We've said before: "Jake can get the Muppet face pretty easily and in a chat between Elmo and Jake you're not sure who would break into giggles first."
And we've asked, "So if Austin is Burt would that make Jake Ernie?"
Now it looks like we are going to get see Jake on the most famous street on TV. Sesame Street.
Jake and Maggie are just one of the celebrities who will stop by Sesame Street to help celebrate their 40th birthday. And it make sense that they would want to join in and celebrate. They both know little people who will love to seem them with their favorite friends on Sesame Street, and Sesame Street is also close to their family. Mom, Naomi might not have worked on Sesame Street but she worked for the Childrens Television Workshop as a writer for Electric Company. Childrens Television Workshop created and produced both Sesame Street and the Electic Company.
Sesame Street is all about parody, that makes you wonder what are they going to parody about Maggie and Jake? Will it be something with Big Bird since Jake loves birds? Will it be Who are the People in Your Neighborhood? How about One of these things is not like the other?
How about some J friends?
Or maybe there is another letter to sing about instead of C
Just gotta ask will the show they're on be sponsored by the letter T?
Big Bird is catching up on his Goose between takes. Does Goose read Big Bird between his?
Monday, August 3, 2009
When Elmo meets Jakey
Posted by
Special K
10:41 AM
Labels: Jake, Jake and Maggie, Maggie, Sesame Street
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Video of Austin with Fans from July 30th.
Love his Longhorn Shirt!
Jake really does look like a Muppet, especially in that pic.
Jake on Sesame street! Now that sounds like fun. Can't wait to see it.
Thanks for posting the Austin video. He looks so hot and sweaty. Sexy. Look at how his hair is curling up.
Papa G seems to be posting everyday on his new site. Today he read a poem. I just wonder who is doing the filming. The focus pulled so someone is holding the camera. Just curious.
I can't wait for Sesame Street either - adorable! :)
i would love to see jakey on ss also. that was one of my fave shows as a kid, and i can totally see him being awesome on it. :)
Decorated Airman Anxiously Awaits New Policy on Gays
Thanks for posting the Austin video. He looks so hot and sweaty. Sexy. Look at how his hair is curling up.
Ditto M. He looks so good in that shade of gray too.
I am so tired of Obama doing nothing on DADT. I saw a Congressman interviewed a week or so ago on Rachael Maddow, he had tacked on language to a spending bill that would have taken away the funds the military needs to run these witch hunts. He said he was forced to take it out at the request of not only other members of the House, but someone from the Obama administration. Now that wouldn't have been a cure-all, but it would have stopped things until DADT is repealed.
So, Obama says its up to Congress, but then his administration says "no, you can't do anything." WTF!
Sesame Street will also be doing a parody of Mad Men this season as well. I want to see that too.
A Mad Man parody? That sounds like a lot of fun.
This Sesame Street gig has inspired all kinds of ideas in my head. Unfortunately they're all snarky, and I think I've reached my snark limits and then some with my post this morning in the previous thread.
PG: i think the Green Thing was a total publicity thing. "Jake, you need to show up for this gig, get your hands dirty, smile, look interested, it'll take an hour." And so he did. Not to say that he doesn't care about the environment, but i honest to gosh don't think he cares about anything but his career right now, and he'll do whatever he has to do to forward it.
i still can't fault him for that, because this is his dream, and look how close he came to getting it all with BBM - he was such a hot ticket right then, but he'd made bad choices in other movies (proof/jarhead) and then his next movies weren't big either (zod/ren) and now he's just hoping like crazy that POP is going to save him (even tho bros looks good, it won't be BIG and he needs big.)
remember josh hartnett - he was a hottie boy who did a few movies in a row a few years ago. now, he's like, Josh Who? honestly, i think jake wouldn't be much better off at this point if it weren't for Reese. she has given him some cred he just couldn't have kept commanding on his own. he has Bub Boy and Donnie D to his credit. i don't think Josh H has any cult movies to fall back on. But as an adult, Jake has done NOTHING outside of BBM to make him marketable - if i'm missing something, please correct me.
