Jake proud of his finish in the first annual Paparazzi 5K, was disqualified when he didn't get one picture of his "date", but turned in an entire memory card full of this guy on the beach.
Said he got confused and thought the race was Oak Bluff's annual Turkey Trot.
Need more buff on the beach? Check out the OTH promos with screencaps, over at Spooky's Austin Nichols Journal.Shoegate update:
From the Vineyard Gazette Online.
The race was not without celebrity moments and glitches — sometimes both at once. Actor Jake Gyllenhaal lost a shoe and precious seconds. “I had to wrestle for it,” he said. Despite the mishap, he enthused, “It’s the best race in the world, man.”
Think it was the camera that slowed him down, that must have been tough carrying it with no pockets?
Where do you stick a camera and run?
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Photo Finished
Posted by
Special K
1:07 PM
Labels: Austin, Fun with Photos, Jake
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Jake Best Week Ever
Reese & Jake, who I just photographed in NYC this past June, have alluded me here in Philadelphia. As I told Demi last year, sure I can find you with ease in NYC, but you're here in Philly, and Philadelphian's want to see u in their home town, so please Reese if you're reading this I'd really like a photo.
I've photographed these two before, together and separately and let me tell you Jake has always been cool, but Reese kinda cold. Really I'm not kidding you, she's an ice princess.
OT: Emmy Rossum is getting divorced from her husband Justin Siegel. Did anyone else know she was married?
This is what I find interesting out the whole thing:
A source at the Los Angeles County Registrar Recorder's Office confirms to E! News that a confidential marriage license was issued in Los Angles County to Emmanuelle Grey Rossum and Justin Siegel. However, because the couple paid for the record to be kept confidential, the source could not confirm the wedding date.
I didn't know that you could pay extra for confidentiality, and makes me wonder what else can be kept confidential the same way.
Maybe Reese remembers that it was me who broke the story of her big fight with Ryan @ The Flags of their Father's premiere after party in NYC.
Why do have this picture in my head of a Jake with one shoe wrestling for his other that seems like Jerry Lewis trying to grab a shoe while getting spun around by the wave of runners as he's yelling Hey Ladddddy!
Jake took a picture of Ava. If it's really photoshopped then JJ only shopped the girl more into the frame. Supposedly the guy who took the picture posted on Just Jared and said it's not photshopped.
In the popsurgar picture Ava's hair is just a little visible:
please stop insulting our intelligence.
You and everyone else can see that picture is photoshopped. PR wanted a better reeking picture, it's their job to sell Reeke charade.
LOL your description of the shoe incident Special.
Interesting about the marriage licenses, I thought those were always public records, unlike divorce and adoption records, which are pretty much sealed. Personally I don't think people should be allowed to have confidential marriage licenses, for all kinds of reasons.
3:37 PM, you can still see Ava's hair in the left picture. Either these are two pictues taken a very short time apart or JJ moved Ava more into the frame.
FYI, I'm not a babbler. No need to insult people for having a different opinion.
In the popsurgar picture Ava's hair is just a little visible:
Except that in the popsugar picture you can clearly see a ponytail swinging freely, but no shoulder. In the JJ picture Avas hair is all on her shoulder.
So, that begs the question: Just how did Jared as the only one of all the websites posting the pictures (including IHJ) get that picture of Ava blurred from behind (with the hair on her shoulder), so he can photoshop it in?
we aren't discussing opinions, we have photo proof that picture was photoshopped.
Jake was there with Ava and Deacon (and Naomi) and I do think he took a picture of Ava when she finished (maybe of Deacon too).
Qustion is now why would JustJared do the photoshop? Probably to make it more obvious Jake took the picture of Ava for people to be moved and click on it.
If so, then it's kinda pathetic.
Jake and Reese's fauxmance is pathetic.
