Looks like Austin is playing the bad boy on the small and large screen. The word is that Noah will be doing more than a little editing with Julie on tonight's FNL (9:00 PM EST), and the description of The Informers' Martin makes him quite the naughty fella as well. " Who better to mold your role as a 80's bad boy after than Billy Idol.
Austin has has the hair - sorry there are no pictures of the blonde version yet, the sharp features, and the 80's long lean body . The casting - point on. It is now about the execution. The best way to describe Billy is pure sex with a snarl poured into leather pants and let loose. Pure hedonism. Take what you want and make no apologies. Totally 80's indeed. It will be interesting to see Austin tap that part of himself. A departure from the Austin we see, but sure that at least one person has seen this side of him. ; )
NBC - Friday Night Lights
IMDB - The Informers
Friday, November 30, 2007
King Rocker
Posted by
Special K
5:51 AM
Labels: Austin, Friday Night Lights, Movies, Television, The Informers
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Joe Cool
Joe or Jake?
He was a lovable rogue, admired by men and adored by women. It was a time when he could get away with "I like my Johnnie Walker Red and my women blonde," and not be bashed by some women's group.
Looks like Jake might play that charming rogue many suggested he try.
"The late `60s and the early `70s were times of compelling social and political upheaval," wrote Tony Kornheiser in Inside Sports, "and Namath, with his anti-establishment shaggy hair, mustache, white shoes and Life-Is-a-Bacchanal philosophy, became a symbol of inevitable, triumphant change. The antihero."

His football career started in growing up in Beaver Falls, PA. Joe enrolled at Alabama to play college football for Coach Bear Bryant. The legendary Bryant would one day call his rebellious quarterback "the greatest athlete I ever coached."
Namath has the presence of a star," Jet's owner Sonny Werblin once said. Werblin saw more than Namath's passing arm. "You know how a real star lights up the room when he comes in. Joe has that quality."
Sounds a lot like comments that have been about Jake.
His endorsements kept him comfortable, with his pantyhose spots and

Over thirty years have past by since he guaranteed a victory in the Super Bowl, then delivered it. Still revered as one of the greatest football players of all time.
Jake has some big shoes to step into not only portraying Namath as the legendary ladies man, but the star athlete. He might have to get some pointers from one of the greatest quarterbacks playing the game today, I don't think Jake would mind asking Tom Brady for some technical pointers. He might might even find Brady reminding him of someone ... perhaps a tall Texan?
Namath outgrew his Broadway Joe image a long time ago. Today he is seeking to finish his college degree, striving to rear two kind, caring, confident daughters, struggling to be a holier, humbler person and mostly staying clear of the spotlight, which he neither needs for financial subsistence nor craves.

What Broadway Joe really yearns to be is your average Joe. But whenever he steps out in his capacity as an ambassador of the Jets or to help one charity or another, an adoring public will not let him. It has locked him in a time capsule, his image as a cocksure quarterback with crumbling knees petrified for posterity. "The reality of it, excuse me, is when you're in the public they already have a perception of you," Namath says. "And that can be a little awkward."
Posted by
Special K
5:04 AM
Labels: Broadway Joe, Jake, Joe Namath, Movies
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Summertime and the living is easy?
Leaving winter in New Mexico and traveling to summer in Uruguay here is a picture of the film crew getting ready for shooting on the Informers set. It taken from the lighthouse that over looks Punta del Este.
Punta del Este is an upscale vacation spot. Although the town has a year round population of 9,334 (2001), it experiences a tourist explosion each summer between Christmas and the end of January.
Here are a few more pictures of Punta del Este, taken in the past week. While soaking up the summer sun, bet that someone there is thinking about snowy New Mexican mountains.
