Thought my eyes were seeing things, you know plaid confuses, when I first saw the pictures of Austin and Sophia at LAX. But I got a little deja vu, all over again to quote Yogi Berra.
Becuase this is Atlanta on July 26Just add a jacket cause it's cold on the plane and a hat.
And this is August 5th
See I wonder if it is more of mystery here than we think. About the dates and not the clothes and not the why.
Seems like when the pictures were taken they were just eh.. airport shots nothing big. Then a candid of them showed up on the OTH boards and the fans responded. And got some at the show/network looked for more pictures to maximize the buzz after the TCA party.
That set off a whole lot of questions
When has Sophia ever been seen in the same thing in pictures?
Why are there more pictures of Austin and Sophia than Rob and Shantel if they were all traveling together?
Why aren't there pictures of the four of them in the line if they were all flying back together?
When you travel with friends do you both go up to the counter together to check in or do you check in by yourself?
And why would they pair up like that if they were a foursome?
Not saying it is bearding butmore the show taking advantage of the two couples who are the newest romances on OTH this season to be seen off set and give a little more buzz. (Twilighty)
Tend to think that the Austin and Sophia pictures were from July 26, and the Rob and Shantel pictures are from another day they were flying back and they packaged them together for maximum press for OTH.
What do you think? Do you think it is weird they are both wearing the exact same thing a week apart?
UPDATE: 9:00PM 8/10/09
Learned something new - screencaps. Woo Hoo.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Mystery Date(s)
Posted by
Special K
10:42 AM
Labels: Airport, Austin, Man of Mystery, One Tree Hill, OTH, Sophia
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Before I say anything about the airport pics, a few more comments re yesterdays comments. I think PG hit a nail on the head. Reese is unable to get any other man interested in her. Too abrasive a personality and only a hired hand will tolerate her. No one goes from an 8 yr marriage to an exclusive relationship immediately. One of the biggest mistakes PR made in this charade. There has been a lot of turnover in the magazine, rag trade. Revenue is way down. They cant afford to pursue people who don't sell issues so Reeke got dropped. People (their other go to mag) can't market twitters. They need photos and twitters are what we have seen last few weeks. There was also one editor in particular who liked Reese but I think she lost her job.
Honestly, except for a bunch of random twitters the last week and who knows how accurate they are, I don't see Reeke being any more active lately than their occasional PR forays. Just using a different format this time, that's all. PR has 2 deadlines looming. 12/4 for Brothers, May whatever for POP. They actually really need to do a lot more than what they have going.
Ooops, late for work, gotta run.
A week ago Reeke arranged Elton John concert pictures.
I dont see what the big shift is either. They are doing what they have always done and their relationship is mutually beneficial for a lot of reasons but I have never for a minute thought passion was involved. check the video of ryan and abby in the vancouver airport relaxed and happy. That seems more like a real relationship to me. Heck even Austin and Sophia seem more coupleish than Reeke. The posed kiss in the airport after the Rome trip can still make me lol even after all these years. The way I look at it if that is all they need to be happy I feel pity for both of them.
what's up with all the pity for Jake and what he is doing? I guess sitting at the computer being angry at someone you don't know on a daily and nightly basis and wishing them the worst is satisfying to most of you.
Did someone speak about Karma.
I think it's pathetic that after all this time the so called fans of Jake won't let it die. If he's gay and bearding, so what. Just goes to show you that most of you were fans only because you thought he was gay and coming out. years of bitchin about someone elses life.
That's Pathetic.
Truely Pathetic, and the spin is that you really care about this person. What a bunch of BS
^^ It sure has been alot of years.
And the one's who profess to stay to the very end are truly rediculous, What's going on in your life?
(If he's gay and bearding, so what.)
This is what I don't get and confuses me. Most gays want to be treated equally and not make such a big deal of them or others being, gay or bi, but the posters here have made it just that. A big deal with an OUTing mob. How wierd is that.
