To all of those who have come out, told a friend, a loved one, a colleague we stop and give you props for the strength and courage for what you did. We celebrate and support you.
To those who are out and continue to give their lives as examples for others each day and role models for diversity and acceptance and change - Much props and respect.
To the love ones, family and friends giving love and support may you be even a greater example to the community in the lesson of acceptance and love.
For those who are trying to find their way - we hope that this coming year gives you a chance to take the smallest step or the largest leap, every step taken is a step in moving forward.
There is no right or wrong way not right or wrong time to come out, the best way is your way. Your way and your time.
HRC - Coming Out
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Celebrating Coming Out Day
Posted by
Special K
8:25 AM
Labels: Coming Out
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Bitch-Back! Toothy, Toothy, Toothy
Dear Ted:
Would you answer the million-dollar question: Is Toothy Tile gay or bisexual? How about Gray Goose? What is the real nature of Toothy's relationship with his beard?
Dear Tricky Tooth:
You mean the one on his face or the one on his publicist’s speed dial? Gay as my vocabulary, darling. Ditto on the real love in Toothy’s life.
Dear Ted:
I have so many questions for you! Is Daniel Craig Toothy Tile? Is Obama going to win? Will Brad Pitt pull a Woody Allen and marry Zahara 18 years from now?
—Jenna K
Dear Lot to Handle:
No. Hopefully. Better not.
Dear Ted:
Does Toothy Tile's GF/beard know that he's T.T.? Or if not, that he's gay?
—Pat, Chicago
Dear Loose Goose:
Enough with Toothy! He’s not even that good of an actor, what’s all the damn fuss, already? And, of course, Toothy's woman knows he's Toothy, as well as his mattress persuasions, duh. She's been down this road before, think she'd be over the swinging studs by now, but whatever.
Dear Ted:
You're so jaded about celebrity relationships. You seem to think like there's an expiration date to these couplings.
Dear Downer:
No worries, every day is Toothy Day here at A.T.!
Happy Coming Out Day to all, especially to Tom and anyone else who came out this year. Very funny Wicked about the Mrs. And for any of those who don't know, I would describe myself as bisexual, and I have a girlfriend I've been with for a very long time.
Boy, Ted sure is pouring it on thick, and he seems to be going after Reese now too. Interesting. Wonder if he's saying Ryan P. just played around, or is he saying he's played around with boys too.
I wondered about that been there before comment as well. Who did Reese date before? There have been some occassional comments about Ryan, but he does not ping my gaydar at all, even though he spent almost the entire Studio 54 movie shirtless.
Kacie, very sorry to hear about your layoff. I wish you much success in finding a new job. I find that things always work out for the best so you will most likley enjoy your new job, whatever it is.
Ryan is not gay, but he is bi, and he was having affairs with both men and women while married to Reese. She knows it well, too. Mr. P has also been the subject of bi blind items from other gossip columnists than Ted. I believe the males are always on the downlow, and at least one was a (hidden) relationship.
Thanks all of you for your good
wishes. But I think I had better
explain something here! I am disabled so I HAVE to work where
I am. I will be there 20 years on
2/21/09. I draw Social Security
every month so I will make it. It
is terribly bad here in our small
town. All of the furniture factories have gone under all but
1. I am lucky in that the house
is paid for! My grandmother bought
this house when I was 3 or 4 so
three generations have lived here.
I just hope that I am not off for
more than a couple of weeks. In
1997, I was laid off from 10/24/97
until 1/08/98. I will be okay so
do not worry about me. I will just
have to tighten my belt as will
most everybody in the USA!
I honestly always thought that
Toothy was bisexual. This is news
to me!! How many of you thought
that this was Grey Goose's first
male lover? Also, Wicked and all,
do you think that Austin was gay
all along or bisexual? Also, has
Jake denied the rumors that he and
Reese are living together now? The
househunting stories are in most
of the newspapers and magazines.
Also, if Reese is planning a
wedding at Christmas, wouldn't she
have been planning for awhile? IF
Jake and her do marry, I do hope
she does not mind the occassional
hunting/fishing trips Jake takes
to Texas or the occassional Lakers
game with a gorgeous Texan! I am
just joking! Why not be honest
about your relationship instead of
lying? One more question-isn't Austi about 6 feet 4 or so? I
always thought that Jake was about 6 feet or so.
Every time I go to WalMart which
is about once a month one of the
cashiers who is a friend of mine
and a fan of Reese always says that Reese and her hunk are getting married! I just try to
laugh it off. This is sort of like
a soap opera-it is silly at times.
Did Ted ever say that Toothy
and Grey Goose were living together? I do not think so but
refresh my memory.
I have to add that I take
about 10 or 11 pills a day so my
health is not good! I have a
potassium deficiency, high blood
pressure, acid reflux, depression
and anxiety plus have to take
vitamins! So be very thankful for
your good health and cherish each
day!! So sorry for such an extra
long post so please excuse!
I am straight so hope that does not go against me! My ex-boyfriend
and I get along great. We are more
like best friends. He was in a
coma and almost died several years
ago. He looked me up in December
2005. We talk on the phone quite
often and because he cannot drive
I only see him in person maybe 3
or 4 times a year. But he calls me
at least 2-3 times a week. He is
in bad shape with his health and
lucky to be alive. We went to
school together-from elementary
all the way through to high school. So I have know him for
about 30 years or so. I just cannot be unkind to him. I got to
thinking if he died or something,
I would feel terrible if I was
unkind to him! I guess you would
say he is just about my best friend. So people can stay friends. Enough on this so let me
hear your stories! I think that
Jake just literally cannot let
Austin go! That is just my opinion-do any of you agree with me?
