What does the Out Spotlight have to do with the 40th Anniversary of Woodstock and Stonewall? Plenty.
Today's Out Spotlight is Elliot Tiber.
Elliot Tiber was born in Bensonhurst, Brooklyn, New York. His family moved to Upstate New York in the White Lake section of Bethel NY in 1955 where they bought the El Monaco Motel. By 1969, The El Monaco Motel was run down, losing money and desperate and the family at risk of losing the whole thing, and Tiber was trying to help his family save it. That's when fate stepped in.
Tiber described living a closeted life s as he spent time managing his parent's El Monaco Motel, serving as President of the Bethel Chamber of Commerce, and, at the same time, participating in the gay scene in New York city.
"We barricaded the doors to keep the cops out, but when we realized that we outnumbered them, we unblocked the exits and ran out onto the street. A group of us started yelling, 'Gay power!' Within seconds, the Stonewall Riot was underway...A bunch of us rocked a cop car back and forth, then overturned it. More people, gay men and lesbians, showed up to join us."
It led him to embrace his sexuality which he had kept a secret even from his own family.

"I think it cost $12 or $8 or something like that...It was very vague. It just said I had permission to run an arts and music festival. That's it."
When Lang rejected Tiber's offer to hold the festival on the 15 acre swampland surrounding the run down hotel Tiber got the idea of asking his milkman Max Yasgur to rent his farm to the organizers. Yasgur supported the local Earthlight Theatre group to which Tiber had rented his barn, and agreed to let Woodstock Ventures Inc. use his farm for what would become the largest music festival in history.
El Monaco Motel provided the headquarters and housing for the Woodstock Festival promoters and crew, and many of those who played. Soon after Woodstock, Elliot Tiber sold the motel and headed to Europe, and the El Monaco continued as a motel and restaurant until 2004. It was recently demolished through a partial intentional burning to make way for a marketplace. A clock tower now sits on that corner welcoming visitors as they enter Bethel.Tiber wrote a first hand account about Woodstock and it coming together in a book called Taking Woodstock: A True Story of a Riot, a Concert, and a Life. Academy Award winning director Ang Lee's movie based on the book opens this weekend on the 40th anniversary of Woodstock.
Tiber resides in New York and has performed his one-man standup show titled "Woodstock Daddy" and spearheads projected titled "Gaystock', which is planning a music and arts festival around the Fort Lauderdale area. The Gaystock festival hopes to promote peace and unity among people of any sexual orientation.
What are the meaning of the pendants Austin is wearing in those pics and why wasn't he wearing the ring from 2007? In the recent fan pics do you think he was wearing the pendants or a ring?
Why are you asking us? Tell us your thoughts and opinion on it first, then we can discuss your findings.
I think both of them wear different thing around their necks. I do think they know that the are pictures of them wearing rings on the chains.
I think what they wear does have significance with each other. Jake has a similar necklace with a Austin was seen wearing something similar.
Interesting Out Spotlight today, Special. I kinda got lost a little bit in the middle, though. So did Woodstock not want to have its festival on his family's hotel land? Why not? And why would they hold it instead on the milkman's land? I don't get that part. I'll probably have to re-read it again. I have to read things several times sometimes before I get it all, lol.
You guys are kidding about the banner, right? lol.
I don't think Austin could get away with wearing that boulder around his neck. He can't wear it on his hand; it's too well speculated about now. My gosh, if he were to wear that ring around his neck, it would look like he had a growth going on in the middle of his chest. Not only that, if someone hugged him, he'd liable to get punctured with it.
So maybe Austin has switched to some other symbol. Could the boulder be under glass now?
The reviews for Taking Woodstock have not been real great. The movie was supposed to be Oscar material earlier in the year but did not do well at some of the film festivals. I still intend to see it though.
We have seen the rings. A fact is a fact.
PG- the land around the motel was swampy and it wasn't big enough at 15 acres. It was Max Yasgur's farm that become the sight of Woodstock well that and most of the Bethel by the end of it.
Kind of like the one he's got on in this picture?
a growth going on in the middle of his chest
A third, fourth and fifth nipple!
That's right Tom, like everything else to do with Jake, too many things have been seen for Jake to magically become straight, no matter how hard Reeke and their pr try.
And just because they're not wearing rings doesn't mean what they're wearing around their necks doesn't have significance, although it makes it a lot harder to know for sure, and to know what is going on with J&A.
