The NFL is a supermacho culture. It's a place for gladiators. And gladiators aren't supposed to be gay. - Esera Tuaolo
Today's Out Spotlight is Esera Tualo, nicknamed Mr. Aloha, a 6' 3" tall , 300lb Hawaiian born Samoan defensive lineman who played nosetackle in the National Football League (American Football) for 9 seasons, reaching the ultimate goal of all NFL players the Superbowl during his career and hiding from everyone that he was gay.
For as fierce as he was on the line he was terrified that someone would discover his secret and he would lose everything he had worked so hard to achieve. As the youngest of eight children in an immigrant Samoan family desperately poor, living in a dirt floor hut on the family's small banana farm Tuaolo found success in playing football, for him and for his family, but feared every moment that he could lose everything if his teammates found out he was gay.
"When I was 5, I heard a friend call another friend mahu. I asked what it meant. 'Faggot,' he told me in Samoan. Ooh, he likes boys, I thought, That's bad. Then I thought, Uh-oh.
I never liked playing with stuff other boys wanted to play with. I wanted an Easy-Bake oven. I remember watching G.I. Joe on TV and thinking he was cute. I thought, That might be me."
Football was something Tuaolo did well very well, and it took him from the struggling life in Oahu, to Oregon State University and onto the NFL. Football was his savior but it was his strangehold too.
To blend into the supermacho culture he made sure that he was seen out enjoying success and kissing women, but would go home to ease his pain with pain medication and alcohol.
In 1996 a book changed his life, not reading books since college, a friend from Hawaii gave him a copy of The David Kopay Story, about the first NFL player to come out as a homosexual. Starting it and not being able put it down, Tuaolo cried finishing it. He had never heard of him, and couldn't believe it that he reading his own story in Kopay's. At an emotional meeting at a party years later, Tuaolo met David Kopay and Kopay told him "For 30 years, I've been alone." They bonded together two NFL players gay and out. Only one other player, Roy Simmons has come out.He longed for a "lifetime partner" and a family, and in 1997 he met Mitchell Wherley at a club in Minnesota."Mitchell was sweet. "I want you to know I would never tell anyone your secret." The more he comforted me, the more at ease I felt. We talked about everything. Growing up. Football. It felt so good to unleash everything."A few weeks later Tuaolo came out to his family. Facing the NFL with his lover was another matter."[At the 1999 Super Bowl, where I played with the Atlanta Falcons] I introduced [Mitchell] as my manager and friend. It tore me up.I blew out my hamstring [the next season]. I was thinking, I can't lose this man. I was no longer willing to play football at the expense of our relationship. Just like that, I was done."
"After I retired, I secured a part in [a community theater] revival of The Most Happy Fella [in Minneapolis, where we were living together]. A retired NFL player doing theatre – anybody should've known I was gay."
In 2000, Tuaolo's dream would come closer as he and Mitchell as their adopted twins Mitchie (Mitchell Jr.) and Michele were born. He had the partner and the family he always wanted. But it now was tougher to keep his orientation a secret.
In 2002, retired from the NFL, he publicly acknowledged for the first time being gay on HBO Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel. And for the first time, he felt a "rush of peace and panic" as he spoke. The rest of the interview he kept excusing himself to throw up. When they turned off the cameras, Mitchell embraced him. "Great job," he told him. "It's going to get better."
The reaction from football players was mixed." [Former teammate] Don Davey called to let me know we were still buddies. Brett Favre's brother sent me an e-mail saying, "Our family still loves you." I did not hear from Brett directly, but that's okay. People process things in their own way." But his former Green Bay Packers teammate Sterling Sharpe, an all-Pro receiver, confirmed Tuaolo's worst fears in an interview with HBO's Real Sports. Bryant Gumbel asked him how he felt about Tuaolo being gay. Sharpe said, "If the guys found out another player was gay on Monday, he wouldn't be able to play on Sunday," essentially admitting that a gay player would be gay-bashed by his own teammates. "Question my heart, question my ability, but do not question my machoism," said Sharpe.
Talking to Kopay, Tuaolo felt the NFL seemed almost more open toward gays in Kopay's era than in his. Kopay knew which teammates were gay, and knew about other players in the league. He even had relationships with some of them. With the demographic that gays are 10% of the population, there should be four or five gay players on every team. But other than himself, Tuaolo don't know of a single one in the NFL.
Tuaolo has done something about that, working with the NFL to attempt to combat homophobia in the league and is a board member of the Gay and Lesbian Athletics Foundation.
His book "Alone in the Trenches," chronicles his rise to the pinnacle of professional sports, all the while hiding his true identity. The first chapter, titled "The Torments of Success," captures how he struggled with his fame and his fear of being found out as a gay man, and how he achieves his dreams. "This is the story of how I dared to dream, not only of surviving professional football, but of living openly for who I am, a gay man."While he and Mitchell are no longer together both are committed to their children.
"People ask me if I think a superstar football player will ever come out during his playing days. I hate to be negative, but I don't see it happening. The league just isn't ready for it, and neither are the fans. The NFL doesn't even give benefits to same-sex partners. I'd like to be wrong. It would be cool if we could just set a date, and on that day all the players, all the owners, all the coaches, all the owners' and coaches' kids, the fans -- all the people involved in football who are gay -- could just come out all at the same time"
ESPN: Free and Clear
PrideSource: Gay in the NFL
OutSports: No More Hiding
People: Gay Man in the NFL
NPR:A Gay Football Player, 'Alone in the Trenches'
Don't forget to vote for the OMG Movie Club - the poll is still open today.
If you voted yesterday you can vote again today too!
Awwww, what a beautiful Out Spotlight today - Esera Tualo is beautiful, and has a beautiful family and children. What a touching story, such courage in a difficult, hostile environment as the NFL. Thanks for Billy Bragg today as well.
Great Out Spotlight.
bad said...
Has been on them for years to control ADD and his weight way before Disney and Reese, if he doesn't watch what he eats and doesn't excercise he blows up, you have seen him with his belly and manboobs.
The hours on Pop he is probably abusing them to keep awake and keep his weight down, dumb.
