A little Jakey today with all the Austin that is coming tomorrow.
Despite the long pause for Jake on the big screen, and almost two years without any interviews Jake still has staying power. Jake is number 7 on Premiere's The 40 Most Handsome Hollywood Men list. Not too shabby in the company of James Franco, Robert Pattinson, Bradley Cooper, Hugh Jackman, Josh Duhamel, and Ryan Reynolds, who proceeded him and in the company of 10. Orlando Bloom, 12. Brad Pitt, 17. Chris Pine,and Johnny Depp and Leonardo DiCaprio at 23 and 24 respectively.
Now they mentioned the Past,Present and Future hotness of each man by movie, but thought would look at it a little different way.
It is amazing to realize that just 28 Jake has played two iconic roles in modern movie history. And he has years to go in his career. While like most here are enamored of Jake's past, many are not happy with his public present, and a lot had debated about his future.
Two years is a long break from interviewing and with just pictures it tends to people seeing what they want to see. What will be interesting is what we will hear, and see if the interviews for upcoming his movies if he will bring his sparkle and and shine back. Sometimes still become the passive answer to things, its the interviews that bring back the dynamic to the party.
First up of course is Brothers, and it is getting more talk in circles, with more buzz, and just 3 months till it opens. One new development that happened over the weekend that might have given Brothers' better chances come Oscar time, not only the increase in the number of movies for best picture, but Scorsese's Shutter Island has been pushed back until February, taking a big contender out of race for this year's Oscars.
Looking at the trailer and Jim Sheridan's work, you can see that he has drawn out great performance from all three, Toby, Jake and Natalie. The picture seems to be firming up its place on the definite contenders.
Tommy (Jake), the "charismatic younger brother, is a drifter just out of jail who’s always gotten by on wit and charm." With that sentence you can see why Sheridan cast Jake. Because he has that in spades.
Will we see that wit and charm again in his interviews? I have no doubt we will. And think it that is which gives Jake the staying power on list like these despite his pauses.
It not just physical features but couple with that wit and charm that makes men so handsome. It's the look, the wink, the twinkle, the sparkle, the undefinable charm that's there, and that's why there is no doubt that even 10, 20 or even 40 years from now, Jake will still be on Handsome Hollywood lists. Past present and future.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Hand some more ?
Posted by
Special K
12:18 PM
Labels: Brothers, Handsome Hollywood, Jake, Mr. Sparkle, Wit and Charm
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Jake smoke - I never saw that picture before.
Found this pic a while ago, but hadn't have the chance to use. From the color of his hair and that he's wearing his rings, you know that's one of from before BBM. But honey, somethings were the same then and as they are now. Cause you know when there's smoke there's fire. ; )
Wow, I kinda like that one - at first glance, it kinda looks like Javier Bardem. Nice pic.
Hmmm, I don't think that's Jake...
I totally agree with Loose Lips. I think Ted is admitting that he has no idea what is going on with GG and TT because nobody is talking. I always thought Ted's source was probably a friend of Austin's, and/or getting his information from Austin, and I take this as confirmation.
I don't think Ted would use "wise up" as a reference to Austin and Sophia, I think he would use something more sarcastic, or put that term in quotes.
Funny how they used an old picture of Jake, and not a new one, to illustrate his "hotness". And I am always skeptical of lists like this, I think angling by pr has a lot to do with who gets on them.
Hey what's that dark spot?
The moles match. And with a wig a la Moonlight Mile era and ultra scruff, it's Jake.
angling by pr
destiny you're too kind!
Destiny it kind of looks like they used the most recent movie that each had out at the time of press. Look at Pitt it was Buttons,but not Bastards, but Tatum Channing it was GI Joe which had open before.
I do think some of it is PR no doubt, but I also think it is the magazine itself makes there decisions on who's on it and where. They have some that you haven't seen on a lot of lists and the position of others is lower than you see with some mags like People, (Clooney, Craig and Pitt)
I see it's time for another letter. Look's like you've decided to go the bearding route, I guess time will tell how far you take it. To say I'm disappointed that someone who seems bright and who I thought wanted to make it on his own terms is a huge understatement. Besides engaging in lying, shameful, homophobic and soul-deadening behavior, a few other reasons I'm sorry to see this.
