It's not 2020 yet on One Tree Hill but with all their jump aheads they are closing in on 2015? Is that math right? Did they have to keep adding years so that Brooke could keep finding hot celebs to hook up with? I can't keep up with all this math,
Top Ten Things Julian did during the missing year of One Tree Hill.10. Lived out life long dream of singing songs about math. Did the supper club circuit and mathlete events.
9. Took a year abroad - living La Dolce Vita and running away from prostitutes
8. Started his own clothing line for epaulet loving man - called Sho's Over - now being sued by Brooke and Victoria Davis for trademark infringement.
7. Spent the year figuring out which was better Julian Baker Davis or Julian Davis Baker on his notebooks and movie credits.
6. Headed up the remake of Dawson's Creek for the CW - starring the Sprouse twins Dylan and Cole as Dawson and his forehead with Katie Holmes back as Joey Potter.5. Pitched a new reality series called "Shut Up Nick Lachey" where Nick Lachey shows up as Nick Lachey, mishegas ensues
4. Rumspringa
3. He had style, he had flair, he was there, That's how he became the Manny. (for Sawyer Brooke Scott that is)
2. Bought the rights to the Dan Scott story - The Dog Ate My Heart: The Dan Scott Transplant Story - soon to be on Discovery Health and Spike TV.
And the number one thing Julian Baker did during the mystery year of OTH
Built a better star trailer.
You know........ for backgammon.
This one's good guys!
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Tempus Fugit
Posted by
Special K
12:42 PM
Labels: Julian Baker, Man of Mystery, OTH, Top Ten List
Monday, June 29, 2009
EMotion of the Ocean
Didn't forget about Mr Nichols rhythmical writing on SoGo. His writings remind me of an onion, peeling back the different layers and layers. So many layers of so many things disguised as something so simple.
There once lived a man named Alfred.
No one called him Al.
And no one called him Fred.
But he asked everyone to call him Red.
Even though his hair was dark dark mahogany brown.
He preferred the sea to land. Spent most of his time on boats.
Alone. Throwing nets. Casting. Swimming. Diving. Spearing. Speeding. Cruising.
His hair and skin was always salty and dogs loved him. Loved to lick the salt from his skin.
one on his boat. A young mermaid perhaps. Who had flopped up on
deck. He would spear a fish and cook it up fresh for her. Snapper
grilled with garlic and lime. Or he would dive for conch and make
fresh conch salad right on deck. The maids liked him on the sea. But
no one liked him on land.
On land, Alfred walked with a limp
and spoke with a stutter. There was a hitch in his gate, a twitch on
his face, and a fly that would follow him all over the place.
Needless to say, land lubbers stayed away. Kept him at bay. Threw him away.
Tossed him like trash. Never paid in cash.
water, Red came alive. Pirate. President and CEO of the Atlantic.
Primary stockholder of fish and wave. MVP of rigging and knots. Four
stars for bravery and a purple heart because his heart actually was
Maybe someday, the right mermaid, he may hook. Not from
any book. Or fairytale. But a real, scale and fins, mermaid. Long,
beautiful, salty hair, concealing her.... Well you know.
to her Daryl Hannah. And finally he will get his wish. To live and
breathe among the fish.
your faithful servant,
Is it me or does he seem to love the imagery of women? The ideal of them. And mythical women most of all. Any thoughts?
And about this mermaid. Modest mermaids are not, so why is Austin making them so?
Maybe just want to be Tom Hanks or ride with Splash director Ron Howard in a Roll Royce rollin' in the club. : )

Posted by
Special K
12:37 AM
Labels: Austin, Imagery, Mermaids, SoGo, Wild Turkey
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Out Spotlight LXXXvI
Today's Out Spotlight is DiginityUSA. DignityUSA is the oldest and largest national lay movement of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) Catholics, families, and friends. Dignity Canada represent LGBT Catholics in Canada. A similar organization is in the UK and is known as Quest.
"DignityUSA envisions and works for a time when Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Catholics are affirmed and experience dignity through the integration of their spirituality with their sexuality, and as beloved persons of God participate fully in all aspects of life within the Church and Society."
