I like you scarf.
Thanks Sam. You're mad.
I'm not mad.
I know you are. You won't even look at me. You know this isn't her blue scarf.
I found it in the lost and found box. If I wanted anything it was her hat.
Oh you would want her hat.
It's not that. Forget it.
If it's not that what is it?Like you don't know.
The gloves and the scarf? Matchy Matchy.
Do you see anyone else with matching stuff?
Some of use had to make sacrifices. We can't have matching stuff. And I look better in blue. So you did want the scarf.
You don't think it's too matchy matchy?
You upset that I've got two coats and another cool scarf?
It's bigger than that.
Where did all these winter coats and stuff come from? How many people leave stuff at the library? How big is that lost and found? Where are the secret rooms?
And who is the librarian to the stars?
Want to give another shout out to Spooky at Austin Nichols Journal who's got more looks of pictures out there of Austin.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Lost and Found
Posted by
Special K
10:49 AM
Labels: Accesories, Austin, Jake, NYPL, TDAT, Ugly Mittens for Smitten Kitten
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I didn't mean my poster comment to come off the way I know realize it sounds Wicked. I never meant to imply that gays shouldn't be parents, and my comment about them being a bad example and justification was dashed off in a moment of anger.
The point you make about gay people and children is one of the reasons why I find the idea of what Jake and Austin are doing, if there is a BT, so appalling.
And the same thing could be said of straight people having children who shouldn't.
You shouldn't have children if you're in the closet.
You shouldn't have children if your career comes first.
Everyone I know who has children puts ther children first, even if it means putting off their other interests and dreams. That is what it means to be a good parent.
There is no doubt in my mind that Jake is gay and not in a sexual relationship with Reese. They could get married and have ten children, Jake will still be a flamer.
Stubborn, there's nothing Jake could do that you couldn't justify, is there?
There's nothing Jake could do that you couldn't criticize, is there?
(There is no doubt in my mind that Jake is gay and not in a sexual relationship with Reese. They could get married and have ten children, Jake will still be a flamer.)
Destiny, I will agree to Disagree with you. You are not alone on your analysis of Jake's sexuality, others, but mostly gay people think the same way about this topic.
Jake could be married with 13 children and have sex with men on the side occasionally and most people will still call him gay.
Throwing away all the intimate moments with a female and sex.
I respect your views and I know some people, not just men continue to hide their true sexuality while conforming to society, but only they truly know if they are truly gay or bi. And they are the one's who get to label themselves in this area. I'm not saying that Jake and Reese are not a charades for the public, this could be, but I tend to believe that he or Austin could have a relationship with a woman even if they were in a sexual relationship in the past or are still in one. Im my opinion this would make either of them bisexual and not just gay. But, bisexual in the closet men.
Sadly Destiny there are many many people who do put their careers before children. And they are regular people. And it is not just men, but women as well. That is different to say than some people who have to work and work many hours to provide the best they can for their children.
We both have met people who have nannies or au pairs do the majority of raising their kids. And women who decide to go back to work cutting the maternity leave short to a month or just a few weeks. Because its all about the career and keeping up and getting ahead.
There are also people who have children for status symbols. to keep relationships together, or to catch people with a pregnancy to snag them to get married or get something out of it and not out of loving someone. This is what I find truly appalling.
And this not just in Hollywood.
Do you think Austin picks the funkiest accessories in the wardrobe department on every set?
^^I sure hope so. ;)
Of course people work, have nannies, etc. That is just the economic realities of life in the United States. And sometimes people can't avoid long hours, business trips, etc. And yes people want to have careers, love their jobs, etc. But there is not one parent I know, be it friends family or the many parents in my office, who does not rush home to their kids when they can, who doesn't spend the evening, weekends, vacations with their children when their schedules allow.
Are there plenty of people like that are not that kind of parent? Of course? We all hear stories about rich parents who jet around the world, work 24/7 and rarely see their kids (and I'm talking here about the ones who don't have to work two jobs just to keep their heads above water). Do I think they are good parents? NO NO and NO.
And I don't think you can't compare parents who are working hard just to keep a roof over their heads, food on the table, etc., to rich privileged HW actors, who have more than enough money to do the former.
Not to mention most people I know who are that focused on their careers wait until their mid-30s to have children. Everyone I know who had children at a young age did put their careers on hold in some way, didn't work at all, took positions that would allow them to not work crazy hours, etc. in order to spend time with their children. All I have to do is look around the office and see that the women in my office are not in the same positions as men because of the amount of time they spend on their children instead of their career.
I've also known a few stay at home dads. And women who've quit their jobs because their employer wouldn't let them work just part-time.
You can't compare what Jake and Austin are doing by bearding to that. I don't see that they've made ANY sacrifices for their child, if it exists.
I guess the real question, which no one else has answered, is do you think all those parents you just described in Special's post above are good parents? Do you think their behavior is perfectly acceptable?
And if not, why do you think it is perfectly acceptable for Jake and Austin to behave that way. Why do they get to be called good parents, but not those other people?
Just got back from the Overland Park market. That place is really cool. Bought peaches & cream corn that is already shucked, cleaned, and ready to microwave. Now that's my kind of produce.
Stubborn & Hopeful, I'm glad you're still fans, honestly. I wish we saw alot more of both of you around here. This is the part that kind of puzzles me, though. Is that I keep hearing there are Jake or Jake/Austin fans out there who would love to post here or discuss things going on in Jake or Austin's career, but I have yet to see all the opportunity for these discussions going on here.
I am not seeing fans beating down their keyboards on here daily or even a couple times a week with alot of excitement and fervor over Jake (or Austin). We get comments on how hot Austin is looking lately, but that's the extent of it. And there are alot of days like yesterday where the day ends with about 15-20 comments max.
It's an open forum here. 15-20 comments in one day means there is just ample megabyte space on here for these fans to take over and have a Jakefest.
