It's long been known that trends start in Europe for the world but for the U.S. many get their start from Hollywood.
While fashion divo Bruno has been hitting the runways of Europe and influencing Zac Enfron's hair. Has Hollywood influenced Europe? Yes. Introducing: The Piggyback.
While it looks like the old standard it has been completely revised for the new millennium. Gone are the clunky utility of transporting someone from somewhere now it is a new fashion statement.
It's gentle femininity softly draped over a strong masculine form.
From the young fun in the sun look of Zanessa to the double dose of Roman Holiday of Justin & Jess and Jake & Reese, the piggyback is new go to pose for today's Hollywood couples. You can wear it almost anywhere, and guys no need to use pockets, the piggyback allows you to have you things carried for you, since you're carrying her. On the beach or on the streets, even stairs. It fashion and fitness at the same time. She 's fresh as a daisy and he's gotten a work out without the gym. It's making a statement without the making out.Influenced from the House of Mouse these couples know the freedom of having the monkey or mouse off you back when you piggyback. From former Mouseketeer, to the darling duo, and the newest Prince everyone is doing The Piggyback.
Few Fashion tips to achieving the best success for The Piggyback Look.
Fit is key.
If the fit isn't right from the beginning it will never be vision of what is it supposed to be.
Contrasts can work.
Contrast can work but they can't be too drastic. You can put pearls with a hoodie but it just never looks right.
Balancing the look.
You have to have balance just like in all of nature. Too much can tip everyone over the edge. Some are catching the trend, but have others already moved on? Mr. Jake Gyllenhaal? Has he already moved on to the new Gastronique look? Of course the Culinary world is white hot right now and fashion is taking a big spoonful. Care to review the trend menu of Crocs and Mario Batali?
And who's long known gastrosexual Jake looking toward now for his fashion cues? It looks like Bon Appetite magazine's Restaurant Editor Andrew Nolton.The advantage? While he always gotten a great meal and chance to meet the chef as his star's risen, now he can have them think he's really checking out the back of the house and not just slipping out the back door. And besides he can move in and out of Brooklyn now with ease.
The Fashion never stops.
Here's an exclusive look at some of the costumes from Prince of Persia courtesy of Cloneweb.This is what all the cool people are wearing in 6th century Persia.
And the results are in the wash .... looks like OMG's Movie Club pick for October is "My Beautiful Laundrette" Join us starting 5:00pm EST Friday, October 24th and continuing all day Saturday October 25th for the discussion.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Posted by
Special K
9:44 AM
Labels: Fashion, Gastronique, Gastrosexual, Movie Club, Piggy Back
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"Rumors of a Jake Gyllenhaal and Reese Witherspoon split rage on. We have a friend who has a friend in the L.A. gay community who says Reese totally busted Jake getting it on...with another dude."
The frisky
Reese totally busted Jake getting it on...with another dude
Uh, that would be Austin!
When you don't like the conversation here, accuse OMG of turning into WFT.
Very cute post today. Just what we needed. Andrew, where have you been all my life? ;)
Or accuse the accused of turning into WFT!
Well it was bound to happen sooner or later. All those men on the POP set. Still, I hope the dude was Austin. If not, maybe Jake and Austin are OK with sex with others while apart, as long as its not love. Anyway, now we know why there was so much anxiety last 2 days. Someone must have been tipped off that the story was going to leak.
Very happy that Laundrette was chosen. Now I have an excuse to buy it. I was reading wikipedia yesterday to find out what ever became of the guy that plays Omar. That led me to some utubes and you can see practically the entire film via utube clips.
"...We have a friend who has a friend..."
Yes and pigs might fly one day.....
"We have a friend who has a friend in the L.A. gay community" = we know Jake is gay.
I wonder if there are any other couples known to be bearding that have done the piggy back ride photo shoot.
Penelope gives Salma a piggy back ride
Heidi and Spencer Piggyback
If they're oinking it means they're not boinking (each other)
Heidi and Spencer piggyback ride
We've seen it but Jake in People, no word about Reese. Jake
This reminds me of JFC.
Vince and Jen Aniston piggyback ride
Reese totally busted Jake getting it on...with another dude
Uh, that would be Austin!
Maybe the cute blonde guy at Paris fountain got invited to Jake's hotel room!
Maybe she was pissed he came to NY and she didn't know anything about it.
That's what happened when you put a rule stickler and a rule breaker together.
