For some Wilmington they want to check up on its the beach, or golf course, or Screen Gems studio, one of the largest studios outside of Hollywood in the U.S., but a film buff like Austin, it might inspire him to get on his Netflix. Why?
The movie - Cape Fear. The classic with Gregory Peck and the original Hollywood bad ass Robert Mitchum. The story of small-town lawyer Sam Bowden (Peck) who's life becomes torturous when Max Cady (Mitchum) re-enters his life. Cady went to jail for 8 years after Bowden testified that Cady attacked a young woman. Now that Cady has been released, he begins to terrorize Bowden and his family, particularly targeting Bowden's daughter, Nancy. Initially, Cady uses his newfound knowledge of the law (learned in prison) to annoy and seek his revenge. A true masterpiece Of revenge.
Gregory Peck, who produced the film, didn't like the original novel's title "The Executioners". When thinking of a new title, he decided that movies named after places tended to be very successful, so he looked at a map of the U.S. until he happened upon Cape Fear in North Carolina.
Cape Fear was remade in 1991 by Martin Scorsese staring Nick Nolte as Sam Bowden and Robert DeNiro as Max Cady along with a young Juliette Lewis as Sam's daughter. This time Cady served 14 years for his crime and spent the time seeking his revenge on Bowden and his family. DeNiro put in a truly terrifying performance as Cady. Both DeNiro and Lewis were nominated for Academy awards for their role. Scorsese paid homage to the original casting both screen legends Gregory Peck and Robert Mitchum in the remake.
What do you think he's got both logged into his film journal already?
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Austin's NetFlix
Posted by
Special K
9:34 AM
Labels: Austin, Cape Fear, Movies, Wilmington
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Spesh is hereby the greatest blogger EVER. I uploaded this song because it is one of the most insane songs I know, with the challenge to Spesh to create a post that would go with it. I told her she would be the greatest blogger ever if she was able to come up with something. I thought she would never be able to and cannot believe she actually did! I stand in awe of this woman. Now I have to find another crazy song to challenge her with. Hmmm...
Robert Mitchum, one of the original sexiest men around. You are right, both versions of Cape Fear were great, but Mitchum really nailed that tenancious menace and hate that made chills run up my spine. He was in another one, can't think of the name right now where he was a preacher stalking 2 kids for hidden loot. Terrific performance.
Agree M, both are great movies. De Niro knew he had to do Cady in his own way and his voice still creeps me out when he calls for Lewis. The tattoos were to visually push the fear factor and he was more modernly aggressive. De Niro is shy and soft spoken off screen. Being pretty much a method actor you wonder what he tapped to get the performance.
Mitchum damn he was so good, he ate that part up there was nothing but evil and revenge. Mitchum was a bad ass on and off screen. There's something about the lighting with black & white that just adds to the fear.
Here's the opening scenes of both versions. Cape Fear 1962/1991
I know I've never seen ther remake, and I've only seen bits of the original. So many movies, so little time.
I'll have to wait until tonight to hear the song.
Anybody notice Reese had the same clothes on in the airport as she did in London? Still think they were taken weeks ago and out now for PR, her, and cover, him.
Okay, I'm emerging from my self-imposed timeout, pity party, mental health cleansing & blogging sabbatical a refreshed & rejuvenated blogger. That was kind of a rough ride, tho, gotta admit, lol.
But I'm here to tell non TBers and Reeke & Co handlers that this Midwestern Jane Q Public Still Ain't Buyin It! You still have alot of work to do and you better get to it cause time's a wastin'.
It's probably going to take a couple of lengthy comments to get out why this girl's not convinced but hey, that's what cyber air is for. So bear with me. I won't unroll the shag carpet all at once, though, lol. I wouldn't put everyone here through that.
The walking around London photoshoot was perfectly timed for release with the Vogue cover story. New comedy movie about divorced people plus hot and stable love life. All timed perfectly and planned back in some boardroom over the summer.
Bow down to to BWR bitches.
Change your shirt said...
LOL! that's a funny one.
Okay, first to get the nastiest of business out of the way. This will test everyone's gag reflex and I suppose it's always a relief to see when it's still in prime working order. has as its top story the new cover of Vogue, with Avonlady on it. "Reese Revealed: New Look, New Man, New Lease on Life". People's title is "Reese Witherspoon (cripes, my fingers even stiffen up trying to type that name): I'm 'Lucky' in Love with Jake.
Now, so far I'm seeing the same quote everywhere online that she's said, the "He's very supportive" line, that all-time poetically romantic, often-used line. Now, one sees this "I'm Lucky in Love with Jake" title and one wonders just what all she is saying in this interview. But all I'm still seeing is "He's very supportive". I'm sure not plucking down the $$$ for this magazine, which I never have looked at anyway because it's certainly not a Midwestern type mag, but I'll be very curious to see if Reese says these exact words that she's "in love". Looks like we have "He's very supportive", meaning Jake. And we have "Suffice it to say, I'm very happy in life, and I'm very lucky to have alot of blah, blah, blah, blah., etc, etc, etc., yada, yada, know the rest. I tell you what, this article on should be plastered up on the overhead projector in PR Marketing 101 in colleges all over the world as a primeworthy example of Hollywood Spin if ever there was one. I've not seen a schmear of crap the likes of this since, well, since the next couple of paragraphs down, where Reese is quoted as saying about Vince Vaughn:
"Vince is the funniest person I've ever worked with in my entire life. There were days when we were shooting things, I would laugh so hard it would ruin the take, and I was afraid I was going to pee on myself, it was so funny."
