Little brother will be able to help his on screen big brother when they start filming this fall. How?
Josh Gad is an alumni of Carnegie Mellon in Pittsburgh, so he will be Jake and the rest of the cast and crew some of his favorite haunts. And bet you a buck he knows about The "O" or the The Dirty "O" as it also known. The Original Hot Dog Shop is an institution in Pittsburgh, you think its the hot dogs that made it known, and some go for hoagies, but most say its the french fries that are reason to go. A medium can feed 3-4 easily.Great quote about The O: "Everything terrible -- but tasty -- you ever consumed in college, served up by people who wouldn't bat an eye if your stomach exploded like a pinata right in front of them. That's 'The O' all over."
And then there are those tasty beverages that come in 40oz, and I don't mean soda and it isn't not some tasty reserve either. Oh no! Josh has never had one of those . Ever.
But would Jake to a institution of grease, junk, and late night low down malt liquor? This is the farthest thing from fine dining. But you know who would. Someone who orders The Big Boy off a truck for breakfast perhaps? Wild Turkey and Colt 45, oh someone's going down.
Another Carnegie Mellon (or Carnegie Institute of Technology then) alum you might know Andrew Warhola. Yup, Andy Warhol born and raised in Pittsburgh.Think this is the closest to junk/fast food Jake has gotten to.
Does any else get the hysterical irony that movie about a pill that's claim to fame is make steel hard rods, is being filmed in the city known for steel.
Viagra And Pittsburgh we’re the Reason for Great Erections
I tend to think J&A are still together, and that a lot of the 24/7 reeking is designed to make us think otherwise.
^^ US???
how many people do you think post here Destiny?? Maybe 6 or 7. Ten at best. HW could care less about what's said here.
Seems people are finally and truly understanding what's really going on. To cry that Jake and Reese total existance is to fool the posters at this site is a little insane.
Jake is dating Reese and is bi or straight. That's why all the pictures of Jake and Reese. Go ahead, scream PR. Yes, some of it is, nothing new there.
The 7 or so people who are still holding onto a thread of hope for a Jake and Austin marriage are not dealing with this well. Almost 3 years of Jake and Reese together? Jake is most likely bisexual but deals with guys on the side or stopped for a while like most bisexual men in the spotlight. Nothing New also.
Now you want to see a REAL gay closet case with Power?
Mr. Clooney. He does it Well.
Somehow I think he could dabble with a little pussy here and there. Never a girl with Control.
Hell, Gucci designer Tom Ford said that every gay man should do it(have sex with a woman).
He's openly gay.
Jersey tom I know you are about to throw up.
Jake is gay.
Witherspoon is the beard.
Reeke is a PR campaign.
We know that you know that.
^^ Someone's taking Jake's following Reese around the World and both coast for three years a little hard. Sorry, it's true.
Cheer up, Something tells me he and Austin can find a room together every now and then. Something tells me you don't like this situation either. Suggestion: Get Over it.
He's with Reese Now
That should be:
He's with Reese, for NOW. Deal with it and stop the delusional hoping and wishing. It's better for the soul.
Gave yourself away again.
Remember trolls feed off attention. Don't give it to them, they get frustrated and leave. I know it is very very very hard not to jump into their arguments and that's exactly what they want.
My friend who passed away recently was from Pittsburgh, and had gone back to the area a few years ago, to try and get a new start.
The Pittsburgh I saw these past few years has changed a lot from the Pittsburgh that I remembered visiting my grandparents when I was really really little.
It's not that dark, dingy industrial city that I remember. They've done a lot to improve the city, and their image. There are some great little and some cool and funky neighborhoods in Pittsburgh. Heinz Field (Steelers) and PNC Park (Pirates) are great.
Two places I really like are The Mattress Factory contemporary museum on the North Side, and The Warhol Museum, which is just Andy Warhol, his art, his archives, and his personal collections.
The reason that I have not posted
was being called stupid the other
day and it upset me and made me mad. All I can say is Jake is going
to live his life the way he wants
so why worry about him? I still think that he and Austin were involved at one point and maybe see each other once in awhile. But
that's life, isn't it? People change and grow.
