Sunday, October 19, 2008

Out Spotlight XXXXV

Today's Out Spotlight is highlight the effort for Uniting the World against AIDS

These are the goals of the World Health Organization, UNAIDS project and UNICEF in the Universal Access for HIV/AIDS Worldwide.

Towards universal access: Scaling up priority HIV / AIDS interventions in the health sector is the second in a
series of annual progress reports developed by WHO, UNAIDS and UNICEF to monitor the health-sector
response to HIV / AIDS. It documents health-sector progress towards:

• Treatment and care, including antiretroviral therapy (ART), management of HIV/TB co-infection and
other co-morbidities;

• HIV testing and counselling;

• Prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT), in health care settings, and of sexual HIV
transmission and transmission through injecting drug use;

• Health systems issues, including drug procurement and supply management, human resources and
health information.

The Epidemic is still here we are doing better, but better is not good enough.

The AIDS epidemic today

An estimated 33 million people [30.3 – 36.1 million] were living with HIV in 2007. There
were 2.7 million [2.2 – 3.2 million] new HIV infections and 2 million [1.8 – 2.3 million]
AIDS-related deaths last year.

The rate of new HIV infections has fallen in several countries, but globally these
favourable trends are at least partially offset by increases in new infections in other

Globally, women account for half of all HIV infections—this percentage has remained
stable for the past several years.

The global percentage of adults living with HIV has levelled off since 2000. In virtually all
regions outside sub-Saharan Africa, HIV disproportionately affects people who inject
drugs, men who have sex with men and sex workers.

Support and participation is still needed.

  • Support with your giving of both time and money
  • Speak with your vote
  • Seek information about what going on.

While we have made strides in HIV prevention and treatment, there is still no cure for AIDS.

No matter how many celebrities and physicians and health workers and organizations speak out about this and what needs to be done, it starts with you. You are the only person that is in control of your future. Practice safe sex, find out out about your sexual partners, and get tested. Remember you are in charge of your life. The decisions you make are yours alone. It starts with you, your life and your impact.


Anonymous said...

Thanks Special. We need to be reminded about HIV/AIDS.

prairiegirl said...

This song gives me the creeps, always has. I remember when that movie came out and AIDS was still thought of as an automatic death sentence. How far it has come here in the States, but in Africa, it is huge. Huge. I've heard several missionaries speak who work over there and it is just a really sad situation because the people there have no education on it.

My sopapailla cheesecake is in the oven; lol, I think I did it right this time, didn't get so carried away with my layering. Lingered in bed too long, sped across the State Line to go usher @ my former church and see people that I only get to see once a month, swing by & pay 2.47 for gas, grocery store, then pass QT near the exit ramp where it was 2.39 a gallon Darn It All!, stop off for a walk at my park, and dash home to make the cheesecake & slap it in the oven. I think we're celebrating my aunt's birthday today, which was back in May, but since she was in Vegas, we didn't get to celebrate.

My goonhead brother. Anybody have a sibling like this? He calls me yesterday on my cellphone while I'm out & about and is looking for my sister. I said she's out of town in Colorado. He said "Oh. Phew. We've been trying to catch her. Left a message on the phone @ home. We were afraid we'd missed her birthday." I said her birthday isn't today. It's the 23rd.
Man. My brother. He can't remember any of our's birthday to save his soul. I have called him sometimes to remind him to call Mom or Dad on theirs & not to forget. Geez Louise. LOL! We had a good laugh, though. He thought it was her birthday. Wait til she hears when she gets back. Well, she's prob'ly already heard the message on the cellphone.

Anonymous said...

This song gives me the creeps, always has

What do you mean it gives you the creeps? In what way?

prairiegirl said...

It's eerie sounding. Dark.

It has nothing to do with the movie, don't worry, I'm not saying that at all. I don't even know for sure any of the lyrics, other than the streets of Philadelphia. It is just a low-note, quietsounding, creepy song. I'm talking purely the soundlevel, the melody, and the chanting during the chorus. It's a song for a foggy, rainy day. I can't explain why it spooks me, it just does.

