They say the bag makes the man. What does it say about Jake?

You get caught holding the bag. (hmm black bag - late night --)

And other times you can't wait to meet someone to shop with.

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OMG what a funny post - I especially loved the second pic and the 7th one about knowing Italian. Hee! Thanks for the laugh. I really don't know how you guys come up with such clever posts. I can't decide whether I like this one or the gardening one better. That one was priceless too. ;)
Sorry for a late post. Chuck it up to post playoff depression and one Pops. : )
oh my dog! This post gets a golden bone! *wags tail* How in Lassies name do you bag the prize for best in show every darn day? Love the song he must mean a getting a brand new bag of food & chew toys. Altho seeing Daddy have to carry around little black bags of my parting gifts is a treat too in its own little way. Woof.
Oh man, if this doesn't whet the long-dried taste buds of what-used-to-be, I don't know what would. You'd have to have dried Elmers Glue stuck in a rut in your veins to not give a second glance to these pics, lol.
In fact, I would say these are indeed Repeat Scroll Worthy.
I just keep thinking how spellbinding it would be to have a present-day Jake & Austin together picture. It really, really is too bad it cannot be. As they say on LJ, it would really create a "THUD" moment.
Just poking my head in for a moment. It's a popcorn/yogurt lunch today.
You know, as we endure yet another slow Jake/Austin newsweek, I find it curious that we have no housefinding news. Here we are nearing the end of October. If you're going to get your money's worth out of a London lovenest, I would think one might need to be gettin it on and gettin it goin. And after that great Vogue "coming out" feature article, wouldn't you think that some other journalists have been ringing the phones of PR Central, wanting some further comments & quotes from the romantic couple?
Instead, it's just been a return to the set of EmptyAsATomb .
Does it seem funny to anybody else?
Special & Wicked, this was a "devestating" visual bomb. Definitely worth the wait. Although, I didn't know any different since I didn't get on until now.
I've been watching some episodes from one of my Partridge Family dvd sets. It's hilarious to see some of the stars who made guest appearances on there. I saw one with a thin-as-a-rail Richard Pryor and a very dapper Louis Gossett Jr. I always thought Louis Gosset Jr. was great looking, but man, in this episode, he must be in his early 20's and dang.
What's kind of sad is I remember some of the songs and even though only David C & Shirley J were really singing, I don't care, I still love alot of their songs. lol!!
Sorry, that was another long post and I don't know that I really said a whole lot, loll! I get on here and my mind & fingers just don't shut the heck up.
Hope everyone is doing okay and au revoir from me.
Hey, Wicked, check your email. If you need a chuckle, I sent you that picture of the Jiffy Pop over the doorway. LOLL! it still cracks me up.
Goofy looking Jake caught holding the bag
^^^ Lol
That's a good one. I've not seen that one. Check out the hat.
Wow, that last pic is an Austin smile for sure.
Prairie Girl, yes my nephew's wedding was great. I am still a bit hung-over to be honest and the long flight to DC yesterday wore me out totally. I am reading Cant Stand It. It's OK,not one of my favorites. I am also reading Dreaming - another long one but very good.
Tom Brady does not ping my gaydar at all. I find Ted's reply "a few" for people who guessed Toothy right a bit odd. Maybe Jake is so well established noone is guessing at all anymore. I would expect Ted to say lots have, but then you never know how Ted is twisting his words.
Dear Ted:
Why are so many movie stars gay? Is there something in the Hollywood water?
— Footy File, Los Angeles
Check out Spooky's she has the trailers and the screencaps from it from next week's OTH.
Austin Nichols Journal
Glad to hear your nephew's wedding went off great. Well, sounds like you've been traveling here to there a bit. That's fun for awhile, then you're ready to reset your roots again.
What is so funny about Can't Stand It is it looks like it has 100+ chapters, lol! My gosh, it's going to take me forever. What I've liked about it so far, and I didn't think I was going to like it, is all the other characters in it. Although, I'm a little Brenda'd out. I like me a little more Jack & Ennis action, lol.
I've not heard of Dreaming, is it pretty good?
Good to hear from you, m!
Yes, I've not seen that last picure before. He almost looks like he's skipping down those steps in his haste. I think that's great; real honest enthusiasm.
