As much as things change somethings remain the same.
All this sand and Jake such the woodworker made me think of this.
"I was on the beach - a bit secluded area about two miles north of the Ritz Carlton- Laguna Niguel. I was there with my bf - we like the beach and no one is ever in that corner - the water not quite as easy to deal with but fine if you are not planning on serious swimming or water sports. So we hear some sounds and we see that there are two guys totally making out but they are in shorts and tee shirts so don't get all hyper. And as soon as they hear us they quickly separate and pretend that nothing was going on. I guess because we were behind some rocks they didn't realize that we saw them.
As we get closer we realize one of them is Jake and I have no idea who the other guy is. Sandy hair kinda short and wavy. Couldn't see eye color because both put their sunglasses on really quickly. and Jake put on this baseball cap as we got closer but we already realized it was him.
[I]We probably should have said something but it was kinda awkward. They just nodded and we nodded and kept going. As soon as we were about 20 feet away, they quickly picked up whatever they had and left."At the time there was all kinds of debate about the sandy short and wavy haired beach bud. But looking at the pictures from Informers makes you wonder if there was that was in the early blonding of the tall Texan. Because we know from Austin himself he does change his hair for the auditions, why not then.
Just a little sandy.
Pictures: IHJ/Austin Nichols Journal/Various
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Sand 'em smooth
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Nice post - I need to go to the beach! Jake is looking fine.
Sad about Senator Kennedy. :(
Great song today with a great name. I have to say, I liked the Vibrarians last week too, kinda abrasive guitars, but I liked it. :)
People Still Care About One Tree Hill?
Dear Awful Truth:
I noticed you are getting more explicit lately in your replies, so I am going for it. Could you tell us who is really dating who in the beautiful One Tree Hill threesome that is Austin Nichols/Sophia Bush/Robert Buckley? And of course I don't expect a straight answer (no pun intended!).
Dear Pun Intended:
Uh, none of them are "really" dating. But when the One Tree Hill premiere rolls around this fall, we bet you'll see Sophia conveniently snapped out with both of them.
Dear Awful Truth:
I've been reading all this talk about Sophia Bush dating Austin Nichols and some people wishing that she starts dating Robert Buckley. Am I the only one who wants Robert and Austin together? Wouldn't they be the hottest couple ever? Is there any probability that my dream comes true?
Dear Brokeback Hill:
I would way rather have them together than Sophia and Austin. Gross.
Dear Awful Truth:
Do Hugh Jackman and Jake Gyllenhaal have a lot in common? Just curious.
Dear Jack Attack:
Sure they do. Wait...what are you getting at?
Bitch Back!
^^Wow again.
It doesn't take much to impress you!
a bit secluded area about two miles north of the Ritz Carlton- Laguna Niguel. no one is ever in that corner - the water not quite as easy to deal with but fine if you are not planning on serious swimming or water sports.
I never quite understood the "two miles north of the Ritz Carlton" description when I read it in Data Lounge. The RC is about a half mile inland so I don't know if the OP was thinking west to the closest beach or heading west then going 2 miles north. The beaches usually go by the name of the streets they're on or the community so why wouldn't the OP say the name or the name of the area nearby? Some of the beaches in that radius are private and only open to the residents so those are out of the picture. 2 miles is a really vague description.
Also the "serious swimming or water sports" doesn't fit at all. No one does "serious swimming" at SoCal beaches, the tides aren't built for that. "water sports" doesn't fit either because it's either surfing, body boarding, or body surfing which are pretty much interchangeable in the lingo.
IMO the story is made-up especially with using the RC as a marker but not knowing anything else. Or if its true the OP was from out of town and confused about the names or wants to keep the location hush hush for Jake's sake which is a stretch considering he posted in DL lol.
OTOH gay Laguna is more tight knit and zipped lip than gay LA so it wouldn't surprise me if Jake and Austin made the 45 minute trek or were staying at a house at one of the private beaches.
