Most of you have seen a few of the pictures if not all of Austin with Sophia in NYC.
Makes you wonder if Austin going to be able to slip in an out of New York as stealthy as his has in the past. Or will being seen in NYC with friends from the show make it easy for him when he's come back to the city without current co-stars? Will we start to see more pictures of him now that he's a regular? Is that a good thing or double edged sword? And just one thing about his shirt, is giving the wink, like Jake has with his?
There's a lot to be on the look out for in the coming months.I'm telling Jake that I win best outfit this time.
Don't be like that. I didn't say the feathers were bad, I just don't get the whole bird thing. Thought is all about Blame it on the a-a-a-a-a-alcohol from last night.
Why aren't you saying anything? Don't you like this outfit?
Would post the other pictures, but they are a bit too cheeky. : )
Saturday, August 22, 2009
A feather and his cap
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That shirt almost has a tie dyed look to it, seems to me. And I'm surprised at how Sophia looks here. It's not a respectable look, let's put it that way.
I want to badly address an over-reactive comment on the previous thread this morning, but I'm biting my tongue and hopefully it won't be further expanded on today.
Well, I've got a bunch of church work to do on my laptop this weekend. So I guess I ought to get to it. I know I won't be able to stay totally focused, though, got all kinds of irons in the fire.
AC is off and windows are open. It was 50 some degrees this morning. I don't think it gets much better than that.
I love the shirt. Austin looks awesome. Too bad Jake looks like crap lately. I remember when he was hot. Pre reeke.
Oh thank you, thank you! This is just about my favorite song on the Planet, anything early Beatles, but especially this one.
I think Austin looks fantastic, like an Icarus or something, just don't fly too high, Austin! :)
JerseyTom your comments and rants are making you look more and more fickled. This is not an attack, but at times there are loud outburst of anger and displeasure from you towards what Jake and Austin are doing. It's as if you finally really see what's going on or have taken off the blinders, then you put them back on and say "NO, the emperor does have on clothes, what was I thinking".
My question to you is, is this constant struggle you seem to have all to appease the majority mindset of "I know Jake and Austin are still together and they will soon show it" which most named posters seem to posses?
Do you have genuine hope that Jake and Austin will soon show their love for each other to the people.
If the both of them are gay or Bisexual, they have deffinately chosen their paths and their companions for now. I do think blind people can "see" and "understand" this.
^^^ Troll, go back to GB.
Gah, I love this song. What I love so much about the Early Beatles is not only their beautiful harmonies, but that the music is so rhythmic, where handclaps and highlight beats. Just beautiful. I'll have this song playing in my head all day long, thank you, thank you! :)
I haven't looked at all of the pics, but this doesn't look like hand holding to me, it may just be the angle of the photograph? We know that game.
Bored by trolls said...
^^^ Troll, go back to GB.
^^^With all your one liner bitchin, I think you're bored of Life.
Get one, or get laid and stop hogging the computer worrying about what Jake and Austin is doing or who's here from GB.
Music Luvah
I love this song too and it just popped into my head looking at that shirt and thinking about little signs and winks they give in pictures.
Sophia does and probably has know from almost the beginning about Jake and Austin,so she is a good ally and friend. They get a lot of win wins just being seen together and even more so now, both for them and for the show. At the moment its just watching what their next step is.
Troll, go back to GB.
It may be a wink. I remember that Sophia has been friends with Jake and Austin for a long time, and even if he grabs her hand, it could be friendship too. I like the line "you don't get me". I think Austin will remain true to himself, and they, the HW TPTB won't get him, no matter what. ;)
It will be interesting, what happens next. I have nothing against Reese, I loved her in WTL, a gal after my own heart in that one. But, I don't see any chemistry with Jake and Reese, and takes something away from Jake, he's more low key or something.
Speaking of birds, Wilmy and friends of Austy.
Has anyone checked out the Southern Gothic's newest The Friendship Union Community Theater.
Love it! Congrats SoGo.
Love seeing Austin in this shirt.