I believe he's said that acting is really important to him, and if this is what he has to do to keep himself afloat, then i guess we'll just have to deal with it if we want to keep jake watching. it's a huge disappointment, but nothing lasts forever, esp not in HW. i'm not ready to give up on him yet, but i do think this is the REAL jake, the career oriented Jake, and that the old, fun-loving jake is gone undercover.
PG - the Environmental thing is not for PR, he has been a long time supporter of green causes, if you search Jake and environmental cause you will see this one steady that has remained since the beginning of his career. Also for his support of local farms. This is definitely not for PR. One reason, he has commitments to them without Reese, and has continued to do so without her.
Just look at his interviews for TDAT he talked about that was one of the reason he was interested in the movie, was the message of global warming.
I do think it was Jake's commitment to the environment that got Austin more interest in working with Global Green. And I think it is also that they have children that has made a Austin get involved too.
The problem I have, and it's not just Jake that does this, is how can you make the environment your cause and continue to drive around in a big old gas-guzzling SUV. Of course people try to do the best they can, and nobody is perfect when it comes to the environment, but there is just something about gas-guzzling cars that get my ire up more than other things.
And in Jake's case he bought the hybrid Toyota but then drives around in Reese's SUV to "prove" they are a couple and living together. And let us not forget all those shopping expeditions that always seem to be done in a really monster-sized SUV.
Jake may very well be committed to the environment, most people are on some level. But it is also such a pr-friendly cause, not likely to offend anyone. I bet we don't hear anymore from Jake about the ACLU, GLAAD, the Democratic Party or any other cause that might offend somoeone somewhere. .
I am not sure whether this has been posted here?
"The Environmental Media Assn. and Yes to Carrots have partnered with LAUSD to sponsor 10 new school garden projects, one of which will be at Saturn Elementary in L.A.. Actor Jake Gyllenhaal will be their mentor, and architect Rogerio Carvalheiro, who worked on the Getty Villa and Union Station, will work pro bono on the design. Once completed this fall, they hope to add a "scratch kitchen," where children will prepare the food they grow."
LA Times
This does not look like a PR event - I am with Special and I believe being involved in such small projects is important for him.
Ok this is strange. When I saw the Elton pic of Reeke, the one taken in front facing them, I enlarged it (anyone else have Firefox picture zoom?) 400% and it looked like there was a yellow earplug in Jake's left ear. But I figured why would he wear an earplug to a concert LOL, it must be a weird light reflection bouncing off the inside curve of his ear. But now I just saw this pic. He definitely has a yellow earplug in his right ear! Does Elton know Jake wore earplugs to his concert?! Was Jake just clapping his hands and cheering to complete silence?! Everyone thinks Reeke is so lovey-dovey with their faces close together, little do they know it's because the beard has to yell her orders at him so he can hear her! No wonder he had to have Deacon on his shoulders - so his legs would hide the earplugs for the US Reekly pics! LOL!
Yes to Carrots
Fuck! I wanted Yes to Cucumbers.
Apologies in advance Green and Special for letting go with some more snark, but honestly, what can you say about someone who takes up as a cause a project to mentor kids while possibly hiding his own child and using his beard's children for publicity and to make himself straight.
I know it's probably not fair to view everything through the bearding, BT and what we see publicly, people are just not that one-dimensional, but I just can't seem to ditch the the lenses I have on when it comes to Jake. Not sure what color you'd call them.
Yes to Carrots
I wanted Yes to Meaty Bones.
Thanks Green I must have missed that article about Jake the school. I do think he is doing what he can to be as environmentally conscious as he can be, and bringing in his love for food and cooking into play with educating as well. From that I think you can see this comes from a personal interest of his.
People who go to a lot of concerts probably should wear earplugs so it doesn't affect their hearing. I often find the music is too loud at concerts and end up sticking paper in my ears because I never remember to get earplugs.