My question is what has changed in Jake's career for a website of his like OMG to fade in blogger participation?
I say it is Reeke and Reeke alone. Because Reeke has changed him. And that is why we have seen commenters leave.
That's my question. What has changed about him to cause this?
Tired of fighting with people who do nothing but bitch and complain about Jake.
And might I say that I love discussions like this. Get it out in the open. Spill the beans.
J/A fan, I think you make really valid points. I would almost agree with you at some point and Destiny makes good points on these twitterings about Jake being seen with Reese more often than we see pictures.
For someone who really does appear to be bearding, Jake has reached a point in this 3-yr bearding relationship where he has gotten awfully comfortable with the Avon lady and now with her 2 kids.
No, Reeke doesn't have any sexual chemistry. They don't indicate at all that they've been intimate with each other.
But, there is now a comfort level with them. For gosh sakes, how could there not be after 3 stinking years of hanging with the same person?? They must know just about everything about each other by now. To me, these past couple of months of appearances? They now look like an old married couple.
If I was Austin? If they for some crazy reason are still together, I would be hacked if I was Austin. I don't care if it's just a weekend of appearances.
If my partner was acting like someone's stepfather, someone else's lover as comfortably as these 2 are now, I would not be feeling so secure, I'm sorry. Because I would be getting the short end of the stick. I would be getting 3/4 of my partner. He's got this other family now in his life. How screwed up is that? I don't care if it's fake. The day Jake resumed being photo'd with Avon Lady and her 2 kids became the day my whole opinion about this situation changed.
And how on earth is Ryan Philippe supposed to feel when he sees Jake lifting his son up onto his shoulders for the JumboTron?
Maybe Ryan P. has no problem with it. I don't know. I would think it hurts. Heck, my own sister in law would feel hurt after my niece & nephew hated to leave us when they came up here for vacation. It's a natural reaction. How on earth would Ryan P. feel after watching & reading about Jake squiring his family around in his place?
But actually, the original point of my post this morning was on the reason for the disappearance of so many members of the community here? I haven't heard any reasons yet.
Where has everyone gone and why has everyone gone?
Okay, don't post anymore, here's your chance. It's an open forum.
This is my point. So you don't want to bitch and moan about Jake. Let's hear all the good stuff.
Let's hear about what you do want to talk about. This is my question. People keep saying they don't want to read all of this crap but I dont see anyone conributing anything else! I don't see anyone walking the walk and talking the talk.
It's basically the same commenters every day. And my question is why is that? I'll ask again. Why aren't all the people who are still faithful J/A fans not taking over the conversations here and talking about what they want to talk about that is all good & positive Jake and Austin?
Tired of fighting with people who do nothing but bitch and complain about Jake.
Tired of people disagreeing with me. Sorry, but that's what it is.
Why aren't all the people who are still faithful J/A fans not taking over the conversations here and talking about what they want to talk about that is all good & positive Jake and Austin?
Because there really aren't that many of them. If there were, they'd be able to dominate the conversation. There aren't, so they can't.
Everything I've said that's good gets used to bitch about him by you guys. Why bother.
i too would like to hear some good and up-beat jake commentary. i'm wracking my brain, and i can't think of a thing to say.
i loved BBM; i liked The Good Girl and TDAT. otherwise, of the movies of his that i've seen, i don't really care for them. i wish he would make more fun movies, but Bros. sure doesn't strike that note, and POP isn't my thing at all.
what else is there about a movie star to really care about? let's be honest... we've made him up into someone exciting and vibrant who we admire and put our hopes in to be our New Gay American Hero, but he didn't sign up for that, and as soon as he realized the post BBM gay rumors were growing with time and not abating, he hooked up with Reese and he's been shoved up her skirt every since.
I think he's gotten his point across. He does not want to be seen as a gay man.
So now we have 2 things: a really good looking dude who makes mediocre (4 the most part) movies, who is living the world's most vanilla, boring, WonderBread STRAIGHT life.
The 2 things we really WANT to like about him are not happening. What is there left to say?
Like PG, i really want to know. I MISS liking him, i really do. But dang... what's to like anymore? S.
I'm not sorry. I'm a fan of Jake and Austin. That's why I do this every single day, even on days that no one reads the posts or finds them interesting.
I know there are some people who have stopped posting because they are not pleased with Jake. There are others who have been run off and not by Jake, but by comments/commenters.
Maybe some just don't like my posts, maybe some just want to read, and maybe some don't to get called out or defend themselves every time they post. That's their decision.
But I can't blame Jake for the entire thing, that's throwing the baby out with the bathwater.
Totally agree with PG, Translator and Sienna's posts.
Sometimes I just like to discuss these issues, and people are free to join in or start their own conversations.
As PG pointed out, there were only 18 comments yesterday until this topic got going this morning. And you know what, 8 of them were from me and PG talking positively about other things, with only a few other people joining in.
Where were you J/A Fan and Don't Post when we were talking about Harvey and TDAT?
And J/A Fan, you see Reeking around the world as evidence of a real relationship, whereas I see it as just more evidence of why I don't think they are real, and your post is, in my opinion, why they do it.
As someone on wft said, all this Philly/DC business smacks of desperation. And that makes me think there just may be a Baby Tile. Reeke and PR are hoping more of us will think the way you do. Too bad for them that when something gets shoved so strongly I have just the opposite reaction. It makes me think that Jake is doing this, after all this time, and with Ava and Deacon in tow, because they're hoping to convert the people who still think there is a baby. They want us to say, nobody would do that if they had a baby, nobody would do this if they were in a relationship with someone else.
Which just makes what Jake is doing in Philly all the more despicable.
But I would still like to see that old Jake emerge, I'd love to see him out walking around NYC, pictures of him with real family and friends, biking, etc. But we're not getting that.
