Jake must have lots of reminders of Austin while in Philly
All those birds around town
And the Duck Girl in the pool at the center of Rittenhouse Square, that they keep using as base camp. Do you that made him think of a goose guy?
Now let's be honest it doubtful that Love Sign in Love Park at John F. Kennedy Plaza made him think of tiny dancers.
But I really think it was the Liberty Bell that was the most inspiring. Big bell, big clapper, big cr... (you might want to check out today's song)
Birds : Philly Public Art
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Sign him up.
Posted by
Special K
12:31 PM
Labels: City of Brotherly Love, Jake, Philadelphia, Signs
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Jake will have to get something from Temple since they are The Owls. It would go with the stuff he got from University of SC. Keeping his aviary theme.
I know that place. Yep the Bell is really cracked.
:) One of my faves too.
Spesh you forgot the most important bird.
I was leaving that for you and Wicked.
And isn't that Go I G L E S?
Love needs freedom to grow. The closet is the antithesis of freedom.
And speaking of love, one of the things I really enjoyed at the GMA show was seeing moms, a few dads and at least one set of grandparents who were there with their daughters for the show.
I spent time talking to people while waiting in line, and inside, and some of these were people who had gotten up at 3 in the morning, taken the day off from work and driven into the city before the sun was up so their daughters could do this. I was talking to one dad and his daughter and her friend, and I guess they sometimes visit family in N.J., but they were all the way from Pittsburgh, and they had come out a day early, and he had taken a day off work, just so his daughter could do this. Now I think that is a little beyond the call of duty, but I thought it was so wonderful that he did that.
And wonderful to see all those fangirls there for their gay idol, and people like the grsandparents who told me they liked him too, and that he reminded them of Elvis.
That would be I G G L E S Spesh!
oops, that sneaky silent second g,
Tweet Tweet says Jake and reese are in MV. Maybe they are getting married. F tweet I hate it.
Another twitter - Jake was spotted in Martha's Vineyard yesterday.
Chilmark Road Race was today.
Last week was the most hectic and
tiring week I have had for awhile!
I had to go to the doctor yesterday
and had to wait 3 hours on the
doctor-he was late!! I waited and
he renewed all my prescriptions
but 2! For them, he said just have
the pharmacy call them when the time came. I do not have to go back
for a YEAR-YAY!! Anyway, I picked
up an In Style magazine from Jan.
2009 and Jake and Reese were in
there shopping wearing sunglasses
and carrying bags!! This is getting
to be a regular thing. I really
think he sees them BOTH!! JMO but
I hope he is happy with himself.
I like the airport photos of Austin
the best! What a gorgeous Texan!
If they lose contact completely,
Jake is a FOOL! I will also be interested to see if the necklaces
are the same ones as before. I
just preorderd The Informers from
Amazon and cannot wait to get it.
I just wanted to say try to have a
good week ahead and try to stay under the Air Conditioner. Here it
is supposed to be in the 90s the
next few days!!
One friggin tweet about them together and you jump.
Tweet Tweet says Jake and reese are in MV. Maybe they are getting married. F tweet I hate it.
Don't kill me I'm just the messenger. Put your hate on Jake, Reese, Hollywood, Reeke, PR.
Reese is friends and I think business partners in a childrens clothing store with Jenny Belushi,wife of Jim Belushi who have a place on MV. That's were she stayed the last time she went to MV. Despite what she wants people to think otherwise.
Jake, would probably bunk in with friends, since the family house is up for sale. Why wouldn't he want to spend time with his friends.
One thing about the Vineyard. There are no paps. Unless you call for them like Evelyn did when Reese showed up at the fair and then after all those summers, there happens to be a picture of Jake on the Vineyard, to make sure people knew with was there when she was there. Oh Evelyn, anvils aren't pretty, they're just annoying.
Gossips may talk about MV during the summer (and they do) but photos don't come out of MV. Now when the Obamas get there for vacation that's a different matter all togehter there will be press but it will be for them.
Still 2 tweets does not a fact make.
Toothy Tile moniker: In his high school theater productions one of Jake's first roles was playing a dentist.
So much more fun to think of the ways that Texan could ring Jake's bell.
Clang Clang went the trolley....
All the guys in my high school drama club are gay. I find this very sad because I want them all.
In 2006, July the pap sure found Jake. Remember the pics of him on the beach with his Mom??? A citizen of the Vinyard could have taken them but they don't do stuff like that. The pics looked professional but do we really know where they came from?
We don't need 2 tweets to know both Jake and Reese are in MV.
^^^ How would you know?
How would you know that Reeke are reeking in MV without tweets?
People sell pics to agencies, regular people. If someone is a hot commodity in the gossip world and someone else happens upon them whilst holding a camera or a really good cell phone, and they're looking to make a few bob, they send them off to whomever. That Philly pap, poor sod that he is, sells his pics to WENN. He's not employed by them, he's not even a fulltime pap, he just sells to them.
