I saw these this morning from a link in my box, and I knew Spooky would have them too, but they are so nice you need them twice. (I'm just going to put the OMG twist of fun to them)
Go check out Spooky's Austin Nichols Journal for the rest of them, they're great.
You want them to think that's my big suitcase don't you? You're not getting off that easy mister. You bring a suitcase of plaid shirts, slacks and goofy shoes you're on your own.
Ask Don-o what's in the bag.
Do you think I need to get a new license, does my forehead look big?
No its just shiny.
What?!?! I don't have a shiny spot.
Like a beacon. Just powder and press, it will be ok.I am this big.
He likes to think he's Shaq. Just humor him.
Excuse me sir could you help us on the flight with the overhead storage bins.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Plaid and Checked
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Oh man, these are awesome. I love that last one. One big streeeeetch...
This was sure one heckuva long trip for just a weekend. Seems like it's going on for about a week. Way to get maximum use out of that memory card, tho!
Wow, really rough on the re-entry. But always good to see everyone. I always miss everybody even if I don't miss being "at" work, so to speak.
Excuse me sir could you help us on the flight with the overhead storage bins.
Cute! :) Love the big stretch, he always looks nice in his clothes. What a great song!
Good, because you convinced me that you are indeed one of those fangirls who are selling Jake is bi, Reeke is real and Jake doesn't lie and pretend fiction. You are selling Reeke, but trying to sound like Jake and Austin supporter.
Nice try, lol.
The difference between you and I is that I could care less if Jake is actually Gay, but I happen to think he's bi. Now you on the other hand obviously have some ODD need for Jake to be gay to satisfy whatever is going on with you. Then you get upset when any poster does not see things the way you do. You fall to pieces. If you can't get your daily dose of Jake is bearding, Reeke gets on my nerve, etc.etc. You are become unhinged and it shows in your attitude in posting.
I could care less what you (think), Give Proof since you have it. OK LMAO
^^^ Still bored by GB blog?
Speaking of gay men, I never said men can't be bisexual, only that it is a lot rarer than in women. But you know that, and I've linked to studies in the past, not going to do it again.
You believe what you want, and I will believe what I feel. Sorry, I did not agree with the article. I tend to lean more to the Kinsey thought pattern on human sexuality as it pretains to bisexuality and homosexuality.
If you are not aware of it, it be a good thing to see what others views on the bisexual subject is, not just yours.
I love that picture of Austin stretching, the shirt pulling up over his stomach because his arms so long.
Since I didn't know what Tom Robinson has been up too lately, I caught up on Wiki and looked at some of the links. Here's one to a page he has on bisexuality (probably NSFW due to photo).
Both Ways
You know, you posters who are so interested and/or believe in Jake's bisexuality should start your own blog. I know GB won't even allow you to utter the word over there, and as you can see most people here don't think Jake is bi. Danny and then Special and Wicked started blogs to have a place for people who have similar outlooks had a friendly place to talk.
I think it would be great if you did the same. While I don't think Jake is bi, I would certainly pop over to join in any general discussions on bisexuality, or discussions of people I know or think are bisexual.
Now: this is a pic of one seriously gay man stretching, if i've seen one
It looks like everyone got a few days in LA before heading back. Long trip lots of hours, Austin would have to stretch at the terminal, I don't think the cabin is tall enough for stretch like that.
Best line that came through my head when I saw that suitcase picture.
"I've got a suitcase full of slacks, and I'm not afraid to wear 'em"
Where were the pictures taken?
It's amazing how critical you people are of Jake for bearding, but barely a word of criticism for Austin. If he and Jake are lovers, isn't Austin bearding too?
Now I'm a beard???
LAX - Robert and Shantel were photographed as well.
Jake by himself grabbing salads at Bacchus Market
City Paper
Observer, when Austin & Sophia are photo'd on what appears to be a "real" date, then I will call him out for bearding. We know that he and Sophia are already good friends. They're traveling together; I don't think that constitutes a dating relationship. For all we know, they weren't even in the same hotel. Austin may have stayed at home in CA and Sophia, well, I don't know where she lives, but she may have stayed at a hotel.
And what is this with Sophia standing at the desk, doing all the paperwork? And Austin standing back there letting her?
Man! She looks so cute there. I didn't care for her dress or the way she had her hair at the TCA's. I think she was going for a 40's type look, but it wasn't one of my favorite looks for her. And Austin, in his usual grey suit, lol. He looks so good in dark colors, he needs to shop for a dark grey silk suit. I bet he'd look awesome in that.
