With Jake looking at getting a producing credit on the Untitled Moon Project, (if you haven't seen the article about it check it out, its a good read about where the process is, and commentary about Jake and the role) this might be the first time we see the Nine Stories logo on the screen.
Nine Stories is Jake's long established production come, its name comes from a collection of J.D. Salinger's short stories aptly titled Nine Stories Production.
Jake has affinity and history with Salinger/Salingeresque stories. Of course the first thing you that comes to mind to many is his role in Good Girl, even taken the most famous of Salinger's characters as his own, and clutching to his copy of Catcher in the Rye throughout the film.
Jake has talked about his love of Salinger and his work throughout the years. How he read Catcher in the Rye at 12, on a family vacation to Hawaii after Maggie had given him the book as a gift. And after reading it he read everything Salinger wrote. How he goes back to reread Salinger as mileposts in his life.
What I find most interesting is that Teddy, is his favorite of the Nine Stories collection. To many critics this was the weakess of Salinger's works, he is almost dimissive of it . It is the story of 10 year boy who is a prodigy, who somewhat a mystic, it is cool and detached on the service. Some say that is example of Salinger's transition of spirtualitly to a zen like state. But like others when I read it I saw an unloved, frightened 10-year-old boy reacting defensively to adults and the world around him. Developing a different person, who was a mystic and clairvoyant to gain the love he " desperately needed while at the same time, to distance and protect himself from his uncaring family and the grown-up world."
Also find the comment he made about Salinger in an interview with friend Chelsea Clinton in 2002 (we know the actual interview took place before he went to work on TDAT) particulary intesting as he is rereading Catcher and more Salinger again at 21, as opposed to 12.
"I think now I have an appreciation of the specific more than the broad--the ideas, the sort of Buddhism that pervades all of Salinger's work.
You know, I think it's genius that J.D. Salinger doesn't want anybody to make a movie of his book, because there's no way anyone can play it. it is what it is to everybody. I've met many people who actually dislike it. Especially some women I know."
"Especially the women I know" Don't know about you but doesn't that seem like an odd ending to answer?
Salinger now pretty much a recluse in New Hampshire has unapologetically forbid that any of his work done by Hollywood, after one short story “Uncle Wiggily in Connecticut” was adapted in 1948.
Isn't there a strange irony to the fact that Jake's production company takes its name in an homage to a man who guards so much to protect it.
Flattered, but no I'm not doing Atticus's twitter.
Interesting post today - I'll look forward to hearing this Eels song when I get home, I like Novocaine for the Soul. :)
Wicked, I like your views and posts on gay rights issues, and I hope you'll continue.
I still have a question, though. How would the Chillmark people hear about these pictures? Did someone squeal on him? The only place these pictures appeared were on a few blogs, not even any of the magazine rags yet, or that I know of.
I do agree on the finish line pictures being standard.
But my argument still stands on what I realized this morning and that was that these pictures were all taken with full consent by the subjects. So, so much for "invasion of privacy". My point being that there was no fuss put up at the time of the kids being photo'd.
That was my bad rat smell.
Gotta get back to work.
bad rat smell
Philly pap wants to hire you for all park bushes undercover work!
Prairie Girl = The Rat Whisperer
I'm surprised Jake is taking a stab at producing at this time. It sounds more like he's on the creative end of that spectrum, not the money end, but if he's helping at all with trying to get in money it's a rough business out there right now. And in recent years a lot of actors have had their production companies put on ice.
TV Guide - Austin and Sophia better scan pic
i'm actually not that surprised that jake is going into producing. i think - despite what we are seeing with reeke - that he actually is more interested in the creative process, like heath was, than in the fame and bs of being a "star". i hope he has success, but like you say, money is tight. he needs to pick better projects than he does for acting!
special k... i agree. i wish Mr. Philly Pap would totally ignore Reese and not even take her picture when he gets the chance. Just take pics of others and igore her. that would serve her right. i have enjoyed NOT having to see her in the magazines so much lately.
on a side note, i think it's always so bizarre when they pic her out as a fashion role model. sometimes she does look really cute, but just as often, it's really a mystery how she got by a mirror and out of the house.
ok, minor nastiness over. hugs. s.