1. Just as your career seems to be on the verge of really taking off, I can't believe you'd rather be known as "Sophia Bush's boyfriend, Austin Nichols, her co-star on OTH. This is the third or fourth co-star Sophia has been involved with or rumored to be involved with....." rather than being known for yourself.
2. Based on the directors you've loved, the way you talked about JFC, taking on a role like The Informers, I really thought you wanted to be one of those character actors with a long career ahead of you. Someone like a Joseph Gordon Levitt, Ian McShane, Phillip Seymour Hoffman, Emile Hirsch. Actors who can disappear into their roles, and not get type-cast, not only because they are good actors, but because they don't play the tabloid game and become so associated with gossip, the person they are supposedly dating, etc., that they can no longer be used in quirky roles because no one can buy them in those roles anymore.
3. I had high hopes that you would use OTH to get noticed and do better projects. I didn't think you wanted a career of soap operas, rom coms, and bad horror films. See Heidi and Spencer, Hayden P. and whatever guy she's with that I can never remember his name, fellow OTH cast members who haven't been able to break into anything else, Rachel Bison.........
4. I thought you had balls, unlike Jake.
5. Sophia! I can't believe you're doing this. I don't know if you'll ever see this, but if you do. this is doubly shameful coming from you, a woman who wants, and has campaigned for gay rights, because she wants equal rights for her godfathers. As long as you and others are willing to participate in such a homophobic charade/ behavior that tells the world that gays are second class citizens, gay men and lesbians will never have full equality. Nothing will change unless you and others do more than spout slogans, while running to the bank with the money you earn from such homophobic conduct.
Shame on both of you.
I zoomed the pic to 400%. It's definately Jake. Great find Special! Do you have any info on when it was taken or if it's part of a set? It's interesting with the shirt and it looks like a motel/hotel. The "earring" - might have been added post pic or drawn on his ear because it doesn't come out clear in the zoom. I wonder why this pic wasn't released because it represents a more androgynous yet very masculine, artistic independent in-control Jake than his other portraits which have him more as a pretty boy. I love it. It's very Norma Desmond-grunge.
I've often wondered if a lot of people in so-called liberal HW didn't vote against gay marriage. All those homophobes, gay and straight, are so invested in keeping the gays down on the farm, that it wouldn't surprise me in the least if they would oppose something that could break down those doors.
And the fact that you are now seemingly so willing to go along with that system Sophia, well, what can I say .....
I think I found it on a flicker account and it was the kind of a one of. It make me wonder if it was taken by a friend, maybe Matt.
It does seem to show very arty indie Jake. And I think this is closer to the expression and attitude you might see Jake have privately and out at particular clubs. ; )
There are other pictures of Jake smoking but they are few, and more snapshot kind of pictures. Most showed up while he was still with Kiki.
I think he did have his ear pierced, I have to go to a some HQ pictures and see his has a mark on his lobe.
I'm wondering if the pic is more recent. There's a few lines and creases in his face that weren't there during MM or Pilot or even BBM era and he looks older overall, plus there's a whole lot more face and neck scruff hair than Jake had at his early 20s. The sideburn is either taped on or added post pic.
Also just because we don't see Jake smoking in public doesn't mean he doesn't all the time or occasionally so that isn't an indicator of when the pic was taken. Even long after fans decided he had quit because they didn't see him smoking in pics and I think he mentioned quitting in an interview, long after there would be pics of him with his canines slightly yellowed which is a dead giveaway of smoking. IMO his many visits to the med center include regular professional teeth whitening services.
Maybe ASDF. All good points.
there have been several pictures in the past where it looks like Jake has a hole in his ear.
there have been several pictures in the past where it looks like Jake has a hole in his ear
And we know for a fact that with Reeke he has another hole in his head!
Article about SoGo, Pedestrian and What is going on with "the true love tale of Boyfriend and Girlfriend".
Q: SoGoPro has a reputation as a fan-friendly company, but why do a Web series in addition to everything else?
A: "Pedestrian" and the graphic novel we recently announced... are indeed our main forays at the moment. During our birth as a production company, I don't think any of us really expected what would come out of us jotting down our thoughts on a day-by-day basis on the blog, but what happened was truly extraordinary. People listened, and responded in a variety of mind-blowing ways. Hilarie, Kelly, and I talked and talked and talked about "Pedestrian," but we began to realize that there would be a point eventually that without having a product, perhaps we could talk too much . . . . So I wrote and directed a short film starring Hilarie and Austin Nichols, "the true-love tale of Boyfriend and Girlfriend" as a thank-you letter and love letter to the fans. Our plan is to release that film on our site in the near future following the first episode of "Friendship."