Jake loves to eat and his regime for pop must make hi really
Bad if you do know Jakes Medical history and what medications he takes You have committed a crime. It is illegal to disclose that type of medical info. I work in the medical field and in some hospitals we are now giving patients numbers instead of calling them by name in order to keep there being in a medical facility private.
Personally I think you are FOS.
Geez, is everybody sleeping in, worn out from all that posting yesterday, LOLLL? I don't like being first; too much pressure!
I have to be fast. I dropped by home in order to drop off some stuff, but need to get back as I do believe little Jingles is beginning to suffer some separation anxiety. I stepped on 1 of 2 little nuggitos in her bedroom this morning in the dark and I was all ready for church. I had to hop on one leg (and believe me, at my age, that is not such a simple matter anymore!) all the way around her bed & get to something to take it off. I believe he did this while I was in the shower. Won't be surprised to go back to any further presents.
Whhhaaaaaa--what in the heck happened here yesterday? Good gosh, all the angry words and don't let the door slam you on your, what in the heck kind of way is that to treat people? Little Blue Pill has been posting on here for quite awhile, have you not, LBP? Leave her the heck alone! Everyone is entitled to an opinion and no, you don't have to agree. That's what these forums are all about, having agreements and disagreements. And you can disagree on here without getting disrespectful & rude about it. Giminy's. Let's treat people with some respect. I can always tell when there're visitors. There's just a different air about their comments and alot of times, not very nice. Hope I, myself, didn't sound too harsh about this, but geez, that kind of got to be a gang up on somebody party and that's not cool.
KACieee! I was getting worried about you. Hey, haven't you been having this cold/sinus thing awhile? Have you called your doctor? Don't let things drag out too long, ok?; 4 days or so of something without it getting better and I am on the phone. And good for you for having things lined up. I don't yet, but I have my forms and will be working on it. You're ahead of me on that deal.
Hey, someone on here 2 days ago posted about seeing a bald eagle. I can't jump back to that day or I'll lost my comment here, so sorry I forgot your name. But that was a wonderful account. How magnificent. Probably gave you a lump in your throat, didn't it? What a magnificent looking bird. Did the U.S. know what it was doing or what when it picked the eagle to be the national bird?
Hey netb!! It's taken me so long to get this comment off that you had time to get in there. Thanks for saving me the pressure of being 1st.
Little Blue Pill said...
The bright glassy wideopen eyes, small tight pupils, stone face. That's not drunk. I'm not saying its meth, could be legal amphetamine to keep his appetite/weight down , keep him awake (isn't he a morning person and here its night) and alert for movie shoots. But if its legal he had too much and not by accident. Funny how a family Disney movie could be his undoing with lies bearding and drugs. The Price of Persia.
LBP we are all allowed to speculate but are you a doctor? I have sympathy and respect for your experience but please don't project it on to others by looking at pictures of someone who is probably tired, has had a few beers, and has cameras flashing in front of his face. The guy has been far away from home for months.
Yesterdays dicussion scared me. We all know what can happen. River Phoenix. Heath Ledger. We dont know what is going on in Jakes life. We see pictures most of which are staged photo ops.
I for one am not really sure if I even care what Jake does anymore. I do believe though through what I have seen is that he has enough people in his life who would intervene if they thought he was in trouble.
Good morning, Tom! You know, you are definitely right about it being against the law now about disclosing any medical information. We can't even ask at work about people, or at least to the Human Resources Dept. It has to be through "the grapevine" amongst the workers.
I'm taking off now- everyone have a great Sunday; enjoy the last day of the weekend. And hopefully, this day won't take a turn like yesterday.
Oh, and Special, can we vote again today if we voted yesterday? Or is it 1 vote per person totally ? Or is it 1 vote per person, each day? May vote again when I get home this afternoon. Oh, and it looks like a great spotlight today. I'm going to read it when I get back. I am stressing out over that Jingles. Nothing like starting out your day with a little flattened piece of you know what on the bottom of your foot, LOLL! cripes.
Jersey Tom said...
Jersey Tom said...
bad said...
The amps are prescribed by his doctor, has been since his teens so his parents, Reese, etc all know. Check out the pics of Jake and Reese in London in June he has the same look, she looks a bit tipsey, but he looks worse.
Looking at the pics over at IHJ over the years you can see signs, especially with dear Kiki.
The differnce now is it looks like he is abusing them for Pop to keep him alert and to keep his weight in check. He should take them to keep his ADD in check so he can stay focused, but he is playing with fire.
It causes personality changes as well.
Again Bad you have broken the law if you know this for a fact.
Yesterday's dicussion scared me. We all know what can happen. River Phoenix. Heath Ledger. We don't know what is going on in Jake's life. We see pictures most of which are staged photo ops.
It scares me too. It's one thing to speculate, it's quite another to insist you know something for a fact that you couldn't possibly know. There could be any number of reasons for why he may not appear to be himself lately, if there is anything at all to be concerned about, such as loss of a family member, overwork.
PG, that was me who saw the eagle. It was amazing, I've been trying to see one for quite awhile. He was magnificent - when you see the white feathers on his head, I can't tell you what it felt like. The US sure did know what they were doing when they chose him! Have a good Sunday, all. :)
PG you can vote again today as well.
I hope everyone votes again today for their favorite movie.
We'll let you know what the results are tomorrow.
Kacie - don't think we forgot about the recipe exchange it will be coming up, sometime this month.
Sterling Sharpe is a jerk. I never knew he said that. I myself heard NBA great Charles Barkley in a live interview say he knew five or six gay men who played in the NBA when he did and it made no difference to him.
Another first hand account of the joy of working with Reese. This one is from a tribute to Paul Newman:
I appreciated him all the more when, decades after “Slap Shot” was made, I worked on a film with Reese Witherspoon. She was neither nice nor gracious, although her co-star, Patrick Dempsey, was as friendly as Newman.
Today's song reminds me of our movie discussion and one of our films for discussion, Shortbus - I guess I should explain why it's not on my list. I guess I was turned off by some of the less than favorable reviews I read, not for the sexuality the film, but because I got the impression that it was going to have the female character in a position of weakness hiding in leatherette, which got my hackles up - never having received pleasure, and I hopen not sitting back and being passive about it. This is pre-femininst, Betty Friedan ground that's already been covered, and I felt not relevant to today's women. Women, and all people, really, are responsible for their own pleasure in life, so the character didn't inspire sympathy with me. But admittedly, I haven't seen it firsthand and don't know what some of the details of the plot and "surprises" may be. So, I'm willing to give it a shot. ;)
Tr, do you also go to the Reese (or Ryan) sites with that stuff?
