UPDATE (4:06 PM EST) Buddy TV has an exclusive interview with Austin about OTH.
Check it out: Buddy TV - Austin
With Austin appearing more often on the small screen, why not look at other shows that he might want to do. One of the hottest new shows on American TV is Mad Men, the story of ad men on Madison Ave in the 1960's. And it seems like something Austin might be a good look and fit for. And he does have a thing for retro and vintage.
"The series revolves around the conflicted world of Don Draper, the biggest ad man (and ladies man) in the business, and his colleagues at the Sterling Cooper Advertising Agency. As Don makes the plays in the boardroom and the bedroom, he struggles to stay a step ahead of the rapidly changing times and the young executives nipping at his heels. The series also depicts authentically the roles of men and women in this era while exploring the true human nature beneath the guise of 1960s traditional family values."Could you see Austin as the rising young protege? Think he would get into trying to get into the head of the male culture of the 1960's and their attitudes toward women and society as a stretch. The research alone would be fun, with all the old shows, films, commercials. Heck he would do the show just for the wardrobe alone. Maybe it would be his chance to wear those 60's Italian suits and that he talked about in his interview with Men's Health.
But if he needs to get his Mad Men or vintage mid century Hollywood look on off screen he doesn't need to look any further than L.A. vintage clothing store Everything's Jake, which carries vintage suits, trousers, and sport coats from the 1940s through the early '60s, along with all the proper accessories that any well-turned-out gentleman needs. Their vintage stock is strictly the best. And with a name like that can you really go wrong.
Of course it could get confusing on the Christmas list:
I want:
Everything Jake
or is itEverything's Jake?
Think that one would be if you were on Santa's naughty list and one for his nice. He who has the hat decides it would seem. ; )
Friday, October 23 thru Saturday October 24th,
starting tonight at 5:00PM EST.
The Austin Friday post will remain open both Friday and Saturday.
Great video message from Harvey Milk
Whenever I see something set in another era I wonder how Austin would be in it. I was just thinking this last night as I watched Life on Mars, which is set (mostly) in 1973 (I think it's a great show by the way). I couldn't quite picture Austin in this, but I sure can see him doing the 60s thing. He would've been great in some of those Italian films from that era.
I thought the same thing Destiny. Totally love Life on Mars - and to all you from the UK - thanks for letting us take one of your shows (AGAIN) and making it an American version of it. That one is a little bit of a stretch to see Austin in. But then again - what are good actors those who can make the leap into something unexpected and do it well.
But there is something about the cocktail, suit, bossa nova, flirty attitude with the secretaries you could see him do if he got a shot a something like Mad Men. I think it its a combination of the swagger and the look.
Had thought the same about Austin and Mad Men, although i've not really watched the series the whole style sort of screams Austin doesn't it (if not the antiquated attitudes).
On another topic, its good to see that the curse of Reeke has spread to magazine revenues.
Sorry, that link didn't seems to work. Anyway what it says is that the November edition of vogue lost around 100 pages of ads..that's alot of revenue.
Maybe it had something to do with the cover girl.
Another great post - I love anything vintage, but especially clothes. And the good quality materials and classic design of men's clothes (and the way they look in them!). I'd love to check out that clothing store, Everything's Jake (what a name!) and I also think Austin would be ideal in a television show/film like Mad Men, or the Italian films. He can have that look. I've heard good things about Mad Men.
This song is fabulous, and, speaking of names, I love their name. It reminds me of the Girl from Ipanema or some (bossa nova?) type music straight out of the 60s era. :) Again, I don't know how you guys come up with such interesting ideas and posts. Thanks! :)
Mad Men ends their second season this Sunday night. Wonder if someone in casting,over the break, think of Austin for season 3.
Library backs book on same-sex penguin parents
Thought you might like this one, Spesh! :)
Updated the Post:
Buddy TV has an exclusive interview with Austin about OTH.