Trolls are back!
lol, has school started back yet?
Or do you just monitor the Jake gay sites? Please get a life
Not trolls, but sockpuppets pretending to be trolls.
Screw Jake, this guy is my new sex symbol!
The matching clothes thing is weird. Anybody else think that the pictures are from July?
sitting at the computer being angry at someone you don't know on a daily and nightly basis and wishing them the worst is satisfying to most of you.
Hi FL/UV/Babbler! What about you sitting at the computer being in love with someone you don't know on a daily and nightly basis for years and years and wishing they would love you back and hating anyone who ever says a discouraging word about them is satisfying to you? That's you in a nutshell. So why don't you go back to your own cluster and fawn over Jake His Highness. Just because your own blog is boring doesn't mean you have to play in this one. Didn't your Momma teach you manners?
July 26, August 5...maybe they took a really slow plane?!
Here we go. Jake The Family Man
^^^ Reeke PR never disappoints!
Thank god no one noticed I was taking pics of all the cute boys!
Yup, Jake played riiiiiiight into that one. I'm sorry, but the guy just is not bright.
They better milk that one for all it's worth because that's what they should've been doing these last 3 years. That's a million dollar shot right there.
That's alright. We know different.
Funny how a few extra pictures are getting leaked now. Where in the heck did this come from and who would be taking a picture on Martha's Vineyard of Jake taking pictures of the kids?
This is like Italy & Maggie's wedding all over again on the Disgust O Meter.
Popcorn today!!! Yogurt and popcorn.
calcium and fiber, lol.
Hope someone's having a greater lunch than I came up with!
Hmm does "Family Man" sell? Batman, Pirates, Ironman, GI Joe, all of them, Bale, Depp, RDJ, Tatum, are hitched (one way or another) and have kids except newly-married Tatum. Looks like Jake-Reeke is a follower trying to fit in and disappear. Not an innovator, and certainly not a sex symbol.
Reese needs "Family Man" for her "I have it all" fake public image, who cares about Jake.
That's what I've been saying Boring, this is all about being a family man for PoP.
Maybe Jake can put some of those photos of Ava and Deacon in his photo albumn full along with the ones of Baby Tile taken in his or her house and back yard. Such a nice contrast, don't you think?
I had a whole post on the airport photos, but I lost it, and now it will have to wait since lunch is up.
Well, we certainly called this one right, didn't we? You can't tell me these aren't staged, because PG is right, who would be taking a picture of someone taking a picture, the guy has sold his pics to Splash (surprise!), and you have to sign a release I would think for pics of children, or pics of anyone, in order to reproduce them. :(
Wait a minute. Jake runs 5K in 20 minutes, then he takes pics?! What about Mom taking pics of her own kids? Or was Mom drunk again.
Mom's PR needs pictures of her gay friend taking pictures of her kids.
Actually we don't know if Jake was taking pics of the kids. All it shows is him taking a pic, it could be of anyone (a cute guy!) or anything (a tree that looks like a penis). The pic in PopBooger of Ava is the official pic taken by the Race Photog of everyone who crosses the finish line, it's online at his website.
Or up some guy's shorts.
Not an important twitter but LOOK at the spelling of Jake's name. LOL!
sokdonny: Just saw Rendition with Reese Witherspoon and Jake Gayllenhaul(sp). OMW! Was crying like a baby!
How do you run 5K in shoes with no laces?
Reeking is doing wonders for Jake's popularity!
Jake Gayllenhaul
Endurance, that pic made my day.
Wicked if you're single maybe we can meet at the juice bar. If you're cute I'll even let you use my senior discount.
As as a seasoned business traveller, its not uncommon for me to wear my "travel outfit" on both the day of departure and the day of return. But for both of them to wear the same outfit both times is very unlikley. My guess is the pics were taken the same day and the dates altered for PR use. As for checking in together, unless you plan to dump your business associate and not see them until it is time to board the plane, yes you would check in together. It's polite to wait for your coworker to walk to the gate area together anyway, unless you are on different flights, so it's easier to do it that way than to go off and wait nearby.