Whatever issues the guy had with Reese on set, to diss her in a tribute to Paul Newman doesn't make me think much of him. Not that I don't think Reese can be a bitch, but a public comment like that makes me wonder what his behavior on set was.
This is one of many people who have publicly expressed the same reaction to working with Reese and you're still making excuses for her? Why do you care what sites I go on? Not many I'll say I'm a lurker by nature but what is funny to me is the number of people who post that she is a bitch to work with.
You need to deal with the reality that Reese is indeed a bitch to work with. The fact that people publicly go on record about it is almost unheard of. So imagine what the anonymous masses are saying about her. Some of them post on blogs. It's not just me if that's what you're implying.
I am not making excuses for anyone, TR. I don't care about Reese but I do think it is in poor taste to bash someone in what is supposed to be a tribute. Whether she has been a bitch to work with or not that still doesn't make him any better to write about it when he did.
As for where you post or not, well it is very easy to come to a blog that finds issue with most things Jake and/or Reese does. Did you post things like this to the Ryan blogs when Reese was with him?
Contact Us
Larry Winokur, Co-CEO
E-mail | 310-248-6137
Paul Baker, Co-CEO
E-mail | 310-248-6137
Nanci Ryder, President
E-mail | 310-248-6123
No. You're overall apathy on this subject is really convincing. I truly believe you don't care a bit about Reese. (rolls eyes)
TR, ITA and I'd love to hear from people in HW who know all about the phonymance and what really goes on & who really visists on one of Jake's sets when he's filming-re:these mysterious extras who say Jake only talks about Reese, texts her all day long,etc. that sound like total PR BS.
Right, Tr, and your overall agenda is showing. *rolls eyes*
And of course accusations of being a babbler...yawn...
I've heard a lot of nasty things said about Julia Roberts for instance, on the record so no it's not unheard of. These days nobody really cares, you have to be a bitch in HW, especially if you are female IMO.
She's a bitch, Jake is whiny may be abusing prescription drugs, gets into fights with directors, etc. They are no different then any other actors.
They are all phony/fake, the stuff floating around about Angelina Jolie, Natalie Portman and Scarlett Johannsen are pretty nasty and not surprising.
I have stated my agenda from my first visit. It is/was to warn Jake's fans that they should be very wary of Reese.
What's your agenda?
Here is the video from the same night:
so your agenda again?
Reese Witherspoon is a bitch and an extremely dull person. Bad combination.
Photographer's job is not just to capture what happened, but to make you think you can see what they want you to see. They will shoot massive amounts of shots, but between them and the photo editors will only pick the ones that tell the story they want to tell that day. Photography is as much of an illusion as filmaking. It is amazing how a still shot can look like something totally different than what actually happened.
Very nice writing on Tuaolo, Special. I am sorry to hear that he and Mitchell are no longer together. At least, though, they are still both committed to their children. Unfortunately, I agree with Tuaolo. The NFL is a whole other ball of wax. It doesn't surprise me at all to hear what Shannon Sharpe had to say. That guy never has had too much of my respect. He was alot of mouth on and off the field. I don't think you'll see homosexuality accepted in the NFL for a long time. All the over-the-top testosterone laden dancing, gesturing, chestbumping, & whatnot carrying on is just the tip of Iceburg Machismo that is the NFL. It's too bad he had to play all his years so terrified. He was funny, tho, describing when he found out the meaning of the word, mahu.
Getting ready to put up some orange lights in the ol' apartment windows. That and I'm going to get on Just Jared and IHJ to get a better look at these pictures that had everyone's pants in such a wad yesterday.
Boy you found that video real quick tr, LOL!! I was going to post the pics of Ryan on another night where he was drunk, stumbling out of a club with puke on his shirt, but why bother you already saw them.
I remember posters here slapping your hand when you were on here pimping Stop/Loss.
Reese is a bitch, Jake is a whiny wuss that doesn't even thank fans that spent big $$$ on behalf of UCLA for the "honor" of having a one our lunch with the Pop "star".
Your "warning" to Jake fans regarding Reese is a day late and a dollar short tr, since those stories were floating around before they hooked up.
Ryan has no problem with Jake and Reese, from his own mouth on the Howard Stern show when he was on there pimping Stop/Loss: Jake is a good dude and Reese seems happy, I love her and wish her the best, were his words.
I guess Ryan is on the BWR payroll as well.
As usual, always an interesting post. I do find it surprising that the NFL would be so homophobic at this stage, but go figure. Too much touchy feely going on I guess so they can't handle it.
I went to a 65th birthday party last night, lesbian couple together 25 years. When I first met my friend, she was very guarded about her mate, but eventually came out. She's been out at least 13 yrs now. During the present opening portion, I could not help but notice that she stood near her partner just like Austin did when Jake was blowing out his candles on the DAT set.
Damn TR, you really have convinced the trolls that you're an insider and they seem a little scared.
I feel like I have a flashback everytime you post something about Reese not being the way she and her PR claims to be.
First step: Question your agenda while still being semi-nice
Second step: Post a link to pictures or videos of Ryan doing something to show that he is the bad one (because if he's bad then Reese is perfect y'all!)
Third step: Talk about "insider" stuff and insult you
Goes just like that every time, so you must be doing something right ;)
Ryan has no problem with Jake and Reese...
Why would Ryan have a problem with Reese's fauxmance?!? He knows Jake for a long time so he has nothing to worry about.
Ryan will never tell the truth about Reese and their relationship - he wouldn't do that to his kids.
I saw the pictures of Jake on set, the ones where he is in the black parka. I haven't found the ones where he's coming out of a restaurant? Still searching.
