Austin has talked about the trying to watch his language around his little niece Ella, and now his nephew Link, and .... uhmmm well let's say at home. ; ) But he's gotta watch it at work too, because each swear around Jackson Brundage, who Haley and Nathan's son Jamie, on the set it's a $20.00 fine.
Talk about an economic stimulus package for the future of America.
You can see how well Austin took the news.
Nichols, Little advice just give the kid your scooter and call it even for your "between now and Christmas" swears.
Who does Jackson make the most cash from? Sophia.
Looks like a lady, swears like a sailor.
But she might competition this season from new castmate Shantel.
For the gag reel of the best of the mess ups, flubs, f-bombs (Mr. Nichols!) and a dancing tall Texan check it out.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Fiscal F-it ' esses
Posted by
Special K
9:06 AM
Labels: Austin, F-it, One Tree Hill, OTH, Such Salty Language
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Who does Jackson make the most cash from? Sophia.
Looks like a lady, swears like a sailor.
I love her already. :)
Absolutely gorgeous song today, like a lady jazz singer from the 40s, but then speeds up and gets all modern on us.
Thanks OMG! :)
Dear Awful Truth:
Ted's away, so maybe if you answer this one little-bitty question he won't get sued. So, come on...who's Toothy Tile? (We won't tell Ted you told!)
Dear We Give Up!
Ok, fine, I'll give you a hint. The first letter of Toothy's real first name is the same letter that starts the middle name of his ex-girlfriend's costar's godfather's first wife who was in that movie where Abigail Breslin played a funloving but misunderstood she-werewolf. Honestly, sometimes I feel like I'm just giving away these Blind Vices now.
Dear Awful Truth:
Reading your Bitch-Back yesterday, I love the idea of a Robert Buckley-Austin Nichols pairing. They should start being seen around together and One Tree Hill would break the rating records with both their out-of-this-world sexiness combined. I like that The Awful Truth team seems to support the idea, so how about creating a joint name for them so we are prepared if they ever decide to come out with the sexiest bromance? What do you suggest?
Dear Robert + Austin:
Oooh, another Austin, Robert mention. I wonder if this is making Jake jealous.
Could be M.
Think its interesting that Ted's interns are doing it. 1) Could me that they know its a hot topic with all the OTH stuff out right now 2) They are trying to get people to keep reading while Ted's away 3)Ted's can still say he never said it
To any of you who have seen The Informers, what was your favorite
scene? One of mine was when Austin
was with Kim Basinger and also when
the singer sang with his band. It
was also something when there was
four young people in the same bed!
I was really surprised that they
filmed The Informers in Argentina
instead of Los Angeles! The movie
producer said it was CHEAPER!!
I thought that the ending was sad.
It was sort of a dark movie. I do
hope that Ted means that TT and GG
are not on the outs with each other.
Jake thinking Lincoln? Abe that is. In interviewing Natalie Portman for Interview Magazine.
GYLLENHAAL: Lincoln’s face was just extraordinary. I think that part of the reason we make that association is because he was one of first presidents to be photographed. His face was just so impressive. As he went through the Civil War, it just got more and more worn—he wore his stress and his obligations on his face. But to think of someone whose face can be shown next to Lincoln, Washington, Roosevelt, and Jefferson . . . That’s hard. I don’t know why I started off with that question.
Jake interviewing Natalie for Interview Magazine
Kacie, I just ordered The Informers. It wont come until next week, then I have to find the time to watch it, but I'll let you know what I think later.
The scene with Kim B. Was definetely my favorite part. He is great at doing thatv sexy, indifferent swagger.
I like the OTH outtakes - Austin is a cute dancer and Hilarie has a great laugh!
Kacie - The scene of Austin and Kim was really good, and I also like him as Martin at the funeral, because you could see his narcissistic, manipulative he was.
London I don't know if Austin dances like that in all the clubs he goes to and with some of the people he's dances with. ; )
Austi, I like the way you say fuck.
Jakey, I like the way you sound when I fuck.
OTH TV's most socially engaged viewers
I really thought this exchange was interesting. Not because of Natalie's answers but Jake's responses.
