David Fincher showed why you should never take the box in Seven. He did show how to take a punch in Fight Club. But do you take the part if he gives it?
Despite the tough love working relationship, and then a bit of mutual admiration in Interview Magazine, are Fincher and Jake ready to make another together? Movie that is. Or will Jake get passed over for Matt Damon to take on Eliot Ness? Talking Torso here, and Jake showed his interest way back when, showing up with Torso "tattooed" on his arm in the Summer of 2006 (aka the Summer of Sad Wolfie). Now really Eliot Ness would never do that. But maybe the killer would?
Torso is a historical fiction limited series published by Image Comics. The story focuses on the "Torso Murderer," an actual serial killer in the 1930's who left behind only the torsos of his victims, making them very difficult to identify for police without DNA testing. The investigator on the case and protagonist of Torso is Eliot Ness, Cleveland Chief of police and one-time head of the Untouchables, the police task force that enforced Prohibition and went after crime lord Al Capone.
Of course the talk is about Jake playing Eliot Ness, that's such a given. But what would be more interesting would be to see Jake play the killer. Not as big of a part, but then again a bigger challenge. Talk about stretching. Jake's done the disturbed before with Donnie Darko, but this is different. This is a killer. It is sometimes those dark parts that are the juiciest to tackle. Tapping into something they didn't know they are or had in them. Jake has started to get a little darker with Brothers and Nailed - but both have an element of redemption to them. Playing a serial killer there is no redemption or remorse. It is a part of pure darkness, feral, animalistic, disturbing provocation. Could Jake's fans handle seeing him take on such a part? Will they always look as him for the good guy role? Would playing a killer kill his career?
If anyone could make Jake get to his darkest, suspect it is Fincher. His relentlessness of perfection and pushing drive could alone take someone over the edge. He bullied Jake on the set of Zodiac, what would he do if Jake did became a Fincher killer?
But then again Jake may just end up on the good side of the law yet again. Guess we will have to wait and see.
ComicMix: Torso Grows Legs
Now for: From the sublime to the ridiculous:Don't think there are any costume options for two or three in the family? Think again. And Ted's to blame. If Goose is grimacing why not just be Grimace this year. And who would hang with the big purple man? Hamburglar.
Jake's already got the shirt. Change the hat and add a cape. And hey Grimace and Hamburglar held hands and no one ever made a big deal.
And how to make it a threesome ?- add some fries. Well a maybe just a wee Fry Guy.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
A Serious Serial Relationship?
Posted by
Special K
8:45 AM
Labels: David Fincher, Grimace, Halloween, Hamburglar, Jake, Torso
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Cute costume ideas, especially that last one. And this is one of my favorite songs.
It would be great to see Jake stretch himself again and play a serial killer. I'd much rather see in that role than Elliot Ness.
It would be great to see Jake stretch himself again and play a serial killer. I'd much rather see in that role than Elliot Ness.
I'm curious about this too; charming and manipulative, I bet he could do it. Or Elliot Ness too.
Spesh, I love your costume ideas, and I always have loved this song - the lyrics are darkly comic. ;)
Sometimes I think it would be fun to be inside Spesh's head to see how she gets these ideas for posts. Then I get really scared!
Sometimes I think it would be fun to be inside Spesh's head to see how she gets these ideas for posts. Then I get really scared!
What are you trying to say there Wicked? LOL!
Lately he's been overheard in Mayfair . . . very cute
Let's hope Jake doesn't run amok in Kent. ;)
I sure am hoping that next Tuesday night is as sweet as last night was for me. I bet Jake was excited to come to LA to vote for Obama and to vote down Prop 8. Wish he could say how important that is to him. Plus he got some work down when he was in town.
Go Fightins!!!!!!
I forgot to say Congrats Phillies!!!!! :)
I hope so too Tom.
I've been thinking some more about Ted's latest letters. The one about TT to "all about the Benjamins" is followed by the one to "Wondering Witherspoon". Bejamin, in addition to being Jake's middle name, is a slang word for hundred dollar bills. So I think Ted is saying Reese is fond of Jake because she's fond of the money it brings her as well.
That second Benjamin is missing an "n".