And we've all heard how that filming went.
You know, I don't like to be treated like I'm stupid. And that's what this type of HW maneuvering is aimed at - like I'm some sort of Hicktown Pollyanna who's going to believe anything I read just because it's plastered on the glossy pages or monitor website screen of People. Well, think again. My opinion of this magazine has just plummeted tenfold. I may get fooled once, maybe even twice, but enough's enough. I'm not that witless.
It's just gettin' good now, can't wait to see/hear what happens next! ;)
Thanks for this great pic today of Bob Mitchum, OMG!
ITA Change Your Shirt.
Glad you're back PG! I thought maybe you were dog-sitting over the holiday weekend in a remote location without internet access.
I'm reserving judgment on everything until we have a better picture of what is going on.
"I'm reserving judgment on everything until we have a better picture of what is going on."
Nothing's going on. They are having a relationship and you need to give up.
And you need to go back to Gyllenbabble where nobody thinks for themself.
Surprised anonymous, you are right, nothing is going on.
Reeke are having a fuaxmance and they will eventually give up the charade.
Afternoon Crumbs
"A bowl of cold oatmeal on the cover of Vogue"
Destinyyyy! (( ))
I was dogsitting, but I did have internet access. At Barks & Libs' house, I am able to hook up. No, I was taking a breather. I have to admit, I was hacked at that blogger and for awhile there, I came close to just calling it a day on this whole deal.
But one & most of all, I miss everyone terribly. And two, if I had any doubt there for awhile about these 2 being fake, it's been dry erased bigtime this afternoon as everything is unfolding as we write & speak. Look at JustJared. There they are, in all their glory. I mean, it's PR Spin for Dummies.
You know, this whole thing is kind of like a George Foreman, Evander Holyfield fight. Both sides keep taking turns giving jabs & punches, and once in awhile, a good one lands that throws one of the sides for a loop. The Cabo pictures & Rome were pretty good right hooks. The horse pictures were a good left blow. And these latest London pics were, at first glance, a pretty good blow because of the pictureperfect smiles on both their faces. But then you look at, Vogue, and now a website like JustJared and the London pictures become a big ol' Whiff as far as I'm concerned. Because I see now how the machine is working. They're working that thing like nobody's business but I'm not going to roll over. So, for now, both sides will continue to just bounce around in the ring, trying to knock the other one out.
What's up in the air, though, is just how far they're going to take it.
And no, Special, never did hunt for arrowheads. Uh, my folks would've had forty fits if we had dug in our yard, lol!!
And this song is very strange, Wicked. Where on earth did you ever hear it?
Plus, the vogue article is a tad overwritten, don't you think? Sounds like a romance novel.
Couldn't have said it better, PG - the coupley photo ops, the predictable storylines, the magazine covers, the movie promotions - you'd have to be quite silly to believe in it, or believe it was happenstance. It doesn't matter much to me any more. I think it diminishes Jake, though.
m, the other movie is Night of the Hunter ... I have no doubt Austin has seen both Capes Fear and probably prefers the first :)
London TB, you know that you are our eyes &ears over there, okay? Thanks for the weather reports, too. Nice to know that scarfs & mufflers were not an odds on favorite apparel accessory this past weekend.
And Kacie, you have been in my thoughts this past weekend. I hope things look up soon. This economy is touching everything. I know my paycheck certainly doesn't spread around like it used to, after gas & groceries. And our company is not as busy at this time as we were last year. You are a very resiliant sounding person; you've been through alot and you're still standing. That to me is very inspiring. You know how precious life is and that's why the lying & pretense bother you. I am with you on that one. Anyway, someone in Kansas loves you! I'm sending a big ol' hug your way!
And this song is very strange, Wicked. Where on earth did you ever hear it?
It was on a CD that came with the CMJ Music Magazine many, many years ago. I never forgot it, because, how could anyone forget this song?!
I agree, it totally dimishes Jake. I guess he really is in line to be the next Tom Cruise. I guess Scientology is next.
Vogue cover says "Reese Revealed- New Look, New Man, New Lease on Life. Looks like they have decided to repackage her and that Jake is part of that repackaging.
PG - We lived across a from big park and creek that had preserved Indian Burial ground as part of it, so within a mile radius I think everyone had arrow heads in their backyards. And you know we could never dig in the summer cause the ground was so hard that it cracked apart. We had a little dig going in the back corner, unbelievably we didn't have to dig that far to find arrow heads.
I did it! I finally used that song. Whew - never thought I would ever find a way to use it.
And for the latest round, just another day in the game called PR, even friends who don't follow it much or at all, aren't even falling for it.
Vogue cover says "Reese Revealed- New Look, New Man, New Lease on Life. Looks like they have decided to repackage her and that Jake is part of that repackaging.
Like Scrooge McDuck said last night she's cashing in her chips.
She only has one movie this year, and she's got use what she's got to stay on top.
Maybe they'll just call it even then.
ITA Prairie Girl. Things I noticed is their hands are unoccupied but they're not touching each other at all. Jake's closest hand near Reese is closed and held close to him most of the time. The 1 or 2 pics of them walking and holding hands is when Reese has the shopping bag in the same hand. When do you hold hands with someone with the same hand you're carrying a bag with? I wonder if her overheard convo at the coffee house with Jake about him not being supportive (which makes her "he's supportive" quote a joke) was about him being reluctant to pretend to be her boyfriend for the planned photo op. Jake sure put on a show smiling but he never touched her except for holding her hand with the bag in between them for 2 pics. I wonder if he's getting tired of the charade and feeling like its not fair to Austin (and if theres a baby.)