Check it out: Buddy TV - Austin
Well that Austin interview was disappointing. I thought he'd sound more well-spoken and intelligent or something. He sounds a wee bit dim there. "And stuff"
You asked for it you got:
Reeke on the Run
So Loving the Purple Headband Jake!
Purple and Yellow - Shout out to the Lakers or to Ted at A.T?
That didnt take long did it.
When we have have heros like Harvey Milk to love and admire why do we waste our time on cowards like Jake Gyllenhaal.
What are you waiting for, anyway?
The secret of patience is doing something else in the meanwhile.
Author Unknown
her nostrils make me want to die.
Tbh that is sooooo funny.
"That didn't take long, did it."
Well, it's not as if he has anything better to do.
Hope you guys remember about Movie Club too.
Great movie - good to catch it again.
Hey Smiley!! How are you?
Waiting, waiting, waiting to go camping...oughta be a song. Waiting til I have to give up my computer and the warmth of, oh-stop it! Geez, toughen up!
Smiley, I like your quote. I'm going to hold you to that, lol.
Well, heavy, heavy sigh. It's just kind of a helpless feeling, you know? To watch him do this?
Well, Jake is not doing anything to budge the needle off of "0" on the Hot-O-Meter, lol. For cripes sake, I - you know, I'm not even going to go there. I'm beginning to think he's purposely trying to not look good when he's with her, lol. Really, I'm serious. I'm speechless as far as he's concerned. I find nothing good to say. At all.
And Reese? chuckling & shaking head Who dresses like that when they're exercising. Nobody I know around here, anyway. He is dwarfing her bigtime in this picture. It's not even....I'm so done with commenting on this picture. It's like staring at a bad carwreck on the highway, though. I've had to crane my neck backwards a couple of times, staring at the awfulness of it all.
Hey, we are getting ready to go. Wicked, you're funny! I know - I totally agree with you. But we will be in a 5th wheel camper, so I won't exactly be roughing it. I'm nervous - I've never done anything like this since I was a little kid. I'm clinging to my computer touchpad, saying "I'm afraid! I'm afraid!!" lol
Everybody have fun. Special, I'm glad for your introduction of the Launderette movie. After reading it, I am already enlightened.
So long. Ciao. Au revoir. Adios.
Ok - just a little more - Jake bright and bouncy. The purple head band - sorry LOVE IT! Makes his blue eyes a little bluer - looks good with those dark long locks.
Everything else in the picture just fades in the background.
Hope you'll have a great time!
Thank you, smiley. So good to see you - I've missed you!
I'll take your word for it, Special, lol. I couldn't enlarge it. At this distance, though, it gave me a big WINCE. a big wince.
Well, I know I said au revoir & all that. Really mean it this time, LOL! I love you guys.
Couldn't resist one more.
Hope you guys remember about Movie Club too.
Special's trying to round up the troops!!!
Return of the Clit List!
Back by popular demand—or was that repulsion?—here's our second batch of inductees into the A.T.'s brand-ass-spanking-new Clit List, you know, the randy roster we began in order to counter that fab new book The Prick Index. If dudes' privates can't be lampooned, why can't gals'? Isn't it sexist to poke one, not the other? We say so!
Following are H'wood broads we consider to be some of the finest female schmucks around, and they deserve some damn credit for it, no?
Reese Witherspoon: Because she can secretly act like a huge you know what and still get everyone to like her—including us. The "good girl" persona is highly successful and has America hook, line and sinker, but behind the cutesy face is one conniving handful, trust. For ince, we've heard all about how she behaved rather coldly during her marriage to Ry-Ry (more to come), but in the end, he gets the bad rep and somehow she still has the poor guy reeling over her. Beware of the shady clits.
You go Ted!! LMAO
OK Ted she's a bitch but Ryan is not reeling. Don't forget he's an actor too and too smart to ever say anything nasty about the ex to anyone. People mistake that for love and devotion in Hollywood when really it's just common decency.