^^Jake is making such a fool of himself ever since reeking begun, it's sad. :(
That photoshopped pic is so amateur its embarassing. Jake and Reese really need to sharpen up their pr game. Also, I know its already been mentioned, but as a bit of a runner myself, what sort of parent, or stepparent for that matter, imagines a child can run even 1k in unlaced converse shoes.
On a brighter note, Austin looks as hot and adorable as ever.
Wake up Jake and smell the f,,,ing coffee. Something that cute isn't going to hang around for ever.
Sorry that should be someone, not something. He is looking fairly adorable and doable though.
Was the pic of Ava photoshopped or is it 2 pics taken closely together? Most of you are looking at the main subjects, Ava and Jake, but you need to take into consideration the other factors in the pic. Look at the background, the people and their positions, even the slight position change of Jake/the photographer where Jake's left shoulder shifts slightly in proximity to the background, the position of the security guard's pocket/badge, and the man in the yellow tshirt's arm. All positions have shifted slightly, and IMO this makes it clear it's 2 different pics.
Sure someone could have gone thru a lot of trouble shifting everything in 1 pic but is it really worth it? Seriously?! Also, whoever the photographer was, was bound to be taking more than 1 pic of Jake taking a pic.
Sorry to be dissenting on this, because yes it would be a spectacular blow to the fauxmance and to PR and JJ. But you can't bend the evidence just to support what you want to see.
We all know he's bearding and that Family Man Jake was expected as the next step in PR, so really this is no big deal and nothing to get worked up about. We might as well enjoy the show. It's the biggest role and the biggest flop of Jake's career.
finer points.. this link might not work, but I think someone over at WFT2 has already done the comparison, and the answer is
yes its photoshopped
The photshopper messed up by not taking the moving hair into consideration. Not the first time PR messed up in photoshop class. They erased pier supports in the infamous Jake/Austin/Sophia beach picture and in the one on Matt McCaunaghy's(sp?)deck, arms were at odd angles not attached to people, and part of a dress was left 10 feet away. I could go on but you get the picture. They ruin their own credibility, we dont even have to help them.
Re Confidential Marriages: I wonder if Jake and Austin got one. Maybe in California during the gay marriages. Or somewhere else.
I am thrown by Jake's leg that is in focus and the top of Ava's shoulder that's not, yet they are in the same field of the focus. Yes things closer to you can go fuzzy and the center of the picture can be in focus, but why would I professional photographer release a picture that had so much of the picture out of focus, it would be in their edit pile. And the picture is cropped just slightly different. Vertical is cropped a little smaller than the other picture, while horizontally its just a tiny bit wider.
Like you said M, its not like we haven't seen bad photoshopping before.
Hi Meg!! Excited to see you!
Geez. Why was there any need to mess around with that picture? They had pictures of Jake there and the kids.
And while I have no doubt that it is Ava Jake is taking the picture of, I don't get the need to jack with that picture to show that.
I didn't look at any of the comments on JJ, but I hope people got on there and called them out on it. What a joke.
You know what. I really don't think Reese was there at all that weekend. I bet Jake had the kids.
Because there is some reason why Reese isn't seen at the race, either "rooting for her man!!" or doing the race herself. Who knows why but that whole deal is kind of odd.
But my point is that is one of those Austin smiles on Jake's face. No, no, Austin wasn't there. He's giving it to Ava - that's one of Jake's real smiles. I think he & the kids had an honestly good time doing this whole deal and you know why? Because the Ice Maiden wasn't there. (sorry, I refuse to call her a princess, LOL)
I mean, look at Ava. When have you ever seen her smile like that when her mom is around?
This is beyond spooky that these kids relax like this when Mom's not around. I am beginning to think Reese is a 2009 version of Mommie Dearest.
And what does this make Jake, as seemingly the only male in HW who actually gets along & likes this woman?? Talk about spooky.
I Don't Get It!!!! I don't get it!
It drives me nuts when things just boggle my mind and make no sense.
I actually may have to do some research on my own about what Reese's producers/directors and former co-stars have said about her because I'm not totally schooled on that. All I know is what I've seen referenced on here and it doesn't sound good at all.