Ted didn't answer my question where I asked if Toothty will marry his beard. I don't think the other questions answered it. Maybe Ted doesn't know how fat TT will go.
My first impressions of Austin were that he was gay. I was more sure of him than of Jake, whom I was once willing to concede was bi-but after studying his life and career and interviews and choices for two years (obsessively) I am now convinced is pure gay. And so I feel alot of pain in what he is now going through.
Ted didn't answer my question
How could Ted know something like that? And how stupid should Jake be to marry his beard?
The reason I asked if Austin was
bisexual was when he was engaged
to his fiance for many years. Was
it not something like 7 years?
Can anyone answer my other question-has Jake ever answered
one way or the other if he and
Reese are living together? The
book I read on Reese shows that
she always wanted to be an actress
and she is very professional and
Ted says he knows about a baby born so you'd figure he would hear about wedding plans that involve a lot more people. And how stupid should Jake be to beard in the first place? How stupid is he to let it get to this point? "Engagement, living together, being a dad to Reese's kids" a wedding would seal the deal wouldn't it. Maybe Ted doesn't know how far Jake will go to beard.
Its more confidential to have a baby with medical privacy laws. Planning a wedding, not so much.
What wedding? LOL
I think Ted doesn't know about Jake's bearding plans and didn't have a chance to see the showmance contract.
I still not sure what to think of Jake and Kiki, or Austin and Claire. However, having a relationship with a woman doesn't necessarily make a man bisexual as opposed to gay. You just have to read some of NPH's interviews to see this.
I doubt Jake is talking to his friends about the bearding, so I'm not surprised Ted wouldn't have a source or any idea of what is going to happen. Friends and associates, on the other hand, would see what is going on in Jake's real life.
I wonder if Jake is ashamed of being gay/bi. Seems strange by the way he grew up that he would be but it doesn't seem like he's comfortable enough to be proud and stand up for himself.
I disagree with Ted about being totally gay tho. He might mean NOW in who the relationship is with but I think he exaggerates. Sexuality is more fluid and there's alot of gray areas than either or. Both Jake and Austin dated and slept with women. Nothing wrong with it. I know alot of people who's sexuality was all over the map befoe they settled down to what they felt best with. The few who have NEVER been with their opposite sex I would say are and have been totally gay but most people find both sexes attractive to some degree.
OT but I was wondering if any of you noticed a difference/improvement in workplace attitudes towards gays/yourself with the Sexual Harrassment Laws. I work in a corporate world in California where its taken very seriously (seminars, training) and it seems like the attitude towards gays has inproved. No jokes or putdowns or snide remarks. Not that there was many. I've noticed alot of the straight conservative corp officers/higher-ups in my office have gay employees/personal assistants now. Its the latest trend, to be cool with it. Anything less is considered backwards and redneck. I was wondering if any of you in other states or work fields have noticed a diffrence too.
Thank you FNL
Kacie, I've always thought that Jake had genuine feelings for Kiki. We know much less about Austin's relationship with Claire, except that they were together for a really long time. I tend to think that relationship was real.
Chris, I've never had a problem with discrimination around being gay on the job because I'm a social worker. Without lesbians, there would be no social work! Glad to hear it's getting better in the corporate sector.
I think both guys had relationships with girls when they were teens. At that age everyone wants to fit in. I know a fair number of gay men, and all dated girls in their early years. True feelings can't be kept hidden forever though. I think Jake did have male relationships (Chris and Matt Katz) before Austin, but once they met each other, Austin was the one. Can't speculate about Austin's past. Texas is a lot more unforgiving than CA. Wasn't consenting male sex against the law there until fairly recently.
^Austin's (that is Austin, Tx not the person) motto is "Keep Austin Weird". It's quite bohemian.
Austin TX, is unlike anywhere else in TX. There's Texas and then there's Austin.
Anyone notice Ted saying Toothy isn't that good of an actor. Don't think that has anything to do about big screen performance, this has to do with the performance off screen as a straight man.
Special shout out for Tom today! Way to go Tom.
I agree Special about what the acting refers to.
Wow thanks Destiny and Special. Coming out at work this year was by far the best thing I have done in a long time. Nothing has changed. Everyone treats me the same and I feel real good about who I am. I thank everyone on OMG for their support also. Plus if I hadn't done it Wicked would have beat me up. I Love that girl.
Now I am gonna get in big trouble. I just got back from seeing a movie with a friend and guess what coming attraction I saw. "Four Christmases". I have to regretfully say it looked kind of funny. There were some really cute scenes. reese and Vince seemed really funny together. Plus I didn't realise Sissy Spacek was in the movie. I love her. She is a really great actress and can be very funny. I promise though I will not see it until the reeke show is discontinued.
I just hope that Jake and Austin
can stay together despite all the
pressures of Hollywood. I also
hope if there is a child they can
both be involved in its life very
much. Maybe in a way Jake has some
feelings for Reese also. I try to
see both sides of this issue.
I have a suggestion for your
movie of the month. How about:
"Boys Don't Cry"
It is about the Teena Brandon
murder in Nebraska in 1993 where
she dressed as a man. I just thought it might be good to
discuss. Everybody enjoy the rest
of the weekend.
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