There's just something about good jeans. You know when you find great pair of jeans, you wear them all the time, just break them into just right. You getting to hang just the way you like them, or grab your best assets.
Jake goes for the more high end jeans and raw denim ones.
Sometimes he's a Wrangler boy.
While Austin is a tried and true Levi's guy.
Think he's won of few Levi's nights? ; )
Jake Pictures: IHJ
Austin Pictures: Austin Nichols Journal /othforums/othalwaysandforever @ othforums
Update: New Austin pictures... more at Just Jared.
8:06 One More Autstin. Update. Pictures from the set today.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Jean Therapy
Posted by
Special K
12:51 PM
Labels: Austin, Good Jeans, Jake
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I'm a Bill fan myself (Destiny)
Hurricane Bill?!
Speaking of weather look at that tornado in Austin's pants. Wouldn't I love to get in the eye of that thing!
It's all fun and games until somebody loses an eye.
Tornado?! More like a huge beautiful wild exotic one-eyed snake.
Well, vampire Bill I suppose does look like a bit of a hurricane when he zips from one place to another at the speed of light. :-D
Not Much, didn't notice before that the photographer only seems to have seen Reese in the cab. And no photos from a pap??? Surely she could have snapped a few while they jumped from the cab to the SUV.
I kind of thought that that one photo of just the back of Reeke and the story about them running from the paps was to set up future faked sightings, and now I think we're seeing that in action.
Jake the Snake handler ; )
forget Reese this is what I'm going after tonight. In fact I am leaving work now
I wonder if Bradley is in town to see his friend Paul Rudd
There's a New Faux in Town
forget Reese
Bradley Cooper and squinty asexual Renee Zelwenger are more exciting fauxmancers! LOL
Jake the Snake handler
I live hand to mouth in my car!
I'm really enjoying this post today, I love a guy in well-fitting jeans of any variety.
Re jeans: did Austin ever wear that baggy crap, pants where the butt crack shows and the crotch is down at the knees? I know styles change but I long for the days of men with fine asses tucked into a pair of 501s. Austin's jeans today are perfect.
Obama Makes Explicit His Objection to DOMA
Then there are these jeans.
And Jake just works blue,blue, blue.
He works it alright!
Hey that's what Austin told me the surf teachers wanted so they could steer me into the right position on the board!
On the plus side, Obama has changed his tone quite a bit since the last Justice Dept. brief. On the other, they still filed a brief to uphold the law, something they are not required to do.
And given that Obama is caving to corporate America and the Republicans on a public option, I for one am not going to believe a single word that comes out of that administration on any policy changes until I see the money.
Obama is acting like the Republicans and people who voted to keep the old way of doing business won.
No honey. That was what I wanted when I was showing you how to surf. Please don't tell me you did that on the beach in front of everybody in broad daylight.... ??
No one complained!
Least of all us. And we were straight!
Obama has long opposed the law, which he has called discriminatory. But his Justice Department has angered the gay community, which favored Obama by a wide margin in last year's election, by defending the law in court. The administration has said it is standard practice for the Justice Department to do so, even for laws that it does not agree with.
The Justice Department did so again Monday in its response in Smelt v. United States, a case before a U.S. District Court in California. But, for the first time, the filing itself made clear that the administration "does not support DOMA as a matter of policy, believes that it is discriminatory, and supports its repeal."
Obama and his senior advisers have made that statement before, but never in a court brief. In addition, Obama issued a statement noting that, although his administration is again defending DOMA in court, "this brief makes clear...that my administration believes the act is discriminatory and should be repealed by Congress."
Hooray! I knew in my heart, and hoped, that President Obama would address this and make good on his campaign promise. In fairness to him, he's the only politician who even broached this subject; Hillary didn't, her husband signed DOMA into law, and you can be sure the Republican leadership didn't/wouldn't. Unfortunately, as long is this law stands, it's the Justice Department's job to uphold the law. If it was in reverse, and it was a beneficial law, you would expect the same, and want the law upheld.
I hope the day comes soon where same sex couples will have the automatic rights that come with a marriage license, and not have to go through the expense and legal wranglings and still not have all the benefits that straight couples enjoy simply by the ability to get a marriage license.
Wow, I haven't heard this song in forevah, and Austin looks great in that blue shirt and faded jeans. :)
A little music trivia:
"Starting out as a lightweight riff thing I had written one evening in NY for Cyrinda’s enjoyment, I developed the lyric to the otherwise wordless pumper and it ultimately turned into a bit of a smorgasbord of imagined Americana ... based on an Iggy-type persona ... The title, of course, was a clumsy pun upon Jean Genet" – David Bowie
Jean Genet, was French writer, playwright,essayist. Out way before Stonewall, Genet wrote of the gay world, without apology or explanation, revealing beauty in the harsh world in which his characters lived loved and died.