Star News Online: SoGo's New Web series
If you have checked out the first episode of Friendship Theater you should, it's good.
SoGo Productions
"the true-love tale"
Austin and Hilarie, Austin and Sophia. Austin is One Faux Ho.
LOL "Family Man" Jake is stuck with Reese and the rug rats shopping for veggies at farmers markets and running 5Ks while "Da Player" Austin is attending NY fashion shows and surfing and bar-hopping with fun beautiful interesting talented young ladies.
It's the true love of boyfriend and girlfriend, not HIlarie and Austin.
Call me naive, but seems to me that the sudden rash of Austin & Sophia gossip has more to do with publicity for the new series of OTH and very little to do with Austin bearding.
Also, having followed this story for longer than I care to remember, one thing its taught me is if you're looking for heroes, don't look to actors to be them.
Anything Jake Can Do Austin Can Do Better Ent Lawyer
Did you hear that Sophia Bush got into an accident with a woman on a bicycle? Yeah, Sophia was walking down the sidewalk/street looking for a cab. She then stopped and turned suddenly and knocked a woman bicyclist right to the ground. Although the cyclist was uninjured, I wonder what could have caused Sophia to lose her concentration. Could it have been because of the report from the NY Daily News that Sophia was seen making out with long time Jake G friend Austin Nichols? Austin and Sophia have been friends for awhile (see picture above), but I think the making out portion of their relationship is new.
This would be a great time for Austin and Sophia to start double dating with Reese and Jake.
Notice on Ent Lawyer's site there's tags for Austin and Sophia. None for Jake. Even when there's a story about Reese and Jake, only Reese will get a tag. The last tag on Jake IIRC was when Ent Lawyer had the jury duty spit and kick pap story, in which he expressed full disgust with Jake. IMO not tagging Jake is his way of saying Jake doesn't matter much anymore.
The verdict on WFT2 is that smoking Jake pic ain't Jake, and I agree.The moles are in the wrong places or missing even if the pic is flipped. Jake's hands are not that hairy and the ears are all wrong
the smoking jake pic doesn't seem like him to me, and i don't care for it. it's kinda all around gross, imo, and he never seems gross to me.
i agree with reader in their analysis of jake's diminishing stature. he's really becoming less and less of a celeb in his own right and more of a fixture in reese's camp. i'm sure that will change with his new movies coming out, and hopefully he's enjoying a little bit of down time. i too am very curious about what he's up to during this mysterious time of NO sightings! i hope he's having some fun or maybe he's making some moves towards getting his own life and identity back. wouldn't that be awesome!!??!!
i believe i mentioned that i'm reading the biography about Raymond Burr/Perry Mason, who was gay and known to be gay, but everyone kept his secret because it would ruin his career if the public found out.
what's really been interesting to me is all the lies he made up to explain why he wasn't married, and how he always talked about how much he'd like to marry and have a family, if only he could meet the right girl. his hours at PM and Ironsides afterwards pretty much precluded dating, and he used that extensively as an excuse.
i wonder how protective the folks in the know still are about HW Peeps. i mean, we read so much stuff in the mags, but i've come to realize that it's totally not based on fact. we've read so many times about jake and reese's upcoming wedding, engagement, ring, other jewelry gifts, etc, and i realize now that none of that had any basis in fact.
my husband was telling me about a special he saw on 60 min or one of those shows about papparrizi and celebs and how they got calls and texts about who was goign to be where for pics, etc.
i'm gonna google it and see if i can find it.
gotta go work. hugs. s.
Discussed it there and then brought back here for tell everyone what they decided. God how rude.
^^Oh Please. Once something is posted on an open forum, there is no more control of it, as most of us are well aware.
You know summer rains are supposed to take the humidity away and its seems they lie.
Well I think the picture is who I think it is. It must have caught enough interest to be taken other places to be discussed. It would be nice to if people came here to discuss it than feeling they need to go somewhere else to do so, but what can you do.
But I think it is him, and if people want to come here and say why they don't the more the merrier. Just have to give yourself a name to do so.
Jake smoking And Jake G - side by side comparison
Jake's left ear: 18 - 27
Jake smoking And Jake G's RIGHT ear - side by side comparison
It does seem to show very arty indie Jake.