What I wanted to know are we going to have another cooking klatch this year or just let it go?
Would you like to wait until the fall? If no, that's okay.
Let me just say that I am glad
that Austin is doing good on OTH
and seems happy and kind to his fans. I wish both of them well and
hope they both do good. I wish the
same for all of you at OMG!
I'm so sorry to hear about your friend Special. (((Special))))
My fave disco song evah! Loved yesterday's post as well.
I hope someday to get to Fallingwater. Still hanging in there for J&A.
Have a great Saturday, all -
A few years back I wemt to Fallingwatere and spent the weekend in Pittsburgh. I had a good time while - was there, loved the rivers, the fenicular (sp?) up the hill, went to the Warhol museum and some great bars.
I love Fallingwater and the tram up the mountain too.
Two things of about Pitt were kind of crazy - the Belt roadway system - I could never figure out the belts (blue, orange, red). I know it is supposed to be easy but it was crazy logic to me. And the longs paved runs off the road for trucks if their brakes went.
Pittsburgh was the first place I every saw chocolate crosses for Easter baskets. That was something I really had to think about, and eggs is one thing, but a cross?
And for comfort food and everything that is bad for you, the Grilled Stickies (sticky buns)at the Eat N'Park.
Kacieeeee! Kacie, I know, but hey, don't worry one iota about it. No one gave any consideration to that innane comment, okay?
It's great to see you and has any of your remodeling resumed?
I don't know one iota about Pittsburgh except that my sister in law is a huge Steeler fan and I can't stand Bill Cowher! lol. Well, I suppose that's kind of strong but he really does get on my nerves. And he used to be a defensive coordinator for the Chiefs. He coached the great Derrick Thomas when he first started out and Derrick loved him.
Breakfast was excellent, you guys. I had raisin bread French Toast and they served a blueberry compote that was absolutely slither-to-the-floor worthy. I would've loved to have taken a whole bottle ofthat stuff home.
Great to see some people whom I haven't seen for awhile.
Two of these people are widowed. One after 50+ yrs of marriage and the other, I'm not sure how long she was married, but it was for a good long while. And both were, of course, in mourning for quite awhile. They both lose their spouses to cancer.
Well, now it's so inspiring to see how people grow. We are always evolving, growing, and it is just the natural pattern of life. The one lady, she is dating now and the senior guy, I think he might be seeing someone, too. He is a former H.S. athletic director and he is just a natural "people" person. But it is something to see how devestated and hurting both were and now they can speak of their deceased partners with love and openness. It was just really a life lesson right there in that breakfast meal. Which I was late to.
Well, the folks are getting back alot sooner than expected. But I'm all packed up & ready to go. They'll be here in another 1 1/2 hrs.
Love that picture of Jake chowing down on that, what is that, a burger? Do you reckon Jake's ever had a Long John Silver's meal? Fillet o Fish? Cheesey tots from Sonic? Onion rings from Red Robin (yummm) ??
Pink House Salad Dressing from Pizza Shoppe? Salmon Burger from Celebrity's? Fries from Oklahoma Joe's? Cheese Biscuits from Red Lobster?
Sorry. Gettin' carried away!
This song Get Down Tonight is a true classic. That guitar opening has got to be one of the most recognizable openings ever for a song.
When they came out with that song, K.C. was classically handsome. And the way he sang with that big smile and playing the keyboards at the same time, it's a picture I have eternally in my mind.
Just caught the end of Broken Hearts on HBO, tha movie with Timothy Olyphant, Dean Cain, Zach Braff (who looks an awful lot like Dax Shepard, does anybody else think so?), John Mahoney. That is a really good movie. And Timothy Olyphant could really sway those hips. Holy cow. That guy was just drop dead gorgeous in that.
Okay, I'll leave y'all alone now. Twin Peaks is on some cable channel right now. Was that just one the coolest shows? And that song. I loved that theme song.
tha movie = that movie. I make more mistakes on this new keyboard, I'm not sure why.
PG - It's a taco.
A place that might be close to fast food, would be the sighting of him at Moe's Southwest Grill in Charleston when he was filming Nailed.
