Today's Out Spotlight was an artist, author and a member of the Dutch Resistance in World War II. Today's Out Spotlight is Willem Arondeus.
Born in Naarden,Netherlands August 22, 1894, Willem Johan Cornelis Arondéus was one of six children, to parents who were theater costume designers in Amsterdam. Growing up in Amsterdam, at age 13 he attended the former Quellinus School, the Rietveld Academy in Amsterdam, where he devoted himself to decorative painting. At 17, he came out to his family about his homosexuality, which resulted in leaving home and severing contact with them.
“Arondéus was a special and obstinate man from Noord-Holland who, already in 1914 at the age of twenty, contrary to spirit of the age openly talked about his homosexuality. In those days, even in the circles he frequented, for many this was a bit too much".
Traveling and after a short stay in Paris he settles down and starts living in 1920 in Urk and later on in Breukelerveen. Falling in love as well, first a fisherman from Urk, name Jurie, and then later for the young gardener from the Veluwse, named Gerrit Jan. These relationships are cause for his sometimes bitter self-dissections. "Do I have love, true love for someone [...] or is it all seemingly, but temporary emotion?" he asks himself.
During this time, he is working as a visual artist, illustrating poems, and received commissions for posters and calenders. He also designed Christmas stamps or charity stamps which are published by the Dutch postal services in 1923. That same year he receives a commission to make a mural for the town hall of Rotterdam, his breakthrough as a visual artist. For the poem 'The Dying' from one of his supporter and inspiration Adriaan Roland Holst he makes an engraving.
From 1930 to 1932 he makes hall nine tapestries with ornaments around the arms of Noord-Holland towns for the County Seat. The next year he receives a commission for a wall painting for the consultation Bureau of the City Health Department in Amsterdam. On three walls he portrayed the hunt, the fishery, the shipping and the agriculture.
In 1932, he moved to the country side near Apeldoorn and met Jan Tijssen, a son of a greengrocer. They lived together for the next 7 years. Life as a artist wasn't easy. His specific style of painting which is already considered behind for the times and his artistic work hardly pays for a living. Struggling, he refused to go on welfare. They experience poverty on a regular basis.
Around 1935 turns away from the visual arts and he devotes himself to writing. His debut in 1938 is the novel The Owl House for which he receives an honorary award from publisher Kosmos. His next novel In the Flowering Winter Radish is also received well, though critical sounds are heard about his style of writing. In 1939 his first art historian book is published, a biography of Dutch painter Matthijs Maris. In general this is considered his best work. With that book his financial situation improvedAnd two years later, Figures and Problems of Monumental Painting in the Netherlands, was published, again with designs by the author. By that date, however, Arondeus was already involved with the Dutch resistance movement against the Nazis.
In 1941, knowing how dangerous it was with his increasing activities for the resistanc he sent his Tijssen back to their home in Apeldoorn.
Together with Willem Sandberg and Gerrit van der Veen he falsified identity cards for the Jews and also wrote the Brandaris Letters.
In the Brandaris Letters, he observed cases of cultural collaboration and called for resistance when the Nazis would threaten the arts like they did with the foundation of the Chamber of Culture. In 1942 his Brandaris Letter was combined with the artist resistance magazine The Free Artist founded by musician Jan van Gilse. He tried to incite his fellow artists to resist the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands. Earlier than others, he realized that the demand by the Nazi occupiers that all Jews registered with the local authorities were not, as the Nazis claimed, for their own safety, but rather so they could be deported to the Westerbork concentration camp and from there to the death camps in Poland.
There concerted operations in Holland to hide Jews among the local population, with various underground organizations preparing forged documents for Jews. Arondeus was a member of one such group, Raad van Verzet (Resistance Council). Within a short while, the Nazis began to uncover the false documents by comparing the names with those in the local population registry. To hinder the Nazis, on March 27, 1943, he led a group in attacking the Amsterdam registry building and setting it one fire in an attempt to destroy records against which false identity papers could be checked. Thousands of files were destroyed, and the attempt to compare forged documents with the registry were hindered.