It is a very sad day for the Kennedy family - a rough time with the passing of Eunice Kennedy Shriver just not very long ago.
It is the passing of an era, that is to be sure, none the likes will ever pass this way again in this country. My heart goes out to the entire family.
How painful not only to lose someone but to lose someone to something as terrible as brain cancer. I would imagine he handled it with tremendous dignity and with cancer, there are so many millions everyday who do handle it with dignity.
And as with news such as this and after what transpired overnight, it tells me I need to get the heck out of Dodge. To argue over opinions is ridiculous and it's stressful, at least for me it is. And I don't need it. No hard feeings at all, sienna. We were having a decent discussion ourselves.
You all have a good week. It's sabbatical time for me.
PG.... ugh. i'm so sad that the discussion yesterday was so unpleasant for you. i remember a long time ago, when i first starting posting here, i admitted to having some ill will towards the dude that ran my convenience store following 9/11, because he was of some Arab type nationality. i have no idea where he was from, said that i never let on that it bothered me but it just rankled for a while. anyway, i acknowledged that i was wrong to feel that way - he had nothing to do with anything, blah blah - and yet some yae-hoo decided to give me shit about it here, and it bothered me. i called them on it and felt like i won the day, over all, but still - i was totally flabbergasted by their attack.
and it made me realize that there area folks lurking here who will pick on anything to give you a hard time. they don't at all about us; they get their kicks out of stirring us up and ruffling our feathers. i'm not asking for anything to be deleted or censored, but there are only a few names that i give much credence to here, and the others i take with a grain of salt. if the comments seem well reasoned and thoughtful, i'll take them seriously, but if they are personal about any of us, i blow them off.
this blog isn't to discuss US, it's to discuss J&A, etc. i hope that you can put those other comments in the proper perspective. you and i and a few others did have a nice discussion about the philly write up, and someone was kind enuf to post the BC vid so i could see that, and it really did change my feelings. maybe i'm wrong to sway so easily, and i still think there is some leeway in interpreting the philly write-up, but based on that video, jake has definitely shown that he can be an ass behind the wheel, and i can see how it would skew your view of the story. it kinda skews mine as well.
have a good week. don't leave us lonely too long! hugs. s.
lol said... Hey now, I thought we weren't going to degrade into calling people trolls and babblers?
What's next?
Will you ask us to respect and like trolls?
^^^ LOL, your post are Troll like. Believe this. Even though you don't consider yourself a Troll.
You are only interested and seem to be here only to take jabs at Jake. Early on at WFT those types of post were considered Troll posting. And this is all you post. Negative post about the man. No one has called the man a saint. I don't see him as being one, but I do know that he is human and should not be held to some type of saint status and if he does something that irks someone or offends someone, as WE ALL do, he should not be made out to be an Asshole simply because he is not living up to YOUR expectations. The man is human and you are also, at least I think.
And if my expressing my opinion offends you because you want to continue with the status quo of Attack, attack, attack Jake, Well then, I'm a Troll. So What.
You are only interested and seem to be here only to take jabs at Jake.
stop boring us and go back to GB.
funny pic, twister!
and So What... i agree with what you said about Jake. he's not a saint, and i sometimes wonder if folks here would even speak to me if they knew about the particulars of my private life. i'm thankful the paps don't care about me, and i know that if they did, they would catch me doing all kinds of unpopular stuff: i drive like a maniac, i don't wear make-up half the time, my clothes aren't the greatest, and i have been known to make drunken exits. so i'm no better than reese or jake.
i don't understand the attitude i get from some of the posts that would make a reader think that poster lead a angelic existence. i'm pretty sure none of us are perfect. however, like i said earlier, we aren't here to discuss US, we're here to talk about him - and it's easy to forget that he IS a real guy, because lots of us have built him up to be more - perfect and special and wonderful and infalliable. but he's not, he's just a 28 yr old dude who's life - from my pov - seems to be sucking wind pretty bad.
you know, those paps are always yelling folks names and stuff... wonder if they ever yell, Mr Witherspoon! i can imagine that would set him off pretty large!
but even if they don't yell it, don't you wonder if that's not how he feels. imagine, for an instant, the instead of dating her, he started dating some unknown person - maybe ramona's pediatrician or a personal trainer at his gym. would he even be at these parties and clubs and functions right now? i'm curious to know what ya'll think about that.
hugs. s.