Seeing all the pictures, still don't see any hand-holding or any other signs that this is more than hanging out together to get publicity for OTH. Doesn't make it bearding. Of course who knows if it will lead to more, I remember thinking and saying the same thing in what we know was the early stages of Reeke (So no, my saying this about Austin and Sophia is no different than what I said initially about Reeke).
This is done all the time for shows and movies, regardless of whether there is anything more to the relationship. I seem to recall a lot of pictures of two actors together around the time their buddy film opened, can't remember who or what movie, but it was the same thing.
Not that any of the posters being called trolls will probably care, but one word of advice. One way to avoid being called trolls is to post regularly under the same name and participate in discussions on other topics. Popping in to say Reeke is real and to berate people for their beliefs, when you've never been seen here before, is going to get you called a troll.
Nobody would call a regular poster a troll if they decided Reeke was real. In fact I know of at least one regular who has on occassion voiced doubts about J&A and says Reeke might be real, nobody calls her a troll.
It doesn't surprise me to see Austin with a woman since he has been upgraded to series regular status. I'm sure he was encouraged to put his career first and do his part to set the record straight, no pun intended. This is standard operating procedure. Doesn't mean Jake and Austin didn't/don't have some sort of relationship. I just caution you when you imagine any HWood relationship you need to at least acknowledge that the vast majority are arrangements on some level.
I dont think any of the regulars here will say I tow the company line at all.
I do get upset when I see pics of reeke and now maybe Austin bearding. But what I realize when I calm down is that it comes with the job and J and A have chosen to tow the company line like so many others in their business. Not many have enough balsl to test the water. Damn I would love to see NPH win an Emmy.
I am not 100% sure of anything. I dont know these people. I strongly suspect that J and a are gay or bi. I also suspect that J and A are or were a couple. Very strongly suspect.
Excellent point, Destiny. People like to post under anonymity (sp?) all the time but you'd be surprised what using a regular name does. Not that you can't use a made up name sometimes.
What I detest is when some use a made up name on here in order to post a cheap shot or to speak to another regular without having the guts to use a regular name. I cannot stand that.
Just like that comment to m this morning. Could very well be someone who posts on here regularly or semi-regularly but doesn't have the cahoneys to say it under their regular name.
And just like the comment to Tom up there. Probably a regular visitor but has never had the courage to post anywhere under a regular name except maybe on their regular blog.
I do think the instant "troll!" and "go back to blah blah" the minute someone says something unpopular is intimidation and it's unnecessary. Just like the people going over to JustJared and inserting comments about Austin being gay, bringing up Reeke, etc. It really casts a bad light on everyone at sites like OMG and WFT2 because we get lumped into being accused of invading other neighborhoods.
You know, I always liked Marcus Allen whenever he scored a touchdown. He just calmly tossed the football back to the ref and went back to the sidelines. Class.
He wasn't doing the worm in the endzone and carrying on something terrible in order to try and get attention. And it's too bad that there are those who have to use alot of animation to try and exert their opinion about J or A or whoever by trolling other sites or intimidating others. It just doesn't have to be done that way. I think we have alot of fun on here; I just wish sometimes we could put up a moat, you know what I mean? Course, I know that's not right or reasonable. Just how I feel sometimes.
And it's unfortunate that people can't always say what they want on their regular blog without getting trampled on or spit at by visitors or hostile troublemakers. And it's too bad when bloggers go visit other sites just to stir up trouble.
Why do you think some of us are now emailing and phone calling to each other? Besides just conversing, we also can no longer say all we want on this blog without spies and without hostilities.
forgot something.
m, (and to anyone else who follows this one) there's 2 new chapters of Tainted Evidence up on Slash! woohoo!
PG, I saw the new chapters of Tainted Evidence and printed them out on the spot. Chapter 16 of Tenderfoot too, but wont have a chance to read either until tonight. FYI, I will be checking email tomorrow, I am way behind on that.
I've seen the series of Austin/Sophia pics on several sites now and I don't even think they were holding hands, just a slight finger brush while they navigated around some stuff on the sidewalk. No couples vibe at all. They are friends, co workers, period. That said, I don't think they will stifle any speculation with the OTH series premiere just a few weeks away and them playing a major couple in the show. I chalk it off to promo at best, not bearding. There is also a clip of them dancing on the set with the director on a couple sites. Austin's eyes never look at her body once. Not interested.