Within a week, Arondeus and the other members of the group were arrested.
From his death cell in the prison at the Kleine Gartmanplantsoen in Amsterdam he wrotes his last letter to a friend: “There's only wonder because it's so easy to depart in love from life, so happy to commemorate, what you leave behind, without bitterness”.The group of 12 were executed July 1, 1943. In his last message before his execution, Arondeus, who had lived openly as a gay man before the war, asked, “Let it be known that homosexuals are not cowards.” He wanted to prove gays and lesbians could be as brave as anybody else.
In 1945, after the liberation of the Netherlands, Arondeus was awarded a posthumous medal by the Dutch government.
Posthumously, in 2001, 20 of his homo-erotic poems were published, 'Aloof strophes', inspired by the work of Boutens. They were written in during his time in Urk.
In December 2004 the County Government of Noord-Holland organized an annual lecture as a living memory to the Noord-Holland artist and resistance fighter Willem Johan Cornelis Arondéus. With the lecture and the debate civilians and politicians offera stage to freely, if needed, even controversial, exchange of ideas about current and to the County relevant social theme's.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Out Spotlight
Posted by
Special K
2:17 PM
Labels: Out Spotlight, Willem Arondeus
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I think Austin watched Reeke & learned. Heck, he had a front seat. He had a box seat. Orchestra seat?
He had the toilet seat!
Sneijder!!! My long lost brother. Hup holland hup #worldcup
37 minutes ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®
Wesley Sneijder
Speak of Reeke. 8 new old pictures from Rome on IHJ
Thanks for today's Spotlight. I love to read about the bravery of the Resistance fighters, it's meaningful on so many levels. :)
Oh boy, this outspotlight is brilliant, Special. What an honorable lifestory. So tragic & sad at the end, and yet such dignified beauty in his death. And such honor.
What a guy. At seventeen, he knew who he was and he did not hide his sexual preferance. For those times? That had to be practically unheard of.
His last letters. How tragic and yet so horribly romantic. His last words? They blow me away with their courage.
The most impacting thing I saw when I last went to see Special over Memorial Day was the Holocaust - what was that, Special? A monument? What would you call that? It was these big panes of glass (I can't remember how many - 4, maybe?) and in these vertical, tall panes of glass were all of the prisoner numbers of every person captured by the Nazis and killed. I guess they all lost their names and were given only a number. There were some quotes & very short stories about some of the people impacted and some killed, and they were all so horribly sad.
Arondeus - what a life. A man with pride and integrity. And love. Alot of love.
Wow, I know things are slow, but do they have to bring in new Reeke pictures?
He had the toilet seat!
I haven't seen alot of these latest pics. LOL at the little red corduroy suit. Awwwww.
new Reeke pictures
How long are his pinkys?!
PG, unless Jake is a redhead, I don't think that corduroy suit is red.
Looking at these Rome pictures, it's hard to believe Jake had just become a 1st time father by mere days. But in order to have that family, that would be why Rome happened.
And so a frequent question would now be why would Austin need to do this Sophin? Why this ever increasing over the top bearding? Because they learned from Reeke; they're covering alot of their tracks and overall, putting on a much more convincing show. It can't really be about him & Jake. I mean, let's face it. The rumors haven't stopped. Alot of people never bought Reeke. The need to cover for a planned surrogacy, doctor visits, and baby's birth - even if there have been two such events, is not there. Not as much, anyway.
Now this is not gavel-striking proclamating or podium declaring. This is theorizing. Throwing paint up on the wall and seeing what sticks.
This is what you do when you know something is up; you aren't sure about some things; you can't figure out why something is done; you observe and you roundtable. Doesn't mean you're always right and your theory is always a grand slam. Sometimes you strike out. Sometimes you whifffff!! But sometimes it sticks, too. That's why you put heads together. And OMGers & WFT2ers are amongst the best. We've been through this now once already. And we can be very sharp. Observant. And we're not stupid.
So just letting Sophin know that the microscope is now focused on them. It's their turn now.