More Sesame for Jake ... this time Shalom Sesame.
JERUSALEM — Jake Gyllenhaal and Christina Applegate are among the stars slated to appear in a new Sesame Street-style production geared at teaching Jewish-American children about Jewish culture.
“Shalom Sesame,” a 12-part series for preschoolers featuring the globe-trotting Muppet Grover, will explore Jewish identity and traditions and will film on location at several Israeli sites, including the Western Wall.
The series is expected to debut around the Hanukkah holiday in December 2010.
Read more HERE
Think this is really cool. Wonder if this will be Jake's first trip to Israel.
And this is Jake's second project for the pre-school set. Hmmmm.... : )
^^ITA, noone expects him to be a saint. But the constant negativity gets old and tiresome. Noone is above a little criticism, but whoever is doing this cannot even give one tiny bit of credit as well. Certainly there is something good to say once in awhile, instead of constantly harping about someone's shortcomings. We shouldn't care that much someone who has absolutely nothing to do with our own lives, other than he wants to entertain us in films. For such a nice goal, it's sad that there's so much negativity. I also agree with you that there are those who just get their kicks out of trying to upset people, it's hard to ignore, sometimes it's tempting to give them a taste of their own medicine.
IDK if Jake were dating an unknown person. He's a star in his own right, so I imagine he'd be at these functions just the same.
Oh I think that is so beautiful, just lovely Special. Can't wait to see it. :)
you know, those paps are always yelling folks names and stuff...
True, but publicity whores like Jake and Reese, hypocrites who shamelessly use paparazzi for publicity, don't deserve much respect.
Reese Witherspoon on the paparazzi: “Fascination is gonna die off. I honestly know it. But it’s just like I keep waiting and waiting, and then its just more tabloid magazines, and it keeps going.”
And this is Jake's second project for the pre-school set.
We'll have to see if he wears a tee shirt with a name on it.
the constant negativity gets old and tiresome
IMO you're the one who has focused on people making negative comments because there are plenty of positive comments made here also. We can and do see both sides of Jake, the admirable and the asshole, and we do not hold back our opinions either way. When Jake does good things that we admire, we applaud him and compliment him. The only problem is, with Reeke those instances are far and few between. If I wanted to bow, worship and forfeit my criticisms as the supreme sacrifice at the Golden Shrine of Jake Who Hath No Wrong, I would be... elsewhere.
the Western Wall
No, Atticus. I'm not taking you with me so you can pee on it.
2 miles @ 10:30... I'm not sure what your definition of beachside is, but looking at the Ritz Carlton Lagana website, if that hotel were closer to the beach it would have to be a blinking barge.
looks very, very nice btw, if a bit pricy. Lucky Austin eh, maybe now he's making some money from OTH he could treat Jake to a mini-break.
((and we do not hold back our opinions either way. When Jake does good things that we admire, we applaud him and compliment him. The only problem is, with Reeke those instances are far and few between.))
"We"? Are you Speaking French?
Please speak for Yourself.
will film on location at several Israeli sites
When the production is filmed, Reeke will make sure to be over there in the area on a honeymoon so it's a convenient and PR-generating one-stop trip. And of course by then the Chin would have converted to Judaism, so not only will she worm her way into the production but it will be all about her. I expect the final product to be called "Reese Witherspoon Takes Sesame Street to Israel" complete with kosher Happy Meals, toys and promotions.
One thing is certain - babblers do have a problem with people who dare to make negative comments about Jake and Reeke.
Babblers keep forgetting that they don't rule here, LOL.
Aww, I got a ((hug)) from Pierre. Thank you! So happy you agree with me!
