Something we haven't seen from Austin before, showing his Lil' Bevo.
Jake has been seen several times full of Texas pride ; ) (oh yeah the shirts). Austin's thrown the horns, but never been seen with them. So Austin showed 'em off in Wilmy with the help of Lil' Bevo, the kids version of the most famous Longhorn.
But the famous Longhorn steer was not the original mascot of the University of Texas. It was actually a pit bulldog named "Pig". That's hard sell for a mascot a pitbull.
So they needed something that said more Texas, so in 1916 with $124 from alumni, they purchased a longhorn steer in the Texas Panhandle, which they originally named "Bo" and shipped to him Austin. And the legend was born.
Counting the currently serving mascot, there have been fourteen Bevos to date. Bevo I was originally named "Bo" but came to be called Bevo during his service. Bevo II charged an SMU cheerleader, who had to defend himself with his megaphone. Bevo III escaped from his pen and ran amok across campus for 2 days. Bevo IV attacked a parked car, while Bevo V broke loose and scattered the Baylor band. More recently Bevos have been better behaved.
Bevo XIV, the currently serving Bevo, was originally named Sunrise Studly. He attended the presidential inauguration in January 2005 and attended the 2005 Rose Bowl win over Michigan as well as the 2006 Rose Bowl game that gave the Longhorns the 2005-2006 National Championship win over USC. As of May 6th 2008, Sunrise Studly weighs 1,800 pounds (820 kg), stands 5 feet 8 inches (1.7 m), and his horns measure 72 inches (183 cm) tip-to-tip.Austin's giant wingspan vs Bevo's horns?
Who's the Lil' Bevo now?
Happy Austin Friday. Hook 'em Horns.
Thanks to Spooky at Austin Nichols Journal for the Screen Caps.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Bird vs Bull
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Sorry, Wicked, I didn't mean to leave any info out or misquote. I know I just saw it once and the one time I saw you mention it, you had said that you couldn't say how you knew. So I didn't want to spill anything.
Austin's giant wingspan vs Bevo's horns?
I think Bevo is the winner.
My guess is that Bevo wins, but I think we'll need more photos of Austin stretching to be really sure. (And that way we all win....)
Austin has some long arms, but I think Bevo beats him.
Well , Austin is incredible of beauty like always but this T shirt with this cow head( maybe not a cow , sorry I have no right word lol)I don't know.
You know what, that makes me smile cause I think about one of the first scene in Bridget Jones when she met Darcy for the first time and he pleased her until she realises he wears a ridiculous knitted pull with a stag head LOL the look on her face like "what???"
Well don't worry I still love you Austin, sexiness is still sexiness
I don't know I think it would be close between Austin and Bevo, but how drunk would Austin have to be to go horn to arm with Bevo? Although bet he's probably come pretty damn close.
I will admit I have a Longhorn cookie cutter that I picked up from a business trip to TX. (Ok, I harass my step sister who went to A&M with them)
The craziest thing I've ever bought from TX - a fuzzy armadillo toilet seat cover I bought for a friend who was moving back to TX. It became her party hat for her going away party.
Updated the picture of Austin stretching. It doesn't look like it, but just click on it and you will see what I mean. Enjoy!
Homophobia and rap- no homo
I don't know I think it would be close between Austin and Bevo, but how drunk would Austin have to be to go horn to arm with Bevo?
I don't think he have to be that drunk!
I actually like the t-shirt, although I don't think just anyone could look good wearing it.
I got up before the crack of dawn this morning to play fangirl, and went to the Good Morning America concert series in Central Park to see Adam Lambert, Kris Allen and David Cook. I could have gotten there at 7:30 instead of 6:00 when it opened and still got in -- I was too late to be up real close to the stage, but still closer than in a large concert venue like Madison Square Garden. I am missing those 90 minutes of sleep right now.
Adam did a song I hadn't heard before, on the mellow side, wasn't crazy about the song, but crazy about the boy.
The other two were good, especially Cook, but Adam really does have that "it" quality you can't define, that just puts him miles beyond the others. Especially when he flashes that killer smile.
For all my waiting and hanging around I got to see 8 songs--really four songs played twice, once in rehearsal, one song each, plus all 3 of them together on another. They did interviews, but you couldn't hear them, they said they couldn't mike them for fear of bad feedback.
The cow on Austin's shirt looks like Elsie. Ted says Toothy won't ever come out so I guess we won't be seeing Jake and Austin doing milk mustache ads any time soon eh.
Adam did a song I hadn't heard before, on the mellow side, wasn't crazy about the song, but crazy about the boy.
Adam Lambert's 'Starlight'
Jake Gyllenhaal rides Water Cow
Uh, doesn't Austin have the chain on in those cow shirt pics?