Reese Revealed- New Look, New Man, New Lease on Life.
Reese Reviled- New Hook, New Gay Boyfriend, No Cease of Lies.
Checking in form work again, which I am not supposed to do. Maybe if I type fast, it will be OK.
Good lord, what a bunch of crap. Prairie Girl is so right on. You can see the coordinated, well timed publicity roll out as plain as day. Did anyone see the story on the History Channel last night about body language. Very interesting. And the best part, people can smell a fake a mile away based on visual clues. And this one reeks (aka Reeke). That's all for now.
It may be all about promoting Reese's new movie, but that Vogue cover would have to have been approved by her, and since it involves the fauxmance, Jake would have to have signed off on it too. And Vogue is not in the same league as the tabloids, so imo Jake has essentially told his first explicit lie about this relationship.
He doesn't have to sign squat for the Vogue story. The only word said about him is that he's supportive. He doesn't get to sign anything away for something so vague.
I agree about the content we've seen so far, but the cover says "new man"--and we all know that means Jake.
And just to clarify, I don't mean he literally signed something with Vogue. I meant Jake and his people gave their blessing to Reese on this cover.
The full article is online if anyone is interested. It has two parts that mention Jake, somewhere in the middle and in the end. Her only direct comment is the "supportive" one but it is implied she talks more about him.
Destiny "New Man" means squat. Its not saying anything. People will assume it means boyfriend. Thats what she wants. "New Man" could apply to new platonic male friend, new stepfather, new therapist, new gardener. Basically "New Man" literally means a male over 18 who hasn't been around for a long time. She's just playing with words. If it said "Boyfriend" or "Lover" or "New Love" now that would narrow down the definition. She's not saying anything concrete because she's depending on the public to make an assumption that it's more than it really is so she doesn't have to lie.
Hollywood is a game of you think you see something that's not and innuendos and implications. It's made to look to that they talked about Jake, but the conversation could be a mundane as saw you in the garden in Paris with Jake did you like the flower - yes we did. BUT!!! They talked about Jake. It counts.
Its just making the public think that there is something there when there isn't. It's like Rear Window, you don't see what's happened to the neighbor, but you think you know what happened. You make the story up in your mind to fill in the pieces, the same is true for HW pr.
Along the Avenue Montaigne again, this time at Theyskens's atelier, where Reese is dressed in a bustier-like Nina Ricci dress that, aside from being sexy, is a work of art. The mirrors of Theyskens's office have become a spiraling prism of Reese Witherspoon in black, complemented by Olivier's long, raven-black hair. She is talking about dinner the night before, when her boyfriend, Jake Gyllenhaal (who dropped by during makeup), wrote cute remarks in the restaurant's guest book (something about French melons), which his girlfriend found charming, her smile now bubbling like champagne in a black crepe flute. "He wrote, 'Vive la France!' " she says, laughing. Ah, Paris and love!
On Bastille Day, Reese is at another café. She has done her share of cafés in Paris. "It's the first time I've taken my kids," she says. She believes in taking the kids. "My girlfriend was saying the other day that it's like that famous Mark Twain line, about how travel is fatal to bigotry and narrow-mindedness—I'm paraphrasing, but it's something like that." Travel is also good for discovering croissants, crepes, and macaroons. Also for introducing her son to the toy boats at the Jardin du Luxembourg, or the French sewer tour. And then there's the Métro, a five-year-old boy's thrill. "He goes from one stop to another; it makes his day," Reese says, beaming. And on that very evening, as the French celebrated, she and Monsieur Gyllenhaal would take her nine-year-old daughter out late to see the fireworks—the Seine glowing, the Eiffel Tower a sparkler.
As far as the boyfriend goes, she doesn't like to talk about him so much, and it can make you feel a little tabloid about asking. Still, this is Paris, city of light and love, and if you've heard the song by Carla Bruni about French president Nicolas Sarkozy—"I give you my body, my soul, and my chrysanthemum/For I am yours/You are my lord/You're my darling/You're my orgy/You're my folly"—then you figure, what the heck, it's Paris. You ask. "He's very supportive," she says. You press her. "Suffice it to say, I'm very happy in life, and I'm very lucky to have a lot of really supportive people around me who care very much for me, and, you know, that's all you can hope for in life. I am very blessed in that way."
She will tell you that she was with the guy she'd rather not blab about some weeks earlier—in Rome, speaking of beautiful cities—and that one night they went out to see the Trevi Fountain. It was late, it was beautiful, and she threw a coin in and made a wish. What did she wish for? Come on. Do you really think she's going to tell you that? "If I tell you," she says, "it won't come true."
It's a sad day in "Jake is gay" land
Because Reese admitted in Vogue (not a tabloid) that they are together.
A sad day in Jake Is Gay land? Are you kidding? all of this b.s. is to persuade the multitude that Jake is not gay, whereas all it does is persuade otherwise.
You've got your pants on backwards, 5:19. Surprised you can even walk to the loo on yr own.
^ ^ ^
sorry, that's me, above.
Because Reese admitted in Vogue (not a tabloid) that they are together.
That's Reese's PR talk, nothing to do with the truth.
That Vogue story is all PR BS. I read a book a while back about Gia, the gay model who dies of AIDS. It was more than about her. It was about the fashion business and how everything in fashion magazines is pure PR marketing and selling an image. The "interviews" aren't actual interviews - they're PR-approved fluff with made-up quotes and written with a specific image of the subject to sell to the readers. Its all spin. I seriously let all my subscriptions run out after I read that book. It was a real eye opener. I never looked at those types of magazines the same way again.