Dignity was first a counseling group and then a support group in Los Angeles, . in 1969, by Father Patrick X. Nidorf, O.S.A., an Augustinian priest and psychologist, started a ministry for gay and lesbian Catholics as an extension of his professional work. He would later describe the beginnings of Dignity in his own words as follows:
"The Catholic gay people whom I had met were frequently bothered by ethical problems and identity with the Church. It seemed obvious that the Church wasn't meeting the needs of the gay community. In counseling gay Catholics, there always seemed to be an excessive and unreal problem of guilt that was sometimes reinforced in the confessional instead of being resolved. With these ideas rattling around in my brain, I wrote a paper on a proposed group for Catholic gays and presented it to our members at a Provincial meeting. Most of the priests seemed to favor the idea of forming such a group and I did."
Word of the new ministry spreads first by word of mouth and later he placed advertisements in the Los Angeles Free Press asking people to contact him in San Diego for discussion and possible meetings. Not wanting religious fanatics or homophobes to disrupt or dominate the meetings, he required the return of a completed application form (and when in doubt a personal interview). He charged $5 a year for participation and required that all be 21 years of age and have a membership card, which he issued. The monthly gatherings are closed to anyone else. After several meetings were held in San Diego and alternately in Los Angeles (because that's where the majority of respondents to the ads live), Father Pat decided to have all gatherings in Los Angeles where the sessions are held in private homes. Father Pat writes and distributes a kind of information letter to members giving the date and location of the next meeting. (The earliest issue of this newsletter on file at the International Gay Lesbian Archives in Los Angeles is dated February, 1970.) He later noted that "the name Dignity just came to me as appropriate since one of our basic goals was to bring dignity into the spiritual and social lives of some very special people." DignityUSA has been a national organization since 1973
Dignity believes in the following tenets:
That gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender Catholics in our diversity are members of Christ's mystical body, numbered among the People of God.
That gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender persons can express their sexuality in a manner that is consonant with Christ's teaching.
And are organized to unite gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender Catholics, as well as our families, friends and loved ones in order to develop leadership, and be an instrument through which we may be heard by and promote reform in the Church. And believe to be such, accept responsibilities to the Church, to our Catholic heritage, to society, and to individual gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender Catholics.
Because of their opposition to official Catholic teaching that homosexual acts are "acts of grave depravity", neither DignityUSA nor Dignity Canada are recognized entities within the Catholic Church. They are prohibited from the use of Catholic Church properties and from advertising in Catholic Church publications. Dignity does however attempt dialogue with Bishops of the Church, and as an organization, they are tolerated by many in the Church, although rejected by others.
Last year on the official visit to the U.S., Pope Benedict XVI was greeted by the Diginity Washington Group on his visit to Washington DC. Papers reported that he wave to the group as he passed.
DignityUSA is the largest and most progressive group of gay, lesbian, transgender, bisexual Catholics. This year they will be celebrating 40 years of community and spiritual support for LGBT Catholics at their 2009 convention, July 2 through July 5th in San Francisco.
Dignity Canada
Quest (UK)
DignityUSA 2009 Convention
Posted by
Special K
7:36 AM
Labels: DignityCanada, DignityUSA, LGTB Catholics, Out Spotlight, Quest(UK)
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Bow Chicka Bow Wow
Austin talks about birds. Jake wears birds. But who's the one to dig chicks?
I mean look at all the kind of chicks there are:

Jake "looks" like he likes chicks because of the chicken lady. But you know its really all about the jakes. You know what, don't think Austin has problem with that.

DC Update: Because the sheer fact of our notoriety or is that infamy ? And knowing that we would make traffic come to a stand still, rather than hiding our faces for the camera, we have sent an undercover agent who is deep somewhere in the Georgetown Prep area.
See ya later!
Posted by
Special K
10:51 AM
Friday, June 26, 2009
Scootin' around
Austin's pretty proud of his scooter, but it made me wonder what kind of scooter does he do his scooting on.
Did he go for the classic - a Vespa?