^^Interesting, Spesh. Thanks! :)
Austin has a dog!
Does Austin have a dog? I'd love to see a pic of his dog! what type of dog is it?
Yeah, it's a big black dog. I'm not sure what type it is though, I'm not good with but it's the same size as patch, sophia's dog. someone did take a pic of sophia walking his dog on the set that day, not sure if they post here or not, nathalie do you have it?
Austin in stripes this time. NY Trip.
Austin - Just Jared
Wow JJ is working this couple thing a bit isn't he?
Updated the post with new pictures of Austin.
Why would they be arriving in NY on Sunday when Sophia was already in NY on Friday?
He wore that striped shirt in a photoshoot a few years ago.
I'm glad he took his dog to NC while filming, i hate it when gog owners stick their dogs in a doggy hotel when filming.
They were back on set today filming.
So JJ tagged the pics wrong, they were leaving NY.
Well he also said they started dating in 2006, which is curious year to pick. Since Sophia said in 2006 she and Jake and Austin were all great friends.
Austy looks so delicious these days. He's gonna get so many fangirls squealing after him.
LOL at the A&S dating since 2006. PR is making up sh*t. J&A were so much tighter back in 2006 than A&S, and even Sophia herself said they were just good friends
One more Austin update on the post.
Pictures from the set today
Isn't that just the strangest thing. Stars flow in and out of LaGuardia all day and all night but you never see pics of them. How fortuitous for us then that the paps just happened to be at LaGuardia at the very moment Austin and Sophia were arriving. I mean, what are the odds???
Paps don't hqng out at LaGuardia ad rarely st JFK, it's not LAX.
Ah man!!!! Austin on JustJared!
They are pushing him & Sophia, Special, you are right, for the TV show. It's soooooo obvious.
Special, does Austin have a T Shirt on under that long sleeved shirt or does the boy have a tattoo? Why would he have that one sleeve rolled up like that?
Austin looking long & lean.
I'm waiting for someone to come on here and get on us for not picking on Austin.
Hmmmm, Austin in New York...And Jake nowhere to be seen....
This oughta be worth a few nasty drop in's of nervous people.
LOL, wow, some of those comments. Those OTH fans are some fanatical ones, aren't they? Squeeing all over the place and conjuring up all these ideas. lol.
Funny to watch them argue over "who's hotter". Austin or that other guy. And picking on Sophia for dating co stars!
That was entertaining,I gotta say, for a couple of minutes.
Monday's Bitch Back!
Monday's Caught
Keri Russell doing her civic duty, sorta, while showing up for jury duty. Ker was spotted in the Supreme Court at King's County, NY, wearing a casual blue oxford shirt and jeans, lookin' great says our law-abiding source.
She was sent up with a panel, but celebs being celebs, she prolly found some way to get out of it, since she was last seen in the lobby making her way to the exit.
So Jake Gyllenhaal of her, n'est pas?
Sunday's Bitch Back!
Dear Ted:
I believe your friend Nevis Divine has to be Keanu Reeves. And Toothy Tile is Jamie Foxx.
—Pearl Mae
Dear Duuuuude:
Close, but no B.V. cigar, dollface. Nevis has a wee bit more personality than Keanu (or at least post-Bill & Ted Keanu). And Toothy is not the Foxx, although Jamie has been a B.V. of his very own of just-as-delicious variety.
Dear Ted:
Toothy Tile is Peter Facinelli, right?
Dear Carlisle's Lying:
No. And go apologize to Jennie Garth for that one, please!
Saturday's Bitch-back!
Dear Ted:
You never see photos of Jamie Foxx with a date, and now he has a "secret" child. You said Toothy Tile had a baby no one knew about. Could T.T. be J.F.?