All in all, whoever's decision it was to jack with that picture tried to make a 5 Star picture out of a 4 Star picture, and by doing that, they overdid & overmessed up. They should've left well enough alone and it would've been fine.
Just goes to show, doesn't it.
Meg, I was using the 2 pics from WFT as my comparision. Look again at the slight shift in the bodies and object positions in the background between the 2 pics. I am a photographer and I do photoshop, I know what I'm talking about. No matter how much I hate the bearding and the PR, though, its no reason to pretend something like a pic is photoshopped when it isn't. Period.
Really, if you guys can't admit that those are 2 different pics taken at probably 1/2 or 1 second apart, you're as bad or even worse than the Babblers who see sexual chemistry between Reeke. At least theirs is a mistaken interpretation - yours is ignoring flat-out facts and visual evidence that these are 2 pics taken about second apart.
"why would I professional photographer release a picture that had so much of the picture out of focus"
Jake was the main subject, not the people in the background or the people in the foreground.
finer points.. can't believe my life is so sad that I'm actually responding, but, hey, I can't see any difference in the pics, unless the photographer had the fastest camera ever, ever invented, I don't think these are two separate pics. I'm probably wrong though, I usually am.
PG.. nice to see you too, hope you're enjoying the summer.
I really don't think Reese was there at all that weekend. I bet Jake had the kids.
I bet Reese and nanny were there, kids didn't travel alone.
He already had a perfectly clear shot of Jake shooting the picture. The photographer would use that one and X the out of focus one. That's a discard you would never use that if you had a better shot. Which they did, and which is the base picture they used for the "new" picture.
And here's another question. If the photographer step out in the the running path enough to have Ava be that close to him, how did they not run into each other if he snapped the other picture of Jake by himself. He's back was toward Ava, but how could she come up that close and that fast and him not move.
I know there is a math equation in there somewhere about distance rate and speed, but I was liberal arts major for a reason!
^^^ Troll is pissed off again! lol
I think something about the scale is off in that pic too.
The Boy from Ipanema, it must be Austin. :)
Great song, love Peggy Lee.
As with any major Reeking, it takes me about 24 hours to get over the shock, and then I'm fine. :)
Not to sound like a snob but I have a Masters in Photography and have worked in the field for over 20 years for a reason. It's not worth my time to explain any more logistics to any of you, because you all are convinced of what you want to see and believe. You're already denying the shift in background objects when it's plain as the nose on your face. I really can't help you any further with depth, speed or focus or logistics when, if it doesn't fit into your agenda, it will be discarded in favor of whatever you want to believe instead. I won't waste my time on this. Sorry. Ciao.
^^^ We don't need your help.
It's plain as the nose on your face that MV was just another Reeke photo op.
I don't see too much out of order in the background. Is that the Jack of All Trades Troll again?
Don't forget, the Perseid meteor shower is tonight. :)
Forget Jen, Bradley Cooper's All about Renee
Is he just really lucky to land some big named ladies? Or...
Is he deviously crafty?
We seriously think his publicist has more to do with these A-list couplings than his heart. He knows he's unavailable—in more ways than one, trust—but he's trying to convince these women otherwise.
....We just don't know why girls like Jen or Renée fall for it. Is it the same reason Reese did? Their mutual track record with men is awful enough; you'd think they would have learned how to spot a noncommittal dude from a mile away. Are the pickings that slim in H'wood that any pretty face will do, even if it's there for ulterior motives?
Or better yet, are the chicks doing the real using here?
Man, the pictures getting someone upset in a whole different way. LOL!
I tell you what. We are a bunch of scholars here, are we not? Masters in Photography, Masters in Twitter, er Communication or whatever, my measley little summa cum la di da from whatever heck year that was, Special's liberal arts, what else do we have? Time to throw yours in the hat!!
We've got ourselves a real panel here.
lol. Hey, you gotta have fun, right?
