OMG has seen all kind of tweets about Jake over the years, but this one on Sunday stood out a little.

And more interesting was her follow up tweet.

But what was most interesting was what happened to that tweet.

So what was up with that?
Did it imply something? ; )
You better believe it implied something.
And when @goosestile retweeted her tweet and added "True that" to it?
She favorited it right away.
She knows something.
HUGE thanks to M&M who saw these tweets and managed to screen capture them. Her and I were on the phone that morning and she saw them immediately and emailed them to me.
And I tell you what, before I could even retweet them, she had already taken down that one where she said Jake was a daddy.
The fact that she took it down but favorite'd mine? Tells me she either 1) had second thoughts or 2) was told to take it down. I would imagine Jake's people were heavily patrolling Twitter all day on Sunday in case something slipped.
That's a mini-boom, that's what that is.
I think what is even more intriguing is that the tweeter is from Virginia, which is right next door to North Carolina. That's right. Austin's old stomping grounds. Over the years, we've seen several tweets of Jake in that geographic area including last summer when he was supposed to be in the heated throes of his new fauxmance with the beard in Martha's Vineyard. Yet, somehow was seen in North Carolina.
Jake sighting in North Carolina through Google Maps
I never seem to learn.... just lost another detailed post that felt right, after an interruption from a phone call here at home. When I completed it and posted it of course I lost the f*3$k*nG thing into the ether.
So once again, I'll try and recall all that I'd said rather than just throw up my hands in disgust. Ha.
Sounds like another major "cleanup in aisle two" for the care-takers!
You know there is going to be a major slip-up with the guys and the kids somewhere along the way, it's just inevitable.
Was just wishing as always, that these two would just have to common sense to look around and see that acceptance of gay parenting and relationships has come such a long, long way. My sense is that a reveal on their part would see them met with open arms for the most part, in spite of their elusive and closeted ways and the sick efforts of their handlers.
Ah well, we all live in hope and will just have to continue the wait with patience and attention to the details. That's my rant for now. Cheers everyone !
You mean that person tweeted that Jake was a daddy and then put up a fairly recent pic of Jake, wishing him a Happy Father's Day? Then they took the daddy tweet down, but left the Happy Father's Day one up? What stood out to me was that she chose a fairly recent photo of Jake too, which could very well mean she saw Jake not that long ago.
Odd they then favorited the tweet they just took down, once it was retweeted. That must mean they were told to remove it. That person must have seen something because Virginia is not that far from Pennsylvania either. Practically, every day we get stories about Jake being in PA. Would explain the whole location tweet from Austin. His tweet was supposed to imply he was in California. Yet, he never put up a pic of him being there.
I feel your pain, Seaweed!! I feel your pain. Think we've all been there at one time or another, lol!
Well said anyway, on your second attempt.
Interesting. Really, interesting. Don't comment that much, but I have to say a huge thumbs up on this one. Unless Jake is a hermit he is not going to be able to continually hide this kid. If he has more than one, he is massively insane.
What stood out to me was that she chose a fairly recent photo of Jake too, which could very well mean she saw Jake not that long ago.
Excellent point.
So who is Savannah Rice???
Here's a couple of stupid moments, via Twitter and PR:
lauren ashley bishop @sbellelauren
happy future fathers day jake gyllenhaal ;)
7:15 PM - 15 Jun 2014
^^^ with an amazing 24 retweets, mind you.
Here's the other one:
paige. (@__BREATHE)
6/16/14, 15:08
I can't wait for Jake Gyllenhaal to settle down & have kids. He's gonna be the cutest dad. Definite future DILF.
Notice those were both done well after Savannah Rice's tweets had appeared. They both spanked of attempts to undo Rice's message.
Leonardo DiCaprio Shows His Generosity By Donating $7 Million at Our Ocean Conference!
Leonardo DiCaprio suits up while speaking onstage during the second and the final day of the Our Ocean Conference on Tuesday (June 17) at the State Department in Washington, DC.
The 39-year-old actor was on hand to donate $7 million to ocean conservation. Watch the video below of him speaking at the conference!
“It’s the Wild West on the high seas,” Leo shared at the conference. “These last remaining underwater bio gems are being destroyed because there isn’t proper enforcement or sufficient cooperation among governments to protect them.”
Another Ocean Lover
It was such a random thing to see Happy Father's Day with Jake's picture. But remember the girl who talked about Jake's daughter being in daycare in Pittsburgh when he did LaOD. And the mention on Datalounge about Jake and Austin with a baby in their backyard. Don't forget Jake seen with a baby stroller in Brooklyn. (When Ramona was too old for one and Gloria hadn't been born yet). The mention of him with a little girl at the museum in LA, the little kid with him at the theater in Toronto.
Great job M&M finding Savannah's tweets. Thanks again.
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