Hey, "It's the Time Of The Season" creeps me out, too. It's eerie sounding. The way the lead singer's voice kind of echoes as he sings. And what in the heck do they mean in the lyrics when they say "What's your name? Who's your daddy?" What in the heck are they talking about? That song always sounds to me like someone was sniffing the ol' glue when they penned it on a napkin. It's just creepy sounding. Haven't you ever had a song scare you just by the way it sounded?

prairiegirl said...

Speaking of music, this kinda is funny. "It's the Time of the Season" reminds me of my former coworker/friend who now lives in Michigan. She's the one who came out to me & my other buddy at work and left us to go live with her partner up in Michigan. Anyway, when ol' Bren started, this was when all we had was the stupid Muzak that we could play through the speakers on our phones. And this "easy listening" station would play the same garbo every stinkin day, just mix the order up. And they played "Downtown" by Petula Clark. Bren said "Hey you never hear that song. Kinda good to hear that one." I agreed. And for awhile, we looked forward to hearing it. I'd say, "Hey, Bren, there's your song". Well, LOL!, we started hearing it all the time!! Every day. Pretty soon, we would re-create our conversation. "Hey, remember when we first heard this story, Bren? You said 'Hey, you never hear this song anymore. It's good to hear it." And we'd laugh real good over that.
Once, she was out to lunch and it came on the Muzak. I hurried up and dialed her cellphone and my friend & I said "Listen, Bren!" And I'd hold the phone up to the speaker so she could hear "Downtown" playing. "Oh, real funny, uh huh" And we'd laugh hysterically. Oh, those were fun days. I know it sounds kind of stupid, but man, we had some real fun times with her. I miss her terribly. my friend Bren.

I think I'm going to try & call her. Bring up ol' Petula Clark on Youtube and hold it up to the phone so she can hear. LOLL!

Geez, that had nothing to do with Jake & Austin. I need to get back on track.

Hope everyone's having a good Sunday. We're not celebrating today after all & now I'm stuck with an 8 x 8 pan of sopapailla cheesecake. Good thing I'm goin back to work tomorrow. Those hounds will take care of it.

destiny said...

Don't Worry, if you're around I'd like to know how you square your statement with the Vogue magazine cover and Reese's interview. We all know that celebrities have approval of covers and articles in magazines like that.

Anonymous said...

Easy. Neither she nor he can ever be quoted calling the other one bf or gf. They never use the word. They never define their "relationship". They never say they date. They are seen together but they never are anything more than really good buddies.
She had the opportunity to declare his status, to tell about their "love". She did not do it. No reason not to, except if you want to save face in case the thing might explode in same. She is not dumb, neither is he. They will have their photo ops but nothing else. Least of all some official thing. Not that this makes anything better. If they wanted to keep an ounce of truth they would have stated that they are buddies only, it would have made the photo ops bearable and them believable.

Anonymous said...

"Least of all some official thing."

Will it become official when she pops out Jake's first born?

destiny said...

Sorry, not buying it. Vogue refers to "new man" and states, as a fact, that Jake is Reese's boyfriend. This is the first time Jake has been referred to as boyfriend in an article in which one of them is actually interviewed. If PR, Jake and Reese think that they haven't stepped over that line they are only fooling themselves. Vogue is not a tabloid. Or are they further insulting our intelligence by thinking it is only a "women's" magazine so it doesn't count.

Anonymous said...

Jake and Reese are a couple.

Anonymous said...

Wrong blog. Go away and bore someone else.

Anonymous said...

Just like you said: Vogue does but not Reese. Neither will Jake. For good reasons.

Anonymous said...

Will it become official when she pops out Jake's first born?

Reese will never pop out Jake's first born.
That train has passed about a year ago.

Anonymous said...

Please, explain yourself,3:17. What do you mean? Reese was pregnant and ...what happened? What are you suggesting?

