A quiet little post today, but not less powerful.
There is something about this picture that captures Austin. Can't put a finger on the one thing about it, its but the combination of all the elements. A dichotomy captured. Indicative of who he is. Handsome man with boyish grin, classic clothes with individual quirkiness, refined southern manners with moments of irreverence, home in famed places yet drawing to those less popular for repose, a man on land who seeks the sea.
What else do you see ?
Today's music is to remember musical pioneer and guitar legend Les Paul. Without him there would be no music that we know of today. Besides creating the first solid body electric guitar, Paul's great achievement might be creating the multiple track system, which creates the layers of sound you hear in the songs you listen to, so that you hear each component in perfect combination.
Picture: Austin-Nichols.net
Friday, August 14, 2009
Combo #9
Posted by
Special K
12:33 PM
Labels: Austin, Austin Fridays
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Salve ((Giusi-Poo))
Oh what a great post - a great remembrance for Les Paul. This is now my favorite pic of Austin. :)
flf, if you ever think you might want to email, I'd love to talk to you. I miss you around here. Email OMG and we could exchange emails, if you want. Please, please, please!!! lol, don't feel any pressure, tho.
I can't linger; it's The Worst Day Ever! lol. Well, not really, but it's real close. Work not fun right now for a variety of reasons. So, anyway, had to check in and say hi!!
Special, I scanned something interesting to you. Well, not interesting. Just amusing. If you need a grin, check it out.
Spock, lol. Star Trek, eh, flf? Alot of people into that. I've yet to see that movie.
Everyone have a nice afternoon. The silence this week from Camp R makes me think Special was right on the money. Big LittleReekingfest to distract from something else. Because very strange we've not had any word, and I do mean no word, on either one. Very well done. Just done pretty tastelessly and done without thought to how it's going to affect young ones down the line.
Okay, well, it is Friday! Big wahoo there! Got 3 chapters in the oven. 2 ready to go now, maybe the 3rd one early this evening. I should go check now to see how it's coming along.
Great picture of Austin, and you're right about how it really captures him in a very quiet way. Love the dark suit and the tie, wish he'd trade in his gray one for something like this.
It is about time for the engagement
marriage rumors to start again! I
go about 50/50 most of the time
thinking that Jake and Austin still
see each other! To me, I just could
not imagine giving up completely
the handsome tall Texan in the
photo above! He seems to be as nice
in personality as he is handsome.
There are times that I think that
one of these days he may get tired
of all this mess and leave and find
somebody new!! At times, I even think that he has already found
someone else!! Who knows? I hope
everyone has a good weekend! The
bad thing is weekends are never long enough!!
If Jake has chosen Reese, then I
am happy for him! But why not be
honest instead of hiding what you
feel and know in your heart?
Just something about this photo stuck me. I like the how his shadow become part of the graffiti on the wall. And there's something in his expression it looks similar to some of his other pictures, but there something about it that's not.
Jen Garner and Reese Witherspoon are two of the most manipulative be-yotches around. They know how to spin the press and get out this wholesome good girl image, when in reality you all have no idea the nasty dirt that is going on behind the scenes with these two.
Only difference is Reese does it a helluva lot better.
Interesting picture. I agree that it captures all of Austin's nuances well. And I love the tussled hair. Who took the photo? Just curious since it is so good. Austin has not posted anything on sogopro in a while. Too busy working I guess or perhaps drifting away now that Hilary is not on the show.
I'm not sure who the photographer is but you can see in this pic from the shoot, he had his favorite blue ring.
Austin Striped Shirt, Suit
But I still like the one I put up today the best of that shoot, I just don't know what it is about it.
Okay, up and at 'em !! lol.
It's a downright sin to be up this early on a Sat morning. I wish I could sleep in but I just don't anymore, or at least it's really rare.
Well, let me be the first (as I told Spooky I was going to do on here) to issue this Sight Warning for her journal over there.
Be sure and be sitting down when you gander over there because I am telling you these pictures that she's got up this morning are gonna kill ya. They are just going to knock you dead.
I said it on there, too.
Austin has now OFFICIALLY totally surpassed Jake in the Hot Department. These did it. Giminy's. That first one.
Special, I don't know if you can borrow or get permission from Spooky, but I'm tellin' you (LOLLL! I am wanting to drop all the consonants off my words now!!), these pictures are a Thud moment (LJ talk - meaning very pleasing) if I ever saw one. I wouldn't mind scrolling by these all day.
That first one is incredible. And you know what makes it so sexy, at least in the eyes of a hetero female, I can't get into the heads of anyone else, but this is at least my idea of what constitutes sexiness, is that he is standing like that with no idea. No clue. No intention of trying to look any certain way. He has no idea his shirt is doing that at the bottom. He's just standing there.
It's not a beefcake shot. He's not strutting like a peacock. He's not posing. Well, at least I don't think he is. And to me, that is what makes these pictures, especially that first one, so sexy. Can that guy rock a pair a jeans or what? He can also fill the back of 'em.
This is an incredibly long comment over a few pictures, I know. And I apologize for the going on. Maybe I should've issued an R warning for my comment.
LOL. But these are so worth it. Heckuva way to wake up.
This song cracks me up. Vaya con dios. What does that mean, anyway. Something with day? I know con means with. And dios I think means day.
Where's my mom & dad when I need translation?! lol.
I suppose I shouldn't compare Austin and Jake like I did up there ^^^^. That's not necessary.
But I don't have the energy to re-edit my comment, lol. I'm leaving it up.