I like this pic - I'm not too concerned about the smoking, since I think it may be from before he quit, or maybe it was just for a film role. I know smoking is an awful habit, and I wouldn't encourage it. In reality, I hate the stinky smell and it is unhealthful, but from afar, it's kinda sexy. ;) I like that Jake seems to be able to become so many different character so easily, or perhaps this is the real him! :)
I think it looks like him. I kinda like it, actually. At first look, I didn't. But now I like it.
Heck, with photoshop now, I read on the box where it says you can erase anything you don't want in your picture. But the face really does look like him.
I'm very down right now. :(
My Ch. 17 was just shot down like a goose in the air at Thanksgiving time.
I don't handle crit very well at all, as everyone here knows, lol!!
And it happened at work so it was very hard to maintain my cool. I had to force it out of my mind or I would've started bawling. LOL, I'm not kidding.
I'm such a big baby. heavy sigh. So, I am licking my creative wounds.
Well, ol' Austy getting some mentions now on other blogs. The boy is making a name. I tell you what. He probably does give Jake a big ol' shove in the shoulder on who got the better end of the deal. Sophia is gorgeous. And if her & Austin do take it a little OTH promo'd further, hey, at least they make a great looking couple.
Whereas the other 2.....oh boy. Let's not even go there.
What is Jake doing?
Maybe is is doing all those interviews that will be coming out for Brothers, since hasn't had one for 2 years. And he might be doing interviews in combinations with Toby and Natalie.
And there might photoshoots for upcoming press.
Maybe he is working on getting prepared for his next movie, and the Namath one, or maybe he is working on singing and dancing now if Damn Yankees films in 2010.
It could be he also working on his newly mentioned production interests in the Moon Project. And needs to take some meetings and help find some hard to find cash.
Maybe its having some at home with Atti, who people have mentioned, and the little tiles who people have also asked about his time with.
And then maybe he wanted to get to the furthest coast from Reese. And if Austin and Sophia are traveling back and forth on planes, (Sophia loves to fly back to LA and it doesn't look out of place if Austin does) until Jake comes over to film Love and Drugs in Pittsburgh, which is now not starting until the end of September.
That timing is very interesting to me, why? Because what will be interesting about to see is if Austin will have a break around that time, since the OTH cast has been working since June and it about the right time for that they might take a hiatus for a couple of weeks and then back to work before the break for the holidays.
Just some thoughts.
* pay attention on the earlobe shape - ears look different
* moles don't match
* guy on right has a very hairy hand, Jake doesn't
* "Jake" has black 5 o'clock beard, Jake G has brown.
the thing that gives it away for me that smoking dude isn't jake is the mouth. jake's mouth has a special little curl at the very corners that this dude doesn't have. and the other stuff mentioned doesn't match up either, so my vote is "not jake."
sorry to hear about your literary disappointment. i'm going to check it out now. :(
you can erase anything you don't want in your picture
The company that does the pics at my cousin's high school dances and yearbooks photoshops out everyone's zits and braces!
Jake on the beach in MV.
Love the flowers on his trunks.
Jake's Cougar Bait
PG: i went back and checked, and saw that you haven't posted ch 17 yet, so i assume you meant ur beta gave it some grief? the comments for ch 16 were very good, so it sounds like you are on the right track. i hate having to redo anything. good luck! s.
Hey, wish, where were they when I was in high school?! lol!
Oh, sienna, I haven't put the chap up. I am totally redoing it. Gotta pick myself up by the back of my pants and suck it up. Oh brother. Now I know how these actors feel when they read negative blog mentions. I would never last 5 minutes, lol. Okay, I see a whole different side of it now. I swear!!
I must admit ----I am having some Jakey G Withdrawal! Don't ask me why.
Ohhhhh, luv-leeeee! I can't look at those eyes too long, I might fall in, never to return! ;)
Thanks smiley & sienna. Right, sienna, I haven't put it up yet. I need to redo it.
Yes, I am nursing my bruised ego, lol. But I'm told that it's best to take two weeks putting something up that you're really happy with than to rush it and put it up in a couple of days. Makes sense.
Hey, have you guys heard? Michael Jackson's death ruled a homicide by the L.A. coroner. That his death was caused by that anesthetic-like drug he was taking to help with his insomnia.
