Can you believe it? Today is our birthday! Yeah it does sneaks up on you but we turn 2 today!
Seriously who would have thought that 2 years ago we had this a crazy idea of blog and who knew if it would work. And crazier still people are still coming and reading us.
It's been 727 posts so far, and we're still going and going and going.

Can't let this birthday go by without saying thanks to all of you, OMG, our readers and our friends.
And I can't forget to thank Wicked for going on this wild ride.

To the wayback machine.
And our very first post

"Jake seriously, I don't think that's what
they had in mind when they said beard."
they had in mind when they said beard."
Bitch-Back! When Did Jake Gyllenhaal Start to Suck?
Dear Ted:
I used to love Jake Gyllenhaal. He always came across as sexy, self-confident, charming and funny. Since beginning his coffeemance with the ultraphony Reese he has lost all those qualities. He has now become Mr. Witherspoon following on a leash and picking bad movies (can you see the campfest that is Prince of Persia). Is there hope he'll come to his senses and be his own man again?
Dear Pansyspoon:
Jake traded a lot in when he decided to get all domestically boring. But at the same time, shacking up with an Oscar winner makes people in the Business take him way more seriously. This is a pretty weird town, huh?
Awful Truth Bitch Back!
Dear Ted:
One Tree Hill is my guilty pleasure, and with such beautiful people like Sophia Bush, James Lafferty, Austin Nichols and Robert Buckley working together, I was wondering: Is there any hot romance going on?
Dear One Tree Horny:
You're kidding, right? Babe, you've got no idea.
Dear Pansyspoon
Personally I can't tell if the people in the background have shifted or not.
You guys need better computer screens, you need to get your eyes checked and you need to lose the mob mentality of agreeing with each other with the Ava photoshop conspiracy theory.
Happy Birthday OMG!
10:41 AM
Just Jared picture is photoshopped, go back to babblers.
Dear Ted:
One Tree Hill is my guilty pleasure, and with such beautiful people like Sophia Bush, James Lafferty, Austin Nichols and Robert Buckley working together, I was wondering: Is there any hot romance going on?
Dear One Tree Horny:
You're kidding, right? Babe, you've got no idea.
This two sentences in Ted's answer to Pansyspoon are separate sentences for a reason.
Jake traded a lot in when he decided to get all domestically boring.
But at the same time, shacking up with an Oscar winner makes people in the Business take him way more seriously.
Remember Ted saying more than a few times about Toothy being domesticated and being boring. It sounds like Ted is saying. Jake did traded a lot so he could have the family life with Austin.
And the second sentence makes it sound like he what he did make the big shots less afraid taking a risk on him.
Notice Jake's wearing the same thing in both races. Just wearing this year's race shirt. But he working those long Nike shorts both year. Love the shoe story from Doug Linman. Wait will he work in Jake's rocket shoe into the Moon movie?
NY Daily News says that Jake was playing some pick up ball at the Chilmark Community Center. (oh, yes he was cheered on) Damn, that's a lot to do in the little over 24 hours of touchdown for the tiny dancer. Are tiny dancers ever allowed inside anywhere in the Vineyard or is that some crazy old Massachusetts law? I know they did get a little crazy about some, remember the Crucible, but I didn't think dancers were in that group.
Happy b'day, guys. I really am impressed that you have been able to keep up a daily stream of good to great posts.
I do have to say that having been an early doubter, I'm beginning to change my mind about whose legs those might be wrapped around Austin -- among other things, that's one big foot.
OK.... if Reeke is shacking up then why did it sound an awful lot like Atticus barking in Stephen G's vid? And SG having Sophie, Jake's cat in the other vid? So whenever Reeke is away, all the animals get shipped off to SG's "apartment" in WeHo? Or does SG move into Reeke's Brentwood abode to house-sit and pet-sit and it's okie-dokey with the Chin to have him do his vids there showing the insides of the house and play them all over the internet?!
Ted was talking about Reeke, not Toothy - he just repeated Us Reekly shacking up fiction because he can't out Jake.
Happy Birthday OMG. Thanks Special for all of your posts, Wicked for the music, and all the other posters for making this place what it is.