Dear Connecting the Dots:
Fab sleuthing hon, but wrong dude. Think hotter.
all along i've been kinda skeptical about the comments re: PR. it's just really hard for me to imagine that anybody would go to so much undercover trouble to create an image, especially one as unattractive as the overall reeke picture.
however, after a bit of conspiracy theory chatter, and seeing how so many folks who seem level-headed and intelligent otherwise, seem to totally buy into this idea, i got to thinking. maybe this has all been said before, but i'll say it again since posting is free... :)
i think that the whole focus now of Reeke is to make the old Jake Gyllenhaal completely disappear.
i don't think that was the idea at first. i think they hugely overestimated J&R's ability to create sex appeal and interest. unfortunately for them, Ang and Brad with 6 kids in tow are still more sexy and exciting than them.
so that plan didn't work out, so now now what? they ask themselves. well, reese is doing fine. she doesn't want to be hot or edgy or exciting; all she cares about is not appearing to be dumped, and hooking up with jake before the ink was even dry got her out of that quagmire.
but for jake, i think things aren't going so great. he didn't go from the mislabled gay guy who is obviously hot and straight and horny for girls like they planned, because he and reese just don't give off that vibe. at all. ugh.
so now, it's more like... ok, we'll just minimize him to the point where he's nobody in the public eye, then - when it's time for POP to bust onto the scene - we'll start unveiling a new, hot, for real this time exciting Jake G. he's one of the best looking dudes on the planet, and he does have sex appeal on his own, when it isn't totally subverted by his little momma girlfriend. so we'll wait until a couple months b4 POP comes out, then - quietly and with no annimosity whatsover - reese will announce that she needs to be on her own for a while before she makes any more marriage committments, and then jake will be free to going back to being single and wonderful and the envy of every woman AND half the men in the world, and this time we'll makea damn sure he doesn't swing one way or the other, so everyone will be happy and no one can point fingers or call him names. he'll have to hang more regularly with the female of the species to make it all legit, of course, but we can make it work. he's got the goods, we just need to recharge them, and a rest period is the perfect way to do that.
SO. that's my theory. what do ya'll think???
I just got the Tv Guide today and I just happened to notice the pic. Great picture!!
Does anyone have new Tv Guide?
OTH forum - Tv Guide pic
Boy, I thought my computer was already hot, now it really is going to burst into flames. Striped shirt, jeans, incredibly sexy haircut.
I've never seen paps at the NYC airports, but then again I usually take Jet Blue, and you know you're not going to see any stars at that terminal.
I have no problem with trying to drum up interest in OTH by showing the two of them together, they've been friends for a long time, and if people want to speculate, let them speculate away. Traveling together for work doesn't make them a couple, and it doesn't make it bearding.
Hmm, so does Austin really have a dog? Not going to start believing every random bit I read, clearly there are a lot of Brulian fans who are jumping to all kinds of conclusions.
"Traveling together for work doesn't make them a couple, and it doesn't make it bearding."
Denial, thy name is Destiny.
Austin and Sophia have the same manager.
OTH forum - Tv Guide pic
I have no doubt they are pushing Sophia & Austin now by trying to drop a few breadcrumbs about them being a couple. But it's just so innocent and vanillaish for me.
I love Sophia though; I suppose that makes me sound like one of those OTH fangirls, lol!! But I do. I think she's beautiful and she has such a friendly smile.
Now, if Austin played on the other team and was available, he & Sophia would make a gorgeous couple. But luckily, he & Jake get to stir up my imagination.
I'm sorry, but why do we have to put up with this? Why can't we have a Jake and Austin airport picture? Come on!!!!!
A Jake and Austin "From Here to Eternity" roll in the sand?!! Come on!!!!
A Jake & Austin coffee the morning after picture?!! Come on!!!!
A Jake & Austin furniture shopping 2009 picture?? Come on!!!
A Jake & Austin making out on a concrete slab picture? A Jake & Austin concert picture?!! A Jake & Austin birthday dinner picture 2009?? come on!!!
There is a severe injustice being served here.
Hey, sienna, I don't close my mind to any theory. It's hard to tell just what in the heck their plan of action is. Because it actually seems to be a real mystery.
And all I can say is Thank Goodness for Twitter because otherwise we just wouldn't get anymore Jake or Reeke news. That seeems to be about the only outlet to see them on, anymore.
Now, I have to point something out about ReekeRelationship 101. They are indeed setting quite the standard for HW relationships, aren't they? Not one fight. Not one argument. Not one "breakup, back together again". Not one single tiff. Not one single walk off in a huff. Not one "trouble in paradise". Not one "giving each other a little space".
From Day One in Rome, Reeke has been tight. Obliviously happy. So in love they can hardly stand it. With eyes only for each other, never straying to anyone else, totally devoted only to each other.
They have found the key that all couples have searched for since the beginning of time. They have totally avoided any leak of a lover's quarrel. A lover's rough patch. A lover's spat.
However on earth have they managed to stay so happy together? 3 years of just totally blissful coupleship. They should write a book. I bet it'd be a much soughtafter source of reference.