Does this mean that doctor is in big trouble? If he's the one who gave him the fatal injection?
Jake looks really good on the beach and that six pack is not airbrushed. at all Oh my.
Love the shorts, for some reason they look like Austin's kind of pick. Jake's never done white board shorts before. You know him and light colors. Oh had it has to been Austin pick. ; )
I want to see a pic of the Chin on that MV beach. Maybe it got mis-filed with the Chin-at-the-Italian-wedding pics?
PG - sending you some love. It is really hard to hear criticism about your writing when you are writing with such love for it. Sometimes you have to put it aside for a little bit and give yourself a little space and then something you love even will come.
LOL, boy ask and thou shalt receive! There he is. Those trunks are a crack up, Special.
Now I have to say that I am seeing men around here more and more going back to the shorter shorts. I hope it's a trend that continues.
C'mon, Jake, show some thigh!
I know, Prairie Girl. Damn brats all look like models, lol.
Now there is an idea. Jake and Reese, Austin and Sophia double dating. That would solve a lot of problems.
I'm at work so can't study the possible Jake smoking pic. The sweater does look like something he would wear, but I have never seen this photo and it is very rare that I have missed one. Still, it could be a private photo that got out. His hair was dark for BBM and we know he dressed up for halloween many a time.
Yes, I think you are right, Special. I am thinking about re-reading the whole thing and see where I'm at, what I feel, etc.
Ah, feel a tiny bit better now.
Jake looking pretty good there. Even a little tan. The guy's usually so pale.
Just slightly distressed, though, over signs of the receding hairline. Maybe it's just the wind there.
Good point, one hour. Wonder who he's paddling? I mean, wonder who he's playing paddle with?? LOLLLL! Or did he snatch the paddle out of someone else's hands? I think I like that idea better.
C'mon, sienna, I know I'm not alone in that thought! lol.
Actually it's called Smashball. But those paddles do come in handy for later!
Jake and Reese, Austin and Sophia double dating.
Maybe when they're driving in the car together, the men up in front and the ladies sitting in the back, everyone will think they're just two old married heterosexual couples?
Austin & Sophia - Radaronline
Rubbing her thigh? Well, that's a new one.
Jake, now we know why you had the picture with your legs wrapped around him. He's a thigh guy.
For Prairie Girl: Smashball
it’s definitely on again
rekindled their romance
spotted sharing a dessert together
very much a couple
with three friends but they may as well have been on their own
very affectionate with each other
cuddled close together all night
sneaking kisses
acting very loving
lots of hand holding
no doubting they are together romantically
they look crazy in love
they make a really cute couple
they came back the next night
^^Where have I read this before??!!
Exactly boilerplate exactly.
Wasn't Jake rubbing the back of Reese's neck or her shoulders in one of the stories? They had to make Austin's different so they substituted thigh. His arms are so long they realistically could have said he was rubbing her ankle but that probably sounded a bit weird. Shit, are we gonna have fun with this!
Bushnic goes to a doctor's office together should be next.
Oh man, I was hoping it wouldn't come to this. You just know it's to promote OTH, but even so. :( But I will say, Sophia is looking glam, and she's got a beautiful voice. :)
Boilerplate you're jumping ahead on the script. Before they go to the doctor's office together, they have to do the piggy back ride and then the airport kiss.
Has Bushnic done the "one runs in restaurant and picks up the takeout order while the other waits in the car" story yet?
Are you sure, Script? Cos I could've sworn there was a ahem, "sighting" of Reeke in early 2007 in a doctor's office. And believe me, I know this shit by heart.
Remember when Austin did the interview on the Tony Danza show, he was a little nervous and what did he do? Squeeze his thigh.
You know what Austin and Sophia bearding together means: it's Special K's turn to do a pictorial parody. Wicked did it with Tom in honor of Reeke so it's Special's turn now. Who should we match her up with? Prairie Girl? With one of them in a tall wig, stripes and stilts to be the boy?
I don't recall a Reeke doctor's office sighting, but you might be right Boilerplate. Since Austin and Sophia aren't as high profile as Reeke, they really don't have to do the whole "hiding" thing that Reeke did for almost a year (wish they would have stayed like that). It is very convienent that Austin suddenly is dating his friend Sophia, who he has been friends with for at least 4 or 5 years. Jake must be getting ready to start the Brothers promo and then POP promo so there can't be any loose strings.