Too true, TR... did anyone see the video at flynet? they are running with 2 other girls, they don't even run together & reese doesn't seem to be capable of keeping up with them & once they cross the street Jake just runs off by himself?! Weird.
Looks like Jake has sure caught the tiger by the tail!
Oh my god, I love Mad Men. Did not start watching until season 2 but I am totally hooked. Dan Draper, or whatever his real name is, rules. I will buy the DVD once the whole thing is over. Austin would be so great on that show.
Must say, Jake is not looking good at all lately. He has had some unflattering looks for movies but this one takes the cake.
OK, just watched the flynet video. I would say that Jake left R in the dust. Literally and figuratively. Does he give a rats ass that she is even there. No.
I am still out of town but will try to check in at least once tomorrow.
October 24, 2008
Apple is publicly opposing Proposition 8 and making a donation of $100,000 to the No on 8 campaign. Apple was among the first California companies to offer equal rights and benefits to our employees’ same-sex partners, and we strongly believe that a person’s fundamental rights — including the right to marry — should not be affected by their sexual orientation. Apple views this as a civil rights issue, rather than just a political issue, and is therefore speaking out publicly against Proposition 8.
OK, just watched the flynet video.
Link please.
Flynet video
Looks like Jake, Reese and the 2 women (trainers) are running at their own pace and Reese is the slowest, at one point Jake turns to Reese and says, i'll run ahead.
The pics show that she at least caught up with hima few times.
Caught up?
They had to give paparazzi a chance to take nice pictures.
Just commenting o M's odd comments regarding leaving her in the dust ignoring him saying i'll run ahead and the fact that you really don't think she could keep pace with him or those 2 women who look like trainers.
She even stops after he says that and starts running, sure they were at pace and was smiling for the $$ shots but after they got them, they did their seperation act.
They use the paps when it suits them.
Walking with Deacon? Jogging with Reese isn't enough?
That video is one of the stupidest things I've seen.
Of course jogging isn't enough. Got to dispel those rumors about Baby Tile by being seen with Deacon.
I feel so sorry for little Deacon. He has become a pawn in his mother's pathetic bearding game.... he looks uncomfortable holding Jake's hand.
As far as I'm concerned Jake has gone beyond the point of no return. There's nothing more painful than a gay man who beards. If he doesn't want to come out of the closet, that's fine but to beard? No. It's homophobic and pretty pathetic when so many less fortunate than him are struggling for equal rights.
As for Reese, I don't really give a shit about her...
Is it me or does it look like neither Jake and Deacon are pleased. And by the look of the rest of the pictures they both got told what to do by Reese.
J: Kind of come on let's just do this so we don't get into anymore trouble with Mom.
D: Yeah
Poor Jake, forced to hold Deacon's hand and walk by meany Reese, LOL! that not too pleased look is an act to make it look like the paps interrupted their family time together which is BS. They were papped there bfore so Jake knew that they would be there.
Stop making excuses for him, it's 50/50, he flew all the way from London for this with more to come!
Agree Spesh. Reese lectured both of them. Look at the pics.
Jake is participating in this of his own free will.
Jake is part of the bearding because he WANTS. Nobody is forcing him to do this. He is not a victim. He is as responsible as Reese for the bearding. It's 50/50.
He wants to go further and involve her kids as much as Reese wants or he wouldn't be there otherwise. there is no excuse.
They don't look happy in those pictures at all. Reese looks furious not to mention old, fat and tired.
I agree flynet and Wicked.
And if there is Baby Tile, which I think very well may be the case, I feel terribly sorry for him or her. One day that child is going to be older and look back and see pictures of Jake out there holding Deacon's hand, all while hiding Baby Tile away at home.
By bearding Jake is teaching Baby Tile to be ashamed of himself (or herself) and to be ashamed of the fact that he (or she) has two fathers instead of a "normal" father and mother. He is also teaching Baby Tile that it is okay to lie to get ahead in life.