They're oldies but we've had the morning after pictures aka Bedhead pictures.
And Jake and Austin concert picture, at U2 Austin's just behind and dressed so much alike you almost don't realize he's there.
But have to say would love to see new pictures of them together.
PG: i completely agree, and have mentioned that issue a few times myself. not only do they have zero charisma or sex appeal as a couple, but they have no other life about them either. before they were even OUT as a couple, there were rumors of them being on and off, but i'm assuming that was just testing the waters to see what the public reaction would be if they did decide to bring it into the light of day. i don't think anyone could've reasonably predicted what a lack-luster twosome they'd make.
but, back to what you said: yes, they are way to steady and true and devoted and all that to seem like a real couple navigating the rough waters of divorce, kids, jobs, travel, career jealousy, one partner being hugely successful while the other tags along for dinner dates, etc. they are like ken and barbie; you can pose them different, but their expressions stay the same.
except for the HW bowl pics. i'm really curious about why those pics, which were so NOT the normal J&R fare, got mostly ignored, and the obvious story that was playing out did not get told in any of the mags. some of the website rags ran it, but just looking at the series of pictures told the story quite vividly, and you'd think they would like to break open something new on ms. goody 2shuz.
so i find it very odd that THAT story didn't make even a ripple in their boringness.
this is exciting, kinda like a mystery! too bad it's the only exciting thing about our boy these days. i miss the old jake. :(
Hey, I'm the first one to call out Austin and you know it Observer. I took all kinds of heat for jumping on Austin with that post about the stewardess. But you know why that one was different? Because it was coming from him.
If we get pictures of hand-holding, vacations in Europe, etc. I will be the first one to write Austin off.
There's such an ease, or comfort, in the pics with J&A, always. Whether they are biking, or at a Lakers game. They make such a beautiful couple. I would love to see new pics of them. I know you can't always tell everything from just a pic, but still . . . I just don't see it with Reese, sorry. At least Austin looks relaxed in the pics with Sophia.
i love the bedhead pics, special. they look so normal and together there.
LOL, love the bedhead pictures. That big owl shirt kills me. Look how young they are.
Kinda makes one reminiscent.
Can you imagine new pictures? Well, we had the biking pics although one or both had their helmets on in every one, I think. I'm talking in civvies.
I need to check out the U2 concert pic.
Thanks for finding these, Special. Bedhead pic holds special sentiment.
I always think they were up to something delicious fun before those bedhead pictures from the looks on their faces.
Oh yeah.
Hey, and looking at the nice broken in state of those jeans on Jake at the U2 concert, I wonder if there wasn't alot better car action after that concert than what we got at the Hollywood Bowl with you know who.
Look how young Jake is there. His complexion looks so smooth and flawless. Man. He looks so darn innocent but you just know, lol, you just know those boys were up to no good either before, during, or after that concert!!
And, darnit, inquiring minds want to know! Details needed for this budding slash writer!!
Hey Special, it can't be a coincidence that you've posted the bedhead pix. I was just trying to copy one of the new pictures of Austin on JJ, and when I double-clicked on the close-up photo of Austin it took me to to the bedhead pix on JJ.
the bedhead pix. lol. Love that.
Hey, I just now clicked on that second TV Guide picture of Austin & Sophia. Austin lookin' darn good in that one too. Wet Austin.
Man. Hey, you know this could only help lead to some nice dreams tonight, ladies. Ahem, and men if any of you guys are around, lurking.
I dunno. I think Austin may not be a secret too much longer with the way he's looking these days and the charm he has in his interviews. His days of relative obscurity may be soon over.
Well, off to write just a few more words and then it's time to hit the ol' hay. Sweet dreams and what a nice surprise to see Austin on Just Jared. I think I had said several months ago could an Austin post on JJ be too much further away? And voila!! Lookee what happened today. Dream come true.
All things connect.
I think PR is getting desperate. They will try anything to make Jake seem straight. Yeah, it could be OTH trying to fan the flame but somehow that doesn't feel like a fit to me. Not that I know that much about them. I did not watch the show before Austin showed up. But the people I've seen interviewed who are behind the scenes just seem too hip to go that route. The fact that the Austin/Sophia story showed up on JJ tells me its another Reeke PR effort. Austin looks like he hasn't a clue and I bet he would be very surprised to read the tag line. Don't know if I buy the dog story either. I think Austin would have said something about it when he blogged, unless the dog is very new.