I am sad that something positive like Jake doing Shalom Sesame is already being grabbed and spun into something that can used for negative criticism. And yet hasn't even happened yet.
I think that is what bothers me a lot, that it can't stand on it on as it is. Or stuff that hasn't even happened yet.
Yes there are somethings that happen that are connected to Reese. But not everything he does or will do, is. It is if everything is gleaned for the tiniest bit of minutia to bring out the negativity. Yet the positives things are left laying fallow in the field choked out and never getting a chance to take root.
Yes there are things to be viewed with a critical eye and should be. But to do this with everything is weary.
I don't know. After all this time, I watch and realize that to get positive comments most times is a struggle while negative have no problem.
I keep saying it's all about balance, and there is a need for balance. I can be critical when I feel I need to be but I also keep the perspective that there is a lot of good things about Jake and Austin too.
Well actually, if Jake really is with Reese, that's the scenario I hope to see. It would be very beautiful. :)
((and we do not hold back our opinions either way. When Jake does good things that we admire, we applaud him and compliment him. The only problem is, with Reeke those instances are far and few between.))
wee-wee!!! ITA. that's why i like it here, even when things get a bit ick... because in the end, i can say what i truly feel... good, bad or retarded, and someone i respect will agree, someone will probably call me on it and someone may sometimes give me a reason to change my thinking. but NO ONE of the regulars gets weird and hostile. that's not the case in the rest of my jake-fan life. some of those folks really freak when you say anything negative, and that gets old.
hugs. s.
Special, you are the best. We can always count on you for balance and perspective. Thanks! :)
Meg believe it or not the Ritz Carlton is considered far from the beach for a beach hotel since it takes a car or a long walk to get to the ocean. If you see pics of the Montage you can see the difference. Not too many people know Montage but they do about RC which is why the Datalounge entry with the vague "on a nameless beach 2 miles north of RC" sounds suspicious IMO.
Well actually, if Jake really is with Reese, that's the scenario I hope to see. It would be very beautiful.
Who is the laughing hyena lately, everything LOL, you must be a very happy person.
Yes, if Reese converted and they got married it would be very nice I think. If they really are a couple, that is. :)
^^^ Please try to read posts before you agree with them and go into babbler mode.
I feel very bad about Ted Kennedy, not many like him left.
I enjoyed PG and Sienna's discussion. I do not see why others can not just join in without criticising the posters themselves. Disagree with the ideas, not what posters chose to talk about. And I do not think it is necesarrily a babbler who is doing this.
I feel very bad about Ted Kennedy, not many like him left.
I enjoyed PG and Sienna's discussion. I do not see why others can not just join in without criticising the posters themselves. Disagree with the ideas, not what posters chose to talk about. And I do not think it is necesarrily a babbler who is doing this.
I am sad that something positive like Jake doing Shalom Sesame is already being grabbed and spun into something that can used for negative criticism.
Oh sorry. I forgot there's a fawning period before parody or sarcasm is ok to do. Since Reeke is first and foremost Jake's life the last 3 years I automatically *go there* when anything Jake-related comes up and I consider the possibilities of how Reeke will infect it.
So, congrats to Jake on choosing or getting chosen to do the Shalom Sesame project. Blending his heritage, religion (?) and children's entertainment for a good cause is wonderful. I wonder what the production will be. 10 second blips or 10 minute skits? If Grover will be the only Muppet? Where in Israel and when it will be done? Anyone here been to Israel? Anyone have any ideas on it?
if Reese converted and they got married
I agree. They spend so much time together as it is, doing pap photoshoots, shopping, traveling, going to concerts, hanging out on each others' movie sets, that if they really get along it would be very nice if they went ahead and tied the marital knot. And since Jake is gentleman-like I am 100% positive that he's waiting until Reese converts first before having sex. I don't know much about how long it takes to convert. Are the operations painful and do you have to take the male hormones the rest of your life?
Well may Jake will hang out with the giant hedgehod Kippi ben Kippod, or Mosihe Uffrick, who is Oscar's cousin as well Grover.
