Friday, August 28, 2009

Seeing You

Remember when we had to do this, because we hadn't seen Austin. Well it looks like that won't be a problem anymore.

We will be seeing a lot of him, especially on One Tree Hill.

Mark Schwann revealed that Julian will be in a lot of episodes,if not all of them in Season 7. He said, “Yeah. I think last season we got into a bad habit of giving every couple a beginning, middle and an end.

But this year is more like season one where there may be a character in an episode for just one scene, but they’re servicing something that’s going to advance over the serialized nature of the show. So, yeah, so far, Austin’s been in every episode and I can’t imagine that won’t continue.”

And just like you do with friends, you'd rather not see them in things like


Double Knit Slacks

Getting Set Up


say cheese said...

Don't want to see Austin in any mugshots either!

m said...

Minnie Driver? Where in hell did that come from. Note even close. Obviously someone has not been following Ted. He did say they are working on fixing the blind vice archive to back fill the old clues that were lost when they did the format change. That will be nice.

Wonderful, a weekly dose of Austin. I wonder if Jake watches the show too. I bet he records it.

m said...

Minnie Driver? Where in hell did that come from. Not even close. Obviously someone that is not an avid Ted follower. Ted did say they are restoring the BV archive to back fill the old clues lost when they did the format change. That will be nice.

Wonderful, a weekly dose of Austin. I wonder if Jake watches the show. I bet he records it.

m said...

Sorry for the duplicate, blogger was slow and I thought it did not save so redid my comment.

Ted said...

One Young and Not-So-Confused Blind Vice

Get ready to meet the guy who will have Toothy Tile breathing easy for a while.

Jackie Bouffant

Be seeing you said...

Austin, your clothes are ugly. Take them off.

Special K said...

The blind vice was interesting and not just who it pointed to. (The majority is saying Efron) It what the blind vice said about Toothy and Goose.

They went to a few gay functions together, a little hand-holding here and there à la Toothy and Gray Goose,and industry folds knew the the two boys...

What do I mean. The BV did not put Toothy and Goose in past tense,

a little hand-holding here and there à la Toothy and Gray Goose used to do

The BV's are are carefully crafted and it is always an opportunity to drop a subtle hint about other bvs. But that's just how I thinking about it.

bearding for dollars said...

the guy who will have Toothy Tile breathing easy for a while.

Why would Jake feel relieved about a bearding, greedy asshole like Bouffant being a BV? Because there's safety in numbers?

Ted said...

Big Ted C post on ONTD

zac said...

The interns wrote that BI.

Hmmm said...

Because it'll take the focus of him for awhile.

Remember the BV about someone bring their BF/Partner to the Oscars and handholding? I always wondered if this was TT/GG and that TT tried to challenge the system, but that he got so much industry flak he might have caved to the pressure. :(

Special K said...

I think the BV might have been written by Ted before he went on vacation. Remember him saying Efron was seconds away from getting a BV.

That's what made me think that he wrote it ahead, waiting for legal to approve and then there would something to file while he was away. August is traditional a slow month for HW gossip, so this was kind of a insurance policy of having something for while he was gone.

zac said...

Chris atteneded the Oscars with Jake, only Red carpet picas of Jake's parents and Chris but you can see Chris sitting in the same row as Jake at the Oscars. There is Jake two girls and then Chris, all sitting behind Heath and Michelle, I think the video is on IHJ.
I thought that BV about the BF was about Crip Lisp that Ted mysteriously stopped writing about. He did the first one ion March of '06 saying he was bored with TT. He mentioned that Lisp bought his BF and was introducting him to people, the guesses were Clooney, Phonenix and Franco, and most thought Franco since he was at the award after party and supposedly had some guy with him that he introduced as his "assistant".

LMAO said...

Jackie Bouffant

My 1st thought when I saw that name was Austin.

m said...

I'm almost positive Ted wrote that before he left. I cant see him leaving a mojor BV to an intern. Honestly, this sounds to me like it could be the infamous Pattinson. The bouffant hair, the taking the biz by storm. And he has definitely overshadowed any interest in Toothy. If it is, that would be quite a bombshell.

Special K said...

It could very well be Pattinson.

Totally agree it was a prewritten BV. M, you make a good point that Ted wouldn't give an intern such a major BV.

Still think that Ted carefully wrote what he wrote about Toothy and Goose in the BV for a reason.

NEWS said...


weird said...

What a weird Summer of Death.

amazing said...

Yeaaah....if Jake's PR thinks the internet and esp Twitter is unimportant they are stoopid....both the news of Kennedy and DJ AM's deaths were on Twitter and goss sites like TMZ way before TV and even .com news fact doesn't even have it yet....

Special K said...

Things I don't want to see Austin in

Paris Hilton's New BFF
The Kardashians
Psychic Hotline Informercials
The Surreal Life
Gigli II
Fox and Friends (Fox News Network)
Oklahoma University Recruiting Video
Velour Track Suit

and of course
Yankees anything

twitter from wft said...

ranchocabeza: this evening, saw jake gyllenhaal with reese's children at the sausage place next to work, wurstkuche.
9 minutes ago from web

LOL now Jake is babysitting for Ryan.

They're probably on their way to LAX. Or Jake got a craving to feel a big sausage in his mouth and figured the edible kind + plus 2 kids along = innocent.

LOL Wurstkuche "We're young; let's have fun with encased meat" is right near Skid Row. Probably has good sandwiches but I hope Jake brought his gun. LMAO

kim possible said...

"saw jake gyllenhaal with reese's children"

And maybe a younger "cousin" ?

philly said...

From the "only" paparazzo in Philly

"Jake will b back fr venice next week. Look for him and reese witherspoon on early date nites nxt Mon - Thurs. + possibly Ryan P bck in town"
about 8 hours ago from TwitterBerry


Great Article said...

I was probably destined to be a drug addict. I grew up in Philadelphia with a father who seemed to hate me: The verbal abuse he subjected me to was unbelievably cruel. I would find out later that there was a good reason my father was so tortured—he was secretly gay and addicted to drugs.

DJ AM Interview January 2008

LOL said...

Found on ONTD OTH Beach scene

ONTD said...

DNA Magazine's Hottest Men of 2009

ONTD said...

DNA Magazine's Hottest Men of 2009

Meg said...

OTH beach scene is cute, but yikes at some of those DNA hottest men. Feel slighty cheated that we don;t get Jake in orange socks on a bed!

who me? said...

Desperate for good PR

Orange You Cute said...

Meg I had to go back and look at the pics. Never noticed the orange socks! The same guy said this, OMG.
Reese Rideout: "To hear Chris Rockway whimper from having my cock in his ass was music to my ears."

Ima Stah said...

I bet when the lady asked for her autograph and maybe a pic the Chin said "No. I'm busy."

PR = gainful employment for bullshitters said...

That is if it really happened. I noticed the lady didn't have a name or a town where she was from, all it said was "a stressed mother" LOL while it the Chin's life story. Surprised they didn't list her upcoming movies and when they open and how blessed she is.

Special K said...

Again about tweets - some are true, some are about getting attention for people to who's tweeting, some are for PR, and adding a fourth one, some are for misdirection. But all need to be taken with large grains of salt.

And for something complete different: Austin will be buying a pair of burnt orange Longhorn socks for Jake now. LOL

Meg said...

Lucky Jake!!

Hopefully Austin will take a photo of him wearing them for next year's DNA list.