Re Siena's theory, I think Jake has the worst PR team that ever was. Can they reinvent him in time for POP? I think they are too out of touch with the public mood to pull it off. Too many mistakes made. Too late and they don't have a clue what to do with him.
i think the only way to save him at this point is to put the axe to this snore of a fauxmance and get him out doing fun, interesting things again that make people want to read about him and be his fan. otherwise, let's just fast forward him to has-been status and be done with it. :(
LOL, has anyone else seen this site called dickipedia? I saw a link to the post on Pattinson on Huffington Post. They really need to have entries on Reeke.
Dickipedia Pattinson entry
The Online community has been part of OTH from the beginning and the show follows those fan boards and fans and knows that those are what has kept OTH on TV for seven seasons. So I think they saw back in Season 6 how people reacted to the Julian and Brooke storyline and expanded it over season 6 and realized that they had something hot and that if they lost Lucas and Peyton they had another couple with a growing following. It gave them a season 7.
They have to make the most of it, and they see the fans reaction to pictures of Sophia and Austin together and know that this is all house money and go all in. They need the build up to keep those Leyton lovers that have no one to follow on OTH know. They want to retain the fanbase they had and try to gain more.
I don't think it has anything to do with the Reeke PR plan. But I don't think Austin or Sophia are going to do anything and clarify what they are either. They are going to let everyone think what they want to think at this point.
we'll just minimize him to the point where he's nobody
Minimize? MINIMIZE?? NOBODY ????
let's just fast forward him to has-been status and be done with it.
*gets out the razor blades*
So, I am just getting caught up on all the comments. Bradley Cooper, super hot, rumored to be gay guy, is visiting his friend Paul Rudd on the movie set. Jake G, sometimes super hot, rumored to be gay, killing time on the same set with nothing to do while his friend is filming. Wonder how Brad and Jake will fill their free time while their friends are busy.
Time will tell, it could go either way from here. But
I tend to agree M about it coming from Reeke. We've seen this before--remember the US Reekly story about how Sophia supposedly had just broken up with Austin after 2 years of dating, when we all know it was Jon Foster--which was correctly discussed in another story. JJ is clearly on Reese's payroll, practically a day does not go by that he does not manage to work in her name one way or another.
None of the people on OTH have struck me as the types who've wanted to run around using their relationships. Sophia in particular seems to have been very guarded since the whole thing with CMM, so I can't see her doing something like this.
And just because Sophia or Austin figure it's free publicity and why bother doing anything doesn't mean they had a hand in it. Not to mention that Sophia herself said just a few weeks ago they are only friends. What more do you want????
Finally, this one is also being driven to a certain degree by fangirls who want to seem them together.
All in all, a far cry from Reeke, who've never said anything of the sort about only being friends, had to fake interest in the story by getting US and JJ to sign on, have not been traveling together for work, etc......
Sienna, you know, I kind of like your theory. His current public image as manny for the Chin isn't doing him any favors at all -- and if they're going to try re-hearthrobbing him he would do better as single and "available."
But I honestly don't think that Jake's PR really knows what to do with him. They know how to sell several basic types of star, but Jake doesn't fit well into any of the usual molds. They've bet the farm on Reeke, and all they've wound up with is Jake becoming a boring, sexless attendant to Reese. So I don't entirely trust them to follow the scenario you've outlined, even if I think it's the best way they could go.
Squinty and Bradley, who both had 4-month marriages to their previous bearding half. What a pair. And why in the heck are they in Philly?? Is this the bearding mecca of August 2009?
So caught up in Sophia and Jake that I forgot to comment on what you said Sienna. I think Charybdis is right, HW has all these models, and Jake doesn't fit in any of them, but PR is too blind or stubborn to see it. I would love to see things change, but after all this time I can't see pr doing that kind of 180 degree turn, or they'd be starting to do it now, about a year out from the film. I think the bigger hole Reeke digs, the more they cling onto what they are doing.
Again, Adam L. pops into my head. Adam had the courage to be out, but you also have to think that he and his people knew that if they pushed him into the closet it would utterly destroy everything that makes him so wonderful.
LOL, I'm like PG tonight with one post after another.
One final thought: you've got to wonder if Adam and his people didn't take a good look at what is happening with Reeke. We all know he had to sign a contract with AI to keep quiet about his personal life, his mom said that in an interview. And as one of the top finishers, he was obligated to sign up a record deal with the AI people if they wanted him, which they did. They could have put the screws to him and said "in the closet". Maybe they did and Adam said no, or maybe they didn't do it for all the reasons I said.
as they arrive together at LaGuardia Airport in New York City on Sunday (August 17).