Who knows Jake might do the alphabet with Grover ....Aleph, Beth, Gimel, Daleth,
And about the Shiksa - come on you know Jake's is totally doing a Yentl.
Papa can hear me ... LOL
"Jake is gentleman-like"
I sure do!
The series is expected to debut around the Hanukkah holiday
Maybe Jake and Grover will be giving each other gifts every night for a week?!
I'm so excited about working with Jakey...oh my!! I can hardly wait!
Cute, Spesh. :)
Ah, the beach story - I love this. Thanks for the reminder, Spesh :)
m said...
I have not read the Philly write up myself, but I understand it was 1 car with 2 guys inside, hardly the equivalent of the mob following Princess Di. Driving in other than a normal manner hardly seems called for.
Ok I am confused. I need to get my hands on this article. M do you know or does anyone know what day this article was printed. Who was in the van with Jake?
I f reese and the kids were in the car after the concert then Jake should take some heat as did Britney when she was driving recklessly with kids in the car. Or was Jake in the car with a male companion that he could not be seen with and risked driving recklessly. Sure did seem like Jake hightailed out of Philly pretty quickly and Austin was in NYC around that time. Just a short trip up the NJ Turnpike.
The Phila Inquirer is certainly no rag mag. If they printed the story it was true. I would love to read the article.
RIP Senator Ted Kennedy. I hope that his passing can inspire politicans to make the necessary changes that are needed in our health insurance system.
tom... the philly article is linked in the 5th comment on yesterdays post. the link is the word SOURCE in blue. :)
London, the pictures of Austin walking down the beach and Jake with the rocks on the coast made me think of it.
Lost in the wave of news of Sen. Kennedy's passing, another has passed. Dominick Dunne has passed away, at age 83.
After all this time, I watch and realize that to get positive comments most times is a struggle while negative have no problem.
IMO, the "spin" depends on perspective and agenda. Kismet and karma, fortunately, do not consult the comment section of this blog.
So sorry to hear about Dominic Dunne. Devastated about Sen. Kennedy; there will never be another like him, so dedicated to those less fortunate. There's an emptiness without him. :'(
I love that Jake is taking part in Shalom Sesame, very beautiful. :)
Guess Jake has some time on his hands. Earth quakes and now Rattler. Yeah.
· Sophia Bush and beau Austin Nichols checking out the clothes at Blue + Cream in East Hampton, NY.
US Weekly
OMG!!! Rattler really is Jake! No pics and the last tweet was on Monday night from L.A. where he was spotted cycling up a hill in the Runyan Canyon, I knew it, I was right!!!!!!
Lost in all the chat today is Ted's interns confirming no "real" dates for Sophia and Austin, not that we ever doubted that. Their comment made me wonder though if the interns know the identity of the BVs. I can't imagine that they do as keeping that secret with many in the know would be really hard to do.
Some readers are just too defensive. Stating an opinion is labeled criticizing Jake when it's just stating an opinion. For instance, looking at today's pictures I would say that Jake has put on a few pounds and that Austin has slimmed down a bit. That does not mean they both don't look good these days. Just my opinion of one versus the other. What makes me suspicious is that some instantly start complaining about perceived negative comments like they feel it is their job to defend Jake. Censorship keeps the Babble site dead and has about killed DC forum. I guess that's what the the defenders are hoping for here.
I'm happy to see Austins picture in AT today. He is getting a lot more publicity since OTH. I hope this proves to be a good year for him.
to get positive comments most times is a struggle
Amazing. The trolls are struggling so much they're speechless.
This is going maybe sound a little out there, but does anyone else get the hot dad on the beach vibe from the pictures of Jake. There is just something there. And no its not because there were a "date's" kids somewhere out of frame.
Like you're at the beach or vacation and you notice this guy he's hot but at the same time you know the guys got kids and you look around to see which are his?