Posted by
Special K
5:49 AM
Labels: Austin, Movies, The Informers, Uruguay
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
.....and Action
Not the image you think of when you think of New Mexico. But that's the point. New Mexico is a state of contrasts. From the mountains of North Central New Mexico, to the desert of Whitesands, New Mexico has everything but ocean front. From the famed or infamous, depending to who you talk to, Area 51 near Roswell, or the Pueblos still inhabited for over a 1,000 years, or the artist communities of Taos, to the oldest capital in the county - Santa Fe will celebrate 400 years in 2010, New Mexico has a little bit of something for everyone. New Mexico lives up to its nickname
“The Land of Enchantment” thanks to its wondrous natural beauty and a lively culture built by waves of Native American, Latin and European inhabitants.
And Hollywood has noticed as well. Film making has been happening in New Mexico for over 100 years. With gorgeous natural beauty, great locations, a non-working prison set and Garson Studios, with two soundstages, you can see why Brothers chose to New Mexico for production. But many other movies you know have to: Easy Rider, Twins, The Milagro Beanfield War, Billy Jack, Independence Day, Last Man Standing, Last Stand at Saber River, Wild Wild West, All The Pretty Horses, The Lazarus Man, Earth 2, The Cowboy Way, Natural Born Killers, Wyatt Earp, White Sands, City Slickers, The Missing, North Country, Into the West, Comanche Moon, No Country for Old Men, Wild Hogs, 3:10 to Yuma, even Oklahoma! has parts filmed here. It looks like Brothers has some great company.
Today starts the first day of shooting. Here's to a great film experience and good times with friends like Natalie and Tobey for Jake.
Posted by
Special K
6:21 AM
Labels: Brothers, Jake, Movies, New Mexico
Monday, November 26, 2007
Can't Find My Way Home
Here's one of the last pictures we've seen of Jake. Haven't seen him in a while. No sightings over the big Thanksgiving holiday weekend. No reports of him. Brothers starts filming soon and hopefully Jake will start looking more like himself again. And maybe he got a much-needed pick-me-up by spending time with his favorite Texan this holiday weekend? We can only hope. Find your way home soon, Jake.
Posted by
5:09 AM
Sunday, November 25, 2007
The Out Spotlight II
Posted by
7:04 AM
Labels: Out Spotlight
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Guy Smiley
Stubborn has sent a revised Austin Smiles block with more grins to enjoy. As well as the screen caps from Regis asking Jake whose he's dating.
I had to include the comments she sent with the pictures. They are spot on.
One thing I noticed while going through the pictures is that Jake doesn't just have a Austin smile, he has a whole set of expressions just for Austin.
And they both have mastered the art of pretending to be shy and looking down bashfully when they're together. But you can still tell that there's a really naughty vibe while they do it.
I don't think they even notice anymore how much they're giving out all these little flirty signals to each other.
Posted by
Special K
5:02 AM
Friday, November 23, 2007
Hook 'em Horns
The turkey and fixin's are put away safely in the fridge, you're sure that you'll never eat another thing, ok maybe you will eat a slice or two of pie. Hey pumpkin is a vegetable and apples are fruit!
But today is a bigger day than Thanksgiving in the great state of Texas. One word Football. And today is Game Day. Cowboys vs.The Jets - please that was yesterday. Today is - Texas vs. Texas A&M. While the rivalry is not as hyped as it once was, and maybe because the UT - Oklahoma game has overshadowed the A&M game in the past few years, today is all about braggin' rights, and that some big braggin' when you're talking Texas.
You know where Austin is heart is. Longhorn through and through and it looks like Jake feels the same. Sure bet is they both will be watching the game. So boys, here's to BBQ and Shiner Beers - if you guys need to get a little Hollywood, go on down to Sprinkles and get those cupcakes with the Longhorn logo on them. Of course you may have your own way to Hook'em Horns.
Posted by
Special K
4:02 AM
Labels: Austin, Hook 'em Horns, Jake, Texas, Texas A M
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Make a Wish!
Thanksgiving, here in the U.S. is today. Our neighbors to the north celebrated and gave thanks for a successful harvest the second Monday in October, but the U.S.? We wait to party about Pilgrims till the third Thursday in November.