And to add insult to injury, he's doing all this around the time rumored to be when Baby Tile was born.
If there is a baby then I agree with Ted that Austin should leave Jake and take Baby Tile with him right now. They'll be better far away from phony Jake who only cares about his own image and nothing or nobody else.
Austin agreed to it too. But don't say anything about Austin. He's golden boy. He's in it too, just because you don't see him. Blame Reese blame Jake AND blame Austin.
Interesting to see its flynet again for the pictures of them.
Here the videos of coffee. Another business meeting basically. Just Reese made it Mommy & me. Why? Because Ryan flew home from Londond for Deacon's birthday there were pictures of him at karate we that's why. And she saw the pictures and that's probably why Ava's not there.
Check out the video of the big coffee incident -yawn
Flynet - Coffee
Blame Reese blame Jake AND blame Austin.
I agree. Really interested to know if the bearding will continue after Jake finishes filming PoP and Reese's film (whatever it is) is released....
Check out the video of the big coffee incident -yawn
Looks like they MET at the same coffee place for a pap op. Was this when Deacon was with them? They look thrilled to be with each other LOL. It looks like they say a passionate 'bye' LOL and Jake walks away [to his own ride I'm guessing] and Reese gets into her car. Real romantic. Are you sure they're not 55 years old and stuck in a loveless marriage with each other? Cuz they act just like my parents.
Was this when Deacon was with them?
We visited Austin Nichols and his family last evening for our Friday night get-together.
Friday Night at Austins
Austin agreed to it too. He's in it too, just because you don't see him. Blame Reese blame Jake AND blame Austin.
To me, it's sort of like being an accessory to a crime but not actually committing the crime yourself. You are just as guilty.
He's golden boy.
I get less impressed with both Jake and Austin with each passing day, I'm sorry to say. And at this point I don't think it will get any better; it probably will only get worse. I'm sticking around only to see how far it will go, and to talk to the rest of you.
This woman has nannies but yet Deacon has to be dragged to a coffee outing. No wonder he didn't look too happy. But I guess it wouldn't do to not have the stepdaddy-to-be not be seen with his future stepson for the kid's birthday.
The photo ops are coming thick and fast now.
can you take anymore
oh and guess what.. the credit is flynet again, must have booked a photographer for the whole week.
To be fair, being a bit of a sucker, I think these two have got themselves into more than they both bargained for. Maybe both would like to get out of it but there could be huge penalty clauses relating to the PoP deal which just don't make it possible. I'm pretty sure if you piss of Disney and Jerry Bruckheimer your chances of ever working again anywhere near HW are pretty slim.
as for Austin, let's give him some slack, mybe not as innocent as Reese's kids but still not a main player in the sorry little drama.
So they can leave Deacon home with the nanny while they go to breakfast, (ol' Deac is not in the photos Meg linked above) but they have to bring him to coffee. And this couple does not exploit the children.
Faded Youth blog gets a lot of those Flynet Reeke pics.
Deacon's face when he is in a miserable mood looks just like Ryan. That must irritate the Cliterspoon.
The jogging pictures and the new breakfast set are both from Thursday. When are the Deacon pictures from? Same day? Talk about getting your money's worth.
3:56 PM link - breakfast set is from today.
Coffee pictures are from Friday.
Wake me in 20 years when Little Boy Blue grows up, the pied piper of Hollywood strangles itself, Blue's Beard is gone, and Tinkerbell can fly again, would ya?
My bet the pictures were all taken earlier in the week and Austin is in LA this weekend. Sad trio. I hope there isnt a kid. That would be really sad for the kid.
There could be some truth to what Meg says about Disney and PoP, but no way of knowing. But even if there is I will never understand striking a bargain with the devil when it comes with such a high cost. And while I cut Austin some slack because I think Austin may be caught between a rock and a hard place and because he is not bearding and trying to make everyone believe he's like a father to someone else's kids, I have to acknowledge that Wicked is right when she says he is an accessory to all this.