And since Martha's Vineyard has been "the place to be" over the last several years, it's not surprising Jake's gotten papped there. Off the top of my head I remember a few years ago Beyonce and JayZ were summering there and had pap pics taken of them, too.
It's not always as nefarious as you want to make it.
The number of celebrities who summer on the island vs. the small number of pictures seen them doing so, should tell that MV, is not about getting PR, it is about getting away from it.
Picture in 2006 was Sept, after the season was over. Doubtful that it was a pro who shot it.
Every time a bell rings..
In the internet news right now: a football (non-American football) player from Spain just keeled over from a heart attack. He was only 26. He was captain of the team and gorgeous and in shape and young. Only 26. RIP.
Who knows what will happen to any of us peons today or tomorrow but at least we're not wasting our best years or spending our lives being phonies for a PR image and bearding.
It's sad that the G family is selling their home on the Vineyard. I wish Jake and Maggie and their families could keep it. :(
mbelliss: Ran the 5K Chilmark Road Race today with the family in under 29min, a new personal best. Paparazzi alert: Jake Gyllenhaal was a runner also!
Jake Gyllenhaal
Place: 53
Age: 28
Sex: Male
City: NY
Time: 20:43.4
Pace: 6:41
Age place: 26
Age Total: 115
I don't see Jake in the pic but he could be the guy on the far left looking down or the guy left and in the back of girl in red shirt behind green shirt #1361.
No listings for Chris Fischer/Fisher or the Chin. There is a listing for a Chris O'Donnell from Oregon, I wonder if it's the (former) actor.
I can't believe it! Old Grey Bearded Man is there! Hooray for him!
Chilmark Road Race 2009 Results
I think I found Jake. Look at the picture in the left hand corner. Behind #150 there is a guy, dark hair head down with sunglasses and stubble. That's Jakey trying to be incognito in case the evil paps try to take his picture. Bet the first pic "leaked" out from someone's phone will show the Chin standing on the sideline next to him. You know cause she's so supportive.
It was absolutely gorgeous day here in NE, high 70's low 80's F with no humidity.
They did have to cut off the number of runners this year at 1500. Last year it was over 1700 and it was too big they felt. Wonder if Jake used Chris' number.
Do find it interesting that Jake used NY and just NY the state as his address. He has used Beverly Hills, CA before.
And Rip (Van Winkle) runs again!!
Chilmark: he could be the guy on the far left looking down
Chilmark mentioned it first, "I Spy".
OK the 2007 end race pic was awful LOL but where can the 2009 ones be found online?
My apologies to Chilmark. I looked at the pic and didn't read the whole post. At least great eyes see alike.
Do find it interesting that Jake used NY and just NY the state as his address. He has used Beverly Hills, CA before.
Yes that is very interesting. Even if the officials screwed up and left out NY as the city or state, or if Jake meant NY as the city or state, it's still oddly obvious (but nice and comforting) that he did not use Brentwood or Ojai, CA.
Maybe he left out the city on purpose.
Why would he leave the the city out and use his real name? If he wants to be "incognito", using "Jake Gyllenhaal", albeit a common name in New England, that not the definition of "incognito".
Fake Gyllenhaal
Place: 53
Age: 28
Sex: Male
City: NY
Time: 20:43.4
Pace: 6:41
Age place: 26
Age Total: 115
Chilmark Road Race 2009 Results
Reese was in the race but her results will be posted when she finishes, sometime next week.
Who knows what will happen to any of us peons today or tomorrow but at least we're not wasting our best years or spending our lives being phonies for a PR image and bearding.
Oh yeah right, obsessing over Reeke PR strategies is so much of a better way to waste time... oh but of course you are not wasting your best years ... long gone!
gone, so why are you obsessing over trying to make him straight? I decide what hobbies interest me. You can obsess over his being straight. I'll continue to obsess over his being gay.
I do wonder what Chris is up to these days. He was posting on his blog for a while and then nothing. Maybe he is back in Europe taking cooking classes.
Naomi Foner and Deacon Philippe were also among the runners and Both were also using "NY" as their address.
Jake's NY = New York
Naomi's NY = Nagging Yenta
Deacon's NY = Not Yours
Since Deacon was there then chances are Jake is the guy on the far left looking down, Reese is in the turquoise tshirt farthest to the left, the smaller partial legs next to her in back are Deacon's and god only knows where Mama was. One has to wonder if walking a 5K route was Deacon's idea or the Chin's attempt at more Reeke PR. Wait I take it back, no wondering needed.
Ava Philippe #1427 is listed also. Reese isn't. Did she get to go along for free because she's the parent? Figures. Cheapskate.
There is always something the Chilmark road race. The course times and the picture of Jake at the starting line was the first scoop and the very first post of OMG two years ago.
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