Someone somewhere speculated that we got all those other photos in the spring, when Jake was looking like a hobo, to build up his confidence and to steel him for more Reeking, and that is why we had that brief flurry, and nothing more.
Oh, sienna, you say things so well. It's so sad, but what you say is so right on the head.
don't post, I don't mean to sound obtuse, but when are fans shot down? I remember coming on here and saying how I thought the new PoP posters were HOT and I thought Jake looked hot, (altho I didn't like the hair - sorry, I can never let that go, lol!). I did not get criticized by anyone for making those comments. Now, I will say that people take potshots at Special for whatever reason - and she has expressed the exact same things I have said in the past as far as believing in Jaustin, etc. And she takes it like a champ - well, online she does, who knows what she may utter when the mike is off, so to speak, LOLL! But she has the class not to retaliate online. And then, of course, there's the person who jumps on everything m says and once again, m maintains all class & decorum about it. But those are the 2 commenters I see that get jumped on a fairly regular basis.
I have come on here and said I still believed in Jaustin. That I thought they were still together. That I loved the rings. Blah Blah. I've not been criticized to my cyber face for saying those things. I have been criticized for other things but not for making positive statements. So I can't buy that argument.
I am like you, sienna. I think I've tried to hang in there with the enthusiasm and faith for as long as possible. I'd still love to if there was something solid to hang onto.
But there isn't anymore. The guys aren't allowed to be photo'd together anymore (I assume). Their jewelry has been taken away now (I assume). Jake isn't allowed to be photo'd with anyone anymore unless they're blonde, 4'9" and towing 2 children.
It's hard to be positive about Jake when there isn't much that is just about him. Reeke has a hand in just about everything that is him now. It is what he is now. And I think that's what's impossible to get excited about.
And that is probably the chief reason why traffic has dwindled, whether people want to admit it or not.
Something I didn't know about the NYPL was looking up the librarian to the stars is that there is a catwalk that runs the length of the entire main reading room at NYPL. Now running along that that would have been a cool scene for TDAT.
That's what this discussion is all about. I think one can believe in Jaustin or still love Jake underneath it all but still be able to see things as they are, and not as we would like them to be.
There comes a time when you have to call a spade a spade. It is what it is. And it's okay to say "hey, things aren't as fun anymore" or "Man, I'm just not happy about the direction his career is taking, is it just me?" and not have to be made to feel guilty for thinking that.
I think just like some commenters feel beaten down for loving everything about Jake or Austin, then the ones who aren't happy about what they see shouldn't be made to feel that what they feel is wrong or bad.
We feel what we feel. And neither side should drown out the other.
Okay, well, some days one probably drowns out the other depending on the big Reekefest that just occurred. But other than that, lol....
What I find kind of troubling and if I was Jake, I would find troubling is when my fans can only reminisce with fondness about movies, pictures, & events that happened in the past. And I don't think it's even 50% because he was "younger" back then or "BBM was such a classic movie and people can't get past that". I think people reminisce about Jake from 2004-2006 because that's the Jake most everyone here fell wildly about. The Jake that we see today? Honestly, tell me. How many people here would start a blog, full of vim & vigor, about the Jake that we have seen in the past 2 years?
Okay, I see the subject's being pushed to be changed. I have to go get my epidural now anyway.
Nice discussion. There's nothing bad about sorting out these kinds of feelings, nothing bad at all. It's better than shoving it all under the rug, seems to me.
we've made him up into someone exciting and vibrant who we admire and put our hopes in to be our New Gay American Hero, but he didn't sign up for that,
^^ I'm a big fan of Jake's and would have loved to see this happen, but it did not. Some are really agry about this PG. That's why all the negative post about him. You can't see or understand this? I still want him to succeed whether he is gay, bi or straight. Yes looking at Jake walk around alone or with Chris kept the specualation going. When I became a fan he and Kirsten were already thru.
To be real, it seems that the posters who don't like the now Jake want to see him the way he was 3 or 4 years ago. That's not right. Growth happens and should happen. Now your growth may not be another persons growth, but it's call living one's life. And he may see being with Reese as growth no matter WHAT YOU OR I THINK is going on in his life. How many people can I disagree with the way they are living their life and they Mine.
Either except Jake as he is, look forward to his movies and other projects, be happy for him in his decisions and wish him well, that's all I can say about the matter.
You really do have to admit that this fanbase is mostly based on Jake being gay and with Austin. So the one's that don't see that happening have left or don't see him a good light anymore.
If you are a fan of Jake's you are a fan and will except him for who he is. If you are just around for Jake to be the next spokeperson for young hot Out gay male celebrity, the title in which he did NOT ask for, you Will be disappointed in him.
Fan bases will wane over the years.
Only the true fans stays and excepts them even though they don't agree with the HW stars decisions. Then the fan gets older and more growth happens in their personal life. The star then becomes history as in a friend one has not seen in many years. Catching up happens, but it's not the same. Only the memories are left.
Life does this.
PG, if you'll join me, I have a proposal to make. As much as it will drive me crazy, I am willing to not saying anything negative about J&A, disagree with other posters, etc., for the rest of this week.
I can't promise that I'll have much to say, but I will try to find other things to talk about.
In return, I'd like to see all those posters, including old timeers, who say they are no longer posting because they get shot down, get lost in the negativity, don't like to argue, etc. carrying the ball and talking about the things they want to talk about, without any fears.
I love your posts, Special, and Wicked's wicked amazing music, but truthfully, I'm don't wanna get tree'd by the bloodhounds, trolls, or whoever they are, it's just a pain in the proverbial you-know-what. I do lurk (shhhh!). I'll always be a fan of Jake and Austin, and Heath. Always. I just am not that excited about Jake and Reese's goings on lately, and frankly, just can't get worked up about them enough to post anything. Nothing against them, I just don't know why. When we get movie tidbits, it's better.
I don't think you can be a big star without fans.
