Today is all about the Hustle, if you don't like it you can skip it. You know like skipping work, skipping school, skipping stones, and of course like PG said skip to my lou. But do you know the last verse to Skip to my Lou?
- Skip, skip, skip to the Lou,
- Skip, skip, skip to the Lou,
- Skip, skip, skip to the Lou,
- Skip to the Lou, my darlin'.
- Off to Texas,
- Two by two,
- Off to Texas,
- Two by two,
- Off to Texas,
- Two by two,
- Skip to my Lou, the darlin'.
And Lou? It is corruption of the Scottish word -loo or love.
Oh just skip it -- moving on.
There was a whole lot of moving and not a lot of grooving despite what gets out to the media over the last weekend. We've got three different reports, sightings and wayward children in various locations with various people. Continuity people! Come on hire a better script supervisor. Native American warriors shouldn't wear wrist watches in the Old West, and beards can't be trimmed and then all grow back in, in hours. Continuity!

Ok maybe just skip the continuity thing and get get on to skipping.
Skipping? Seriously. When's the last time anyone's skipped? What 7? By then you've realized - what the heck am I doing. But a couple skipping down the street? Next time we will hear about running in field of flowers in the English countryside. Or sweeping up on horseback all Darcy like. Ohhhhh Mr. Darcy... WAIT just skip that part...
Now Jake may get his skip on by himself. Can anyone say Lemon Twist. Oh yeah... that's right... going old school.... with the lemon twist - which later actually got the name change to Skip It. Hours of fun jumping and bumping, skipping swirling twirling. Hey! that's what the package says.
Skip it. Skip it good.
But actually Jake did skip it. He skipped out of town as soon as he could. And yeah he was hustling. Right back to London?
Now for more Halloween Hijinks, or costumes (fancy dress as they say in the UK) for Jakey.
Its all getting your dance on Jakey. And what better choices than:

You're on a roll girl. Good thing you don't work for the other side.
LIVESTRONG!!!!! That's just not any yellow shirt. And she is wearing a team Avon cap, a couple that jogs together supports cancer research charities together!
Speaking of Lance, another one of Kate Hudson's ex's Dax Shepperd must of been surprised to find his name listed as a guest at her Hallowen party this year since they broke up last year. Also David Spade the Olsen's and Jake and Reese all last years guests who didn't attend this year and mixed in with this years, I guess they thought they didn't have enough guests!!!!
Ava and Deacon saw the nanny more than their parents this past week, oh well.
You outdid yourself today. I love the skip to my lou lyrics. And I can so see Jake dancing to this song.
Not surprising at all that PR is back filling the story. They've dragged out every photo of Jake taken with a woman since he was a teenager to make it look like there have been more women in his life than his mother and sister. If you were a writer for OK, it goes without saying you would visit the 5 or 6 sites devoted to Jake to pull a story together. Easy as pie.
I have yet to watch OTH. Taped it, but have been too busy catching up since my return home to view it yet. Hopefully tonight. I did see one review while cruising the web lsat night that said Austin breathed new life into the show.
I agree, trawling for ideas on the Internet is a boon for gossip writers and gossip blogs, I would imagine. It does seem like there's a bit of backfilling going on. And for a gang of ten, we certainly draw a lot of interest.
Another clever post - I liked the skipping out of town part. ;)
I I I I I'm not your stepping stone
I I I I I'm not your stepping stone
You're trying to make your mark in society
Using all the tricks that you used on me.
You're reading all those high fashion magazines
The clothes you're wearin' girl are causing public scenes.
I said
I I I I I'm not your stepping stone
I I I I I'm not your stepping stone
Not your stepping stone,
Not your stepping stone.
^ Couldn't resist. Skipping made me think of skipping stones, which made me think of stepping stone.
First comes brunch then comes skipping....
From Ted:
Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel, downing some brunch at Vivien's restaurant in Studio City. J&J hit up the tiny breakfast place, a big change from their recent vacay to Italy. Sorry, our eggs-eating Eyes didn't see a ring on Jessy's finger, no outlandish PDA to goss over. We knew this was one boring couple, and eating in the Valley proves just that. Dining in a far prettier locale was...
This song is deadly to listen to at work, Special & Wicked. Makes me want to stand on my desk & put on a show, lol!! Definitely a REW.
Lol, great, awesome post. Continuity! yes, continuity. Get on the same page, for gosh sakes.