Maybe its just me, but it came to my mind when I saw the pictures.
m... i think jake looks perfect in the most recent beach pics. i'm still thinking of him with all those weird muscles, so he actually looks more lean to me, but the operative word here is "lean". he looks very sleek and sexy, but he also looks HAPPY. like, really happy. we don't see many genuinely happy jake pics anymore. he's either looking funky and in a bad mood, or being pissed at the paps, or sometimes even when he's smiling he just looks weird because i guess i don't believe the picture. like those on reese's set in dc. they looked so fake that it didn't matter what his expression was. these beach pics look real and honest.
and yes, spesh, he looks kinda dad-like in these pics. i think it's the longer hair and those (imo) square, dorky sunglasses. if he was wearing aviators or something more sexy, and if his hair was shorter, i think he wouldn't look so dad-like.
i'm embarrassed to have this much of an opinion. i'm going to go try to think about something relative for a few minutes. :)
hugs. s.
I keep wondering what he's doing with his hands in the 2nd to the last pic?!
Are those calves the same ones around Austin's neck... or are those calves the same ones around Austin's neck.
Hey I'm not saying Hot Daddy is not a bad thing. Oh no definitely not. ; )
The both are looking good, damn good. I agree M, Jake has gotten a little thicker, but still definitely in shape. And I think of how slender Austin was for Glory Days and how he's has bulked a bit now.
Seaweed I thought the same thing!!!
And No Question, honey we've been saying it a long time about those gams. ; )
Nice to see Jake doing the Israeli Sesame Street project.
It's nice to see Austin getting some attention, too bad more of it isn't about him and his work rather than as Sophia's arm candy.
One thing I've seen discussed at wft that I wonder about is whether Ted and his interns are hinting that Austin is involved with Robert. One thing that really gave me pause is the bit about us seeing Sophia with both of them come fall. First thing I thought was that brief period when we were supposed to think Sophia was seeing both J and A when it was J and A that were together.
Thought did cross my mind, Destiny but since the letter was address with Brokeback, I take that as a nod to Austin and Jake being together. As well as a letter with a Jake mention in the same set of letters.
I wonder if Ted and crew is saying that that both are gay, it doesn't matter who Sophia's with neither are straight.
LOL said...
to get positive comments most times is a struggle
Amazing. The trolls are struggling so much they're speechless.
^^^ LOL, I gather you will not be contributing to the most recent 8 post after yours, huh. Being that the post are not bashing the guy.
That seems to make you feel all warm and gooey inside.
I'm not anxious to see Austin with Robert, but if it turns out that he is, at least Austin got himself quite a hunk. I know nothing about Robert, but he looks great. Very masculine too.
Speaking of hunks, the ratings for True Blood continue to rise and I attribute it all to Alexander Skaarsgard and those steamy dream sequences with Sookie. I am still salivating over him.
All this sand and Jake such the woodworker
Sand 'em smooth
Just a little sandy
Thank god I wasn't a dishwater blond!
Just saw a commercial for The Informers DVD and guess who they included in the highlight actor credits? That's right. Mr. Nichols and Amber Head were the only two besides the big ones, Billy Bob, Kim, Winona, Mickey, plus Chris Isaak, included.
tbh it's hard to get excited over the Sesame Street thing because the release date is December 2010, practically a year and a half away. What were they thinking?! IMO if it was a finished project and going to be on this December in 2009 then okay, announce it around late August when it's fall and back to school time with the holidays around the corner. Not when it's almost 18 months out and not even done.
"dishwater blond"
You know that really is an awful description for someone's hair, lol
I also thought that Ted is hinting that Austin is involved with Robert. There are too many Ted’s letters lately that link Robert to Austin and also mentions him around Toothy. What do you think?
Dear Ted:
One Tree Hill is my guilty pleasure, and with such beautiful people like Sophia Bush, James Lafferty, Austin Nichols and Robert Buckley working together, I was wondering: Is there any hot romance going on?
Dear One Tree Horny:
You're kidding, right? Babe, you've got no idea.
