What does the 2nd runner up, hey it's nicer than saying 3rd place, in the World's Sexiest Man List do to celebrate Columbus Day? Hang near the Pinta, but will the Nina and St. Maria be jealous? Sorry the history geek sometimes gets out. Besides we know who's boat he really rocks.
Lots this week to celebrate and not just Jake gaining on Johnny and George's on the sexy list. Though Johnny might not be please that Jake is sporting the Depp Do at the moment. Jake just don't go and do the Keith Richards version of it.
Today the U.S. commemorates Christopher Columbus discovery of the Americas in 1492. Modern history for many of our European OMG'ers.
And the OMG'ers in Canada are celebrating Thanksgiving today and remembering all the things they are thankful for this past year, and look toward another year of blessings ahead. Happy Thanksgiving!
And don't think its all about Jakey this week either.
Austin may be still hooking horns in North Carolina or wherever the wind has taken him, celebrating Texas beating Oklahoma in what is looking as the best college football (U.S.) game of the year on Saturday.
And not only is it Austin Friday but this week it's OMG's JFC Discussion on Episode 2 "His Visit: Day Two" staring at 5:00PM EST and continuing through Saturday too. Pull out those DVDs and brush up on the transcript if you need to at Calamity Dan's JFC Site and get all that change for the swear jar with Milch you need every damn cent.
Is there something else this week for both to celebrate, maybe Ted knows something about that.
Now who's rocking the boat?
Monday, October 13, 2008
Rock the Boat
Posted by
Special K
7:28 AM
Labels: Austin, Celebrations, Happy Thanksgiving, Jake
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Texas is ranked #1 in both the Coaches and the AP polls this morning.
Have to say I have issues with Columbus Day and the "discovery" of America. Someone at church yesterday mentioned celebrating this holiday as Indigenous People's Day. I like that.
I have issues with it too - but what can you do? But this was absolutely priceless, I about fell out of my chair laughing! Thanks!
. . . to celebrate Columbus Day? Hang near the Pinta, but will the Nina and St. Maria be jealous?
and the song is priceless too!
There have been much in the past few years about Columbus and Indigenous Peoples' Day. There were will those at the Columbus Day parade in NYC today, speaking and providing information about the indigenous people in this part of the world. I would use the word commemorate the discovery since celebrate is probably not the best word to use in this day and age.
Here in Massachusetts the Wampanoag Tribe has for the past 28 year had a "Day of Mourning" each Thanksgiving at Plimouth Plantation, over the assimilation of their people.
Today, there are only 700 tribe members left, and their ancestral lands are confined to the Gay Head section of Martha's Vineyard.
Thanks, Spesh. Great post today.
Very entertaining post today; I love the line about the Pinta too.
Great song today!! I LOVE that song : )
Speaking of Indigenous People/ Native Americans - as kids in Kansas, use to dig in the backyard and find arrow heads. PG - did you guys ever find that stuff when you were growing up?
Is Canadian Thanksgiving a big holiday like it is here in the States? I love Thanksgiving here. It is my favorite holiday- food and football- what could be better? And no presents to buy!
Posted by octoberstarlite @ 2008-10-13 03:23 pm-
My friend said she saw Reese and Jake out in London the other day and they looked sweet together. But she's probably lying.
Anywho, Reese and Jake look like there having more fun.
Someone on ONTD claims their friend saw Reeke in London
Have you guys read the AT today and Ted's story about the dog that is stuck in Iraq? Here's a link to the petition to bring Ratchet home. They want to get to 10,000 signatures. Mine was the 9,910th. You can also donate to Baghdad Pups, an organization that helps get these dogs out of Iraq. Ratchet must be on next week's plane.
Ten Years Later
Matthew Shepard died ten years ago today, six days after being beaten by two men and left clinging to life on a fence outside Laramie, Wyoming. He will not be forgotten.
Barack Obama released a statement today with regard to the somber anniversary:
"Today, we pause to remember the heartbreaking and senseless murder of Matthew Shepard. A freshman at the University of Wyoming, Matthew was a young man committed to fighting for equality and changing the world around him. He was tragically taken from us far too early, an innocent victim of an abhorrent hate crime, and never had the chance to see his dreams realized.