Do a little Holiday in the Sun action?
Well ....
Austin dropped the dime on the gas mileage, and that set me off on a search. Think I have the answer.
At 115 miles per gallon, the 2009 Yamaha C3 looks like the winner. But one question. You think Austin went for the racy red or the sleek silver?
Something to think about for Austin Friday.On a sad note. Today we stop to pay tribute to Michael Jackson. He was a musical pioneer and a true musical genius. So many remember him from his start in the Jackson 5, or Off the Wall, Thriller, or Bad. His music connected a world together with collective moments of pop culture. Despite losing Michael so early, his musical legacy will live on.
Posted by
Special K
10:36 AM
Labels: Austin, Austin Fridays, Scooter
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Nation(al) Calling
Pardon my indulgence for today's post. It's a Sox Road Trip Day.
Heading down to DC in a few hours to catch tonight's Sox/Nats game with Wicked.
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c | |||
Jake Gyllenhaal | |||| | ||||

But you proved your membership in Red Sox Nation by watching the game while having dinner out on Tuesday night. Sitting at the bar and watching the game. You could be so engrossed in the game and not have to deal with the chit chat, and hey it looks just like a real night out for any Sox fan with a date.
Did want to get in trouble for staring too long at shortshop Nick Green, we know. And can understand why, kind of reminds me of .... oh well.

And Thursday's game? Watching it on the road?
You know if you need cover heading down to Wilmington, just tell them you are on a Sox World Series quest and need to visit the childhood home of the original Boston Dirty Dog, and former Sox right fielder Trot Nixon as part of your journey to ensure a win for this year. Hey Sox fans would totally buy it .

Who know what will happen or will worlds collide at some corner in DC this weekend.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Border on Something
Looking at the recent picture of Austin being interviewed, its not just his shoes that are the same from Borders, but the overall colors.Is this his Border's Lite Summer Edition look? If so man long dark brown in 90F(32 C) plus heat that's kind of crazy. Look at the cameraman he's got the right idea, shorts. Afraid showing off some leg is too much for OTH fans?
Is it his subtle saying that brown and blue go together quite well? You think he was having a curl issue at Borders too and went for the hat when he could?
And is it me, or does he in the interview picture look a little Ryanesque? Oh the irony!
We still don't know when Austin's interview will air. Will all have to be on the look out for it.
Some other news about OTH. It's moving. Same network, same night, but a new time.
Looks like there is a little switcheroo on with Gossip Girl. Does this mean less shirtless Austin and Robert Buckley in exchange for more shirtless Chace Crawford and Ed Westwick? Outrageous! Or is the CW so confident the they are going chest for chest competition with the guys on Dancing with the Stars, and shirtless Neil Patrick Harris moments on How I Met Your Mother?
Austin why are you sitting around? Sit up, push ups, weights, pilates, yoga.

Posted by
Special K
8:27 AM
Labels: Borders, Exercise, Julian Baker, One Tree Hill, OTH
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Match Game
It's OMG version of Match Game
Talk about a good match.
Even apart they pull of the match. Separate coasts even.
And sometimes match and so close you only see one.
And the other ?Leaving it to Match Game's best, Charles Nelson Reilly to give his call on this one.
WaPo Catching up to the Match Game -
Reese Witherspoon and Jake Gyllenhaal doing the New York Times crossword together over breakfast yesterday morning at Georgetown's Le Pain Quotidien -- gym clothes, shades, baseball caps (Jake's with a Nats logo!). And then, hmmm, what do you know, they just happened to leave the paper behind ... and they filled it out in ink. And mostly got it right! The Monday puzzle, but still. The movie stars (she's shooting here) seem to have struggled with 57 Down, "Workplace watchdog org." (Answer: "OSHA"; a few more weeks in D.C. and they'll ace that stuff.)
Reese and crossword puzzles? Yeah right.
This is chica sat on Leno and admitted she loves watching TV. Come on she is so not a crossword puzzle girl. Well not a NY Times crossword puzzle, TV Guide maybe, and Star when she is making sure she got the prime spot in the mag while she is getting the mani pedi.