Thor_2000: Hollywood Rumor: Jake Gyllenhall thinks Reese Witherspoon jinxed his career
The fan pic of Austin and Sophia was taken in Atlanta. Where was the pic taken of them at the counter, Atlanta or LAX or Carolina or somewhere else? Could be (wherever it was) at the counter pic was taken first, then the fan pic after they landed. The fan pic date is more believable, why would they lie? The counter pic, if it was taken by paps, could have been saved to be published at a later date for PR.
The same clothes was the big thing for me, but the Robert and Shantal pictures that are just by themselves and not one of them in any other combo of groupings that sealed the deal that the pictures were from July and the pictures of Robert and Shantal were a different day.
OTH has such devoted internet fan base and always has, and the writers and show exec have long acknowledged that. I think they saw the candids and how they got received and thought this is just going to make things better for the Julian and Brooke storyline
OTH has a huge whole to fill this season with departure of Luke and Peyton, and Julian and Brooke look like they are going to be the couple to step into that stop for them.
Jake Gyllenhall thinks Reese Witherspoon jinxed his career
He's just figuring that out now?
I am saying that Place and Date.
The candid in July was the real deal and when it got such great reception, PR contacted photo agencies to see if there were any picture of them leaving LAX in July and repackaged it as them leaving the TCA party in August.
Wicked if you're single maybe we can meet at the juice bar. If you're cute I'll even let you use my senior discount.
Sorry, but I don't do beards.
OK. Thanks for the clarification, Special: In July the counter pic was taken by a pap at LAX (but was not published), they flew to Atlanta where the fan took their pic. Then the counter pic was published later and captioned as being taken in August to make it look like Austin and Sophia travel a lot together and are possibly dating. (LOL!)
How do you run 5K in shoes with no laces?
Maybe that's why his shoe fell off:
kjpilot: Ran into Jake Gyllenhal literally at Chilmark Road Race. He lost his shoe!!
Converse, you're right Ava didn't have any shoelaces.
OMFG. JIG believers need to pony up, take a collection and do something like this with "Jake G is GAY and BEARDING" at least before the Babblers and PR do "JG is HETERO + LOVES REESE WITHERSPOON OSCAR-WINNER HIGHEST PAID actress + mother"
At every beach in Southern California this weekend, a plane flew this message back and forth
Yay for signs flown in the sky! I would love to see
"Jake G is GAY and BEARDING"
flying message banner! LOL!
Interesting post, Spesh, almost like the old days looking for clues :) It's clear pics like this are saved for other occasions.
You know me and looking for clues London : )
This is crossing the line with the kids and perv comment.
This not something to joke about.
Good afternoon everyone,
hope you are all fine, physically at least. I notice the mood has been more than tortured since two day! Like PG expressed it things seem complicated now and our perception is "misty".
Well , hope nontheless you had a good week end! It was funfair in my village and I was excited like a child face to all those festivities : carousels, firework and of course the usually pancakes with chocolate lol, my favorite!
fortunately the weather was favourable and not so hot : perfect!
Now I come back here and I see grey sky, it'raining in your mind!
It should be the same for me but I refuse !! I am going to follow special's example and remain positive!
and well there are good things in those pics : Ava is pretty, jake looks ridiculous running like that but remains somewhat cute and MV seems a good place for breaktime.
I am happy to see Austin more frequently. People pay attention to him now because of this TV show and even if the quality isn't exactly worth Hamlett lol, it's an interesting opportunity for him and his futur career, I think at least.
I don't know if I have already said that but I really like Sophia !! Austin seems at ease in her compagny. There is surely a great complicity between them It's very attractive and help the credibility of their performance for sure ( well it seem given the way you are all enthousiastic )
I am going to sleep now with the sweet alicia keys's song : "you don't know my name" how romantic lol
hope it will bring me wonderful dreams.
