Talk about dropping while its hot. There's so much Austin today that I had to start in the wee hours of the morning to give it enough space. It's a blitzkrieg of Austiness. And we're just talking about regular scheduled Austin business. Not the BushNic (thanks LoL) that dropped over the weekend.
It might have bomb at the box office, but there's new life in DVDs. The Informers comes out today on DVD and Blue Ray. All eyes are looking for those delete scenes and missing minutes. And more more more of Austin in all of his blond bad boyness.
Another Sortee:
Season Six of One Tree Hill is available today too. And if you haven't check out the sneak peeks of Austin dancing in Clothes over Bros with Sophia and creator Mark Schwann what are you waiting for? Go check it out over on Austin Nichols Journal!!! Spooky has this and one of the deleted scenes with Julian and Sam. Check out the Texan snacking on popcorn.
Spooky and Vesperlynd do such an awesome job keeping on top of all the Austin news and pics, just need to give them another shout out.
And dropping the big one for Season 7.
The first pictures of from the first episode of Julian and Brooke. It looks like it they are going for a direct hit this season and will make their target.

Pictures: Informers/ Austin Nichols Journal/ Daemon's TV
Great post Special. I'll head over to Spookys and do all the links in a bit.
Something just hit me looking at the BushNic (LOL) pics. Maybe if actors have to play a couple and look comfortable with each other they "practice" by doing things together on a daily basis, like walking or holding hands, until they get used to each other and it becomes 2nd nature and it doesn't look awkward?. BushNic are friends but maybe they've been doing this while they been going to NY and wherever. I was wondering because I know in RL its hard to get used to a new person no matter how much in love you are, until you get to know each other's moves and rhythms and being an actor doing it on screen must take a lot of practice for it to be intuitive with the characters.
Austin's nightly lap dance for Jake:
Nic at Nite
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is my favorite song EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I drop a lot of bombs.
As A-listers, Witherspoon and Gyllenhaal are routinely tracked by paparazzi, but there's not been much of a frenzy here aside from a freelancer shooting for the INF agency. Two photographers from the D.C. area became so bored while searching for Witherhaal/Gyllenspoon last month that they sought out a photo op with singer Marilyn Manson in Old City. Source
Earlier this month, the couple left the Elton John-Billy Joel show in their SUV. Gyllenhaal, who was driving, apparently noticed that he was being followed. It was a sedan occupied by the Washington photogs, who go by the nom de guerre Brandon Todd. They said Gyllenhaal gunned the SUV through two lights and zipped onto the Schuylkill Expressway.
Nice one, Jake. Will you be claiming a bearding insanity defense for the vehicular manslaughter trial after you kill a few innocent people?
Yet another reason why bearding and just plain associating with Reese has turned Jake into an asshole.
Weren't the 2 kids with them in the car after the EJ concert? 2 paps in a sedan, BFD. What pics are they gonna get, Reeke and 2 kids in a car, shit we've all seen that before. Jake acts like they're the royalfucking family and the paps are going to assassinate them. I hate to say it and I know it's awful but I almost wish he would get into a horrendous crash. Or at least get arrested and thrown in jail for reckless driving, speeding, red light violations, child endangerment, maybe a DUI if it's applicable, whatever it takes to get massively and very publicly bad PR from it. Jake needs a wakeup call. As for Reese, well she can sleep as far as I care. Permanently.
Interesting that Reeke would be hard to find given the photo ops that we were given while they were there. Where was this pap at? Guess he wasn't on the call list; didn't get the phone call.
Other than those opportunities, he probably couldn't find them because they weren't together and they weren't out and about. Simple as that.
Real nice post today, Special. Can't wait for 1st episode. I watched last night's OTH, kept waiting for Julian but alas, nowhere in that episode.
Hired a cab to take them one block?!!
While I'm not going to wish either of them any harm or ill will, I also wouldn't let this one go by without a skewer.
This sounds like typical behavior we've seen in the past, whether Jake would be trying to exhibit some extra testosterone or trying to escape what? Like there would be a mob of paps there? Where is his head?
I hope it's not a true relay of info but with the details given, I have my doubts that it's made up.
Regardless of who all was in the car, even if it was just Reese, Jake should've been yanked out of the van and had the keys taken out of his hand. Darned if I'm going to ride in a vehicle with someone who has absolutely no regard for human life, his own or anyone else's. That's exactly the kind of driving behavior that just totally turns me off. Not only was it way over the top and unnecessary, it was reckless. He could've killed somebody.
How soon people forget what happened to Princess Diana and her companion that fateful night in the bridge as their driver drove like a bat out of hell trying to get away from the paps. But in this case, I really, really seriously doubt Reeke was followed by a mob anywhere in comparison in size.
Jake is past warning. He is past the age of needing to be told what is acceptable & safe behavior. This is the way he is. And it's certainly ugly behavior and very similar to what we've seen in the past. Whether it was induced by some outside material influence or the situation itself, this can no longer be dismissed as "a bad day".
This apparently is the true Jake. And that is certainly a downer.I can't express how turned off I am by anyone blatantly running through 2 red lights to escape a few camerapeople. Well, that took care of my brief truce.
Even if there was a pause before entering through the lights, are we supposed to think there was zero traffic in the rest of the intersections?
And you're correct, matter of time, if this was after the EJ concert, then yes, the kids should've been with them. And Reese should've made him pull over and hand over the keys, paps (and 2 paps in one van? Unbelievable yet again) right behind them or not.
I really cannot believe someone would be this stupid. It's just unbelievably stupid & irresponsible behavior.
I'm just numbed by that one and it's enough to make me take a breather and get my mind elsewhere. Criminetley's.
There were NO kids in the car in Philly. They were out on their own in Center City out for dinner.
They said Gyllenhaal gunned the SUV through two lights
And we should believe that because ...?