"In the ten years since Matthew’s passing, Congress has repeatedly and unacceptably failed to enact a federal hate crimes law that would protect all LGBT Americans. That’s not just a failure to honor Matthew’s memory; it’s a failure to deliver justice for all who have been victimized by hate crimes, regardless of race, gender, or sexual orientation. All Americans deserve to live their lives free of fear, and as Americans, it is our moral obligation to stand up against bigotry and strive for equality for all.
"Today, Michelle and I send our thoughts and prayers to Matthew’s parents, Judy and Dennis, and to all whose lives have been touched by unconscionable violence."
Also: Byrd, Shepard killings recalled in Austin [statesman]
Watch MSNBC's look back, AFTER THE JUMP...
. . . to celebrate Columbus Day? Hang near the Pinta, but will the Nina and St. Maria be jealous? LOL
Hey Wicked, I'm a Canadian and I like your description of Thanksgiving being a no gift, lots of food day :) Today our family is having a vegetarian dinner with nut roast, cashew gravy, mashed potato and veggies, plus of course pumpkin pie for desert :)
For turkey eaters I will encourage organic, humanely raised birds.
I have a book with aboriginal meanings for different animals and looked up turkey, here is what it says:
"Ho, Brother Turkey
So freely you give
Of everything that you are
So others may live
Turkey is actually thought to be the give-away eagle or south eagle of many native peoples. The philosophy of give-away was practiced by many tribes. Simply stated, it is the deep and abiding recognition of the sacrifices of both self and others. People in moder-day society should study the noble turkey who sacrifices itself so that we may live. In turkey's death we have our life. Honour turkey."
I found the above quite beautiful and thought I'd share with all.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Thanks Orchid, I'm going to remember that for when Thanksgiving rolls around in the U.S. I really like the sentiment. I did a vegetarian Thanksgiving once and it was a disaster, to I've gone back to the traditional turkey. Thanksgiving is also one of my favorite holidays, I cook up a storm and we usually have around a dozen people over for dinner.
Happy Thanksgiving Orchid and to any other Canadian posters.
Almost missed it - today is also
International Skeptics Day.
It takes place on January 13th October 13th and the first Friday the 13th of the year.
Don't believe me? Check it out
International Skeptics Day
Thanksgiving with the family sums up this way 16 people = 16 pies (keeps the peace) and whole lot of football.
16 pies! And I thought I was over-doing it with 4 pies.
Not that I believe a word you said in your last two posts Special. ;)
Actually my step mom makes your favorite pie for you - and it's not like you eat the whole pie that day we are usually out there for a week. And we trade pieces so you can get all the favorite tastes. I've even carried pies home on the plane her pies are so special.
Re: Barack Obama released a statement today with regard to the somber anniversary of Matthew Shepard
Wow. What a wonderful statement. I like him more and more everyday.
My final message to "going with the current" from the previous thread: I obviously wasn't dissing anyone, especially not anyone here, of all places.
I am duly impressed by your eidetic recall of everything you've ever read. Comprehension is important too. And "alot" is two words: a lot.
No more messages for the current :)
Go Penn St. Nitany Lions.
Happy Thanksgiving Day to everyone in Canada.
Happy Columbus Day to everyone in America.
God bless the memory of Matthew Shepard.
Nice to see Obama remember Matthew Shepard.
"Wow. What a wonderful statement. I like him more and more everyday."
Yeah, too bad he didn't have time to march in the Chicago gay Pride parade, or for that matter, any gay pride parade. Or give an interview to the Wash. Blade - like McCain did.
Odumbo, the heir apparent to PT Barnum.
Pictures of relationship Reese show up 2 days before she has an exclusive interview on Entertainment Tonight tomorrow. The General starting to cash in her chips.
Spotlight is seriously tryiong to argue that McCain is good for gay rights?
See you in the camps, buddy.
Ya know, there's more candidates than Republicans and Democrats.
Anywaaaay those pics of Reeke. Agree they were from weeks ago. 1 thing about R, she'a all business. Paris, NY..all business trips with Reeking. AND she was wearing makeup and her hair was styled in these pics. When does she do that? My guess is she was there for a meeting or a photoshoot (business travel expense) and economically combined it with a Reeke "walking down the street" photo op after.