Some will cook, some will go to family and friends, and some will go out to eat. And Jake? Who knows, hard to predict.
But the real question is would he rather spend it with a Pilgrim, or get some fill of some Wild Turkey?
Even if it not officially celebrated where you are, in every day there is something you can find to be thankful for.
Posted by
Special K
5:47 AM
Labels: Austin, Jake, Thanksgiving
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Hot Stove ...
In the past the cooking has been done in a bit of an open kitchen, you can see the chef at work, if you want to watch. But it seems now the cooking has been taken to the back of the house. It can get so stifling in such confined space after having so much openness before.
Could all the chatting and comments out front be cranking up the heat? What will happen? If you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen? Or will the chef and his goose be cooked?
Posted by
Special K
8:30 AM
Labels: Austin, Gray Goose, Jake, Toothy
Monday, November 19, 2007
Less is More
"Knowing when to do nothing is one of the least appreciated of an actor's skill, here's one who learned it early."
Many may scratch their head when they read that Jake was included in Esquire's Performances of the Year for his role in Rendition. "What the heck did he do? He just sat there for most of the movie." Precisely. But sometimes less is more. But how is that a performance? The performance is the subtly of restraint. To convey something from nothing. Many actors can go all out and go over the top to make their characters larger than life, but it is true talent to resonate in the quietness of a character.
Jake has been seen crafting this in his last three films, Brokeback, Zodiac, and Rendition. For all of the bravado of Jack Twist, it was the restraint and quietness of Jack that spoke much more. Heath received praised for his role at Ennis, and rightfully so, but many missed how Jake brought Jack Twist to the screen. Many thought that his performance was less than Heath's but if you look back you can see that Jake is doing much more with the character than just what you see on your first look at Jack.
Zodiac found him using restraint and introspective quietness to portray Robert Graysmith. Again first looking at Zodiac you are drawn to watching Robert Downey Jr.'s performance. Jake's performance at first passing doesn't seem like how you should play a lead, but a secondary part. Then watching interviews with Graysmith you realize wow, Jake found his Graysmith, he captured the essence of this cartoonist. The power of his restraint comes through again.
In Rendition you find him spending most of the movie in a darken room observing. You see Douglass Freeman almost detracted from the rest of the characters, and see Jake's performance an antithesis to his fellow actors. He doesn't want to be there, not wanting to participate, both as Douglas and as Jake. But that is exactly what the audience is supposed to be feeling. While you are busy watching the torture of Anwar, done so well by Omar Metwally, you become frustrated because you want Jake to do something, anything. What has he done? And right there he has caught you - he made you react to character out of doing nothing. You have been brought into the story in another way. And then you see Douglas reach his breaking point and finally doing something to save Anwar. Time, patience and restraint to create the performance.
Jake is creating performances that lend themselves to second and third looks to get the true sense of them. They are so layered that are to be watched over again to be peeled back and discovered.
It is easier to go broad, you can hide more your of weaknesses as an actor, but it is when you hold back and give just enough that you leave the door open for everyone to see the true essence both the performance and the actor. The audience just have to stop and take the time to look.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
The Out Spotlight
After Her Death
I am trying to find the lesson
for tomorrow. Matthew something.
Which lectionary? I have not
forgotten the Way, but, a little,
the way to the Way. The trees keep whispering
peace, peace, and the birds
in the shallows are full of the
bodies of small fish and are
content. They open their wings
so easily, and fly. So. It is still
I open the book
which the strange, difficult, beautiful church
has given me. To Matthew. Anywhere.
From Thirst, Poems by Mary Oliver (2006)
Posted by
7:14 AM
Labels: Out Spotlight
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Friday, November 16, 2007
Noah's Arc
The wait has been more than 40 days and 40 nights but there is a dare to say a rainbow breaking through the storm clouds.
Austin will debut tonight on Friday Night Lights as a Julie's teacher,Noah.