......because it is something that expresses Jake in a negative light...
Otherwise it would be "PR driven and we don´t believe it"....
There is no reason to believe everything we read in gossip columns.
Seeing how Jake behaved driving away from the Buffalo Club and his outbursts and immature acts from the last year, I have no reason to doubt the Philly Inquirer or the Splash paps.
Jake is pathetic. He went from being an enigmatic, charismatic actor to being Reesie's feces. He jinxed himself when he sold his soul to that shrew.
Hmmmm . . . I hope this story isn't true about running red lights. :(
This song is one of my guilty pleasures, I love the sound of the bombs dropping.
Happy Austin Friday, it looks like a hawt one. ;)
I really cannot believe someone would be this stupid. It's just unbelievably stupid & irresponsible behavior.
Jusssh like drink drivin! *hic*
There were NO kids in the car in Philly. They were out on their own in Center City out for dinner. -Special k
The Philly Inquirer was reporting about the red light running after the Elton John concert, not the Center City dinner:
Earlier this month, the couple left the Elton John-Billy Joel show in their SUV. Gyllenhaal, who was driving, apparently noticed that he was being followed. It was a sedan occupied by the Washington photogs, who go by the nom de guerre Brandon Todd. They said Gyllenhaal gunned the SUV through two lights and zipped onto the Schuylkill Expressway.
If the kids weren't in the Reeke car, where were they? Maybe in another car, following? Or just somewhere else? It's ironic how they play Show & Tell at the concert with thousands of people present but 2 paps in a sedan, oh my god Reeke is being stalked down and hunted.
What would the paps have seen, anyway? Reeke pulling into a gated community/house, where everyone and their brother already knows about? Or maybe *gasp* Jake dropping off Reese and going his merry way?
Maybe BT was in the back seat, or at the place where Jake was headed after dropping off his beard at her mansion. Still that's no excuse for driving recklessly. IMO if Jake is rationalizing that's it's ok for him to pull shit like that - to take chances that endanger others' lives in order to protect against anyone discovering or taking pics of BT - then it's time for him to give up the charade. When he's sacrificing others' safety and possibly their lives to promote a fake heterosexual image so that he can hide a child, that's pretty much over the edge. It's not his decision to make.
The writers should make it clear where they were driving from, if it is true at all, the concert with kids in the car, or dinner by themselves. It's unfair to leave an impression that Jake may have put kids' and other passengers' lives in jeopardy if it isn't true. I can't imagine Reese would have been too thrilled with him over something like this.
Sorry but man I am too busy looking at all this pictures of Austin (many shirtless I might add) to preservate about something that happen a couple of weeks ago in Philly.
Jake's six pack on beach, Austin shirtless in the sand, damn I should just get the Photoshop and just have some fun.
Is anyone picking up either OTH or Informers now that they have come out?
The writers should make it clear where they were driving from
Uh, they did. See 9:23 above: the couple left the Elton John-Billy Joel show in their SUV. Gyllenhaal, who was driving,
PG and Disgusted have said everything I was thinking after reading about the paps. We've seen Since being with the chin, we've seen Jake act this way a lot when it comes to paps that were not arranged by PR.
That's what happens when you lead a double life, and I bet those part-time paps in places like DC and Philly won't "protect" Jake if they catch something hot and juicy.
This is what happens when you lead your life as lie.
And I don't see the bad journalism. It clearly says that they were following them after the Elton John concert:
the couple left the Elton John-Billy Joel show in their SUV. Gyllenhaal, who was driving, apparently noticed that he was being followed. It was a sedan occupied by the Washington photogs, who go by the nom de guerre Brandon Todd. They said Gyllenhaal gunned the SUV through two lights and zipped onto the Schuylkill Expressway.
Sorry Special, not especially feeling any love at the moment.
You want to know the really odd thing? I almost think I'd prefer getting pictures of a full out make-out session from BusNic that was as hot as their scenes in OTH as to read this made-up PR dribble that just takes away all the heat. It's about as exciting as a wet blanket in winter.
And if this is just not some chatter to promote the show that will quickly disappear, then they should just do it alread. I'm really tired of these little pr games, dragging it out like it was the last $10 in your pocket and you've got to make it last you a couple of years.
One of the other comments above said they were not driving from the concert, but coming from dinner. There's a lot of leeway there. Also, if it's PR's idea of creating a bad boy image, it's the wrong way to go.
It's bad journalism if it's made up gossip. Twitters here and there are one thing, but to say someone drives without regard for others if it isn't true is unfair. That's what's bad. Bearding or not, if Reese and her kids were in the car, I doubt she'd stand for it. No wonder he's in LA! lol
One of the other comments above said they were not driving from the concert, but coming from dinner. There's a lot of leeway there. (bad journalism)
Please click the link above provided by "dud" at 4:23 to read the Philly Inquirer account, which has been quoted already but you obviously missed it. You can't go by comments, as they might be talking about something else entirely or mistaken.
I like how they are bringing in the beach more for Julian, because of Austin's love of the beach. It doesn't hurt the storyline either or the visuals either. ; ) And it looks like OTH is just going be going topless (with the guys) right out of the gate.
I love the moonlight beach shots of course I would rethink of recasting Jake with Austin. Somehow I think had "rehearsed" many similar scenes like it.
I can't go by the always trustworthy and believable paps with a "nom de guerre" and gossip columnist either.
Reese probably encourages Jake to drive with his temper on. I'm sure to her it's not "bad driving" but it's being aggressive and righteous because in her mind, she owns the world.
Whatever, "bad journalism". Don't go by anything then. While you're at it, maybe don't bother commenting either, since you won't believe in any accounts, columnists, paps, tweets, gossip or news sources and can't take a position on any of their information.
"Read the source",
CONSIDER the source.