Much better TV Guide.
Here's to you, Reese!
Lutherans move toward more open view of gays
The story behind the F-U pic.
Thanks TV Guide that is a great picture. Hope you don't mind if I use it here at OMG.
Love Paul Rudd he cracks me up, just laid back, always ready to have a laugh.
There will be another peek at Alice and PoP tonight on Entertainment Tonight. Don't know if its a repeat of the clip from early in the year or not. Sometimes ET does recycle some of their pieces during the slow summer months.
Wicked that is great news about the Lutheran church. My stepbrother and family attend a progressive Lutheran church in SF. Its nice to see that from the denomination as a whole.
I agree Sienna, I can see Jake really getting into the creative part of movie making. I have always have thought that he picked movies, not just for the part, but who he got to work with, and looking over the list of directors, I think Jake used the opportunities like his own on the job film school. That coupled with what he learned from his parents he could come into producing well prepared.
And want to say thanks to Baltimore Sun for the article on Twitter and HW. Very very interesting.
OH, man, I so totally agree. Not seeing Reese within a hundred miles of Jake, or at all for that matter, has made this a very pleasant 2 weeks. May she stay in Philly forever.
Jake has made it fairly clear that he doesn't want to make it on his looks, and sometimes i think he really goes out of his way to downplay his gorgeousness (like that awful beard a few months ago - not sure how much of that was role-connected and how much of it was just him trying to scuff up a bit.) Anyway, i would miss him on the big screen, but not so much if he keeps making movies i don't want to see. I agree that it seems his choices do have some merit if you look beyond the actual role... good point.
i missed the twitter/hw story. i'll go back to yesterday and see if the link is there.
Funny how this pops up with the lead like this, the day after the other photographer was let go.
USA Today
And no not buying the strolling hand in hand on the beach. -5 points
And no I don't think it just about them, Obama is landing on the Vineyard on Sunday, so they are doing press about the Island I just think its interesting, what they used for the lead.
You're just going to have to face the truth, Jake is not gay, he's with Reese obviously in love with her and her kids.
This is what he wants, even if he has had a same sex affair, which there is no proof, other than you all hanging on Ted's blind gossip about someone who may be real but that doesn't mean its Jake.
Let's suppose, for argument sake, Jake has had gay relationships in the past but has decided that is not what he wants, thats his right as a human being to pick who he chooses to love.
You wishing something does not make it so. You constantly dissecting every article, picture or twitter is sort of well, sad. Some of you are worse than gay bashers.
You willing someone out of the closet because you can't stand the fact that he's straight is just as bad as someone harassing an out gay/lesbian person. You want to tell or dictate to Jake who he should love. Reese may not be the person you want Jake to love but thats not your choice.
There is a positive for Jake and Reese and the existence of this boards and others like it, its probably has bonded them closer. Reese probably has heard the gay rumors but she is still with Jake and Jake probably appreciates that support. If anything you have made them a stronger relationship, probably not what you wanted.
Reese has Jake and probably will for a long time. And if she doesn't there will be no Austin or any other male waiting in the wings, the man is straight.
Hey new intern did you pull the short straw and have to come here?
^^ R.I.A.G.T., I totally agree with both of your post tonight. I especially agree with the below statement.
"Jake and Reese and the existence of this boards and others like it, its probably has bonded them closer. Reese probably has heard the gay rumors but she is still with Jake and Jake probably appreciates that support. If anything you have made them a stronger relationship"
I am one who thinks Jake Has had a same sex experience or relationship, but for whatever reason he is with Reese now. Yes, he was more interesting with an assumed relationship with Austin, but I've heard it all before also. For at least 4 years now.