Have a good evening you all.
IHJ has 3 race pics.
At least there's no beard and rugrats.
You know what's interesting about the race pictures on IHJ
Where did the camera come from?
Jake crossed the finish line without one?
There is a picture of him running with one
And then there is a picture of him taking a picture.
Something is very weird about those pictures and the time during the day.
Yay no beard or beardrats
I don't think he's taking inappropriate pictures of children, how do you see that. Actually, that is the most beautiful smile on Ava I think I've ever seen.
I think the saddest thing, though, is that we thought we would see pictures like these of Jake having fun with his own kids. Not Reese's. So here he is, using Reese's kids to try and appear like a stepdad and appear like the straight boyfriend and in the meantime, his own child, if there is one, is being hidden. And that child may never know that he/she was taking 2nd place.
That's about what it comes to. 2nd place. I can't even talk about it, it's just really kind of tasteless in my mouth.
The one thing I found interesting about the pics is the clothes.
I know this was just a recreational race and obviously they weren't trying for a good time or anything. But even when I do these 5K's for fun, I dress appropriately. I wouldn't wear zippered, touristy-looking shorts like Jake has on. And his mom is wearing touristy/casual clothes too, not at all anything a runner/walker would wear exercising.
It always cracks me up when I go walking at my park and some girls will pass me in their spandex or lycra and I smell perfume.
What in the heck???!!! Who takes time to pretty up when you're going exercising, for crying out loud. You don't put on perfume!!! You're going to be sweating in a few minutes anyway.
That always drives me nuts when I smell perfume or see someone exercising in work clothes or something like that.
And Destiny, I cut you slack, girl! I know you get your walks in while going to or coming from work, so that doesn't count.
lol. I thought I better defend my remarks!!
The smelly beard was probably on the sidelines sitting on the grass drunk as a skunk.
"I think the saddest thing, though, is that we thought we would see pictures like these of Jake having fun with his own kids. Not Reese's."
Joking aside, and you don't think these pics are inappropriate.
Just popped in for a second to see what was going on. Why does it always go crazy when I am crazy busy at work, and it's dead when I have nothing to do. No time to catch up on all the comments or post myself until much later tonight.
Pics of Jake and Ava already on PopBooger for the female Reese-worshiper family set. Oh and you just know the Jake pics and the mentions of "Jake taking pics of gf Reese's kids" and "Reese took time out from filming her movie in Philly with Paul Rudd" and "Jake's next movie is POP" will be on JunkJared for the Reeke and former Jake fans.
Did you notice that Jake number is a lower number than the kids? Would think it was sequential if it was planned event for everybody, especially since they only had a limited number of runner this year at 1500 as opposed to other years.
Sometimes pictures tell you more than you think.
Naomi #456
Jake #595
Ava #1163
Deacon #1164
Naomi signed up first and after nagging Jake a couple times that it would be good for him to run the race for himself he finally got it done a short 141 signups later. He pretty much felt in the clear but then 568 people later, the beard signs up her 2 kids. He's stuck. Mom lied. Again.
What Jake really photographed in MV
Sexy Boy needs a tick check.
Race pics are gone from IHJ.
Jake in the Boston Globe:
Interesting comment about not seeing the tiny dancer.
Boston Globe Names Blog
Wonder if he and Doug Linman talked about the Moon Project that's still in orbit.
Jake Gyllenhaal can handle the hills
Jake Gyllenhaal was among the 1,500 or so runners who hoofed it at the Chilmark Road Race on Martha's Vineyard over the weekend. The 5K race along scenic Middle Road is exceptionally hilly, but that didn't seem to bother the "Brokeback Mountain" actor, who's doubtless learned a thing or two about endurance from his buddy Lance Armstrong. There was no sign of Gyllenhaal's sweetheart Reese Witherspoon at the finish line, but he did stop to say hello to fellow runners Doug Liman, director of "The Bourne Identity," and Tamara Buchwald, daughter-in-law of the late Art Buchwald. (Tamara had a tiny role in Liman's movie "Jumper.")