CONSIDER how Jake has changed. Buffalo Club, Jury Duty spit & kick, anger at HW Bowl paps, etc. Driving like a maniac in Philly? Sure. I believe it.
"I'm sure to her it's not "bad driving" but it's being aggressive and righteous because in her mind, she owns the world."
Oh yes - and she is obviously also responsible for the swine flu...evil, evil Reese....
Maybe it's just persnickity me, but these beach PR pics are, well, for lack of a better descriptor, cheesy, heavy on the smarm, with a side order of stiff.
If I didn't watch OTH before, these certainly aren't the hook to grab me.
Of course, if you're a Babbler and/or believe that Jake can do no wrong, well of course you'll doubt those mean awful paps and a horrid lying gossip column in a good news source. And if worse comes to worse, I'm sure you'll declare the crash a setup, the cops are lying, the street signals were defective and Jake was at home sleeping.
please don't play dumb. Paparazzi and gossip columns aren't reliable sources and I think you know that too.
Watching Austin dancing, you can see he's got some rhythm. Makes me think about Ted's mention of them out at the club that one summer. Think that time it was definitely Bros over clothes.
"common knowledge" what are you doing here then? Because most of what Jaustin is based on is from gossip columns and a few pap pics. So please, do tell why you post on this site if you believe "Paparazzi and gossip columns aren't reliable sources".
The driving incident is just another example of the supreme arrogance that Reese has instilled into Jake, something he did not display before. In fact, he was the exact opposite. Running from 2 paps in a van is ludicrous.
Thanks for the reminder re The Informers, I will order it later today. I do wish Austin would land a part in a really successful movie. (DAT not counted)
I'm enjoying the OTH pictures, loved from Here to Eternity, so I think it's a hoot to recreate them. I do think any togetherness displayed these days is linked to their roles. Wasn't there a pic of them at a NY party a year or two ago looking drunk and friendly. Sophia was definitely dating someone else at the time. They have been friends so long, and now doing the love scenes, I think they are just touchy feely from habit.
Yeah m - Austin had been MIA for a long while and then popped up at Fashion Week in NYC, and was out with Sophia and Matt Frost. And that was then when with we saw Big Blue on his finger again too.
I think that they have been friends so long, Jake being friends with her too, and having played a couple on screen, they already have a very comfortable connection, and I think Sophia has very different attitude toward Austin than Reese does to Jake.
One odd thing about the recent photos of Austin and Sophia. All the stories said Sophia was supposedly here to attend the Charlotte Ronson clothing launch. But I couldn't find a single picture of Sophia at that event. Now for someone who is regularly photographed at fashion events that is really odd. Makes me wonder if those photos were not taken when they were here the previous weekend, and saved up for this past weekend. It would also explain why JJ said they were arriving in NYC when they were really leaving.
I do like the beach pictures of Austin and Sophia, I don't find them cheesy. I have not watched OTH until the past season, so I don't know if last year was different, but it always struck me as odd that they didnt' really make use of the ocean. Too hard to film? Didn't want to take away from that everytown feel?
Sophia has very different attitude toward Austin than Reese does to Jake.
Totally. Sophia's not a money-grubbing, famewhoring taskmaster.
There haven't been a lot of great reviews for the Informers but this gave some good mentions to Austin and few of the others from the cast. Good to see a nice mention for Brad Renfro's last role too. Of course they have to mention Amber. LOL
Unfortunately, my favorite story in the book – one involving a vampire named Jamie – has been axed from the movie, and along with it, the satirical bite (no pun intended) that Ellis is famous for. Instead, Jordan plays the whole thing serious, and though it doesn’t really change the outcome of the stories, it does change the tone. The characters are essentially the same, however, and in some cases, are even given more depth thanks to the actors playing them. Foster, Nichols and Lou Taylor Pucci are all solid as the film’s emotionally detached hipsters (an Ellis trademark), while Brad Renfro turns in a great performance in his final role. It’s not enough to convince non-Ellis fans to see the film, but if nothing else, it’s a good excuse to check out Amber Heard in all her naked glory.
Premium Hollywood
Here are the pictures of Sophia at Charlotte Ronson's but there are none of Austin at the party. Only Jared's mention of seeing him with here there. And there's one of Sophia at the party at Georgica that was recently written up too.
Getty Images
What "source"? Yes, let's consider the source. A gossip columnist who probably has an ax to grind, who received second-hand information from paparrazzi using a pseudonym? Real credible.
Normally, when a person is accused of what would be considered reckless endangerment for a regular person, in print, you'd have to back it up with proof, or risk having to retract it or be sued for libel. But gossip columnist's a$$ is covered because he is only reporting second-hand information. But where Jake is a public figure, he has very little recourse, he could deny it tho. So there's your "source".
Dear Awful Truth:
Is there any correlation between Ben Affleck and Toothy Tile? Throw us a bone, pretty please!
—Lilly E. V., Houston
Dear Toothfleck:
You bet your ass there is! Now you've just got to figure out what.
Dear Awful Truth:
Sophia Bush and One Tree Hill are my secret obsessions, and lately there have been rumors flying around that Sophia and Austin Nichols are back on, but um...isn't Austin gay? Can you tell me if their relationship is more than just platonic? As a fan of both Lipstick Jungle and Privileged, I'd rather see her and Robert Buckley dating. Do you think that could happen in the future?
Dear One Tree Homo:
First, let me say that our really sharp readers will get a kick out of this one. And second, the Austin-Sophia stuff is only temporary, because if there is such a thing as divine intervention, it would in fact pull Sophia and abtastic Robert together.
Bitch Back!
Correlation between Ben Affleck & Jake?
Jennifer Garner = JG
Jennifer Garner = Reese's BFF (so-called)
I can't think of any others.
^^How about those birds!