This makes me think he is gay even more actually. He is never coming out though and I have to say I'm not at all sold that the baby exists.
Chris, as much as I'd love to be able to agree with you, the excerpts above seem to support what I was saying.
I agree this article is PR manufactured, but I think it means Reeke is taking the bearding to a further level because they are acknowledging the relationship for the first time. They won’t be able to spin it as 'just friends' later or blame the tabloids for making it up.
I don't think Reese ever considered anything like that.
From the very start she looked determined to sell her "wonderful life" PR story. She lived a lie before the divorce, it's nothing new for her.
Nah its all fashion magazine fairy tale crap. Personally from the looks of the last photo op I think Jake is starting to pull in the reins.
And who is going to pay for this as it escalates? Ava, Deacon and Baby Tile.
Everybody pays. It's sad.
You know, I always try to be supportive of Jake, because I loved his work so much in BBM, and when I discovered the TT & GG saga, I thought it was beautiful. And I loved Reese in Walk the Line, and was pleasantly surprised by the Legally Blonde movies.
The Vogue Article and Photoshoot: Do I believe it's true? Not for a minute, or if it is, reports have been greatly exaggerated.
I'm going to take it as the romantic, escape fantasty that it probably is meant to be: a Cinderella story with beautiful locations(s) and a beautiful, sexy man (a Prince, really), and gowns and photos that are beautiful works of art.
I actually thought Reese's cover was beautiful, with the blue background, and my favorite pic of her is the black & white, looking-over-her-shoulder one, an innocence and unadorned.
I like today's song. :)
an innocence and unadorned
Thanks for the laugh!
If resse needs support let her get a fr*gg*n jock strap.
Vogue Photo shoot in Paris.
Two reasons 1) Photo editor wanted a trip there, or 2) Reese wanted a trip there.
Those are the deciding factors many times for photo shoots.
So Vogue picked up the trip, Reese looks like a she is in the city of love and in love, Vogue gets a cover and fluff piece, PR gets a cover and PR piece, the kids get a trip Reese look like the amazing single mother, and the Photo editor and assistants got a trip to Paris and get to shop.
Go Sox!!
Exactamundo, Spesh. This Hollywood stuff is easy to follow, once you get the hang of it. ;)
Very good, Special. And ITA, Tom!
This thing's liable to get even sicklier before it's all over. Those Vogue article excerpts are just more drabble concocted around a few events we know are fact because we saw the stinkin pictures. And so a writer tosses them up in the air like a pizza and what comes down is that gagamatic piece of you know what.
And the most we still have are "He's supportive".
You know, they'll fool the casual observer and the Suburban Sprawl mom who eats up the tabloids like they're Altoid mints. And the tabloid shows like Extra & ET will eat this up like it was creme brulee. And that's what is so irritating. We're going to be seeing this from here on out.
I agree with you, Chris. Could they have walked any further apart? And who does walk holding a shopping bag between their hands? That one made me lift my brow in puzzlement. But oh, that sidewalk photoshoot was oh, so, planned.
You know, I still have some fondness for Jake, but it's getting tucked away further & further with every day of this endless charade. This whole Vogue/London Pill is a real jackhammer that's threatening to push that pill right out of my entire body. I'm glad I have class tonight because I need to step back & get another grip; get my mind on something worthy.
Maybe reese should try and get an agent to find her a job. Maybe her career is caput. Being a beard for a gay man can't last forever.
We had a little dig going in the back corner, unbelievably we didn't have to dig that far to find arrow heads.
Good, Special, cause I was trying to imagine a "little" Special having a high time with the spade in her own yard, loll! I'm sure your parents wouldn't have been too happy either if you'd've (triple contraction) been digging divots in the yard.
"Personally from the looks of the last photo op I think Jake is starting to pull in the reins."
ITA. Tick, tick....
Reese Witherspoon, feeding the parking meter in Brentwood, all by her lonesome. Wither-babe, with an adorable li'l blond bob, wore a pink shirt and some black shades, standing outside a Starbucks—so 2007 Britney of her. Except not a single pap was in the place, must be why Reesie was all smiles instead of her glum self whenever Jake's by her side, thrilled to get a break from the PR parade. Seeking much more limelight elsewhere was...
I don't think there was ever a plan to spin this as just a friendship at any point. They can move slowly because it isn't real but they will be together for a while. It's iron clad bearding. Whatever happens in Jake's closeted future he'll have a five or six year relationship with a huge star with NO REASON TO BE A BEARD under his belt. Any time someone calls Reese a beard people come back with the same logic. How could she with the children to consider? Why would she with her Oscar and $20 million dollar paychecks? It's pretty tough to imagine that is if you don't know what a controlling psychopath you're dealing with. Did you see her on ET scolding the person who interrupted the interview? Did you catch the part of the Vogue interview where she was insulted to be called "one" of the people born to play June Carter Cash? She's the ONLY person born to play her by the way. Typical Reese.
I still want to know who was the guy he screwed when he flew to NYC that weekend (away from the PoP set and Reese).
But TR, suppose Reese meets a guy she wants a REAL relationship with--someone who really floats her boat, then what?
Tom, your comment at 6:37 made me bust a gut!
Im glad your back PG.
This song is cute Wicked. Weird but cute : )
I loved the remake of Cape Fear. I thought it was one of Robert DeNiro's best roles. Juliette Lewis was really good too.