To be real, it seems that the posters who don't like the now Jake want to see him the way he was 3 or 4 years ago. That's not right. Growth happens and should happen.
Bearding and living a lie is hardly personal growth.
To be real, it seems that the posters who don't like the now Jake want to see him the way he was 3 or 4 years ago. That's not right. Growth happens and should happen.
Bearding and living a lie is hardly personal growth.
^^ You do know this is still just All Your Opinion. Right?
Just your opinion, that he IS doing what you accuse him of doing.
As long as you do Understand this.
You do know this is still just All Your Opinion.
J/A Fan, what would we do without you? I have no idea how we managed without you all this time! LMAO
BTW, Jake is still gay and bearding.
Fan bases will wane over the years.
Only the true fans stays and excepts them even though they don't agree with the HW stars decisions.
I don't agree. This seems to be saying that true fans accept any and all decisions of a star and that if you're a true fan anything the star does is okay. Sorry, but I can't buy this. Usually people are fans of someone because they have an idea in their heads about what the person is like. If the person conforms to their idea, they remain a fan. If the person doesn't, they lose interest.
Then the fan gets older and more growth happens in their personal life. The star then becomes history as in a friend one has not seen in many years. Catching up happens, but it's not the same. Only the memories are left.
Life does this.
I agree with this. It's rare to maintain an intense fannish interest in anyone or anything for a long period of time. Fandoms do wax and wane. It's natural.
I don't like Jake bearding but still like his movies. Brothers looks good. But his hair in Prince of Persia looks so bad.
I agree Wicked. But even if the intense fannish interest wanes, at least for me, I usually continue to support that actor or musician unless they become someone different. Two personal illustrations.
I have been a Neil Young fan forever, always see him when comes through town, still love the fact that he hasn't sold his music for commercials, cares more about his fans than the big money, etc.
Madonna, I was crazy about her for years. But when she morphed into someone who was not that different from the rich, society ladies I see on the Upper East Side of New York: the you can never be too thin, have too much money, act too priviledged and be too controlling or bitchy, I lost interest. IMO she turned into the kind of person her younger self seemed to be rebelling against.
Also, because fans go, you have to win new ones. Yes Jake seems to have lost a lot of his most intense fans. But so far I am not seeing much evidnence of new ones.
(J/A Fan, what would we do without you? I have no idea how we managed without you all this time! LMAO
BTW, Jake is still gay and bearding.)
I don't know, But I can pick out and I'm pretty much used to your ususal Jake is bearding post.
BTW, how are you handling the assumed bearding of Jake?
Not speaking of the your usual post.
I have a newsflash for you, J/A Fan!
This is OMG blog - 99% posters believe Jake is bearding.
(I have a newsflash for you, J/A Fan!
This is OMG blog - 99% posters believe Jake is bearding.)
I thought all it took to post here was to be a J/A fan. Am I not right?
I am an indepedant thinker. I don't follow the lead. I also go by my own analysis which is based primarily on known fact.
I believe Jake is either gay or bi, I don't know this to be the truth.
But since I am still a fan of them both I assume that I can still post.
Let me know If you do not approve.
Hey PG hope everything went ok at the Dr.'s today. And I forgot to answer your question about the birthday pictures from TDAT. Yes they are on the extra features under Two Kings and a Scribe.
And here is a question that I'm throwing out there. Does anyone remember if there was a reason Roland called it Two Kings and a Scribe?
Out into the breach again this afternoon, the library calls.
I don't follow the lead. I also go by my own analysis which is based primarily on known fact.
I believe Jake is either gay or bi, I don't know this to be the truth.
^ Meaning a statement from the person or proven evidence.
Speculation is not enough for me to say it is the truth.
J/A Fan, try reading the posts, I didn't mention your right to post here.
Matchy Matchy
LOL, today's post is very funny Special.
Okay, sorry I was not here to answer right away, Destiny! Ooooh, this epidural was a mite bit more painful than that last one. Oooowwwwwieeee! Made me tear up.
Different surgeon. Different way of going in. Ouuuuuuch!!! But he thinks this second one will take care of the rest of the pain. Yea for modern medicine!!
J/A fan, for one thing, please don't cap at me. I really take personal offence to that. If we were taking over a coffee, capping would indicate that you're yelling at me and I don't think you would do that in real person.
Now,I love that you're very honest. I don't have any problem with what you believe as far as Jake being straight. That's great. I'm not 101% myself, but I am pretty certain after everything I know and have seen, but I'm not asking you or anyone else to believe the same. I think OMG should be open to all Jake fans. I would just be prepared to see the majority of posters as believing he is gay and maybe/maybe not with Austin. Hence, it is after all a Jake/Austin blog.
Everyone has different interpretations of what personal growth is for people. We're all different. I don't want to take up alot of boring space discussing that. But believe me, I'm not dense. I know that things change, people change, people move on. I get that. Destiny and Wicked really made some excellent comments so I will let theirs stand without comment. I don't need to add anything to what they said; they said it excellently.
And Destiny, yeah, I'm there. Okay, through the rest of the week, I'm going to shut my trap for the most part except for my usual mundane & trivial nonsense (lol! sorry you don't get out of that) so that all those who have alot to discuss about Jake's present goings on's and upcoming films, this will be prime time blogging space for you.
I anticipate without any negativity or mere "questioning" of behaviors/happenings from those of us who pledge to back off the remainder of the week, there should be a pleasant and plentiful environment with which to carry on the comments of those who feel drowned out or intimidated about speaking.