Ted's intern posted my letter, wow!!!
Dear One Tree Homo:
Austin "tall as a TREE" Nichols is the only ONE who's a HOMO on One Tree Hill
Congrats seagull! Did he/they post it exactly how you wrote it? Just wondering if they changed it. Sometimes they do I heard.
Your searching powers are superior to mine Special, I couldn't find any photos of her on Getty. Didn't realize the East Hampton thing was a party, I thought it was a "dinner". Yeah, right.
I can't believe Ted/his intern wrote that about Austin. And why Austin, but not Jake? Are we seeing some loosening from the E! attorneys after that ruling about calling someone gay in of itself not being defamation?
RE: Ted
Bombs away today I guess.
Well the story about the East Hamptons was that they went to the event and then came back the next night just the two of them.
1st letter: bone, ass, toothfleck.
Besides the Jen & Reese connection can the 3 words mean a direct connection between Jake and Ben?? I never saw Ben as bi or gay so I'm not sure about a sex together link. Altho maybe they had a 3 some with a female. Oh god, what if it was a 4 some..or if Reese and Jen... ??
The ruling about calling someone gay is not a new ruling, it's been around for awile so it wouldn't apply to this "letter". Someone above claims tohave sent the letter, but you are implying that Ted/intern wrote it: "I thought Austin was gay". The interns didn't really right anything about Austin except from responding One Tree homo.
Ted is supposedly on vacation so the interns can post anything they want IMO, with Ted I think he decides what she be posted and is more selective.
I'm getting more and more intrigued by OTH. I think Bushnic make a gorgeous onscreen couple, sizzle from just the pics alone. She's very lovely, and of course we know he is. I don't think these pics are cheesy at all, but if so, it's the fun kind. :)
Robert/Austin?? LOL!! Is that what biy was implying last week?
The ruling on calling someone gay is new, it was mentioned on Towleroad sometime in the past couple of weeks, and I linked to it. And the intern wouldn't publish the letter from Seagull about the gay rumors unless the E! attorneys were okay with it.
It looks to me like there has been a change in what gossip columnists feel they can say as a result of this ruling.
Congratulations Seagull.
i read the quoted report about JG's driving, and then i went to the SOURCE and read the whole article. i got several impressions from it.
1. the columnist, Michael Klein, is not impressed with celebs. he's all about food and philly, etc, but the few things i read that he wrote about celebs were refreshingly ungushing. i like his style.
2. the paper in question is philly's biggest newspaper, well respected and trusted. this is a small, nothing of a report. i can't imagine them allowing something to be written about famous people that might get them into trouble.
3. the report doesn't actually say anything. we are reading a ton of deadly activity in it, but it doesn't actually say anything scary at all.
"They said Gyllenhaal gunned the SUV through two lights and zipped onto the Schuylkill Expressway."
what does Gunned mean? he didn't pull out a gun, so that's out. i'm thinking it means he stomped on the accelerator. folks do that all the time. i do it too when someone is on my bumber and i want to get away from them. it doesn't mean going from zero to sixty in ten seconds or less. all it implies is rapidly accelerating. there is nothing inherently dangerous about that.
they go on to say he gunned the suv through two lights. what color were the lights? as a writer, i know that folks enjoy description, and they like to see things. so if the lights were RED, i'd be sure and mention that, for the visual, plus to add a bit of danger and excitement to my nothing little story. however, if the lights were NOT red, maybe green or possibly yellow, i'll just leave the color out and let the reader draw their own conclusions, especially if i've written it in such a way to lead them to think something nefarious.
why would the author want to do that? well, he's already said they are boring and non-cooperative. here's a little payback for those who think they are too good for the common folks.
there is no mention of disregarding other drivers or any other menacing or uncivil behavior. i'm sure if there had been some of that to note, it would've been reported on.
finally, it goes on to say that he zipped onto the freeway. sounds pretty much like what everyone else does when they enter the freeway. you either zip on, or you get run over.
whether the kids were there or not (but surely they were - where else would they be) this reads like a smoke bomb, and it seems like our group is the one that got smoked. i doubt that regular folks would give it much thought at all, and honestly, i think that's about all it - and Reeke - deserve.
i miss the old jake as much as any of you, and i agree some of his documented behavior lately has been pretty UGH. i was disappointed that the press let them off the hook for the HW bowl, but that was in CA where they really do think celeb = special/wonderful/above-the-rest.
i don't think that and i'm tired of that mentality. however, i don't want to just automatically condemn him based on what amounts to a whole lot of hot air about nothing. that's not fair, and as a fan hanging on till the bitter end or better either one, i think it's real important to be fair.
hugs. s.
E lawyers could give 2 shits about what Ted his interns or any other of their crappy gossip columnists blog about because what they blog/gossip about is no different than what Perez, Dlist Ent lawyer blog about and they sure the hell don't run things by lawyers.
BTW, if you read the post carfully, the "letter" asked isn't Austin gay? They didn't, true they didn't discount it in their response and then implied about Robert, but they covered their asses just in case.
Now some say the "leters" are made up by Ted and the interns but i doubt that anyone would give a shit to ask for proof.
The l
"letter" and BI's is something they all hide behind to cover their ases.
Now if they would have answered: Of course Austin and Sophia aren't dating because he's gay, then that would be different.
E lawyers could give 2 shits about what Ted his interns or any other of their crappy gossip columnists blog about because what they blog/gossip about is no different than what Perez, Dlist Ent lawyer blog about and they sure the hell don't run things by lawyers.
BTW, if you read the post carfully, the "letter" asked isn't Austin gay? They didn't, true they didn't discount it in their response and then implied about Robert, but they covered their asses just in case.
Now some say the "leters" are made up by Ted and the interns but i doubt that anyone would give a shit to ask for proof.
The l
"letter" and BI's is something they all hide behind to cover their ases.