Reese reminds me of one of those sociopathic/psychopathic cheerleaders in school--the nightmare kind whom the stupid/shallow grownups loved because she was always so perfect and sticky sweet and behind their backs, she is laughing at them and tormenting the weak, the freaks and the social misfits in school. She seems very cruel (and of course, phony) to me.
As for Jake, I think he has some of that in him only because he's been so privileged all of his life. BUT I don't think he's a sociopath/psycho; in fact, I don't think this is a cruel person (I can't imagine Heath Ledger making someone like Reese the godparent to his child) but I think he's very ambitious and may be willing to go along with things just to further his career. The thing is how long is he willing to do this? That's the question. He's still in his 20s now but once he gets into his 30s, when is this going to start to pall? It will...especially because I don't think Jake is a bad person.
She is focusing 100% on her career. Jake satisfies her need to have someone to hang around with. What other man is going to take a back seat her career? If it were a real relationship there would be compromise and his priorities would need to be factored into her choices. Keep in mind this is a woman who never went on location to her own husband's movie shoots. She would pop in for a weekend but not stay. This happened before the kids were in school, during summer vacations and plenty of times when she wasn't working on anything specific. Most guys want a woman who is going to really be there for them. Unless of course they can keep themselves occupied when the girlfriend/wife is not around.
Jake has no say in this?
I like today's song. :)
This song is cute Wicked. Weird but cute : )
You guys are warped. My favorite parts of this song are where he says, "sing it to yourselves now" and where he says, "but it's."
Nothing's going on. They are having a relationship and you need to give up.
And what if we don't? Why do you care? You seem to want us to give up so it will make you feel better about yourself.
Of course he has a say. He has an unimpeachable beard and he is just as invested in this situation appearing "real" as Reese is...perhaps more so.
Damn it trolls, don't you DARE tell these people to give up; their crazed conspiracy theories and increasingly unbalanced hatred of Reese Witherspoon is FAR too entertaining! You all mock people for believing tabloid magazines, yet 90% of the drivel you believe derives directly from Ted C, who so far has not provided one single piece of evidence to back up any of his claims. And Baby Tile is just the Cherry on the top of the crazy cake. How anyone who believes that can castigate others for buying into fairytales is remarkable.
Anyway, keep bringing the entertainment and I'll keep bringing the popcorn :D
Oh you're not eating popcorn trolly you're typing till your fingers bleed especially on days like this.
Translated from a French site:
Here's no-nonsense Reese Witherspoon gracing the pages of Vogue. We've finally realized what makes Reese happy - gorgeous gowns and a photoshoot starring her. What girl wouldn't ooze joy at the thought? It's having to schlep those damn kids around and deal with Jake Gyllenhaal's inherent gayness that's making her look so stressed and like she's experiencing foot-binding all the time.
Very funny Tom!
I totally hear you PG, but I hope you stick around. And there are plenty of other things to talk about besides the pr circus.
TR, are you just guessing about the shelf life of Reeke, or have you heard something?
You know Wicked I think what I like most about about the music is it reminds me of Rocky Horror Picture Show (my alltime favorite movie). I love the line "take a bath in the blood...what the blood really means...really means".....LMAO
yeah im warped ; )
Heehee, "typing til my fingers bleed"? Do you type on a broken glass keyboard, because typing a few sentences isn't really enough to turn these digits red. And what's special about today anyway? It's just another day on OMG: empty a gut full of bile on Reese, bemoan the continued existence of Reeke, and ignore the complete lack of substance to any of Ted's claims.
Oh, and do you have a link to the french site from which that translation sprang Special? Because there's a word for word "copy" of that "translation" on:
I just can't wait to read the snark in its original French! I'm sure it's as real as Baby Tile. Post that link whenever you're ready Special! :D
Here you go - enjoy and click on the link for the French
Info jeunes
Sorry for the delay.
Err, Special, I don't know if you noticed, but that isn't a translation of a French article, it's just a copy of the original English article that I posted the link to. Didn't you notice that all the links in that "translated" piece all link to to the socialitelife.celebuzz website too, just as the original English one does?
That whistling sound you heard a few minutes ago was the joke flying over your head, but don't worry, I'll keep it simple next time :D
Evelyn and Nanci are toasting that somebody believes this crap their spinning. No one in Hollywood does.
And Ted C is kicking back and laughing at all the people who believe that Jake and Austin are super domesticated parents of a new baby without him ever having to provide even the tiniest hint of evidence to back up his claims. If "reeke" is fake, at least their PR people have to go to some effort to convince people; all Ted has to do to maintain his fake couple's existence is write a few paragraphs of unsubstantiated drivel and some people will swallow it down whole and ask for another helping.
Nice work if you can get it :D
Don't choke on your own bag Popcorn
Don't worry; unlike certain people here I always chew things out thoroughly before swallowing them :D
The gloating of Babblers. Swallowing the love story of Jake and Reese whole. Don't choke when it comes back up.
Even the trolls and babblers get tired of cooing over a faux couple.
Are the baseball games going on tonight? Was yesterday a travel day? I've lost track.
Clarity! Great to see you, too. And kicking back? Yeah, I'm kicking back & enjoying the rest of my big V. I went in this morning for 1/2 day because I'd gotten wind of my direct supervisor being out due to her kid having strep. I couldn't let my 2 bunker mates be in the rathole themselves so I went in, armed with more candy to refill my sagging pumpkin and tried to be the calvalry. But LOL, they didn't need it. It's still slow.