Has 2 pics, a different finish line one and one of Jake with Doug Liman and Tamara Buchwald.
Special, great minds.. LOL.
Interesting comment about not seeing the tiny dancer.
She was probably off drunk somewhere.
If the race pics are gone from IHJ, chances are they'll be used for a US Reekely/People spread.
Yeah we do Race. : ) I should have found it earlier since I read the Globe. But I was avoiding reading the Globe after the Sox stinkaroo road trip in NY.
LOL said...
At every beach in Southern California this weekend, a plane flew this message back and forth
Yay for signs flown in the sky! I would love to see
"Jake G is GAY and BEARDING"
flying message banner! LOL!
I am glad I am not the only one who has had the fantasy. I have thought about it many times. How much would that cost? How awesome would that be? I gonna think about it. For real.
˙ʎɐʍ pooƃ ɐ uı ʇou puɐ ,uʍop ǝpısdn ɯopuɐɟ s,ǝʞɐɾ pǝuɹnʇ ǝʞǝǝɹ
˙ɥɔʇıq ʎʇsɐu ʇɐɥʇ punoɹɐ ƃuıƃuɐɥ puɐ ƃuıpɹɐǝq ʇınb oʇ spǝǝu ǝɥ uǝɥʇ right ʇı ʇǝs oʇ sʇuɐʍ ǝɥ ɟı puɐ ˙ɹǝǝɹɐɔ pooʍʎlloɥ sıɥ pǝxuıɾ sɐɥ ǝsǝǝɹ ,sǝʎ ʇɐɥʇ ǝʞɐɾ llǝʇ ɹǝʇʇǝq ǝuoǝɯos
¡pooʍʎlloɥ uı suɐɟ ʇǝƃ oʇ ʎɐʍ uʍop ǝpısdn ,spɹɐʍʞɔɐq ,ʇno pǝddılɟ ɐ sı ƃuıpɹɐǝq
No nothing's wrong with your blog. Text is courtesy of Ben & Jerry Ice Cream. Btw, Ben & Jerry are 2 very happily out gay guys who know their stuff.
Ben and Jerry Flipped Out
Is this for real or a joke.
¡uıʇsnɐ ɹoɟ dılɟ ı
¡ʇǝƃ uɐɔ ı ǝɔuɐɥɔ ʎuɐ ɹǝʌo ʎǝʞɐɾ dılɟ ı
LOL, those last 2 are cute. I haven't tried to read the others. "I flip Jake over any chance I can get!"
Ahhhh, fantasies, fantasies - I'll take that kind any day, fellas!
Just saw the OTH promo for Season 7.
Wow! Hills to Eternity indeed with the steamy Brulian sufside smooch and another Brulian embrace in the 15 second clip.
We know thepicture is really good but the video peek of it is even better.
˙dılɔ puoɔǝs 51 ǝɥʇ uı ǝɔɐɹqɯǝ uɐılnɹq ɹǝɥʇouɐ puɐ ɥɔooɯs ǝpısɟns uɐılnɹq ʎɯɐǝʇs ǝɥʇ ɥʇıʍ pǝǝpuı ʎʇıuɹǝʇǝ oʇ sllıɥ
¡ʇnls˙˙uɐɯ ʎɯ uo ɹǝʌo pǝddılɟ sı ɐıɥdos
Man, have you ever seen so much mileage gotten out of one little race?
I think I've just officially burned out on it.
Okay, who's in concert next, people? Tom?!!! Who's coming to Philly next? Who can we expect to see Reeke & little Co. at next?
Dora the Explorer on Ice? Jonas Brothers? Miley Cyrus? These would be great options for the two tykes.