Now if they would have answered: Of course Austin and Sophia aren't dating because he's gay, then that would be different.
"??" at 2:39, twice. You don't make much sense. I have no idea what you're arguing for or against. Maybe another site would be more up your alley.
Today while driving I gunned it thru all the green lights.
Hey, congratulations, seagull, on getting your letter published! It's kind of exciting, isn't it, lol? I have to admit it is.
sienna, I hear all that you're saying. I'm not going to back down from what I said, though. No, I don't have the instant replay from the intersection camera, but we've seen this behavior from Jake before. I know what I've seen.
So, while I respect your view on it and I always admire Special's supreme patience and understanding, I am going on what I'm reading and what my feeling is.
And before anyone says that all journalism, tweets, and blogs should be taken with discretion and alot of thought, we all, and I do mean we all have taken some of the before mentioned at full acceptance and faith without visual back up.
And I am looking at the whole sentence and the action that was taking place and I'm reading between his lines. It sounds just like red lights were gone through.
But not everyone is going to agree on something like this. Everyone will believe what they want to believe and there's nothing wrong with that. We all argued over that Buffalo Club and the jury spit/kick business. So, I'm not going to get into anything over it. I got mad and now I'm over it. Just won't forget it, that's all.
Anyhow, I'm back onto these pictures of Bushnic, lol. That name is growing on me. It sounds like some tribe out in the wild of Australia or something. Please, no one from Australia take offense at that statement, man, I'll be decked again for ignorance, I'm sure.
They really are good.
OK, off to the Royals game. Everyone have a nice evening!!
LOL those last pics of BushNic under the blanket all clean, beautiful, nekkid, cozy and comfy, not one grain of sand in an awkward crevice or stickiness or a smudge on a face. Oh and her lipstick is perfectly applied. I know it's TV/fake but it always cracks me up like when they show someone lost in the desert for 3 days and their white pants are spotless.
PG... not going to argue with you, but i will quote this from you post:
"And I am looking at the whole sentence and the action that was taking place and I'm reading between his lines. It sounds just like red lights were gone through."
Yes, you're reading between the lines and inferring something that isn't actually said, only implied. Why would they go to the trouble to print this little episode and NOT say he ran the red lights or was driving dangerously if he was? Why not say this, if this is what truly happened?
"Earlier this month, the couple left the Elton John-Billy Joel show in their SUV. Gyllenhaal, who was driving, apparently noticed that he was being followed by a sedan occupied by the Washington photogs, who go by the nom de guerre Brandon Todd. The photogs reported that in what seemed a rather reckless attempt to lose them, Gyllenhaal gunned the SUV through two red lights, startling other motorists who were forced to stop suddenly, then took the exit ramp at top speed as he zipped onto the Schuylkill Expressway."
i'm not pouncing on you at all, PG, you and i are on the same page almost all the time, but i just feel the need to make a point here. i'm as fed up by his overall life as anyone, but none of the regulars here was really questioning this and since that gives the hecklers room to pick at us, i felt like we needed to show ourselves as giving some benefit of the doubt. :)
then took the exit ramp
Hey, my kind of driving!
as he zipped onto the Schuylkill Expressway
Too bad he doesn't zip up his fly as often as he does freeways!
startling other motorists who were forced to stop suddenly
Sounds familiar except our version that was videotaped btw goes: "startling hired photographers and onlookers who were forced to jump out of the way"
Sienna, I agree. Jake only sounds like he expertly evaded the paps, a driver who knows what his car can do and in control of his machine. Paul Newman did teach him how to drive. ;)
I actually didn't read the original story because I couldn't be bothered - I figured it was going to be a meaningless piece anyway, and it's unfair to leave an impression in readers' minds like that, even tho they didn't actually say anything outright.
Gyllenhaal gunned the SUV through two lights
This could also mean that, after sitting at the red lights, when the lights turned green Jake put the pedal to the metal and gunned it, screeching his way thru the intersections at full power. The same way he did at the Buffalo Club, when he repeatedly screeched to a stop for a second and gunned the engine at the people. He did this at least a couple times in that vid. IMO screeching and gunning your engine like that is a symptom of extreme anger and out of control aggression, no matter if there's people around or not. There's no reason for Jake to be exhibiting that type of behavior. I like how "m" described it: supreme arrogance. One of these days he's going to make a mistake.
he expertly evaded the paps, a driver who knows what his car can do and in control of his machine.
LOL the paps. Jake gunning it for 2 people following him in a sedan. Anyone who drives like Jake isn't in control of shit.
Jake will never have the class of Paul Newman.
Btw some trivia. Paul used to sometimes drive a VW so he could blend in with the masses. Back when seeing a VW was like when you see a Camry today, they're everywhere.
"Jake only sounds like he expertly evaded the paps, a driver who knows what his car can do and in control of his machine"
Eh!! he was driving an SUV, hardly the sort of vehicle known for responsive driving. If this report is true, which seems likely given recent form, Jake was acting like a prick, no other way to describe it.
To be honest, you have to feel a tiny, tiny bit sorry for Reese. If this sort of thing is the norm, better to be a sad sack lonely girl (like JA) than part of a car crash.
An SUV can be responsive. A car is a car; and engine is an engine.
How wonderful that another OMG letter got posted on AT. Now there is hope for more. Intriguing comment about the Affleck connection. I don't know what to make of that, but between all the commenters here and at WFT2 I'm sure lots of theories will surface. Happy too that the Austin/Bush thing was tossed off as likely short lived. Show promo for sure. I think it would not hurt if Austin made Jake a bit jealous.
The real question is, after coming out from the backstage, putting themselves on view and holding up Deacon for all the pics at the EJ concert, why does Reeke all of a sudden do a Fast and Furious Indy 500 when a lowly car with 2 photogs is behind them?!! What's Reeke afraid they're going to see?!!