The airport strechy one, too.
Didn't somebody say the chain(s) were gone?
Thanks Song. And that Water Cow is very funny Mario.
Wasn't someone talking about Jake's chain, not Austin's?
Dear Ted:
Please, please, please tell me that Toothy Tile is Kellan Lutz! I wrote a list of the people you ruled out, and K.Lutz is the only one absent (I think). He had a famous partner, AnnaLynne McCord, and she looks like she could kinda go both ways. Ugh, this is driving me crazy! I bet this was exactly what you were going for! Blessings for Butch in doggie heaven, which is where I know he is. Love ya!
—Maddie Love
Dear Killin' for Kellan:
Fantastic guess! But Toothy was in the limelight long before Kellan ever was. (And thanks for the Butch wishes, but he's right next door in feline heaven.)
Dear Ted:
I'm gay. Out and proud since high school. It never was easy, and it never will be. I don't know what to think of all those closeted actors. God, I'm so depressed when I think of all these young and beautiful guys who think that it's OK to hide their homosexuality like it's something to be ashamed of. I need some hope, Ted. Give me hope. Tell me that some of those celebrities will come out soon. Out of Toothy Tile, Judas Jack-Off, Crotch Uh-Lastic, Dashed Dingle-Dream and Crescent Kumquat, who is (are) the one(s) you do have hope that they'll come out within a year or two years from now?
Dear Hunky and Homo:
Who do I hope will come out? All of them. Who do I think will? None. With the possible exception of Crotch. He's too smart for this BS.
i finally made it over to gyllenbabble to see what was up with them. at first, i was kinda cool with it - nice pics of jake and reese, etc, but by the end of page two, i wasn't lovin' it anymore. i guess, when it comes down to it, i am enough turned off by that relationship that i can't enjoy looking at pictures and reading commentary that supports it. maybe that makes me a bad person, i dunno. i'm just glad i have OMG The Dark Side to lurk in, where i can think evil thoughts without feeling bad for it. *smirks evilly and slinks away*
Babblers are glad to have OMG The Dark Side, too. Here they can post their evil thoughts without being deleted and banned by UV or FL (GB owners).
James Franco
God I would love to know what is hanging at the end if that chain. Austin needs to take that darn sweaty shirt off. Wooooooooo.
Who is Crotch Uh-Lastic?
Ted seems to think he is the most likely to come out in the next couple years. Nope Jake dont have the balls.
Crotch Uh-Lastic said...
James Franco
Thanks. That would be soooo sweet if James Franco came out. I love him.
Hhahahah about james franco. that would be sweet, and poetic justice. i did some weird facebook quiz the other day, and the answer to who my dream movie star lover was... was James Frano. I have no idea who he is at all, but if he's gay, i'm all for him! :)
Lord, I love Texas. Austin is looking really good lately.
Crotch is so hot.
Seaweed called me this week. He told me to say hi to everyone. He has been working with a real old computer and only has dial up where he lives. He says it frustrates the heck out of him. He still thinks about everyone and hopes to be back on line soon..
Back when I ran with the bulls I steered clear of getting hooked by a long horn but then I got rammed by Austin! Give me that Texas side of beef forever.
Tom, that's so nice that you hear from Seaweed. Say hello for us.
Don't blame ya one bit there, Jake. ;)
Does anyone have the feeling that somethin' is gonna happen? I just have a feelin'.
What could happen? Reeke announce their engagement? That I expect. Jake and Chris in pics together? I would be mildly surprised, they haven't been caught together for over a year if not more. Reeke break up? Will never happen anytime soon. I expect them to go on for years. Reeke is just predictable, boring and fake.
Probably it's about time for an anti-Reeke antidote, maybe a Chris and Jake pic? But, I don't think it's gonna work anymore. *yawn* I don't know what could happen, I just have a feeling.
Thanks Tom for the message from Seaweed. Funny thing I was just thinking about him as I saw a commercial for the SuperCat boat that goes up Canada a that comes on here a few times a day.
and we know that when Austin had his DUI up in Michigan, Jake took off the very next morning for that same destination from Martha's Vineyard. Special shared that informatin on OMG from a personal source who lives there, I believe.
^^ that's very interesting, Never new of this PG. Austin is a close friend of Jake's. Some think very close.
* and what guy flirts with another guy like Jake was doing at that Lakers game? Can you see one of your straight guy friends looking at another bud like that at Johnny's Tavern during the football game? I have yet to hear a good argument against those looks that Jake is giving Austin. They're just not your run of the mill pictures, I'm sorry.*
^^ good buddys do it all the time. Frat buddie, drinking buddies, but mostly young ones. they also talk shit to each other. It's all a part of male bullshitting, for the lack of a better word. Men / boys do this while bonding and acting stupid with each other. Even gay men who are masculine. Not saying this is what was actually going on with them at the game, it just look like a second in time with Jake looking wierd, or maybe lust, who knows.