Hey, it looks kind of red to me! lol. A light rust, at best.
I mean, it's not Santa Claus red, but it looked red to me. Sort of. More so a few minutes ago. lol.
Well, it's not the same kind of brown as his tie!
That's my excuse and I'm stickin' to it.
wow, what is up with that pinky finger? It's the length of an index finger. Is that for real?
Number one, those new pictures that were put up on fanpop yesterday? That were all image'd by the same fanpop name? That name has been removed now. All that remains is the "submitted" name. I guarantee you that there was an "image'd by" name on there yesterday as well as a "submitted by" name, which was always a different name. Guarantee it. And now? Image'd by has been removed on all those newer pictures, leaving only the "submitted by" name.
The Memorial design features six luminous glass towers, each reaching fifty-four feet high, and each lit internally from top to bottom. Six million numbers are etched in the glass. These numbers represent the six million Jews murdered in the Holocaust and are suggestive of the infamous tattoos the Nazis inflicted on many of the victims.
Visitors walk a black granite path through the Memorial, passing under the towers. At the base of each tower, a stainless steel grate covers a six-foot deep chamber. On the wall of each chamber is inscribed one of the names of the six primary Nazi death camps: Majdanek, Chelmno, Sobibor, Treblinka, Belzec, and Auschwitz-Birkenau. At the bottom of the pits, smoldering coals illuminate the names of the camps.
Always suggestive, but not literal, the New England Holocaust Memorial design arouses countless acts of memory, response, and understanding as many as there are visitors to the Memorial itself.
New England Holocaust Memorial
(PG, to the Nazis, they were of no worth to have names)
Serial numbers etched close up
Walking through
Memorial during the day
Memorial during the day 2
it looks kind of red to me! lol. A light rust
I must've missed it: what are you all talking about?
First - the suit, real quick.
Oh, it's that set of new "old" pictures from Brothers promoting. The corduroy suit. I thought it looked red. At first. But it's kind of a rust brown.
Wow, I was off. There's six.
That was the most impacting museum or monument I've ever been to. It's not really a museum and yet it kind of is because there were small stories etched in there, too. There were millions of stories; all in those numbers.
Image'd by has been removed on all those newer pictures, leaving only the "submitted by" name.
Your eyes aren't deceiving you, PG. I saw the same "now you see, now you don't" hocus pocus at that fanpop website too. Along with some other interesting bits of info that I'm still digesting. I'm now convinced, more than ever, that there's definitely a cat and mouse game going on here. Traps being laid, cheese being left to lead people away from the main course.
Basically, I suspect that just like Jake's team convinced him back in 2007 that Gyllenspoon would solve all his perceived "image" problems, Austin is now being entangled in his own deceptive web called Sophin. The tools being used may be different, but showmance is still the tango being elaborately staged in the hopes that all the gay rumors will simply go away.
Unfortunately, having read comments on a variety of entertainment and celebrity blogs for many, many months now, I would have to say that the continued heterosexuality shipping (now with Sophin, front and center) seems to be making folks dig their heels in even deeper. If anything, the gay/couple rumors swirling around both Jake and Austin are appearing more often on a wider variety of websites and blogs. Maybe people don't really care about two actors wanting to remain in the closet and quietly raise a family together, but they sure don't like being lied to or told that heterosexuality is the only acceptable way to live.
Just for fun, let's go down memory lane for all our new OTH lurkers and count down the Top 5 reasons for Reeke:
1) JiG rumors
2) Jaustin
3) Toothy Tile
4) Jake might come out and be eliminated from the Hollywood A-List
And, my personal favorite just because it makes so many people's head explode...drum roll, please...
5) Jake and Austin Baby/Family rumors
Now, here we are, nearly 3 years later, and instead of moving closer to the "T" on the truth-o-meter, we are being subjected to a more high tech version of Reeke. As the French say, plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose. Trans: the more things change, the more they stay the same.