The only thing I can come up with and it's laughable because it's REEKE, is if Jake gets off while he's driving. I'm sure all the attention they got that night from the concert crowd and Reese especially from having a song dedicated to her tiny-ness got them both terribly excited. Maybe since parking structures aren't exactly the best place anymore, just being in a car is the next best thing. Maybe the beard helps, maybe she watches or doesn't care or is doing her own thing or is asleep. Remember the Coachella pics in the parking lot when they arrived, his zipper was unzipped. Who says he drove there with the beard, she could have come there with the PR plaid lady, and him with and by himself.
"A car is a car; and engine is an engine."
LOL it doesn't drive itself.
"you have to feel a tiny, tiny bit sorry for Reese."
Ummm nope. Not one shred.
"An SUV can be responsive".... sorry, but a small automatic geared tank can never be called responsive. Anyone who thinks that could be a car with kick really needs to get out more.
(and I will admit that I like to drive fast on motorways, but would never irresponsibly drive in town)
Noone said Jake was driving a racecar, nor Paul Newman.
Such a law-abiding group, never do anything wrong, never make mistakes. I guess you just save all that pent-up anger and aggression to vent anonymously at OMG and the DC Forum! :P
We said relatively responsive, Meg dear. Just know what an engine can do and how to handle it. I must be driving different SUV's than you. I just traded my clunker in for a hyrid tho, and yes, that's pretty responsive too.
Feeling sorry? Bet Reese was screeching drive faster.
icing.. yeah, i maybe over did the sympathy there for Reese.
Was just thinking that you always feel sorry for the person in the passenger seat when the total arse at the wheel cuts you up, but maybe Reese quite enjoys that sort of thing. Who knows eh?
Yep on Reese. It's the perfect role for her: in the passenger seat telling the driver what to do. It's his problem if he gets a ticket. She wasn't at the wheel, she can't be blamed. And for anyone who asks why wouldn't she be concerned about being hurt or killed in a crash: narcissistic egomaniacs like her never believe that anything bad will happen to them.
ONTD Disney D23 Expo Schedule
Pop not there.
Check again PoP is being preview on Friday Mornging at 11:00 am in the main arena.
i have no sympathy for Reese - sorry, that's beyond my heart - but i do agree that it's very disconcerting to be a passenger in a car when the driver has got a bug up his butt about something and gets reckless or road-ragey.
i did not see the other video referenced here where jake was an ass with his vehicle, so i don't have that bit of knowledge to flesh out the story. based on what i read, it's a fill-in-the-blank story that you can take where you want. it doesn't give specifics.
i was driving down the road today and sped up to make a green light, which then turned yellow and i sped up even more. i think it turned red just before i cleared the interestion. the same thing happened on monday.
is that totally safe? no, of course not. am i text-book safe driver? no. do i know any folks who are? no.
the one thing that i really don't get, however, has been mentioned more than once: why go to all the trouble to be seen and photo'd at the concert, and then go to so much trouble to avoid it afterwards. i guess he's just tired of it; i'm sure he's tired of a LOT of things in his life, just like we are. i wouldn't want to be him right now.
re: the beach pic in the white shorts where he's playing smashball... wonder who he's playing with? i didn't see all the pics, will have to look. he looked happy and relaxed in that one. maybe he can chill a bit with a whole country between them.
hugs. s.
This is POP?!!
11:00 a.m. Disney Movie Magic: Inside The Walt Disney Studios
The Walt Disney Studios D23 Arena
I think it's all kinds of wrong to be overly aggressive behind the wheel, because someone could get hurt. I just thought maybe the account was a bit overblown, if it happened at all. It's subject to the interpretation of the reader. I see this stuff everyday, and worse, too many times, on my daily commute, so it's not unusual unfortunately.
D23 couldn't even say "Prince of Persia" or "Jake Gyllenhaal" ?? Oh boy.
This is POP?!!
Yes, PoP and few other movies.
It's this.
11:00 a.m. Dick Cook Address
Dick Cook, chairman, The Walt Disney Studios, will present exclusive sneak peeks at such highly anticipated Disney features as Disney’s A Christmas Carol, Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland, Old Dogs (with Robin Williams and John Travolta), Prince of Persia and The Sorcerer’s Apprentice (both from producer Jerry Bruckheimer), Tron: Legacy, plus updates on many more exciting projects.
D23 Expo Schedule
In answer to Formula One's question -
Yes, I've done reckless things in my car, was ticketed once for running a stop sign. But never, I mean NEVER when my children are in the car with me would I like about acting foolish or in a fit of pique.
Jake ran two lights, as if anyone here doesn't know what that means in the American vernacular, with children in the back seat. That is not acceptable behavior, nor is it fatherly.
Please stop the lame attempts at Jake absolution.
You guys seem happy digging in the sand I'm going back to looking at the beach bums of Mr. G and Mr.N : )
sienna here's the vid of the Buffalo Club. It's long and Reeke is about at 14 minute mark. I suggest you watch the whole vid especially prior to Reeke to see what the general demeanor was like at the party between the guests arriving/leaving and the paps.
This was a CAA pre-Globes party and the paps were expected and invited to show. IMO it's a great vid showing how some celebs are in public and how they handle themselves and treat others. I love how Kiefer Sutherland kept waiting for his car and how Ron Howard is with everyone. Everyone was respectful and nice, and then there's Reeke. I've lost respect for Jake since then. Still like him but less every day I see him do crap like this tbh.
I'm going back to looking at the beach bums of Mr. G and Mr.N
Watch out for crabs.
Talk about jinx. POP at D23 is on Friday. That's right. Friday September 11th. 9/11
That logic will make all of Disney's other movies Alice, Christmas Carol, Sorcerer's Apprentice, Tron are jinxed.