Got some great inspiration in class tonight which in turn gets the mind to thinking on other things. Will try to apply it to this instance in a couple of comments.
In the meantime, we can all be grateful for the good, good people that we have in our lives. The family, friends & co workers that we live/work with who bring us joy (and yes, some irritation as well). Who like us for who we are. Who don't care if we're not wearing the latest & trendiest outfits, or have the #3 sexiest man on our arm, or that we may shop at Aldi's or don't have millions in the bank (especially after last week). I'm thankful for the laughs that I have with all of them. I'm thankful for the concern that they have for my welfare. I'm thankful for the kind deeds that they may do. I'm thankful for their listening ears & the ties that bind us together. Because, you guys, that's what's important. The people that we surround ourselves with, who lift us up and are there to bind elbows with us when someone wants to play Red Rover, Red Rover. You bind your elbows together and it gives you strength. And it's through those rough waters, that you come out the better. And it may not seem endurable at the time, but you hang in there, and when you look back, things usually work out for the best. And at least don't go through it alone; you go through it with the best of people.
(((Prairie Girl))) x 1000
What you said perfect and so true.
I 'm watching my Sox drop another one to the Rays. Sad day indeed.
Oh crackerjack, I'm sure those babblers are very, very different to the posters on OMG, who have thoroughly scrutinised Teds pronouncements and examined the evidence he provided before swallowing his stories, right?
And not surprised, I think you're right; people do tend to lose the will to coo over make believe couples after a why not help reverse that trend and say something nice about Jake and Austin :D
At least you have the balls not to delete the babblers ranting. Go post on their site and see how long it stays up.
Whew, I'm exchausted after that mouthful. Just had it churning inside & had to get it out.
A topic that came up tonight was uncertainty. Why does no one like uncertainty? In pain & fear, we feel uncertainty. And we don't like that because it means loss of control. We want 100% certainty of something, whatever it may be. And yes, I'm big enough to admit that I don't have 100% certainty about this whole charade. So, sure, that's unsettling. And it was said by one of the instructors that sometimes, in our search for the answers, we look for them in the unlikeliest of people in order to hear what we want to hear. And I do ask myself, am I listening to Ted Casablanca because he's telling me what I want to hear? Or is he an objective party to this whole thing? I don't know for sure. But I know this. What does he have to gain from the whole thing? Seems he has alot more to lose at this point than he has to gain. And I don't know him from Adam. But for someone to keep it up for several years? He's got a whole lot of other fish in the sea to pay attention to, which he does. He doesn't need TT to keep his column alive. Because, face it, over the winter, there wasn't alot of TT news and his column wasn't dismissed, was it? No. He's still on the payroll, isn't he? And I don't base my gut feelings just on him. That's just one little charcoal on the fire of my thinking.
Oh, Special, I'm sorry the BoSox are losing. There are 9 innings, though, and anything can happen. It's easier to say that, though, when it's not your team that's behind, lol!
Okay, and one last nugget to chew on before I hit the hay. And this is a kind of radical thought. It goes against everything that most Americans strive for and deem desirable. (And it's not that I exclude other countries in this thinking; I just can't speak for their mentality. But Americans? Generally very materialistic).
We were talking about things tonight and the subject got to empires & leaders. Life-changing events & life-changing people. And someone brought up Martin Luther King and that made me think of Rosa Parks. That one act that she did that at the time seemed so striking & shocking to some; at the time it was a huge deal. But it was one of many steps. And now, look at the progress that has been made over the course of years.
Well, things have to have a starting point. Martina Navratilova & Billie Jean King and all these other people that grace Special's Sunday Out Spotlights; people who are paving the way, taking small (though, to them, big steps) steps. And because we are alive right now during these times, we may not exactly see how far things have come already. But my pastor said something tonight that rocked my mind. She said that she asks herself this question all the time:
What are the thresholds that I can lead people to step over?
Wow. What a statement. And see, in this day & age in the U.S., it's all about Financial Security. Prestige & Peer Respect. Successful Career. What kind of courage does it take to be one of those groundbreakers to help pave the way for others down the road and risk all of that? Jake has that opportunity. Will he take it? Doesn't look like it. What a huge opportunity, though.
Because I'll say one other thing. I would think it beats hiding. And lying. And sleepless nights. And believe you me, I bet there's been alot of restless, sleepless nights because the mind doesn't rest. If you have something bugging you? It's going to invade your sleep. I skipped P.E. one day back in high school. I hated P.E. & I was intimidated by the teacher. So, I skipped class, the first time ever. I tell you what, it was the most miserable hour of my young life. I literally hid, crouching down, somewhere, I don't even remember where now. But I was so worried the police were going to find me. Or somebody, anybody was going to see me. And, anyway, it was horrible. It's no fun hiding something. It'll gnaw at you & you will not have peace, no matter how you appear on the outside.
Anyway, not sure how that all ties together, but I'm just saying that if he wanted, he could stand up for himself and try to do things differently. And do something positive & inspiring not only for someone else, but for himself.
And I don't want to hear anything about contracts, financial gains, career as a leading man, what Disney wants, what Reese wants or needs, etc, etc. This is about him. You get one spin around this track. This is him. His life. It's not a Monopoly game. He can assert control of his life; no one can ever take your soul from you unless you let them .
What's with Popcorn. Could be that the series of coincidences and the buzzwords that repeat themselves in all the copy are making her nervous. That sixth sense we are born with is acting up. Smell a rat huh? Oh, and the Paris trip was a business trip afterall.