Anonymous said...

"Reese will never pop out Jake's first born. That train has passed about a year ago."

What does that mean too late? She was willing to have another baby a year ago and now does want to have another baby? How do you know this?

Anonymous said...

Calm down babblers. Reeke don't have sex.

prairiegirl said...

Here they come.... Walkin down the street.....hey hey, we're the....oh no, that's another deal.

Here they come to prey on a weakened, or what they perceive as a weakened lower level of the food chain. Way to go, Destiny, you propped open the door, lol! Now you did it.

prairiegirl said...

Actually, I see exactly what Don't Worry is saying and DW is right. Reese gets away without saying it.

All the "detailed" information about the dressing room tee-hee moment, the Viva la France guestbook signing, the melons, blah blah blah is Vogue's "italicized" version of what we're supposed to think is Reese's firsthand report. So why does Vogue have to re-tell the story? Why is it in italics? Is this the way this overpriced piece of glossy 8 x 11, 6/8 ads, 2/8 actual news always prints its stories? Why can't Reese be quoted directly telling all these "juicy" details? All we get is a sentence that does Bill Clinton or Chiefs former coach, "the King of 500 words without saying a blessed thing" Marty Schottenheimer proud. "He's very supportive." "I'm very lucky." Come on. Who in the heck talks like that in real life.

And yes, there's the title on the front cover "her new man". Not her words, though. They're Vogue's. Sure with her approval. Jake's approval. But not their direct quotes.

But just the story content alone, yes, is definitely "they are officially a couple" stuff. It just doesn't read like a valid article. It sounds fictionalized the way it's written.

And I don't know much about Vogue. I've barely heard of the magazine? I do know that it's not one that you find at the check out counters. It's one that you find at Borders or Barnes & Noble admidst 350 others. Does Vogue have a huge circulation? Is it a well respected, often quoted from periodical? I have no idea. Maybe I'm from too redneck of country to know better.

Anonymous said...

Reese talks like that in real life. She used to say the same exact sentences about Ryan.

Anonymous said...

"And I don't know much about Vogue. I've barely heard of the magazine? I do know that it's not one that you find at the check out counters. It's one that you find at Borders or Barnes & Noble admidst 350 others. Does Vogue have a huge circulation? Is it a well respected, often quoted from periodical? I have no idea."

Prairiegirl, no offence, but seriously... ever heard of fashion?

Vogue is the world's most influential fashion magazine.

Anonymous said...

"So Reese Witherspoon is on the cover of the November issue of Vogue. Yawn. According to the mag, she has a "new look." Oh, really? She looks like the same wholesome Southern deb she's always been. As for the story inside, it's just a lame, joyless advertisement for the cringe-inducing film Four Christmases and for Reese's friend/designer, Olivier Theyskens. (The latter, at least, belongs on the pages of Vogue.)"

Anonymous said...

Please, explain yourself,3:17. What do you mean? Reese was pregnant and ...what happened? What are you suggesting?

What I mean was simply that it's too late to give birth to Jake's first born.
That already happened about a year ago.

prairiegirl said...

And I'm also going by what I see on the tables at doctors offices, Great Clips, tucked under people's arms, on the recycle display at the library, at the checkout of Walgreens, Target, Wal Mart, in the homes of my friends, on the table of Goodyear waiting for an oil change, at garage sales where people re-sell their magazines for 50 cents, need I go on. Places where Joe Q and Jane Q Public read or sell what they have spent their $3.50 on. In other words, yes, it sounds like it is a widely known periodical as you have enlightened me. Well respected.

But high circulation? Family Circle has a higher circulation. I'm talking a magazine for real people. People like you and me. Vogue is for the Beautiful People of this world. That's not the real world. It may be the most influential as far as fashion is concerned. But it's not the magazine of source for Cindy Lou Who who makes $30,000 a year and is at Goodyear paying $27.00 for an oil change. She's picking up Ladies Home Journal and Good Housekeeping. Let's be real.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Clarity said...