Actually, I take back part of my comment, the one where he didn't look hot at all. Now this is just me, but I tell you what. I'm not sure what they're putting in his hair, but I wish I had some of it, because I'd like it to lay down flatter like his, LOL!! He has fuller hair than that; I'm not sure what in the heck they're doing to it, but that's the only thing I'm not wild about. Not necessarily the length, just that it's not full. And he sure is sipping the heck out of that frappacino, lol. I know the feeling; man, those things are soooo good; I usually don't have the patience to pace myself on them. He looks great; his legs look great in the jeans; not wild about the big, honkin boots. And heck, he's actually smiling. How long have we been looking for him to be smiling? It's great to see him smiling. His face looks a bit fuller, but that is probably because he is getting older and as alot of people mature, their faces fill out.
I'll slap my cardhand on the table and say doggone it, I think he looks great! Very nice to see that smile.
Ted claims that Ryan and Abby are not serious and that Abby is too young to play step mom to his kids, and that she is bored.
Stories of Ryan celebrating his birthday alone and complaining that he is too old for HW, he does whine a lot.
Whatever network of HW bigwigs that he had access to have probably dissapeared now Jake is taking advantage of that: Pop.
Ryan and Reese have known Jake and his family for awhile, Ryan wasn't "worried" about Jake and Reese when Stern asked about them, he supposed to be happy to be away from her, he should be glad Jake took her off his hands,LOL!! But by answring Sterns questions about J&R, he confirmed a relationship. Ryan has been on that show several times before and ahs no problems talking about his personal life.
Ryan doesn't even no the "truth" about Jake and Reese.
No tr, Ted seems to wrong about Ryan and Abby since in the past you posted that they were living together and probably would be engaged before J&R, whats the scoop ?
That should be "know" the truth .
PG, I just wanted to answer in good faith your questions that you posted:
Little Blue Pill has been posting on here for quite awhile, have you not, LBP?
LBP has not; profile says July 2008. Here sporadically at best.
Everyone is entitled to an opinion and no, you don't have to agree. That's what these forums are all about, having agreements and disagreements. And you can disagree on here without getting disrespectful & rude about it. Giminy's. Let's treat people with some respect.
I hope this includes Jake, and some of the other celebs we discuss. Of course, there's nothing wrong with speculating, but to continually insist that something is true when it may not be, and then calling anyone who disagrees a troll or a babbler, is beyond speculation, and becomes bullying others. I've been around since Dany's day, and this kind false ingratiation and insinuation into the blog to ultimately bully people is what OMG wanted to get away from. It needs to be called out when we see it. That's not treating people with respect either. We respect and have sympathy for other people's circumstances and experiences, and expect the same in return.
That kind of got to be a gang up on somebody party and that's not cool.
It did seem to be a gangup, on Jake, he is a human being too.
Ryan doesn't even know the "truth" about Jake and Reese.
Of course he knows the truth, he isn't stupid. Ryan is part of Hollywood too, so he doesn't tell the truth.
I bet Ryan knows Jake is gay and he for sure knows about Reese's PR ways.
Thanks for not forgetting the recipe day! What I had in mind was
categories like: casseroles,
meats, desserts (sugar free),etc.
The only request that I have is
could it be on a Thursday or
Friday because that is when I am
usually at home! Thanks!!
Still Curious, I'm not buying it. Looking at all the pictures we have had of J&R, are you saying you think they have a romantically (is that a word?) loving relationship? Mind you, I am saying romantic, not just loving relationship. Any man & woman can have a loving relationship. I'm talking romantic. And even if they started out as good friends, which it does really look like that was the case, boy, the last few trips they've been on, they're not looking too fond of each other.
I don't see a romantic relationsihp, never have seen it.
And even if they started out as good friends, which it does really look like that was the case, boy, the last few trips they've been on, they're not looking too fond of each other.
What good friends? How many times did Reeke look like they're having a good time together?
Romatic? See pix of Barden and Cruz on vacation. And they've known each other forever,
Another one
Joy of working with Reese
Forest for the trees, I am called out. You know, I was hasty in my assumption on "visitors" and that was wrong of me. I totally agree with you in that regard and I apologize.
I won't apologize for sticking up for LBP. As someone who was off of the blog all day like I was and then got on yesterday afternoon and read comment after comment, that's how it appeared to me, that people were ganging up. And I wasn't upset that people were disagreeing, but that some were getting rude about it.
Now, one thing. I wish you wouldn't hide behind "forest for the trees". Who am I talking to, really? Please don't be afraid to face me - I'm not going to be mad if you're someone I talk to all the time on here. That's the only thing I don't like about made up, temporary names.
And I respect & appreciate your sticking up for Jake - I'm not going to endlessly bash him either, but I'm not always going to fan him & feed him grapes either if I disagree with something he does.
And I see I had another typo. Good grief, my typing is getting sloppy & I'm not even catching my mistakes on my Previews. I need a BETA! :D
"Of course he knows the truth, he isn't stupid. Ryan is part of Hollywood too, so he doesn't tell the truth"
Ryan is on Jake and Reese's payroll then, kids be damned he could have a no comment regarding Sterns questions.
" bet Ryan knows Jake is gay and he for sure knows about Reese's PR ways."
What a dumb comment, of course he does,he was married o her and participated in her 'PR ways" when it suited him is well.
And as far as Abby is concerned, IMO they went public to counter the image of Ryan of being a womanizer, and hanging with his posse, not saying he isn't a good fatehr but the other stuff didn't look good, this way he looks more stable.
LOL! Kevin Smith again?? we already read that several years ago.
What good friends? How many times did Reeke look like they're having a good time together?
LOLLL!! I know, it is kind of stretching it, isn't it? But come on, there were a few where they were looking congenial in a restaurant or on the sidewalk. Or on the set of Nailed, there in the grass. You know what, tho? Even in the one where they were together at some restaurant and the picture was taken through a front window. You could see Reese sitting at the table and Jake's sitting in his chair, with his back to the window. Geez, even that body language wasn't cozy looking. I'm not saying they were all over each other (They have never been photo'd all over each other either) but that they looked friendly. Congenial. Nothing wrong with admitting that.
Don't forget Robert Luketic
I didn't mean you specifically - I just wanted to show some of the new people that we've seen this sort of thing before. No name calling began until "ITA" was called a babbler, I believe. So, the only time a gangup began was when someone disagreed with LPG, er, LPB sorry.