Popping in to say Reeke is real and to berate people for their beliefs, when you've never been seen here before, is going to get you called a troll.
Prairie girl
And it's unfortunate that people can't always say what they want on their regular blog without getting trampled on or spit at by visitors or hostile troublemakers.
When the berating demeaning troll comments are deleted or when OMG becomes a private blog, then I'll use a regular name. Until then, no. I prefer to remain anon under other names so I won't be a target. I see it happen all the time with the regulars and I don't want to be part of that shit. I know 3 Jaustinite people from another site who won't post here because of all the trolls. Why should they post when whatever they say gets called "silly" and gets ridiculed and the blog owners are too lazy to delete the antagonists?? The troll "popcorn" said on the other thread, s/he comes here for the entertainment. It really pisses me off that Special and Wicked let trolls make fun of us, ridicule our beliefs, tell us we're full of crap, yet we can't tell them to go eat shit, DIAF or STFU. Censoring and showing respect to your core Jaustin believers are 2 different things. Special and Wicked, you really need to delete the troll shit, period.
I posted some stuff a couple of months ago on my LJ (i've mentioned this b4 but it's pertinent to today's discussion) and i caught a bit of grief for it that hurt me. I also realized that while i care what's going on in Jake's life, a lot of folks in the bbm fandom don't care much or even at all, and a lot of them have totally written him off since he ignored (in public) Heath's death.
Therefore, i don't post on my LJ about jake anymore at all. However, i still enjoy coming here to discuss him, and i still have feelings and hopes about his life and future. I'm not all wrapped up in it like i used to be, and i'm thankful for that, but i still want to be in the loop about what's going on. This is there perfect place for me, because most of the posters here are of a similar mind to me about what's going on.
I say again: i totally do not understand why anyone but us true OMG'ers ever come here. i see the troll posts adn i just scroll right on past. i don't even read them, they are the same over and over, and it doesn't matter what they say, they aren't going to affect my opinion one iota. and i know they don't believe anything we say, so why come here??? it actually does feed into the theory that they are from PR, which i used to think was over-the-top, but now i'm not so sure. i mean, for real... why would anyone other than US come here? it makes no sense. s.
the other thing i wanted to say was this:
i understand where Jersey Tom is coming from and i don't care if he waffles 10 times a day. i think when you really look for someone to make a difference, when you are really counting on them to do what you want them to do to change a tiny bit of the world that really matters to you - and then they don't - that just hurts.
JT had really let himself hope/believe that Jake was going to come out and announce himself partnered up with Austin. When he didn't come out, but did the very opposite instead - embracing a lifestyle that, if he is truly gay, shows a complete and total disregard for gay folks everywhere... well, it hurt.
of course, Jake isn't obligated to act as a role model for gays. he doesn't owe the gay population anything and he doesn't have to sacrifice himself or his career ambitions for the sake of making a statement.
that doesn't change the fact that JT is hurt, and that many of us were disappointed. we can still like jake, we can still have hopes for the future, and we can still gather and complain about what's going on right now. that is our right, and i don't get why anyone would even think to try to dissuade us. until we start taking out full-page ads in the NY Times or going on Leno or Letterman and spreading our tales, the who freakin' cares what we say over here.
for real dudes, this is our fun place to care about the one thing in life that actually doesn't matter. (as opposed to the economy and health care and war and homelessness, etc.) why do you want to horn in on that?
Austin looks cool, Sophia not, which is unusual for her.
No real thoughts about them, they are old friends.
Hey london!!! How in the heck are you? You know what. Someday soon, Good Lord willing, after I conquer New York City and Wyoming, I would love to come see London. love to, love to.
And when I come overseas, I would love to meet you and whoever else is within meeting distance there. Wouldn't that be awesome? Hey! TB'ing does not stop at oceans, lol.
Sienna, totally agree. It's a puzzler why anyone would want to spend time reading & commenting on a blog where the majority doesn't remotely agree with your feelings. It makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.