Oops, I can't say anymore, LOLLL!
Great song! LOL! Come Fly with Me!
I was trying to see if that was the dark waistband of some colored Jockeys Mr. Austin has on, lol. Is he a brief man or a boxer man?
And what's with the pale skin? That boy doesn't hit the pool or beach at all, does he? Man. I need my shades to look at that.
Boy, rough, rough day and it wasn't even a full day. Well, it sort of ended up being one. My super & other compadre were awfully glad I came in. It is nice to be missed. My new co worker, he said it had been pretty boring without me there. LOLL! Oh-oh. What does that mean? And I got to see my lil' buddy. I feel like I hardly see her anymore.
Why does this man just get sexier by the minute. That stretch is something else. I would love to pat that tummy.
I have not seen any sign of Austin bearding. Showing up at company events and standing next to females, or traveling with female co-workers is not bearding. In fact, I dont recall ever seeing him pictured with a woman that was not a co-worker.
OT: Sad New
John Hughes (Sixteen Candles, Pretty in Pink, Ferris Bueller, Breakfast Club) died suddenly of a heart attack while in NYC.
Well, our first day of trying to focus on the positive not going the way I would have expected after comments made yesterday. We were at 14 when I got on here.
Not doing too good, guys!! Here's everyone's chance to start discussions on anything that's not Reeke oriented and that's not bashing on the guys. It's open forum.
Hey Wicked, I see D.C. has numerous post offices on that big ol' honkin list of post offices the government wants to close since they're so in debt.
And poor Cleveland. They have a ton on there. Kansas only had a couple. Our salaries must be a lot lower, lol!!
Austin did have that "date" with Jen Esposito at Madeo (know as one of the places to get papped at) the night of his Jimmy Kimmel interview. I always wondered if it was a trial balloon that kind of didn't rise well.
Interesting that Bradley Cooper who has his own set of gossip is Jen's ex.
a trial balloon that didn't rise well. LOLLl! I've never heard that one before; that's good.
It's amazing how critical you people are of Jake for bearding, but barely a word of criticism for Austin. If he and Jake are lovers, isn't Austin bearding too?
Because they don't choose to see it. Just as you went on speculating about what Austin and Sophia may not and don't seem to be doing, guess what, has it occured to you that they may have been scewing earlier that morning? But only as two good friends. Goodness have any of you been in a relationship or just lustship. It happens. Or all or your pure as the white snow.
Sometimes posters here sound like Annie Oakley when they are fawning over Austin. They turn into Gremlins when Reese is around though.
Austin does date women from time to time. Excuses are made about it though.
My comment was for the lovely PG
Or are all of you pure as the white snow?
"trust me",
Trust me, trolls like you are aren't amusing.
Dear Ted:
First, I have to say that I totally fell in love with you. It's been months and, I'm completely addicted to your articles and Blind Vices. I don't know how I never came across your website before. Anyway, I was hooked thanks to the Judas Jack-Off Blind Vice, and I wanted to know if you have something new about him. If not, could you give us another clue or his boyfriend, Dashed Dingle-Dream?
Dear Jocking Judas:
Just that they're light-years ahead of Toothy Tile and Grey Goose, in so many ways.
Think Ted said Judas and Dashed are ahead because they don't beard? They got married in Canada? That the house is in both there names? (Jensen and Jared are supposedly have both names on the mortage) or Are they closer to coming out?
visits his girlfriend on the set
With her kid.
LOLL, trust me, they haven't even been photo'd or rumored to be 1) dating 2)even holding hands, for goshsakes. Get real!
When I see them on an actual date, I will be on him like I've been all over Jake. I've already been on him about his over the top female mentions in his poetry and Paris trip write-ups. Did you happen to see those?
If you can show me a hotel receipt with the same Room # on these 2, I'll bow at your feet, alright, and eat crow.
Until then, my opinion on Austin's little trip here is that it's as vanilla as Breyer's Vanilla Bean Ice Cream.
When Austin is kissing Sophia on a Kiss Cam at a Laker's Game, when he gets a "Austin Moves In" Us Reekly cover page, when he gets a candlelit birthday dinner shot with 600+ pictures in a spread on Spooky's Journal in the company of Sophia, and when he is seen lounging at the pool deck in Cabo with Sophia, then I'll call that bearding.