Also, I respect people using a regular name, and I have one, one from the beginning, which I use from time to time, but I also reserve the right to maintain my anonymity, because sometimes that's just how I feel. OMG requires a name to post, but they have also said we can use a few creative ones from time to time, like trying on new shoes or a new dress, which is what I enjoy. :)
No name calling began until "ITA" was called a babbler, I believe.
ITA is a babbler.
ITA is blogger from the Huffington Post.
So Reese is the problem? If Jake was still dating Kirsten or some young actress, everything would be fine in the universe? I think not, you all would be hating on who ever he was dating. I'll never meet Jake, he doesn't need my approval of who he spends time with.
Well Reese and Jake are a perfect match aren't they? Hissey fits on set, fights with director's, could care less that fans spend shit loads of $$$$ on lunch auctions and flights to see the diva on set, not saying anything regarding Heath , refusing to sign autographs then only agreeing when he spots paps, etc.
The racism charge is something typical posted on WTF 2 via D-listed based on a something allegedly happening years ago.
If you knew a bit about her work with the Children's defense Fund and her work in NOLA after Katrina, you would realize how sick that accusation is, just like the drug allegations against jake that were posted here, vile.
Your hatred of Reese has been noted but the hatred against Jake just because you don't like waht he is doing is appalling, and don't give me the BS that you are fans, because you ain't.
Great Spot story on Esera Yualo. I remember when he played. Too bad him and Mitchell aren't together. The pic of them with the kids sitting on box eating ice creme is priceless.
What Sterling Sharp said, can be taken either way. Reading it, he could be agreeing with the homophobes and saying he would join bashing a gay player or he could be being sympathetic with gay players and by saying that's how it would be if a NFL player came out he's exposing the homophobia. Hearing the interview would tell more about how he said it. I've read sports interviews where a player says them or someone else is a confirmed bachelor whicj could be codespeak for gay. Now days its cool to be a gay's friend so maybe things have changed from Yualo's days.
"This blog is strictly for entertainment purposes." Enuff said.
Another great Out Spotlight. Tuaolo's honesty is inspiring. And the argument about nature vs. nuture. He knew at 5 he liked boys.
What's this, trolls and babblers convention?
Right on shedule, I'd say. ;)
The Tinhats/Prancing Ponies
The Tinhats or Prancing Ponies (after the Inn of the Prancing Pony) were a group of The Lord of the Rings fans obsessed with the idea that the film trilogy's various male stars were sexually involved with one another. The duo subject to the most rumors was Elijah Wood and Dominic Monaghan. The Lord of the Rings related posts became so abundant that the DataLounge Webmaster segregated them to a Prancing Pony subforum. The tinhat phenomena also spread elsewhere on the Internet. Several communities were created on LiveJournal, and the flamewars grew so prolific that even meta-community Fandom Wank created a spin-off community to handle them.[4] With time the tinhat threads on DataLounge increasingly dissolved into endless flamewars and, ultimately, the subforum was deleted and discussion of The Lord of the Rings severely curbed
I believe little blue pill, Jake is a junkie.
Yes, this is trolls and babblers convention!
Sure, I respect the desire for anonymity - actually, I think some of the temporary made-up names are hilarious - but since I was being quoted several times, I thought I was being talked to.
Well, I finally found the pictures from the Calamari (I know it's not called that, I can't remember for sure what it's called.Carlini? Whatever - I'm pulling a Kellie Pickler!) restaurant. Whoa!
Criminetly's, I hope they just caught him in a bad light, lol.
No, he doesn't look right at all there.
Now I am going to go with m on this. I'll wait to see if there are going to be any more like this before I start to wonder. You know, it took quite awhile of pictures over time to see that there was something going wrong with Heath. And you could see it, I'm sorry. He was getting thin. His personal appearance was getting disheveled & unkempt looking, much like what happens when someone is suffering from depression. It hurts big time to think about it now.
Hopefully, Jake was just mugging for the camera? Or the camera caught "a moment", I don't know. But yeah, in a couple of those pictures, his eyes are not right at all. Don't know what time it was - was it late in the evening? Although, if he was that tired, why would you be out eating?
Reese is so boring her fangurls go to other sites for entertainment.
When Jake going out the restaurant back exit, who was going out the front? Hard to believe he was eating there alone on a Friday night especially how social he is. Who couldn't he be seen with?
Giminy's, I can't get off of this thing. I have got to get to stringing my orange lights, people!
Silly fan girl, I'm not seeing hatred on Jake here, come on. People are wondering out loud. How on earth do you air things out without talking out loud about it?
Now, in real life, how many of us have seen a friend or co-worker for years and then, gradually, or maybe over a short time, you notice something not right? Or they've become withdrawn? Or they're hanging out with some unseemly types that might get them into trouble? Or you notice they're going to the boats or casinos too much? Maybe selling things left & right, having money troubles? Dropping too much weight to the point of maybe looking anorexic? Or 1000 other things? And so you start to worry? Why? You worry because you've known this person for awhile. You've seen this person at work for years. And you know what is familiar. You know how they usually are. And so when something starts to look out of sort, as a friend, you have to look out for that person. If you don't, maybe nobody else is going to. Because maybe, just maybe something is wrong. As human beings, we need to keep a look out for signs of cries for help from our brothers & sisters. And maybe it is nothing. But what if it is? It doesn't help anybody if you just turn the blinders on and act as if you don't see anything. That's called denial.
And I'm not saying anything about Jake. Like I said, I'm going to wait awhile and see if this is a one shot thing. No need to fly off the handle. But I'm just saying that there's nothing wrong with open concern. It's not bashing and it's not hatred. If it wasn't concern, the person wouldn't even be blogging. They'd be somewhere else, blogging about something else.
And Chris, you're right. Perhaps what Shannon Sharpe said was taken out of context or he didn't mean it the way it sounded.
But, LOL, I'm still not a Shannon Sharpe fan at all! The Chiefs & Broncos used to have quite a rivalry there for awhile when we had Joe Montana. And Shannon Sharpe was as mouthy on the field as they come.
Your hatred of Reese has been noted but the hatred against Jake just because you don't like waht he is doing is appalling, and don't give me the BS that you are fans, because you ain't.