Staying Anon, I hear ya. I'm sorry, too. Bummer. But I get where you're coming from because it isn't any fun to have your comments picked on and personal attacks made on you. I'm sure you've seen every regular here get it, and by name.
And I have really thin skin, too, as you probably know, lol. Can't help it, it's just in me. But I keep coming back because I love everyone here so much and I cannot let those people win or stop me, no matter how much some name or comment might hurt.
Sienna, I saw the post you made that day about Reeke. I didn't read the comments that you got on it later. Sorry you had to take some heat for it; that's kind of ridiculous.
OT: So cool....the guy who was in the FU pic with Paul Rudd was invited by Paul to visit the set. Is Paul Rudd a doll or what.
I used to think the PR theory was a bit over the top too, but now, I'm not so sure either. I agree, why would anyone waste their time here trying to change people's minds/break up the gang by planting seeds of dissent if not for professional reasons? Who would care that much? It's beyond reason to me. I come here to keep up with what's going on, but as much for non-J&A related things too.
I can empathize, who wants to spend their online time defending themselves and fighting off trolls? Nobody should have to put up with it, and for that reason I think people do have a right to remain anonymous, or as anonymous as they can be. It's hard to turn the other cheek, and people who aren't respectful to others don't deserve any in return. Nobody should have to apologize if they are a little thin-skinned about it. But you can't have the place degrade into a free-for-all either. Maybe the best thing to do is either scroll on by or try to get a laugh out of it, because it's quite entertaining and funny at times. :)
The best thing to do is delete troll posts.
The best thing to do is delete troll posts.
I agree.
Trolls shouldn't be allowed to use OMG for selling Reeke and trashing JiG and J&A believers - they have the rest of the Internet for that.
For Jersey Tom, another PR fake twitter.
jmanlinday: saw jake gyllenhal at gym. This made me sure: old man to jake: "hey, veren't you the vone in that vfilm?" jake: "yes, i'm an actor."
2 minutes ago
Jake at gym
Trolls shouldn't be allowed to use OMG for selling Reeke and trashing JiG and J&A believers - they have the rest of the Internet for that.
^^This. IAWTC.
Anyone who thinks that Austin isn't bearding (assuming he's gay at all, see below) because they haven't seen as much fake PDA as Reeke is nuts.
Austin is a fourth-rate actor with a few minor third-rate movie roles and a third-rate TV series on his CV. Reeke is a carefully constructed commercial product financed by a big studio (Disney) for the benefit of two of its biggest stars : Jake and Reese. A pile of money is involved, money that is *not* going to be spent on a c/d-list actor like Austin. So, of course you won't see the elaborate hoaxes, staged photo-ops and planted gossip rag rumors for Austin and Sophia. They aren't important enough to construct a Reeke-sized hoax for. The return on investment is not there.
Now for the more controversial assertion.
I believe that Austin is as straight as a dye. All of the homo-energy coming off of Jake and Austin is coming from Jake, not Austin. Austin is a generic, ordinary, third-rate heterosexual male actor who happened to have found himself in the same room with a famous, horny, gorgeous, love-starved, closeted gay actor desperate for a little companionship in LA. Austin was flattered, took pity on Jake, saw the professional possibilities (self-promotion, bromance, whatever), and decided to go along for the ride. He might have even flirted for awhile with pathetic, emotionally confused Jake, as some straight male guys like to do with their gay male friends - before they go back, permanently - to their straight female girlfriends. And Jake might have even believed this game for awhile, but he certainly doesn't now.
That's it. There is no more homo-erotic energy in J/Austin. And yes, I've seen ALL of the pictures too.
It is important to understand this because it explains so much of Jake's bearding.
There is no great gay (or straight) love worth sacrificing his career for in Jake's life. He's a pretty lonely guy, incredibly love-starved in so many ways. The only thing that he has now is his career, and his current career obsession is a franchise. He's doing what he needs to do to make PoP successful. Meaningful gay love, in the short-term, is not a real possibility for him and he knows it.
Since there is no great gay love at home waiting for him, no wonderful man telling him that unless he stops bearding the relationship is over, why not sell his soul to the highest bidder?
Excellent points, plaid. Good arguments.