Okay, this is the the fourth time I've tried to post this--blogger problems! In the meantime, you've written another great post PG about leading people over thresholds.
Great post PG too on the importance of family and friends. One of the reasons I keep coming here even when the going is tough is the sense of community I feel here.
Personally I have no doubt that Reeke is a charade. In fact I think it is just another bit of evidence pointing to Jake being gay and being with Austin. Ted is an important source of information, but he is not the reason I think J&A are a couple; in fact it was only after I started to wonder about them that I even discovered Ted's TT stories.
It's also not just us and Ted, there are plenty of others not buying it, in fact just about any internet gossip site that does not have ties to pr and/or corporate media.
And a last word on that threshold--it's been great seeing Clay Aiken doing that for his child.
"But TR, suppose Reese meets a guy she wants a REAL relationship with--someone who really floats her boat, then what?"
Then Jake-fauxmance go bye-bye
"He has an unimpeachable beard and he is just as invested in this situation appearing "real" as Reese is...perhaps more so."
I disagree. Now that he has his prize - a franchise and reliable emotional support (albeit of the non-sexual variety), he's content. She's spinning the fauxmance now. It's time for her to cash in.
Whilst I'm no babbler, I think it's absolutely wonderful that the people who run OMG allow my comments to stay up rather than deleting them. Of course there is little need to delete them when people are so willing to ignore that which makes them examine their own foolish beliefs. I've repeatedly pointed out that Ted has provided no evidence to back up his assertions regarding Jake, Austin and the little imaginary baby, but alas not one single poster has been able to offer a rebuttal, which is strange considering this is a site dedicated to TT and GG.
Prairiegirl, Ted gains attention and hits to his website by continuing to write about TT. Of course he'd get hits and attention anyway, but every little helps. You say he has more to lose than he has to gain, exactly CAN he lose? Each time he says something he gives no evidence that could be checked and shown to be false. Each time he makes a prediction that doesn't end up happening he says either ignores his past comments or says that things changed.
And now we have Baby Tile. Ted has conjured up a BABY without a shred of evidence to support its existence and yet somehow he has managed to get people him. So how can he lose? I suppose even the most die hard believers would start to smell a rat after a while if Baby Tile doesn't make an appearance...but then again maybe not. Maybe I should ask one!
Special K (or any other Baby Tile believers), how long would a no-show by Baby Tile have to continue before you started to doubt Ted C's story? Don't be afraid, it's not a trick question.
Oh hey m, what's up is that I'm genuinely interested in seeing someone here address the points I've raised or answer the questions I've posed. :D
Methinks what we have here trolling is an old maid - never been popped!
Popcorn, you can't persuade people here. Impossible. After 10-15 years, when Jake has a family and two kids with Reese, they'll be claiming he's leading a double life and bringing a child on the side.They call everyone who doesn't agree with them a babbler or reeker and that's the end of discussion for them.
Btw popcorn is overblown and full of air!
Why come here and waste your time? To you feel better about yourself? Sad. We don't go and convince anyone about Jake being Toothy, they figure it out on their own. That's killing you.
Nobody addresses your comments popcorn because we all know from two years of this that you'll just ignore them. We also know that you've heard all the arguments before. You're no different than someone who goes around insisting that their religion is the one and only true religion, and won't rest until everyone has converted.
I finally got a chance to listen to the song today, and I have to say that as insane as it is I really like it.
Perez says:
A wacky disaster comedy starring Ben Stiller, Reese Witherspood, and a volcano?
Sounds like box office gold?
More like box office meltdown!
We actually can't make much sense of the premise for Cameron Crowe's next flick, but we'll give it a shot.
Something about Ben Stiller as a disgraced weapons specialist sent to Hawaii to launch a satellite. He requires the help of the islanders, who are willing to oblige under the condition that their island gods be appeased. And of course, the only way to appease gods is to feed a volcano a virgin sacrifice - or, you know, as close as you can get to that these days. Ben Stiller runs into former flame Reese Witherspoon and we're sort of hoping she ends up in the lava.
Hollywood must be hurting.
Q, nothings killing me, not even the laughter that comes from seeing another one-time-name poster pop up and reply to me whilst completely avoiding actually replying to me. Whether it's a crakerjack or a hemlich, a q or an m, they all seem to have the exact same blindspot. I ask "What evidence has Ted produced to back up any of his claims" and pretty much everyone reading that sidesteps the question completely. I haven't seen this many evasive answers since the Vice Presidential debates! Someone should have checked Gov Palin's bookmarks to see if OMG appeared on the list!
And speaking of sidestepping, hey not interested! I actually haven't heard anything about evidence that Ted has provided to back up his stories, especially his latest one about there being a Baby Tile, so you're completely wrong there. Do you have any, or are you going to ignore that question and instead talk about Israel? * :D
Still as funny as the first time I watched it. And, damn, Queen Latifah did not get nearly the amount of credit she deserved for her contribution to that sketch.
Sounds like Perez isn't too happy with how pr has been treating him lately--not enough exclusives I guess.
Speaking of Perez, there is one of many reasons why I believe Jake is gay. Remember when he had that exclusive about Reeke being a couple? PR thought that if they used a gay gossip columnist, known in the past for outing people, to say this couple was real, that people would believe him. That and the fact that after pr obviously got Perez in their good graces he took down all of his old posts about Jake and Austin.