And this is exactly the problem with last nights throwing around the Babbler label just to agree with and defend Jack troll when he was posting his old story as "bad" about Jake having ADD and being on medication for it that he has been posting alot for awhile a year or so ago all over the internet.
He turns around, makes up a new name and makes it look like it was all the OMGers who came up with it when he was the one who started the whole ADD and medication abuse angle to begin with.
Just couldn't resist, could ya, Jack troll?
Know it's you, since only you drag out what only you think of as a cut to quick insult.
"Tin hat" and "prancing ponies" Ouch. Oh, yeah. I'm really stung and embarrassed now. For sure. What ever will I do knowing that the likes of you disapprove of me. Ouch. I'm so hurt.
THANK YOU PG! for naming "denial" that really bothers me because it leaves the loved one in jeopardy.
When paps caught Jake post BAFTA looking drugged out and having to be helped into car by security people, many said O he's so hot, O Id like to do him!
its not bashing, its concern, to feel that pictures of Jake from the PoP set cause some to be concerned.
maybe it's family problems, maybe its jake being too long away from family, maybe it's a personality problem, maybe it's none of my business
STILL - it's disconcerting to see these latest pictures. and yes, he's okay and maybe he's not.
I did not MEAN to love this actor whom I do not know but it happened, and I want him safe and sound.
Prairie Girl is it Shannon or Sterling Sharpe you not a fan of? They're brothers and if I remember a lot different personalities from the other. The Spotlight says Sterling said that about the gays in NFL.
No, it isn't bashing to be concerned, and I don't know of anyone who said, here at least, that someone looking confused and drunk/drugged out is hot. I don't know where that rumor started. What some took issue with is the insistence that LBP had about knowing exactly what the problem was, right down to what type of medication and dosage, absolutely sure about it. They, whoever they are, said "trust me on this, I've been there, I'm sure of it", much more than concern.
All the traffic today. Bored with bashing Ted over on AT they've all come here for a mini holiday.
Either that or they have an agenda to push.
Visitor center, LOLLL!
Oh, Chris, what have I done? Am I red in the face. I did not know there were two Sharpes in the league. Boy, do I stand corrected! It does say Sterling Sharpe. Oh cripes. And I have heard of Sterling Sharpe. No, I was thinking of Shannon Sharpe, mr. former Bronco, a former Chief nemesis. Thanks for correcting me on that one before I went any further! Geez. Maybe I need to stick to trying to get my lights up. Gee. I have the LED orange Jackolantern face up. That's it.
Pretty pathetic.
Jayna, I'm right there with you. I'm worried, too. And it's not just the Calamari pictures. During this nearly entire Reeke campaign, he's looked depressed. Off in the Distance. Lost. Look at that one picture of the Reeke family coming back from Cabo. The one of him on his crutches in the LogCabin shirt. His eyes are just fixed off into the distance like he's numb or just there, but not there. As in perhaps depressed.
The ones of him now on the POP set, at least he's smiling, chomping on the ol' apple & sucking down that frappaccino for all its worth. Looks so much better there.
And yeah, sometimes the camera just happens to catch a bad moment. Or a bad day. But when there's a string of them over a period of time, there's cause to worry, in my book.
And, hey, Jayna, while I'm talking to you, kudos to you for trying to come up with a man for Reese. That's what I'm thinking. She needs to find herself a serious boyfriend, not a prop. But darned if I can come up with anyone. We know Vince is out, LOL!
PG, it's Cipriani, not Calamari.
I don't even think this person has an agenda. Honestly I think it's just a crazed fan. Sorry for poking it with a stick this morning but I couldn't resist and the implosion was amusing.
Regarding Ted though prior to spontaneous combustion someone asked what was up with Ted's latest take that Abbie and Ryan were in disagreement about the future. From what I've heard that isn't the case and they are on the same page.
Ted has had a few large mistakes lately Ben and Jen Garner being one good example. Someone might be feeding him bad dirt. Who would have a vested interest in discrediting him and insider knowledge that Reese and Ryan were in no way getting back together, Jen and Ben were the opposite of breaking up and Ryan and Abbie are planning a wedding not a breakup???
Ted is a huge issue and the Toothy story is not dying. So the plan may be to make all of Ted's so called gossip turn out not to be true then people will start to question everything he writes.
No problem. Shannon is nonstop trashtalker, they say he never shuts up. Sterling is smart IMO. IMHO I could see him gay. Thats why I m not sure about the meaning in the Spotlight. Btw Sterling is a football announcer and he gets criticized for not talking enough. lmao
Smiley, thanks for the correction. I knew it wasn't Calamari (like I said, I'm pulling a Kellie Pickler, guess I should print the correct name); I was just having some fun.
Is it okay I call you Smiley? I won't call you that if you don't like it.
Nice point, tr. We don't know, do we? Don't apologize; I like your phrase "poking it with a stick". lol
You're welcome. Yes, of course it's OK to call me Smiley!
^^^ :)
Wow - Tons of comments to read through.
But for the moment I just want to say CONGRATULATION PHILLIES! for getting into the NCLS
Let's see how the Sox do tonight.
WOW. The Philadelphia Phillies vs. the Los Angeles Dodgers for the National Leauge pennant. GO PHILS!
"LBP had about knowing exactly what the problem was, right down to what type of medication and dosage,'
I reread it. amphetamenes and a high dose of it is pretty general not exact. LPB didn't say what kind of amphetamenes, drugstore/street drug, how its taken, legal/ilegal, no drug names, and how many he thought Jake took. He gave a example of how much it takes to get people high and how much he took to get high that sounded like a general warning about tolerance and addictiomn to me not a RX label.
Wow - Tons of comments to read through.
We've been busy here, Special! Holding down the fort for ya.
I hope your Sox do well tonight. I'll root for them for you. And congrats to Tom on your Phillies making it. The Dodgers knocked my Cubbies plum out of it without so much as a whimper.
Watching a troll melt down is funny. Instead of getting more logical and articulate, they start to babble. No pun intended.
Jake went through a depression that was obvious in photos when he and Austin broke up. Wearing the same clothes for days at a time, looking like a gizzly bear. Of course you can read him in photos. That's why he makes a good actor. His emotions translate on the screen. A camera is a camera.