But one trip really seems to be jumping the gun for an Austinbearding raking. Or are you the Austin basher? Is that why you're so insistant? Want to see everybody on him? Did you not see mine & Destiny's pledge yesterday?
Come on, pay attention!
Now, for a more positive comment, uh.....don't have one right now. Signing off, lol
I thought Judas was Hayden? Star Wars reference, and I think Yed is being sarcastic and referring to the engagement and dumping the boyfriend.
Lol PG, thanks for taking that one.
No JJ and DD are pretty well known as Jared and Jensen. Because JJ and DD are both actors. Hayden's bf, is that known here in the US as actor.
If you look at the comments over at AT most people are thinking that as soon as Supernatural is over (where they play brothers) they will come out.
Ted has said that both Jared and Jensen are BVs.
I didn't realize until recently that the house they share in Canada is own by both of them.
There were a lot of rumblings about them splitting and Jensen moving out. Some think that was just to take a little heat of them. But a lot of people are very happy with Ted's answer.
I think the light years might be used to describe Supernatural, while making people think its Hayden.
Hayden is another BV Ted has.
Hayden's bf, is that known here in the US as actor.
it should read
Hayden's bf, ISN'T that known here in the US as actor.
I wondered did Jake get a nose job? It looks less big these days. Also I have noticed that R's little girl is never seen alone with Jake or with Jake and Deacon. And something else, if Ryan and Jake were friends before R and Jake, doesn't R know that Jake like all male freinds knew about the cheating. And who besides a vindictive scorned wife would date one of her ex husbands friends especially if he knew about the cheating. Like I said before, I don't know if Jake is gay but I'm pretty sure he was targeted by Reese as payback to Ryan.
Wonder if now that Austin is back on East Coast that next week, there might be mentions of Jake but no pictures.
I do wonder if the East Coast is base for a while and if Austin went west Jake stayed in Philly because everyone (small) is with him right now.
Cause yeah I know salads are healthy and all but kids don't eat them. But maybe nannies and assistants do.
But karma can be a bitch of a payback.
Jake had a really good nose job a while back.
I you look at early pics and then pictures after 04 and you will see the tip of his nose more refined and slimmer.
It is so slight that it doesn't look like a nose job, it just looks like something happened you just don't know what. It just enhances his looks. That is a good example of a nose job should be.
Sad about John Hughes. I loved Pretty in Pink and Breakfast Club, in large part because of the music he used.
Concrete evidence that Jake and Reese are bearding follows: take any picture of the two of them. Bored, looking at others, no sexual chemistry, no intimacy. Look at any picture of Jake with anyone else, not just Austin. Smiling, joyful, engaged. Add Austin and Jake glows. Actually Jake glowed when he spotted the cute guy in the park in France and with the Roman tour guide wearing the blue scarf. His glow was a glimmer with them. With Austin it's the sun.
A roundabout snipe at Reeke
"Dear Ted:
I'm just curious as to why Summit doesn't pay to have someone coach Kristen on public speaking, 'cause she sucks at it. She stutters to much and sometimes doesn't even know what she's talking about. I feel awkward just watching and listening. You think they'll read this and just pay for it already?
—True Marine
Dear Speech Impediment:
It gives her character. Plus, if she was run-of-the-mill Reese Witherspoon rehearsed, she probably would never get any press! No one wants Kris and Rob to turn into coffee-date dull."
Hello everyone, hope you are all fine and have a sunny summer ( not too hot though)
it's early here but I was too eager to see you again. I missed you!
I am so happy my computer issues are far away behind me ( well I hope). The new one is modern and beautiful and practical but I loved the old, I was attached to it emotionaly , completeley ridiculous if you think of it lol
It was just a machine after all. But believe me or not it died a day after M Jackson and the pretty Farrah !!! I lost my wonderful " follower" and my youth in same day , strange feelings to realise the 80's are only memory now!
I started to read all the comments from the day of my "departure", so much things have been said. I feel the mood is up and down in same time which I perfectly understand given all the informations , pics ... about the "couple" we don't have to name lol
Oh well no anger from me, I can't be in people heads and I am not in the know even if I would want!! I have to be honest : at least the kids are cute and they all seem a good team of friends in vacation.
I am glad Austin had a lot of projects. I didn't recognize Sophia on the pics. She seems a good girl and pretty natural, I like her. It's cool to see them together I would say. Needless to say Austin looks wonderful as ever.