Ahhh, and youthful enthusiasm, lol
PG - that was a picture of Jake out furniture shopping in November 2005. You can check out the whole set over on IHJ. But like some have pointed out that is his Austin smile.
I love today's post, what a nice treat to come home to after a very long day in which I didn't really get a chance to come online. Now if only Jake would let that darn cat out of the bag he's been dragging around for the past year.
Spooky also has screencaps from the first two episodes of JFC. Also worth a good long gander.
Hey Destiny! Hi!
I just got back from class. I'm so sleepy that I'm going to just get on here, say hey, and get ready to turn in. I know I shouldn't say this (and I know I shouldn't say this when I have to start out my sentence that way, lol, but I'll be as kind & constructive as I can) but in my Tues night class, we rarely seem to be able to get out on time. Seems right @ 8:30, when it's time to wrap up & the long day is threatening to lower my eyelids, somebody raises their hand and has to ask a question. And tonight it was 8:30 and T. has to get real deep all of a sudden and start asking these heavy questions and so we don't leave til 8:44. I like the class, but gee whiz, it's a weeknight and why can't we bring these questions up in the middle of class.
Kind of like some of our safety/quarterly result meetings that we have at work. Seems I usually choose to attend the session where somebody has to disgruntledly complain about something or ask some complicated question at the end of the session when it's time to get back to work. Time's a wasting.
Selfish, huh. Anyway, just had to grumble a bit about that.
I'm contemplating something but I'm going to wait a few days before airing it out online. Not going to jump the gun like I usually do. Going to give it a couple more days even though I'm chomping at the bit - not good at all holding things in. I like to get it out - my supervisor & boss told me last year in my review that I wear my heart on my sleeve, that there's never any mistaking what I'm feeling at the moment. Hey. Well, at least it's known where I stand that way.
Anyway, sweet dreams to you, Destiny & Special (I know you're probably standing guard at the gate, aren't ya - heck, even our sometimes hostile visitors have taken a LOA). Nite Nite & all that!!!
Black bags are for two things booze or porn. What's Jake got?
PG, you've got me curious as to what you're mulling over. And I'm with you, I would be fit to be tied if I had a class after work and it regularly ran overtime like that. I have to give you a lot of kudos for doing something like that. I just don't have the energy to take more than a one-time class.
Bitch-Back! Regarding Henry, Too Much Toothy
Dear Ted:
What's this you said in the last Truth, Lies & Ted about my favorite actor of all time, Paul Newman? You were talking about what a shame it would be if sham couple Jake and Reese tried to make like a "modern-day Paul and Joanne." I'll still love him anyway, but tell me one of H'wood's greatest love stories ain't a sham! Love you and your bitchin' bitchiness.
—Lauren, Chicago
Dear Newman's Own Fan:
No fakery we know of betwixt Paul and his longtime sweetie. Meant it would be heresy if J&R played house like those two, 'cause they ain't nothing like the real thing.
Dear Ted:
Are Reese and Jake the new TomKat? I think robot-boyfriend Jake is the new Katie.
Dear GyllenKat:
I think they're both robots
Dear Ted:
New to the blog and love your candor. This Toothy Tile mystery game is frustrating, but I think I have an idea who he may it Tom Welling?
—Jane Doe
Dear Welling Wonder:
Not at all. Think more supersuccessful than this TV actor.
The Awful Truth
Dear Ted:
Are Reese and Jake the new TomKat? I think robot-boyfriend Jake is the new Katie.
Aaaaaaagh! Question/Observement Stealer!!!! I brought this exact point up the other day. That is creeping me out.
I cannot believe that.
I don't mind that someone else used the question, heck, you know that I don't have the nerve to write to Ted. It creeps me out that Ted printed it. Maybe I wasn't so far off the mark???????
Okay, so did someone here submit this question? I'm kind of dying to know. I think this is cool - I mean, come on, what are the odds of someone else out beyond here making this same observation? Tom - you're the Kingpin of getting your questions answered? Did you get this one printed?
Gotta go - I told the girls I would introduce them to the Taco Bueno Breakfast Quesadilla.
LOLLLL! I am always bringing up food, huh. ;)
Every body have a GREAT day! It's supposed to rain ALL day here.
Reese continues to buy lingerie
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