When's Rufus W's next concert? Is there a Farmers Market in Wilmy? A romantic countryside inn that has a 5 bedroom luxury suite and offers couples massages that can be canceled?
Now come on we can't do the same thing twice at OMG. And Twicked is so good all others would pale in comparison. But no worries there is already be something with its own special twist too it cooking in my noggin.
Hey they've already done the yogurt thing, and Sophia had both in her hands when she waved the cab. So strike that off the check list. Remember early on Reeke did yogurt runs.
And they have the piggie back done too, with the picture in TV guide.
Dear Mystery Man:
Don't tell Ted doesn't read Oh My Godot, because you call Austin "Mystery Man" and "Man of Mystery" all the time. Also I'm 99% positive Ted means Austin is wised up in regards to keeping his personal life private and not yapping about it or at least he wised up as to which friends (and family members!) it was safe to talk about it with. I think that's where the "Mystery Man" comes into play in Ted's answer, that Ted's source has no juicy info to add and so Austin's goings-on right now is a mystery.
Btw what an odd way to write this:
"He's wised up since last we checked in on him."
Wouldn't you normally say:
"He's wised up since we last checked on him."
Ted writes odd, so do his assistants, so maybe "since last we checked in on him" is nothing. But I just wonder. Do you have anything to add on that, Special? You're so good with reading into that stuff.
LOL, yeah, the piggyback ride already done. Check!
boilerplate is killin me.
Boy, these PR relationship drummings do have a script, don't they? It must all be in a Procedures book that they hand out at graduation time to those who major in Marketing and Public Relations.
Hey, thanks for the Smashball info/pic up there, beachgames. I have never heard of nor seen this game. Sounds painful. What do they do, try to hit each other with the ball? What in the heck?
yogurt runs. Well, what's next? Ice Cream? Hey, and don't forget the big wicker baskets for the farmers market run, complete with gingham cloth.
Yoga, anyone?
Jake's smoke pic: Beatnik
Austin and Sophia: Bushnic
big wicker baskets for the farmers market run, complete with gingham cloth
Austin's is vertical striped gingham and Sophia's has ruffles and I'm sewing those little puppies up as we speak!
i think... "since we last checked in on him" is just a quainter or cuter way of saying, "since we checked on him last." to me, it almost infers "peeking in" on him. just my 2 cents...
i thought this was an interesting quote from R Burr/Perry Mason's beau of over 30 years. he was interviewed by a magazine in 2000, 7 years after RB's death, and this is what he said about RB being in the closet:
Benevides told the B.A.R. that Burr believed he had no choice but to hide his sexuality if he wanted to continue to work.
"He was very old fashioned in that the only way that he ever felt that he could be a leading man was to be unbesmirched and that he would not be accepted any other way," he said. "And it s true. In Hollywood, they are very homophobic. Although it's basically run by gay people, even the gays have their homophobia. They're still dealing with the same kind of idea that you can't be gay and play a husband. It is supposed to be acting but you don't get that kind of mentality yet. It may come. It may not."
You know, I have to say that I don't know how he does it but Jake can have a grown up look to him but he can also get that "kid" look to him. I point the laser pointer at the last pic in today's post as Exhibit A on that one.
And he is also king of the "Take Me" (sorry, I'm fbomb challenged!) look. How does he do that.
Once again, I laser point to that 2nd picture in the MV beach pics as Exhibit B. Still has that in him.
Same with that one solo biking pic earlier this year and that one picture of him solo walking across a street in the grey T shirt.
Jake owns the patent on that look. I don't know of too many other male celebs who have that look down. Little bit like the deer caught in the headlights combined with well, we're still in the Family Hour, aren't we? C'mon, yall know what kind of look I'm talking about, lol!
Smashball is like ping pong without a table. You just hit the ball back and forth to each other. There's no formal serve, no taking turns and no one keeps score. It's fun because you laugh so much at the contortions and reaches and bends and falls in the sand you both make. The only rule is, if the ball gets hit into the water run fast and get it before the tide swallows it and you never see it again LOL. (you only get 1 ball in the set) Or learn the hard way like I did once with my ball gone by 10:00 am, I bring extra balls now. Smashball doesn't have to be played on the beach btw it can be played in a park. It's great fun and exercise! I'm surprised you've never heard of it.
Checked in on.