It looks like he will be at Dillon High for 5 episodes, but in television that equation means he will be in for sweeps in November followed by FNL repeats and then be back for two episodes in January. So get a little now and save a little for later to start the new year off right. And Noah may return with another arc later.
New Austin Interview! (Thanks Pure!)
But it sounds like we were on the money with some of our earlier predictions here at OMG. And musical choices. ; )
TV Guide - Austin - Friday Night Lights
Posted by
Special K
5:13 AM
Labels: Austin, Friday Night Lights, Television
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Uruguay with Me?
While in Uruguay, Austin should take advantage of the culture and learn a few dance moves for floor. The most popular dance in Uruguay and in Argentina of course is the tango.
Early in the history of the tango, it was considered immoral with its flirting music. What about those moves?
The story of Tango as told is that it started with the gauchos of Argentina. They wore chaps that had hardened from the foam and sweat of the horses body. Hence to gauchos walked with knees flexed. They would go to the crowded night clubs and ask the local girls to dance. Since the gaucho hadn't showered, the lady would dance in the crook of the man's right arm, holding her head back. Her right hand was held low on his left hip, close to his pocket, looking for a payment for dancing with him. The man danced in a curving fashion because the floor was small with round tables, so he danced around and between them.
The dance spread throughout Europe in the 1900's. Originally popularized in New York in the winter of 1910 - 1911, Rudolph Valentino then made the Tango a hit in 1921.
Tango is earthy and dramatic. Although walking movements dominate, Tango walks, having a "stalking" or "sneaking" character, are unlike the walks of other ballroom dances. Movements are sometimes slow and slithery, and other times sharp and stacatto, such as a quick foot flick or a sharp head snap to promenade position.
The tango is a passionate dramatic dance, if you have every watched a couple tango you can see the drama and passion that the evokes.
Who would he know who understands the ways of the gaucho and would be comfortable with hands slipped in their back pocket? Who could bring out such fiery passion?
Digital dance - mere flirtation - we are talking a full Texas Tango.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
He Ain't Heavy He's My Brother
New news regarding Brothers. (Thanks Brothers! for the press release)
Brothers is set to film in and around Santa Fe, Los Alamos, Las Vegas, Abiquiu and Glorieta, New Mexico from November 27 to January 30, giving Tobey, Natalie and Jake a Southwest flavor to their holiday season, and maybe a little spice to Jake's birthday.
It looks like Jake will have a good time on this project working with friends and director Jim Sheridan. Might be a good break from the intense shoots of Zodiac and Rendition.
Brothers tells the story of a man who is sent to fight in Afghanistan (Tobey) while his black-sheep brother(Jake) becomes caretaker to his wife (Natalie) and child.
Disappointing that the Boston location wasn't chosen, but there are upsides to the New Mexico one. Closer to home for Jake to go see his boys -- the Lakers, Atticus, oh, oh, yeah and that guy who looks like Tom Brady. And the other reason - great turquoise, just in case he needs to pick up some Christmas gifts.
Brothers set to film in New Mexico
IHJ - Jake in Beverly Hills - Nov 13
Posted by
Special K
6:05 AM
Labels: Brothers, Jake, Movies, Natalie, Tobey Maguire
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
She's Just Not That Into You
You think it's all about you Jake, Jen's affection. But there's something you've got to know. She's just not that into you. Sorry it must be said. She's using you to get to Austin. But how? And why?
It seems America's (other)Sweetheart has a crush on Tom Brady. Jen is a big investor in SmartWater, and is the brains behind luring No. 12 to be the company’s male pitchman.
But we know it's all a front. She is using Tom just to get to that doppleganger of a dude. Austin! While she's hugging you she's looking at him. Keep you hands on your man, because Friends like this will give you a peck and grab his bushel. Austin? and Tom?
or is it
Tom? and Austin?