GYLLENHAAL: Do you remember Garbage Pail Kids?
PORTMAN: Oh, yeah. The cards.
GYLLENHAAL: They had names like Raked Jake and stuff like that.
GYLLENHAAL: Yeah. He was like a Cabbage Patch Kid who’d been raked over.
I don't think its about "Jake" but more about "Raked", and makes me think what would make a kid feel like that.
Henry, how do you know the baby looks like Austin?
Special K, I think Jake has mentioned that he was not good looking in his youth. Acne, coke bottle glasses. Who knows if it is true. Sometimes those stories get told too often with no basis in truth. In every picture of Jake as a youngster on the web, he looks fine. I've never seen him in glasses, except for a movie role, but he does seem insecure for whatever reason. Very needy.
On another topic, I googled Robert Buckley out of curiosity. Not much info about him, really. I guess he never got that popular, at least yet. He's about Jake's age, born in LA, has a degree in economics so he must be smart, lots of TV work. There is a big void re any females in his life, just like a couple other guys we know.
Reading things Jake as said about his childhood, and even hearing him touch on stuff on DVD commentaries, it sounds like growing up wasn't the idyllic nurturing affectionate experience all the time.
I remember him saying that they would talk about "f'in Utta Hagen" around the table and saying "who does that"?
I think Mom and Dad G had causes, ideals, goals that sometimes were more the emphasis, and wanted to make sure those were instilled in there kids. And sometimes that desire was more important than their kids. JMO
Always have had the impression Jake and Maggie had to earn attention/approval/affection. I think that was one thing that drew him so much to Austin. He didn't have to earn his love and affection, Austin just does and gives, full stop.
Henry, how do you know the baby looks like Austin
Not Henry but the baby does have the light hair Austin has. The problem with babies is their looks change every day and they can look like an aunt more than the parents Lol. lacey do you think the baby looks more like Jake?
There's a picture of the baby? Where?
We don't know if it's BT. Someone brought it up about Minnie Driver's baby that it could be BT. Pic link is on yesterday's post in last comments. I'm not sure about it. Minnie would be a perfect BT mom but why would she do it?
My favorite ice cream? It comes in a cone and I can lick it all day.
Hey that's our Special Edition Flavor #69. Was available to specific members of the goodlooking male public a few years ago but then it went exclusive. Some Texan holds it now.
Austi, here's looking at you, kid.
Minnie Driver was spotted playing at the park with her gorgeous son Henry, who turns 1 next month, in Malibu, CA on Saturday (August 22).
Minnie Driver and Henry pics
Austin Jr.?
I don't get how this could be Baby T. We know that Baby T was supposedly born around the time Naomi Watts had her son Sasha will be turning 2. Minnie's little boy Henry is going to be 1. And the second Baby T, was hinted to making an their grand appearance around the time Jen Garner & Ben Affleck had their second little girl. (Another point to the Jake Ben connection) So Baby T2 wouldn't be turning 1 until sometime in early 2010.
So for me, Henry, who is a total cutie pie BTW, can't be Austin's/Baby T/Baby T2.
We know that Baby T was supposedly born around the time Naomi Watts had her son
I must have missed something. How do "we" know this?
And the second Baby T, was hinted to making an their grand appearance around the time Jen Garner & Ben Affleck had their second little girl.
There's supposed to be 2 BTs now?!
Dear Awful Truth:
So I can say I'm pretty tired with the whole Sophia Bush/Robert Buckley/Austin Nichols drama. She's never showed any interest to Robert so I don't get why people are even shipping them. Tell me, is there something I'm missing? Because from what I've seen, its only Sophia/Austin love. Sophia should just go lesbian so us girls can have a chance.
Dear Sophia's Choice:
I can't do anything about the love triangle stuff, but I can grant your lesbian love-wish. Check out John Tucker Must Die for some experimental Sophia action. Your local video store will still have, tons and tons of copies. All brand-new and waiting for someone, anyone, to pick them up off the shelf.
Dear Awful Truth:
Is Toothy Tile Nikki Reed?
Dear Lesson in Sarcasm:
Yes. You got it. Case cracked. We can all go home now.
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