*PR moniters this site, WFT2, GB, WDW, IHJ, JW when it was up, JJ, Perez, well you get the point. Nothing new, they always did and always will, now with sitemeter, you can actually see it on blogs.
^^ wouldn't you think PR mointor most sites that speak about HW actors that they represent. Not just Jake. Do you really think J. Aniston (since everyone in the world seems to love her) PR people scour the blogs and the internet about what's being said about her. I think Most PR agencies do this.
Did anyone check out the bigger airport pictures on Spooky's?
Austin somehow managed to get the hems of his pants frayed even though they're about an inch away from the ground.
I wonder how that happened...
What could happen? Reeke announce their engagement? That I expect.
What if they eloped/got married suddenly without any PR-milking-it-for-all-it's-worth-one-year-long-engagement? Besides finding out Reeke really is real, that would be the only thing I'd be shocked at.
Okay, J/A Fan, this is where I get off the train. I answered your
queries the best that I felt I could, or at least my own reasons for the way I feel and I'm not expanding on them anymore.
Now you're pushing it and arguing for the sake of arguing. If you were truly curious and just plain unsure, you would take whatever answers you could get, ponder them, and then decide on your own whether you believe any of it or not.
But the fact that you want to still argue about it tells me that you weren't sincere and yeah, just like someone said up there earlier, played me for a fool. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. I'm done.
Forget it now because I think I was your only shot at somebody on here entertaining you and trying to take you seriously. So long and try barking up some other website's tree. I know I'm done with ya. Your 15 minutes of attention seeking fame is over with.
I want proof that Reeke has sexual chemistry together.
I want proof that when you're affectionate with someone's children that it means you're dating their parent.
I want proof that traveling with a friend and coworker means you're having sex with them.
Btw speaking of affection. Love is multiplied, not divided. Love isn't like a pie where if one person gets a bigger piece then someone else gets a smaller one. Love isn't where you have a limit and only have so much to give. So what if Jake puts Deacon on his shoulders or drove him to the Chin's set or held hands with him or feels real affection for him. It doesn't diminish or take anything away from BT (if there is a BT) because love grows. It's limitless.
TIME has its limits however. If Jake had sacrificed his time with BT for publicity with Deacon then there's a problem. But we don't know that, so why not give Jake the benefit of the doubt.
Nothing on Toothy today but a couple about the Chin. Ted's responses:
"....if Jen were that media savvy, she would have skated over the "lonely girl" title from day one, instead of getting crucified for it. Reese she is not."
"....Shafterella is no dark-haired beauty."
Bitch Back!
Okay, J/A Fan, this is where I get off the train.
J/A Fan is a troll. Stupid, boring troll.
Wow, Ted just won't let up. Interesting about Shafterella Sloshedstein.
Spesh, great song, I love Western Swing and Asleep at the Wheel. Thankya, Ma'am. ;)
PG to your comments at 12:20am. All I am doing is asking questions because I have my doubts, that's all. Since some of the questions were about other posters comments, all of them, really none of them were addressed totally towards you. They were just thoughts. You or anyone did not have to answer them. So your reason to go on a tirade and attack me with accusations of being argumentative which seems to validate some need to appease the majarity thinking posters is transparent. I do not think of you and your post as the godspell or the voice of reason. And I know you and others don't think of my comments as such either. Does Not matter. My comments were nothing but thoughts and since I am skeptical about a lot of the going ons of J/R and some of the fans reasons for constant bitching about what they think they know as opposed to what is truth, I posted them. I did not ask for your reasoning.
If poster 3 wishes can ask for proof for such then any poster can.
3 wishes what you ask for proof of, the average person takes as face value and don't care. If the person is with the other person and children as often as Jake is, then something is going on there, and much less time with the one who is not being seen (meaning Austin). Sure it could be spin from all parties (the bearding), but your spin (needing evidence for a romance of J/R after 3 yr. but none for an assumed romance with Austin) falls short.
I wil go back to just reading comments and Special K's topics since some of the regular posters exhibit Troll behavior and don't seem to know it. (LOL) for example. It seems ok because lol keeps in line with the thought pattern so attacks and their troll behavior is allowed..
I am a free thinker and I don't follow the lead. If what is being said then posted had facts supporting them with evidence, none of my comments would have been posted.
Love, good commments, I agree.
Straight guys don't flirt with each other. Talk trash, bullshit, gag around, yes. But not flirt.
Busy day today, wedding to attend, so you wont see much of me till Sunday.
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