Posted by
Special K
6:12 AM
Labels: Austin, Funny, Jake, Jen Aniston, Tom Brady
Monday, November 12, 2007
Tooth-Anon: For those suffering from our loved ones' Toothy obsession
[The following post was contributed by Wicked's Missus]
Gentle Readers:
As the spouse of someone obsessed with the "Toothy Tile" phenomenon, I have felt compelled to issue this post in order to reach out to fellow sufferers, letting them know that they are not alone.
Is your loved one a "Tooth-a-holic"? Here are some hypothetical questions to consider (a "yes" to any one of these is considered a "red flag"):
- Has your loved one sent hundreds of text messages to a mysterious person named "Wicked," resulting in bankruptcy-inducing wireless bills?
- Has your loved one missed her/his own childrens' birthdays because s/he was glued to the computer for days, awaiting the birth of an entity called "Baby Tile"?
- Does your loved one embarass you at dinner parties by exclaiming things like "Jeese is bullshit!" out of nowhere?
- Does your loved one spontaneously weep at the sight of certain celebrities' pictures, babbling "It's not fair! It's not fair!"
If so, do not despair. You are not alone. You are one of many people suffering as a result of their loved ones' Toothy obsession, and there is a solution.
We "Tooth-Anons" are the family and friends of these unfortunate people. We do not blame them any more than we would blame your average flaming schizophrenic for his or her condition. They simply suffer from an uncontrollable illness, for which only they can get help. But there is help. Below are some tips for living a sane and even happy life in the midst of the insanity that your loved one's behavior causes.
Tip #1: Just think "It could always be worse ... " After all, your loved one could be on the streets shooting eyeball-heroin, spending your childrens' college funds on Internet gambling, or joining a UFO cult.
Tip #2: We try to keep the focus on ourselves. So cultivate your own annoying, anti-social obsession! The following are some helpful suggestions:
- X-treeeme Naked Stamp-Collecting!
- Yodeling in tongues!
- Roller-stalking!
- Unicycle moto-cross!
- Get knocked up! (Note: For women only)
Tip #3: To keep out of the trap of self-pity, we reach out to other suffering Tooth-Anons, providing each other with fellowship, healing, and the occasional tranquilizer.
If you, too, are a fellow sufferer, please let us know. Help is only a post away.
Posted by
7:33 AM
Labels: Tooth-Anon
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Hunka Hunka
Getting Real or Really Hot?
Jake shows off a little more to adore.
Most likely for his role in Brothers, which starts filming at the end of month, Jake is working the adage - "Bigger is Better".
Always thought that was just about Texas?
Bet Austin will say "God Bless Texas" when he gets back and grabs more than handful of this handsome hunka.
More grabbing news.
Looks like it is official Jake will be playing the horny congressman to Jessica Biel's nailed into a nympho for the dark comedy Nailed. David O. Russell is set to director this satire written with Kirsten Gore.
Congressman Jake - that will raised the flags of more than a few - how patriotic!
Just Jared - Jake Embraces being Hottest Bachelor
Posted by
Special K
5:46 AM
Labels: Brothers, Hunka Hunka, Jake, Movies, Nailed
Friday, November 9, 2007
No Elbow Patches Required
Looking the dashing tweedy teacher, a little Austin to start your weekend.
Sounds like class is in session starting next week. Maybe we will get a glimpse of the newest teacher at Dillon High tonight. The halls have been buzzing about his arrival for weeks. Bet the whole class will sit up and pay attention.
But who will have to be the first to stay after class?
Oh and here's the newest pictures of Teacher's Pet.
Just Jared -- Ice,Ice Baby
Posted by
Special K
5:22 AM
Labels: Austin, Friday Night Lights, Jake, Television
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Nyuk, Nyuk, Nyuk
Goofy, silly, giggly, grinning, a laugh is never far away.
Jake loves to laugh, and make everyone around him laugh as well. Always up for a joke, even if he is the butt of it, he finds humor in everything.