1 year delay
no trailers
not at Comic Con
voiceover people getting frantic calls to audition
sneak-peeked on 9/11
Sounds like a winner.
Sienna at 2:38pm, I agree with your whole analysis.
Some people are very quick to jump on Jake about anything and I mean anything. I'm not saying PG was, but it happens too often. And it's not FAIR.
I know most here did not agree with me, but I may be the only one who gave Jake the benefit of the doubt with the Court house thing. Absoluttly noone knows what or if the pap said anything to him that whould make him go off. I believe the pap did and got what he deserved. Some are too harsh on Jake and some of the harshness may be because he is not doing what they think he should or want him to do. HW actors have bad days also and this is because they are human just like us. We all do.
It's not 1 thing Special. It's how it all adds up. To do the D23 on POP on 9/11 of all days in addition to all the other crap POP has been associated with is hilarious. The icing on the cake. I'm wondering about what's gonna happen on the day it opens in theaters. Massive earthquake, sky full of locusts, national power outage? I'll stay home, thank you.
What and Sienna - Hear you both and agree.
Absoluttly noone knows what or if the pap said anything to him that whould make him go off. I believe the pap did and got what he deserved.
Oh really? Chris Brown needs you on his jury.
Absoluttly noone knows what or if Rhianna said anything to Chris Brown that whould make him go off. I believe Rhianna did and got what she deserved.
^^ Hey if it's ok for Jake to go off from a few words then it's ok for Chris Brown.
^^ Sorry, Not the same thing.
I do feel that some stars need to stand their ground with the extremely over the top imposing paps.
Sorry, that's my attitude about them.
"extremely over the top imposing paps"
LOL, we're talking about Jake, not Britney.
Paps on a public sidewalk outside the Courthouse and driving in a car on a public street. Neither touched Jake. He has no business kicking, spitting or driving recklessly just because he doesn't like them being in the same public place he is.
Next time at work when someone says something you don't like, go spit on them or kick them in the shins. Or if you see a car driving behind you and you don't like it, drive like hell and go thru a red light. See how that works for you.
From the Philly article: How to tell the stars in a crowded restaurant? They're the ones without cell-phone cameras in hand or communicating the sightings on Twitter.
So where ARE all these Reeke pics??!!
I dropped some bombs today!
Reese has told stories of fighting with Ryan while he was driving because she was always telling him what to do. She told a story on the Tonight Show about them being in Europe where she said she was at her worst of course the story was meant to illustrate how adorably normal they were.
The big gossip about Gossip Girl this week? That Ed Westwick is filming an episode in which his character, Chuck Bass, kisses another man.
Up-and-coming actor Neal Bledsoe plays the object of Bass’s affection, reports.
Bledsoe reportedly plays an NYU administrator who is looking for a student to give the freshman speech. Leighton Meester’s character, Blair Waldorf, reportedly sets Bass up with him to boost her chances at getting the gig.
The Chuck Bass character had flings with men and women in the Gossip Girl books by Cecily von Ziegesar, but this will be his first gay encounter on the show.
hmmm... i watched the video. thanks, BP, for linking it. i actually didn't even see them the first time, didn't hear their names called or see them at all. i thought maybe i was watching the wrong thing and scrolled down and there was their names, so i went back to the spot, watched ron howard being so nice, then the roaring, screeching blur that was them, and then zac efron, looking cute and sweet and confused.
i guess i wasn't active on the blog when that came out; i never saw it or knew about it till now. i can see how folks would be more ready to believe a bad spin on the Philly report after watching that. that was over-the-top... he was obviously pissed, but he was also obviously trying to draw attention to himself. if he wanted to leave without getting noticed, that certainly wasn't the way to do it.
that whole entrance/exit atmosphere was pretty much a circus, and at least half of the celebs claimed not to be able to see. it was definitely not a perfect scenario, but it's part of their life, getting their pictures made. i was really hoping to see him and reese walk and talk and interact with the "guys" but no such luck.
i'm sure that gets old, even if you do sometimes call it on yourself, but that little temper tantrum was not attractive, and if he's turning out performances like that very often, he'll be losing my attn real fast. not that he cares, but that's extremely immature and boring, and i'm not interested in a man who does stuff like that. or i should say, i'm not interested in a boy who does stuff like that.
heavy sigh.
Paps on a public sidewalk outside the Courthouse and driving in a car on a public street. Neither touched Jake. He has no business kicking, spitting or driving recklessly just because he doesn't like them being in the same public place he is.
Next time at work when someone says something you don't like, go spit on them or kick them in the shins. Or if you see a car driving behind you and you don't like it, drive like hell and go thru a red light. See how that works for you.
^^ Please get a LIfE OK!
How about Jake judging you Ms or Mr. LOL about being on the computer endlessly judging him on his every move. Is there anything other for you to do?
Regardless of what you think of him, he is living his life. How about doing the same with the FOCUS on YOU.
Think that's possible.
Live and Let live.
Make a NOTE of it.
Another thing Mr. or Ms. LOL
There's a saying that if you can't say something good about someone, it's best not to say anything.
Your endless chatter and one liners of negative post about him can get old. Really. Not your cup of tea anymore, why bother.
No, the saying is...
"If you can't say anything good, come and sit by me!"
And, What, you're too twisted for color TV.
LOL another idea. Create a gay blog about you and your LIfe. FAcebook? Twitter? Let us know about you. I don't think anyone would be too judgemental of you and your goings on.
Good Night.
And, What, you're too twisted for color TV.
^^ Thank YOU
((Next time at work when someone says something you don't like, go spit on them or kick them in the shins. Or if you see a car driving behind you and you don't like it, drive like hell and go thru a red light. See how that works for you.)) - -
How about getting on a blog and bitching til the cows come home?