I don't agree on all of it, but I do agree that I think Austin is subtly and slowly going to do a little bearding. I can just tell, sheerly by the few pics that we've got so far. A couple outings were harmless.
Now the latest and the blurb by JJared? Yup, a little promo for OTH and also a little setting up for Austin himself. This latest one makes me feel that yeah, he's headed down that route. At least, for a little while, anyways.
I do think (again. Game on!!!) that Austin and Jake are together. Still.
Familiar-sounding rhetoric.
SiennaB Thanks so much for what you said. Every word you said is true. You are a bright a very nice lady.
I don't think posts should be deleted unless people get nasty, use ugly words, etc. And Special did that, as is clear from yesterday's threads.
And for starters, where do you draw the line???? Do you delete posts by a long-time regular poster when she says maybe J&A had something in the past, and if Jake is with Reese she wishes him the best? Do you want a site like GB or DC, or in the old days Jake Watch, where no one is/was allowed to stray from the party line? That is one reason so many of us came to the original WFT and to OMG.
One of the things I love about this place is what I see as a strong commitment to freedom of speech.
I guess it is easier for me because I have a really thick skin. I could really care less what a troll says about me because their opinion is not worth dirt.
If people don't like something someone is writing, scroll on by and don't comment on it. If you ignore them they will stop.
Oh, plaid, one picture you might take a look at for grins is that latest OTH promo pic, the 2nd one from the top on yesterday's post.
Get a load of Austin there. Kind of interesting one, I thought, anyway. The instant I saw him, it struck out at me.
And music luvah! hear hear. Wow, that's the most you've said, ever. LOL! No, I'm teasing you. I think that's great. I love seeing what you have to say. I know; it is difficult, if not near impossible to bite the tongue. I'm just not that strong most of the time.
I don't think you delete comments by someone who states that they think Reeke is real. I honestly, though, Destiny, would not look for that person to be back.
Why would they? There is nothing about OMG's blog itself then that is going to any longer be of their like or interest, except for the spotlights. And no, there's not enough movie discussion or anything else to make up for it, so I wouldn't buy that they come for the "people who are here". I think that would be a bunch of bull.
Have I missed something here? Did I miss this regular who made a big statement about believing Reeke is real? Besides ol' Tombuddy, lol!
I think I've missed something. Were they trolled? Were they trolled while posting under a made up name? If they posted under a made up name then yeah, I would imagine they were "trollified".
If you ignore them they will stop.
Why would trolls stop when they are welcome and can insult everyone they please as long as they don't use ugly words?
Thanks PG. :)
I agree guys, I trust Special's and Wicked's judgement on this - delete if it gets ugly. We defintely don't want people to feel they can't express a difference of opinion tho. Then again, what would we do for entertainment without some of the troll posts. And we have it delivered right to our door as well. :)
I'm hoping that Austin won't go the bearding route or take it very far.
DC died because the mods defended the JIS group and let them ridicule the JIG believers. In other words, DC which is a gay site, sacrificed its own in favor of the JIS trolls. Which is exactly what's happening here.
Well, how rude. I go and ask a question and then I go and leave. lol!!
I have to go get a birthday card. Now is that an exciting thing to do on a Saturday night or what?? LOLL!
Yeah, exciting times here in the Sunflower State.
It's a fine line on this deleting stuff. I don't mind some mild "shoo"-ing away. I don't mind people coming on maybe once and questioning why some of us believe what we believe. But when they come back time & time again, that begins to get badgering.
Then, when they get personally insulting that gets on my nerves and I hate it when some people come on here with the sole intent to badger a particular person. It's like stalking, really.
And that makes me feel powerless to do anything about it and I hate that.
Okay, well, spilled my guts. That's how I feel. Hope I didn't offend anyone with anything I said, don't mean to.
I'm off to Hallmark!! See you later, guys
Whatever happened to "In The Mist" troll? Those were the days. Sigh.
"Then again, what would we do for entertainment without some of the troll posts."
When was the last time you spoke up against a troll and defended a Jaustin post? Or are you like "popcorn" who just comes here for the troll vs Jaustinite entertainment? You get off on it? You like seeing fellow posters ridiculed? Of course you do and on that basis I call you a troll of the worst kind.