An oldie but a goodie from yesterday's OMG post:
Start at bottom, read up
# revelations (or gossip) we ended up having sex, nothing major, a long bj while I sat on his face & he worked on my ass, loving it, then he 1 minute ago via web
# loved the script so much he did it anyway - clever move! He said that George Clooney is bisexual, and so is Travolta!After all this exciting 2 minutes ago via web
# my american followers know all about this :) He said that his agents advised him not to do do Brokeback as its too close to home but he 4 minutes ago via web
# they met on set of The Day After Tomorrow & that it isnt a big secret at all, just not out as Hollywood stigma attached to gay actors. Maybe 5 minutes ago via web
# asked him about some big name actors & he said that Jake Gyllenhaal is gay & has been dating Austin Nichols for some time now. Apparently 6 minutes ago via web
# project, meeting Madonna (difficult) and Susan Sarandon (difficult too - surprisingly I thought as she comes across very pleasant). Then I 9 minutes ago via web
# Terre D'Hermes :) We had a long chat about his best moments of his career, like meeting SJP in NY for dinner 2 yrs ago talking about a movie 10 minutes ago via web
# help him get over both. He smelled of Clinique Happy For Man, a fresh fragrance I myself used to wear some years ago before I discovered 12 minutes ago via web
# look at, one of those people who just blend into the background. He is recovering from a stomach ulcer & a broken heart so he thought I'd 13 minutes ago via web
# just down the road from me. He is some big name movie producer, done lots of TV stuff and films. Nice guy, late 30's, nothing special to 14 minutes ago via web
# DD, do I have a bit of a juicy story for you, not so much sexual but concerning some famous names. I just met a client who actually lives 15 minutes ago via web
And OMGers & WFT2ers are amongst the best. We've been through this now once already. And we can be very sharp. Observant. And we're not stupid.
So just letting Sophin know that the microscope is now focused on them. It's their turn now.
Please speak for yourself and cut out the "we" stuff. if you're going to make these public "challenges" or warnings or whatever you want to call them, can you please not include wft2 posters? I post over there sometimes and I don't want any part of this kind of absurdity. imo, directly calling "Sophin," as you call them, out goes way beyond embarrassing and into a realm that's not based in reality. You need to realize that not everyone takes this stuff as seriously as you do or as personally as you obviously do.
Fair enough, 18:25, on one point. That was an incorrect insinuation because basically I speak of the detective capabilities.
Of all people, I most of all am fully aware that alot of WFT2ers don't like Austin. Don't believe in Jake & Austin being together now or probably ever. Some can't stand OMG and its posters. Like you.
You're one of the nasty ones, aren't you. I recognize that tone of yours. So you post over there "sometimes". And you hang out over here, too. Without a name, of course. I don't think you can speak for anyone else, either, you without a home.
And WFT2er, you're also one of the ones I'm so going to enjoy one of these days watching you eating your words with posting silence.
M&M, I couldn't have a better teammate, I know that. I don't even know that maybe I can't even include any OMGers. It's so quiet these days. No one has to agree or even acknowledge.
I'm just letting it be known that this is what I believe and hey, so what if I'm on this little 1' by 1' floating island all by my lonesome. Jake is the main entree, isn't he. He's the one capable of working people up here and across the way.
Well, I think Austin is the guy he's involved with and shares a life & now a family with. So that's why I'm paying attention to what Sophin's doing. Jaustin's been a weird ride, I sure do admit that. One that I've gotten off of several times, LOL.
It is kind of too bad that Austin doesn't warrant comments anymore. He seems to have developed a new fanbase in some of the Sophia OTH fans. They've "discovered" Austin. There's some sighing & squeeing going on; albeit only because he's now "with" Sophia. He's been grandfathered in.
It's a small group, granted, I'm sure. But they're alot more active than they are here with the exception of Special. Special, you have been in the support box for Austin and Jake for heaven knows how long. Through thick & thin. And it's been thin for quite awhile now, lol.
In fact, I would say this taffy has been pulled to near transparency, lol.
Destiny Howl was very good. I know for sure you will like it. It is a really well put together movie which involves the poem itself, the trial and Ginsbergs life. The editing was outstanding.