Dear Ted:
In the middle of this Twilight mania, how does Toothy Tile cope with being dumped and replaced by a hotter man like Rob? Does he just deal with it with more photo ops with the beard to stay relevant?
Dear Prince Tile:
Oh, I'm sure Toothy has a secret copy of Twilight stashed in his pad. And that's to gawk at R.Pattz, not K.Stew.
Dear Awful Truth:
It's been a while since you gave us an update on Gray Goose. What is the chance of having a new blind item about him? He is intriguing.
Dear Mystery Man:
He's wised up since last we checked in on him.
Dear Ted:
I was watching the hotness and sweetness that is Robert Buckley on my Lipstick Jungle DVD, and I kept thinking why on earth Ted never talks about him? And I had a revelation: Maybe Ted has been talking about him for years! Is he Toothy Tile?
Dear Cross Off Buckley:
The boob tube's too small for Toothy's grin and ego. Think bigger name, bigger screen.
Dear Awful Truth:
Sophia Bush and One Tree Hill are my secret obsessions, and lately there have been rumors flying around that Sophia and Austin Nichols are back on, but um...isn't Austin gay? Can you tell me if their relationship is more than just platonic? As a fan of both Lipstick Jungle and Privileged, I'd rather see her and Robert Buckley dating. Do you think that could happen in the future?
Dear One Tree Homo:
First, let me say that our really sharp readers will get a kick out of this one. And second, the Austin-Sophia stuff is only temporary, because if there is such a thing as divine intervention, it would in fact pull Sophia and abtastic Robert together.
Dear Awful Truth:
I noticed you are getting more explicit lately in your replies, so I am going for it. Could you tell us who is really dating who in the beautiful One Tree Hill threesome that is Austin Nichols/Sophia Bush/Robert Buckley? And of course I don't expect a straight answer (no pun intended!).
Dear Pun Intended:
Uh, none of them are "really" dating. But when the One Tree Hill premiere rolls around this fall, we bet you'll see Sophia conveniently snapped out with both of them.
Dear Awful Truth:
I've been reading all this talk about Sophia Bush dating Austin Nichols and some people wishing that she starts dating Robert Buckley. Am I the only one who wants Robert and Austin together? Wouldn't they be the hottest couple ever? Is there any probability that my dream comes true?
Dear Brokeback Hill:
I would way rather have them together than Sophia and Austin. Gross.
Ben Affleck and Jake: Ben was in Good Will Hunting with Minnie Driver. Minnie's main man now is Henry Story.
Jake loves J.D. Salinger, even named his production company after his collection of short stories, called Nine Stories. Jake also loves Salinger's novel Catcher in the Rye, which has this line from Holden about a character in Farewell to Arms: It had this guy in it named Lieutenant Henry that was supposed to be a nice guy. Interesting that the line about Henry is spoken by a fictional character (Holden) on a commentary about another fictional character (D.B.) about a fictional character (Henry) in a real book, that is fiction. And it's about hating the war and hating being in the army but still liking a character who is a phony. The line is confusing, clever by mixing real and fiction and extremely multi-layered. Could it be possible that Jake knows Henry Story?
They've known each other for a while. IHJ Jake & Minnie Driver February 2004
My DVD copy of "The Informers" was
waiting in the mailbox for me when
I got home yesterday. I think that
Austin did a really great job as
Martin and really all of them did.
It is such a shame that Brad died
so young. The movie music and the
scenery was breathtaking and great!
What did Ted mean about the Grey
Goose wising up-that he and Toothy
are seeing other people now and
about to break up for good? That is
a little confusing to me! It would
be something if Austin did start
dating Robert! Time will tell!
My question about the Ted stuff is this.
How would it be wising up to leave a long term relationship for another actor who is in the closet too and you bearding up, just like the person you left? And that is not even throwing kids into the equation.
Maybe I'm wrong still don't think Ted is saying that they've broken up and Austin is with Rob. I do think that Ted is saying that Austin is not the only gay guy on the cast. But that just my opinion.
The baby looks like Austin.
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