The mist troll! Does that bring back memories.
Since you answered your own question, I don't need to reply I guess, but ok, I'll bite.
1. We don't respond to troll posts generally. I have gotten myself into too many insincere debates, but have defended Jaustin posts many, many times.
2. I wasn't speaking about fellow posters being ridiculed. I think that goes without saying. Just the obvious stirrers and trouble makers who use anything to get a rise out of us. And I won't respond to you again.
Why would trolls stop when they are welcome and can insult everyone they please as long as they don't use ugly words?
IA. SK and W keep saying if we ignore them they'll stop. Stop when? LOL. 2 years and the landlords are still letting the trolls have squatter rights.
Seems to me all the people posting under names I've never seen before who are complaining about the trolls posts not getting deleted are also just looking to start trouble too.
I think there are some people out there who are very unhappy we're all still here, not one quitting over a few tame pictures of Austin and Sophia, and no new Reeke pictures in weeks.
who are complaining about the trolls posts not getting deleted are also just looking to start trouble
Yeah right....the ones asking for troll posts be deleted are trolls....
Out for the day and bit of reprieve lost in the comfort of a movie. Every time I go remember how much I love movies, and how for that briefest moment of time, there is nothing else but that, there are no bills, or calls, or cv's to send out, no trolls, or battles royale. Just time transported by the story and the storytellers that grace that screen.
The thing about deleting is that once you start then it is not enough for some, they want to delete more and more and more.
While we say ignore the troll, we do monitor, we want people to have the right to speak their thoughts. And with that does come opposition. All things that threaten thinking of the masses does. But abuse of people is not tolerated however.
There is always a part of me that is of the mind that trolls want us to delete them. So they can say we can't take the heat, that we are intolerant to others, that we are like other sites. I also think when you do delete in can sometimes for the trolls to bomb you even more.
I think there are some for more deleting for very thought out reasons, there are some who call for it use against and others who feel the chip on their shoulder about being deleted for something they didn't think they should have been deleted for.
It is the hardest part having a blog. Hands down.
I will make mistakes I might not delete enough, or might delete something you can't understand why. I am going to get it wrong but I am going to get it right too sometimes. It's about getting it right proportionally more than the messing up.
And now back to hurricane tracking, and movies,and dinner, and friends. And of course OMG.
I always think of Austin's shirt as representation of what Austin, the city, is just doing its own thing in its own funky hell to the rest 'em way. Cause there's Texas, and then there's Austin, which is not like anywhere else in entire state.
And don't think it was all movies today. I had to watch my Sox, finally get it together and beat the damn Yankees, 14-1.
Thank goodness, after last night's debacle of 20-11 Yankees!
You and Wicked do a fine job here, Spesh.
I wonder who these kids belong to:
Special K, I agree once you start deleting, there is no end to it. I wonder why the issue keeps coming up. I wonder if some are pushing it just to get the total number of comments made about Jake and/or Reese down. A PR tactic if I ever saw one.
Yeah right m. PR wants you to delete the trolls who insist that Jake is straight, Reeke is real, there's no BT and anyone who believes otherwise is a silly pathetic hallucinating idiot. If you think it's a PR conspiracy to delete trolls and make OMG a comfortable place for Jaustinites to discuss and exchange ideas, well that's just really paranoid and truly very, very sad.
m, you indeed were the night owl last night. I got up early this morning to entertain thoughts of walking, but I just couldn't do it, lol. Too much shopping last night took it right out of me.
Well, gee whiz, Special, Austin's goings ons have certainly given you alot of daily material, huh? LOL, the boy has been busy, I must say. Now we have to watch JJ for any Austin mentionings, along with Sophia, of course. Thanks to JJ's preoccupation with Sophia, Austin gets to ride along, lol. Hey, whatever it takes to get a foot in the door, sometimes, as long as it's good, of course.