I think "as they arrive together" means arrive from a car to the airport before they take a flight, not flying in/landing at the airport. IMO "arrive" used in airport lingo needs to be split into 2 different word/meanings: tarmac plane landings and parking lot passenger dropoffs!
Thank god Renee isn't fattening up yet for her next Bridget Jones movie! The piggyback ride they have scheduled would have killed me!
Lucas and Peyton are gone and Haley and Nathan are so boring. Brulian is so hot. Everybody's saying they're dating. He was totally touching her arm when they were done filming last week. They should have a baby cause it would be super cute and Sophia would make an awesome mom.
Ok... so we've said that Jake doesn't fit a certain stereotypical model of HW actor/star...
Who can we kinda compare him to?
What sort of movies would he be good in?
Who is his fan base?
We know he's a good actor: i haven't see all of his movies, and i haven't like all the ones i've seen, but i've always LOVED him in them. I've always thought he did a good job portraying the role he was asked to play.
Speaking of Renee Z.... she did a movie a few years ago, a rom com called Down With Love and Ewan McG was her costar. Jakey would've been awesome in that movie. He's convincing with some girls - Jenn A. was a good match for him. I think that sort of fun and light-hearted movie would be perfect for him.
I don't think he wants to do those movies tho. I think TDAT and POP are not his choices, but his efforts to move his career forward. I think, if left to his own devices, he would disappear in an avalanche of odd, indy-type movies that only a few folks would see or care about. Sort of like when reese dresses herself... and we're all like HUH?
i appreciate him wanting to make serious, different, thought-provoking movies, but i think that if he's looking for a niche, fun, cool, metrosexual roles are much more appropriate for him than action hero (cough, sputter...) why try to force yourself into something that is the total opposite of your personality. it's like casting a cat to play a dog's part. geez!
he's got way to much charisma and appeal when he just let's himself be himself and doesn't try to bend himself into a fake situation. i think that instead of trying to remake a new jake, they should just bring back the old one, shine him up a little, get him out and about with folks his own height, and let the public rediscover his charm. he has about a ton of it. i don't think she could've sucked all that dry yet.
Sienna - love Down with Love. (I own it) And love Ewan McGregor. And you're right Jake would have been perfect as Catcher Block.
Down with Love is an homage to the Doris Day Rock Hudson movies of the 60's and they got it pitch perfect capturing the era and the genre. Tony Randall even did a cameo, as a nod to the movies he did with Rock and Doris.
Management 180: From Desired To Indifference, in 2 Years or Less!
From Zap2it.
Quality time with Mark Schwahn and the "One Tree Hill" crew. That's what I got when I spotted Sophia Bush and the series' creator hanging with new cast members, Robert Buckley, Shantel VanSanten and Austin Nichols at a CW party a couple weeks back.
While the boys pitched a bromance for their characters, I talked with Mark and the girls about season 7, including what it's like on set without Hilarie Burton and Chad Michael Murray.
Austin is pretty. Please tell me Brooke is going to be happy this season.
Sophia Bush: Brooke has been unhappy for so long, she deserves a little joy in her life.
Austinnichols And Julian (Nichols) is going to make that happen?
S.B.: Well, there are issues for everybody. One of the things that we have to deal with in our relationship is the distance and, you know, you're in your late 20s and, is this it or is it not? They're very real questions that everybody asks themselves at that age point, but it's really fun and there is a lot of love in between [Brooke and Julian]. It's very cool.
read the rest here Zap2it One Tree Hill
Jake Gyllenhaal: Circling the Drain Since 2007
I loved Down With Love also. I thought it was adorable. It didn't do so great, i don't think, maybe because it was set in an odd time period. But it was great, and JBG would've been perfect in it.
I think of Pierce Brosnan movies, or even some of Kevin C's early movies, like Bull Durham or Tin Cup. he could pull off rolls like that easily... cute, charming, sexy...
I could also see him in a thinking mysery - not bruce willis guns ablazing, but something that's more plot based...
The cause is not lost. He can still overcome this setback. he's got so much to offer, straight, gay, bi or indifferent. I fell off the fence for a while, but no one gets to me like he does, so i'm just not ready to give up yet.