I don't think Ted is talking about Austin in his latest. And Ted is saying what I have always said, that Jake is doing this so Jake can get projects like PoP. There is nothing in there about doing it for Austin.
Don't know what to make of the shacking up--is Ted being literal?
And how nice of Jake to make sure Liman saw him out and about with his beard.
Happy 2nd Birthday to OMG! It has been a wonderful ride. :)
And how nice of Jake to make sure Liman saw him out and about with his beard.
The beard wasn't at the race - she made sure to get "Jake and the kids" PR story.
It sounds like Ted is saying Jake did traded a lot so he could have the family life with Austin.
Sigh. <3 <3 <3 :)
Have to disagree Dest.
November 6, 2006
First off, our fave, and top tumescent dawg, Toothy Tile: T2 was just caught at a fancy-ass New Yawk restaurant playing footsie with the b-f underneath the table. Right in front of Tooth's 'rents! And the busboys! Not to mention a few (thank gawd) Awful Truth readers, too fun. Tooth-doll, makes sense, as I hear you're getting thisclose to superdomesticating things with your most benevolently forgiving man. What, getting tired of the doin'-it-in-the-parking-lot scene, T-man? Regardless, congrats!
Dec 7, 2006
Oh, that Jiggly Wiggle-Poof sure is a talented girlfriend! Sure enough, just as I winked a few weeks ago, our parking-lot Lothario, Toothy Tile, is becoming sickeningly domesticated with his sweet, if not chastising, b-f, so we can't look to Mr. T. for our naughty-time tuchus terrorizing—at least, not right now. But one can hope, right?
January 11, 2007
Congrats are in order! Guess what? I hear our fave hubba-hubba, humpy homo in T-town, Toothy Tile, is seriously considering making things super-domesticated with his equally homosational b-f. And no, I don't mean the gorgeous closeted (albeit permanently, it seems) actor is getting a new puppy or Cuisinart.
Hear ol' T2 is thinking about helping his man-friend adopt something, uh, more...complex. As in a human (aren't we all?). Meaning, a baby! Too sweet!
Hmnm and then according to the story of Tiny Dancer Dating, that began shortly after in March/April 2007.
I agree US Reekly about Ted and the shacking up angle.
Would you think Ted is saying "Reeke is dating" if he said:
Jake traded a lot in when he decided to get all domestically boring. But at the same time, dating an Oscar winner makes people in the Business take him way more seriously. This is a pretty weird town, huh?
Of course you wouldn't.
Happy Birthday OMG. Thanks for all the hard work.
Just a pop in. Having one of the worst days in a long while at work. Too much to do and not enough hours to get it done.
Happy Birthday to OMG!!Thanks to Special & Wicked for puttin' up with all of us. I know it gets trying at times, but it's also alot of fun other times.
Special, this is a great looking post. Just a great visual reminder of what started it all. Wow, those days seem so long ago, even the biking pictures. We'll never see anything like that again. heavy sigh. Let me add another heavy to that. heavy, heavy sigh.
My day got started off all wrong, too. People who don't know how to park and leave 1/2 spaces so that no car can fit in there. Where do people learn to park anyway?! It drives me nuts. These visitors. I'll be glad when they're on the plane headed back out of here. They're taking up the conference room so I can't take my laptop in there. LOL, it's all about me, don't you see? And then they don't know how to park back here!! Oh well, one of them is kind of cute. That helps.
And then one of my co workers was talking to me, saying how she saw one of our former co workers working at a local service station and I said I knew she was working there. And then other people heard and I was upset that the Big Boss kind of laughed, like it was funny she was working at a gas station. I said it was an honest job and I was just seething over here. That's not something to laugh at. At least she's working. She could be on disability and collecting a check. But she's not. And no matter what job she does, she does her best at it and she does it with a smile. She's the nicest, friendliest person you'll ever meet. That made me so mad that people looked down on that like it was low grade or should be laughed at.
A job is a job is a job. It makes me mad all over again just to think about it. I hate the idea of people laughing about her or thinking it's something to be ashamed or embarrassed about. What is so bad about it.
RRRRRRRR, I need to get over my mad. It's making my comment all angry. But I had to vent somewhere!