I don't know about people who left the blog, surely for several reasons: disapointment , lassitude , change of opinion...
As far I am concerned I will come as long as I can because I love this blog, it tolerance , humour and intelligence and above all I love the OMG followers and my jaustin love will last again for long , trust me!!
My mood wasn't sunny the last weeks, I failed on my exam to be guide because of one point , do you realise , just for one point !!
I don't blame myself cause I worked hard and I knew this kind of exam wouldn't be easy to get but I had hope!
Very few people were admitted , the correction has been rude it seems. I cried all day ( I shame lol) but now i feel better and I know I could pass it again the next year.
For the moment I saw there is an other exam to be guide-transleter lol, I decided not to abandon , it' really what I want to do!
hey, I keep my good mood listening endlessly two songs lol
"I can"t help it" marvellously sung by Michael, pretty close of my jaustin feelings I dare to say!
And the charming song of Prince " do u lie" LOL nasty nasty nasty Jake!!!!!!
OK I stop for now, I talk to much but it's been long time no?
See you later!
I forget thanks you special K for frank sinatra, he is ideal for my come back! lol
great choice to begin the day.
Sorry M, that's not enough evidence for me either. Your evidence is what grade shcool children present to teachers. Besides, that type of evidence is so biased.
^^^ Give us a break, trolls don't care about the evidence.
If someone can show me a picture of Jake in a Male on Male gay act besides his acting as a gay cowboy.
Can you show us a picture of Jake in a Male on Female act besides his acting?
That shouldn't be hard, heterosexual actors don't need to hide their heterosexual lovers.
Used to say stuff not a lot. I don't like Jake with Reese but talking about it everyday is boring.
Reeke and reeking is boring.
((Elinor)). Sorry about your test. I would have cried all day too. Glad to see you back, I've missed your posts.
Hi dee ! Hi Elinor! Wonderful to see you!
I just wanted to address trust me and What said since I hear exactly what you are saying because I have been there myself. And I trust you are asking in the most sincere fashion because like I have said before, I do have a much harder time trusting commenters who either aren't fairly regular or who may post alot but use a different name every single day depending on their mood. And I'm sorry, but to me using a regular name at least indicates a willingness or ability to commit to something.
Anyway, I need to be quick because I really need to leave in 12 minutes for work.
Trust me, there's a world of difference between Jake being with Reese since 3 years ago. Austin has been photo'd with Sophia when they were much younger in those infamous beach pictures and then what? Nothing until now. Like I said, have we seen them out officially at dinner? On a vacation where they're lounging by a pool together? Holding hands even? Anything to indicate at all that they are involved romantically? Yes, they are at an airport together. And were at a business awards show together with other co-stars. If we get more of this, yeah, I'll start to get on him about bearding. But I need a little more than these 2 appearances. How can you compare the 2 situations yet?
Same thing with Jake & Reese. One or two appearances together started people "wondering". The trip to Rome was their "coming out" that was not to be misinterpreted. Have we had any piggyback riding yet with Austin & Sophia? Kissing at the airport?
Okay, I cannot compare the 2 cases any further or clearer than that. I'm done. Like I said, I'll be on his case as soon as we get a good date outing, alright? I don't know that we're going to see that, though, at this point, with both of them.
And as for proof on Jake? You know, when a guy who looks like Jake goes dateless unless it's with his sister to award shows for several years, that for me is one clue. When I see some of the pictures of him in his portfolio, ones of him in the fuzzy fuschia shirt, provacative poses and looks, pants pulled down, shirts pulled up, come hither look, I'm sorry but straight guys don't pose like that. They get that come hither look but they don't pose like that. Those are homoerotic poses to me. Wentworth Miller has some of the same kind of posed pictures in his portfolio.
But I think the real physical evidence kicker for me? The fact that Jake has a straight up flagpole in his shorts when he was with that guy for lunch and they were knuckling goodbyes. Did you see that thing? Come on!! And he had the same greeting for Heath in the tux pictures. And I've heard he had the same reaction with Ryan Philippe in the same blue shorts in their workout pictures although I've yet to look at those so I can't fully comment on that one.
But the fact that the guy gets horny in the company of other men kind of proves it to me and we don't see any signs of real intimacy between him & Reese.