And then he was eating healthy with the Art Vandalay, the vegeterian burrito.
Kacie you rock girl.
Alright I am at this point. I still do think reeke is fake. I also believe it will end eventually. It is a Disney family event. But when it comes time for Joes Bio Jake will be single. Jake will go more the Clooney way.
Lets face it Jakes whole life has probably been 1 PR game. Gay for BBM. Family man for Disney. Most likely Playboy for Joe. I doubt Jake knows who the hell he is. Probably why he is in therapy.
My point. Jake is not gonna come out for a very very very long time. Probably when I am dead. So I just cant see the point. I was always more interested in Jake being gay and coming out. I also loved Jausty. But it aint gonna happen. I have accepted it. Jake wants his money and fame and has no interest in coming out or being a spokesperson for the Gay Community to which he belongs. Thats fine and yes it is his choice and he has a right to make it.
I also do not think Jake is Bi. I really believe he is gay. Not sure what I am going to do. Maybe just post on Sunday or something. But I am offically not waiting anymore and have zero interest in Jakes career. Disappointed? Absolutely.
Kacie - I meant to write this earlier. I am so sorry that something said here was so hurtful. There are so many more people here who know what a sweet wonderful person you are opposed than that one person trying to start trouble. ((Kacie))
^^For sure. (((Kacie))) We've all been there - it's really rather amusing, the trolls. :P I still just have a hunch about J&A; just want to see where it goes - well, that and Ted. I'm here for the duration. I'm absolutely still a fan, because of Brokeback. Never will forget either any of 'em.
Kacie... i agree wholeheartedly with your post on many levels. i think i got zapped that same day you did - if you're talking about several days ago - but i've learned by now to not even pay attn to that crap. This blog is mainly peopled by a few really nice folks who have differing but similar opinions about jakey. they would never say anything ugly to you or to me. i could give a shit less what the other folks say. they are irrelevant to me, and should be to you as well. they have no business even being here, just like we would have no business posting our stuff on their blogs, but it's a free country, etc, so wtfe.
i don't think jake and austin are a real couple anymore, but i certainly am not going to argue with anyone who does. i just can't imagine them being able to keep that relationship that far under wraps.
i don't think that he and reese are real either though. why should i? after almost 3 years, nothing has changed between them. they still do their little publicity dates, they still show up at each others jobs, but they have no passion, no plans (that we know of) and none of the up and down normalness of a couple. they are always the same - from day one until now. that in itself marks the whole relationship as false to me, or - the other alternative - the most boring and uninspired romance between any two people below the age of 60 that i've ever seen.
i was at a festival in asheville nc last weekend. there were huges crowds of people there. couples of all sorts. i probably saw 2 couples holding hands. it's inconvenient. you want to walk at your own pace, stop to look, get out of someone's way, hold a drink and a purse and wtfe else... holding hands is way more trouble than it's worth when you are walking down a sidewalk... unless you are trying to make a statement. so they hold hands to tell the world they are together, and once ever few photo ops, we get a hug or a chaste kiss. ok, fine. i'm not convinced.
Tom, i get where you are coming from totally and i don't blame you for feeling that way. i felt that way for a while, but i'm coming down from it a lot, and i tell you: i feel a hundred percent better. jake is one guy in a million. yes, we like him and he's cute and we had some hopes for him, but it's not fair to expect him to throw himself on the fire and risk his career and future.
i also agree about george clooney. i'd be REAL surprised if he ever did more than show up with arm candy every now and then.
anyway, just wanted to stop in and say hi. hope ya'll have a great weekend. hugs. s.
You've got lots of friends here Kacie, so I hope in the future you can just ignore the trolls. They do what they do in hopes of driving us away.
:ope you"kk stick around and talk about other things Tom. Not to mention it'll be kind of lonely being a lone angry gay voice.
I am not angry about Jake not coming out, but the bearding.....
Well said on the hand holding, sienna. It is great at times, but you know what, you make a great point; Reeke is doing it practically every single photo op and I don't know of any couple, especially after 3 years, who will do it on every single outing that they go on. I'd mention something else odd about it but I don't need to add another page to the Reeke Bearding Manual of Procedures.