Will Austin get more time at OTH?
According to Ausiello Files at EW.com The CW has ordered two more episode for One Tree Hill.
"And this time, The CW is spreading the love around.
Sources also confirm to me exclusively that the net has ordered two additional episodes of One Tree Hill and 90210, extending both shows' seasons to 24 episodes apiece. "
With the good response to Austin as Julian, makes you wonder if the writers won't try to extend his storyline a little.
Ausiello Files- EW.com
Destiny - really interesting thought about the latest Ted. Good catch.
Thanks for Werewolves of London and Hamburglar, Spesh :D :D
OMG - I am laughing out loud, I absolutely loooooove this song! The first time I visited London, I had to eat at Lee Ho Fook's, simply because of this song. I had the Peking Duck. And it was damn good, too. :P Hee!
More about Jake getting a chance to playing something like the killer in Torso. Him playing the bad guy in something would be almost therapeutic, a chance to say do and be everything he can't be. Kind of exercises the demons as it were.
I think he could be quite interesting and memorizing do something like it.
Lol! Hamburgler! Grimace! Man, this is just too funny, Special. That is a hamburgler shirt, too.
ROFL!!! and wee fry. That's the perfect cherry on top.
Man, that is too funny. You are on fire with this one, Special.
Creepy Lana's Turner is posting targeted attacks on Ted's husband under the name "waiting for godot" on the Awful Truth.
Anybody think Jake's gonna do Torso? When's the moon movie supposed to start? What happened with the Joe Namath movie?
Jake & Torso - I don't think so, it's just an old rumor.
Can't even begin to explain, understand or comment so I am just posting the beginning of the article.
"The long-running battle between California and Massachusetts biotechnology companies has taken an interesting political turn.
As California voters prepare to decide the fate of same-sex marriage in their state, 22 biotechnolgoy executives have asked a San Diego biotech lobbying group to take a stand against the gay marraige ban.
Their argument is that the ban would give Massachusetts a more competitive edge, and it took many in Massachusetts by surprise yesterday. State officials said there was only anecdotal evidence about whether OK’ing same-sex marriage has made the Bay State more attractive to business."
Here the rest of the article.
Boston Herald: California Same Sex Battle
A lot of tech companies in California give benefits to gay partners, try to be gay-friendly, etc. because they know it helps them attract employees, not only gay employees, but those who want to work in a diverse workplace. So what the tech companies are now saying is that they may lose good people to companies in Mass. if they have to choose between a place where they can be married and a place where they can't. I haven't read the article you posted yet, but I did see that a group of tech companies took out a full page ad in the San Jose paper urging people to vote No on 8.
That article makes no sense whatsoever, and doesn't really say anything definitive, nor name names, it's just rumor and hearsay. Who are the execs, what companies, and what lobbying group, and has the lobbying group agreed to it.
I can't for the life of me figure out how it would give Massachusetts a competitive edge, either, Spesh, since the number of people it would affect isn't very large? How many biotech engineers/researchers, etc. who are gay and want to marry would move to MA? Or maybe it is just more attractive in general to work at a progressive company in a progressive state? I don't know. And only anecdotal evidence that MA is more attractive to business (in general or biotech specifically?) because of the availability of same-sex marriage?
Torso presents the age old dilemma. Star or actor. I think an actor would opt for the villian, a star for the Ness role. I'd love to see Jake tackle a role that is not likeable. Heath pulled it off. Despite the Joker being heinous, people loved him. Same goes for Dexter, though season 3 is stretching that sentiment. So many projects have been mentioned, but not come to pass, I can't get too excited until a deal is announced.
I've already voted absentee. No on 8. Some neighbors came by pitching yes - it was not a pleasant encounter. They backed away from my door.
I'm very dismayed if that article is true, because Prop 8 to me is a civil rights issue. The article just sounded rather inflammatory to me, and without facts to back it up. I'd be really dismayed if there were facts. :(
Here's a story about the companies placing an ad.
< Tech Companies and Prop. 8>
The Boston Herald story is about Biotech companies ( - and the competition between MA and CA and how Prop 8 will affect the biotech field in both places.