Still like the guy and think he is beautiful. It just does not set well with some here that Jake (could have had a relationship with another man) but now chooses to be with a woman. This is the problem.
It is still all assumed anyway.
No concrete facts or evidence.
Oh man, hang it up, y'all. You are not going to change anything here. Zilch. Nada. Zero. Big Fat 0.
You can blog until you're blue in the face, g'head, g 'head. We'll just recline back on our chaise lounges, sip some green tea or whatever libation others want, eat some Cheez Its, yeah baby!! ,
and have a few chuckles, a few Jessica Fletcher shakes of the head.
Man, I'm too busy writing. I don't even have time for nonsense^^^ like that up there. Same ol' nonsense, different day, different hour.
I checked in for that????
That photographer thing still bugs me but alas, I have let it go for now. I'm just so glad it is Thursday. This week has been too long for me. I think I'm dogsitting next week. Woohoo!!
Man, got the first bill for that 1st epidural. Well, it wasn't a bill. It was a notification that it wasn't a bill and to let them haggle with the insurance people. Yikes!!!! 'Bout gave me a coronary.
RIAGT = I Agree
At least disguise your writing LOL.
No concrete facts or evidence.
Yeah because that's what you swear by.
For a couple who has bonded so closely, they barely look at each other, touch each other or interact with each other. Never look happy together. Look at the pictures from Tuesdays post. Every picture shows their "closeness". Nada, zilch. They must be really on the outs lately because they don't even want to be seen together. Twitters don't count. They have a business relationship to make Jake look straight, maybe a come and go friendship, and yes Jake wants to appear straight right now to keep his career alive. But being gay is not a choice. He is bearding, hiding in the closet, living a lie. Not a healthy situation. And he looks miserable. Simply miserable. How can anyone celebrate that.
According to some Twitter research Jake is in LA.
I just realized why trolly is frothing and blubbering. Reeke hasn't had a photo op lately and the trolls need to shout from the rooftops to remind everyone that Reese and her bf are together!
12:20 PM Aug 17th: in LA now
12:43 PM Aug 17th: so here I stay for 1 more week
about 3 hours ago [Aug 20th]: Also had a painfully early breakfast meeting with Jake Gylenhall. A proper, truly lovely gent! Very much want to work with him.
Btw ManMadeMoon is the 2009 "Moon" film director Duncan Jones, aka as Zowie Bowie....yes, exactly.
Very interesting Twitters, it sounds like the moon project could really get off the ground. From the article it looks like they want to shoot next year.
Friend of mine ages ago saw David and Zowie shopping in NYC, and almost had a total fit, but she kept her cool like the true New Yorker she is.
Someone has also been very busy over at wft trying to get everyone to get a life.
Upset I guess at Jake being back in LA.
I loved the Moon movie, it would be great to see Jake get back to his indie roots and work with someone like that. But I know Jake must have tons of these meetings and that most go nowhere.
I have never been lucky enough to see David. I did see Duncan at a showing of Moon the weekend it opened, he answered questions, and I actually got to shake his hand afterwards.he was really nice.
M, it makes no difference how you try to spin this, it really doesn't. You know no more than anyone else here. To continue to post lame examples of "they hardly look at each other, they hardly touch etc. is really a stretch and would be expected of any grade shcool kid. You are looking at pictures or did you know. It's seconds out of anyones life regardless of what they are doing at the moment. Or are you in their life and around them the other 23 hours and 58 minutes?
Something tells me that if they were kissing, showing all types of PDA, hugging everytime they are photograph, it would still be an issue of "nobody does this all the time, real people don't show that much effection. Actually it as already been printed and I believe by the constantly wavering PG and others. Which way is it gonna be, because you can't have it both ways. You begin to sound like you are grasping for straws or delusional.
Hypocrite said...
No concrete facts or evidence.