'What' is a "Jake can do no wrong and if anyone criticizes him they have no life" babbler troll. LOL!
there are pics at IHJ of them leaving the Buff Club. he doesn't look so great in them - maybe just because of all the flashing - i'm sure that would make you feel unfocused and freakish, esp if they are going off in your face as you are about to drive away. you know he had to be seeing spots like crazy!
however, i also noticed that while he was looking rather serious and annoyed, reese did not seem to be bothered by the attn at all. it reminds me of when they left the mem day party, and leaving HW Bowl. he seems to hate the attn and she seems to relish it.
so maybe he wasn't mad about the paps as much as maybe he was annoyed with her and whatever she was saying.
You know, it's a good thing I wasn't home tonight. I probably would've said alot that would've been the end of me on here because right now I'm so stinkin' mad, I could spit.
I'm not going to re-hash the jury spitting/Bufffalo Club business because I don't care to think about it again. And believe me, he was spitting. I'd bet my next week's paycheck on it. You cannot tell me he was not spitting towards that pap's feet.
Anybody's free to believe whatever they want. I am free to believe what I want and I should be able to and I will say what I want without swearing and calling people names.
No, I'm not perfect. No one is. But I also don't want to hear the self righteous speech either. I have liked the guy; otherwise I wouldn't be here. I'm not negative on him all the time; hell, I was on here last night singing his bodily praises.
But I will not, I will not put the blinders on and put my head in the sand so to speak. I'm not going to worry as much if someone has other kinds of issues. But when it comes to driving recklessly, believe me, I'm out in it every single day and all it takes is a split second and someone's life changes forever.
I'm not kidding when I say he needs to be watched by those around him who care because I'm sorry, but I see anger issues. And I'm not basing that on this EJ concert deal alone. That's just another topping on the sundae. The guy worries me behind the wheel of a vehicle.
I'm done.
PG... like i said before, i wasn't trying to give you a hard time. after reading the philly bit, the reactions seemed a bit over the top to me. after watching the vid of him leaving the BC, however, i'm not feeling so strong in my convictions. if this is the new JBG, he's done something i really didn't think he could do: find a way to make him even less attractive to me than he became when he signed up for Reeke.
i think, as usual, the regulars here have discussed the issue with a lot of civility and respect for each other's opinions, and the odd "unpleasant" posts shouldn't really matter to you. those folks aren't really contributing to the chat... they're just stirring, and i thought we were going to ignore that!
calm down, all is well, smile, breathe, and tell us about your day. it's all good! hugs. s.
1 year delay
no trailers
not at Comic Con
voiceover people getting frantic calls to audition
sneak-peeked on 9/11
Don't forget the disastrous posters. :(
Ted Kennedy Dies from Brain Cancer
I have not read the Philly write up myself, but I understand it was 1 car with 2 guys inside, hardly the equivalent of the mob following Princess Di. Driving in other than a normal manner hardly seems called for.
Re the Affleck mention, the word used was "correlation" and besides his wife being JG, they don't seem to have much of a relationship. I think they are just together for the children or convenience at this point. So, another form of showmance.
One last thing before I call it a night, I may be reading too much into this, but I think Ted, or the interns, gave us a shout out. Re the comment about Austin + Sophia it says "First, let me say that our really sharp readers will get a kick out of this one." Ted and the interns know we talk about Ted all the time and read his column daily, and that we know Jake is Toothy and Austin is the boyfriend. Who else would get a kick out of it but those of us on OMG and WFT2.
No, I'm not perfect. No one is. But I also don't want to hear the self righteous speech either.
^^ Well don't give one!
And See Thru U is a "Jake is an Ass and will always do no good in my eyesight since he lied to me and with Reese" Poster.
Babbler trolls just can't stay away!
OK, knock it off. I'm talking to the likes of you on the self righteous talk.
I'm sick and tired of the tired argument that people just want to pick on Jake and do nothing but criticize him all the time on here.
I'm beginning to realize that this argument pops up everytime we have a mention of Jake doing something or possibly behaving in a manner that might be troubling because it takes the halo off of his head and there are some who voice their opinion about it.
I have no problem with someone disagreeing with an opinion of mine. But I don't expect a crit on the opinion itself especially from my regular fellow posters. I think that is what is rankling me more than anything right now even after a good night's sleep.
Talk about an overaction. It was a total overreaction to some comments made yesterday. Comments not even given 6 hours to breathe some air before being jumped all over and criticized.
Well, you don't like what you read? Too bad. It's called a "down arrow" - scroll right on past it.
It is a sad day here in Massachusetts, and in the US as well. If even those who didn't agree with Ted Kennedy's politics can not help but to acknowledge theincredible contributions that Sen Kennedy made in the lives and well being of Americans. Despite personal tragedies and controversies, and changing political climates, Ted Kennedy remained dedicated to serving the American people. He will be missed.
He will be missed.
Yes, Ted Kennedy has done a lot for America and was extremely dedicated to his work and responsibilities. We will miss him.
TBH, if I felt I was being followed, stalked and harassed by someone, I'd try to get away too, speed up, take the next exit, whatever it took. But safely - no action movie car chase. But to suggest a car chase does make better copy I suppose.
'What' is a "Jake can do no wrong and if anyone criticizes him they have no life" babbler troll. LOL!
Yes, she is.
Hey now, I thought we weren't going to degrade into calling people trolls and babblers? What happened to people respectfully expressing opinions freely? Someone who expresses an opinion fervently is also not self-righteous. No more self-righteous than criticizing someone over their driving from a third hand report. Just another attempt to inhibit the free discussions on OMG I guess. Sigh.
^^Respectfully expressing differing opinions freely.
Hey now, I thought we weren't going to degrade into calling people trolls and babblers?
What's next?
Will you ask us to respect and like trolls?
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