I will point out something to them, though, that has not gone by the sly. This just goes to show how attention was paid to body language observations. If you notice Reeke in the early years, when they started the handholding biz, they just clasped hands, open palm. This went on for quite awhile. Then, within the past year at least, all of a sudden, they needed to show that they were quite comfortable and familiar with one another, hence the "intertwining" of the fingers. Now, it's constant intertwining of the fingers.
You'd be hard pressed, I bet, to find many pictures in that first year of Reeke to see the interwebbing of fingers. Now, it's like they can't stop, lol.
I remember seeing this body language interpretation on one of US Reekly's website pages a long while back. It wasn't on them, but it was on somebody, I can't remember who. Some may laugh at such an observation, but I don't think it's really that farfetched.
Oh, Tom, wish I could send you a big bouquet of flowers to cheer you up. Hey, never give up hope. I know I change like the Kansas weather, but I reckon I wouldn't be here if I didn't think there was always some outside chance in 50 that something could change.
Next time your found, with your chin on the ground
There a lot to be learned, so look around
Just what makes that little old ant
Think hell move that rubber tree plant
Anyone knows an ant, cant
Move a rubber tree plant
But hes got high hopes, hes got high hopes
Hes got high apple pie, in the sky hopes
So any time your gettin low
stead of lettin go
Just remember that ant
Oops there goes another rubber tree plant
When troubles call, and your backs to the wall
There a lot to be learned, that wall could fall
Once there was a silly old ram
Thought hed punch a hole in a dam
No one could make that ram, scram
He kept buttin that dam
cause he had high hopes, he had high hopes
He had high apple pie, in the sky hopes
So any time your feelin bad
stead of feelin sad
Just remember that ram
Oops there goes a billion kilowatt dam
All problems just a toy balloon
Theyll be bursted soon
Theyre just bound to go pop
Oops there goes another problem kerplop
^^^ Just for JerseyTom
lyrics by cahn/van heusen
Aw, I need to hear that song. It's the cutest song. If it was Christmas time, I'd play Domnick the Christmas Donkey!! lol
Now there's a song that will cheer ya up if ever there was one.
Great to be home again. Got the washing machine going and of course, got the laptop plugged back in.
I agree - I am no fan of bearding, whatsoever. Coming out when someone is ready? Absolutely.
Tom, I hope you'll stick around.
Baybuh babe, awwwww, ohhhhh - Gah, this song is hawt! Who needs Viagra? I better go! ;)
Ahh thanks PG. Thats Harry Kalas song. Harry is the Phillies long time play by play man who passed away this year. They play the song after every home game win at Citizens Bank Park.
I don't want to stir up trolls, but cant help but comment. Of course Disney cares about what is being said on websites. They have aggressively worked to change the perception the public has about Jake in anticipation of POPs release. The irony is that in the process, not only did they get the number of Jake is gay commenters reduced, but virtually all of Jake's fans were eliminated as well. There is way less traffic on any Jake is straight site than there is on either OMG or WFT2. I've long given up on Jake emerging as the Alist spokesperson for you can be gay and a successful actor. After watching all his interviews, I realized he is not as courageous or articulate as I had hoped. But I still like the guy and wish for him happiness and the ability to be true to himself.
m, that's a really honest statement you've put out there. Thanks for sharing that. I wish I could express myself as well but well, heh, you know me. I'll spin out 500+ words on something that could've taken 10, lol. And still not get my point across, at that!
This is what befuddles me is that while his fandom and fan websites have ebbed to echoes in a cave, his people must think that once PoP comes out next May, he will instantly surge back as strongly as a Johnny Depp or Robert Pattinson, maybe? I'm not sure what the plan of action is. And it seems to me that with all of the tabloid coverage that Reeke started to get a couple of years ago, this is the kind of image they were wanting. Why else do you aim for all those US Reekly covers and the Barbie & Ken stories?