I just can't seem to ditch the the lenses I have on when it comes to Jake. Not sure what color you'd call them
Is "clear" a color?
I wear them to protect my hearing, and you can still hear, and feel the beat. The kids were wearing them, I think I read. :) I'll be heartbroken if Jake's environmental work isn't true! I do think it must be because of his interest in organic farming tho. (Now, if he'd only turn in the clunker . . .) Just kidding. ;)
Thats the difference between us, Destiny, I don´t believe in BT and I don´t believe that Jake and Austin would behave so irresponsible towards a little human being.
I don´t know about Elton John but as a Metallica fan I am always thankful about something like "earplugs"......:-))
Crystal, I wasn't sure if I should think of them as clear, or black because I think everything Jake does is driven by the fact he has gone over to the dark side.
With Jake, everything is clear as mud.
Even if there isn't a BT, I still think what he is doing with Ava and Deacon is wrong and indicative of the kind of person he has become. Jake has clearly sold his soul to be a star with a capital S, so I have no trouble believing Jake would be that irresponsible if BT exists.
However, I do have trouble believing Austin would treat a child that way, which is one of the reasons why I waiver on the issue of BT's existance. And since I've waivered on the J&A together issue too, I wonder if BT isn't Jake's, biologically, and that J&A have separated and that Jake has him or her.
Special, I honestly don't know anything about Jake anymore; I'm dead serious.
Who is the real Jake? This Jake that we see now, particularly in the past 12 months, I don't recognize anymore. He's nothing like how he "seemed" 3 years ago. Nothing.
Sure, I can believe he's into "green". Aren't most people? You can't go anywhere right now without seeing that word.
Sienna, you make some good points about the SUV's and vans. We all screw up when it comes to being totally ecologically minded. But I don't want to hear it from him while he rides over from Europe in a big ol' honkin' private jet and drives around in Reese's big SUV and rents vans when out of town.
Destiny, you make a good thought process. IF, heaven forbid, there is a BT, maybe that is the deal. Heck, maybe Jake is living with Reese and they've all set up shop with BT in Philadelphia in this supposed mansion. All 5 of them one big family now.
That would explain why Austin looks so "free and clear" now. He's rid of the Jake yoke?
I know I'm being really harsh now, but when you have no clue anymore what's going on, all I can do is go by what I'm seeing in the few pictures we're getting anymore. And I see a Jake I no longer recognize but is now a mirrored male image of Reese. I see him with her and her kids now.
And I see Austin looking superb on his own, busy and working.
I see no more necklaces and I see absolutely no sign of these 2 guys any longer being together, if indeed they have been for the past 6 months.
And earplugs or not, those things weren't going to protect Deacon & Ava's ears all that much.
Those things are required out on our Production Floor and you still have to shout above the noise of the machines to talk to a worker out there. All they do is buffer the noise some.
There's no way my niece & nephew would've handled sitting down there right in front of those speakers like that. And not stay for the whole set?! Why bother to go at all?
Boy, lol, it sounds like Billy Joel kind of stunk. He even forgot some of his words. I've seen other concerts where Elton's forgotten some of his at times, too. What in the heck?! lol. They've sung those songs 10,000 times, how could you forget the lyrics?
Maybe Jake can go off and do his bearding job and Austin can go do his OTH job and they can both feel relatively secure and confident because they know BT is being well taken care of. In a nice big home that houses Atticus the dog, Sophie the cat, a nanny with excellent references and Grandpa Stephen G writing his novel.
If/when both parents have to work, leaving a child in the care of an able grandparent or close relative who is at home all the time, along with a qualified nanny, living in a comfortable house, with pets and a yard, is the best situation one could ask for.
What are you going to do, nail Jake and Austin to a cross because they have to go off and work? There's worse situations a child of working parents could be in than being at home with a nanny and a relative all day.