Very important Spotlight today Special. Thank You for reminding us about this very important issue. Im not crazy about that song either. Its a beautiful song but it makes me feel sad.

Im not offended at all PG. I know that ALL people dont read all types of magazines. It doesnt matter really what magazine its in - doesnt make the facts any more real IMO.

Definately let us know if you come up east. I would like to meet you.

destiny said...

Clarity reminded me that I hadn't responded to your travel comment; I'd love to meet up with PG and anyone else who could make the trip.

I'm not into fashion either, beyond enjoying looking at how people dress at the Oscars, etc. The only time I buy fashion magazines is if there is someone on the cover I really love, which is rare.

Anonymous said...

Ad revenue/pages for Vogue have been plummeting but then this has been the case for a lot of consumer mags. The September issue which is usually a huge one was low in comparison to previous years. The one publication that's in Vogue's category (and is a rival to Vogue), Elle, has been outperforming Vogue recently in ad revenue/pages.

Other high gainers in this poor economy are Fast Company and would you believe OK! Mag.

Anonymous said...

OK, you're right, Vogue IS for the rich and beautiful (or the ones who aspire to be such) but it's a world-known magazine with a long history and many international editions.

I'm not American and I have NO idea what Family Circle is. I'm actually the same person who told you about Aiken not being popular AT ALL outside the US. You need a better perspective.

London, Paris, Rome, Berlin, Madrid, Tokyo,etc.Vogue is published in eighteen countries: Australia, Brazil, China, France, Germany, Greece, India, Italy, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Portugal, Russia, Spain, Switzerland, Taiwan, United Kingdom and the United States(according to Wikipedia)

October 19, 2008 5:45 PM

Special K said...

Yeah the music is a little dark. But it away a remembrance of what it was like when so many did not survive AIDS. We have come far but need to go farther.

This past month the French scientists who first discovered the retroviruses that were linked to HIV where acknowledge with a Nobel Prize in Medicine. There are laboratories around the world that are still working on AIDS treatments and cures.

More people are living with AIDS but it is still an epidemic. In Africa AIDS has left thousands of children orphaned.

December 1st is World AIDS Day

Special K said...

PG and East Coast meet up would be great. We had fun when everyone came up to Boston last October.

Ok - I have to go watch my Sox. I had to leave my family and come home and watch this by myself - too important of a game and I get way to crazy watching. (Go figure :) )

GO SOX!!!!!

prairiegirl said...

Man, Saving Anon (And would you pick a shorter temporary blogger name, for gosh sakes? I can't be retyping these long names. Better yet, can you get a real blogger name? That'd be a step in the right direction of commitment), what kind of a sore spot do I hit with you whenever I blog? I have a sneaking suspicion you're also the same one who told me "No offence" but that you "didn't do" fast food for breakfast.

Geez Louise, I only used Family Circle as an example. I got this from an article online regarding AdweekMedia's 2008 "Hot List" which listed the top 10 magazines with top "ad page & revenue gains", as quoted in an article on I didn't just get this out of the sky.

You know, I'm not trying or going to turn this into America vs. Europe either; that is the furtherest thing from my mind. I don't appreciate the insinuation as such, either.

I really wish you would use a real blog name and stop hiding behind temporaries. Talk to me with a real blog name. I don't understand the hostility. I don't mean any meanness. I believe I said before that I can be narrowsighted as far as only thinking about America when I blog and forgetting sometimes about across the seas. I stand corrected if I come across that way. But it doesn't change my opinion.

And just to explain, Family Circle is like Woman's Day. It's one of those inexpensive monthly magazines with recipes, parenting tips, craft ideas, home decorating ideas, health stories, geared towards women. It's a very simple publication; nothing fancy. Geez, probably if you've not heard of Family Circle, Woman's Day must be out, too. LOL! I dunno. You tell me some magazine available across all those countries you listed that sounds like that and slap their name in its place. And let me know about it so I can become enlightened. I'm all for being constantly educated & enlightened.

prairiegirl said...