In a survey of college football players, half of them said they had a gay teammate. I find that very interesting--I wonder how much of that is because players are out to their teammates, and how much of it is just from beliefs/observation, etc.
Gay Teammates
It always makes me a bit sad to heard about old motels and hotels being torn down. Not only because of the cultural and historical significance as is the case with the Monaco, but because those older ones had charm that the cookie cutter chains just don't have.
Destiny I have mentioned this before but I believe it is worth mentioning again. When former NBA player Ameche came out former
76ers star Charles Barkley said he knew 6 NBA players who were gay when he played in the NBA.
We already have enough $$$ tommy, started collecting last week!! But you can collect seperately for another banner.
I never believed Ted when he said Toothy's bf is well endowed but after being baptized by Spooky's pics #1 and #3 I'm ready to be a sacrificial altar boy.
Know now why Jake grins.
PR Girl this is how I am gonna start collecting the money for the banner. I dont want to give my address out to anyone so I have decided to purchase a PO Box this week and anyone who is interested can get the address from WFT2 or OMG. I will let everyone know when the address is available.
OMG will not assist with this. Sorry Tom, but if you really insist upon doing this you will have to do it without involving this blog.
May I ask why OMG is not for a banner that outs JAke Gyllenhaal. Is it for legal reasons?
This is what our disclaimer is:
This blog is strictly for entertainment purposes. Its writers make no serious claims about the sexuality of either Jake Gyllenhaal or Austin Nichols. This blog is in no way affiliated with any Hollywood person or agency. Images and music used within this blog belong to their respective copyright owners and no infringement of copyright is ever intended.
And personally I do not like the idea of outing.
Dont get upset girls. If I wanted to buy a banner I would buy one. But I really think my money is better spent on much more meaningful causes not outing Fake Gyllenhaal. He will eventuallly make a mistake and out himself anyway. I dont think he is the brightest light in the sky. This is why Mommie and reese are doing his thinking for him.
But I am for outing big time.
". He will eventuallly make a mistake and out himself anyway."
Keeping dreaming there's nothing to out.
I'm perfect and I never make mistakes!
PR whose paid big bucks to spy on OMG said...
". He will eventuallly make a mistake and out himself anyway."
Keeping dreaming there's nothing to out.
We will see!
Jake said...
I'm perfect and I never make mistakes!
You should of worn an undershirt Jake.
I never eyefuck cute boy strangers in cafes!
1. Take human language class
2. Get opposing thumbs (surgery?)
3. Write autobiography.
1. Euthanasia
May I ask why OMG is not for a banner that outs JAke Gyllenhaal. Is it for legal reasons?
No. We are not comfortable with this blog being used as a conduit for collecting money for anything, even a good cause.
Shit! I'm never gonna have someone do my outing for me. *cries*
From OTH boards:
Austin and the rest of the cast are in NYC for photoshoot for the new season.
Sorry to hear Ang's movie about Woodstock is not getting good reviews. I can remember my first husband and I, while in college, trying to decide if we should go or not. But we were both so broke, it just wasn't a travel option. We did not even own a car in those days.
I do believe the boys had to tone down the necklaces since there was so much recent talk about them, but I have no doubt they have some other symbol on their person to signify their relationship.
Don't laugh, but I watched Twilight last night. It was discounted on DTV pay per view. Nothing else was on and I thought what the hell,lets see what all the talk is about. No, I don't recommend it unless you are between the age of 11-16 and are still a virgin. Pretty basic vampire story, mediocre acting. Pattinson did start to grow on me by the end. I'd have to see him in an adult role to call him sexy though.
^^Wow, great post today! I'm interested in seeing Taking Woodstock. :)
I'm curious about Twilight too, especially the newest one, New Moon, I like the storyline about Jacob Black. I love Harry Potter too - I have always liked magical stories, vampire stories, ever since I read Bram Stoker in high school. I thought it was the most erotic thing I ever read. Everyone everywhere is talking about Twilight; at my morning coffee shop, there's a big cardboard cutout of Robert Patterson, red eyes and all, saying "I can't face the sunrise without my morning coffee." Cute. ;)
I think you are so right, Destiny, about the historic hotels, the modern ones don't have the same charm and history.
Ok... speaking of outing...
in the August 24 edition of people, there is an interview with Brad Pitt where he answers questions sent in by readers. there are several, but here are 2 of interest:
1. do u think u and A will ever get married?