Man, I really make alot more typing mistakes on my new laptop than I did on my old one.
taking over a coffee + talking over a coffee
Hey, I gotta tell you that when you get an epidural in your back, you know you gotta shoot the moon at everybody to a certain extent. Well, when I had my last one, those darn ladies practically had my clothes down to my ankles. I wasn't happy about that. Especially, when I get home and the band-aid is wayyyy up there in the small of my back. What the heck?!! So today, these ladies start doing the same thing and I said "Hey!!! Now if the Band-Aid is way up here, why in the heck do you guys have to go yanking everything way down there? I'm not sure I get that." And they got all defensive saying they had to prep and spread that iodine stuff and all that nonsense. They assured me that they had to do that. And I said "Welllll, alright, I had to ask. Because I had noticed that my Band-Aid was wayyy up here but you all were baring everything wayyyy down there and I needed to know why."
LOL. I have questions for everything. Someone has to let these people know that some of us are watching them every step of the way. Not all of us are Stepford Wives, obeying everything without question.
Coincidence? Austin has a Peter Pan thing, and what is the sick little boy in TDAT reading? Peter Pan.
(J/A fan, for one thing, please don't cap at me. I really take personal offence to that. If we were taking over a coffee, capping would indicate that you're yelling at me and I don't think you would do that in real person.)
It's not yelling, it's putting emphasis on the word, and I can do it very calmly on the net and in person. Never understood why some on the net get upset about this, but I have my quirks also. I have not stated that I believe Jake to be straight. I have always specualted that Jake seems and could be bisexual. Where did you read I thought he was gay. I do believe and always have, that J/K were real, I do believe that J/A did have some kind of sexual thing going on, but not to the extent that most here believe with marriage waiting around the corner.
I do respect yours and others views though. Mine should be respected also.
Dear Ted:
Ted! I am an ugly truth addict, and we are not talking the movie. Won't get in to that! Will you ever tell us the identity of Toothy Tile? My guess is Ashton Kutcher. Hey, I work hard. I can have one ugly pleasure, right?
Dear Tooth'd:
Toothy has more than one guilty pleasure—allow yourself a few more babe! And no, Ashton's too straight to be T.T.
SiennaB your post at 1:18pm was awesome. I agree with everything you said. We all hoped that Jake would be A Gay American Hero. You are right though. He choose not to be. He seemed to love the limelight of the BBM afterglow for many months. I dont think he ever looked so happy and sexy.
I never had interest in a celeberity like Jake before. He changed which seemed like overnight. That old Jake had a lot of fans. He turned his back and I must admit it hurt something awful. The Gay American Hero was gone:-(
J/A Fan,
you aren't making much sense.
I think you are one of those fangirls who are selling Jake is bi, Reeke is real and Jake doesn't lie and pretend fiction. You are selling Reeke, but trying to sound like Jake and Austin supporter.
Hey PG, I like thje idea of you "taking" over coffee. :-D
And that epidural sounds nasty--I think I missed some posts while I was on vacation, is it for your back?
Does anyone have any proof Jake is gay or bi besides Ted C's TT? I mean does anyone know someone who knows that Jake is gay or bi? It almost seems as if its wishful thinking. I know his choice of girlfriends this time seems sort of sexless. I mean it would make since if he were gay to pick Reese because I don't think she likes sex but she seems to enjoy his company. I don't believe she thinks she is his beard, its seems shes really taken with him but I will admit its been awhile since I have seen a pic of Jake where his smile does reach his eyes, that is when he smiles. But maybe thats because he wants to marry her and she doesn't supposedly. Are we all wishful thinking and throwing undue animosity toward Jake (and Reese) based on rumors? I'm guilty of it too.
We have more than 1.000 pictures as proof that Reeke are fake, they are PR couple with a fauxmance contract.
Here is proof that Jake is gay. He had no girlfriend, or even a date, for about 3 years. He and Austin when to a Lakers game and were so wrapped up in each other, they forgot they were in public, viewed by cameras, bodies touching from shoulder to ankle and looking at each other like they would burn up the floor right on the spot. Take any picture of Jake and Austin and compare how they look at each other to how Jake looks at Reese. Oh right, he rarely if ever looks at her. Add about 50 Toothy Tile clues that point to Jake, shake well and voila, Jake is gay. I could go on, but don't want to hog the space. Sorry for the rant but I get so tired of the "prove it" line.
Back to the post. It's easy to forget how young the guys were until seeing these pictures. So cute.
To go with the post today.
You know that Roland, wardrobe, lighting dept and the DP had a discussion about Austin fivehead.
DP: Can't just give him a scarf, look at that fivehead"
Wardrobe: How about a hat?
Roland: He needs more than a hat, its about the ice.
Lighting: Bitch to light.
DP: But you gotta cover that noggin its throwing off my light meter and it shines like a beacon.
Wardrobe: Stretchy cap pulled down with a scarf around it? I could do some funky gloves, he'll never know it's about really his giant forehead.
Adam Lambert steals the show at American Idol concert
Troll's one day evolution ?
J/A Fan -> Just asking -> hag ?
I hear you m. Let them prove he is straight. Have they ever seen Jake banging reese or do they have pictures. Nothing I see in any photo tells me they are lovers. NADA!!!!!
Spesh it is time to do a photo side by side of sexual chemistry. reeke vs Jausty. Boy do you have a lot of ammo. Song that day. "I'm so into you" Peabo Bryson.
fake jake ... are you making any sense at this point? What freaking bothers you about one person not believing 100% that Jake is bearding/gay? Can you handle it and move on or do you need to take the 'you are a troll, how dare you question my beliefs' attitude all the time?
is the Bearding champion one day evolution? Fake Jake -> P.S. -> trolling?
It is funny how you get all worked up to one mere questioning.
Reese Witherspoon and Jake Gyllenhaal just shopped the Bethayres Market (650 Welsh) in Huntingdon Valley where they were gracious to fans who approached them, and signed a few autographs while shopping. The couple also dined at Morimoto (723 Chestnut) last night
I wasn't trying to offend you, I just asked if there was proof other than the same old recycled Austin pics. As far proving Jake is straight, uh the girlfriend might be a clue. As for not having a girlfriend for 3 years, the guy worked alot after the break up to Kirsten. He could have dated and just decided not to have serious relationship especially after the breakup which was off and on. And the Toothy Tile clues could be James Franco who has not been discounted by Ted as not being TT. And just maybe his demeanor could be because Hollywood, rumors, film release delays and paps constantly in his face are wearing on him. Or maybe he does not want to be seen as the Jake of 2005 and prior. Or Heath's death was a wake up call. I'm just asking if you have any concrete knowledge the man is gay. I want to believe it too but is my wanting to believe it when there is a good possibility its not so fair to Jake as human being?