Much of the poem as it is being read by Ginsberg(Franco) is done in animation and is very interesting. James Franco was good and adoreable as usual. Not much smooching except for one little kiss he gives to his eventual lover. The trial scenes are very good. Ginsberg had a very tough childhood and many problems in his life. I think his poetry saved him. Well worth seeing Destiny.
I didnt realize it was directed by Gus Van Sant. 3.5 stars:-)
3.5 stars out of 4:-)
He knows Austin. I think they were in The Informers together. TMZ - Lou Taylor Pucci attacked and also on ONTD
Yes Taylor was in The Informers with Austin, and Taylor and Austin had a bunch of pictures taken together at the premiere.
:( How awful. Thankfully he's ok, but it was bad enough that he needed a steel plate?
There was a comment from his dad on TMZ:
Actually I'm Lou's dad and I'm also 50, no we did not "sell" the picture above that i took myself with my cell phone
, but gave it to TMZ because by our thinking, if Lou's little bit of fame helps to bring this worsening problem to light and keeps someone else from suffering random violence then it should be known....and Barbie, that's EXACTLY what happened, Lou was standing on a lawn at 2am talking to some friends when a total drunk a**hole who was walking by with 4 friends and was angrily yelling at his girlfriend, walked up to Lou randomly and hit him as hard as he could, no words were exchanged and he had at least 100lbs on was not gay bashing as Lou is not gay and Lou never even saw him coming or he would have been able to at least deflect the blow as he has had 5 yrs of tai quan do. He knocked Lou out. Cat scans and $9000 worth of plastic surgery later, Lou is doing well thanks and recovering at his family home at the jersey shore where Lou was born and raised. I don't blame the "jersey shore" but shows like that sensationalize stupidity and random drunkenness and violence at the shore and does not reflect the people who actually live here.
Posted at 10:44 AM on Jul 11, 2010 by lou pucci
TMZ comments
Found this on Hollywood Life which is headed up by Bonnie Fuller. Yes that Bonnie Fuller who used to be with US Weekly and Star Magazine.
Warning the spin may make you dizzy.
Your birthday should be spent having fun with the ones that you love – which is exactly why Sophia had a blast July 8!
Not only did Sophia Bush spend the beginning of her 28th birthday being a do-gooder but she was nearly denied entry to her own party, which is why she totally deserved for the second half of her day to be amazing. Thankfully, her One Tree Hill co-star and boyfriend Austin Nichols helped to make her birthday dreams come true!
“I think someone has some plans for me that I don’t know yet, but I’m pretty sure it will be fun,” the smoky-voiced actress told exclusively of her birthday plans at Lexus’ Darker Side of Green event in LA July 8 while glancing over at her hunky BF Austin, 30. “But in the meantime I’ll stay here tonight until it’s no longer fun!”
She added, “The night is young, so I have hopes that today will be the best [birthday]. My fingers are crossed.”
Sophia obviously wouldn’t let anything get her down on her special day – although a Fire marshal nearly denied her entry into the party because of overcrowding issues – she and her man gamely stayed at the “green issues” debate and event for over two hours!
Hollywood Life
What party? Did anyone anywhere say anything about a party for Sophia? Not one friend saying anything about a party? NOT even her super special JARED? No other gossip site linked to this?
There was an after party for the Green event but it wasn't HER party.
And from the sound of it Austin wasn't planning anything for her birthday unless she wanted to fix plumbing from what he mentioned finding at the hardware store.
Baby Tile is getting old enough that they have to ramp up the subterfuge. Jake was worn out by the bearding and not up for a repeat performance. There are incidental factors at work as well. Like Austin and Sophia not having any future job prospects. Though I don't think the fake relationship is going to help that in the long run. Yeah they observed and learned from Reeke, but they have had an advantage all along in that they were long time friends. The pretending is a good way to lose the friendship though.
Super hot here today so I am just vegging out. I have no energy at all.
Odd that IHJ reposted those old Rome pics. Jake looks totally disinterested even in those early days.