Jake Gyllenhaal: Circling the Drain Since 2007
And we helped!
regarding mgmt 180, 360, etc...
i read in a mag recently that julia roberts was in line for a part, but that she wouldn't come down on her price and so another actress got it. (don't remember any details, but it was in a recent mag). anyway, the gist of that blurb was that any star is only as good as their last film.
granted, i don't think that totally holds true for some folks: Brad P, Ang, Leo Di, Reese even... she's kinda proven herself, and those with strong back grounds can weather a flop every now and then.
jake doesn't have that background tho. for every commercially successful movie he has, he has a long list of zzzzzzzz's.
we've all anazlyed the chances of Brothers doing well, and i don't think anyone is holding out great hopes for it, not even the movie co. personally - i think they're setting themselves up for disaster by releasing it at christmas. who wants to see dark and depressing a week before santa?
as for POP, i think he wouldn't have gotten that role with Reese's help, but i may be totally off base. did he sign up for it before or after he signed up with her? it just seems like a complete leap off into Non-Jake territory that it's really hard for me to even think about it much. However, i imagine if it doesn't do at least Good, then he's in for some serious problems.
if he's only as good as his last movie, or his last five (Brothers, Nailed, Rendition, Zodiac and Proof) then he's not doing so great.
Twitter: Why Jake Gyllenhaal's dad can't get a date. Vid: The Sunset Strip, stripped.
If Stephen really wants to make an interesting vid (and get a few dates) with a million hits in 24 hours he should drive with a toddler strapped in a carseat in the back, two million hits in 15 minutes if the toddler is wearing a teeshirt that says "I Heart My 2 Dads!"
A OTH fan that was on set took a pic of Sophia walking Austins dog on set. A poster wasn't sure if they posted on the forum, the poster did say she saw the dog, didn't know what breed it was.
Maye he bought the dog while in NC, iw ould love to see a pic of it.
as for POP, i think he wouldn't have gotten that role with Reese's help, but i may be totally off base. did he sign up for it before or after he signed up with her? it just seems like a complete leap off into Non-Jake territory that it's really hard for me to even think about it much.
Reese has nothing to do with PoP - if she had good connections and influence she would use it for herself (Penelope and 4C are really shitty movies).
Jake wanted to play a superhero for a long time, he did screen tests for Spiderman and Superman, I'm sure he did everything to get PoP. Based on the gossip, Jake got PoP role in 2006 and I believe Jake agreed to be very "straight" and find a beard as part of the PoP marketing deal.
P.S. Let's not forget that PoP release date was postponed for a year.
Some funny comments on JJ about Austin and Sophia. A few might be from PR (or Reese!) but the fangurl mentality is amazing. Do these people never travel, date, have friends or know anyone gay?!
This is the third time they have been traveling together. so i think you need to wake up its obvious they are dating.
who ever thinks austin is gay is a dumb ass
Jana is with them but yeah they are together
when Sophia goes back to LA trust me Austin is always with her they are totally together
seriously how can people be soooo naive and still dont believe that there is nothing going on between austin and sophia, lt is soooooo obvious that they are hooking up
Austin is not gay.
austin is definitely not gay…
I’m actually not a fan of Sophia and Austin. He seems sleezy to me and I think she could do better.
Finally! Someone (besides Jake) thinks I'm sleezy!
Here's a real story, with the details removed for privacy. A few years back, while casting a tent pole action blockbuster, the studio in charge discovered that it's lead was a big 'mo. They went to him and said essentially, "Look, we need to know you aren't going to come out. We can get you dates with a girl for public appearances, but you can not possibly come out." He refused and was dropped from the project like a hot potato.
I'm a hot turnip! Austin calls me and I turn up!
You're a hot turnip turnover, sweetie pie!
You can see what Austin is wearing on that leather chain here:
TV guide scan
TV guide picture isn't clear enough. NYC airport pictures - Austin is wearing gold chain.
Blow it up and you can see what he is wearing around hisneck.
Oh gee, maybe Austin and the stylists will have forgotten to take that wedding band chain off for a OTH photo shoot. Ya think?
Geez, no need to get snippy!! The chain looks dark in the airport pics not gold to me. It's either a silver chain or a leather necklace like the TV guide pic.
If he were wearing a ring around whatever for a photo shot, why not just remove it? Makes more sense then replacing the ring with a pendant.
I blew up the TV guide pic, it's pretty clear that it's a pendant.
I blew up the TV guide pic, it's pretty clear that it's a pendant.
And what are the odds it will match the necklaces he'll be wearing on OTH for the Here to Eternity scene? Astounding!
TV Guide pic = OTH character, Austin at work.
The chain looks dark in the airport pics not gold to me. It's either a silver chain or a leather necklace like the TV guide pic.
No, it's gold.
Austin, airport pic
The fact that the Austin/Sophia story showed up on JJ tells me its another Reeke PR effort. Austin looks like he hasn't a clue and I bet he would be very surprised to read the tag line.