Hey, one great thing about out of town visitors! We get free eats!!
We had great fruit & bagels, etc from Panera for breakfast, and now Johnny's Bar B Q for lunch. Oh man, they have the best BBQ!! Hooray for out of town visitors!!
Hey, my media player is messed up at work and so I have to listen to internet radio via the internet. Boomer Radio is a great one. I'm listening to one today called "Soft Oldies", an Old Person's Station, lol. But they've played some great Anne Murray, Cowsills, Ronnie Dyson, Neil Diamond, just some great stuff.
OOOOH! I just overheard Mr. Goodcents for lunch tomorrow!! Hooray for out of town visitors! LOL.
I don't have anything Jake/Austin related to say right now. They're both in my doghouse, lol. I'm just not up on those guys today, I'm afraid, but at least those pictures are lovely to look at. Thanks, Special.
It's best I just don't even talk about them, tho. I'm not feeling real kindly inclined.
Well, gotta get back to work! Gotta go , gotta go!
You could be right about the domestic reference Special, although based on Ted's prior posts, wouldn't he use "super" domesticated to refer to Austin??? Either way, unless I hear it from the horse's mouth, nothing is going to make me think Jake is bearding for Austin's sake. We'll just have to agree to disagree on this one. :-D
PG, you're absolutely right about your former co-worker's current job. Unless someone is doing something illegal, shows poor values, etc (e.g., selling bad investments to little old ladies), I don't think people should be judged inferior because of the kind of work they do.
It's funny you should raise that PG, because I was sitting here eating lunch and thinking once again how Jake's using Reese to get ahead in HW is, in my opinion, such a slap in the face to Austin. How anyone can stay in a relationship like that, where you're being told you're not good enough because you're gay and just a lower list actor who can't get me anywhere in HW, is just beyond me. Even if he was straight and had girls on the side instead of Austin, this is just something that totally makes me lose respect for Jake.
What is up with Ted's OTH reference? I'm getting awfully tired of these stupid little answers, in which Ted just seems to be a tease and doesn't tell us anything. I guess it must involve goings on of the homo kind, but among the cast? Or just a general reference to their preferences?
You guys need better computer screens, you need to get your eyes checked and you need to lose the mob mentality of agreeing with each other with the Ava photoshop conspiracy theory.
You conveniently left out the part of my comment where I clearly said the two pictures could have been taken a few seconds apart and not photoshopped. I have stated many times that I am not an expert on photo analysis and usually don't even bother to try.
FYI, from now on, all comments that include insults such as idiots, tools, stupid, etc. will be deleted, whether those insults are in the name on the comment or the body of it.
Now on to happier things- I completely forgot our birthday, so I didn't get us anything. Hmm, what should I get us?
Interesting how JJ makes it seem that the tiny dancer is still on the Vineyard, through careful and selective use of grammar and no links. When there have been tweets from the set since Mon, and from Philly since Sunday. No one knows if Jake is still on the Vineyard or in some warmer waters down south but one things is obvious from all this wordsmith work. The Gylly ain't in Philly.
Just Jared
Wow, two years. Seems like it's been forever really. Let's toast to many more years to come. You guys do a great job, I am in awe of you most days.
Well, the first part of the Toothy comment certainly sticks to the fauxmance. Interesting that the relationship earned Jake some credibility with directors, producers. Actally, I think this may have been true initially. i.e don't mess with Ms Witherspoon or any of her staff. However her star power has fallen off. Way off. So the cache that comes with being under her protection is dissipating as well. Hence Jake's recent lack of self confidence.
I too am confused about the OTH reference, except that Austin is gay of course so would not be in a romance with Sophia. Didn't she date the other guy mentioned for a couple of years and they broke up this year. That leaves only 1 guy left and I don't know anything about him, except that he is cute. Maybe he is gay too. I think in the post Twilight era, Ted sometimes tosses off non Twilight items without much thought.
JJ is not impying that she is in MV or he is for that matter, just linking to the Daily news article that came up in Google. There is no date for that BB/MV sighting all he added was that she was seen, past tense.
You need to relax and learn to read, you get upset over the dumbest things. It doesn't take much does it?
I lke obessing over James Franco myself, much more interesting and smarter than Bubble boy too!