Thankfully, her One Tree Hill co-star and boyfriend Austin Nichols helped to make her birthday dreams come true!
Thanks for warning me about the dreck up ahead, Special. I was luckily able to put on my galoshes before wading through the muck.
And, when it comes to Austin's buying habits, I just don't think his hardware selections would particularly "fit" Soapie's plumbing needs. Although, now that I think about it, his purchases might just provide the perfect fitting for one very special princely princess. Seems like dreams can come true after all. *grin*
lol - nice points you made, Special. Yeah, that would be cool to hear how they actually ended up celebrating her birthday. I'm sure we will - nothing else seems to be private with them.
They have known each other & been friends, m. That would make it easier to do the faking, I fully agree with that. And could it end up wrecking a friendship? Sure it could. Actually, they look friendlier than ever, lol. And that's fine; doesn't make the "relaysh" any more real, though.
What I am talking about is the bearding tactics; the photo ops, the body language, the things they say and the way they're setting up their whereabouts. They're playing this different from Reeke.
But they have to. They're not as big as Jake & Reese. They don't make magazine covers. They don't get to be on Oprah & Ellen. Not saying they couldn't ever but at the moment, they don't. They're working with what they have.
And right now, I'm just trying to figure out a few things. #1 being these personal, private photos and how a few of the OTH Sophin posters are managing to have access to them.
Now, this will be interesting. This is when working & living in a smaller community like Wilmington could be a disadvantage. It seems to me that Austin is going to need to actually live with Sophia while they're filming. I mean, how else would you explain that to nosey people in the W? He's already spilled the beans in that TV interview that he & she compost nearly everything in their household. They've taken Sophin up several notches since they were last filming so seems like it would seem strange if he were to set up camp at a bachelor pad.
Who has BT right now is the question.
I agree, PG. Jake, at least, seemed to have a few basic ground rules when he was shipping Reeke. No red carpet. No mention of a girlfriend (until, of course, the relationship was over) and certainly no "I love you's." Austin, on the other hand, doesn't seem to have the same struggles with his conscience when it comes to showmance standards and practices.
Of course, to be fair, I also have to admit that a few of Austin's recent tweets seem to suggest that his secret wish might involve being "traded" from the CW One Tree Hill "family" branch. If this is the case, all may not be as perfect in paradise as it appears at first glance. Come to think of it, all this organic talk about composting may be just another way of piling a heap of BS, higher and thicker.
All I can say is that I hope Austin is able to allow himself some wiggle room to extricate himself from the complicated knots he is tying himself up in. Regardless of the outcome, dignity might be a good thing to retain, I would think.
And OMGers & WFT2ers are amongst the best. We've been through this now once already. And we can be very sharp. Observant. And we're not stupid.
LOL @ prairiefrau trying to rev up her non-existent fellow jaustin believers
^^^ what do we have a 1 in 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 chance to win, buddy?
Wow, soliciting. On the internet. There's no escaping that stuff, is there? lol.
lol said...
And OMGers & WFT2ers are amongst the best. We've been through this now once already. And we can be very sharp. Observant. And we're not stupid.
LOL @ prairiefrau trying to rev up her non-existent fellow jaustin believers
lol. Yeah, I know. You can't say I didn't try. That's alright. I have my partner in crime, M&M.
Dang, buddy, even you could've talked to me yesterday. It was deader 'n a doornail.
Hey and if it's a dinghy-sized crew, then that's what it is. We're small but we have fight.
And on this little 1' x 1' square, this corner of the dinghy has pulled ashore and the flag is being staked 2 1/2 ft in the ground.
Sophin is fake.
Austin is really partnered up with Jake.
There is a BT. Or two.
Reeke was fake.
Sophin is fake.
Oh, did I already say that last one? Well, it bore repeating.
Jake, at least, seemed to have a few basic ground rules when he was shipping Reeke. No red carpet. No mention of a girlfriend (until, of course, the relationship was over) and certainly no "I love you's." Austin, on the other hand, doesn't seem to have the same struggles with his conscience when it comes to showmance standards and practices.