Thanks Orchid, I'm going to remember that for when Thanksgiving rolls around in the U.S. I really like the sentiment. I did a vegetarian Thanksgiving once and it was a disaster, to I've gone back to the traditional turkey. Thanksgiving is also one of my favorite holidays, I cook up a storm and we usually have around a dozen people over for dinner.
Happy Thanksgiving Orchid and to any other Canadian posters.
Thanks Destiny. It was a good day and I am happily full and ready for sleep :)
No surprise that these photos marked the start of R's movie promo. If it's an exclusive interview, does that mean she's back in LA again. At least Jake is rid of her for awhile.
The photos of Reese jogging in LA were posted Friday October 10, which means she was back in LA either Thursday and Friday and those photos of her and Jake were taken possibly earlier that week or that weekend before.
Holy smoke the Phillies are one game from the gosh darn World Series. I cannot believe it.
Barack Obama sure is a pretty speaker but the words mean nothing when he's not interested in bringing GBLT rights to the table.
Our newish prime minister is a pretty speaker too. Not so good on acting on what he speaks about though. Hopefully Obama is better at that for your sakes.
Don't get me wrong. He's still your best bet. Even my dad who'd I'd consider fairly conservative told me a few weeks ago on the phone that he hoped Americans were smart enough to vote in Obama.
On topic: Reeke is still boring as crap, we're getting hit with Four Christmases stuff here in Aussieland too, Austin's still hot, Jake is looking pretty hot these days as well and I still don't know whether to send baby tile a present wrapped in pink or blue.
ET has your exclusive look inside Reese Witherspoon's fashionable photo shoot for Vogue magazine, where the Oscar winner dons designer gowns in the chic Paris! Meanwhile, in the new issue of Vogue, on stands October 15, Reese talks about her movie star beau Jake Gyllenhaal.
"He's very supportive," she says. "Suffice it to say, I'm very happy in life, and I'm very lucky to have a lot of really supportive people around me who care very much for me, and, you know, that's all you can hope for in life. I am very blessed in that way."
ET vogue shoot vid
The vid doesn't have the part about Jake. Theyu probably asked "How's Jake?" not "How's your boyfriend, Jake?"
Btw the quote part is funny because wasn't she overheard reaming him for not being supportive? LOL
Is there any reason to believe Reese?
I don't think so.
pictures of Reese Witherspoon arriving at LAX Airport (October 13)
Wasn't she papped jogging in LA on Friday?
Reese arrives at LAX from London on Monday
They kinda start talking about the relationship
Who's they? What relationship?
They talked before.
Reese said Jake is great (Ellen) and Jake said Reese's beard is amazing (Rendition interview).
He's very supportive like all the other supportive people in her life. She still doesn't say he's anything more to her than a friend.
Will they lie outright?
Does Reese ever tell the truth?
Call me a cynic but her hair is different in the LAX pics. She has 1-2 inch dark roots it looks awful. Her hair had small roots in the London pics. I'm a hair color fanatic and I know roots. Sure she's carrying the black jacket, wearing the same earrings and boots in the LAX pics but I wonder if it was staged or if she was coming from somewhere else.
Funny how they took the story about Jake's concerns about security and the house from the Times two weeks ago and made it Reese's name for story about her coming back from London. Better story I guess.
And doesn't that picture look like the picture of coming out of LAX but without the scarf on from a couple weeks ago?
Looking at the this shot from IHJ, her hair doesn't seem to be as blonde as the other pics, it actually looks a lot like the pictures at LAX from yesterday. Wondering if the bright sunlight makes it look a lot lighter, it sure looks dull here.
I took another look at the HQ pics over at IHJ and realized how streaky her hair really looks if you look at it. In the one pic where she is on her cell phone, you van see very clearly dark roots in the front and they look to be at least 1" inch roots. Other pics the roots are not visible. other times you can clearly see the underneath of her hair and it looks dark.
Could it be that the sunlight captured it lighter or did the agency touch up her roots in the pics since this was most likely a photo op? It looks much nicer, they must have either missed the first pic I linked or she was out of the sunlight like the LAX pics.
I have no doubt she was in London for the weekend, again. There were a few sightings over the weekend, Friday, Sat-Sun. Like Before. She has free time on her hands so why not?
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