And now, even all of that has considerably dwindled. Like I said before, I am one to check out the rags while I'm checking out at the grocers & big box stores, and believe me, I'm checking out every week, lol. And I just am not seeing Reeke anymore in these magazines, not like they were even back in January. Something has sure happened to dry up that marketing avenue for them. That would seem to me to not be a good sign. People are more interested in Jessica Simpson's goings ons than anything Reeke does? That's kind of bad, if you ask me. What I mean is, if you were Reeke's handlers, you should be concerned at the celebrities and stories that are taking the print space that used to be your clients'. And not only print mediums, but on the internet. Seems to me that their coverage is dwindling as well, or am I wrong on that? I only check out a few, so perhaps I'm a bit pre-spoken about that.
Nonetheless, it would seem to me that someone's either not doing their job anymore or maybe the clients need to look at themselves and realize that the public is no longer buying what they're trying to offer.
Just a business observation, I would think.
Man, I have to say I am really digging this taco eating picture of Jake. He looks like he was half starved, doesn't he? lol
Nice shoulder & arm on the guy. Nice upper body shot, period, Special! Kudos to you on this one.
I have to rank this picture as my favorite so far this year, I think. Even though we've had a ton of great ones of Austin. But I don't think Austin's upper body holds a candle to Jake's. Jake is more muscular here, without being all beefy.
Excellent pic.
Just excellent.
Okay, got sidetracked there for a minute, lol.
So, Tom, they play that song at the ballpark?! That's awesome!! I wish the Royals would play something like that.
We get Garth Brooks.
Hey now! I love Garth Brooks! :*
Not a fan of Garth Brook's music, but love the fact he is so supportive of his gay sister and gay rights.
Good posts M and PG. It's ironic when you think about it on another level. Jake clearly wants to be an A list star, but for someone of Jake's age and limited acting range that means pulling in the fans who love you in that Pitt/Pattinson/Depp sort of way. And Reeke has absolutely killed that. He may as well be doing the indie films where his sexuality wouldn't be such an issue, and he certainly wouldn't have to beard.
And I totally agree with M's earlier comment about that meeting last summer with Bruckheimer. I still think the bearding is all about PoP. But then what happens if they want to do more? Does this mean bearding forever, or do they think once the series is established it is safe to lose Reese?
Well if there are no cameras how do you get press. Go to a concert. Tweets are busting out about how Reese brought the kids and Jake to see Elton John and Billy Joel in Philly.
They flashed them up on the screen, after Elton dedicated Tiny Dancer to her.
Ok, I can totally see her at Elton John show, that is more Reese than Coachella.
But Tiny Dancer. Come on.
And if seen with Jake on Sat. night people will assume he's been there all week with her. But no one will know where he really was (family's place, NYC, NC)for the past week, since the restaurant pictures happen beginning the week.
On the housesitting front: The bird is now covered for the night and realizing now what my sister in law meant when she said she thought it was a porn star in a former life.
Destiny - there was a rent boy who had hooked up with Mr. Top Gun who wrote about doing the same with Garth. Just saying there have been some gos out there about him.
ITA PG Girl.
Jaked glowed when he was with Austin. That is why I believed in Jausty. Jake has never looked that happy with reese. When people say haw do you know that Jake is Gay. Well I dont. Just go back though and looked at how he smiled when he was with A. He oozed with sex appeal. Where did it go?
There were several tweets of Jake and Jake and Reese in Philly after the Alma de Cuba pics.
Why do you care if Elton dedicated Tiny dancer to Reese SK? You sound jealous.
Me jealous, nah. I just find the funny that the tiny campaign marches on like Sherman through Atlanta.
We told Elton they were coming and said Tiny Dancer was her favorite song.
Elton John is too polite to call her midget.
Actually, from what I've read about him, Elton is as big a bitch as Reese so they have alot in common and I'm sure old Elton would love to have Jake for dessert.
Oh boy, another concert, huh?
So, now we have pictorial proof of them with the kids? GRRRRR!
You know how that one rankles me! Blood pressure is soaring as I type. And what, another Jumbo Tron?
So, is this the new MO? Freebies to concerts??? Complete with freebie parking?
Hmm. Safe outing. They've ruined Elton John for me now. Nah, I'm just kidding. Luckily, Tiny Dancer is not a fave of mine at all.