J/A Fan, where in any of my comments did I say I wasn't respecting your views? Never said that. Okay, I missed somewhere along the way, I thought you were of the persuasion that Jake was straight and if you would have noticed, I was fine with that. I stated that all opinions should be respected around here. Just like "just askin" asked. Their question sounded very sincere to me.
Now, I can't control those who get on here and call others fan girls and trolls, etc. I'm sorry; wish I could because that should not be a given opinion. And it is not reflective of everyone here. So, when someone feels slighted, please consider the fact that not any one comment is reflective of all opinions here. You have to look at who is responding to you and reply that way.
And I would just like to say one last thing and that is that I am not looking for a hero. I don't need a hero. I've got one already and there isn't a soul on earth who could hold a candle to mine.
I don't look for humans to put up on a pedestal or base all of my behaviors & thoughts on. Because I have learned since high school that I will be disappointed everytime. Just like I have disappointed a ton of people, myself. I try to set a good, decent example, but I fail alot because hey, I'm human.
I try to look at how other people react to situations or respond to things and learn from that. And there are sooo many people in my everyday life that I can pattern behaviors from. So many worthy, good people out there. All we have to do is look right outside our doors.
And Destiny, I think our pledge might get lost in all of this, lolll. Do you guys see what Destiny and I were talking about earlier? Any thoughts?????
Ack! Don't throw anything, tho!, lol!!
^^^ cause I bruise easily.
Destiny, I've had some bad nerve pain in my leg for about 4 months. So they're trying epidurals and boy, that 1st one gave me about a 75% improvement. That's the figure I gave them today. I'd say that first one gave me about 75% pain free. Unbelievable.
This 2nd one was alot more painful but he went in and focused on the right side only, where I'm having the pain. And ohboy...yikes. It did tear me up but hey, it was over in reasonable time. It could always be alot worse.
Dangit, my last comment was not pointing at that tasteless thing right above me @ 21:01.
That kind of crap is ridiculous. You're trying to take OMG down into a sewer and we won't let you.
Everyone, man your posts.
lol. Hey, you have to have some lightheartedness. I'm kind of joking but I'm kind of serious.
Watch it, everyone, because someone is trying to re-establish hostile control again.
I think I'll start posting some quotes from Max Lucado and Joyce Meyer. That ought to chase them off, lol.
Actually, I think I better go work on my story. Trying to get 13a and 13b up yet tonight, guys!!
Hey, I have to share with you guys that I emailed JustJared today.'
I got on their website today and I had ads on 3 out of 4 sides of my screen. It was ridiculous. And the ones on the left & right just stayed fixed while only the middle posts scrolled up and down. It was dizzying. So I emailed them to complain.
I know, I'm a company's worst nightmare. One of those who's always emailing, lol. Hey, gotta give feedback, though.
Brad Pitt stands by Gay Marriage
Just want to say how wonderful it was to see Laura Ling and Euna Lee arrive back in the US and return to their family and friends.
Rachel Bilson confirmed that her engagement with fiancé Hayden Christensen is still on. Rachel’s rep told the NY Daily News, “The engagement is on. She just doesn’t always wear the ring.”
Kinda like we're dating we just don't have sex.
About Sophia on ONTD
I danced next to her months ago @ a gay club in West Hollywood called CHERRY POP.. she went crazy when "My Life Would Suck w/o You" came on... she was with her gay friend (so hot.. maybe 26, 6', model face) and some chick
Thanks for the link to the A.I. review Wicked. I actually broke down and got a ticket for the tour stop in Newark on Saturday night. I wish it was all Adam and he had more freedom to do other things, but I can't wait to see him, and I do love the covers he does. I just hope I don't have too much screaming near me. I went to a concert a few years back where there was lots of screaming, and it was not my idea of fun.
I think your right PG, our pledge got kind of buried.
One thing of late I find kind of interesting is how Bradley Cooper and Gerald Butler seem to have quickly distanced themselves from rumors of people they are supposedly dating. Given the rumors about them, I find that kind of surprising. Maybe there are some shifts going on out there?? And on wft2 a few days ago there was a link to an interview from the spring with Butler in which he supposedly mentioned sleeping with women and men, and not wanting to be labeled. Strange that it hasn't gotten more attention.
I read on After Elton, the Gerard Butler interview was a fake.
Thanks Just asking, I didn't know that. I did wonder at the lack of attention.....
/A Fan,
you aren't making much sense.
(I think you are one of those fangirls who are selling Jake is bi, Reeke is real and Jake doesn't lie and pretend fiction. You are selling Reeke, but trying to sound like Jake and Austin supporter.)
It's not important to me what you think I sound like. I will state my take on the whole thing again for you. I am a Jake and Austin fan. I happen to think Jake is or could be bi because I do believe that he and Kirsten was real. I don't expect or care if anyone else does. So, Yes I do think there is a chance that Jake likes bothe sexes. Now I don't know for a fact as you seem to, that Jake is gay or bi. You seem to know and have evidencs.
Jake and Reese could be a dating couple. Afterall all you see is pictures of them and he seems to spends his every waking moment with her. I know we can't possibly see or know his every move and who he is with, but I tell you this, there is something going on with he and Reese and logic says it's more with her than Austin. I'm not asking you to agree with me and you may not. Maybe because you don't want it to be. I would have loved for Jake and Austin to be a couple, but I do know it may have effected his career in a way that he may not have wanted it effected. It is his career. Not mine or yours.