Oh oh, I see somebody got the bugzapper. zzzzzzttt!

Clarity, how could I have forgotten you are up there, too? Good grief. Of course! That is a definite "you bet". I would love to meet you, too. We'd have a great old time, wouldn't we? Oh, and in addition to the big white Tooth cut-out, I forgot to mention we also need a big cardboard cutout of a Goose. Lol
And of course, Destiny, too. That'll be a great gathering. As soon as I get my 2008 V calendar to fill out and run some weekends that might be good for Wicked, I will print the weekend online with enough notice and hopefully we all can work it out to meet up. I'm finding out it's cheaper if I can book my flights well ahead of time if at all possible. I'm getting excited just thinking about it. :o

See ya, Special! I know. I fully understand about needing to watch the game by yourself, lol. Been there, done that. This is a HUGE game! I'm excited for you. I'll be rooting for the ol' BoSox, just cause of you.

And I don't mind the song in a bad way. I never did hear from that person again who wanted my definition of "creeps me out". I hope my answer sufficed? Are you out there?

Lol, I seem to be hitting people's buttons today. Can't shut me up. And no Little Blue Pill, yet. I'm still hoping.


Atticus said...

Hell even I got a blogger license. I never licked any of the magazines you're talking about except for my Shepard Monthly. The scratch & sniff centerfolds are pawsitively amazing. Rrwwrrrr. 'don't worry' is spot on about Daddy and the Sow but Destiny is too. "They printed that in Dogue, we have no control over it". They're greasin each others paws. Its all one big Dogue and pony Show. Great post about AIDS. Glad I don't have to worry about that..or do I? Uhoh, I better find out and get tested. after my nap.

prairiegirl said...


That was a good one, Atticus. Here's a good scratch right under your collar; just for you. Did ya feel that?

Dogue & Pony show. Another good one! Atticus, you are quite the wit.

Want to clarify something. No, as everyone can tell, I am not a huge fashion follower. I like to notice the trends for the upcoming season: clunky shoes or no clunky shoes. What colors? Brown in this year? Orange? But that's about as far as it goes. And like to see what the guys & gals are wearing on the Red Carpets. But that's it.

I love Ugly Betty, though, especially the first season. I never had heard of Fashion Week in New York City until that show. Now when it happens I know what in the heck they're talking about. It looks like a really interesting field.

And I hope to heavens I don't say anything to annoy you, London, Norwegian Girl, and ag. That's the last thing I'd want to do. So please don't read a whole lot into what I say; sometimes I don't get my point across very well. I couldn't bear it if I hacked you all off.

And where in the heck is my pal, Popcorn? :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Special, for shining a light on this important issue! I always learn a lot from your Out Spotlight posts.

Anonymous said...

Hi Guys, just doing a quick drop in while I am travelling. Aids is very scary. I knew several victims back in the early days before the meds were so effective. Also have a good friend now who has survived 10+ years and is still going strong, though every time he gets sick, a cold, the flue etc, I worry about him.

I have not read the Vogue article, don't plan on it either, but from what I have seen quoted, it does not sound any more credible than the drivel that Star or OK Mags put out. The best thing I took from it is that they did not take a romantic trip to Paris. They went on a business trip.

Back in the day, IHJ used to have 60, 70 users on line at one time. I seldom go there anymore myself. Jake pics show up elsewhere now, but when I do, there are just a handful of people. Huge difference.

Atticus said...

Here's a good scratch right under your collar; just for you. Did ya feel that?

Mmm yeah baby. Draw me a map and I'll walk to Kanasas.
I got my wit from my Daddys.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Stubborn TB said...

Oh yeah, I totally believe that "clay who?" and "shut up!" are two different people...

If you don't like what PrairieGirl is writing, there's always the option to scroll past it.

No one is forcing you to read it. If it's so boring to you I don't see why you would even put any time in responding to it.

And frankly, I highly doubt she cares one bit whether someone like you respects her or not.