I would agree. Jake did have his share of moments but he didn't do red carpet. He didn't talk about sharing a composter, he let Reese do all the blabbering.
lol. sharing a composter. Now that's a declaration of shacking up if I ever heard one.
Austin is a different breed from Jake. I think I have learned more perhaps in the past two weeks about a small corner of his inner character than I have in the past 2 years on this blog. And it's not good.
I can see an engagement being on the agenda, albeit a fake one. Notice Austin is ditching the ring now. I really didn't see an engagement coming for Reeke. But I can with Sophin. They're setting it up. Can't you see it?
Mirroring Brulian, Sophin decides to tie the knot. And then OTH can get the axe and those 2 can call it a day after a grace period.
Okay, I've gotta go. My bunker mate is on vacay and so it's going to be busier than norm this week. Sorry for any typeos, gotta let this one fly.
Fair enough, 18:25, on one point. That was an incorrect insinuation because basically I speak of the detective capabilities.
Of all people, I most of all am fully aware that alot of WFT2ers don't like Austin. Don't believe in Jake & Austin being together now or probably ever. Some can't stand OMG and its posters. Like you.
You're one of the nasty ones, aren't you. I recognize that tone of yours. So you post over there "sometimes". And you hang out over here, too. Without a name, of course. I don't think you can speak for anyone else, either, you without a home.
Sorry, but you've missed my point. I don't like or dislike Austin - don't know a whole lot about him, except from what he's tweeted and I'm not impressed with that. And I do have a home. A real home - I don't consider any blog a "home." When you issue a challenge directly to people the way you did to Sophia and Austin you make it sound like you have a personal connection with them, that you know them and that they know you - to me, that's crossing a line, and if you're going to go that far, please don't include others.
We're small but we have fight.
What fight? Who are you fighting? There's nothing about "fighting" in the mission statement of this blog - I thought it was supposed to be for entertainment and fun. Something has taken a wrong turn if you seriously think you're in a fight. That's why I object to you assuming that others, especially at wft2, share your mindset.
And WFT2er, you're also one of the ones I'm so going to enjoy one of these days watching you eating your words with posting silence.
Well, that's very mature. Is that what this is about to you? Proving that you're right and someone else is wrong? Is that why you want to also start some kind of fight with OTH fangirls who are probably a bunch of teen-agers? Good god.
I can see an engagement being on the agenda, albeit a fake one. Notice Austin is ditching the ring now. I really didn't see an engagement coming for Reeke. But I can with Sophin. They're setting it up. Can't you see it?
As you say, this whole fauxmance charade is more than likely being orchestrated to exploit and fulfill the Brulian teenage fantasy of their OTH viewers, and the never-ending, ever expanding Sophia self-promotion appetite. Why else would that (okay I'm trying to be gentle here) mediocre mess of a show be renewed? Let's see. How many CW male co-stars has Ms. Bush been supposedly dating right before the new season begins to help ramp up interest in the show? Once again, it's all part of putting her front and center. I have to say, I've known a few women who have bearded for gay friends in the distant past because the young men felt they needed help with their family or fledgling careers, but those women never asked for anything. They did it because they liked the person and wanted to get them through a rough time.
Not surprisingly, I guess it shouldn't surprise us that beards in Hollywood are of a different ilk. The guys are left looking like cattle with rings through their noses. While their ladies pose on the red carpet, flash well-timed engagement rings, Cheshire cat smiles, play baby bump peek-a-boo, and ship the image of two soulmates who have been blessed to have found each other in this cold cruel world. Don't you just love a happy ending?
^Oops. I forgot to mention the white picket fence and the never ending piles of compost in the backyard. *grin*
What fight? Who are you fighting? There's nothing about "fighting" in the mission statement of this blog
Oh, c'mon. Why don't you lighten up. Prairie Girl is just having some fun with words. You sure are prickly. Sounds like you're the one trying to wage some kind of blogosphere war.