The Green school project: I don't know. Could be an easy risk-free PR method. Could be a non-PTA, higher-society way of getting involved with children issues since they have a kid. Could be a way to get in and get contacts for home-schooling or private education teachers for BT.
24 hrs later. That concert thing was PR at the MAX. No doubt about it. reeke went there to be photographed. PERIOD.
And not stay for the whole set?! Why bother to go at all?
Obviously you didn't read the last comments on the previous page. Reeke were the only ones wearing VIP badges. They came out from the backstage for the photo op and went back in afterwards to do more brown-nosing. People on the floor thought they left-left. Yes ok, they left the floor....Reeke wasn't about to socialize with common folk any longer than they had to. They got recognition, pics, tweets, on the jumbotron. Mission accomplished.
They didn't just left the floor - they left-left.
^No other celebrity has ever done that before.
Reese Witherspoon is a business woman, she has no time to waste.
I did read where they wore VIP badges.
But a chance to hear Elton John in concert? For FREE??!!! Man, I am so there.
Now, let's see, if I was such a fan of Elton as Reeke would kind of like us to believe, as a fan of Elton, I think I would have
1) paid for a babysitter or had the kids stay with the nanny so I wouldn't have to leave early
2) listened to the concert in a suite where I could enjoy it in pampered comfort
I can't believe I'm explaining this, lol.
And gee, as a common courtesy to the business or person who gave me the tickets worth probably $ 800+?? I think I would've stayed a bit longer to show my thanks.
LOL. I dunno. Guess that's kind of square and old fashioned, sensible thinking. Have to remember who we're talking about here.
I see no more necklaces
Of course not. Not after the ring was spotted thru the holes of Jake's buttondown and then probably after he promised not to make the same error again, the unmistakable ring outline was practically carved into his black tee shirt on a windy day. Those rings are probably kept in a pocket or a wallet now. Or wherever!
lol, Tom. You kill me sometimes.
Hey, happy Monday to ya!
I still think Jake and Austin are together and the still love each other. Think Austin looks good and happy because he has them closer than before while he is working.
After all these years, looking at the pictures of them together, it still shows and its still the same as it was from the beginning.
Think they have a family. It's not like mine it's not like yours, it's just theirs.
Think they have a family.
No, they don't.
Like I said I believe what I believe you don't have to agree. But my belief and opinion is as valid as another one that gets posted here.
OTH news from Watch with Kristen.
Marc in Keene, Neb.: Any Brooke Davis news? I love me some Sophia Bush on One Tree Hill.
As a matter of fact, Sophia Bush tells us that good things are on the way for B. Davis on One Tree Hill this season. “It’s really exciting for Brooke this year, with her business [and] her relationship with Julian (Austin Nichols),” says Sophia. “Brooke and her mother had a beautiful ending to their story last year, and I’m really excited to explore that as well with Daphne [Zuniga]. It’s going to be really good.” Yay! Finally some happiness for our favorite Tree Hiller.
It's Going to be a One Tree Hill of "Season of Nakedness!"
What no Austin!
Special has every right to believe that. I would love to believe it, too; I just have my really serious doubts right now, that's all.
Okay, if anyone needs help getting into Chat and wants to join in, just say and we can help!
I wonder what is on the end of that chain Austin was wearing. I was dying to see it pop out.
I was an hour early!! LOL
See my avatar, Tom? It's Ianto from Torchwood.
He is cute PG.. See my avatar. Two happy wonderful gay men not afraid to show the world that they are a couple and in love. They are my heros. How wonderful it would be to see it be J and A. guess money and fame are more important than freedom and happiness to them. Thats a shame.
Ianto! *sob*
Your avatar is breaking my heart, PG.
Oh, I found so many websites based on Jack and Ianto!! Oh, and some great pictures. Some really HOT pictures.
Those 2 were hot. And John Barrowman is just so out there! That guy rocks!