If Jake and Reese are a couple and dating, so be it. Wish it was the other way, but I don't see it that way and I'm not gonna wear blinders. I am a Jake fan, not obsessed but I want him to succeed after what he and Heath brought to the movie bbm.
*Bisexual actors don't need beards - gay actors do.*
and how would you know an in the closet bisexual actor who is dating a woman or married?
A Rumor
Please answer.
Spesh it is time to do a photo side by side of sexual chemistry. reeke vs Jausty. Boy do you have a lot of ammo. Song that day. "I'm so into you" Peabo Bryson.
tom you are really caught up. And you people call others fangirls.
Really most of you are middle age fangirls of the Jake and Austin Gay forever variety. That's the truth.
Once gay always gay. Doesn't change regardless of who you are with, whether you repress it, pretend to be straight, sleep with the opposite sex once out of curiosity, get married and fool your spouse, have a steady relationship or are on the down low.
Once gay always gay. Doesn't change regardless of who you are with, whether you repress it, pretend to be straight, sleep with the opposite sex once out of curiosity, get married and fool your spouse, have a steady relationship or are on the down low.
Correct me if I'm wrong Destiny, but I think you only reserve this type of rationale for Men only. Only women can be bi in your book, right. Well I will have to disagree with you and say you are Wrong. Only the fairer sex can flip flop. No flip flopping for men, it's Straight or Gay only. Okkaaayyyyyy.
Boy, I tell you, this posting stuff is alot of work. Special, I honestly don't know how you do it day afte day. I'm worn out.
And I like to answer every single comment, so I get kind of caught up in that. I don't have anymore time to read! LOLLLLLLL!!!!
I don't. Really. I just re-read some old ones that I have printed because I haven't had any time to check anything new out.
Well, I better turn in. The Big D is already starting to set in as I only have 2 remaining days of V left and they're falling through my fingers like sand. My back's kinda sore tonight; got an icepack stuck in the back of my shorts, lol!
Great song today. Music Luvah, that was one of your favorites, wasn't it? You've heard the story behind that one, right? That it's based on the true story of Elton trying to stick his head in a gas oven?
Has anyone heard the song "Elton's Song" that Elton did? Wow, is it something. It's romantic and it's so sad. I don't know who wrote the lyrics but it's about a young boy's crush on another boy.
I lie awake and dream about you...
"Elton's Song" music by Elton John
Lyrics by Tom Robinson
^^^ I had to look it up, lol!
It really is a beautiful song and like wiki says, so mournful. Here's a link. It's a short song and I'd never seen this video but this is lovely. Oh, everyone can identify with this whatever your sexuality is. We've all been here. Crushing on somebody. Man, this about made me cry! Hope this link works.
Destiny, Do you know of any bisexual women?
Do they exist? Are all the women who claim that they have experimented with other women be it younger ages or in college now gay. They are always kissing and having sex with each other.
But they are not gay, Right.
What type of sexuality do you call them?
I've heard it all.
This is so cool. There's a live version posted on YouTube. No actual footage, just the audio, but it's excellent quality and it's from 1982 in.....Kansas City!!!!!
I had to favorite that one, too. Heavy Sigh.
I meant to say earlier that J/A Fan's last comment up there was excellent. I totally understand what you're saying and I'm sorry I misunderstood what you were saying earlier. You expressed yourself very well on that one.
Okay, well, now off to bed. I have to start getting to bed earlier, by golly. I was reading today while waiting to get a haircut that sleep is essential to keeping extra pounds off. That sleep is essential to maintaining one's metabolism. Great.
Aw, tomorrow is a new day. I pray the Good Lord will allow me to see another day and allow me a do-over.
Sweet dreams to everyone and sweet dreams to Austin and to mr. Jakey. It's a brand new day for all of us!!!! And a chance for a do-over if you need one!
Trolls and fangirls are very busy here, GB must be very boring.
Trolls and fangirls are very busy here
^^ Are you talking about the one sentence Trolls who call everyone babblers if they don't agree with them, or the middle aged fangirls who only have eyes for Jake and Austin (only) doing the nasty? Which is it?
^^ I'm talking about trolls like you.
One thing I can imagine regretting later in my life? I know we're not supposed to want to look back at the past, but well, you know...sometimes it would be nice.
Let me put it this way.
I wish I had the secret to the fountain of youth. Boy, I wish I knew the key to stopping time. Apparently, there are those commenters around here & WFT2 who do and I'd love to know their secret because I truly am rather envious, gotta say.
Some of us are now, some of are approaching that path more quickly than others, and some of us have probably & most proudly passed that period where our skin is flawless & smooth, our muscle tone is taut and free of any sun or age marks, our memory is absolutely sharp as a tack, our energy level is non-stop 24/7, our waking hours outnumber our needed sleep hours 3-fold, our hormones just erupted from that of a teenager's, all those wonderful things like monthly bills just starting, on and on and on.
Yup, no creaking of the bones, no use of the Sports Rub at night, no gastrointestinal distress, no wrinkles, no liking for Barry Manilow for those people. heavy sigh. And while I wouldn't want to go back to my 20's if you paid me, uh...yeeeeah, 30's were pretty darn good. 30's were darn good.
But back to my original thought. My only word of advice is honey, you better videocam these days of your life because every single one is being checked off of that calendar and the calendar is headed down that same road that we are all sharing.
And I wish, oh I wish I could be around when that first grey hair pops in there. Pooof! Alright, now where did that thing come from?!
When the feet hit the floor in the morning and one goes ohhhhhh man and one looks around the bedroom to see who in the heck made that goshawful groaning noise. Uh-was that me? That wasn't me.
And the knees just reaaaaally don't quite look the same anymore.
And the feet kind of start to hurt from all those years of wearing flat shoes & flip flops with no support and 3 inch heels.
