Today's Out Spotlight is an author, advocate, psychotherapist, academic theologian, and formerly ordained Jesuit priest. Today's Out Spotlight is John McNeill.

John McNeill was born September 2, 1925 and end up enlisting in WWII at age 17. German forces captured him while he was serving under General Patton in 1944. He spent six months as a POW before the war's end.
After graduating from Canisius College in 1948, McNeill entered the Society of Jesus. In 1959, he was ordained a Jesuit priest. Five years later, he earned a Ph.D. in 1965 in philosophy with honors and distinction from Louvain University in Belgium. He went on to teach at LeMoyne College in Syracuse, NY and Fordham University in NYC.
McNeill began teaching in the combined Woodstock Jesuit Seminary and Union Theological Seminary in 1972 as professor of Christian Ethics, specializing in Sexual Ethics. He co-founded the New York City chapter of Dignity, an organization of Catholic gays and lesbians. In addition to his teaching duties, he served as Director of the Pastoral Studies program for inner-city clergy at the Institutes of Religion and Health.

One year after he published "The Church and the Homosexual" (1976), a book offering a new theological look at homosexuality, he received a letter from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in the Vatican. Religious authorities ordered McNeill, an ordained Jesuit priest, to halt public discussion on the topic.
McNeill's book reveals original text from the New Testament detailing Jesus's ministry to homosexuals. He argues that the original Greek text of Matthew 8: 5-13 narrates Jesus's healing of a man's sick gay lover. The Latin translation of this passage describes Jesus's healing of a master's servant.

In compliance with the order from the Vatican, he kept a public silence while he ministered privately to gays and lesbians. The Catholic Church, in 1988, submitted a further order to McNeill to relinquish his ministry to homosexuals. When he refused, the Church expelled him from the Jesuit order.

An accomplished author, McNeill's works include "Taking a Chance on God: Liberating Theology for Gays and Lesbians, Their Lovers, Friends and Families" (1988) and "Freedom, Glorious Freedom: The Spiritual Journey to the Fullness of Life for Gays, Lesbians and Everybody Else" (1995). He has also published influential articles in The New Dictionary of Spirituality and The Journal of Pastoral Care.

McNeill was also the former spiritual director of
Father Mychal Judge, who lost his life on 9/11. McNeill said Fr. Judge "achieved an extraordinary degree of union with the divine. We knew we were dealing with someone directly in line with God."
"Jesus opens the possibility of bringing gay relationships within the compass of healthy and holy human love."
Yesterday's M&M comment:
If you look closely at the pics at IHJ, you'll notice that in the #7 and #8 uploads an unaccounted for polka dotted purse is squished between Jake and Mr. Burly. I really wish Jake would get better support staff to at least look like they are trying to make his whereabouts look real.
How did you miss the girl in the denim jacket with the polka dot shoulder bag walking with burly man in glasses?
I just looked at those pics on I Heart Jake Media. I see what M & M is observing. No way could that woman with the polka dotted purse fit between Jake and that "Burly" guy. There's not enough space. Jake was pasted into that photo. When you add in the chilly wardrobe on Jake's part, it is clear that those New York photos are manips. Everything surrounding Jake is either distorted or a complete misrepresentation of reality.
Thanks for this Out Spotlight on Father John McNeill, Special. In spite of what the Catholic Church would have you believe, there were ordained priests in our midst who were the caring and nurturing individuals that Jesus had intended them to be. Yes, there were some deviant and child abusing individuals as well, but while the Church shuffled these men around, they also did as much as possible to silence the nature of those gay ministers who tried to bring about a more accepting approach to the gay community.
Every weekend I'm treated to the wonderful stories of heroism, determination, and love that you uncover.
Sincere thanks.
Thanks for this Out Spotlight on Father John McNeill, Special. In spite of what the Catholic Church would have you believe, there were ordained priests in our midst who were the caring and nurturing individuals that Jesus had intended them to be. Yes, there were some deviant and child abusing individuals as well, but while the Church shuffled these men around, they also did as much as possible to silence the nature of those gay ministers who tried to bring about a more accepting approach to the gay community.
Every weekend I'm treated to the wonderful stories of heroism, determination, and love that you uncover.
Sincere thanks.
Very interesting Spotlight. I'd never heard that before about the one passage in the New Testament having a very different meaning from the Latin translation.
New Adventure. Headed to Miami with @Oceana to tag and study sharks. Wish me luck.
I had never heard that about the passage either, Destiny.
I agree Seaweed there are priest who caring and nurturing and true shepherds for the flock. Those who are truly effective understand that all need to be ministered to, no just some. I think that is why Pope Francis is having such a impact, he follows that ideal.
I am speaking to the person who is following me around and is now intimidated by my interest in the Jared/Jensen fandom.
Bite me.
I will not be intimidated and you can threaten me with your hate and superior attitude but you know what? We all blow our nose the same way and in the end, we're all on the same playing field as human beings.
If I want to like Jensen & Jared, I will. If I want to post pictures and give opinions on what I observe? I will.
By gosh, I'll post regarding Jake/Austin and Jared/Jensen whenever in the hell I want.
You can shove your hate and bullying tactics. Your worry about what we have discovered on OMG is showing and you don't want me anywhere near SN.
Too stinkin' bad.
If something ever happens to me you guys, you all are my witness that I bequeath my avatar folder to Special and M&M. May they use them at their discretion.
lol. You think I'm joking, don't you?
I see the Bite Me avatar is being rolled out again. Good for you, PG!
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