And Popcorn, speaking of ignoring people, you've completely ignored my comment in which I said Ted is not the reason for my believing in J&A. See the preceding paragraph for just one reason why I think Reeke is fake and Jake gay. I think most of us enjoy reading Ted because he confirms what we can see with our own eyes.
Isn't that crap finished popping yet? Someone needs to put that recycled bag out of its misery. What isn't already burned will never fly.
"And Popcorn, speaking of ignoring people, you've completely ignored my comment in which I said Ted is not the reason for my believing in J&A. See the preceding paragraph for just one reason why I think Reeke is fake and Jake gay. I think most of us enjoy reading Ted because he confirms what we can see with our own eyes."
Hey, I wasn't ignoring it; the problem wasn't you didn't address my question about what evidence brought forward to back up his stories. But you've got my full attention now, so I'll address your comment.
You say Perez's attitude to Reeke is a reason why you believe Jake is gay. Yet your whole explanation of Perez's actions depend upon you first believing that Jake IS gay. You then have to believe that PR is involved in modifying Perez's stance on Jake.
So what you have is circular reasoning: Jake is gay, so Perez must be being dishonest about him, and we know Perez must be being dishonest about him because Jake is gay!
"I think most of us enjoy reading Ted because he confirms what we can see with our own eyes."
So, you can see with your own eyes that Jake and Austin are still together?
You can see with your own eyes that Jake and Austin are parents?
You saw with your own eyes that Jake and Austin were caught having sex, that Jake was sleeping with a producer for roles?
Because those are the things I was asking about, and those are the things everyone who has "replied" to me have sidestepped so far. And, speak of the devil, hello there microwave! Go stand next to orville, crackerjack and Heimlich; I'll start the music and you can all do the Duck 'n' Shuffle together :D
Because I think Ted has been truthful about the things I could see going on, I trust him to be truthful about the things I can't see. Another reason why I believe him is that he is one of the few gossip columnists around that is not beholden to pr. I believe him because he's reporting on what he's seen or heard about town or been told by his sources, and not just regurgitating what pr tells him. Do I think he's right 100% of the time? No one is right that often, even when they actually have the facts. But I don't think Ted would be talking about something like Baby Tile unless Ted had evidence or was hearing it from a source he trusts 100%.
I'm only speaking for myself as to why I believe Ted. And while I believe in Baby Tile, a lot of people don't.
Get a grip, Popcorn. Ted has no reason to make this up, AND you will be a long time waiting for evidence. Yeah, you can hold these thoughts in your head at the same time! Try it! What exactly would you expect a baby to do on its own, to distinguish itself from any other? Why does Ted need to substantiate gossip? That's not the point of gossip.
Have you still not taken the point about the closet, and hiding? It isn't public. Stop waiting.
Can you also understand why it might be advantageous in business terms for Reeke to be a power couple?
Grow up, read more, think more, LOOK HARDER.
And don't be obtuse Popcorn. I didn't say the Perez incident was the only reason I think Jake is gay, but one of many. And that happened after almost two years of following Jake.
And now that I've tried to answer your questions, I'd like you to answer mine. Why do you keep coming here and trying to convince everyone they're wrong?
don't you feel stupid posting all that BS?
Hmm, I see Popcorn left the building, Destiny, after your 0317 question. Man, that was one big annoying fingernail on the chalkboard. I will say this and I said it before: Ted has his credibility to lose with every column/letter that he prints. He knows what people like Popcorn are saying. But he keeps it up. You think it's solely because of the community of OMG and WFT2? I don't think so. We're just one blip on the screen of his demographics.
I'm not addressing anymore of my breath on all that wasted garbo. Instead, here's a laugh. You know those emails that coworkers/friends pass around? Well, here was a good one and I wish I could re-print the picture it came with because it's good for a laugh. It's entitled "Redneck Smoke Alarm".
And below it, nailed to the top of the door frame in someone's house, is an inverted, unpopped pan of Jiffy Pop Popcorn. Envision it. It'll make you laugh. That one would make Jeff Foxworthy proud.
You know, Destiny, I know I mentioned Ted, and you said that he wasn't the sole reason why you believed Reeke was a charade. I had my own suspicions as well and that's what led me to OMG because I was noticing things myself in all the pictures that I looked at of Jake (and believe me, I was like a bird inside an earthworm farm - I was searching for all it was worth) on the internet. I hadn't even heard of Ted or TT. And I found some things on Jake and Austin and upon searching that, that is how I think I found OMG. And the sharpness & common sense that the posters here had of pointing things out was eyeopening. That and a couple other things just confirmed what started out as just a gut feeling for me. It wasn't just Ted for me either.
It's raining here this morning, I can hear it pinging out there. We're due for a cool spell the rest of the week. Hope everyone else has some better weather. It's been a marvel these past 2 days to drive around & see the mix of the reds/yellows/oranges against the backdrop of the green grass. Fall brings out some of the most magnificent colors that one could never put together on a palette. Year after year, I never get enough of it. At my park, there's a hill on the west side and right smack dab in the middle of that hill is one little tree. Don't know what kind it is. But for the last however many years, that little thing will bloom the brightest red; almost like it's on fire. And it's always so funny to look up there, see all the green grass, the nearby cookout shelter, the asphalt path, and all the trees behind it, and there blooms that one little tree, a big standout of bright red just glowing for all it is worth. It'll be good for only a couple days of walks and then the leaves start to fade & fall. But if I catch it, it gives me such a good feeling inside, I don't know why. Missed it this year, though, lol. Walked that way yesterday and the leaves are falling off of it already. And it feels like I missed something really good.
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