Or when that first mark appears on the face, whether it be a sun spot or just one of those unexplainable spots that you don't know what in the heck that thing is.
It's going to happen, child. Trust everyone here who is at that point in their lives or who has already passed those proud rites of age, or who is able to admit that yeah, I'm not 20 anymore. I'm not even 30 anymore. But I am what I am. And I still have eyes. I still have hormones. I still have a sex drive. And I still have my life, period, and for that I'm extremely grateful.
sigh. Just well wishing, that's all. Sorry guys. Put as positive spin on that as possible. Hope I didn't traumatize anyone down the trip of memory lane, LOLL!
Maybe I'll have a T shirt made that has "Middle-Aged & Wearing My Battle Scars Proudly" plastered on it and see how many I can sell on a street corner. I'd have a blast talking to the people who wanted to buy it, I know that.
And good morning to everyone!!!! It's a new day and I'm alive and breathing, all my parts in working order. That's a heckuva start if you ask me.
J/A Fan said... It's not important to me what you think I sound like
Good, because you convinced me that you are indeed one of those fangirls who are selling Jake is bi, Reeke is real and Jake doesn't lie and pretend fiction. You are selling Reeke, but trying to sound like Jake and Austin supporter.
Nice try, lol.
Aw, I saw the little baby heron this morning. They're so cute.
And I don't know alot about cattle but this must be some kind of birthing season? Mid-late summer?
Because I have been seeing quite a few little baby calves for the last several weeks. Boy, they grow fast. But they are just the cutest things when they're little. When they lay down in the grass, you can hardly see their little heads.
Oh, and we have 3 baby ducks out at the lake at my park. And there is a nest of 3 baby birds above the carport next to ours. Poor Jane. Her windshield just gets BOMBED! lol! It's not funny because we get it too, sometimes. Darn birds. And those little baby birds just kind of look down at you all innocent & cute-like. Then as soon as you leave is probably when they drape their little behinds over the rail and drop!
So Special, did you find what you needed at the library? I never really thought about where those people got all those clothes at that public library. Is there a part that says they got them from the Lost & Found? Is it spring when this movie takes place? Maybe it's winter and they had these coats & scarves alreay, anyway. And that is hilarious about Jake & Austin's characters' coats & scarves matching & coordinating. LOL!! That's fashion conscious of them!
I'm not very observant at all when it comes to movies. When I watch stuff, whoever I'm watching with has to always remind me of something I've forgotten or never noticed that's kind of crucial to the show.
Paula Abdul not coming back to Idol! Wow. You could kind of see that one coming. But, I will say this. If Ryan Seacrest can get the huge hike in pay that he did, why can't Paula get an increase in pay? She is a recognizable part of the judge panel. Too bad Ryan can't hand over one or two of those mil's that he got over to her.
darnit! alreay + already. I am getting really sloppy with my typing. boy, that makes me mad when I do that.
Seaweed, where ya been? You'd buy one of my shirts and wear it with me, wouldn't ya?
One cool thing about this week and getting up early - discovering "Waking up With Al" !!!
Al Roker has joined The Weather Channel. He must come on really early because he's finishing up at 0600 CT. That's alright, tho, because I get up @ 4:15 in the mornings normally, anyway. I love Waking Up With Al! He's so entertaining. He's fun. He's a great interviewer. And he apparently picks out the music to play to the Local on the 8's. Cool! Madonna! Attaboy, Al!
Al's liable to replace "Family Matters" now in the mornings while getting ready for work.
Okay, getting off now for awhile. Don't want to irritate who was that...rats, I can't recall their name. But they were tired of me hogging up all the space with my mundane, boring comments. lol. sorry!
lol - I know I promised to get off. LOL!
I just got called by my super. Got a compadre out of comission and they need me there. So off I go. Today and tomorrow. Gone.
Oh well! And the rotten thing is my little buddy won't even be upstairs with us. These are her days to work on the dock. Man!!!
So, well, see y'all! Someone pick up the torch and carry on, please.
That's no fun PG, hope your supervisor appreciates your being such a trooper. And here your day started off so great with that heron sighting. There is an adult one I see once in a blue moon when I am in Central Park, and they are fascinating birds, I'd love to see a baby.
I have not heard that song by Elton John, I'll have to check it out. Tom Robinson is one of the great gay pioneers, he had a band back in the 70s and was out from day one, and wrote one of the first gay anthems, Glad to be Gay.
Speaking of gay men, I never said men can't be bisexual, only that it is a lot rarer than in women. But you know that, and I've linked to studies in the past, not going to do it again.
And the fact that men can be bisexual doesn't change my belief that Jake is gay as a goose.
Thanks for the info on Tom Robinson, Destiny. I had never heard of him but the lyrics are beautiful. They're not a piece of art or anything, they're just very raw and very plain.
love your gypsy hair and dark brown eyes
I lie wake and dream about you.
if you only knew what I'm going through, time and again, I get ashamed to say your name
it's hard to grin and bear when you're standing there, my lips are dry, I catch your eye, and look away.
Sitting in my room. Got it bad.
Crying for the moon.
They think I'm mad.
They say it isn't real.
But I know what I feel.
And I love you.
Watch that video on YouTube, Destiny. It's beautiful, it really is. Special, you need to see that. And if I remember right, it's done in black and white. Kind of symbolic of the stark rawness of his emotions.
heavy sigh
Crying for the moon.
I've fallen in love with that song all over again.
So long! Off to work!
Tom Robinson is married to a woman now and has a kid.
Tom Robinson decided he doesn't want to be gay anymore. Being second class citizen is no fun.
I'll check out the video tonight. I have to admit I was not a big fan of his because I didn't really like the music, but I never really payed attention to the lyrics, and those are beautiful.
I guess Lambert and all his fans didn't get that memo Smart Move. Sounds to me like the A.I. tour wouldn't be doing too well if he wasn't along.
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