Now Jakey is a long time puzzle person and if he does the puzzle at the table he doesn't have to talk to her at all does he? He can just focus on the puzzle and not pay attention and jut say uh huh, yeah, yup.
Wait Wait wait. Matching outfits, baseball caps, tennis shoes, doing the puzzle at the breakfast table. They are a fanny pack/bum bag on Reese away from retirees on vacation in DC.
Hey Austin, Jake's ready for slacks now.
Posted by
Special K
11:06 AM
Labels: Crossword Puzzle, DC, Match Game, Retirees, Slacks
Monday, June 22, 2009
24 Seven
One Tree Hill Season 7 is back for a full 24 episodes. And it premieres September 10th on the CW.
And OTH has 24/7 a whole different way. They've jumped on the Twitter train with an official OTH Twitter site. From the tweets things have been quiet since filming wrapped on Friday. Maybe there was some down time for everyone this weekend.
Now what would a mystery man do with a free weekend? Maybe the shadow knows?
Now back in Wilmington, you wonder if Austin gets as worked up about driving around there as he does in LA. (Posting this video again here, since it might have gotten missed over the weekend.)
Gotta ask can you moon and scooter at the same time? And is it me or does he lose the point somewhere in the middle of what he is saying? Or is he trying to make sure he doesn't say too much?
That Red Carpet can spook ya. Wonder if crowds do that too? Just a few fans came out to see them film the first scene of Season 7 of OTH. You think there were crowds like this for JFC?
Not sure they're getting crowds like that in DC, but you never know Owen Wilson and Paul Rudd are popular guys.
More Smaller World - Father's Day - Day Late but not a Dollar Short edition.
Yeah Jake and Maggie have shared some on screen dads. But did you realize they shared a movie dad with Kirsten as well?
Posted by
Special K
10:17 AM
Labels: Austin, Global Green, Jake, Julian Baker, One Tree Hill, OTH, Scooter, Smaller World
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Out Spotlight LXXXV
Something a little different for today's Out Spotlight.
It being Father's Day here in the U.S. today's spotlight is not about a gay father, but gay men and their fathers. The book, The Man I Might Become by Out Editor at Large, Bruce Shenitz is a series of contributions of out gay men writing about their relationships with their fathers. The 28 essays in the anthology come from relationships that range from close and loving to remote and hostile and represent every corner of society. Frank with some painful and some funny, the stories talk of estrangements and reconciliations and show that the complexities of parent-child relations are universal.
"Few men, straight or gay, find the father-son relationship easy, which explains why mens groups overflow with stories of fathers who ignored, brutalized, or otherwise wounded their sons. But gay men find the subject particularly problematic: When they come out to their families, they enter emotional territory their straight counterparts often avoid their entire... More lives. For many fathers and sons, the deepest feelings often remain unexpressed; if a son is gay, the very act of coming out virtually ensures that silence will be broken."
It is expected that there are themes of conflict and acceptance, shame and forgiveness. The book can be broken up into three categories: fathers have passed on whose sons never came out to their dads; fathers who never forgave their sons for being gay, and fathers who have been marvelously accepting. How some were embraced, while others struggled, and how some had to come to terms with their life and rise above, forgive, and move on. Each essay shows how the relationship between father and son plays a part in shaping the men they became.
Some of the writers, like syndicated sex/relationship columnist Dan Savage, author Jesse Green have become fathers themselves.
A Lambda Award Winner in 2003 for Best Non-Fiction , The Man I Might Become has been called by many "essential reading for every gay man coming to terms with his past, his family and his own future."
who love cherish and support their children
for who they are
and the gift that they are as well.
Happy Father's Day!
Posted by
Special K
10:30 AM
Labels: Happy Father's Day, Out Spotlight, Summer Soltice, The Man I Might Become
Friday, June 19, 2009
OMG Movie Club Second Feature
A sweet, touching, charming movie Big Eden was released in 2000 becoming a crowd and festival favorite.