I hope Austin gets to do more interviews. I hope he gets a little talk show action this year, maybe. Is that hoping for too much?
Les Paul. Nice tribute, Special. I don't get all the logistics into making music, but it sounds like he was a pioneer. And I'm grateful to anyone who has helped shape the sounds and mixing of our music into what it is today.
Oops, looks like the sun is just starting to come up out there. I can see it kind of peeking out from under the blinds. That's my cue to go change so I can walk.
PG I hear ya. Those are some of the best shots of Austin. I like his candid shots better than his photo shots I also like it when his keeps his hair short and flat. He has a bod to die for.
I also think Austin loves his fans. I love the shot where he has his arm around the young lady and his head above hers. That is a really great photo.
Something I also noticed in one of the photos is that another cast member is with Austin and Sophia at the airport. That guy is cute. Maybe he and Austin are hooking up. Funny how earlier photos tried to place Austin and Sophia traveling together alone when it was cast menbers traveling together. Such BS.
It sure looks like he has the chain on in that first picture. I hope someone can blow it up. There is def something at the end of that chain. Could be just underneath his shirt. It is very hard to tell.
Again in the one shot at the airport where a fan is between Sophia and Austin he has the chain on. Damn whatever it is at the end is right under that shirt. I wonder if he is aware of it and makes sure the ring is hidden.
I saw the chain, too, Tom. Or is a leather piece? I can't tell. But doesn't he wear some kind of rectangular pendant at the end of it sometimes? Seems like I've seen something rectangular or a lightning bolt or something at the end of his lately.
Could be remembering wrong, tho. The ol' memory - ain't what she used to be, LOLL!
Good morningggggg!!!
Great walk. I had my camera with me this time. I hope to put some pictures up finally of my park on my blog.
LOL, like I can find time to do that, too. Ahh, what a dreamer I am. Oh well, I want to try, anyway.
Think I'm going to the big T today. Topeka KS. To go antiquing. I better hit the shower if I'm going to do that. I haven't been to the big T in years. And I mean years.
Tom, I'll have to check out the guy at the airport. Hmmm.
I agree on your liking of his hair short. I like the thickness and the wave he's got in it. But when it piles up on top of his head like he does sometimes, I don't know. I'm not sure that it's complimentary to his head shape.
LOL, that sounds kind of funny. But I think short cropped hair looks best for his size and shape of head.
Boy, but I do love how thick he can grow it, though. heavy sigh. Great head of hair.
PG Girl said..
But when it piles up on top of his head like he does sometimes, I don't know. I'm not sure that it's complimentary to his head shape.
LOL, that sounds kind of funny. But I think short cropped hair looks best for his size and shape of head.
ITA PG. That is def a guy from the cast of OTH standing near at the airport.
The chain looks like a gold chain in both shots PG
Oh, okay. I didn't enlarge the picture so I couldn't tell for sure.
Not going to Topeka after all. It would've taken too much out of the day and I didn't really want to also go to Perkins for breakfast. Lol, there's that vaya con dios song again! I like to eat badly on Sunday but I really don't like doing it on Saturdays, too, and sure's shootin' I would've had a breakfast scrambler or omelet or something like that. Hard to turn down Perkins pancakes, too.
Leggo My Eggo waffles just popped out of the toaster!
I think it means Go With God? Very apropos. Yesterday as I was getting ready for work, I heard the most beautiful electric guitar chords ringing through my neighborhood - once, a couple times, maybe more. I like to think it was a tribute. I meantioned it to my SO and he heard it too.
RIP Les Paul. Music was his life, I think. :)
Off to check out the Austin pics! :)
PG, vaya con Dios means go with God.
It is going to be a scorcher here, and my a/c died this week. Still got in a walk, but even at 8:OO in the morning had to take shade breaks.
Off to see the photos and grab brunch with a friend.
Does Austin use these or does he have natural Texas Hair?!
Funny how those earlier pics of Austin and Sophia cropped out the other cast member of OTH. Wonder Why?
Thanks, music luvah & Destiny. That's great. Maybe it's dias that is day.
Dios might be a branch off of deity, then.
Texas hair!! LOLLL!
That's what you could call it when Austin piles that hair on top of his head. Texas hair, Texas tea.
Have a great brunch, Destiny!
I just had a great phone convo with my friend who lives in Michigan. Yesterday, "Downtown" came on my Boomer Radio internet station and I had to hurry up, grab my cellphone and hold it up to my speaker so she could hear it. LOLL!
I think I've told my "Downtown" story here; anyway, that's "her" signature song.
So I heard her phone message "beep" so I had to call again because I got cut off and then leave her a message, of which I laughed through half of it and come to find out, she had forgotten her cell phone and it had been at home. So I woke up her partner who was trying to sleep. Then when I called again, she couldn't go back to sleep.
Then she hears what I was calling about, to leave that "Downtown" song on her phone. OOps!!
Oh, I couldn't help it, though. I told her I knew she couldn't help but grin when she heard that and she said she did have to grin when she heard it.
Mission accomplished!
That sounded great about hearing the guitar chords in the air, music luvah. Sounds like something I know I would love about city living. Although I don't know where your hearing them took place, but it makes me think of the city, anyway. I love the sounds of the city whenever I stay in downtown Chicago. I love hearing the cabs honking out there all night long, I'm serious.
One of the coolest sounds out there.
Okay, I need to get stuff done. Like a little housecleaning. Something that's really been taking a backseat to everything else.
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