Prairie Girl is just having some fun with words.
lol that you think Prairie Girl is "just having some fun." Have you read all her posts? Unfortunately, she's dead serious. No one puts that much thought and detail into what silly OTH fangirls are up to if they're kidding around - and she also wasn't kidding when she put them "on notice." Her "challenge" to "Sophin" wasn't meant in fun either - and she needs to make it clear that she doesn't speak for others when she does stuff like that.
OTH fangirls who are probably a bunch of teen-agers? Good god.
Give me a break. The OTH fangirls (like Alex) are the ones who started dropping by OMG (like on the 4th of July) and shipping their soap opera nonsense. If they can't take some critical thinking and direct challenges, they need to go back to their little fantasyland and sandboxes. One of the ringleaders, who has been identified as uploading personal family photos doesn't even have anything under their profile name. In fact, that same "mysterious" individual had several of these intimate Sophin postings with their site name attached, then all of sudden somebody else's name was inserted the next day. Yeah, they are poor little, misunderstood innocents who don't know what they are doing. Ship it somewhere else. We are not babysitters. Or counselors.
Dear Ted:
Haven't heard much about Toothy Tile, what has he been up to lately? Hope he is closer to coming out and being himself. I would still love him.
Dear Get Your Crowbar:
Hate to say it, but T2 seems less likely to come out than ever before. Total shame, right? I'm sure you're not the only one who would still love him, but Toothy ain't having any of it. Not now or for the foreseeable future, at least. Actually I take that back,
Grey Goose may be less likely to come out than ever.
Bitch Back
Give me a break. The OTH fangirls (like Alex) are the ones who started dropping by OMG (like on the 4th of July) and shipping their soap opera nonsense. If they can't take some critical thinking and direct challenges, they need to go back to their little fantasyland and sandboxes. One of the ringleaders, who has been identified as uploading personal family photos doesn't even have anything under their profile name. In fact, that same "mysterious" individual had several of these intimate Sophin postings with their site name attached, then all of sudden somebody else's name was inserted the next day. Yeah, they are poor little, misunderstood innocents who don't know what they are doing. Ship it somewhere else. We are not babysitters. Or counselors.
LOL! Thanks for proving my point about how seriously this is being taken! I didn't say they were "poor, little, misunderstood innocents." They sound like nutjobs to me, but immature ones. Which is why it seems pathetic to give them even more attention by "putting them on notice."
Looking at these Rome pictures, it's hard to believe Jake had just become a 1st time father by mere days.
He didn't, there is no BT, and after reading Austin's tweets I'm glad about that.
Of all people, I most of all am fully aware that alot of WFT2ers don't like Austin. Don't believe in Jake & Austin being together now or probably ever.
Or probably ever??? Prairiegirl, what is the point of these obvious LIES? Did you forget that anyone can read old WFT2 comments and see for himself that you're lying?
Some WFT2ers are embarrassed with Austin's stupid tweets and his lack of intelligence, I'm sure the same is true for some OMG posters.
go back to babble trolly
LOL! Thanks for proving my point about how seriously this is being taken!
Unlike you, I suppose? For someone who is trying to project some kind of loosey-goosey persona, you're confrontational, sarcastic ways are hard to dismiss. Never mind the way you pounce every chance you get on other's comments and points of view. If you weren't so serious, why the repetitive chastising? On second thought, don't even bother to answer that one because I already know you are going to start out with your inane, "LOL" to demonstrate some kind of fake objectivity when it fact you are very serious. Talk abut mendacity. (Rolls Eyes) Yeah, you're serious, alright. Seriously, menacing and humorless. A double whammy.
Never mind the way you pounce every chance you get on other's comments and points of view.
I didn't pounce on anything and I never hid the fact that I was serious in my first post where I objected to prairiegirl making it sound like wft2 is on board with her loony challenge to "Sophin." Yeah, that does bother me. I thought I made that clear. I wouldn't have had to post anymore if she'd just acknowledge she was wrong to do that and if you didn't keep butting in to act like her lawyer or something. She can make personal challenges to Sophia and Austin all she wants - she just needs to make it clear that she's speaking for herself and not make it sound like she's got some kind of wft2 posse backing her up.
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