And oh yeah, that would be Austin!
^^ :)
Great - MBL is up for discussion. I saw this in the movie theatre when it was first released. Yes, I am that old.
Have watched Daniel Day Lewis with interest since then. If you haven't seen Daniel in There Will be Blood you are missing one of the all-time great performances.
LOL, the piggyback ride photoshoot
Didn't realize there was such a history.
Holy cow, get a load of this Andrew Nolton. Nice treat to get on a lunch hour.
Some kind of smoke is hovering in the air with all this hostile traffic; guess it could be the right kind of combination of things going on right now. When another anon poster impersonates a regular poster, that seems kind of a desperate step to me. Always continues to astound me how and when non TB'ers "pop up" on here. Kind of hard to resist, huh? I couldn't believe that was you, :), but I had to make sure.
I thought he wanted to go to NYC for the weekend because Newman was very ill (he ended up passing away that weekend). It's just a guess.
Maybe he wanted to pay his respects (and also get some nooky).
Wasn't Reese supposed to be in NYC this past weekend for the Avon walk? Did that get cancelled?
Reese was never scheduled to do the NY walk, check the Avon site, it was just assumed she would like she was assumed to do the L.A. walk last month.
Reese already reached her quota of walking for the year.
Reese was scheduled to do the L.A. walk last month.
^^ I was just thinking the same. The walk didn't get cancelled but it looks like Reese 'just couldn't be bothered'.
Anyway, nice to see new pics of Jake, I think he looks pretty godd, but what do I know. I just mildly disappointed that having just spent a weekend in London, old Jakey didn't decide to eat in Clapham instead of the boring old West end. Next time maybe.
(I was also rather surprised by the distinct lack of paps at the Tate Modern, I thought it would be over-run with them)
Special, I was just checking out how your BoSox did and unfortunately it looks like it was a tough one. Darnit, 12 innings. Hate losing those extra inning ones. Is tonight's game the one you're going to be at? Better take some good sneakers if you're in SRO, lol. And maybe some with a thick sole if you're at all height challenged.
Very interesting article Wicked. I bet Milch knew about those services when he did JFC, and maybe he even attended a few of them.
Blogs on the net are like churches. Find one you like, feel free to check out others but don't visit one and insult the members for their beliefs thinking you can convert them to yours. Go somewhere else or start your own.
Amen, Father.
Fine, but not everyone at this church is a zealot. There's only a few that spoil it for the rest, generally, it's a great congregation.
I've been to a "Surfers for Christ" service at Sunset Beach in Point Loma. Gotta say it was pretty cool. And they didn't have problem that I didn't surf. When Milch has the Surfing Lawyers group I thought of these guys.
Ok, I've been given the boot, or reason to quit this church, all weekend long. I won't darken this church's doorstep ever again, I'll start my own. Bye!
Blaming and complaining is the easiest thing to do.
I had a boss who surfed. Evry morning I'd call Surfline for the wave report to see if he would be in the office or have "meetings" all day.
Well, I guess you won't have to concern yourself with that anymore. You'll have to look for someone else to blame and complain, and I'm sure you'll find one.
That wasn't me. Babbler is trying to steal my identity! LOL
No, this is a catchall name - I've used it many times myself, before. Other people use it as well, it's not an original name. Don't fall for it.
John Calvin, we all know you'll be back. Just get over yourself.
Looks like trolls telling people what to think and threatening to leave when they don't get their way only to keep coming back have invaded WFT2 also.
Fake :),
You really like it here, don't you?
No wonder Hollywood actresses are thin, all the closeted gay actors have to carry them piggyback in bearding pr shoots
seeing how there were alot of names thrown around yesterday, I got my account
not thin = no piggyback pics = no extra bearding income
Chapter 5: What To Do If You're Having Trouble Making It Look Real
Despite the fact that the subjects are ususally both actors, it's surprising how often they have trouble faking expressions of love. For those agents who are having this problem with their clients, we've provided some sure fire suggestions....
Tip No. 5: Have the man give the woman a piggy back ride. Most people have a hard time keeping a straight face when clowing around like this, so you will usually get those smiles and laughs that are missing in other photos. Also a nice touch if they're balking at holding hands or engaging in other physical expressions of love and affection.
Added bonus: It makes the man look verile and masculine.
Note: We've heard rumors this is a requirement if the actor is working for Disney, but we were not able to confirm that before going to press.