Yeah because that's what you swear by.
^^ It's Simple.
A picture would do.
Since I don't think one would be coming tonight, I will bid you
Good Night.
What time would a "painfully early breakfast meeting" be at? 7 am? What does Jake do, get up so he can wake all the birds?!
Wow, people are really wound up that Jakey is out on his own and doing his own things in LA.
Jake has always said he wanted a career kind of like Matt Damon, and I always took that to mean that he would do some big B.O. stuff he still wanted to do the off the beaten path indie stuff.
Some of the directors I'd like to see Jake have future projects with
Spike Jonze, Gus Van Sant Michel Gondry, and I would like to see what he and Wes Anderson could do together since Anderson does such great Salingeresque with The Royal Tenenbaums.
Remember Jake saying he does get up early, maybe for any early morning run, cause you can do a 6:30ish mile without some time running.
Of course you know little birds or is that bears do wake up early too.
Judy Greer has joined the cast of Love and Other Drugs. I love her!
This is really sounding like is is coming together for some really smart comedy.
PG at 10:06 Nobody's trying to convince you of anything. Don't think that could happen. And since my post makes no sense to you why not avoid it all togther?
It's not like you are the voice of reason, but more and more I am beginning to think you think other.
The only thing you have convinced me of is a wavering and confused state of thinking with this topic of Jake and Reese.
So nothing new there!
I have my opinions and you have yours. No need for your arrogant attitude while indulging a taste.
11:20/11:23 ---> They're STILL talking. LOL. YAWN. I'd say "Good Riddance" but we all know you'll be back, preaching the Whorey Turd from the Lurch of the PR Mind.
11:35 ---> They're STILL talking!!
{Something tells me that if they were kissing, showing all types of PDA, hugging everytime they are photograph, it would still be an issue of "nobody does this all the time, real people don't show that much effection. Actually it as already been printed and I believe by the constantly wavering PG and others. Which way is it gonna be, because you can't have it both ways. You begin to sound like you are grasping for straws or delusional.}
M is grasping for straws! Just except Jake as he is. That's all.
What's your excuse LOL?
Every time someone takes precious life minutes away to come to a blog, via Google, even if it's bookmarked or listed in their favorites - which would be all kinds of crazy stalkerish odd - to post a diatribe about how silly and stupid and insipid and blind and arrogant and just plan imbecilic to believe that Reeke is real, that just adds one more tic to my "Yup, he's Gay." column.
Thanks, Babble Cabal!
to believe that Reeke is NOT real, that is.
Way to ruin a good exit there.
Mom stop drinking and trolling Uncle Jake's gay sites. You're embarrassing me.
Your rant above is the most purist form of the word babble. Apparently you don't know this.
Pot / kettle / black ???
Mom stop drinking and trolling Uncle Jake's gay sites. You're embarrassing me.
Are you sure this post is not for PG?
"Way to ruin a good exit there."
Don't worry about it. I'm sure the Babblers don't know what half those words mean anyway, even though all of them are most likely included in their psych workup.
((Hypocrite said...
No concrete facts or evidence.
Yeah because that's what you swear by.
^^ It's Simple.
A picture would do. ))
OK I'm waiting too. Where's that damn picture of Jake and some man doing the do.
I'm not believing a damn thing until I see the evidence.
Whereeeeeee IS IT DAMIT?
Lol "Ava".
Troll isn't even clever. Lame responses. LOL!
And I am waiting for the Reeke sex tapes, the ones you must be filming while you hide under their bed since you're so sure they are real.
I would like to have the pictorial evidence of Brad Pitt and Angelina "doin' it", to use your troglodyte phrase turn. I've never seen anything that proves those do enjoy sexual relations.
So, until you can produce evidence, then I refuse to believe it.