No,I think Jake took the kids himself. He's an adult, right? He knows how to babysit, I'm sure. He can handle a 9 and a 5 year old.
I don't think Reese was there. If she had been, you better believe we would have seen her, right by her man. Come on. After 3 years, you gotta recognize how the Ice Maiden works.
FWIW I agree with finer points. The cop's arm patch is fuller in the JJ pic, the lady in pink's dark thing (fanny pak, id necklace?) is closer to Jake's head in the JJ pic, the man's left ankle calf in the yellow t shirt is closer to Jake's waist in the JJ pic (plus his arm moved), Jake's canine side tooth is seen in the PopSugar pic but in JJ's his hand is blocking it. Its extremeley subtle by millimeters but the difference is there.
The finish line race pic of Ava shows her tossing her head so the hair up in the PopSugar pic and the ponytail flying in back in the JJ pic is typical of how kids are with their body motions, unpredictable and all over the place.
MV was Reeking and Jake is playing stepfather for the rags and gay uncle in private. Whats new?!
What I like to know is who took the pic of Jake taking the pic and made them available to the internet. My bet is reese. With Mom right there directing the show.
Good job. I wonder if JJ got paid or the G's got paid.
I was so close to believing in reeke. That didnt last long. Jake is hard at work and one sad man.
. . .my measley little summa cum la di da.
PG, you've got a way with words, we love you! :*
Tom, glad you were saved in time! ;)
Meg Ryan grabbing dinner with “Melrose Place” gal Daphne Zunigna at The Chilmark Tavern, while Reese Witherspoon and her honey Jake Gyllenhaal hung out in the restaurant’s parking lot.
Forgot about this. Someone mentioned Reese being chummy with Paul Rudd. This is their third movie together. They did Monsters vs. Aliens, and Overnight Delivery.
the restaurant’s parking lot
the restaurant’s parking lot?? Is that like when Reeke ate their sandwiches in the car before hitting Coachella? Or are they trying to make it look like they're making out in parking lots, a la Jaustin?! LOL! And when was this, because all accounts have the Chin in Philly the past 3 days.
On a more serious note, I knew someone who liked to get takeout and eat in her car. Turned out the reason was, she kept her *beverage* of choice there, in an unmarked container. So that she could drink without it being obvious (restaurant tabs, others seeing how much she was consuming). I wouldn't be surprised at all if Reese is a secret drinker. Or Jake.
She couldn't BYOBf. Bring Your Own Baby food.
Interesting point, Crystal, about people in parked cars. Honestly, I have seen that out at my park.
One guy in particular for a couple years would come out there every day between 16-1630 when I was out for my walk back in those days, and he would toss at least about 3 crushed Bud Light empty beer cans into the park garbage cans.
Like Clockwork. Then he would drive home, I gather. You could tell he was on his way home from work, white collar worker.
All kinds of suspicous(sp!) stuff goes on in cars that just sit out there at my park. If they are out there by the time I come around again, I usually have given them the "Look Over" eye and alot of times, they'll move along.
Interesting thing, though. Daphne Z. whatever - she's on OTH!! She plays Sophia Bush's mom.
And yes, I walked by the trashcan to see what it was he was pitching. I'm the unofficial patrol person at my park. I have scolded a few people there in my day. I got after one guy for tossing a banana peel onto the parking lot when there was a trashcan within a few feet of where he pitched it. And I also scolded a couple of young boys for leaving a bunch of trash on the ground. They tried to tell me they were going to be picking it up. Yeah, right.
I can be a real pain, can't I? Hey, it's my park and I like for people to take care of it.
Hey, I'm proud of you, Tom!!!!!
If Jake were to come out today, who would really care? After the hoopla that would last all of maybe 2 weeks, would he really be getting any better or worse roles than now?! Most people don't even know who he is besides "Reese Witherspoon's boyfriend" much less know how to spell his name. He's better off coming out and forfeiting all the tired old leading-man romcom roles he would have gotten himself pigeonholed into, and instead become a great independent respected actor.