BP: when everyone who wants to get married can legally do so, we will consider the same.
then several more questions, blah blah, and then someone asks:
2. who would u rather have babysit ur kids, George Clooney or Matt Damon?
BP: Who would i rather have babysit my kids? I'm going to go with George C. because he doesn't stand a chance against my kids. I'd also like to reiterate that A and I will not be getting married until George and his partner can legally do so. Thank you.
back to S... a friend was reading my magazine adn she came across this and was surprised and asked me if GC was really gay or if that was a joke, and i said lots of folks think he's gay but in the closet. i was really shocked when i read this though; i can hardly believe Brad would do something like that to George, who is his friend.
it doesn't sound at all like a joke. i mean, i know they are always playing crazy tricks on each other, etc, but considering G's reputation, i think if that's a joke, it's a pretty ballsy one, and i could do both their friendship and George's carreer a lot of damage.
what do ya'll think?
the reason i found it so interesting is obviously because of the tie-in with jake. his relationships with women are different, in that they drag on for freaking ever, but they never turn into anything and they come across as very stale and boring, this one being much worse than his relationship with K. which did have a bit of life to it.
anyway, if BP is telling the truth, it just goes to show how well someone in that lifestyle can keep a secret if they want to, and how much trouble even a big name star will go to to keep his bedtime druthers private. jbg is pretty small potatoes compared to GC... based on this, unless he gets chummy with BP, i guess we can expect more of the same on JakeWatch. :(
Ok... speaking of outing...
in the August 24 edition of people, there is an interview with Brad Pitt where he answers questions sent in by readers. there are several, but here are 2 of interest:
1. do u think u and A will ever get married?
BP: when everyone who wants to get married can legally do so, we will consider the same.
then several more questions, blah blah, and then someone asks:
2. who would u rather have babysit ur kids, George Clooney or Matt Damon?
BP: Who would i rather have babysit my kids? I'm going to go with George C. because he doesn't stand a chance against my kids. I'd also like to reiterate that A and I will not be getting married until George and his partner can legally do so. Thank you.
back to S... a friend was reading my magazine adn she came across this and was surprised and asked me if GC was really gay or if that was a joke, and i said lots of folks think he's gay but in the closet. i was really shocked when i read this though; i can hardly believe Brad would do something like that to George, who is his friend.
it doesn't sound at all like a joke. i mean, i know they are always playing crazy tricks on each other, etc, but considering G's reputation, i think if that's a joke, it's a pretty ballsy one, and i could do both their friendship and George's carreer a lot of damage.
what do ya'll think?
the reason i found it so interesting is obviously because of the tie-in with jake. his relationships with women are different, in that they drag on for freaking ever, but they never turn into anything and they come across as very stale and boring, this one being much worse than his relationship with K. which did have a bit of life to it.
anyway, if BP is telling the truth, it just goes to show how well someone in that lifestyle can keep a secret if they want to, and how much trouble even a big name star will go to to keep his bedtime druthers private. jbg is pretty small potatoes compared to GC... based on this, unless he gets chummy with BP, i guess we can expect more of the same on JakeWatch. :(
I've wondered about Twilight too since I love a good vampire story, and I'm curious about the Pattison mania, but I've always put off seeing it because of the fact that it pushes the chaste angle, and for me I can't imagine a vampire story without the sex and the heat.
Despite not being sure I'd like it, I've gotten quite caught up with True Blood. I got behind and had a marathon last night and watched 6 episodes.
Not sure what to think of that Pitt quote either Sienna. Pitt and Clooney are known for kidding each other, and Clooney himself in talking about the rumors he is "gay gay gay" has joked he's only "gay gay". I do think that whatever is going on, he wouldn't say it if he thought Clooney would be unhappy about it.
Pattison is a very good looking guy. But I don't have any interest in seeing Twilight to find out if he is a good actor or not. Considering the age of the audience it targets of course wouldn't be a fuckfest.
Ring no3 could be just apendant it is too thick to be a ring.
The othe rpics yes there is a pendant under the black t-shirt but it is too small of a shape to be a ring. I think it is a circular small pendant. Or a third nipple, but not a ring. Unless of course you just want to believe so.
Destiny, I too watch True Blood, though primarily for Eric. Bill does nothing for me and the plot this year is a bit too weird for my taste. I sure hope you caught tonights episode because Sookie has a fantasy where she and Eric are making love and he is naked. No, not full frontal, but naked head to toe and he looks great. He is super sexy. I am saving this episode to replay 100 times before I delete it.