And I am waiting for the Reeke sex tapes
Jake watching Young Bucks Who Fuck online. Reese fondling her Oscar in the other room.
mommy i dunt fel goodd i pee an trow up en bed can u cum to me rom i cant fund nany she lockd in bafoom wit ur grlfrnd . huury
Oh, yeah, cut to the quick by your stinging rebuke there, wow. You cliched me!
What ever will I do now? *wrings hands*
Reese: stop trolling and attend to your son ASAP. He needs you.
the secret to reducing the shine on ur face b4 the camera rolls...toilet seat covers soak up the oil...thanks Reese!
She doesn't shower every day but she uses toilet seat covers to wipe her face.
she uses toilet seat covers to wipe her face
That says it all, right there. LoL!
Lola-bubba troll finally left. DC musta needed her services. LOL!
Interesting that this blog only comes to life when it is about bashing Reese W.
Speaks volumes...
And what also shouts is the negative energy others bring here.
Bashing is as bashing does, Jakefan. Or for those biblically inclined, start looking for that optical log first before posting.
Here's another one from what some call the good book - Don't like it here? Shake your sandals free of sand, and walk away. And don't let the tent hit you on the way out.
Sophia Bush and Austin Nichols were partying together at Charlotte Ronson's party at NYC's Lighthouse at Chelsea Piers. So cute!
Interesting that this blog only comes to life when it is about bashing Reese W.
When was the last time you posted here jakefan? Oh yeah. To complain that people talk about Reese W. Hardly if ever see your perky little lying name in any Jake post comments or discussions.
RULE NUMBER ONE: If you don't play the game then you can't make the rules.
I am not surprised at Jake getting
into producing/directing. He has
always seemed to me to be a person
who concentrated on his career and
was willing to take risks. About
his personal life, that is his own
business! I do not think that Ted
would tell complete lies, do you?
I will always think that Jake/Austin maybe had a brief fling
and cared deeply for each other.
I also wonder at times if Austin
will get fed up one day and say
"Enough is Enough!" I also will not
be suprised if Austin/Sophia do
start dating. I like to keep up
with Jake's career and now Austin's
and OMG always has the latest info
on their movies/TV. Try to have a
good weekend, everybody!
jakefan: "I'm a TRUE FAN of Jake so I love Reese" = Babbler
Hi Lola Bubba!
Hi UV!
Hi FL!
Bye Lola Bubba!
Bye UV!
Bye FL!
Oh, I Agree, what you don't know...sure I've hedged, but for reasons you have no idea. So, g'head, cause I am not explaining that one to you. Won't hurt my feelings none.
I'm really not budging an inch on this one.
Too bad some people don't divert the energy & creativity to create their own blog. Probably be exciting and worth their while.
"When was the last time you posted here jakefan? Oh yeah. To complain that people talk about Reese W. Hardly if ever see your perky little lying name in any Jake post comments or discussions."
And your name is the whole truth and nothing but?? Gimme a break....
"Here's another one from what some call the good book - Don't like it here? Shake your sandals free of sand, and walk away. And don't let the tent hit you on the way out."
Why should I? It is always great to push some buttons and see people react like Pavlovs dog.
"jakefan: "I'm a TRUE FAN of Jake so I love Reese" = Babbler"
Love the stereotypical thinking here....
Bye "jakefan"
Go back to DCF and Babble!
"Why should I? It is always great to push some buttons and see people react like Pavlovs dog."
"jakefan" = TROLL
Go start your own blog.
jakefan = Must Love Reese = Must NEVER Bash Reese = Reese and Jake Would NEVER Lie or Beard or Do Phony PR Pap Shoots or Use Kids For PR = Reese and Jake are A Real Couple In Love = Jake Would NEVER Be Gay = Babbler = I Must Spread the Word That Reese and Jake Are A Real Couple In Love To All The Blogs And Inform Them Of Their Error Because I Am A Humorless Babbler And I Reign Supreme
Boy, the temperature is going to be great today! 70's. Can you imagine that? In Kansas? In August? Unheard of!