Lots of people park cars along the beach. And yeah all kinds of things go down. What did the old guys reading newspapers in their cars do back in the 90's - some did money for guns deals for the IRA.
She couldn't BYOBf. Bring Your Own Baby food.
Or maybe she couldn't BYOBb. Bring Your Own Barf Bag.
Watch for bobbing heads in parked cars!
Reese Witherspoon and her honey Jake Gyllenhaal hung out in the restaurant’s parking lot.
They probably had sober up before they could find the keys and drive. Or maybe Reese was singing "Over the Rainbow" to everybody.
Reese Witherspoon and her honey Jake Gyllenhaal hung out in the restaurant’s parking lot.
Is that a nice way to say they were passed out drunk as skunks and lying on the driveway?
bobbing heads, lol.
Seriously, though, why do you hang out in parking lots unless you're visiting with friends and going to be leaving in separate cars so you're getting your last chats in? Or you're having a serious discussion that just can't be interrupted at the moment? Or ....what?
When you're with your SO and you have a home to go home to, why do you "hang out" in a parking lot?
And oops, sounds like my thinking's wrong. Tom, you might be right. It might be Ice Maiden who's taking the picture of Jake taking the picture.
Boy, the cable news shows are showing nothing but these Town Hall Meetings about health care. I already read where Obama's public approval rating is going down. Good grief, the guy's hardly had a chance to be in office! What a deal.
{Tom, glad you were saved in time! ;)}
WTF? lmao. Has this blog really been reduced to this? The PR conspiracy blog?
?We now have Jersy Tom back? So we can live our little lives worry endlessly about what Jake is doing and how the assumed PR push is threatening our lives.
Well, continue to bang the drum and be a drum major for the OUTING Jake Fangirl fanboy club. It's really no different than the so-called fan girls who want to see Jake as nothing but their husbands and night in shining armour. Just a different twist on things.
this is really Amazing.
Don't know about you there, Really Amazing, but my hero doesn't where armor that holds out the world, but instead integrity, honesty and self-acceptance.
So, believe me, it ain't Jake.
But, if my hero insisted on Cosplaying occasionally, he would definitely be also wearing a K.
There are various trailers out now for Dr. Parnassus. I was not too excited about that film, but after viewing them, it looks like it might be great. Very imaginative and I am stuck by the similarity between Johnny Depp's voice and Heath's. Not exactly the same, but both have a certain depth and resonance. I have always had a weak spot for men's voices.
The 2 Chilmark Starting Line pics: Jake wasn't the person looking down on the far left. He was in the middle, the one surrounded by and talking to all the cute guys before they did the official Start pic. LOL!
Amazing, that comment was alot of ridiculous and nothing but unhappy sniping.
Of course, I'm happy to see Tom back. I like Tom; he's my friend. We chat on the phone alot and have alot of laughs.
What in the heck are you even doing here? You don't like anybody. You don't like any opinion. You don't like, you don't like. How miserable an evening you were having; sure glad I wasn't around to be under that dark cloud. Geesh. Glad to see no one else stuck around to soak up any of that bad kharma either. You must also be a real barrel of laughs to work with.
Google has a gorgeous meteor shower picture today. I guess I've missed this big story. Maybe it's going on today? I'll have to .....google it! lol
So this weekend was the Chilmark Race at Martha’s Vineyard, where I was convinced by Jake Gyllenhaal, who also has a house on the Island, to compete in the front group who compete to do six-minute miles.
So in spite of being such a dilettante runner, I was pretty proud at first because I did manage to leave Jake in the dust at the beginning. Apparently, that had less to do with my running powers and more to do with the fact that someone ran into the back of his shoe and he ran right out of it. It actually went flying over us. I like to think of it as me making him eat my dust. But he did catch up and pass me.
Doug Liman Blog
Either these are two pictues taken a very short time apart or JJ moved Ava more into the frame.
These are both plausible. Personally I can't tell if the people in the background have shifted or not.
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