Does Reese even have a fan presence on the web? I've never seen any sign of them.
Jayna, what BAFTA pictures are you talking about? Both Bafta's Jake looked fine to me (the first one he looked totally gorgeous to me). The second Bafta he seemed tired as he had just come from Morocco and filming Rendition.
The pics of Jake on crutches, well if I was on crutches because of a hurt foot/ankle I sure wouldn't look my best either. But considering I thought he looked really nice in the other pics from the event.
a troll meltdown!LOLLL! that was good.
look, I was just using that one picture as one example of many. That look is in alot of pictures since he's been with Avonlady. And, yes, I would agree, although I haven't had to use crutches, I have put them under my arm and, no, they don't feel good. But come on. He's a big guy. He can hack it. I don't think the crutches caused that much discomfort. No, I think it was something else.
m, I'm still chortling. That was a funny line.
Hi, Look, it was post the second Bafta's, Im pretty sure, he was papped coming out of a restaurant by himself, and was obviously whacked out on something, had to be helped into a car by security men. Please dont link, people, it's a sad picture, sorry I mentioned it, but some folks thot he looked "hot" when under the influence, but I was very upset seeing strangers lay hands on him.
I uploaded this song a while ago and was curious to see what Spesh would do with it. As I read this Out Spotlight and the song began playing, it was just such a perfect fit.
NFL announcer and former Bengals wide receiver Chris Collinsworth wrote an article about his thoughts on being gay in the NFL and how hard he thought it would be for a player to come out. He was supportive. I searched for the article and couldn't find it, or else I would have linked it.
Jayna, I think you are talking about when he was wearing a trucker hat coming out of Nobu in London after the Baftas? I think he looked as he did here like he had a drink or two and camera flashes were in his eyes. I have seen many pics of many celebs how have had that kind of look at night with cameras are on them and they do have to be helped to their cars because of so many paps. Not saying it is the best thing in the world but I guess as someone who has an occasional drink I may look like that too in that situation.
LoLLL! I'm still on my first string of lights. I just have 2 to put up and I only have 3/4 of one up. My timer's going to come on before I get the darn thing all the way up.
Hey, you all know what's funny? Some of the other regulars are going to get on here tonight and they're going to see the # of posted comments and they're going to think there's something Big going on. And all it has been is one big gabfest between TBers and non TBers. Something has nonTBers nervous & biting nails, not sure what. It has been entertaining today.
She's clingy
look, it happens to all of us, but who wants to have it public? I thot it degrading of a beautiful man who had performed so gallantly - one wants to be proud of fellow USAans -
I really like Billy Bragg. Today's is a great song and fits well with today's subject, but the deeper, actual meaning, I believe, is about a man in love with a woman (or it could be a male partner as well) who not only cheats on him but is rather abusive to him, and he puts up with it because he's desperately in love with her.
Boy, one planted story (but by whom, I'd like to know) in the Star about trouble in paradise (and thanks for your link, trouble in paradise) and a couple of other blogsites are taking it and running with it. I think this is what must be causing the "unrest."
Cmon Evelyn give us the best Christmas a TBer could wish for. The end of your creation: REEKE.
You're right PG, I finally had some time to hit the computer and finally managed to wrestle it away from my gf, and was shocked to see almost 100 comments on a Sunday. Glad to see it was just a troll meltdown and not something worse.
Great spotlight Special, I had seen a reference somewhere recently about Tuaolo, but before that didn't know he was gay, and didn't know any of the details until today. It is disturbing to hear that it may be even worse now than in Kopay's day, in terms of players being out to other gay players.
Yeah, it's been fun today. Everyone has rolled out the hospitality mat and we've had a great time.
Music & Lyrics, I think this song is talking about the willingness to hide ourselves in masks to please others and not ask the questions we need to. In the song Bragg is referencing a relationship but I think it can refer to any situation where we try to change ourselves to please someone else.
Don't wan't to comment too much tonight but I did want to say that this was a very good spotlight today. We still have a ways to go unfortunately.
I wanted to vote again but I don't think it let me - that's ok though. Looks like Laundrette is winning. Please remind us on the dates for everything : )
Jake went through a depression that was obvious in photos when he and Austin broke up. Wearing the same clothes for days at a time, looking like a gizzly bear. Of course you can read him in photos. That's why he makes a good actor. His emotions translate on the screen. A camera is a camera.
Okay, can someone provide a timeline for this break up please? And then any links to these days of photos of Jake wearing the same clothes? Because I've been following this Toothy story from the beginning, and from what I remember Ted said they broke up in one column and then exactly a week later said they got back together. And that week did not match up to any time period in which Jake was pictured wearing the same clothes for days on end and looking depressed. There was a period maybe a couple of months before that when Jake was looking a bit scruffy, but that didn't match up with Ted's timeline at all.
Prairie Girl, I think you were right about something making non TBers nervous. I dont think its Reeke's demise though. Could be Ted's calling them outright fake this week, or that Jake and Austin were reportedly on the same coast at the same time.
Some people thought Ted didn't find out about J&A breaking up until they were getting back together; the breakup story ran around the time we got the coffee pictures, which came after Jake spending a lot of time in NY looking miserable.
Summer of 2006 - was the summer of the sad wolfie boy. After Lakers 2 in April Jake went to NYC and stay and stayed. Scruffy and & bearded while there. Then he spent time with Matt & Lance and back and forth to NY. But then you see a clean shaven and brighter Jake that September around the coffee walk with Austin. And it was around that time Ted said that Toothy was reunited with BF Tile.
Back to the Sox.
^^Analysis, just a word of advice - don't try to use reason, logic or solid arguments, won't work. It's a very simple world here - you are either a TB or a non-TB. Any difference of opinion makes you a Babbler, because the only motivation you could possibly have for doubting and questions is that you support Jake and Reese. Prime example: questioning the fact that someone could tell with 100% accuracy that Jake is an amphetamine addict from a few pics makes you a troll and a babbler. Nevermind that the blog creators themselves have expressed doubts from time to time, makes no difference. You'll be lot happier in the long run if you just accept this fact.