"Jiminy Glick in Lalawood" from 0:42 to 0:51. This Jiminy guy is gaygaygay and in 9 seconds flat Jake blows him with his eyes. Cmon, no way a straight boy does that.
Jiminy Glick in Lalawood - The Walkway part 2
Jiminy Glick is played by comedian Martin Short, who was Jake's neighbor growing up.
What comedy influences for Jake, Christopher Guest and Martin Short.
You gotta think Jake has perfected this classic Men's Sychronized Swimming(short version)
I love Jiminy and the whole thing with his wife Dixie and their twins Matthew and Modine. He used to be on Comedy Central as Jiminy. My love for Martin Short started with SCTV.
BTW Insomnia suck.
Excerpt from an interview on the Jonathan Ross TV show in the UK.
2007 - Jake Gyllenhaal swimming on BBC TV
PR Lesson No. 158
Couple Watch
Forget details like dates, BUT know other details like ages, numbers of players and racing times.
Run the item 10 days after it has supposedly happened.
Add extemporaneous information that is no one cares about.
Change pick up game that is printed early to 5-5 charity event.
Run and highlight the most important person first, although they did not run, walk, or even tiny dance. (or possibly be there) But did the most physically challenging thing, cheering.
Why would you make it look like it happened this past weekend? Maybe because the two dinners on Thur and Friday didn't give enough coverage for the cheering section and it there would be cover is some excuse if people saw the running baller in NYC this weekend since a tall Texan, was known to be there on a photoshoot.
Just a guess.
M, I'm a Bill fan myself. I can certainly see the appeal in Eric, and the scenes this week were sizzling, but it is the rare blond man who can turn my head (Austin in The Informers being the last blond I can think of). I am not loving a lot of the plot developments this year, and after last night's episode my girlfriend asked me if I think they've already jumped the shark. I'm sure they're following the books, so can you say that about the shark in that case??? Loved the actor who played Godrick and his character.
My take on People is that they are slow to write up things, but want to convey a sense of immediacy, since that is supposedly what the internet is all about. Just to check my theory, I googled the Tishdale concert, and it occured last Wednesday. I'm guessing the other items they wrote about are similarly not too fresh.
Now the tweets in Philly could be cover for Jake to be in NY, and/or we haven't gotten any this weekend that I saw, so it is possible Jake has been in NYC. But he can always excuse that because of Maggie, work, etc., unlike other places.
Any truth to the rumor that Efron and Vanessa Hudgens are engaged?
Haven't heard that one Rumor Mill. With all the bearding couples jumping on that bandwagon, you just know Reeke is going to have to do it too.
Rumor Mill,
no, of course not.
Apocalyptic Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens Engagement Causing Teens to Spontaneously Combust
Earlier this morning, a British tabloid reported that Zac Efron and his longtime love Vanessa Hudgens are engaged. FALSE!
Both Zac and Vanessa’s reps tell JustJaredJr.com that the rumors are “not true.”
LOL Wicked.
"Now the tweets in Philly could be cover for Jake to be in NY, and/or we haven't gotten any this weekend that I saw"
The only tweets "placing" Jake in Philly was 1 girl who said her sister sat next to Reeke at dinner on Friday nite, and the 1 philly pap who said he heard Reeke had dinner Friday nite and left out the back, took a taxi to their car a block away. So the same nite, Friday. The philly pap said he heard Reeke was there Thursday. No pics or corroborating tweets from other diners, sightseers. None at all for Saturday or Sunday.
Sounds suspicious to me.
Earlier this morning, a British tabloid reported that Zac Efron and his longtime love Vanessa Hudgens are engaged. FALSE!
So no spontaneous combustion?
Reese Witherspoon and Jake Gyllenhaal chose not to walk the line Friday night after having sushi at Morimoto on Chestnut Street.
They left out a back door and hailed a cab to take them a block to their SUV's parking space, reports photog HughE Dillon, who saw her as the cab zipped past the restaurant.
Thursday night, the couple did the steak scene at Butcher & Singer at 15th and Walnut Streets.
^^ From Philly Insider pap. Notice he didn't say he was the one who saw Reeke, another photog said she did. And only 1 tweet from a diner on Friday nite. ???
Sounds like a restaurant PR ad.
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