Jogging pics=Thursday, Deacon pics=Friday, coffee pics=this morning. There will be pictures daily!!!
According to Spooky's journal, Austin is taping the latest episode of OTH in NC from 10/23 -10/30, a 8 day shoot.
Noticed in the breakfast, coffee, and Deacon pics he's not holding Reese's hand. The London sidewalk pics he barely did, omly in 2-3 pics when there she was holding a bag in the same hand. Methinks he's slowly getting some distance. Each photo op he's not close to her or even slightly friend/buddy affectionate. Whether its from her bitchiness or Austin complained or guilt I don't know but its plain to see something has changed.
Thanks Atticus for that link. I wonder what my cats would think of "Austin Nichols".
Just Jared says the breakfast pics are from Thursday morning and they jogged in late afternoon.
Needs ketchup?
Doesn't make sense - why would JJ post 2 days old paparazzi pictures?
Another great post, Special. Everything's Jake (lol) - you always find the perfect material for your posts.
I also enjoyed reading Austin's Buddy TV interview. I love the description of Austin's character on OTH - he's this funny, snarky kind of guy you love to hate - sounds very different from his other roles. I'm very curious to see see how he plays it. I'm also intrigued by the film noir episode - maybe he'll be wearing an outfit from Everything's Jake.
JJ posts whatever he comes across or whatever he feels like. Yes he is on the Gyllenspoon express but he doesn't post everything although he mentions the jogging pics but didn't post them.
There were 2 sets of pics taken Thursday, the breakfast ones in the AM and the jogging ones in the PM. My take was there was little or no interest in yet another set of J&R breakfast pics but there has been no jogging pics of them together so TMZ and the rest went with those.
The Friday pics are a snooze but the addition of Deacon made them interesting. The breakfast pics were probably dumped and fadedyouth picked them up for free not realizing they were taken on Thursday.
So does that mean that here are 2 set from Friday waiting in the wings???
My guess is that JJ posts what he is given when he is given it.
Chris with Greta Caruso
Chris is cooking in Europe for a few months.
There were 2 sets of pics taken Thursday, the breakfast ones in the AM and the jogging ones in the PM.
I don't think so, other sites are posting breakfast pictures as pictures from today.
Just popped back on line to see whether any more cheesy photo have emerged (must get alife I know).
I think the coffee ones are from today with both told to at least look as if they are mildly happy to be with each other. The ones with Deacon are actually quite disturbing as the poor child looks so uncomfortable its bordering on child cruelty.
Also, in the latest set, can anyone explain why Jake is carrying an empty paper bag. Is it in case he needs to barf half way through the photo session.
flynet has the breakfast pictures dated today
Meg LOL on the barf bag. Maybe he needed empty bag to put over her head. He needs to retire those pants or wash them..ugh. The toothpick trick is back.. he won't have to kiss her anywhere and she won't want to get close unless she wants her eye poked out. Bet Ava is happy she didn't have the coffee photo call. I think Jake does the ops 1st thing in the am and runs off. Interesting, Austin's shooting 23-30 when Jake goes to LA. Trading daddy duties? I wonder who the baby lives with, nanny, mother, only with Jaustin? And where. Could be RW helped find the mother or nanny or helps hide them.
LOL Meg. And Atticus, what are you up to with that ketchup, I'm afraid to ask. :-D
Could be RW helped find the mother or nanny or helps hide them.
No way.
Jake still smokes, hence the tooth pick and gum chewing.
Deacon looks seriously bummed out in the pictures with Reese and Jake. You can't blame this on the paparazzi. Recently there are pictures of him running while laughing and smiling with his nanny, making faces at the paparazzi when his father was carrying him into a dentist's office, and walking along normally with Abbie and Ryan. All of these times there were tons of paparazzi and he was at ease and happy.