Growing up, you imagine him going for the laugh - getting out of trouble with it, getting attention, or when he didn't know what else to do - make 'em laugh.
As they say "he got bones" (natural born comedian). You're either funny or you're not. Everyone thinks they are funny, but not everyone is. Kind of like, being attractive, everyone thinks they're good looking but not everyone is. Somehow Jake's got both of those in spades.
But here are some funny moments of our favorite joker:
(Just a few of the many many many funny moments)
Jake on GMA
Jake Lord of the Dance
Jake Bubble Boy Clips
Jake - Lord of the Dance 2
Jake - Gooberballs
Posted by
Special K
5:09 AM
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Another Face of Fame
UPDATE 2:15 PM - X17 - Jake Reese Breakfast
UDPATE 2:30 PM - X17 - Jake Orlando - Dinner at Ita Cho
Posted by
5:19 AM
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
The Face of Fame?
The face is haunting.
Is this what fame looks like?
Not exactly the fame that the public imagines in their Hollywood dreams. That fame is the smiley happy red carpet fame with adoring fans screaming your name. Parties, premieres, all things shiny and bright.
Some will say that he bought into it and he gets what comes with it. Some will say that he doesn't deserve this. And others say this is a part of the game.
But a good bet is, all will agree this is not the picture of Jake they want to see again.
Posted by
Special K
7:30 AM
Monday, November 5, 2007
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Love Will Tear Us Apart
Graphic from extension.unh.edu
The song playing has always reminded me of Jake and Austin during their down times. That volatile relationship that has so many ups and downs and yet there is something that keeps on pulling them back in. I hope Jake and Austin can stay together through the turbulence. I really do think they would recognize the feelings in this song. The song was written by Ian Curtis of Joy Division. This version is by Worm Is Green. Here are the lyrics-
When routine bites hard
And ambitions are low
And resentment rides high
But emotions won't grow
And we're changing our ways,
Taking different roads
Then love, love will tear us apart again
Why is the bedroom so cold
You turned away on your side?
Is my timing that flawed,
Our respect run so dry?
Yet there's still this appeal
That we've kept through our lives
Love, love will tear us apart again
You cry out in your sleep
All my failings exposed?
And there's a taste in my mouth
As desperation takes hold
That something so good
Just can't function no more?
And love, love will tear us apart again
Posted by
6:18 AM
Labels: Love
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Jake of the Jungle
Going totally old school -- Grandmaster Flash said it best:
Dont push me, cause I'm close to the edge
I'm trying not to loose my head
Its like a jungle sometimes, it makes me wonder
How I keep from going under
And so does Ted - check it out:
"Couples Cashing In?
Since Reese and Jake have taken their relationship to the trick-or-treating level, we've got six more suggestions for fam-friendly outings! Plus, could booby babe Pam Anderson be having more hard times? Say it ain't so!
If you regularly read this column, you prolly know we haven't exactly been gulping down the Gyllenspoon Kool-Aid like the rest of the rags, wonder why? Something about the sudden PDA sessions in front of the paps right as Rendition premiered smelled stinky to us—among sundry other suspect celeb goings-on.But that was all before we saw the pics of Jake (or supposedly of Jake, as he was wearing a giant gorilla costume) trick-or-treating with Reese's tykes, Ava and Deacon. 'Cause, surely, if southern sweetie Reese is not only introducing Jake to her kids and having them all spend holidays together, there must be something more to their relationship...right?
Unless...of course, it's all just one big PR ploy to sell a dead movie, and certain other parties—who mysteriously don't make it into press-release-esque photos of the dimpled duo—have always been there in the background, too, and Reese and Jake are just good buds. For ince, could Ryan still be hangin' round, trying to slink back with his fresh ex? Just a question here, dearies, and a preachy proviso to not always gobble up everything you read, this missive included.