For Mama Reese & the Manny? Is Jenny Jones due in Philly soon? Rufus? How about Nickelback? Alice in Chains? Saliva? How about some hardcore rap? I'd like to see Reese gettin' it on with some hardcore rap along with Jake. Bang some booty to some of that, now.
I flipped for the flips, especially Jakey and Austy's.
¿ʞo ʍouʞ sn ʇǝl ʇsnɾ noʎ ʎʇɹıp ǝɥʇ op puɐ ɹǝʌo dılɟ oʇ sn ʇuɐʍ noʎ ǝɯıʇ ʎuɐ ˙ɥǝɥ ˙ʍʇq ooʇ pıp ǝʍ ˙ʇı pǝʎoɾuǝ noʎ pɐlƃ ,lɐıɔǝds sʞuɐɥʇ
Refresh the post. I just updated it with some more Austin and Sophia or should I say Julian and Brooke.
This is a different teaser than they showed tonight during OTH. But I don't think you will mind this one at all.
Wow. I had to hit Replay a couple of times to totally get the gist of it, lol. That was pretty darn hot looking, I have got to say.
PG - I just made some screencaps and put them in the post.
Oh my - what time is OTH on again? ;)
That flipped type is cool Say No.
And the OTH, smokin' hot!
That whole airport pix thing is a bit strange. I was going to say what M did about wearing the same clothes to travel. And at first I thought it would be strange that they would seemingly fly to LA two weekends in a row, but there are pictures of Austin on the set on July 28 and July 30th, after the fan flying pictures. But maybe they were coming from somewhere else?? Met up in Atlanta for the trip on to Wilmington?? And could be they'd use the same clothes to travel on two different occasions, I tend to always take the same clothes, but on two separate trips they both wore the same thing? On the other hand, it absolutely makes no sense for a pap to hang onto pictures for that long, why couldn't pr just arrange for new photos after the critics' event??
Or did Austin fly somewhere else from LA??? Have there been any sightings of him in Wilmington since then?
All very mysterious.
OTH Season 7 starts September 14th, at 8:00EST on the CW.
Thanks, Spesh - Austin and Sophia are beyond hot together. :)
Daniel Radcliffe made a large donation to the Trevor Project.
Radcliffe donation to gay youth suicide prevention
I was surfing JJ (no Reeke stories), and saw this comment on a post about Z. Quinto that cracked me up:
I’m surprised to see him on JJ - he’s an actual working actor with talent.
Also couldn't help noticing another Leo D. story about how he is supposedly hanging with a new model in Spain--this one mentioning/with photos of Lucas H. Not that I would like it if Reeke and Austin did something like that--I hope Austin has too much integrity to do something like that.
Oh yeah, stills are just as good!
Gotta admit, they are cute together.
But Austin needs to work on his cuddling in the second set, lol. He's rather stoic looking there. He needs to learn how to "lean" in to Sophia.
I guess the only way we'd get some really realistic looking ones is if it were J & A themselves.
Man. A J&A From Here to Eternity pic. Now that would be awesome.
Sounds like a good thought to go turn in on, lol.
Well, seems like things have cooled down. What a wild day and a half, huh? Cripes.
It'll be fun, and interesting, to see that OTH episode. I took the look on Austin's face in those later shots to be the result of the fact that he is supposed to be thinking "heavy" thoughts. But you could be right too PG. Guess we'll find out in a month.
J&A From Here to Eternity pic. Now that would be awesome.
It'd also be X rated, no swim trunks for those two. It would also be an oceanology and ecological nightmare, with all the whales, dolphins, sharks and other assorted sea creatures beaching themselves to get a better view.
Thank you PG for the image of Jake and Austin doing the Here to Eternity Kiss now in my minds eye. That is what I will fall asleep to tonight.
I never in a million years thought I would be waiting for One Tree Hill to start, but there you go. Oh, and Mad Men starts this Sunday. Yeah.