Anonymous said...

m.. totally agree with you regarding the Paris trip.. always did scream business trip, but the extent of the vogue shoot just confirms this.

Also, as a life long, very dedicated, reader of Vogue, no-one buys it to read the articles, it is really all about the clothes.

Anonymous said...

Reese had been on US Vogue cover before, so I don't see the big deal of the latest one. It's not exactly very flattering cover either (huge head, trying too hard to bring out her blue eyes *g*).

So many actresses are on Vogue cover now in recent years, esp the US edition (Wintour, what are you doing?), I always think that cheapens Vogue as a leading fashion-centred magazine. I agree with some comments: It looks like an Elle cover and no, people don't buy Vogue to read the articles.

prairiegirl said...

Thank you, stubborn tb. Don't know what that person said; I'm sure it would've fired me up a little - best that I must've been asleep by that time. I hope it was my little friend Anon Bacon, etc.etc. finally responding to me. I love how these people either don't respond to my reply or else they do it late, late at night when most people are asleep by then. What gives. Anyway, this person will pop up again next time I make another "boring" comment. Which should be in about, oh, another 20 minutes, lol! Never said I was a barrel of laughs or entertainment. ;)

meg, thank you. I took a look @ Vogue the other day at Borders while searching for cd's with my 40% coupon clutched in my hand. It does seem like a magazine for the seriously minded fashion fan and sounds like a very respected, longrunning periodical. After all, it is a top revenue earning magazine. It has a certain demographic. Just like Taste of Home. Just like Consumer Reports. Photography. Cooks Illustrated. On & on & on. It's a specialized magazine, not a wide encompassing one, like Newsweek or Time. Or even People, I would say. I think People crosses quite a few demographics. I don't know where that person got off trying to make it into a U.S., I need to get a perspective thing. Not sure where that came from, lol.
Oh well. I like me a little criticism. Puts me in my place & heaven knows, can always do with a little humbling.

Special, did the Sox turn it around in the 9th? I'm afraid to look. Hope so. That is heartbreaking to tie up the series and then to lose it. That's a backbreaker, although lots of teams have done it. I always feel worst for the fans, who ride the tide up & down with their teams.

Anonymous said...

I'm the person who commented about Vogue and it looks like I offended people here, esp. Prairie girl. I'm sorry and I'm not being sarcastic. I am. I don't know why my comment about Vogue was deleted, I wasn't protecting Reese and her interview. I just was surpised somebody didn't know what Vogue was. But, whatever.

I commented late at night because there's a time difference. 6 hours between NYC and Paris, 9 between Paris and L.A., probably 8 hours with a midwestern area (I'm not in Paris, it's just an example, although I've been there, it's an absolutely beautiful city, I'm glad Jake's been there many times).My night is your day and vice versa.

prairiegirl said...

Lilly, no harm, no foul. I'm glad you came back. It always, always takes courage to say sorry, even if you didn't do anything. Hey, as you can tell, I'm real rough around the edges and pretty backward as far as culture and all-around knowledge is concerned. It takes comments like that to keep me in my place as far as thinking outside this box that I live in here in the Midwest.
I would love to visit England, France, Italy someday. Sigh. Another dream of mine.

You have a good day and everyone else here have a good day! I'm running behind-meant to get in early to start sifting through all my garbo emails. I can't wait to see everybody at work. That'll last for about, oh, - 10 minutes. LOLL!

Florida Tom said...

Sorry Special K and Netb. I hope you will root for the Phils. Tampa is quite the the story. Worst to first. Philly fans need one so bad. I know Tampa will be favored but I am hoping it is our year.

Anonymous said...

Some Vogue trivia - my midwestern USA grandmother (mother of eight) kept a scrapbook with Vogue photos of Duchess of Windsor, aka Wally Simpson, adored by all the women of my grandmama'a generation.

destiny said...

Sorry about the Sox too Special and NETB. Oh well, at least choosing who to root for will be easy. Go Phillies!