Sienna makes a good point it does sound like a quaint expression. But it also sounds like an expression from TV drama/soap opera update doesn't it? And that could be a hint since OTH is an evening soap. And it also reminds me of the Soap, the TV Show, that would used that line sometimes as way to catch up and open new episodes. Soap, of course was a parody of soap operas, and it was the pne of the first shows to have an openly gay tv character Jodie Dallas (Billy Crystal).
It could also mean that AT has/had some direct or slighty detoured direct contact with the Goose.
Bushnic is really good LOL
I find it difficult to believe that Raymond Burr was a leading man or that he even thought he could be. LOL
Hey, to Della, Perry was her leading man!
Thanks, beachgames. No, really, I've never heard of this smashball. I just googled it and read up a little bit on it.
We don't have any beaches around here, though. Well, there's one at my park where I walk sometimes, but it's about 6' by 6' and it's covered in goose poop all the time. Not really a true beach.
And at the parks around here, mostly you just see people walking, walking their dogs, running, or biking.
We don't get too experimental here in the Midwest. No volleyball or casual games of tag football even. Everything's very organized and must be played in ideal weather conditions, lol! Meaning air conditioning, heated gym, or perfect 65 degrees. That's JoCo for ya.
((PG)). Good luck with the next round of your story.
Bushnic is perfect. Reminds me of how Keith Oberman uses "Bushed" as a verb to talk about how Pres. Bush fucked over the country.
Should have known better not to expect a Texan to act honorably and tell the truth.
MelanieMerkosky: Saw Jake Gyllenhaal at Runyon tonight. He was wearing a Lance Armstrong outfit, and riding a bike UP the hill.
1 minute ago from web
Up the hill, pfffft. What I want to know is if he was using gears, what gear it was in and if his butt was planted firmly on the seat.
Sienna, that book on Raymond Burr sounds really interesting. When I finally make it through my pile of books (somehow I find myself reading 3 books right now), I am going to check it out. Strange to think there was a time when people could fake a wife and tragedy like that, and nobody would say anything. And sadly not much has changed, I think some of the biggest homophobes in HW are gay men.
Is it my imagination or was OTH always on at 8 pm and Gossip Girl after at 9 pm? I could have sworn GG came on at 8 before OTH.
I'm pissed because its almost 8:45 and I've missed most of it.
Huh. You are not imagining things. OTH and GG have switch time slots and did so over the summer to get ready for the new season. So OTH will be on 8pm and Gossip Girl will be at 9pm.
Thanks Special. Jeeze.. maybe its a good sign like they're hoping OTH will lead in more viewers for GG. I wasn't paying much attention earleir in the summer bcause they were showing old, old shows (old as in Austin wasn't there!) so I wasn't interested. Bad I know. But now I figure his reruns are on and that's when I saw its on at 8!
Don't worry you didn't miss him tonight, but he will be back on the reruns the next two week before the new season opens on Sept 14th.
Is "NCIS"'s Pauley Perrette the coolest straight person ever?
I am a straight, white female, but in my femaleness, we had to have men stick up for us, and in the civil rights battles of the 60s, it took people of all colors to stand up and say, "This is just wrong across the board." I consider it my duty to stand up for what is right, because what is going on is completely wrong.
Richard Ramirez or Charles Manson or some guy who chopped the heads off twelve little boys after he raped and killed them then buried them in the backyard, and now he's on death row for life — which we pay for — they can still get married.
I said, "Sometimes the God tap is a brilliant screenwriter writing a brilliant screenplay," and I played the Oscar speech by Dustin Lance Black, and lo and behold, he actually came. He was there.
Pauley Perrette at afterelton
Thanks HW Activist, I enjoyed the article. Never thought about how prisoners like Manson can get married if they want to, but not gay couples. I'd love to see someone raise that the next time they take on the anti-gay marriage arguments.
A humanity-hating animal-torturer, brutal rapist, mass murdering atheist can get married as long as the other person is the opposite gender. What is wrong with this picture?!
I'm glad to see Jake's body is back to normal, ripped but not overdone. I think he went too far with the Prince. And we now have a good shot of his real abs. The ones in POP shots seen so far look really fake. I have not taken the time to compare them but it's on my to do list.
Perry Mason/Raymond Burr was considered quite the hunk in his day. TV leading men were held to a different standard than movie leading men, but he definitely held female attention. I never got a gay vibe from him ever though, so it blows me away that he hid his secret so well.
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