If a finger poke in her butt is a real erotic move for some, okay. But that had all the grossness of I don't know what as far as I'm concerned. That did not prove any kind of intimacy, it showed some kind of psychological issue on Jake's part.
All the rumors, all the smoke, the fact that Jake can't convince so many blog hosts despite all of the Reeking that he isn't straight, is just another part of the puzzle. I think part of it is just that for other gay/bi people, they have a way of identifying their own.
Just like I can identify that my nephew exhibits all the signs of anxiety that I recognize in myself, so these people recognize it in Jake. There are just some things that people can easily identify and recognize because they are either very familiar with it or have been there themselves.
There. I don't know if that helps at all. I'm not going to dismiss your questions with a simple "Troll!" because I don't think that's fair. I think you guys are being very honest and sincere and deserve a fair answer.
Oh, and finally, (and now I'm going to forgo getting into work early now but I need to finish this) there are a couple of other things we know.
1) as Wicked has pointed out on here before, we know for a fact that PR monitors this site. She hasn't said how they know, but they know that for a fact. Now why would their PR firms be so concerned about a tiny blog like OMG, I ask?
2) why the photoshopping of the pictures on the beach of Jake, Sophia & Austin that day?
3) and we know that when Austin had his DUI up in Michigan, Jake took off the very next morning for that same destination from Martha's Vineyard. Special shared that informatin on OMG from a personal source who lives there, I believe. Correct me if I am wrong on your source, Special.
4) and what guy flirts with another guy like Jake was doing at that Lakers game? Can you see one of your straight guy friends looking at another bud like that at Johnny's Tavern during the football game? I have yet to hear a good argument against those looks that Jake is giving Austin. They're just not your run of the mill pictures, I'm sorry.
Okay, there ya go. My take on it.
Wow, that's a first. I had too many letters in my comment to publish. I have to break it up.
Elinor, I am so sorry to hear about your test results. Sounds like it was a very difficult thing to get into but I think you are tremendous for going after it. Most people don't even pursue their dreams like that. And hey, go for the translator job! You keep trying, something will break because you are out there, trying to make things happen.
You are wonderful, elinor and good things can only happen for you. And congrats on the new computer. I love my new laptop, too!
And I don't have time to check for type-o's on this, sorry guys! I need to get going.
I'm not going to dismiss your questions with a simple "Troll!" because I don't think that's fair. I think you guys are being very honest and sincere and deserve a fair answer.
That's very nice and very naive.
His glow was a glimmer with them. With Austin it's the sun.
It's so true M. And love the way you put it.
((Elinor)) sorry about the test. I know I would have been crying too. So glad that you are sticking with it.
Hi Dee. It's been a long time.
So I'm naive sometimes. You have to trust people sometimes, otherwise that's such a limited way to live your life. Alot of good things can be missed that way.
I don't understand the mentality that absolutely everyone who posts on OMG or WFT2 is 100% positive in their beliefs regarding Jake or Austin's sexuality or must be 100% pro Jake/Austin or Jake/any other guy. I don't think there is absolutely anything wrong with having doubts or questioning things. It doesn't mean that you've changed your mind or don't still believe that Jake is gay/bi or bearding. I think it's the smart people who do question. Who do scrutinize and don't accept everything blindly.
I also am one who wants something in black & white. I want facts. I want proof. Doesn't everyone? I don't want to believe in just a pipe dream or go along with a majority way of thinking just to be part of a group. It's nice to have pipe dreams but that's no way to go around believing in things seems to me.
I don't think the regular people who post here though are existing on pipe dreams either. There are reasons for why they believe what they believe. It's not just based on some whim.
And to question that repeatedly either means someone just doesn't get that or yeah, is a PR person trying to stir up trouble.
I also am one who wants something in black & white. I want facts. I want proof. Doesn't everyone?
Hollywood closeted actors are spending millions of dollars for smoke and mirrors. Hollywood actresses are spending millions of dollars for fake public images.
Sorry, don't expect to see Reeke fauxmance contract or Jake's gay sex tape.
as Wicked has pointed out on here before, we know for a fact that PR monitors this site. She hasn't said how they know, but they know that for a fact. Now why would their PR firms be so concerned about a tiny blog like OMG, I ask?
We know this from Sitemeter. And I have said this before.
PR moniters this site, WFT2, GB, WDW, IHJ, JW when it was up, JJ, Perez, well you get the point. Nothing new, they always did and always will, now with sitemeter, you can actually see it on blogs.
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