Hey, that uh, lemon twist looks like it could also be used as some kind of medical apparatus, lol.
Popcorn, my friend, our brother/sisterhood is intact. It would be no matter what tho, wouldn't it? I did mention once that I was a registered Republican, but don't hold that against me! Kansas is pretty much a Republican state.
And I don't think it is a stretch at all to think that PR "borrowed" that U2 song. Come on, that is too much of a coincidence. I'm convinced. And all of a sudden, Jake & Deacon are skipping down the sidewalk?? It's beyond belief.
But I won't hold it against you. You're ok in my book; I don't care what everyone else says, lol. You're a friendly sort & I like ya. Now don't be a stranger. When you can hear great tunes like "The Hustle" and "More, More, More", how can one resist to drop in?
Speaking of Lance, another one of Kate Hudson's ex's Dax Shepperd must of been surprised to find his name listed as a guest at her Hallowen party this year since they broke up last year.
I bet. Dax was about 5 guys ago. How on earth would Reese & Jake managed to also fit in this Halloween party? Giminy's, they about would have to have both of their PA's following them around with clipboards, hustling them from function to function. "Keep it moving, keep it moving! Next!" "Okay, we've got 10 minutes here. Reese, your hair still looking good? Do we need the stylist? 10 minutes here by the car, okay, looking good...Reese, why don't you give one of those big joyful looking laughs like Jake just said something hilarious... and then we've got Starbucks for an hour." "Come on, Jake, keep up, baby. Do you need a different wooly cap? Ernie, do you have a black wooly cap there? Jake's grey one is getting a little on the ripe side and we need a fresh one here!!" "Let's move it, people, we've got 5 more spots this afternoon to hit before the 3 parties tonight. Chop! Chop!"
Geez. Makes me exhausted just thinking about it. I've got to go. We have been slammed big time today and it's going to be a rough afternoon.
Everybody have a great afternoon. It's supposed to be 70 degrees today. Got the shorts out again.
From Destiny on the previous post: I think the character Austin is playing is going to make a big difference for me, and I think he is going to be really good. The first few introductory scenes I was kind of thinking, he's okay, but this doesn't seem too interesting. And then the final scene you see he's a completely different person, and his performance all of a sudden grabbed me. And it's a more subtle kind of acting, as opposed to JFC.
Destiny, I had exactly the same reaction as you. Austin seemed good in his first couple of scenes but his final scene made me know that he was operating on a whole new level. There was no sign of Austin or John or any of Austin's other characters in the real Julian Baker. It should make for some interesting viewing in the coming weeks.
BTW, Spooky has a review of Monday's OTH episode on her site. Probably the one M mentioned above.
Just reading some of the popcorn comments from last night. I think the point missed is that if Jake's PR is not reading WFT2, OMG, WDW. IHJ, Ted etc., then they are not doing their job. How else to know how the world views your star unless you visit the websites devoted to them.
I always thought the monitoring was a given M. What surprises me is how much they steal from all the fan sites.
Thanks BV and Spooky. It's nice to see Austin getting some attention and a good review for his work.
Dear Ted:
I thought that Toothy Tile had the talent, personality, integrity, braveness and beauty to be the Jackie Robinson of Hollywood. What do you think happened to him that he turned into an average phony hypocrite playing the Hollywood game?
Dear Braveheart:
Dear Ted:
Is Toothy Tile happy with the bearding? Why did he have Baby Tile if he wasn't willing to stand up as a father and all his public actions show he only cares about faking for the sake of his own image?
Dear Fatherly Love:
Clay Aiken, he's not. Thank homo heavens!
I don't get what Ted means by that last answer. And I'm puzzled by the fact that Ted doesn't seem to want to give Clay any credit for doing the right thing, which is how it sounds.
About Ted, both questions were signed by Laura= Reese’s real name.
I think “thank homo heavens” is a sarcastic/ironic expression and Ted means at least one person (Clay) decided to be honest for the sake of his child, instead of faking for his image.
My internet connection has been down so I just read about the skipping. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, because skipping and piggyback rides go hand-in-hand, don't they?
I'm still trying to decipher the fantasy ice skating.
Works a bit like fantasy football, PG. You pick skaters that are competing at each of the Grand Prix events, the GP final, Europeans, and Worlds. You get the points that your skaters get at those events.