So is that rumor mentioned above a joke or from a real tip. The jinx, I mean.
Can you imagine how many poor fish would be floating dn ʎllǝq from heart attack orgasms after seeing J&A doing From Here to Eternity?!
Everyone, Paul, Owen, Jack, is nice. But Jake/Reeke? Nooooooooo.
A week later I caught up with her at Alma de Cuba. Oy I made my presences known, I asked if I could take a picture and it was like that scene in alien with the person pointed out the human as Jake yelled "Photographer" and pointed. I continued to ask for a shot giving them the same offer I gave to Demi Moore, but to no avail.
Jake yelled "Photographer" and pointed
He's pathetic. What the hell has Reeke turned him into. He deserves to have POP, Brothers, Nailed and that Pharmacy flick be complete failures and blamed on his lousy acting and huge ego.
Good morning! Okay, guys, I just rattled off a bunch of questions to Ted. We'll see if I hear back on any of them.
Can't linger this morning, we have another glorious Safety meeting this morning.
You know, thank goodness for OTH; it seems to be the only film project that most everyone seems to be in agreement on in looking forward to. And it's on the small screen, too, not even the big screen. Thank you to Austin for providing some HD Screen relief in sight.
I'm not sure what that says when alot of Jake's fans aren't nearly as excited about Brothers or PoP for that matter.
Oh well, not to ponder on a negative thought like that this morning. I have got so much going on in my head that I want to get down on a keyboard and I am mad about my job interfering with that, lol! What about my 2 days of vacay that got postponed?! Gee whiz. I could be home right now having fun. Oh well. Gotta go, gotta go, to the ugly bug show, gotta go, gotta go...
Just Jared - photoshopped Jake's MV picture?
Yes he did.
As I said yesterday, Reeke PR mission accomplished. Jake fangirls found official race pics and talked about them and PR made sure the 2 other pics were circulated. Now Popsugar and Just Jared carries the story about how wonderful Jake is with the kids and what a happy family they are. Michael Jackson dying pushed the Reeke hugging on set pics out of US Reekely, so now they have a new story and sets of pics for them. PR can't get pics of Reeke on set so this is just as good, if not better.
Here's the original Popsugar
PhotoShopped reeking - IHJ and Just Jared pics
Jake fangirls found official race pics and talked about them and PR made sure the 2 other pics were circulated.
Babblers will love "new" Just Jared picture. LMAO
It is a lot like Paris; we even have the picture taking "family vacation" pictures, just like in France.
But it has been ramped up. I think the absence of Reese is supposed to convey the idea that Jake is so entrenched with the kids that she and the kids feel comfortable with Jake taking the kids for the weekend. And of course we have to throw in the fact they got to visit their new grandmother to be, Naomie at the G. family vacation compound (they probably haven't sold the house yet and are probably staying there).
The babblers have already noted that the photo was photoshopped by JJ.
Photoshopped by Reeke PR.
If that was the case, it would have been photoshopped before Popsugar posted it. JJ has done stuff like this before.
I guess the blonde ponytail sen at the corner of the 1st picture wasn't enough, I saw it and said that was Ava.
JJ wouldn't do it without Reeke PR permission.
That photoshopping is beyond pathetic. It is almost as bada job as the infamous beach pictures of Austin and Sophia. And I agree, it was either pr-approved, or pr did it themselves and gave it to JJ.
And once again we get Jake selling Reeke, but not his career. Barely a mention of Liman, and not a word on JJ about the Moon Project.
There is no need of faking pics,
those kids have been used as PR tolls from day 1!
Remember Halloween 07´?
The photo is clearly faked, blow it up and look at it carefully, it is totally off.
So, what is jake really taking a picture of?
Jake is taking a picture of some cute, shirtless guy.
Who takes time to pretty up when you're going exercising, for crying out loud.
Plenty of people. So many women at my pool go in with full makeup.
Wow on that JJ photoshop.
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