Prairie Girl, I have not watched Torchwood season 4 yet, though I did buy it on DVD. Hubby and I have to rewatch season 2 of Mad Men first before season 3 starts. (it is so much better in Blu Ray). Anyway, I read that the writers have been bombarded with death threats due to killing off Lanto. Those fans are serious!
Also, I printed off chapters 10 -12 of you know what, but will read later tonight. Can't wait to see what happens next.
Please allow me to correct that gross misconception, M.
The TW writers have not been 'bombarded' with hate mail and death threats. A few, and I stress emphatically the word few, people have allowed their better judgement to be ruled by emotions and spewed their anger in the wrong ways. I repeat - A FEW fans have crossed the line.
All a person needs do to read even more hateful, crude, and damning words against others is open any fan website or blog. Rhetoric like that is everywhere on the internet, but that doesn't actually translate into any real physical harm. Just look at some of the posts here on OMG. Vile things have been said, should we alert the authorities?
Most fans upset by the destruction of "Torchwood" are protesting in a peaceful and respectful manner, through letters, postcards, birthday cards, coffee packets sent to the BBC, comments left on their website, signing petitions, etc. Two separate accounts have been set up to raise money in Ianto/Gareth's name, over $4,000 has been raised for the Children of Need, a BBC affliated charity.
These are the people the media should be focusing on, the majority, the peaceful ones, the ones who calmly state our displeasure at the dismantling of a favourite show.
Of course, that kind of protest doesn't make for salacious headlines, now does it?
tom... someone commented on your avatar and so i had to investigate, and i really thoroughly enjoyed looking at pics and reading about NPH and DB. they do look very happy and relaxed together, which was so nice to see. and they somehow manage to give the look of a real couple without going out of their way too. thanks for bringing them to my attention. :)
I was joking about seeing Jake and
Reese pay bills! I just get so tired of the same old Jake/Reese
show. Now it is time for the same
old engagement/marriage/pregnancy
rumors again! Austin seems very happy by himself. Jake HAS changed
from even 3 years ago. Maybe we
never knew him at all! NPH and DB
look very happy together like J@A
used to look!! Just keep up the good work on OMG Wicked and Special K!!
You know, I didn't take alot of extra out of m's comments that someone else seems to have. I thought it was reflective of alot of what I was finding on the web when I googled Ianto and Jack, which was cool because I was absolutely devestated that they killed Ianto and I just take it to mean that fans were just as upset about Ianto dying as I was. The cast said that the tears that were shed by the characters on that last episode were very real. I'm not a "serious" watcher of Torchwood; I'm a recreational watcher. I'm not a "serious" TV watcher, studying all the most minute details, absorbed with the sheer craft of a director's work, trying to stay objective about the plots and characters by not getting emotionally attached because that would just detract away from the art of a show.
I just sit and watch a show for the simple entertainment of it, period. I'm not going to get wrapped up in coffee sending or arguments about peace, love & understanding. I think it's great that there is an army (I use that word in the most peaceful of terms) of fans which is doing that, though. I'm just not that involved. m was just commenting about some of the threats that have occurred, talking to me & telling me something she had read, much like 2 people would having a casual convo about it over a cubical wall or over a sandwich at lunch hour.
m, I wish we were in the same office. We'd never get any work done, though, would we, lolll?!
Man, we'd be IM'ing each other and snickering all day long.
Hey, and thanks for the comment on my story. I had all those stored up and my poor beta, she churned it all out in great fashion. She really finds my boo-boos and head scratchers, lol. Oh yeah, that didn't make any sense at all! Why in the heck did I ever say that?
My biggest fear right now is to have my whole vacation disappear working on that thing and not getting outside like I should. It's obssessive.
Working on how to get those prickly pear needles out; it's a little more complex than I had romanticized in my head. My Ch 13 came back with all kinds of teacher's red marks, lollll!
My work is cut out for me.
It is raining, thundering, and lightning to beat the band out there. I tried to leave to go walk, but well, that didn't happen, lol! Hopefully, a little later. Gee, when it's all nice & steamy!!