Something is up in these pictures they all look really upset.
Maybe Deacon was upset because they took him to a coffee house instead of to a modern art museum to celebrate his 5th birthday.
Maybe Deacon was upset because they took him to a coffee house instead of to a modern art museum to celebrate his 5th birthday.
7:27: The same thing was said back in December '07 when Jake, Reese, Ava and Deacon were hiking and they all looked upset, Reese even looked like she was crying and Deacon who was on Jake's shoulders looked like he was about to cry.
Nothing is up, if anything Deacon looks almost upbeat compared to those other pics.
Methinks Deacon is a bit spoiled and like to be picked up and carried around among other things.
Not to worry though, Jake and Reese were back at being happy for the paps after that!
64 blah breakfast pics at IHJ! Reese struck a hard deal on that package pap op. Thank Lassie they left me out of that catcrap.
Is it me or is "methinks" one of the most annoying words commonly used in internet posts?
Talk about body language. Creases between eyebrows and clenched fists on both of them. Oh yeah, this is a couple in love. The empty bag is a nice touch. An excuse not to touch or hold hands.
Had to laugh, the pics were posted on ONTD with the caption, click if you are bored. And most who did really were bored and commented on other topics. Not too much longer till the dogmeat movie comes out. Maybe it will all be over then.
Shitt. the Sow might get a tick up her butt and have me to do the happy family dog foto op. I gotta learn how to barf all the time like a cat. That'd pretty much take me outta any reeke outings.
That empty paper bag cracks me up.
That empty paper bag cracks me up.
It makes me sad.
As the old saying goes, if you don't laugh you'll cry. I veer between both ends of the spectrum myself, often in the same day.
( Interesting, Austin's shooting 23-30 when Jake goes to LA. Trading daddy duties? I wonder who the baby lives with, nanny, mother, only with Jaustin? And where. Could be RW helped find the mother or nanny or helps hide them. )
Are you serious? You have got to be kidding, right?
As the old saying goes, if you don't laugh you'll cry. I veer between both ends of the spectrum myself, often in the same day.
And if I don't get a fully loaded doggy bag I'll starve. OK not starve but I gotta have more than the same old same old every day. Bad enough he doesn't bring me a sausage or piece of bacon even old toast crust from his damn breakfast but he then brings home a freakin restaurant bag and its empty?
I actually wonder how many celebs have hidden lovers/families and how the hidden person feels about it. I would think it would be hard to deal with and wouldnt last too long especially if the celeb was outright bearding with other people (gay or straight situation).
"Maybe both would like to get out of it but there could be huge penalty clauses relating to the PoP deal which just don't make it possible."
I dunno, I mean stars are always breaking up in their relationships. Jake doesn't have to come out or say he's gay, he can just go back to his "I'm single and looking around" status!
Wouldn't be very surprised if Jake wants to get out of the bearding and do the I'm single walk again and Reese is not having any of it. She has to maintain an image ( gorgeous, lucky, new man)for her movie right? Brings to mind the "you're not supportive comment" made in London and Ted's comments about her in the Clit List.
Can't see Austin tolerating the bearding indefinitely and especially if there's a baby tile, something has to give.....
7:59 it isn't just you. "Methinks" is f*cking annoying.
Loving Atticus's contributions. :)
The empty bag does crack me up. You also see Jake put his other hand in his pocket or use the toothpick. The toothpick hand off is really innovative - something so small it doesn't really show up in the shot but let's their hands get close enough to look like something without really doing anything. And Reese just looks like a toothpick kinda gal. LOL
Looks like Jakey's got his favorite jeans patched up, check his right leg. He really loves those jeans. He does get attached to the things he loves.
I agree M - the furrowed brows, clenched hands - its tension alright but not the fun kind like when your knees legs and elbows have touch at games. Or so much tension you find yourself slouching in restaurants. Or you can't leave the parking garage. ; )
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