Apparently we didn't proofread before going to press either.
Verile = Virile
Remember when a troll on WFT impersonated Valentino, prompting him to get a Blogger ID? This is not a new tactic people!
What's stirred up this nest of trolls recently? Is it just that "trouble in paradise" tabloid story?
I was impersonated once too on WFT2before I got a Blogger ID, and I think there were a few others it happened to too.
Many here have been impersonated on OMG, WFT, WFT2, Perez, Just Jared, Ent Lawyer, Dlisted and a host of others.
You'd think with such a vivid imagination to believe that Jake and Reese are real, the babbling trolls would be able to create new names all by themselves.
Apparently, in addition to no creative skills, they also lack a sense of humor, and are wound so tight their bums must be a major producer for the world's diamonds.
i got my blogger license.
We obviously need to hire a new editor for the second edition.
Tink will not be getting a Blogger ID, as she rather enjoys being impersonated. That way, if she says something that gets her in trouble, she can blame it on an impersonator.
I will post this link on the main post but will put a link here too.
These are some of the Prince of Persia costume photos on Cloneweb
Cloneweb: Exclusive Prince of Persia Costumes
^I put one of the pictures in the main post.
Okay, Smiley, did you get a blogger id or are you still with your original name? I kind of got lost there in all the :) and real :) and fake :), lol!!
Geez, who would've thought we'd have to worry about identity theft around here, LOL! We need that guy in the Long John Silver's hat, strumming the guitar to sing over here. I don't read too many other HW websites anymore; hope no one's tried using my name. I suppose that would be a big clue, though; because I've never posted anywhere except here and LJ. And on LJ I have a different name. I don't anticipate commenting anywhere else, either.
Bearding for Dummies was very amusing! I loved it.
Real :) here - I got a Blogger ID.
Real :) here - I got a Blogger ID.
Oh, you got it patented - cool! Glad to know that now. Thanks, smiley! Now you need to get an avatar!
Oh man, there's a Vince Vaughn movie on right now on AMC. He has a buzz cut - I've got to get out there and see what movie it is. He looks very youthful in it. That guy was very hot back a few years.
The walk didn't get cancelled but it looks like Reese 'just couldn't be bothered'.
Maybe Avon told her not to show up. She got alot of bad PR at the DC walk (remember the LJ worker account) and people are aware now that she's getting paid millions to do charity.
Did Perez change his story? No mention of dude gossip when I looked. Heavy hand of a studio or did PR slap Mario around?
No, dude gossip was mention only by The Frisky.
Actually The Frisky had a link to Perez for that piece, but it seems that information has been removed.
couple of hours of sleep later...
Bring on Tampa Bay Rays!
GO SOX!!!!!!!!!!
PG - my tickets are for the next series against Tampa Bay.
House Hunting
"A source at a top London real estate firm tells me the couple (looking ''very, very much in love'') recently was scouting posh apartments and town houses in London's posh Mayfair neighborhood, where the prices are among the most expensive in the world.
''Reese was extremely concerned about security issues,'' said the source. ''She seemed to particularly like places where they could enter and exit not directly onto the street. ... That's not always an easy thing in Central London, especially Mayfair. But we were able to come up with a couple of places both she and Jake seemed to like"
^^^ Hollywood friends + longtime buddy of Gyllenhaal's = tabloid crap
New Photos of Austin from OTH on AustinNicholsFan
Yes, the sources always remember to mention they look soooo in love yet that never radiates from any pictures of the two.
What sources? LOL
That's recycled house hunting BS from Star Magazine story.
Reese is never described as 'tiny' anymore after this blog made fun of 'she's so tiny' being in all the so-called sightings.
If that's 'sooo in love' then what the hell is 'indifferent'?
I think the house hunting bit comes from the ‘Properties’ section of the British “The Times” newspaper. There was a small article this past Sunday about Jake’s strict security and privacy requirements to rent a house in London. It said he was so specific and obsessive about security and privacy that although he had a good weekly budget from the PoP production, it had been very difficult to find him a home that suits his demands. Among the things mentioned was a garage that is connected to the inside of the house and three bedrooms. They searched in Mayfair, Soho and Notting Hill. The article assumed his requirements were for when Reese and the kids visit him. It didn't specify if they found the house for him or not. Also, the article had mistakes. For example it said he was moving to London FROM December.
Good catch HH.
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