Something is wrong with that article from the Herald - or maybe I'm confused and need to go to bed! I thought NO on Prop 8 was what was desired? The high-tech companies in the above article are supporting the NO vote, and it sounds like the Herald story says that the biotech firms are supporting Prop 8?
As California voters prepare to decide the fate of same-sex marriage in their state, 22 biotechnology executives have asked a San Diego biotech lobbying group to take a stand against the gay marraige ban.
Then it goes on to say that the ban would give Mass a competitive edge. I say NO on Prop 8. I'm all confused! :(
It's confusing! But that article is saying the San Diego group wants people to vote no on 8--i.e., they are in against a ban on gay marriage. Hope that clears it up. :-)
As for making it an economic issue, a lot of companies I think do that in order to make their decision to take progressive stands more acceptable to shareholders, etc. But also, when you think about it, the most successful new companies are the most progressive, and they do feel it pays off.
I think that article is some fluff thrown out like that. Many biotech companies are close enough to San Francisco, and most high tech/biotech companies in the bay area do offer benefit for same sex partners and have done so for years. So while the ban on same sex marriage is hopefully not going to hold, I would doubt people would leave Ca for Massachusetts on this ground. Unless they want to shovel snow in the winter. Have you been to the bay area and have you visited any corporation here? Please do, and then we can talk about diversity.
Not only biotech engineers will leave the state of CA. But, professors and attorneys and doctors and teachers and firefighters and entrepenuers (I know I didn't spell that right, it's late) and millions of dollars will be lost if discrimination is allowed to stain the CA constitution.
The Golden State's loss will be MA, and now also Conn's, gain. Just wait until NY drops the ban on same-sex marriage, and NJ, too. (Fingers crossed for Iowa, also. Wouldn't that be a kick the hater's ass!)
One Sneaky Dame Blind Vice
Okay, babes, we're back to you skanky hets this week! I swear, straight folks are getting as kinky as us gays, are we teaching you that well? Apparently so.
Shafterella Shoshstein sure seems to be taking lessons successfully, and has been for some time, who the hell knew? When she busted up with her man not that long ago, everybody was sympathizing with poor S2. How could such a sweet, darling little babe have deserved such treatment from her male-slut partner for all those years? She's too talented, too charming, too damn dazzling to have to have endured such wretchedness, America cried!
Turns out we were all weeping for the wrong partner, perhaps. S.S.'s ex is just now starting to put the truth out there, via a few tanked encounters with his fave bartender. Damn, sure hope this good-lookin' lad doesn't have to become full-blown alcoholic before we find out the full truth of the matter, but jeez, keep on drinkin' there, buddy-boy!
Oh, and Shafty, shame on you, girlfriend. Cannot believe you penis-partied galore all that time, while letting your less-designing other half take the tabloid fall. Actually, I can. They don't pay ya the big bucks for nothin'.
And It Ain't: Whitney Houston, Halle Berry, Britney Spears
"How could such a sweet, darling little babe have deserved such treatment from her male-slut partner for all those years?"
ummmmm..... Reese Witherspoon? (little babe? sounds like teeny, tiny!)
Have you been to the bay area and have you visited any corporation here? Please do, and then we can talk about diversity.
Yes, I have. If I didn't grow up in Mass all my life and love it, I would live in San Francisco. :)
Economics 101, I thought the article was talking about the biotech industry specifically, and those involved in that industry (their attorneys, etc.) While I'm sure both states compete to attract good people, it seems a lot of time, energy, money and risk of bad press for Mass Biotech to invest, for diminished returns! Plus, there isn't really any proof, just generalizations in that article. But generally speaking, I am sure you are right, people would seek out a place to live and work that doesn't infringe on their rights. And if it the article is correct, it's shameful. The point is, the article is nothing but bullshit, with no backup facts, simply to have something to stir and write about.
Wow, Ted's blind item sure sounds like you-know-who, including the description of little. I wondered about that; nothing's ever as simple as it appears sometimes. I also wondered if the relationship is real, if it were Shafterella (what a great name!) who carried on with our other you-know-who first, before the marriage was fini.
What relationship? Who's "you-know-who"?
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