Okay, I have to retract something I was talking about last night! Hey, when I'm totally wrong about something, I'll admit it.
Has anyone seen this stuff yet about Ryan O'Neal that his son has spilled to Larry King? Holy cow. This is unbelievable. It is some of the most nauseating stuff you'll imagine could happen in a family. I don't know; you get to a point where you just scratch your head because you don't know what is truth and what is fiction anymore. But this guy seems to sound like he's telling truths. I mean, who could make up this stuff?
Anyway, I had mentioned last night a disbelief about life in HW families and without going into alot of detail, I will say that yes, there definitely seems to be a whole different kind of lifestyle there. These families are exposed to so much by way of drugs and infidelity, but that in itself is no different than people's families at my own job. Heck, some of their real life stories read like a Peyton Place.
But, it seems to me that if you stay within that kind of environment, then you're going to slink right into that kind of behavior. It's those who distance themselves from it and try to maintain some sense of normalcy by way of where they choose to live and the company that they choose to keep, that seem to have the best chance of surviving it.
Yeah, they do have alot of Mommie Dearest stuff in their lives that we can't identify with but I still say we all bleed red and we all have the same emotions, so it is still easy to use HW as an excuse.
I think it is reflective of the American Way; to always put the blame on some outside source rather than taking responsibility for our own behavior.
Great post kacie.
Totally agree PG about families. I didn't read about Ryan's son, but I can imagine after reading about Tatum and the funeral.
People can chose to live elsewhere, and the ones that, at least on the surface, seem to have happier, more normal lives are the ones who live outside L.A., or at least live out of the tabloid glare.
I think a lot of the messed up ones are probably already that way to some degree anyway, but chasing the attention and money just fucks them up more. They think those things will buy them happiness, satisfy their cravings to be adored by all. And when the career sags, as it does for 99 percent of them, then it really gets ugly.
I see the school marm. a/k/a FL paid us a visit. I guess it must be boring back at the old red schoolhouse now that all the babblers have been whipped into shape and can parrot the party line even in their sleep.
I can see why you come here. OMG is like one of those big, sprawling universities where people are free to express their opinions, no matter how unpopular they may be with the establishment in HW or elsewhere, and regardless of whether their classmates have different views.
Too bad for you the things that make this place so great means most people are immune to the ruler you keep threatening to slap people's wrists with because they don't listen to your silly, twisted arguments.
So in babble-speak saying you won't buy tickets for Jake's movie because you don't like the product he is selling means you're making death threats????
Someone needs to go back to school.
OMG is like one of those big, sprawling universities where people are free to express their opinions, no matter how unpopular they may be with the establishment in HW or elsewhere
Now wait just a dogon minute here.
Any poster who think there could be a very small shred of thought that Jake an Reese could possibly be dating for real gets ripped to shreds by some posters here who wants everyone to see OMG as "Austin and Jake are lovers forever, with a baby, and the mean ole HW PR are out to get them. Annddddd, Reese is a total witch. Hate her like us or you will be banished from OMG because you are a troll, Jeff what's his name, or babbler.
And you call this type of attitude free thinking??? Do You??
Who is making death threats against Jake?
^^ That's Jack / Jeff troll's fiction.
Any poster who think there could be a very small shred of thought that Jake an Reese could possibly be dating for real gets ripped to shreds by some posters
Babblers have GB, IHJ, WDW and DC forum for "Reeke is real" discussions.
They shouldn't troll here.
???? said...
Who is making death threats against Jake?
stupid trolls said...
^^ That's Jack / Jeff troll's fiction.
Babblers have GB, IHJ, WDW and DC forum for "Reeke is real" discussions.
They shouldn't troll here.
^^^ My Point Exactly Free Thinker:
Ignorance in Motion and at it's Best:
Did not know they would pounce so quickly, but some posters here guard the gates of Free Thinking.