Now, if he had dedicated Daniel or Go Grab Some Funk Of Your Own or Blue Eyes, then I would've been hacked, lol!
LOL! Sorry, "I Got Friends In Low Places"! Actually, that's the song they play, lol!
Aw, he's okay now that he doesn't ride so high on that ego of his.
I'm just not a huge country fan.
Okay, now on a more serious note, this resuming of appearing with the kids is starting to really irritate me. And I don't care about custody issues and who has what kid what week or what month. That is an issue strictly between Reese and Ryan.
It has nothing to do with Jake and if Jake had any common sense or integrity whatsoever, he would put his foot down on the appearances with the kids. I don't know what on earth he's trying to prove here.
All it does it further prove to me that there cannot possibly be, cannot remotely be any Baby Tile. There better not be a Baby Tile, let me put it that way.
I don't wanna hear it. I don't want to hear that Austin has BT this weekend. That Austin is holding down the homestead in Wilmington with BT, possibly BT2, Atticus, Boo the Hamster, and Ricky the Canary? Keeping the homefires burning for when Jakey decides to come home for a little loving on the sly?
And while Austin is keeping those homefires burning, that lets Jake hang out in Philly with Reese, spending time with her & her kids, eating at McD's, buying Happy Meals, and going to Cold Stone Creamery after the concert for a few scoops while the paps get it all on 4GB memory cards? Pretending this is his straight family-to-be? While his own kid is being hidden in shame with Daddy2?
Someone please explain this to me. I'd love to hear a good explanation for this whole scenario and why it's okay. Why it's honest. Why it's respectable. And how Jake could possibly sit at that concert with any kind of a clear conscience.
Hmmm. Need to hit Rewind and start this evening over, lol!!!
You know, anything but the kids. I can handle the coffee, the shopping, the gym workouts. But this starting up again with the kids, I really, really start getting hacked with these 2 guys and wondering where their hearts & brains are at. Of course, that would be assuming that they are even still together, which I am still seriously doubting. I can't imagine doing this to each other.
What a life, huh? Why would you treat a relationship so disrespectfully? Why would you disrespect this idea of "love"? I don't get it.
Destiny, if you're around, someone meet me in the chat. I'm bugged to high heaven, lol!
m, where are ya?
Whew, sorry for the long comment, loll! I'm really in a good mood. Heck, I just spent $25 at Michael's, one of which was a Christmas present, so at least I feel pretty good about that.
Okay, I'm hanging out in Chat, but like I said in there, I'm also working in Word, so I might be away for a few minutes at a time.
Okay, I'm not in Chat anymore. We shall try tomorrow, shall we?
I forget I'm on CT and most everyone else is on ET. Hey, maybe tomorrow some of the newbies can join in chat, like Music Luvah and Meg. That would be awesome.
Okay, well, I'm having fun in Word. Hope everyone else is in happy Dreamland. I hope to be there somewhat soon.
sweet dreams!
Sweet dreams PG - I have so many fave Elton songs I wouldn't know where to begin. But Madman Across The Water was the first thing I ever heard him, and I think a song called Friends, I think that's my very favorite album of his. Tiny Dancer is on it. Oh well. :)
Oh Elton - I forgot I love Tumbleweed Connection and Honey Chateau too. :*
Friends was an excellent song. I love that one. I had the old LP, it was pink. You never hear anyone play that one. Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds was a good one, too. Philadelphia Freedom. Levon. Circle of Life.
Oh, and Someone Saved My Life Tonight. That one is so good.
My favorite Elton John Song will
always be Candle In the Wind and
also from his younger days Benny
and the Jets. Do you remember that
Elton John was married to a woman
back in the 1990s? I think her name
was Renate or something like that.
I hope that Jake does get some great movie parts. I just get tired
of the Reeke show constantly. But
it is his life so let him live it.
I am glad to see that Austin is on
OTH and seems to be doing well. I
may just post once in awhile. I
hope that Jake and Austin both do
great. In one of the other threads,
someone said that Austin was dating
a lady who was not in showbiz. Did
anyone ever say who she was? Just
curious is all. Have a good week
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