A romantic drama, it is the story Henry, a successful but lonely New York artist, returns to Big Eden, the town of his childhood, to care for his grandfather. Henry finds he must come to terms with his relationship to Dean Stewart, his best friend from high school, and the object of his unrequited love. His feelings for Dean, which caused him to flee Big Eden almost twenty years ago, seem to have grown stronger over the years.
Henry's reappearance sparks a transformation in Pike, the shy Native American owner of the town's general store. Pike is as surprised as anyone when he finds himself falling in love with Henry. As this unspoken triangle unfolds under the scrutiny of Big Eden's community, nearly everyone in town develops a stake in its outcome. Big Eden is a uniquely American fable about home and family.
First time Writer/Director,Thomas Bezucha said “I…had these fantasies of moving out West, chucking it all in and going to teach art in some elementary school in Montana. I would express that fantasy and all my friends would freak out and say, ‘Are you crazy? You can't do that, you're gay, do you know what they do to gay people out there?’ I sort of got into this idea of - it was amazing how prejudiced people in an urban setting were about rural people, the preconception about the mindset out there - and I thought, ‘Well, what if that weren't the case?’”
What did you like about the movie? Could you identify with any of the characters? Were there characters who frustrated you? What parts touched you? What made it different from other GLBT movies you've seen?
The film has been criticized for its unrealistically sunny depiction of the way Big Eden embraces its gay citizens, and this is unfair -romantic comedies are supposed to take place in an improved
fantasy world. What do you think? Fair criticism?
Bonus points for those who can say who was the Oscar winner in the movie, and extra bonus points for movie they were in to win it.
For the those in the US - the full movie is available online - one place is Logo online.
Big Eden - Entire Movie
Stubborn has bee working on trying to get Big Eden up for those outside of the US, right now is taking ages to upload the whole movie to Youtube so for now you can get it through Rapid Share.
You will need this to unzip them once you download it.
If you are having a trouble, leave a message on OMG and Stubborn said she would help you out.
Here are the You Tube links. Thanks Stubborn for all the hard work. (Part 1)
Can't upload - because of a song used in a scene,
There is no dialog just a scene of driving into Big Eden (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6) (Part 7) (Part 8) (Part 9) (Part 10) (Part 11) (Part 12) (Part 13) (Part 14)
The Austin Friday Post will remain open thru Sat. for all other discussion not related to Movie Club.
Posted by
Special K
5:00 PM
Labels: Big Eden, Movie Club
Vacation's Over
Sunday might be the first day of Summer, but Austin's already back to work. (Hmmm... funny how vacations end and work begins)
Austin is back on the set of One Tree Hill, and as a regular cast member. Woo Hoo! Check out Austin Nichols Journal (Spooky's) for the the picture proof. (Thanks Spooky & Vesperlynd) Here's hoping he had a great break and had some fun. We know he likes Europe. So nice did he do it twice? or more?While it will be long days of shooting, maybe Austin will get some surfing in on his downtime and days off and with the water temps at 80F/26C he can ditch the wet suit and go bare(chest), just use good sunscreen. Then again, he is the man of mystery, where he goes no one knows. ; )
But he is going to find out what it's like living in a beach town in the summer. People want to come and visit. And the Southern gentleman he is, he will be more than willing to accommodate for sure.
He may even be such the gracious host, to send a map, as a special invitation. Maybe celebrate the weekend Or check out if his trailer is bigger now that he's a regular. ; )Happy Austin Friday!
Remember starting tonight at 5:00pm EST thru tomorrow (Sat) will be discussing the movie Big Eden as the second movie of our Double Feature Movie Club.
For the those in the US - the full movie is available online - one place is Logo online.
For those outside the US - still working on it for you to see it online - check back with us.
Stubborn has bee working on trying to get Big Eden up for those outside of the US, right now is taking ages to upload the whole movie to Youtube so for now you can get it through Rapid Share.
You will need this to unzip them once you download it.
If you are having a trouble, leave a message on OMG and Stubborn said she would help you out.
Posted by
Special K
8:47 AM
Labels: Austin, Austin Fridays, Back to Work., Julian Baker, One Tree Hill, OTH