Well, and I don't know that Reeke is headed for demise yet, either. It is just another LOL story in the ol' Star and so many of theirs is just good ol' Downy fluff. But there has got to be some explanation for all this foreign traffic two days in a row.
I wish it were real. What is kind of interesting, tho, is , like the necklace story and the dog stories, someone planted it and I'd like to know who and why. And, like I said, a few other blogsites have picked up on it and are adding their own "chapters". That one that "Trouble in Paradise" linked is interesting, padding on some new details.
Hey, you're right, Jake & Austin on the same coast? He in NY and Austin being in Carolina. Never thought about that. Ooooh, throw another log on the fire, would ya?
Nice detective work & memory recall, Special. Filling in the blanks as it were.
Prairie Girl, I think you were right about something making non TBers nervous. I dont think its Reeke's demise though. Could be Ted's calling them outright fake this week, or that Jake and Austin were reportedly on the same coast at the same time.
Hey m, good to see your still on and posting :D Could you answer my question please? I actually went and checked to see if my memory was correct, and it was in fact all of twelve days.
Special k, I'm sorry, but that doesn't match up with Ted's gossip at all.
Here's Ted's mentioning the break up:
September 25, 2006
Bullet Boys
Toothy Tile, my fave closeted actor (and yours, too, judging by all the friggin' Websites I hear are devoted to the oft shy lad) has yet again broken up with his b-f, I'm told by mutual amigos. [The first break up was back in 2005]
And here's Ted mentioning the reunion:
October 11, 2006
Back in the (public) saddle
I think you all know the answer to that one. Sorta like asking whether or not Toothy Tile will ever come out. Oh, and on that sorry-ass note, gotta tell ya the latest.
I swear, us 'mos can be worse than you hets. I base this hugely unsearched stance on the breaking news that Toothy T., quelle surprise, has re-re-reunited himself with his good-looking b-f.
So, any links to the pictures of Jake looking all depressed between the very end of September and the beginning of October?
stir it stir it stir it
Jake is texting Reese every 5 minutes pleading and begging her to marry him and says he's nothing without her and she makes him so happy when he's with her that his face hurts from smiling so much and that's why he gave up smiling in public, he saves all his happiness for her.
Bet the General is not too happy about her Blackberry buzzing at 4 a.m.
Have to say I really dislike Reese but seriously I have to agree that Paul Newman's tribute is hardly the place to come out with those comments. How classy! Also not sure why some people need to comb the websphere looking for negative comments about this or that. At the end of the day, my life is hardly going to cross with Reese Whiterspoon's so makes no difference.
J - no mre teasing ...think of atti - A
Also not sure why some people need to comb the websphere looking for negative comments about this or that.
Of course, we should post only nice and positive comments about Reese. LOL
"Analysis, just a word of advice - don't try to use reason, logic or solid arguments, won't work. It's a very simple world here - you are either a TB or a non-TB. Any difference of opinion makes you a Babbler, because the only motivation you could possibly have for doubting and questions is that you support Jake and Reese. Prime example: questioning the fact that someone could tell with 100% accuracy that Jake is an amphetamine addict from a few pics makes you a troll and a babbler. Nevermind that the blog creators themselves have expressed doubts from time to time, makes no difference. You'll be lot happier in the long run if you just accept this fact."
That's how I feel excatly. This blog would be a much cooler place if people here stopped calling everyone who doesn't agree with them a babbler. What you got to understand that, paraphrasing Jake in DD: life is not that simple, you can't divide everything in just two categories and deny everything else. There are people who don't think Jake is gay but they don't like Reese for completely different reasons. There are people who think he might be bi and currently is with a woman. There are people who think he's always been a good boy and there are people who think Gyllenhaal has gone through enough of crazy shit in his life. There are people who liked him with Kirsten very much, they are people who think he'd be better off with Reese, because she's more grounded and eventually he'll need that. There are people who think he IS gay but they kinda like Reese for supporting him through hard times. There are also people who don't care who he sleeps with and they care mostly about his roles and films. There are people who have chosen to believe him when he says he's straight just because otherwise that would mean he's been leading a double life for a really long time and you can question everything he says, everything he supports and because they believe he did Brokeback to show how staying in the closet can ruin people's lives and he would never did this to himself if he was gay.
Jake's fans are teenagers,young women, gay men, older women and even straight guys of different ages. They've become his fans for different reasons. You have to respect that. Yet you stick to the gossip sites, you analize his photos to the point when it becomes ridiculous, you overanalize his every move and you call everyone who doesn't agree wiht you a babbler.
Let him off the leash. He's not yours, he's his own man.
This blog would be a much nicer place if trolls and babblers stopped posting BS and quit trying to convince TBs that Jake is straight and perfect.
Babblers never quit.
Prime example: questioning the fact that someone could tell with 100% accuracy that Jake is an amphetamine addict from a few pics makes you a troll and a babbler.
Please stop playing dumb.
Posting "Little Blue Pill sounds like Cantara on her smear campaign against the Gyllenhaals" is the reason I called the poster a babbler.
You're right on many points, Guess What. Of course there are all kinds of Jake fans. And of course he's his own man. But I think some of these kinds of fans would find more things in common with some other Jake websites. And what this one in particular believes might be why you are having some degree of stress & difficulty. I love your willingness to believe anything & everything. I think that is just wonderful. Think you just need to refresh on what common thread brings alot of the posters here together.
I've got to correct one thing I said before I go. Myself? I think Jake was his own man. Talk about leashes? Since he's been under the short leash of both Reese and his handlers? He's not been his own man. And if you believe he has been his own man since that time, well, talk about denial.
But I think some of these kinds of fans would find more things in common with some other Jake websites.
Well said, PG. The last time I looked at the banner for this site it said "Oh My Godot: A Jake and Austin Community".
I just think the non-TBers are very nervous about this latest Star story even though I doubt it's true. Deep down they know that Jake & Reese aren't the real thing.
You analize his photos to the point when it becomes ridiculous, you overanalize his every move and you call everyone who doesn't agree wiht you a babbler.
My thoughts too - this place is sinking into the same WFT abyss. Can't wait to see what happens next.
Smiley, is that really you posting that last comment?
No, that's obviously babbler's post. Jack/Jeff, is that you?
Babblers keep insisting that they are not babblers.
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