You don't think Austin, Sophia, and OTH would want to play around a bit with promoting them as a real life couple? It's good publicity for both them and the show.
Austin looks like he hasn't a clue
He doesn't know that when you travel with friends/associates it means you're totally dating and fucking each other?
LAX: Your one-stop shop for dating and sex rumors!
Of course it's good PR and both Sophia and Austin have the same PR.
The necklace most likely is a OTH prop for filming but don't say it's not clear what's at the end of the pic because it is.
Who cares what's on the end of a OTH costume prop necklace?!
don't say it's not clear what's at the end of the pic because it is
OK, describe the chain and the pendant. Since the picture is clear, I expect to hear details about it.
I need details on what the pendent is too because I can't see it.
I need the details in sign language!
I need all the details spelled out so then I can call the poster a silly fangurl!
Special said the same thing about PR for the show last night. You guys can't agree with her on anything. Then somebody else says it and ya'll jump on the bandwagon.
The "prop" neckalce he is weraing in the TV guide pic looks like a medallion, solid liiks gold. It als appears that there is a second pendant, dark/black. The shape of it is long and thin.
Surprised that no one rushed to blow it up as per usual, I guess because it is a prop.
please describe the chain and the pendant, you are the only one who has the clear TV Guide picture.
Thanks, TV. I did blow it up, but it's a bad quality picture and there is no way to see the details.
Good try, pinky. LOL!
Go back and read she said the same thing last night and ya'll ignored it, ya'll do it all the time, but anyone else says it and they're right.
Jake Gay as a Goose
Austin the Grey Goose
Geese Witherspoon
Birds of a feather LOL
Go back and read she said the same thing last night and ya'll ignored it, ya'll do it all the time, but anyone else says it and they're right.
And if she has a problem with this, maybe she should say so herself.
I have no problem with trying to drum up interest in OTH by showing the two of them together, they've been friends for a long time, and if people want to speculate, let them speculate away.
I said that yesterday, so stop stirring and saying people only agree with something if Wicked says it, but not Special. I have my suspicions as to who you are Pinky, and if I'm right, if you're going to say things like that I think you should at least have the courage to post under your regular name.
At the same time, I also agreed with M because I think it is possible that Reeke is trying to take advantage of OTH's efforts, which I think are pretty harmless, and co-opt them for their Jake is straight campaign. I could be wrong, but JJ strikes me as the biggest brown-noser Reese/Reeke has, be it because he's a fan or on the payroll, and the fact that he is making up facts to push this is very telling, imo. Why would he need to do that, rather than just letting people say what they want, or pose it as question.
There are also some people claiming to have inside knowledge and posting on JJ and elsewhere, and it is impossible to know what is behind that, but it could be Reeke's PR. Reeke had no problems stomping all over Maggie's wedding, so I have no doubt they'd latch onto the OTH Brulian bandwagon to further their efforts.
What happens when Grey Goose is away and Toothy is trapped with his beard Shafterella.
Working the post, sorry its late. It's hot here and I fell back asleep in the dark apt trying beat the heat,(no AC) and saw the comments Maybe when other people say things it just clicks than with me. Maybe it's me, maybe I write too much, maybe people skip my stuff because they don't like what I say in general, maybe it just gets lost in the shuffle, who knows.
No, Special. I think when you say something people like me silently agree, then others reiterate whatever it was, then people start agreeing via posts. You plant the seed but the others who water it get the credit, lol.
No AC, that is brutal Special. Mine died late last week, and I am counting the minutes until my new one gets installed.
Regarding all the fuss this morning, someone is either trying to stir up trouble by suggesting there is a divide here between you and Wicked,or just jumping in to protect you/take sides on the expectation that everyone is going to agree with what Wicked said.
I read everyone's post, and on a day like yesterday I incorporate or reject ideas, someone may express what I was trying to say and I joint in, my opinion may shift after reading a number of comments, etc. But I don't think it's a secret that most posters here have strong opinions on the issues being discussed, and I think people's reactions can be colored by what they know about the regular posters. That is just human nature. I think it is specially the case with something like this, where we really don't know what is going on and/or where it is going, but maybe some of us are jumping the gun a bit--me included--and already lining up in our usual positions.
Apparently Reese/Reeke is above paying meters for parking. Only common people do that.
magaIicious: @iPhillyChitChat i want to find reese! give us some pointers. about 3 hours ago
iPhillyChitChat: @magaIicious Look for a SUV w/blinking hazards nr restaurants. It doesn't seem like they feed the meters much. about 1 hour ago
They probably park in Handicapped parking and leave their blinker hazards on too. :(
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