WFT is open again. Dany is married.
I just caught up with the skipping and the backfill stories on the other thread.
*rolls eyes*
Another song for destiny:
"I will never be your stepping stone, take it all, or leave me alone. No I'll neee-ever be your stepping stone ..."
Re Ted's comment about Clay, if I remember right, Ted wasn't very impressed when Clay came out with his son, saying it's something everyone knew and he shouldn't be treated like a hero or something to that effect.
Maybe he means that Jake is not going to come out with BT in some tabloid cover and that BT will be raise kinda like Jodie Foster's kids? JMO
You mean Dany was the blind item? ;)
Bi, sorry don't understand your comment....
Dany is back, we have 3 J&A sites!
I was talking about the Blind Item about the celebrity couple who secretly got married recently, she's more well known . . . etc, etc. I was teasing. :)
And she's extremely protective of their privacy :)
oh, ok ;)
And Ted answers:
Dear Braveheart:
Man, that's cold. Ted is not pulling any punches now. He's just dishing it out left and right. And it's not a pretty picture at all.
Well, Jake wouldn't be the first human to do things for the love of money. It is a pitfall that any of us can fall into, the love of $$$ and never feeling like having enough. Heck, I've been there. Wanting some sense of security for the rest of one's life. But there are never any guarantees. And money can buy just about anything; but it doesn't buy peace of mind and it doesn't buy happiness. And the bad thing is, sometimes we get a windfall or a raise, and it's not enough. We want more and the drive to obtain more overtakes our hours in the day, pushing us beyond reason. And then it shoves people out of our lives and can come at a cost that can't be recouped.
I'm not going to pick on him if this is the kind of drive that is at the top of his list. He's young and he's been brought up surrounded by the best of things and never wanting for anything. Unfortunately, alot of time it just takes the maturity of years to realize where we were misguided in our thinking. And it's just sad to see when this kind of drive makes someone lose their identity & honesty to themself (is that a word, lol?) and to those whom he/she surrounds themself with.
On the other hand, Ted could be wrong on this one. After all, a conclusion like this is pretty much a personal opinion unless he's talked to the Jakester himself. I hope he's wrong. I hope there's a better reason for him to be doing all this.
TDAT is queer cinema? :-D
Okay, guys, indulge me for just a minute. And you don't have to read the whole thing, but when I saw that first question of Ted's, it immediately rang a bell. Now tell me I'm not dreaming, okay?
From OMG October 14: Silly me again:
We were talking about things tonight and the subject got to empires & leaders. Life-changing events & life-changing people. And someone brought up Martin Luther King and that made me think of Rosa Parks. That one act that she did that at the time seemed so striking & shocking to some; at the time it was a huge deal. But it was one of many steps. And now, look at the progress that has been made over the course of years.
Well, things have to have a starting point. Martina Navratilova & Billie Jean King and all these other people that grace Special's Sunday Out Spotlights; people who are paving the way, taking small (though, to them, big steps) steps. And because we are alive right now during these times, we may not exactly see how far things have come already. But my pastor said something tonight that rocked my mind. She said that she asks herself this question all the time:
What are the thresholds that I can lead people to step over?
Wow. What a statement. And see, in this day & age in the U.S., it's all about Financial Security. Prestige & Peer Respect. Successful Career. What kind of courage does it take to be one of those groundbreakers to help pave the way for others down the road and risk all of that? Jake has that opportunity. Will he take it? Doesn't look like it. What a huge opportunity, though.
Now "Laura"
Dear Ted:
I thought that Toothy Tile had the talent, personality, integrity, braveness and beauty to be the Jackie Robinson of Hollywood. What do you think happened to him ...
Or am I just getting paranoid? Tell me I'm barking up the wrong tree.
There have always been many eyes that look at OMG, it is not surprising to see things "lifted" and sometimes reinterpreted other places.
Why so many eyes? Kinda sound like we've been onto something for awhile doesn't it?
On this one PG I think a lot of people have said variations of what you said a few weeks ago, and over the years I've seen people make the point about Jake possibly being a Jackie Robinson type.
Jersey Tom congrats enjoy the Phillies big win. Ryan Phillippe will be happy tonight too.
Congrats Tom!!!!!!
Woo Hoo! Phillies!!!!!
To my Philly roots and my Aunt Helen(RIP) "Dem Bums Did it!"
