence to a sighting. The ones that Destiny's referring to.
Then there's that old twitter cliche' word that the pom-pom girl uses:
You know what? I can't even get myself to work up a couple of snarky sentences on that. That's sad.
My therapist just called me. He is in crisis trying to figure out whether Austin is in Michigan or MV.
ROFLMA Tom! Hope we'll be hearing more about what your therapist thinks. ;)
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