Is Jake rocking in a hammock or what? Is he mowing the lawn? Doing fix its around the house? Studying to finish his degree? Enrolling the kid in pre-school? Installing a new hot water heater? What in the heck?
lol. Okay, just issuing a Good Morning!! Off to go play in Word. I still have a bunch of church work to do, too. Yesterday, I discovered to my great dismay that I couldn't find my hard copies of my form letter and my spread sheet of addresses & phone #'s of all the people involved in this Dinner 4 Eight that I type up every 4 months. So I had to put out an SOS to people to see if they still had one in their email. Starting from scratch, just about.
The ol' laptop burnup still kicking my hindie. grrrrrr!
Hey, wanted to give a hello to tr way up there. Had been kinda wondering about our friend as it had been quite a little dry spell.
Hey Special, you doin' alright over there?!!! I was just watching the Weather Channel and that storm Bill is it bringing you rain or strong winds?
"Don't Go Near the Water!!" is what that gal keeps saying. She must've said it at least 5 or so times.
The trolls are PR. Their badgering and insulting comments are designed to dissuade anyone new from seeing the site as having a valid point of view and thus joining into the conversation, and calculated to annoy and make the regular people hesitant about putting their thoughts, analysis, and ideas up as a target for the trolls' ridicule. The more you protect the trolls, versus standing up for the people who believe in Jaustin, the more followers you lose. Your choice.
Washing & vacuuming the car? Reading a good book? Picking cucumbers out of the backyard garden? In a T-Bell drive-thru line? Washing oodles of laundry? Updating the Netflix que? Re-caulking the bathtub?
Re-training Atticus.
Cleaning the cobwebs off the car? Trying to follow a recipe to make homemade tortillas? Practicing his yoga? Swimming laps? Building sandcastles? Cleaning the air conditioning filter? Practicing for the July 4 Nathan's Hog Dog Eating Contest?
Another hot muggy day in NY. I've hardly done any real walking the past month.
I can't wait for my mini-vacation later this week to San Francisco, I am sooo looking forward to being someplace cool for a change. Plus I haven't been there in way too many years.
Hi PG,
Hot, sunny and muggy here again too - Hurricane Bill took a turn for the Northeast, and when it hit colder water, ran out of steam. He's in for Nova Scotia now, Newfoundland tonight. I'm going to the beach in a few minutes to admire the surf. It was very calm at the lake this morning when where we walk.
Have a great Sunday! :)
Oops, that was me. Sorry! :)
I bought a book on Friday called "Hiding in Plain Sight". it's about Raymond Burr, who played Perry Mason on tv. He died in 1993, and it wasn't until AFTER that that the world at large got to know that he was gay.
i'm really enjoying the book, and it's fascinating to read how well those in the know protected his secret. everyone in HW who was friends with him knew it, including the gossips columnists, but they didn't consider it their job to out anyone, so they didn't go there. Cary Grant was another one that was highly speculated about at the time. I didn't know that.
jake is interesting to us, but i don't think the rest of the world really cares about him enough to care one way or the other. the topic came up at work about whether playing "gay" would affect your ability to move beyond that. We were talking about Tom Selleck in "In and Out" and how shocking it was to see him kiss Kevin Kline. One guy said, "I didn't think Tom was gay after that movie, but those BBM dudes... gay."
i don't think that's the gen con, but that role in combo with Jake's lifestyle definitely put him in the spotlight.
what i don't understand is this: let's take Ashton Kutcher. we all know he's married to Demi Moore and they appear happy and in love blah blah. that doesn't keep us from going to see a movie with AK and buying into the story of him being in love with the chick playing his girlfriend in the movie. while we know he has a RL outside of the movie, we suspend that and go along with the story in the movie and enjoy it.
so why should that be different if - for instance - Jake and Austin were out as a couple. why does it matter who the REAL significant other is? unless he only makes movies with RW for the rest of his life, we have to seperate his RL from his movie role.
i mean, regardless of who's left at home when dude goes off to make a movie, it's JUST a movie. he might hate his costar, but his job is to convince us on screen that he loves her and wants to do her. as long as he can do that convincingly, who cares who he likes to do on his own time?
"Bill" is too confusing a name for a storm. All I see in my news pages is "Bill Passes By Massachusetts" or "Bill Passes(whatever)" It sounds like a political thing or expenses or spreading bad money around!
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