Congratulations Tom and any other Phillies fans here!!!
Okay, Destiny, good. I think I was getting paranoid.
Wow thanks everyone. Unbelievable the Philadelhia Phillies are the 2008 World Series Champs. Feels soooooooooo good. Night.
Hollywood Bromances:
...."Lance Armstrong and Jake Gyllenhaal and Matthew McConaughey
This trifecta is way over and out...well, not as out as we'd prefer. Matthew's got his baby mama and his baby taking up his time—even his bongos are being neglected, poor things. Jake's frolicking around town with Reese, and Lance is back to biking before finding his next celeb soul mate of the month."
Finally watched OTH. The show is pretty boring - definitely for the 18-30 age group tops, but Austin was great. He is maturing nicely. I think he has reached the age where he can take on meaty, adult roles. Perhaps parental duties and responsibilities helped.
Still rapidly cruising the web to catch up and saw an interview with jessica biel. I would not normally read that, but it mentioned Nailed so I did. She said there are 3 more scenes left to film so I don't think we will be seeing that film anytime soon.
Re Jake doing things for money - I think he has a strong need for approval. BBM is history and nothing else has really worked out. Nailed not finished. Brothers sounds like it's not being viewed as a hit by the studio. Between that and the money, tough to walk away from the POP opportunity.
Dear Ted:
Is Stud-Bucket LeBeouf One Fine-Print Prick Blind Vice Ben Affleck? Would you please run a list of folks who aren't Toothy Tile to help me narrow the field?
Dear All About the Benjamins:
What am I, your lackey? There's a whole Toothy-dedicated site that should help you out, prolly won't have any trouble finding it. And Stud isn't exactly an actor type, at least not always.
Dear Ted:
I have been an avid reader of the Awful Truth for about five years, and I am a huge fan. I always wonder why we make a huge deal of the alternative reasons Jake is with Reese, but we do not question Reese's questionable devotion for being with Jake. She's surely not so desperate, right?
—Kate, New Orleans
Dear Wondering Witherspoon:
Well...I wouldn't say so, but some folks might. You see, she's very fond of Jake, that's why. Truly.
I take Benjamins as another clue.
Boy, she sure didn't show it when she left him in the lurch when he was on crutches for that mysterious injury.
Sigh, this is like a neverending merry go round ride. Actually, not that joyful. More like a nauseating Tilt A Whirl ride that just goes on and on and on. Ha, I used to love the Tilt A Whirl until my ears started acting up and now can't tolerate it. Anybody else getting just tired of Reeke? I think I'm just getting worn out with it. Almost bored with the constant rehashing of their constant shenanigans. Geesh.
I have to go. We're having soup day today. Our office has done this for several years. Once or twice a month, someone brings soup, another brings bread, and somebody else brings dessert. I don't know why we bother with dessert, though; usually everyone's so full that no one ever has room for it, lol. It's always fun and gives people a chance to get up & stretch their legs to go piddle with the spoon & "stir up the ol' soup".
I'm in charge of bread so I've got to get to Panera. There's no better place to get it, at least around here close.
Oh, and hey, Destiny? Blogger is having a problem with the trashcan. I was on there last night trying to figure out how to get ahold of their IT dept and that was a problem they said they were currently trying to figure out.
Everyone have a great day. We're on the downhill slide now. Today's going to be a banger, alot to get done & a short time to get it all done.
Boy, she sure didn't show it when she left him in the lurch when he was on crutches for that mysterious injury.
I can't help it but think he faked if for some reason. Maybe I'm wrong and if I'm wrond I apologize.
Maybe she was pissed how he hurt his foot. Don't think it was basketball. ; )
Hmmmm... so Reese is very fond of Jake, is she? because he's the perfect bf who will never ever cheat on her with another woman? LOL
Hmmmm... so Reese is very fond of Jake, is she?
No, Ted is saying the opposite.
The other day Ted says they are faking and don't even like each other and now he says she really likes him. Which version is it? Bitchy and pretending or caring and the real deal? Where is the question posted on Ted's site so I can ask him.
Irony is saying one thing by saying the opposite.
"No, Ted is saying the opposite."
I was being sarcastic....guess it fell flat :(
No wonder that So Confused is confused! lol
Where is the question posted on Ted's site so I can ask him.
There is Email Ted link right under the "Ted Casablanca's The Awful Truth" title.
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