Sophia was supposedly dating James Lafferty for a few months this spring, but I've heard it is supposedly over. Don't know about Robert Or for that matter James).
Check again JJ
There is NO link to it. And sounds like you don't like the idea that he's not there in Philly.
just linking to the Daily news article
There is no link. You need to pay attention AND learn to read.
"Was seen" as in past tense. I just assumed it was a link because that was the source, JJ picked it up from google and didn't bother to link, I need to pay attention as well as you, "Was seen", not today, yesterday or Monday, no date given.
I could care less where Bubble/monkey boy is via twitters as you do. James Franco for me. Bubble boy and his stepdad schtick is beyond boring.
"Was seen", not today, yesterday or Monday, no date given.
That is the point.
Interesting that the relationship earned Jake some credibility with directors, producers.
Not that kind of credibility.
Bearding makes people in the Business take him way more seriously - determined to do what is needed to succeed and please producers.
I could care less where Bubble/monkey boy is via twitters as you do. James Franco for me. Bubble boy and his stepdad schtick is beyond boring.
If you really felt this way, you wouldn't be here. You'd be on a James Franco board. And you wouldn't be commenting about Jake's whereabouts.
When Did Jake Gyllenhaal Start to Suck?
IMO Ted is doing a double-meaning here. Remember how Jake said he had a short gag reflex, and the confidentiality agreement that clearly pointed to a handjob? Well maybe not only does this headline mean that since Reeke/bearding Jake's image is a dud, but also maybe that Ted's heard some things about Jake's sex life.
Many happy return Special and Wicked. Love what you do, even if sometimes it seems that the focus of your log maybe isn't worth the effort.
Keep up the great work, you're really funny, inventive and clever in what you do.
Happy Twoth (Tooth) to OMG :) x
Happy Birthday OMG. Thanks Special and Wicked for all the hard work. Love you.
Happy Birthday!
The first year is the biggest growth, going from being a blanketed baby to a real personality with legs. The second year, full of exploring aka the terrible twos/tooths. Hope that's not a bad omen!
APA acknowledges that therapy won't change being gay
Dear Special and Wicked,
Happy 2nd Birthday to OMG and to all of your friends and Blog Boosters. I'm running so far behind on my reading this summer... I'm still back at July 14th... but, just had to take the time to wish you all the best and say Hi to everyone. (I'm kind of obsessive about cathing up on the blog before commenting)
Not sure what I'd do being a Toothy Believer without all you great folks to share some time with. Thanks again for all your hard work and dedication!
Love Seaweed
To all of you, thank you so much for your well wishes, you are as much a part of OMG as we are.
Great to see you back Seaweed.
A seaweed body wrap sounds good!
OMG! Happy Second Birthday to...well, OMG!
Thanks for the all the pixels, SK and Wicked!
OMG! Happy Second Birthday to...well, OMG!
Thanks for the all the pixels, SK and Wicked!
See, second b'day, two posts.
That's my lame story, and I'm sticking to...
Never mind.
Happy B'Day.
Funny funny ME
Well, one thing I should thank the boys for. When nothing's happening, I get things done! lol.
How can I explain on LJ that sometimes the reason why I don't get my chaps done faster is because I'm blogging on here?!!
LOLLLL! snicker!
Hey, I didn't know this song was called this. I've heard this song lots of times.
HOLY. COW. !!!!
You kow what? Where I've got my comment screen up? It was cut off right below Jake's knees in that next to the last picture, the one of him & Chris.
Jake's got really slender legs in that picture, well, calves anyway. They're almost, well, lol, they're almost rather, they could really pass for a female's lower leg, you know that? Now I don't know if they're shaven here, I can't tell. But I can't get over that. I never would've paid attention except that the way I had my pop up screen positioned, I had his legs cut off just below the knee.
I could let loose with a few choice words of astonishment, but I'm not LJ writing, LOL! So I need to keep it clean.
That's really shocking because I really have always had a hard time believing those could be Jake's legs. If you ever doubted it? Scroll that race picture so that Jake's legs are only visible from just below the knee and you will see what I'm talking about.
And on that note, I will bid everyone goodnight! And sweet dreams!
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