Think like us or be gone with you.
Now I have read some very inlightening post from posters that I don't agree with on some issues at times, and one of them is Sienna. Post that makes one think. There are some other posters here who can think intelligently without the follow the leader mode. Special K is one and in a league of her own although I don't agree with some of her thoughts about Jake and Austin and the bearding.
Posters 10:38 to 10:46 is just an example of immaturity masking as concern about gay issues. Nothing more, Nothing Less.
Think like us or be gone with you.
Learn to read.
Think what YOU WANT, just don't post babbler / fangirl / troll crap here.
Clear enough?
"nothing more nothing less" is one of Jack/Jeff/John's favorite phrases.
There are some new photos of Austin at some sort of Showtime thing on Austin Media. Looking good. The event appears to have been in LA. They sure do fly around a lot. And under the radar most of the time. Thats why I think J & A see each other as much as they want. They can stay hidden when they want to.
Don't twist my words What; if you're going to argue with me, at least get the facts straight. I never said you were going to be welcomed with open arms and people were going to toss flowers at you even if they disagree with you.
What I said is OMG is a place where people are free to express their opinions.
Your posts are still up, are they not? Your idea may get ripped to shreds, just as someone in a classroom might find happens if they express an unpopular belief that everyone else in the class jumps in to disagree with them, but that is all part of the free exchange of ideas.
Again, the posts that express another viewpoint are not deleted unless you call other posters vile names.
Can't say the say the same for a lot of other Jake sites. If I go over to GB and post that I think Jake is bearding I know my post will be zapped in under five minutes. I know, because several months ago I posted my opinion on GB to see what would happen. Actually, what I said was not even about the bearding. I posted that the guy at a recent Lakers game with Jake was Austin's friend. That post was GONE in minutes. Nothing rude in it, no mention of the bearding, nothing about J&A being a couple, just identified who Jake was with.
UV, FL and babblers know that Jake is gay, that's why Jake can't be friends with Austin.
You're right lol. Nobody was talking about those pictures, because they knew what they meant. They know there is a lof of power in the truth, even if it is just a few people, and that is why they are so hell-bent on stopping us.
Man, is there something in the water around here?
I know I've said this before, but I really like Jennifer Anniston. That girl is just a natural beauty and she seems as real as can be. She's giong to be on the cover of Elle magazine and she says "If I'm the emblem for 'this is what it looks like to be the lonely girl getting on with her life,' so be it." She's 40 yrs old now and you know she's under pressure in HW now because of her age and the fact that she's not found a new love since Brad. How hard is that under the eyes of all the rags? But she manages to face the "pink elephant" in the room, which is what she calls it, and speak openly about it all.
I just really like her. I'll take that kind of openness any day.
They know there is a lof of power in the truth, even if it is just a few people, and that is why they are so hell-bent on stopping us.
^^ Has it every occured to you that maybe, just maybe some friends and family and HW know or think Jake is Bi or Gay and don't care. What's with the stopping us mentality. Outing / Gay Police? If you think Jake is gay, so what. Big deal. He may be, he may not be. What's it to You. And how will you benefit from JBG being gay. What's the point to travel the net and blogs screaming he's gay. There are many stars that others and myself think and know for a fact are gay or bi (because of personally witnessing it, not speculation). The point is, most people don't care. It's there life. Although it does make for conversation and gossip.
What are you getting out of letting the world know that you think JBG is gay?
^^ Sorry that was my Post
I'm poster 11:58
Poor trolls!
Trolls know Jake is gay (that's why they are here all the time), but have to keep repeating "Jake is straight" and "Reeke is real" bullshit because they are "good fans"! LOL
Thinking Things Out/Tw*T/Jack/Jeff/Chica/CL UV's guard dog, you clearly care very deeply and you must think other people care too, or you wouldn't be here berating us.
Does it get you all hard to pretend to be a woman on GB, and to come here and bash a site made up of mostly women?
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