In any case, since Reese 'n' Jake seem to be serious about whatever it is they're embarking on, we Awful busybodies came up with a Sick-Sick Six tally for more family (and photo) friendly outings the two hons should so plan:
6. Hike Runyon Canyon: Jake can bring his great gams and two pooches along while the whole happy clan goes thigh busting (Reese breaks a mean sweat at many things, don't forget) in the Hollywood Hills. Love!
5. Hit Pinkberry: Come on, what kid doesn't love dessert? Plus, this frozen whatever chain is popular with H'wood types, because if you binge on it, supposedly you can still squeeze into your skinny jeans. Who cares 'bout all that fake crap it's filled with—hey, at least you'll stay svelte. Reese and Jake gotta keep those figures fab, right?
4. Head Down to Disneyland: It's called the Happiest Place on Earth for a reason (and we don't just mean because Lindsay really knows how to get hap-happy at the joint). 'Cause, really, you can't quite call yourself a celeb couple until you've gotten pics together wearing those mouse ears, n'est-ce pas? Bonus points if Ava, Deacon and Jake can convince Reese to ride Space Mountain with 'em!
3. Take Your Very Lives into Your Hands, Darlings, and Go to the Grove: Reach out and touch those who actually seem to be buying this silliness that you all are the hottest twosome since Pam 'n' Rick. This outdoor shopping center, complete with cinema, Cheesecake Factory and an actual trolley you can ride on top of (not sure Jake would like, though) is one of the best spots to bring your kids, if you like that breeder kinda thang. Paparazzi are allowed inside, ensuring easy access to headline-hungry A-listers. It was one of Victoria Beckham's first stops with her boys when she moved here.
2. Go Get Mani-Pedis Together! Hey, the fam that pampers their piggies together, stays together. Just ask Kate Beckinsale and Len Wiseman, who are often seen getting their tootsies done with daughter Lily.
1. Get Floor Seats at the Lakers Game: We already know Jake's a basketball fan, as he used to hit these games with Austin Nichols, like, all the time. And if Reese isn't into B-ball, she'll just have to pretend. Think ya can, girlfriend?"
Thanks Hjulia for the link.
UPDATE: 10:43 PM
No more mountain man - Jake must have gotten Wicked's memo
IHJ - Jake at Staples Center - Clippers vs. Warriors
Friday, November 2, 2007
1. intended to attract notice and impress others;
1. attract notice and impress others without intention;
New vocabulary word for November. This will be on the test. Please find examples and be prepared to discuss in class.
There will be several pop quizzes as well, to prepared watch each Friday night in November at 9:00pm, on NBC. For those with excused absences or needing further review materials, assignments can be found at:
Friday Night Lights
Posted by
Special K
5:07 AM
Labels: Austin, Friday Night Lights, Television
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Stranger Than Fiction
Everybody knows that your life is a story. But what if a story was your life?
In Stranger than Fiction an IRS auditor suddenly finds himself the subject of narration only he can hear: narration that begins to affect his entire life, from his work, to his love-interest, to his death.*
Sound familiar? Is Jeese - Harold Crick? And the narrator not the voices of one narrator but the collective voices of the everyone calling them on this sudden and public relationship.
It seems that the chatter in magazines, gossip site, blogs of all kind, including the Toothy, Jake, or Jeese varieties are bringing up questions and two days later we see the next act played out before us.
Its like surreal modern theater,but not improv though - no that is too risky. It is the public who gives the writers the plot lines to work with, then to the TPTB for revisions and rewrites, off for a read through and then you see it in a day or two later.
In some ways you wonder if this is how they are approaching this whole thing. Small acts of a multiple act play. Go on stage play your part, leave and go back home.
Will Jake be like Harold Crick and convince the writers to change the ending to the story. Maybe to let him have the ending he really wants, instead of the one is now has to play?
*from IMDB.com
IHJ - Jake Reese Halloween Trick or Treat
UPDATE: 1:12pm
TMZ - Jake's Pap Smack
UPDATE 3:25 pm
IHJ Media - Jake in Beverly Hills - October 31st.
Posted by
Special K
10:06 AM