And I Agree, I've never hedged on what I believe to be Jake's sexuality. I'm not asking you or anyone else to agree. I've not hedged on that. What I have hedged on is if he & Austin are still together.
And that's no crime. Heck, relationships change. So, I had to correct you on that one, and oh, do you see my name up there? It's Prairie Girl. How many times do I have to tell you that.
You know, I have visited the G Site maybe 4 times in about 1 1/2 years maybe since I found out it really existed. And that's it because I frankly couldn't stomach it. I never even make it very long on there; I was good for about one day's comments and that was it.
So, it boggles my mine that someone like I Agree, who seems familiar with my string of mundane comments, apparently checks out OMG with such constant regularity.
Why do that? That makes absolutely no sense at all. None. This has puzzled me since I first got on OMG which is going on hmm, gosh, 2 1/2 yrs now? Gee, has it been that long. Anyway, that just continues to blow my mind that someone would constantly read a blog where people's opinions for the most part do not coincide with theirs.
Why cause yourself that kind of stress? That's insane.
Okay, enough of that. It's Friday! And wherever Mr. Jake is, hope the sun is shining. Although, ....you gotta admit. It's about time for the bi-monthly dose of you know what. So just don't be surprised....after all, it's gotta be frustrating to deal with that one lonely pap in Philly. I imagine Reeke going through a bit of pap withdrawal right about now.
But if not, then all the more merrier because like m said, it's been really, really nice to have this break. And I imagine that's what has our visitors all wound up and tight as a knot.
oh yeah. hedge on BT, too.
LOLLL! Okay, but that's it.
You know, I don't know anything about this Moon deal and it really doesn't hold my interest too much. But if indeed Jake wants to go into producing and behind the camera kind of stuff, I think that's great. There's alot of personal triumph and reward in that, too. I can see that now with my writing and all. Very rewarding to give people something to enjoy & escape in.
Not only that, but I think producing could maybe allow him to live the personal life that he would like without alot of constant scrutiny, yes? Not near as much pressure. But who knows. This comes from twitters which I just can't put alot of concrete confidence in anyway. It's all speculation.
Happy Austin Friday and everyone have a great day today.
Last night trolls were very active here and on WFT2 - I'm glad trolls are pissed off, LOL.
PG: you and i are on the very same page today.
1. i agree with your hedges. i am not saying i totally discount the possibility of BT, but i would be HUGELY surprised if there actually was such a person. based on how much jake loves his family, and how much he wants a child, i can't imagine him having one and hiding it. bearding when nothing is lost is one thing; denying your child is something else.
2. i am very hedgy about J&A. i believe they were a couple for a while, but i think that - like lots of young couples - they've moved on. however, i wouldn't be quite as surprised if i'm wrong about that as i would be about BT. i guess they could just be in agreement that this is the way their life is going to be for now and be willing to deal with it, but they are certainly doing a good job of keeping it secret if that is the case.
3. i wonder if part of the reason jake is moving into production is in the hopes of making that his real career so that he can let go of all the crap that goes along with being a slave to the movie companies. if AI held Adam's sexuality hostage, imagine what the big money people can do.
4. i have gone to Gbabble once. that was absolutely enough for me. i have nothing against any of those folks, totally support their right to think what they want, enjoy jake in their own way, etc, but i really couldn't stomach it either, and i can't imagine frequenting that blog and having to read that stuff on a daily basis.
SO i don't understand why they feel the need to come here. they can say whatever they want, but they aren't going to change my opinion one bit. and why should they want to? it's not like it matters at all what we think or what they think. it's like arguing about a call at a football game. unless you're an umpire/referee, it doesn't matter what you think. it's fun to discuss it, but i really only want to discuss it with similarly-minded folks. i don't want to fight about it, i just want to enjoy some back and forth.
i would never go to anyone else's site and harrass them for their views. why do they think that is appropriate behavior???
hugs. s.
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